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Letter to Governors
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Monday 22nd March 2021

To the Governors of Highgate School,


  We are writing to inform you of our deep concern regarding rape culture at Highgate School, and the systemic inadequacy of Highgate School’s response when victims of sexual assault come forward to the school. We would like to emphasise that we are not simply jumping on a bandwagon following recent events. As the school is well aware, the concerns regarding the prevalence of rape culture have been raised to the school by victims of sexual assault over a number of years, and have gone unaddressed.


  You will find here over 250 anonymous testimonies regarding Highgate School’s rape culture, submitted by both former and current pupils, who all consented to having their testimonies shared publicly. We are still receiving testimonies, and will continue to pass these on to you. Aside from removing names in order to protect the identity of teachers, these testimonies are unedited accounts of pupils’ experience of Highgate School’s rape culture (that is, the normalising and resulting pervasiveness of rape and sexual assault), and we encourage you to read each testimony in full. They reflect the experiences of a wide range of Highgate students, from those currently in year 9 to those who graduated in 2017, demonstrating that this is not a new issue nor one that has gone away.


   We are aware that Highgate School sent out an email on Wednesday 17th March 2021 titled ‘A message from the Head regarding the website Everyone’s Invited,’ in which the school asked for pupils to ‘share your experience or give feedback about how pupils who faced sexual harassment or abuse were or were not supported during your time at Highgate.’ We are therefore providing the information the school requested, and believe that these testimonies – in keeping with their writers’ wishes – ought to be shared publicly because the entirety of the Highgate Community needs to understand the depth and breadth of the issue of rape culture at Highgate School.


   We would like to draw your attention in particular to the section titled ‘The failure of Highgate School to support victims who report sexual assault to the school.’ We are sure you will be as shocked as we were by the evidence contained in those testimonies which showed that, despite being made unquestionably aware of the prevalence of rape culture within the school by the allegations consistently brought forward by victims, Highgate School not only failed to properly address these issues by not listening to students’ demands for sufficient education around consent, but in fact perpetuated rape culture by both denying the prevalence of the school’s rape culture [see testimony no. 14] and refusing to investigate allegations brought forward by victims [see testimony no. 5].


   We urge the school not to treat this as a mere PR issue. We are sure the school will point out policies that they have implemented and talks that they have given to pupils to try and respond to the issue. Regretfully, it is clear from the testimonies that such measures have not addressed the underlying issues, and that the way in which the school has implemented such policies and dealt with victims has, sadly, made the situation unquestionably worse, and deepened the upset and trauma of victims of sexual assault and violence.


     We believe the evidence we have submitted demonstrates a systematic failing on the part of the school in addressing rape culture, and are sure you will agree having read the testimonies. In light of this, and in order to demonstrate an acknowledgement of the severity of these issues, we would therefore request the school:


1.  To immediately and publicly acknowledge its past failures to support victims of sexual assault when they’ve come forward.

2.  To publicly apologise to all pupils for the failure to adequately address rape culture despite knowledge of its existence within the school; in particular, we ask that you formally apologise to victims of sexual assault whose trauma was worsened by the school’s handling of their respective cases.

3.   To conduct an investigation into how such failings could be allowed to happen. We would expect the outcome and recommendations of this investigation to be made public.

4.  To educate Highgate pupils from a young age regarding the contributing factors and consequences of rape culture, misogyny and sexual assault, and the resulting impacts on victims. Elements of this reformed sexual education programme which we would invite you to consider are: educating male pupils regarding toxic masculinity; more thorough understanding amongst pupils regarding consent; talks from victims of sexual assault, police officers and lawyers regarding the personal and legal consequences of sexual assault; more comprehensive training of teachers in pastoral roles in order to enable them to properly support victims of sexual assault; better understanding amongst Highgate staff of how to handle misogyny and sexual harassment within a classroom setting.

5.  To commit to a zero-tolerance rape policy and to properly investigate all future allegations brought forward by pupils, with appropriate punishment given. We expect this to be done with the severity and thoroughness merited by a serious criminal offence, in the same way in which the school investigates issues relating to drug use.


   It is with deep sadness that we feel obliged to write this letter. However, we believe that the extent and consequences of Highgate School’s systemic reluctance (and resulting failure) to uphold a zero-tolerance policy towards rape and rape culture is a matter of grave concern. The issues raised need to be properly understood and addressed in order to ensure that the experiences described in the testimonies are never again repeated.


   Please acknowledge receipt of this letter, and respond by Monday 29th March 2021 informing the Highgate Community how and when you are going to address the requests made above.


Signed (in no particular order):

  1. Jess Cattley, Highgate, 2019
  2. Eleanor Glynn, Highgate, 2018
  3. Elena Binns, Highgate, 2020
  4. Georgie Walker, Highgate, 2020
  5. Jack Ledigo, Highgate, 2019
  6. Stela Kostomaj, Highgate, 2019
  7. Sophie Nimmo, Highgate, 2019
  8. Ethan Miller, Highgate, 2019
  9. Hugo Lloyd Williams, Highgate, 2019
  10. Helena Thalassi- Hill, Highgate, 2020
  11. Angelica Thalassi-Hill, Highgate, 2020
  12. Bella Ridgwell, Highgate, 2020
  13. Theo Elwes, Highgate, 2020
  14. Sacha Chowdhury, Highgate, 2020
  15. Sophie Comninos, Highgate, 2019
  16. Gracie Bolt, Highgate, 2019
  17. Lila Goldman, Highgate, 2017
  18. Molly Arnesen, Highgate, 2020
  19. Madeleine Hilditch, Highgate, 2020
  20. Sarah Walker, Highgate, Parent
  21. Harry Ezzat, Highgate, 2016
  22. Sophie Bernheim, Highgate, 2019
  23. Molly James, Highgate, 2019
  24. Stevie Smith, Highgate, 2019
  25. Isabella Shepherd-Brierley, Highgate, 2020
  26. Elena Fritzsch, Highgate, 2020
  27. Matt Knight, Highgate, 2020
  28. Georgia Adams, Highgate, 2019
  29. Rosie Hanley, Highgate, 2017
  30. Ruby Anderson, Highgate, 2019
  31. Alessia Cacioni Romero, Highgate, 2019
  32. Lucy Holland, Highgate, 2019
  33. Ava Machesney, Highgate, 2018
  34. Orla McMenamin, Highgate, 2020
  35. Serena Grover, Highgate, 2019
  36. Noah Esplen, Highgate, 2019
  37. Nafsika Thalassis (relative)
  38. Harry Fyjis-Walker, Highgate, 2019
  39. Madeline Varney, Highgate, 2021
  40. Martha Gazzard, Highgate, 2022
  41. Tess Pahl, Highgate, 2021
  42. Antonia Perotti, Highgate, 2019
  43. Seraphima Ogden, Highgate, 2018
  44. Aaron Barrie, Highgate, 2019
  45. James Calder, Highgate, 2019
  46. Mia Morris, UCL
  47. Jessica Hoar, Highgate, 2019
  48. Lizzy Mills, Highgate, 2021
  49. Lottie Fowler, Highgate, 2021
  50. Ella Lane, Highgate, 2019
  51. Anna Tefoglou, Channing, 2020
  52. Maya Hoad Leftley, Highgate, 2020
  53. Sophia Cousins, Highgate, 2022
  54. Scarlett Pivaro Monaghan, Highgate, 2019
  55. Amelia Morley, Highgate, 2021
  56. Alice Gascoigne-Pees, Hillbrook Anglican School, 2017
  57. Georgia Crowe, Highgate, 2018
  58. Benjamin Kirby, Highgate, 2020
  59. Laura von Hammerstein, Highgate, 2021
  60. Tulliver Hyams, Highgate, 2020
  61. Mary Taylor, Highgate, 2019
  62. Jennifer Disley, Highgate, 2020
  63. Isobel Wilcox Mahon, Highgate, 2020
  64. Fariba Mahmoudieh-Kraetz, Highgate, 2020
  65. Lewa Adebayo, Highgate, 2019
  66. Ameli Ruffatti, Highgate, 2020
  67. Joe Hilton, Highgate, 2017
  68. Emily McEneaney, Highgate, 2021
  69. Harriet Ball, Highgate, 2018
  70. Julia Perotti, Highgate, 2020
  71. Olgalissia Riley, Highgate, 2019
  72. Beatrice Twentyman, Highgate, 2019
  73. Maddie Martin, Highgate, 2020
  74. Florence Hedges, Highgate, 2022
  75. Mia McIntyre, London School of Economics, N/A
  76. Charlotte Millar, Highgate, 2022
  77. Mia Barry, Highgate, 2020
  78. Noah Mallick, Bristol Grammar School, 2020
  79. Alexander Truvert, Highgate, 2020
  80. Ruby Gray, Highgate, 2019
  81. Ben Martin, Highgate, 2020
  82. Ingrid Allen, Highgate, 2022
  83. Jada Jones, Highgate, 2022
  84. Harry Kitson, Highgate, 2019
  85. Joseph Ward, Highgate, 2023
  86. Scarlet Stokes, Bedford Girls School, 2023
  87. Lilian Pritchard, Highgate, 2021
  88. Gabriella Chester, Highgate, 2021
  89. Grace Brown, Camden School for Girls, 2020
  90. Violet Nye, Highgate, 2019
  91. Samson Savill de Jong, Highgate, 2014
  92. Cosima Allen McDonnell, Highgate, 2018
  93. Tara Desai, King Edward VI High School for Girls, 2020
  94. Aimee Prescott, Kingsbridge, 2019
  95. Stephen Beale, The Perse School, 2020
  96. Max Allman-Ward, Bedford, 2023
  97. George Murray, Highgate, 2019
  98. Ila Lessof, Highgate, 2019
  99. Joseph Robinson, Highgate, 2020
  100. Lochie Springett, Highgate, 2020
  101. Sian, University of Southampton, 2021
  102. Annie Kaissides, Highgate, 2018
  103. Josh Friend, Highgate, 2017
  104. Daisy Wong, Highgate, 2020
  105. Alex Levy, Highgate, 2020
  106. Sarah Henderson, Highgate, 2020
  107. Anna Seale, Highgate, 2017
  108. Bianka Petrova, Sutton Coldfield School for Girls, 2020
  109. Gracie Oddie-James, Westminster, 2020
  110. Vittorio Valensise, Highgate, 2017
  111. Olivia Hemphill, Wimbledon High School, 2020
  112. Susie Beale, The Perse School, 2022
  113. Olivia Rodgers, Highgate, 2021
  114. Lauren Ragbourne, University of Oxford, 2024
  115. Ralph Jeffreys, Highgate, 2020
  116. Niamh Hoyland, Highgate, 2021
  117. Anna Cullen, Highgate, 2017
  118. Grace Hughes, Bedford Girls, 2023
  119. Alice Comyn, Highgate, 2020
  120. Aoife Walter, Highgate, 2019
  121. Francesca Brocklesby, Highgate, 2019
  122. Ted Walker, Bedford Boys, 2022
  123. Lucas Walker, Highgate, 2017
  124. Joe Jacobs, Highgate, 2019
  125. Lauren Jacobs, Highgate, 2014
  126. Sophie Carlton, Durham University, 2022
  127. Annie Campbell, Highgate, 2021
  128. Alfi, Ashlyns, 2022
  129. Mia Nolan, Highgate, 2019
  130. Nat Lord, Bedford, 2023
  131. Sam Spurr, UWE, 2022
  132. Grace Hicks-Beach, Woodhouse College, 2020
  133. Radhika Nayak, Highgate, 2022
  134. Lily Willis, Highgate, 2017
  135. Ben Eidmans, Bedford, 2022
  136. Tom Stephens, Bedford, 2023
  137. Toby Miller, Highgate, 2017
  138. Charlie Kemble, Bedford, 2023
  139. Joe Hart, Bedford, 2023
  140. Archie Bingham, Oundle, 2022
  141. Hannah O’Connor, Westminster, 2020
  142. Angelica Day, Highgate, 2018
  143. Charlie Muse, Gosforth Academy, 2022
  144. Jasper Walter, Bedford, 2023
  145. Adam Murphy, Repton, 2022
  146. Sam Wells, Bedford
  147. Harry Tongue, Bedford, 2023
  148. Scarlet Ward, Highgate, 2017
  149. Oscar Noble, Highgate, 2017
  150. Percy Verity, Highgate, 2018
  151. Charlie Blythman, Bedford, 2023
  152. Amy Kneller, Bedford Girls, 2023
  153. Ellie Castell, Bedford Girls, 2023
  154. Alessandro Barillaro, Highgate, 2017
  155. Max Kemmer, Highgate, 2017
  156. Tess Garrett, Bedford Girls, 2023
  157. Molly Posner, Highgate, 2019
  158. Arthur Avanzato, Highgate, 2019
  159. Phillip Hone, NSB, 2021
  160. Eve Allison, Highgate, 2018
  161. Jeremy Kim, Highgate, 2019
  162. Josephine Stanton, Kings College London, 2022
  163. Louis Summerfield, Highgate, 2019
  164. Saskia Cookson, King’s College London, 2023
  165. Charlie Carman, Highgate, 2017
  166. Ruby Adams, Bedford Girls, 2023
  167. Georgie Millar, Highgate, 2019
  168. Evie Wilson, Highgate, 2017
  169. Sam Tansey, Highgate, 2017
  170. Annie La Vespa, Highgate, 2017
  171. Adele Buckley, St. Albans High School For Girls, 2019
  172. Honor Bayly, Lycée François 1er, 2019
  173. Gabriel Mann, Bedford, 2022
  174. Barney M, Bedford, 2019
  175. Tom Else, Bedford, 2022
  176. Isabelle de Viggiani, Highgate, 2018
  177. Saski, BIMM, 2022
  178. Alissa Binns, Highgate, 2022
  179. Isabella Gill, Highgate, 2018
  180. Isabella Britton, Highgate, 2022
  181. Chloe Taylor, University of Plymouth, 2022
  182. Fatimah-Zahra Chowdhury, King Edward VI High School for Girls, 2023
  183. Holly Cowdry, Harefield Academy, 2018
  184. Johnny de Viggiani, Highgate, 2020
  185. Eloise Newman, Highgate, 2018
  186. Rosie Jacobs, Highgate, 2021
  187. Gail Lazarus, Highgate, 2018
  188. Lucas Danson, Highgate, 2017
  189. Atifa Aziz, Woodhouse College, 2020
  190. Manhal Musaddaq, Highgate, 2017
  191. Zoe Peters, Highgate, 2017
  192. Olivia Rix, UCL, 2022
  193. Theo Bannister, Tonbridge School, 2022
  194. Momona Sugisaki, Highgate, 2020
  195. Phoebe Kipnis, Highgate, 2018
  196. Olly Blakemore, Bedford, 2022
  197. Niamh Sayers, Cambridge University, 2024
  198. Imogen Sanctuary, Bedford Modern School, 2023
  199. Safia Dale, Highgate, 2018
  200. Daniel Marshall, Highgate, 2017
  201. Tayla Hardy, Maidstone Grammar School for Girls, 2020
  202. Keana Rezvani, Highgate, 2020
  203. Aimee Paul, Highgate, 2017
  204. Minna Griffiths, Highgate, 2018
  205. Betty Brenman, Highgate, 2017
  206. Maya, Highgate, 2018
  207. Gemma Smith-Bingham, Highgate, 2019
  208. Molly Hedges, Highgate, 2020
  209. Amelia Harrison, Highgate, 2018
  210. Alessandro Gill, Highgate, 2020
  211. Bizzy Sinclair, Highgate 2019
  212. Ffion Heale, Redborne Upper School, 2022
  213. Millie Dickson, Highgate 2016, Uppingham 2018
  214. Philippa Kirby, Highgate, 2018
  215. Alice Mitchell, Highgate 2017
  216. Jasmine Findlay, Bedford Girls School, 2023
  217. Lazarus Minty Walker, Olchfa Comprehensive, 2017
  218. Mahnoor, Olchafa Comprehensive
  219. Romane Ferera, Highgate, 2022
  220. Jamie Powe, Highgate, 2014
  221. Frankie Baldwin, Highgate, 2019
  222. Takako Iwao, Highgate, 2018
  223. Tabitha Minson, Farnborough Hill School, 2020
  224. Jo Fang, Westminster, 2021
  225. Niamh Tucker, Highgate, 2022
  226. Clement Marshall, Alexandra Park School, 2020
  227. Andrew Ledigo, Highgate, 2013
  228. Edward Disley, Highgate, 2021
  229. Marina Chan, Highgate, 2020
  230. Imogen Turner, Camden School for Girls, 2020
  231. Arthur Tucker, Camden School for Girls, 2021
  232. Holly Williams, Channing, 2020
  233. Beatrice Barr, Highgate, 2018
  234. Summer Qk, Highgate, 2011
  235. Jessica Minton, Latymer, 2019
  236. Matilda Boyce, UCL, 2022
  237. Jesse Parnes, Highgate, 2019
  238. Emily Lazarus, Highgate, 2020
  239. Tomas Nevrkla, Highgate, 2017
  240. Lula Braimbridge Rogers, Camden School for Girls, 2019
  241. Rohan Bhate, Kingsbridge Community College, 2019
  242. Austin Harris, Highgate, 2019
  243. Millie Davis, Highgate, 2019
  244. Carlotta Patri, Highgate, 2020
  245. Lauren Darbyshire, Cardiff, 2022
  246. Beth Cullen, Highgate, 2019
  247. Alice Wilkinson, Highgate, 2019
  248. Ben Ginty, Kew House, 2020
  249. Wren Horwood-Palm, Bedford Modern, 2023
  250. Hailey Knowles, Highgate, 2020
  251. Rafaella Risi Bindman, Woodhouse College, 2022
  252. Hemali Matharu, Highgate, 2020
  253. Bea Rayner, Highgate, 2018
  254. Saskia Kemsley, Highgate, 2017
  255. Reece Hall, Gilbert School, 2015
  256. Finley, Bedford, 2019
  257. Olivia Bloomfield, Highgate, 2018
  258. Hannah Dunlop, Cardiff, 2021
  259. Amelia Cowen, Highgate, 2018
  260. Ellie Walker, Highgate, 2020
  261. Magdalena Stenfors, Highgate, 2020
  262. Imogen Thomas, Highgate, 2020
  263. Olivia Alexander-Kenyon, Highgate, 2020
  264. Raphaella Georgiou, Highgate, 2020
  265. Ellie Lawrence, Highgate, 2020
  266. Sophie Brodie, West Kirby Grammar, 2018
  267. Louis Perl, Highgate, 2019
  268. Arlo Morris, Colchester Sixth Form College, 2020
  269. Alex Allen, ASL, 2018
  270. Maia Lund Newlyn, Parliament Hill School, 2020
  271. Beth, Dr Challoners High, 2021
  272. James Robey, Calstor Grammar School, 2019
  273. Ahmetali Kaymak, King’s College London, 2023
  274. Kim Emily Moore, Highgate, 2017
  275. Peter Spoerri, Highgate, 2019
  276. Miny Walker, Relative
  277. Azusa Nagahiro, Highgate, 2018
  278. Isabella Todes, SHHS, 2019
  279. Eve Smith-Bingham, Highgate, 2017
  280. Katie Browett, Olchfa, 2020
  281. Tilly Leather, Bedford Modern School, year 11
  282. Tim Jee, Sutton Grammar, 2021
  283. Turner Ruggi, Westminster School, 2021
  284. Nic Nicolau, Chesham Grammar School, 2020
  285. Viva Ruggi, Highgate, 2016
  286. Lilja Tomasson, Highgate, 2020
  287. Jesse Krichefski, Highgate, 2020
  288. Roisin Cowen, Highgate, 2016
  289. Polly Thomas, Parliament Hill School, 2020
  290. Theo Millar, RBAI, 2017
  291. Tilly Mattich, NCLS, 2019
  292. Zara Shepherd-Brierley, Highgate, 2017
  293. Ella O’Neill, Highgate, 2018
  294. Dave Dooley, University of Westminster, 2023
  295. Sophy Green, King Alfred, 2019
  296. Ollie Burton, University of Sussex, 2022
  297. Amelia Jepson, Sherborne Girls, 2019
  298. Andrew Waters, Highgate, 2018
  299. Eva Lynchehan, Highgate, 2020
  300. Mikela Bolena-Sarmiento, King’s College London, 2023
  301. Phoebe Williams, NTU, 2024
  302. Alicia Gerhardstein, Highgate, 2020
  303. Marina Funcasta, Highgate, 2021
  304. Lauren Steele, Highgate, 2014
  305. Dylan Swain, Bedford, 2022
  306. Daniel Okhomina, Highgate, 2020
  307. Charis Morgan, Highgate, 2018
  308. Beth Chapman, University of Kent, 2023
  309. Scarlet Smith, Highgate, 2021
  310. Kyle Sacks, Bristol University, 2023
  311. Ella Scott, Highgate School, 2021
  312. Leela Rao, Parent of 3 former Highgate pupils
  313. Molly Dewar, Downe House, 2020
  314. Emilie Meyer, Westminster, 2018
  315. Delyth Roberts, College Cambria, 2020
  316. Maisie Pedder, Highgate, 2018
  317. Mimi Taylor, Highgate, 2024
  318. Alex Anderson, Highgate, 2021
  319. Grace Bowan, Queen’s School, 2021
  320. Raunak Ahuja, UCS, 2020
  321. Cat Peters, Highgate, 2020
  322. Emma Tucker, Highgate, 2018
  323. Tom Dickson, Highgate, 2019
  324. Edie Josephs, Highgate, 2023
  325. Alfred Abrahams, Highgate, 2018
  326. Isabella Cullen, Highgate, 2015
  327. Sebastian Fox McClure, Highgate, 2019
  328. Uthman Shaikh, Cardiff University, 2021
  329. Rosie MacIntyre, Lady Margaret School, 2020
  330. Samiksha V, University of Bath, 2017
  331. Josh Pena, Highgate, 2017
  332. Zishu Yan, Imperial College, 2020
  333. Tabitha Mpulusu, Queen Mary University
  334. Sam Hoar, 2017
  335. Kate Muir, Highgate, 2017
  336. Lorenzo Horne, Highgate, 2020
  337. Valentina Castro Lopez, Highgate, 2020
  338. Edward Clark, Bath University, 2021
  339. Sam Fowler, Highgate, 2017
  340. Adele Schiff, Highgate, 2017
  341. Mia Acevedo-Ferron, Colstons Girls School, 2020
  342. Fleur Hargreaves, Highgate, 2021
  343. Nathalie Moore, King’s Maths School, 2016
  344. Alice Dryer, Highgate, 2019
  345. Tillie Alfrey-Cryan, Truro College, 2019
  346. Ella Carman, Highgate, 2019
  347. Sophia Renfrew, Highgate, 2024
  348. Nicole Kaminer, Highgate, 2020
  349. Eleanor Buckett, University of Bristol, 2020
  350. Bella Hilditch, Highgate, 2022
  351. Ella Scott, Highgate, 2021
  352. Oliver Gottlieb, Highgate, 2018
  353. Emmanuelle Twentyman, Highgate, 2017
  354. Luke D’Souza, University of Bath, 2021
  355. Kira Rothwell, Highgate, 2019
  356. Hannah Williams, Stanwell Sixth Form, 2020
  357. Katie FitzGerald, Highgate, 2017
  358. Milena Kalyuzhnaya, Highgate, 2019
  359. Chandrasekhar Iyengar, Highgate, 2018
  360. Anjum Aziz
  361. Gabriel Mullens, Highgate, 2019
  362. Caitlin Moeran, Highgate, 2022
  363. Lucca Tisken, Exchange student, 2019
  364. Matthew Wilder, Highgate, 2021
  365. Eliza Light, Highgate, 2020
  366. Tasmin Hoar, Highgate, 2025
  367. George Monaghan, Highgate, 2017
  368. Isabel Arrusi, Highgate, 2021
  369. Harry Monaghan, Highgate, 2017
  370. Tom Stewart, Highgate, 2017
  371. Felix Russel, William Ellis, 2015
  372. Mitja Kostomaj, Highgate, Parent
  373. Tegan Macpherson, FHS, 2022
  374. Rachel McDonald, Highgate, 2019
  375. Sonia Farhadi, Highgate, Parent
  376. Joe Michell, Highgate, 2020
  377. Amalia Blank, Highgate, 2024
  378. Martha Davies, Highgate, 2024
  379. Tom Blackhall, Sedbergh School, 2023
  380. Paolo Di Landro, Highgate, 2021
  381. Tayla Hardy, Maidstone Grammar School for Girls, 2020
  382. Riaz Razaq, Highgate, 2014
  383. Milo Yates, Highgate, 2017
  384. Conor Wilcox-Mahon, Highgate, 2014
  385. David Brown, Highgate, 2018
  386. Will Travers, Highgate, 2022
  387. Romane Ferera, Highgate, 2022
  388. Amy Hellawell, Highgate, 2017
  389. Amy Szigeti, Highgate, 2017
  390. Gabriel Mullins, Highgate, 2022
  391. Lorenza Valensise, Highgate, 2022
  392. Daisy Kingsley Jones, Highgate, 2018
  393. Zak Goldman, Highgate, 2017
  394. George Kerr, Highgate, 2017
  395. Carolina Valensise, Highgate, 2017
  396. Matthew Houppermans, Highgate, 2017
  397. Bells, City of London school for girls, 2020
  398. Sara Rich, Highgate, 2019
  399. Tom Waine, Highgate, 2017
  400. Kate Hillman, Highgate, 2023
  401. Ella Rowland Cavusoglu, Highgate, 2021
  402. Casper Szigeti, Highgate, 2015
  403. Madeleine Pedder, CLSG, 2022
  404. Tommy May, Highgate, 2020
  405. Connal Dunsmuir, Dr Challoner’s Grammar School, 2020
  406. Alexandra van den Berkhof, Highgate, 2023
  407. Jess Langan, Channing School, 2020
  408. Olivia Norbury, Highgate, 2021
  409. Archie Barwick, The Skinners’ School, 2020
  410. Isabella Renfrew, Highgate, 2021
  411. Raphaella Lexton, Highgate, 2021
  412. Alex Robinson, Highgate, 2015
  413. Eléna Ford, Highgate, 2021
  414. Max P, Bedford School, 2023
  415. Shivee Singh, LSE, 2023
  416. Ben Steiner, Highgate, 2020
  417. Omer Ginat, Highgate, 2014
  418. Anastasia Gibbs, Highgate, 2020
  419. Jamie Binns, Mill Hill, 2023
  420. Hannah Robinson, Highgate, 2017
  421. Tom Barker, The Kings School, 2020
  422. Nico Caplin, the Kings School, 2020
  423. Elsa Hardcastle, Cranleigh, 2019
  424. Julia Chan, Highgate, 2019
  425. Ann Wilcox, Highgate, Parent
  426. Honey Kettle, Highgate, 2017
  427. Alex Ainger, Highgate, 2017
  428. James Moule, The King’s School Macclesfield, 2020
  429. Lily Knight, Highgate, 2021
  430. Josh Avigdor, Highgate, 2020
  431. Eve Greenway, Highgate, 2020
  432. Grace Mee, Highgate, 2017
  433. Max Ezzat, Highgate, 2017
  434. March Batty, Bedford Modern, 2021
  435. Ash Yakunina, Highgate, 2018
  436. Ava Mulvihill, Highgate, 2021
  437. Piers Nimmo, Highgate, (parent)
  438. Barley Nimmo, Highgate, 2013
  439. Henry Everitt, Highgate, 2020
  440. Noah Taylor, Highgate, 2019
  441. Isobel Chadwick, Highgate, 2023
  442. Selena Wynne-James, Highgate, 2021
  443. James Dillon, Fortismere, 2019
  444. Enoch Mukungu, Bedford, 2019
  445. James Watson, Bedford, 2022
  446. Charley Waterhouse, Graveney, 2019
  447. Kitty Llewellyn, Highgate, 2018
  448. Leah O’Reilly, Bedford, 2023
  449. James Nichols, The Kings School, 2020
  450. Ruth Louis, Highgate, 2017
  451. Nehyl Haq, Highgate, 2019
  452. Alice, Highgate, 2017
  453. Ella Jones, Highgate, 2024
  454. Annie Gibson, Saint Philip Howard Catholic High School, 2020
  455. Alexander Markland, Highgate, 2017
  456. Jacob Green, Highgate, 2015
  457. Alice Weldon, Highgate, 2021
  458. Charlotte Mee, Highgate, 2021
  459. Clemie Dale, Highgate, 2017
  460. Celia Dale, Highgate, 2014
  461. Simon Walker, Highgate, (parent)
  462. Sophie Grabiner, Highgate, 2018
  463. Laurie Stredwick, Bedford School, 2022
  464. Dylan Duffy, Highgate, 2016
  465. Mikki Cohn, Highgate, 2021
  466. Jamie Barnes, Highgate, 2018
  467. Tola Adeyemi Jones, Highgate, (parent)
  468. Emma Williets, Highgate, 2020
  469. Ruby Gold, Highgate, 2017
  470. Lia Tibenham-Crofts, Highgate, 2021
  471. James Rodgers, Highgate, 2017
  472. Henrik Tennie, International School Basel, 2021
  473. Victoria Pinney, Bedford Girls School, 2022
  474. Alex Ledigo, Highgate, 2015
  475. Natasha Cagalj, Highgate, (parent)
  476. Daisy Boxall, Highgate, 2022
  477. Amy Salter, Highgate, 2021
  478. Scarlet Smith, Highgate, 2021
  479. Téa Henry, Highgate, 2023
  480. Patrick McCabe, Highgate, 2017
  481. Alice Pedder, Highgate, (parent of 2 former Highgate pupils)
  482. Coco Marran, Marlborough College, 2021
  483. Alisha Raja, Highgate, 2019
  484. Honey Mynett, Highgate, 2022
  485. Briana Williams, London Academy of Excellence Tottenham/Highgate, 2021
  486. Lucy Bernstein, Highgate, 2019
  487. Olivia Kennedy, Eastbourne College, 2019
  488. Celia Telford, Camden School for Girls, 2021
  489. Paula Dickmann, Highgate, 2016
  490. Anders Erlandson, Highgate, 2021
  491. Mario Redko, Highgate, 2022
  492. Emma Otis, Highgate, 2022
  493. Ben Ramezani, Camden School for Girls, 2021
  494. Noah Naggar, Highgate, 2019
  495. Heléna Reta, City of London School for Girls, 2022
  496. Sanaam Belio Sambell, St John’s College Nambour, 2018
  497. Jacob Wood, Woodhouse College, 2021
  498. Matthew West, Cambridge University, 2019
  499. Anya Kamineni, Highgate, 2018
  500. Sara Sharif, Highgate, 2021
  501. Christina Russell, Highgate, 2023
  502. Amy Solomon, Highgate, 2023
  503. Ella Bernstein, Highgate, 2022
  504. Frankie Crawley, Highgate, 2023
  505. Siân Tilbury, Highgate, 2023
  506. Rob Waters, Highgate, 2021
  507. Ellie Thomas, Highgate, 2015
  508. Rachel Crampton, Highgate, 2017
  509. Molly Horan, Camden School for Girls, 2015
  510. Dominika Ucar, Highgate, 2016
  511. Eleni Davidson, Highgate 2014
  512. Isabella Calder, Highgate, 2019
  513. Emily Jones, University for the Creative Arts, 2022
  514. Olivia Clarke, Highgate, 2024
  515. Rebecca Morgan, Latymer School, 2021
  516. Patrick Tuft, Highgate 2022
  517. Harriet Nokes, Wallington High School for Girls, 2019
  518. Simone Jackson, Highgate, 2018
  519. Helen Pugh, Highgate, 2016
  520. Evie Gilmartin, Highgate, 2021
  521. Issie Davis, Highgate, 2017
  522. Stephanie Frischmann, Camden School for Girls, 2021
  523. Harry Bevington, Greshams, 2019
  524. Georgia Arrusi, Highgate, Parent
  525. Benjy Fortna, Highgate, 2016
  526. Harry Hine, Bedford, 2022
  527. Jake Leigh, Highgate, 2022
  528. Shaimaa Colaiacovo, CLSG, 2022
  529. Hannah Murphy, Highgate, 2018
  530. Elizabeth Knight, Highgate Pre-Prep, Junior School and Senior School, Parent
  531. AJH, Highgate, 2012
  532. Benjamin Callman, Highgate, 2022
  533. Izzy Chadwick, Highgate, 2023
  534. Highgate, Parent of Noah and Mimi Taylor
  535. Anna Kovar, Highgate, 2015
  536. Alice Weldon, Highgate, 2021
  537. Maya Burgess, Highgate 2021
  538. Kyle Steele, Highgate, 2019
  539. Olivia Rael-Brook, Highgate, 2017
  540. Olivia, Highgate, 2014
  541. Marcus Beadle, Highgate, 2017
  542. Misty Ingham, St Marylebone School, 2017
  543. Ruby Randall-Cutler, St Marylebone School, 2017
  544. Anna Wilson
  545. Lara Dailey, Channing, 2021
  546. Pip Cooper, Highgate, Parent
  547. Ben Ingham, Highgate, Parent
  548. Cassandra Weinstein, Highgate, 2014
  549. Aiya, Fortismere, 2022
  550. Agnes Fisher, Highgate, 2021
  551. Louise Rose, Highgate, 2021
  552. Max Benda, Eton College, 2022
  553. Luke Manzini, Highgate, 2022
  554. Amber Mcgovern, Varndean College, 2021
  555. Daniel Millar, Highgate, 2024
  556. Antoine Moore, Alexandra Park School, 2021
  557. Polly Rayner, Latymer, 2021
  558. Rafael, Camden School for Girls, 2021
  559. Ruby Reich, Camden School for Girls, 2021
  560. Maya Zagury, Highgate, 2021
  561. Poppy Pope, Highgate, 2021
  562. Rosh Hart, Camden School for Girls
  563. Ella Lubitsh, Highgate, 2022
  564. Lorea Leclercq-Cerdeiriña, Highgate, 2021
  565. Alex O’Neill, Highgate, 2019
  566. Hannah Fernando, Channing, 2020
  567. Gregory Richardson, Highgate, 2015
  568. Josie, Highgate, 2017
  569. Emilia Kaissides, Highgate, 2021
  570. Maude Fisher, Highgate, 2021
  571. Joe Martin, Highgate, 2021
  572. Bill Laswap, Highgate, 2019
  573. Alexander Morrison, Highgate, 2021
  574. Eleanor Fisher, Highgate, 2021
  575. Emma Berkofsky, Highgate, Parent
  576. Mia Fantoni, JCoSS, 2021
  577. Charlotte Huttner, Highgate, 2021
  578. Ruby Kingsley Jones, Woodhouse College, 2021
  579. Shenuka Haegoda, Pate’s Grammar, 2020
  580. Evie Gilmartin, Highgate, 2021
  581. George Hallam-Evans, Highgate, 2016
  582. Alec Terry, UCS, 2020
  583. Jake Bluston, Highgate, 2018
  584. Darius Abedin-Zadeh, Highgate, 2021
  585. Thalia Morrison, Highgate, 2021
  586. Eloise Stevens, Highgate, 2021
  587. Leona, Highgate, 2017
  588. Albane Gournay, Highgate, 2021
  589. Justin Rathe, Highgate, 2020
  590. Isobel Simmons, Highgate, 2018
  591. James Goodlad, Highgate, 2021
  592. Emily Rapp, Highgate, 2020
  593. Abi Brennan, CLSG, 2020
  594. Marco Lautier, City of London School for Boys, 2020
  595. Benedict Randall Shaw, Westminster, 2020
  596. Nina Cooper, Fortismere, 2021
  597. Lily Gran, Reddam House, 2020
  598. Jess, Highgate Wood School, 2022
  599. Lexi Iacono, Highgate, 2021
  600. Charlie Gundy, Highgate, 2021
  601. Ellie Campbell, Highgate, 2023
  602. India S, City of London School for Girls, 2021
  603. Lara Dailey, Channing, 2021
  604. Natalie Chester, Highgate, Parent
  605. Hannah de Leuw, Highgate, 2023
  606. Lewis Chester, Highgate, Parent
  607. Bruce Allinson, Highgate, 2017
  608. Sonia Watson, Camden School for Girls, 2021
  609. Jess Marock, Highgate, 2022
  610. Bea Gazzard, Highgate, 2023
  611. Kirsty Baldry, Highgate, 2016
  612. Clara, King’s School Bruton, 2019
  613. Thalia Eleni Seale, Highgate, 2018
  614. Lucy Law, Highgate, 2022
  615. Scarlett Lawrence, Highgate, 2023
  616. Ava-Larissa Riley, Highgate, 2021
  617. Megan Sands, Highgate, 2017
  618. Ella Scott, Highgate, 2021
  619. Maya Machesney, Highgate, 2017
  620. Saul Austin, Highgate, 2018
  621. Tomer Yashiv, Highgate, 2020
  622. Guy Yashiv, Highgate, 2020
  623. John Mahon, Highgate, Parent
  624. Rex Reinke, Highgate, 2020
  625. Stella Strivens, Highgate, 2017
  626. Amy Salter, Highgate, 2021
  627. Rachael Berger, Highgate, 2017
  628. Taylor Mordecai, Maesteg Comprehensive, 2020
  629. Luca Trill, Highgate, 2020
  630. Ayesha Dawson, Queen’s College London, 2020
  631. Zachary Golant, Highgate, 2019
  632. Grace McIntosh, Highgate, 2018
  633. Oliver Rechnitz, Highgate, 2017
  634. Matilda Black, City of London School for Girls, 2020
  635. Alice Morley, Highgate, 2024
  636. Gloria Kelly, Highgate, 2021
  637. Emma Gaston, Woodfarm High School, 2020
  638. Alexa Chambers, Highgate, 2018
  639. Billie Esplen, Highgate, 2016
  640. Alex Law, Highgate, 2018
  641. Joseph Gibber, Highgate, 2017
  642. Isabella Bowden, Simon Langton Grammar School for boys, 2021
  643. Aris Sabetai, Highgate, 2021
  644. Tyler S, UoP, 2021
  645. Ariadne Thalassi, Highgate, Parent
  646. Gavin Hill, Highgate, Parent
  647. Einav Grushka, Highgate, 2019
  648. Anna-Maria Okhomina, Highgate, 2019
  649. Tabitha Tucker, Highgate, 2020
  650. Grace Allen, Highgate, 2019
  651. Ria-Angel Sharma, Highgate, 2019
  652. Elena Corn, Highgate, 2018
  653. Jasper Chavasse, Kingsbridge College, 2020
  654. Archie Campbell, Highgate, 2019
  655. Rohan Parmar, Roundhay High, 2016
  656. George Pliotis, Highgate, 2015
  657. Sulaimaan Malik, Highgate, 2021
  658. Alexandra Butler-White, Crawford College Sandton, 2019
  659. Katya Apukhtine, Highgate, 2021
  660. Helena Jankovich, Portland Place, 2020
  661. Nat Martin, Highgate, 2012
  662. Gabriel Twentyman, Highgate, 2021
  663. Hannah Newman, Highgate, 2019
  664. Miranda Carling, Highgate, 2019
  665. Alex Louis, Highgate, 2018
  666. Dior Edwin, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2023
  667. Deborah Marock, Highgate, Parent
  668. Joseph Horan, Highgate, 2018
  669. Sofia Mastrogiacomo, Channing, 2020
  670. Tim Roberts, Highgate, 2015
  671. George Handyside, Highgate, 2020
  672. Freddie Tucker, Bedford School, 2024
  673. Alice Peters, Highgate, 2022
  674. Felicity Juckes, Highgate School, 2014
  675. Stella Comninos, Highgate, Guardian
  676. Matthew Leigh, Highgate, 2018
  677. Mark Pugh, Highgate, 2012
  678. Sophia Georgiou, Highgate, 2020
  679. Lamesha Ruddock, Highgate 2019
  680. Luca Louis, Highgate, 2020
  681. Yogesh Gupta, Highgate, 2018
  682. Isaac Biney, Highgate, 2018
  683. Sam Coade, Highgate, 2015
  684. Catrina Pietralla, LSE, 2021
  685. Michael Delgado, Highgate, 2015
  686. Mika Cohen, Highgate, 2020
  687. Sebastian Clifford-Varley, John Lyon School, 2020
  688. Grace Henstone, King’s College London, 2022
  689. Angus Lees-Miller, Highgate, 2021
  690. Grace Doody, Highgate, 2017
  691. Loukas Manolopoulos, Highgate, 2021
  692. Scarlett Postance, Kingsbridge Community College, 2022
  693. Bu Cuarón, MPW, 2021
  694. Honor Gladstone, 2016
  695. Tracy Chevalier, Highgate, Parent
  696. Ella Rapley, Highgate, 2016
  697. Saskia Kirkegaard, Channing, 2021
  698. Marina Kalyuzhnaya
  699. Olivia Denholm, Highgate, Family Member
  700. Jacob Drori, Highgate, 2017
  701. Joshua Osman, Queen Elizabeth School, 2020
  702. Joe Tompkins, Highgate, 2015
  703. Max Stupple, Highgate, 2020
  704. Eli Joe, Highgate, 2020
  705. Thomas Campbell, Highgate, 2015
  706. Marwa Satar, Highgate, 2020
  707. James Innes Ker, Radley College, 2018
  708. Georgia Goldstone, The Grammar School at Leeds, 2019
  709. Salvador Widdicombe, Highgate, 2020
  710. Elise Courbon, Durham University, 2023
  711. Ella Goldschmied, Highgate, 2019
  712. Ashley Saville, Highgate, 2017
  713. Zoja Mancek, University of Edinburgh, 2024
  714. Claire Wilkinson, Highgate, 2022
  715. Blake Hanson, Highgate, 2022
  716. Tianle Shao, Highgate, 2020
  717. Louis Hollis, Highgate, 2021
  718. Lucy Barrie, Highgate, 2022
  719. Sebastian Gaume, Highgate, 2020
  720. Ann Green Della-Porta, Highgate, Parent
  721. Lucy Harris, Durham University, 2023
  722. Katy Gimson, Parliament Hill School, 2020
  723. Juliet Manzini, Highgate, Parent
  724. Maddie Damberg-Ott, Channing, 2019
  725. Hannah Percival, Channing, 2022
  726. Lara Sassoon, Channing, 2022
  727. Olivia Turner, Highgate, 2016
  728. Elena Michael, Highgate, 2012
  729. Ayley Loh, Highgate, 2019
  730. Louis Chapo-Saunders, Highgate, 2017
  731. Scarlet Bryce, King Alfred School, 2019
  732. Emily Killwick, Highgate, 2020
  733. Harry Glynn, Alexandra Park School, 2021
  734. Ted Fussell, Highgate, 2022
  735. Alessia Daft, Fortismere, 2022
  736. Connor Vaughan, London Oratory, 2019
  737. Lara Parks, Dulwich College, 2016
  738. Leanne Tyme, Highgate, 2018
  739. Sophia Kypriotis, Highgate, 2017
  740. Thomas Bowden, Highgate, 2018
  741. Cocoa Wagner, Channing School, 2021
  742. Daisy Gosal, Lady Eleanor Holles, 2020
  743. TR Blackshaw, Parent, Highgate School
  744. Ethan Schneiderman, Highgate School/Aldenham School, 2018
  745. Charles Hill, Highgate, 2019
  746. Harry Abraham, Highgate, 2018
  747. Charles Hill, Highgate, 2019
  748. Vikram Oberoi, Highgate, 2019
  749. Ella, Highgate, 2024
  750. Rory Blackshaw, Highgate, 2010
  751. Robbie Waddell, Highgate, 2017
  752. Natasha Crane, GCH, 2021
  753. Maggie Harding, Alexandra Park School, 2021
  754. Luca Burgess, Highgate, 2021
  755. Yasmin Byng, Channing, 2022
  756. Thomas Spens, Highgate School, 2021
  757. Gabriel Wood, Highgate, 2020
  758. Kourosh Gharbi, Highgate, 2019
  759. Sav Procopiou, 2012
  760. Aysha Kojima, City of London School for Girls, 2022
  761. Katie Waddell, Highgate, 2015
  762. Frances Bennett, Highgate, 2015
  763. Patrick Hoyland, Highgate, 2022
  764. Amar Lally, Dr Challoners Grammar School, 2021
  765. Sylvia Richards, Mill Hill School, 2020
  766. Zaina Latif, Highgate, 2016
  767. Eva Deniz, Highgate, 2023
  768. Luke hargreaves, Highgate
  769. Jemima Waters, Highgate, 2023
  770. Rebecca James, Highgate, 2016
  771. Hamida Saleque, Highgate, 2020
  772. Freya Della-Porta, Highgate, 2020
  773. Gabriella Mazzoni, Highgate, 2018
  774. Juliette Grossman, Highgate, 2018
  775. Julia Meyer, Highgate, 2019
  776. Alma Steingrimsdottir, Highgate, 2023
  777. Troy Akpoguma-Camara, Highgate, 2016
  778. Louis Grayson, Highgate, 2021
  779. Robbi Sher, Highgate, 2018
  780. Iona Imlah, Highgate, 2021
  781. Victoria Higgins
  782. James Hunt, Highgate, 2022
  783. Phoebe Bracken, Highgate, 2017
  784. Igor Yakunin, Highgate, 2015
  785. Freddie Newton, The Compton, 2022
  786. Juliette de Freitas Vile, Highgate, 2018
  787. Archie Ryan, Woodhouse College, 2022
  788. Ed Travers, Highgate, 2018
  789. Dylan Loh, Highgate, 2021
  790. Leah Deniz, Highgate, 2018
  791. Max Starn, Highgate, 2020
  792. Bella Bloom, Nottingham Trent, 2022
  793. Tegan, LSE, 2021
  794. Finn Fitzpatrick, Highgate, 2017
  795. Selena Wynne-James, Highgate, 2021
  796. Joni Murray, Woodhouse College, 2017
  797. Alice de Lanoy Meijer, Highgate, 2018
  798. Elise, Highgate, 2018
  799. Louise Maryan, Fortismere, 2017
  800. Elijah Abela, Highgate, 2018
  801. James Hollamby, Highgate, 2019
  802. Giaime Dissanayake, Highgate, 2022
  803. John Sive, Highgate, 2016
  804. Oliver Dickson, Highgate, 2015
  805. Masooma Ali, SCGSG, 2019
  806. Jessica Brown, Highgate, 2009
  807. Becky Beard, swgs, 2018
  808. Samuel Huston, Highgate, 2017
  809. Sasha Brealey, Alexandra Park School, 2021
  810. Rhiannon Morgan, Woodhouse College, 2022
  811. Isabelle Patterson, Fortismere, 2018
  812. Thomas Alwyn, Highgate, 2007
  813. Eyamba Coco-Bassey, Royal Alexandra and Albert school, 2017
  814. Olivia, Highgate, 2014
  815. Noga Inspector, Highgate, 2017
  816. Ellie Cowls, Fortismere, 2018
  817. Alex Akin, Highgate, 2007
  818. Hannah Duffey, Highgate, 2020
  819. Aashni, Highgate, 2017
  820. Meera, Bedford Modern, 2019
  821. Jonas Nisse, Camden School for Girls, 2020
  822. Lily Richter, Girton Grammar School Bendigo, 2024
  823. Josephine Griffiths, James Allen Girls, 2018
  824. Molly D’Arcy Rice, Cheltenham Ladies, 2018
  825. Mimi Aram-Walker, Camden School for Girls, 2017
  826. Finbarr Anastasiou, Highgate, 2013
  827. Charlotte Brocklesby, Highgate, 2015
  828. Sophie Boehler, Highgate, 2020
  829. Sophia Parvizi-Wayne, Highgate, 2015
  830. Eleni Lee-Georgiou, Highgate, 2019
  831. Isobel Sanders, Highgate, 2018
  832. Suzanne Kapelus, Highgate, 2018
  833. Matilda (Tilly) Glancy, Highgate, 2018
  834. Alex Mason, Highgate, 2019
  835. Thomas Campbell, Highgate, 2015
  836. Georgina Lloyd-Owen, Highgate, 2015
  837. Candy Dorrell, Highgate, 2018
  838. Sam Percival, Highgate, 2016
  839. Abena Akonnor, Highgate, 2017
  840. Alfie Gadson, Highgate, 2017
  841. Andrew Serkis, Highgate, (parent)
  842. Mimi Aram-Walker, Camden School for Girls, 2017
  843. Jasmin Bassi, Highgate, 2018
  844. Rebekah Treganna, Channing School, 2021
  845. Felix Crutchley, Highgate, 2017
  846. Phoebe Crutchley, Highgate, 2015
  847. Lizzy Gibb, South Hampstead High School, 2020
  848. Francesca Gill, Parent, Highgate
  849. Emily, University of Leeds, 2023
  850. Bradley Taylor, University of Portsmouth, 2024
  851. Nives Foyzul, UCL, 2019
  852. Joseph Smith, Beauchamp College, 2019
  853. Poppy Gerrard-Abbott, University of Edinburgh, 2021
  854. M Comninos, Highgate, 2004
  855. Finnley Bradbury, Lancaster University, 2022
  856. Jemima Steen, Queen's College London, 2020
  857. Leon Galli, Highgate, 2018
  858. Daniel Solomon, parent of Amy Solomon, Highgate
  859. Joseph Wildisen, Highgate, 2018
  860. Rebecca Deniz, Highgate, Parent
  861. Sophie Ishak, Highgate, 2015
  862. Calum Glynn, Alexandra Park School, 2023
  863. Madeleine Baron, Highgate Wood School, 2018
  864. Lily McKenna, Highgate, 2020
  865. Alex Voulters, Highgate, 2016
  866. Darius Parvizi-Wayne, Highgate, 2017
  867. Thomas Rees, Highgate, 2011
  868. Maya Lessof, Highgate, 2015
  869. Jada Nicole Corsa, Highgate, 2020
  870. Seline Naqi, Highgate, 2015
  871. Julia Chmielowska, Highgate/Westminster, 2015
  872. Rebecca Hjelt, Channing School, 2020
  873. Isabelle Schiff, Highgate, 2018
  874. Caitlin Moeran, Highgate, 2022
  875. Danielle Galli, Highgate, Parent
  876. Clémentine Rancon, Highgate, Parent
  877. Claudio Galli, Highgate, Parent
  878. Josh Maxwell
  879. Olivia Doody, Highgate, 2016
  880. Honey Gould, Highgate, 2025
  881. Laura Pearl
  882. Maya Wood, Highgate, 2025
  883. Charlie Turnhill, Highgate, 2025
  884. Anya Nangle, Highgate, 2025
  885. Priyanka Malhotra, Highgate, 2025
  886. Sabeena Malhotra, Highgate, 2027
  887. Ottilie Bostridge, Highgate, 2025
  888. Jaiden Amin, Highgate, 2025
  889. Diba Farsian, Highgate, 2025
  890. Nora Myint, Highgate, 2025
  891. Ismayl Haq, Highgate, 2025
  892. Isabella Wong, Highgate, 2025
  893. Eliza Farquharson, Highgate, 2020
  894. Tom Palmer, Highgate, 2020
  895. Amelia Levene, Highgate, 2025
  896. Anya Nangle, Highgate, 2025
  897. Sam Wood, Highgate, 2022
  898. Anna Ratsin, MPW (ex-Highgate), 2020
  899. Matilda Finburgh, Highgate, 2021
  900. Jean-Baptiste Rancon, Highgate, Parent
  901. George Everitt, Highgate, 2021
  902. Orla Hill, Mossbourne community academy, 2020
  903. Jeremy Cohen, Highgate, 2018
  904. Rudaizky, Highgate, Parent
  905. Holly Gowen, Rugby School, 2018
  906. Jack Darlington, Mander Portman Woodward, 2021
  907. Josephine Jay, Highgate, 2015
  908. Samuel Huston, Highgate, 2017
  909. Evie Lawlor, Highgate, 2018
  910. Thomas Wilcox-Mahon, Highgate, 2016
  911. David Gill, Highgate, Parent
  912. Georgia Allen, Highgate, 2016
  913. Olivia Daly, Highgate School, 2019
  914. Max Majurey, Highgate, 2020
  915. Laurel Timpson, Highgate, 2025
  916. Tom Horan, Highgate former parent
  917. Elizabeth Knight, Highgate, PARENT
  918. Vitorija Zdovc, Southbank International School, 2013
  919. Steph Antoniou, Highgate, 2019
  920. Ally Goucher, The University of Edinburgh, 2022
  921. Marina Martinez, The University of Edinburgh, 2022
  922. Rhiannon Hales, Highgate, 2018
  923. Madeleine Sands, Highgate, 2014
  924. Anna Eaves, Highgate, 2014
  925. Candy Darling Dorrell, Highgate, 2018
  926. Sophie Abrahams, Channing, 2016
  927. Ella Powell, Highgate, 2016
  928. Eliza, Alexandra Park School, 2021
  929. Molly, Alexandra Park School, 2021
  930. Giulia, Alexandra Park School, 2021
  931. Elliott Steer, Highgate, 2018
  932. Sîan Tilbury, Highgate, 2023
  933. Livina Onuegbu, CLSG, 2020
  934. Freddie Zu Wied, Eton College, 2019
  935. Aarthi Raja, Highgate, 2025
  936. Arav Raja, Highgate, 2023
  937. Lotte levy, Highgate, 2017
  938. Alex Savova, Highgate, 2019
  939. Natasha Cattley, Highgate, 2022
  940. Tanya Kraljevic, Highgate, 2027
  941. Hannah Scrivens, Sir Roger Manwoods, 2020
  942. Jean-Baptiste Rancon, Highgate, Parent
  943. Vitan Kostomaj, King Alfred’s School, 2022
  944. Ben Joseph, Highgate School, 2011
  945. Anoushka Rattan, South Hampstead High School, 2020
  946. Sasha Shute, Highgate Woods, 2020
  947. Rianka Gill, Torquay Girls’ Grammar School, 2015
  948. Noa Yaron, Highgate Wood, 2020
  949. Jay Jacobs, Mill Hill School, 2020
  950. Maya Grace, Highgate, 2025
  951. Olivia Brafman, Highgate, 2007
  952. Devon Tabata, Highgate, 2020
  953. Susie Leigh, Highgate, 2020
  954. Scott
  955. Lucinda Collinge, University of York, 2025
  956. Angus Gibby, Tadcaster Grammar School, 2020
  957. Juliette Martin, Highgate, 2010
  958. Manon Gibbs, Channing School, 2018
  959. Sophia Hadjipateras, Highgate, 2010
  960. Florence Bryant, Highgate, 2010
  961. Rory McGeary, Highgate, 2020
  962. Adi Hamlyn, Highgate Wood School, 2020
  963. Αrielle Lande, Highgate, 2018
  964. Noa Karet, Highgate, 2018
  965. Adam Reich, Wentworth College, 2020
  966. Freddie Korn, Highgate, 2020
  967. Lucia Glynn, Highgate, Former Parent
  968. Emma Griffiths, Forest School, 2020
  969. Eleni Lee-Georgiou, Highgate, 2019
  970. Emily Matthews, Forest school, 2022
  971. Brandon Tupou, Lancaster University, 2022
  972. Ben Deutsch, Highgate, 1988
  973. Anya Carlyle, St Georges School for Girls, 2020
  974. Holly Maclean, Christ’s Hospital, 2020
  975. Gemma O’Ceallachain, Hyndland Secondary School, 2020
  976. Oonagh Didi Sutton, Forest school, 2020
  977. Maya Jakobsson, Forest School, 2020
  978. Alexander West, Forest School, 2020
  979. Jasmine Dawuda, St Augustine’s Priory, 2020
  980. Luis Black, Bancroft’s School, 2020
  981. Sam Burgess, Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet, 2020
  982. Edward Gilhespy, University of Edinburgh, 2024
  983. Anna Peterson, CCHS, 2021
  984. Joseph O'Neill, Highgate, 2017
  985. Maddy Anderson Morris, Tiffin Girls School, 2020
  986. Finley Norton, University of Oxford, 2024
  987. Tabitha Priestley, Spalding High School, 2019
  988. Phoebe Swords, Alleyn's School, 2020
  989. Zac Tobias, The Grammar School at Leeds, 2020
  990. Scarlett King, Highams Park School, 2020
  991. Ellie Barr, Newstead Wood School, 2020
  992. Lily McKenna, Highgate, 2020
  993. Alice Barr, JAGS, 2024
  994. Louis Milner, Highgate, 2020
  995. Gulliver Howarth, Highgate, 2017
  996. Max Kwan, Highgate, 2018
  997. Joanna Smith, Winstanley College, 2020
  998. Sarah Levy-Pipitone, University of Edinburgh, 2024
  999. Olivia Tolson, Highgate School, 2023
  1000. Laurel Timpson, Highgate, 2025
  1001. Amy Walpole, Highgate, 2017
  1002. Marfa
  1003. Isabella Wong, Highgate, 2025
  1004. Noor Kubba Hyde, Peter Symonds College, 2021
  1005. Lacey Fearon, East 15 Acting School, 2022
  1006. Ben Ingham, Parent
  1007. Emma Berkofsky, Highgate, Parent
  1008. Laura Pearl
  1009. Deborah Marock, Highgate, Parent