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He Cuiling Bio
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何翠玲老师于香港大学获得教育学硕士学位,并持有AMI蒙台梭利小学教师资格证。她曾经在中国国际学校担任中学物理教师,在香港大学担任研究和教学助理。从2023年秋季,她成为密苏里州堪萨斯城Holliday Montessori小学的教师。她平时喜欢园艺、喝茶和打羽毛球。


Ms. He Cuiling obtained a Master's degree in Education from the University of Hong Kong, and holds an AMI Montessori Elementary Teacher Certificate. She has served as a middle school physics teacher in an international school in China, and as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Hong Kong. Starting from the fall of 2023, she became a teacher at Holliday Montessori Elementary School in Kansas City, Missouri. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, drinking tea, and playing badminton.


Journal articles:

Leung, J. S. C., Chan, K. K. H., & He, C. (2019). Student teachers’ metaphorical conceptualisations of the experience of watching themselves and their peers on video. Educational Studies, 1-18.


Chan, K. K. H., He, C., Ng, R. C. K., & Leung, J. S. C. (2018). Student teachers’ emotions when watching their own videos and those of their peers. Journal of Professional Capital and Community.


Conference papers:

Chan, K.K.H, Yu, S.K.K, Sin, R.K.H, He, C, (2020) Different Camera Perspectives, Different Observations? Preservice Science Teachers' Noticing on Different Classroom Videos. Paper presented by the 2020 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, California, USA.


Leung, S.C., Chan, K.H., He, C. (presenter) (2016). Metaphorical Conceptualizations on Video Viewing Experience by Student Teachers in a Teacher Development Programme. Paper accepted to be presented at the 2017 AERA annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas.


Chan, K.H. (presenter), Leung, S.C., He, C. (2016). Student Teachers’ Feelings When Viewing Their Own Videos and Their Peers’ Videos. Paper accepted to be presented at the 2017 AERA annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas. Part of a symposium “Teacher Professional Development: Impact on Teacher Practices and Student Learning” organized by Man Ching Esther Chan.


Wong, S.L., He, C. (presenter) (2016). Understandings of Scientific Inquiry: Common Visions, Common Goals...Different Practices, Different Outcomes. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference, Baltimore, MD. Part of a symposium “Nature of Science in the Next Generation Science Standards: Translating Recommendations into Practice” organized by Kostas Kampourakis.