Sea turtles

  1. How long have sea turtles been around?


  1. What are some of the dangers when the eggs hack?

Answer: less babys hack then what actually had been placede to hack


  1. What are some predators that hunt them on land?

Answer: sharks, fish and killer whale


  1. How about the ocean?

Answer: the ocean is danger to the turtles because some people put toxic oils and nets in.

5. How do human activities affect sea turtles?

Answer: if they breath in toxic oil they can die and plastic is bad for the pollution.

6. Do human activities have an impact on any other animals?

Answer: not that we know of.

7.which ones and why?

Answer: we still don’t know just yet

8. Do you know any endangered animals

Answer: kiwis , sea creatures and other animals that we canot name??