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A Step Up Part II
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The heavy footsteps walk past the doorway, and you hear a manly voice call for your stepmom from another room.

“Come with me…” She commands, turning around and walking away without waiting for a response.

No way you’re following her to- O shit, your legs are moving…

You can’t even express desperation as your body obediently follows the lithe blonde walking ahead of you, slender legs rolling your soft hips as you tremble anxiously. You try to remember any previous mention of a man, and that’s when you realize your memories are all completely blank!

“Please stop!” You suddenly beg the woman your mind is telling you is your stepmom, “I can’t remember anything! I don’t even know my name, or- or… I just know you’re my stepmom, and we’re home.”

You take a deep breath in hopes of calming yourself down, praying your thoughts will clear up once you're relaxed. Your jellowy breasts are extremely distracting though, intensely jiggling with every step you take.

Did you always have these?

Would they feel so odd if you did??

They’re really big, but you can’t even remember waking up this morning, so who knows…

You absentmindedly rub the front of your shorts, bouncing boobs slightly arousing you… like usual?

By the time you reach the room your stepmom goes in to, the blank expression on your face is twisted with shy lust. You can smell the musky odor of a man, and you’re helpless to your body’s building reaction. Your legs may even be moving willingly now, your plump lips spread in a gleeful smile as your stepmom walks up to the hunky man sitting on a desk.

“I brought you something really special today, cuz I know how hard you work at that silly hedge fund…” Your stepmom seductively tells the handsome man, reaching up to grab the zipper of your long sweatshirt.

When did you put this thing on??

“I love the jacket to build up the suspense! You’re always putting your special touch into things…” The man chuckles deeply, “And where’s my son? He’s usually home now, and hasn’t said anything about a schedule change…”

“What son?” Your stepmom asks innocently, and you see the man’s face become blank and expressionless.

“What son?” He takes a turn to ask, “Wait, what are we talking about?”

The confusion on his face and the wicked smile on your stepmom’s tells you everything you need to know, this guy’s son does not have a bright future.

You can’t settle on the thought for too long though, a draft tickling the space between your thighs as your stepmom pulls the zipper all the way down.

“Wow…” You hear the man say in awe, his confusion gone as he leans in and breathes deeply.

You can see his pants tent up as your busty figure is revealed, clearly a surprise for the man that only saw you in a formless sweatshirt. Your pent up arousal turns into pure euphoria as you look into the studs eyes, and you let out a guffaw as your pussy moistens with sweet juices.

That’s just an intro though; your legs quiver as your stepmom gently caresses your hips and opens the jacket more, allowing the breeze to tickle your round behind. You beam with pride as the man pulls your sweatshirt open, and you rest on your back heel as he marvels at your immense bust and flat stomach.

You don’t let another second go to waste, letting gravity do its thing and drop you in the muscular man’s lap. You can only smile as his manhood throbs against your ass, and you swoon as he takes hold of your plushness.

Your large breasts are encased in stiff satin, cups that push your bust upward and accentuate their size. When large manly hands grab them, it makes your boobs feel even bigger somehow. Your nipples grow erect and rub into the smooth fabric, eliciting involuntary coos and purrs from your lips as you try to ambiguously smile.

Your stepmom watches intently, a long, manicured nail gently scraping up and down the smoothness of your thigh. You mean to ask her what she’s up to, but your attention is too focused on your chest as your hand involuntarily reaches up to cop a feel.

Your vision glazes over as your moans become the only thing you hear, chest bouncing as a thick rod presses into the underside of your thigh.

You hear your stepmom’s voice move, seductive tone losing volume as she walks to the other side of the man. You don’t really hear her anymore, but slowly feel the man’s attention drain from your chest. He doesn’t stop groping your boobs, but he eases up enough that you can make out the last thing your stepmom says to him through your arousal:

“…and she's perfect for that!

You might not even need me here anymore…” Your stepmom giggles, rubbing her now bare chest as she watches yours get manhandled.

“What? That’s crazy talk- whoa…” The man trails off as he turns around, your stepmom’s perky boobs not able to compare to your own hefty set.

Is she gonna leave you here alone with this guy??

That would actually be kinda… No!!! 

You want to protest, but your words are muffled by lumps of arousal blocking your throat. You can only whimper as your jellowy breasts bounce on your chest, the surreal euphoric sensation making you blush as skin and fat are moved by a skilled pair of hands. It’s only topped off by the handsome man plunging his face into your deep cleavage, his smooth cheeks and rough beard tickle your soft skin as your folds flush with arousal.

“Let me just quickly set you up for your new happy life; without me to bother you, or even a job to stress you out. You’re gonna be your wealthy dad’s horny little sex toy for the rest of your life, without any ability to talk about your past - which, you now remember all of…” Your stepmom trails off with a smirk as your memories suddenly surge back into your brain, “You’re gonna start off as your old self, just lacking the ability to even reference ever being a man. That won’t last long though, cuz your body will obey everything your new husband tells you. O, and don’t worry; he can’t hear me right now…

Even if he doesn’t mean it as a command, you will do as he says. I’ll keep your mind fully intact for my amusement, but you will become whatever character your husband expects of you in his presence.

Going out to dinner? He’ll want a fancy lady, with grace and poise. Family coming over? He’ll need a loving caretaker for the house. And don’t forget if it’s ever dirty, the perfect wife doesn’t hire a maid!

And don’t get me started on the sex parties, this guy loves them! And now that you look like this, he’ll probably wanna hit an orgy every night; wife swapping is a lot of fun when you can trade for 9s and 10s!”

You feel panicked as your future is laid out before you, not a doubt in your mind she doesn’t have the ability or vengeance to actually lay it on you.

“I’m begging you!!

Please, I’ll be nice from now on to-”

“Babe, please don’t talk like that while we’re making love…” Your husband suddenly interjects, and you feel the force of your words halt instantly.

You can only put on a hesitant face as your husband smiles, but your feminine expressions just make you look like you’re shyly holding back arousal. You try pushing off him in a desperate last gasp attempt at freedom, but it just makes him shiver as your hand gently lands on his crotch.

“Let me just get you out of this…” He trails off, unknowingly commanding you to allow him to strip you.

You even help as your stepmom hornily watches, her own hands pawing at your husband as he slips your shoulder strap down your arm. You even help him with the second strap, heart pumping as your stepmom’s hand begins massaging your husband’s erection.

The familiar breeze on your nipples feels nice as your breasts finally spill from the firm cups of your bra, and you bite your bottom lip in anticipation as your husband reaches up to play with your boobies. You remember playing with them earlier, and know you’re ready for the wonderful sensations; or at least you thought so…

“Oh shit…” You involuntarily squeak, leaning in as your husband squeezes your boobs.  

The rough hands, strong grip, or maybe just another person’s grasp- your mind is sent in a dizzying spiral of orgasmic thrill. Your heart leaps from one beat to the next, hips bucking and convulsing as your husband massages your tingling bosom.

Deep down, all you want is to ask for him to stop, but you can’t bring yourself to say a word. Even through the building euphoria, you know this is very wrong! You exert all your willpower to protest or leave, but suddenly you feel-

“So we’re both playing with daddy’s cock?” You hear your stepmom giggle, your manicured fingers touching hers as your husband’s cock throbs.

You have nothing to say, and your stepmom knows not to wait for a reply. She silently swoops down on her heels, bending her knees all the way as she unzips your husband’s pants.    

Your heart stops.

You hadn’t even thought about his cock yet…

Extended ending!