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Modified Quarantine USD 211
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USD 211 Modified Quarantine Requirements

October 16, 2020

This guide specifically addresses requirements around maintaining continuity of learning in the situation where  all students and staff in a classroom are exposed to COVID-19; namely the modified quarantine requirements  for non-household close contacts of a case. Specifically when student(s) or staff are nearing the end of their quarantine period such as day 10 of 14 day quarantine and are asymptomatic. What this modified quarantine allows is the ability for all students and staff in the exposed classroom to continue physically attending school during their quarantine period. Extracurricular activities are important to the physical and mental health of our students. The modified quarantine guidelines would allow student(s) and staff to participate in those activities. This may be subject to change at any time to protect the health of our school and community.


COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which spreads primarily through  droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from  the nose. Studies show that asymptomatic people and people in the pre-symptomatic phase (2-3 days before  symptoms begin) can also be a source of infection.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever and lower respiratory symptoms including coughing,  shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. However, there are many other symptoms that may be associated  with COVID-19 including chills, fatigue, muscle aches or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore  throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. The elderly and people with underlying  medical problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, or chronic respiratory conditions,  are at a greater risk of serious illness from COVID-19.

Schools are an important part of the infrastructure of communities, as they provide safe, supportive learning  environments for students, employ teachers and other staff, and enable parents, guardians, and caregivers to  work. The unique and critical role that schools play makes them a priority for opening and remaining open,  enabling students to receive both academic instruction and support as well as critical services.

Current Isolation and Quarantine Requirements:

A Person Under Investigation (PUI) is suspected of having COVID-19 disease. A person who is being tested for  COVID-19 is required to be in isolation until test results are received. Possible outcomes of the test result  include:  

1) If the test result is positive, then the person becomes a case or  

2) If the test result is negative and the person has a known exposure, then the person must finish their 14- day quarantine, or  

3) If the test result is negative and there was no known exposure, then the person is released from  isolation.

Symptomatic cases are released from isolation 10 days after symptom onset OR 72 hours fever free without the  use of medication and significant improvement in symptoms, whichever is longer. Meaning, symptomatic cases  are in isolation for a minimum of 10 days. Asymptomatic cases are released from isolation 10 days after their  positive sample was collected, as long as they remain asymptomatic. If they become symptomatic during the 10  days, then they would begin a new isolation period using the criteria for symptomatic cases.

Close contacts of a confirmed case are in quarantine for 14 days after their last contact with a case while the  case was infectious. A symptomatic case is considered infectious starting two days before the onset of their first  symptom until they are released from isolation. An asymptomatic case is considered infectious starting two  days before the date their positive sample was collected until they are released from isolation.

Defining A Close Contact:

A close contact is someone who has been within 6 feet of a case for 10 minutes or more or had direct contact  with bodily secretions (for example, being coughed or sneezed on). Any students or staff that maintained a 6- foot distance from the positive case would not be considered close contacts and would therefore not be subject  to the 14-day quarantine period.

If the positive case, or close contacts, or both, always wore cloth facemasks this reduces the risk of developing  COVID-19 disease. However, the use of cloth facemasks does not eliminate the risk completely; therefore, close  contacts would still be subject to a 14-day quarantine. Any close contacts that wore appropriate PPE such as the following:  medical-grade masks 1) either a fit-tested N95 mask, or a KN95 mask, or a surgical/procedural mask and  2) with protective eyewear such as safety glasses or a face shield, would not be considered close contacts.

The time for close contact tracing includes any day(s) the positive student or staff attended school and the  preceding 2 days prior to symptom onset (symptomatic cases) or the preceding 2 days prior to sample  collection (asymptomatic cases).

Modified Quarantine Requirements:

These modified quarantine requirements are contingent on the close contacts of a case remaining  asymptomatic. Students and staff who have had an exposure but remain asymptomatic may return to school on day 10 should adhere to the following practices prior to and during the school day:

Transportation: Students and staff on modified quarantine may commute to school with others but are  required to wear a medical-grade mask.

Arrival and dismissal times: Students and staff on modified quarantine may arrive at and leave school  among the other students and staff but are required to wear a medical-grade mask.  

Pre-screen: Modified quarantined students and staff will continue to have temperature checks with the general school population and to monitor for COVID like symptoms at home.

Medical check-in: Modified quarantined students and staff may be checked on periodically by school    medical staff.  If the quarantined student or staff becomes ill  during the day, they should be sent home immediately. Surfaces in their workspace should be cleaned and disinfected. Anyone who  develops COVID-19 like symptoms during the quarantine period should notify the school nurse  or school administration who will work with the parents and  local health department to arrange for testing.

Wear a mask: Modified quarantined students and staff should always wear a medical-grade mask while in the school, unless a medical note is provided.

Physical separation: Modified quarantined students that are released to return to school on day 10,  will continue to have the quarantined students and staff in the general school population.

Bathrooms: Modified quarantined students and staff may be directed to a designated bathroom.  As this is often not feasible, school staff will be increasing cleaning times and all students and staff are  encouraged to continue good hand washing and appropriate hygiene.  

School activities: Modified quarantined students and staff may participate in activities but will be required to wear a medical-grade mask. They will not be required to wear a mask during vigorous physical activity. Quarantined students and staff may participate in any activities that involve interaction with non-quarantined students and staff. This includes before and after school care and all school-related activities. School personnel will notify the opposing team’s school that the team is on a modified quarantine on the scheduled date to play.

Non-school related activities: Modified quarantined students and staff will need to continue the quarantine guidelines set by the county health department for non-school related activities.