Spring 2024 Season
To our new members, welcome! And to our returning members, welcome back! We hope this winter break has been filled with wonderful memories for you and your families. The Board asks you to take a few moments to review the information provided below and acknowledge this by signing the bottom and returning to the board.
Tuesday night is an extremely busy night here at the Cranford United Methodist Church. The Celebration Singers are one of many groups using this facility which makes parking a little challenging some evenings. Please factor this into your time and be careful in the parking lot.
Announcements, Monday Reminders, Rehearsal Etiquette
In an effort to make the best use of your time as well as the time of our director, Louise Chernosky, the Board will attempt to keep announcements to a minimum. With this being said, please read your Monday Reminders! This will allow the Board to use your time more efficiently when conducting the business of the choir. For our new members, Monday Reminders are sent out Monday evenings by our Secretary, Cindy Higgins. You will find dates, times, dues information as well as other information that is pertinent to the choir’s success as a group.
Please also refer to the celebration singers website http://www.celebration-singers.org/ for information and the google calendar of upcoming practices and activities. There is a special section specifically for members as well as a portal for tickets to upcoming performances.
If you have any announcements or outside music events to share, please send them to celebrationsingersnewjersey@gmail.com with the details by Thursday 6pm. The information will then be shared with the choir via a weekly “Good of the Order” email Thursday evening.
Attendance Policy
As an ensemble, it is important to have each voice here! We do realize that there may be times when you cannot make rehearsal. As a reminder, our attendance policy* is as follows:
During each season, you are allowed 2 absences. With the 3rd absence, you may be asked to be heard by the director to see how well you know the music. If the director feels there is no issue, you will be allowed to continue. If not, you will be asked to sit out the season. With a 4th absence you may not be allowed to perform in the concert.*
Arriving late and leaving early also figure into the attendance policy. Rehearsals are scheduled for 8 - 10pm. 4 late arrivals/early departures equals 1 absence. Missing up to a half hour at either end of the rehearsal results in ¼ absence, missing more than a half hour results in a ½ absence.
CONCERT DATES ARE SET! June 7th(8PM) and 8th (3 PM), 2024 at Westfield Presbyterian Church in Westfield
Dress Rehearsals: June 4th and 6th, 2024 at Westfield Presbyterian Church.
You must be present at both dress rehearsals and both performances of the concert season in order to sing in the concert.*
*Reminder: If you have any attendance conflicts, you must inform Devin, VP of Membership via email celebrationsingersnewjersey@gmail.com . Our director is here to lead us in music; the board is here for you for all other matters!
By signing this, I acknowledge I have read the information pertaining to Parking, Announcements/Monday Reminders and Attendance Policy as related to the success of the Celebration Singers.
Print Name Signature Date
Photo Release
I hereby grant permission to Celebration Singers to use photographs and/or video of me taken throughout the season in publications, news releases, online & social media platforms, and in other communications related to the mission of Celebration Singers.
Print Name Signature Date