Good morning class!!

As we have seen in the previous days, we are learning important facts about Europe. Today we are going to talk about the capital cities.

In this podcast you are going to discover amazing information so get ready!

In Northern Europe, there are four main countries:

Did you know that Vikings come from these countries? (vikings music)

In the east of Europe there are three main countries:

Russia is the biggest country in the world and it is transcontinental, because it belongs to Europe and Asia. (russian music)

In the west of Europe,there are three main countries:

Have you ever heard French music? (french music)

In the south of Europe, we find the sunniest and hottest countries of the continent:

And this is the end of this podcast I hope you have enjoyed it!!


- To know the capital cities of some countries.

-To locate the countries and capital cities.

- To identify each piece of music with certain cities.

- To develop listening skills.



This podcast was recorded and edited using Audacity, it is a tool used for many purposes most of them for radio and television media. It is useful to edit, cut,paste, transform and create new sounds. It doesn't have much difficulty,but it necessary to do some research and watch tutorials on platforms like Youtube.


Once the student have listened to the podcast,they will have to arrange themselves in groups, they will have to choose one of the cities mentioned, and do some research about it. We will give them a worksheet they will be used as a checklist with the elements they will have to include in a presentation that they will have to do once they have all the necessary information.

They will have to find out some data about the capital city they chose and about the country t belongs to, for instance: traditions, typical food, what currency they use, traditional music, if there’s any celebrity from that country and why is he/she famous, etc.

This activity will be assessed by the teacher as well as the rest of the class. The students will be given a rubric and they have to check if their classmates have done what their classmates were told to. This way we can take in count the students’ attention to the presentation, group work and how they get along with other classmates.