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Pharaoh Study Guide 21-22
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Pharaoh Study Guide

Part I: Review your notes on the pharaohs below. Summarize what their major accomplishments were and what buildings or monuments they are responsible for creating. There is a copy of my notes both under the Google Classroom Assignment “Egyptian Pharaoh Project” and on the Team 6B website under handouts.


1. Khufu

Major Accomplishments:


2. Akhenaten:

Major Accomplishments:


3. Hatshepsut:

Major Accomplishments:


4. Senusret I

Major Accomplishments:


5. Ramesses II

Major Accomplishments:


6. Tutankhamen

Major Accomplishments:



Part II: Below you will find the long response question for the quiz. Make sure that you outline what you plan to write about during the test. Use the outline prompts below to help you decide what pharaohs and specific examples you plan to discuss on the test.

Question: Who were the most important pharaohs of ancient Egypt? Discuss two pharaohs. 

When answering the question make sure to do the following for each paragraph:

1. State specifically what pharaoh you think was most important to Egypt

2. Provide two specific examples from your notes that support why you think that pharaoh is important.

3. Explain in your own words how the example shows this pharaoh was important to Egypt. 

Paragraph I:

  1. (State Pharaoh):

  1. (Provide two examples from your notes):

  1. (Explain in your own words why the examples make them important):

Paragraph II:

  1. (State Pharaoh):

  1. (Provide two examples from your notes):

  1. (Explain in your own words why the examples make them important):