Cabin Log


6/1        Bulldozed road - Ed Malm - $75

7/1        Poured foundation for log cabin - Cliff Malm - $376

7/1        Hauled cabin logs from Sanders road - Ed Malm - $84

9/1        Carpenters finished log cabin


10/1        Built log cabin fireplace - Olaf Solo - $162


11/1        Installed buried electric cable


2/1        State electrical inspector OKed electric line


10/1        Installed outdoor flood lights

10/1        Installed electric lights inside log cabin


6/1        Bought Aluminum canoe

6/1        Poured foundation for hill house

6/1-6/22        Built hill house

6/22        Built rock wall behind hill house - Al Entwistle

10/30        Big Mantrap lake improvement association incorporated


7/4        Poured boat house foundation

9/14-9/18        Built boat house


8/2        Brought in-board boat to the lake

8/12        Poured concrete floor for the boat house


6/21        Installed Moore - Vlcek telephone line


8/16        Put up paneling hill house


9/9        Bill & Sue drive the jeep to the cabin

10/17        Concrete poured for hill house addition

10/17        Carpet laid in hill house


5/16        Mom and dad retired and moved to the lake

7/1-7/16        Hill house addition built


6/29        Rewired the hill house

7/1-7/3        Ran water line from hill house to log cabin

11/1        Plowed in phone line


5/14        Re-shingled log cabin


2/1        Installed Rockcrete septic tank for hill house

8/29        Built fireplace in hill house - Herm Heitman


8/2        Pulled submersible pump - water is 33'10" below grade

8/2        New pump - $158

12/25        Mom & dad spend first Christmas at the cabin


8/8        Re-shingled hill house - Packers - $325 for shingles

10/9        Installed two new windows


7/18        Installed new water in hill house - $250

10/1        Sold aluminum canoe to Jerry Ratigan - $200


8/        Installed new deck on hill house - $521

8/        Replaced pump in hill house - Rommel Plumbing - $236

12/3        Dad died (73)


7/15        Built new gas storage shed - Bill & Uncle Al


8/1        Built new dock - Bill & Jim - $70


7/8        Re-shingled log cabin

8/4        Painted log cabin - Packers


5/26        Bought chain saw - Bill's Farm & Garden - $220

8/1        Built addition to log cabin - bathroom & new bedroom


9/1        Installed French drain around hill house


6/1        Installed new gutter drain pipe in log cabin - Jim

7/1        Repaired concrete step in front of log cabin - Rob


7/1        Replaced pump hole cover in garage - Jim & Rob


5/19        Fran, Bill and June arrive

5/20        Bill and June leave

5/26        Bill, June and Chris arrive

5/29        June leaves

5/30        rebuild fish cleaning table

6/1        June arrives

6/4        Bill, June and Chris leave

6/23        Bill and June arrive

6/23        lake association meeting

6/24        Bill and June leave

6/27        bear in yard

6/30        Jim and Kay arrive

⅞        Jim and Kay leave

⅞        Chicago Jim and his girls arrive

7/14        Chicago Jim and girls leave

7/14        Bill and June arrive

7/16        Bill and June leave

7/16-7/20        Pickett works on road - $4,560 

7/23        Elsie died

7/23        Bill and June arrive

7/24        Fran, Bill and June leave for Arkansas

7/28        Fran, Bill and June return

7/29        Bill and June leave

8/4        Bill, June and Dorothy arrive

8/9        new stove for log cabin (Harvala) - $745

8/11        painted west side of log cabin

8/12        Bill, June and Dorothy leave

8/17        Bill arrives

8/18        lake association meeting

8/19        Bill leaves

8/29        Rob and Terri arrive

9/3        Rob and Terri leave

9/10        Bill and June arrive

9/17        Bill and June leave

9/21        Bill and June arrive

9/23        Bill and June leave

9/23        Chuck, Ruth, Janet, Calan and boys arrive

9/28        Chuck, Ruth, Janet, Calan and boys leave

10/6        Bill and June arrive

10/7        Bill and June leave

10/13        Bill arrives

10/14        Bill leaves

10/19        Bill arrives

10/21        Fran and Bill leave


5/18        Fran and Bill arrive

5/23        Fran leaves for Charles and Amanda’s wedding

5/25        Chris arrives

5/26        Fran arrives from wedding

5/30        June arrives

6/2        June leaves

6/3        Bill & Chris leave

6/21        Bill Arrives

6/23        Bill leaves

7/3        Bill, June & Dorothy arriveBill, June & Dorothy leave

7/27        Bill arrives

7/28        Bill leaves

8/9        Bill arrives

8/11        Bill leaves

8/23        Bill & June arrive

9/1        Bill & June leave

9/3        Severson grades road

9/8        Ruth & Chuck arrive

9/14        Bill arrives

9/15        Bill, Chuck & Ruth leave

9/28        Bill & June arrive

9/29        Bill & June leave

10/6        Snow

10/12        Log cabin closed

10/20        Fran leaves


5/24        Bill, June & Fran arrive

5/26        Chris arrives

6/2        Bill, June & Chris leave

6/14        Bill & June arrive

6/15        Bill & June leave

6/22        Rankins arrive

6/27        Rankins leave

6/27        Bill arrives

6/29        Jim arrives

6/30        Bill leaves

7/6        Jim leaves

7/17        Rob & Terri arrive

7/25        Rob & Terri leave

7/25        Bill & June arrive

7/28        Bill & June leave

8/16        Dorothy & Mary Anne arrive

8/19        Bill & June arrive

8/21        Dorothy & Mary Anne leave

8/23        Bill & June leave

9/16        last Hummingbird seen

9/16        Bill arrives

9/20        Bill leaves

9/26        Bill arrives

9/27        Bill & Fran leave


5/26        Fran arrives for the summer

6/11        Arden Severson grades the road

6/19        Lake association meeting

6/21        Bill & Chris arrive

6/21        New bunk bed mattresses

6/22        Shelves that slide in Hill House - $190

7/1        Chris leaves

7/1        Beth & Dustin arrive

7/4        Bill leaves

7/6        Beth & Dustin leave

7/16        Bill arrives

7/18        Bill leaves

7/21        Rob, Terri  & the boys arrive

7/30        Jim arrives

7/30        Rob, Terri & the boys leave

8/6        Bill arrives

8/8        Jim leaves

8/16        Severson grades road

8/20        Bill & Dorothy arrive

8/29        Bill & Dorothy leave

9/8        Severson grades road

9/10        Bill arrives

9/17        Last hummingbird seen

9/17        Severson grades road

9/24        Bill arrives

9/26        Bill leaves

10/11        Bill arrives

10/12        Close cabin

10/12        Bill & Fran leave

11/27        Mom died (88)


5/27        Bill arrives at the cabin for the summer

6/7        Bought new bed and mattress for the hill cabin from Bemidji

6/8        Paid Arden Severson $160 for road grading

6/18        Lake association meeting

6/19        Finished installing new flooring in hill cabin bedroom

6/20        New bed, mattress and side tables delivered for hill cabin bedroom

6/29        New water softener installed in hill cabin

7/1-10/22        Painted lower half of hill cabin

7/22        Chris leaves

7/26        Ordered shingles for the boat house from Nevis Lumber

7/29        Boat house shingles arrive

8/5        Rob, Terri & the boys arrive

8/6-8/12        New shingles installed on boat house

8/7        Bill leaves for Plymouth

8/13        Rob, Terri & the boys leave

8/13        Bill & Dorothy arrive

8/21        Dorothy leaves

9/7        Last hummingbird seen

9/21        Rob & John Gunther Arrive

9/25        Rob & John leave

9/28        Arvig plows in new phone line for 1 st half of road

10/28        Cabin closed and Bill Leaves


5/4        Bill arrives at the cabin for the summer

5/4        New TV

5/4        New bookcases in hill cabin

5/15        Dock in the water

5/31        Chris arrives

6/5-9/20        Paint upper portion of hill cabin

6/6        Bought new 9.9 Mercury motor from Johnson on the Water - Dorset ($2,290)

6/9        Burned brush

6/17-6/19        Installed new support posts in the boat house

6/21        Chicago Jim and the girls arrive

7/24        Cleaned out log cabin septic tank

7/27        Bill wins bass patch: 135.1 to 122.7

7/28        Chris leaves

7/29        Dorothy arrives

8/6        Dorothy leaves

8/7        Rob, Terri, and the boys arrive

8/18        Rob, Terri and the boys leave

9/1        Jim arrives

9/9        Chuck and Ruth arrive

9/10        Jim leaves

9/14        Chuck and Ruth leave

9/18        Burned brush

10/20        Dock out of the water

10/23        Closed up cabin - Bill leaves


4/25        Bill arrives at the cabin for the summer

4/27        DirecTV installs R15 receiver (DVR)

5/3        Dock in the water

5/5        Closed estate checking account

5/5        Ordered new deck chairs for the porch from Home Depot ($330)

5/8        First hummingbird sighted

5/9        Raking done

5/15        Property taxes paid

5/25        Chris arrives

5/25        Ordered new Fridgidaire from Harvala’s ($744)

5/26        Picked up new deck chairs from Home Depot

5/31        Bought dehumidifier from the Fleet store ($150)

6/2        Burned brush

6/3        Paid Arden Severson for road grading ($160)

6/7        Ordered new mattress for log cabin - Chris paid ($476)

6/15        New mattress arrived

6/25        Bill goes back to Plymouth for doctor’s appointment

6/26        Bill returns to the cabin

6/26        Arden grades road

6/27        Bought new battery for boat from Walmart ($75)

6/30-8/10        Tore down old outhouse and rebuilt it ($300)

7/6        New refrigerator arrives

7/9        Disposed of old cabin refrigerator

7/19        Had 6HP Johnson motor repaired in Dorset ($84)

7/20        Bill wins bass patch: 184.9 to 142.1

7/21        Dorothy arrives

7/22        Burn brush

7/23        Chris leaves

7/29        Dorothy leaves

7/29        Rob, Terri, Andrew and Brandon arrive

7/30-8/9        Put rock face of boat house wall

7/31        Arden graded road

8/10        Rob Terri, Andrew and Brandon leave

8/31        Jim and Angel arrive

9/9        Jim and Angel leave

9/9        Chuck and Ruth arrive

9/14        Arden graded road

9/15        Janet, Calan and the boys arrive

9/17        Chuck and Ruth leave

10/6        Chicago Jim and the girls arrive

10/8        Chicago Jim and the girls leave

10/21        Dock out of the water

10/24        Closed up hill cabin - Bill leaves


4/25        Bill arrives at the cabin for the summer - well frozen

4/25        New kitchen cart

4/26        12” of snow - well OK now

5/8        New sofa for the hill cabin from Family Furniture ($850)

5/14        Lake association meeting

5/16        Chris arrives

5/19        Removed old gas storage shed

5/22-8/25        Build new shed ($3,000)

5/24        Paid Arden Severson for road grading ($175)

5/24        Arden graded road

5/25        Replaced cover over hill cabin pump

6/3        Burned brush

6/27        Burned brush

7/10        Arden graded road

7/23        Chris wins batch patch: 158.0 to 149.1

7/24        Chris leaves

7/29        Arden graded road

7/31        Bill goes back to Plymouth

8/1        Bill comes back to the cabin

8/10        Arden graded road

8/12        Rob, Terri, Andrew and Brandon arrive

8/17        Rob, Terri, Andrew and Brandon leave

8/17        Bill cuts his finger on the table saw

8/29        Jim and Angel arrive

8/31        Arden graded road

9/5        Dorothy arrives

9/7        Jim and Angel leave

9/11        Burn brush

9/14        Dorothy leaves

10/14        Log cabin closed

10/17        Dock out of the water

10/29        Hill cabin closed - Bill leaves


4/25        Bill arrives at the cabin for the summer - all is well

5/18        Paid Arden Severson for road grading ($175)

5/18        Arden graded the road

5/24        Chris arrives

6/2        Broke the chain saw. Repaired at Ace for $120.

7/9        Burned brush

7/10        Burned more brush

7/10        Arden graded road

7/13        Installed yard light on pine stump in front of hill house.

7/16        Chris leaves

7/16-8/13        Built new kitchen cabinets  for the hill house.

7/27        Arden grades the road.

7/28        Bought new microwave for hill house - Home Depot - $294.

7/31        Rob, Terri & Brandon arrive.

8/2        Chicago Jim, Aubrey & Taylor arrive.

8/4        Bill leaves to go back to Plymouth.

8/5        Bill returns to the cabin.

8/6        Jim and the girls leave.

8/8        Rob, Terri & Brandon leave.

8/26        Chris arrives again.

8/28        Ran electricity out to the shed.

9/2        Arden grades the road.

9/3        Chris leaves again.

9/4-9/26        Built bench.

9/5        Dorothy & Jennifer arrive.

9/11        Bought router at Acme Tools - $220.

9/12        Dorothy & Jennifer leave.

9/13        Chuck & Ruth arrive.

9/18        Chuck & Ruth leave.

10/27        Hill House closed - Bill leaves.


4/22        Bill arrives at the cabin for the summer - all is well

4/23        Arvig installs DSL

4/23        fixed copper pipe behind shower

4/25        Arden grades road

5/15        Sprayed waterproofing on dock

5/18        Chris arrives

5/19        Bought new trolling motor at Gander Mountain - $110

5/24        Bought new recliner at Family Furniture - $550

5/27        Arden grades road

5/27        Paid Arden for grading road - $170

6/7        Linda (Chris’ friend) arrives

6/13        Linda leaves

7/5        Got building permit for shed - $25

5/14–7/12        Built a bookcase for the hill house - $330

7/13        Got building permit for deck extension - $40

7/15        Bought DeWalt Miter saw at Fleet - $300

7/15–8/7        Built deck extension - $830

7/19        Arden grades road

7/30        Rob, Terri, Andrew & Brandon arrive

8/1        Chris leaves

8/4        Jim, Aubrey & Taylor arrive

8/6        Arden grades road

8/8        Rob, Terri, Andrew & Brandon leave

8/9        Jim, Aubrey & Taylor leave

8/14        Dorothy arrives

8/21        Dorothy leaves

8/25        Jim & Angel arrive

9/4        Jim & Angel leave

9/26        New gutter installed on hill house by D&S Seamless siding - $550

10/7        Cabin closed up

10/19        Hill house closed up – Bill leaves


4/21        Bill arrives at the cabin for the summer - all is well

5/11        1 st hummingbird

5/14        Chris arrives

5/26        Replaced boards on back of boat house

5/28–6/23        Remodeled hill house kitchen:

                o replaced wall oven and cooktop with smooth top range

                o new cabinets

5/30        Clean moss off hill house roof

6/11        Beauty dies (Ruth’s cat)

6/15        new range for hill house – Home depot: $1,463

6/20        Painted south side of boat house

6/20–9/27        Painted deck

7/3–7/8        Stained south side of log cabin

7/11        New shelves in storage room

7/12–8/4        Built porch swing

7/16        Arden graded road

7/20        Took 4-stroke to Dorset for repair – water in the gas -$92

7/21        Chris leaves

7/22        Rob, Terri, Brandon & Ashley arrive

8/3        Andrew flies in to Bemidji

8/7        Rob, Terri & kids leave

8/8        (Chicago) Jim & girls arrive

8/11        Dug up and cleaned out clog in lower septic tank

8/12        Jim & girls leave

8/15–9/4        Built miter saw cart

8/16        Stain deck (Benjamin Moore – semi-transparent – Oxford brown)

9/3        Dorothy arrives

9/8        Installed electrical outlet on deck

10/5–10/13        Refinished boat seats

9/10        Dorothy leaves

9/16        Planted creeping phlox on south side of log cabin – Heubner’s - $100

9/24        Built shelf for old clock from Grandma Allen

10/10        Bought side table for hill house - $55

10/17        Closed up log cabin

10/24        Hill house closed up – Bill leaves


4/19        Bill arrives at the cabin for the summer - all is well

4/22        New toaster for hill house - $50

5/1- 6/16        Remodel hill house bathroom

5/2        Remove wallpaper from hill house bathroom

5/4        Paint hill house bathroom

5/9        Sprayed water sealer on dock boards

5/9        Put dock out

5/10        First hummingbirds

5/10        DNR put walleyes in the pot hole

5/13        Installed new faucet on utility room sink

5/17        Removed linoleum from hill house hallway

5/18        Chris arrives

5/19        Installed new bathroom fan - Menards - $100

5/20        Installed new bathroom light – Menards - $80

5/21        Planted more creeping phlox on south side of log cabin

5/24        Patched and painted the bathroom ceiling

5/24        Installed new flooring on the hill house hallway

5/28        Replaced rotted boards on the bathroom floor around toilet

5/28        Installed new flooring in bathroom

5/28        Installed new bathroom vanity and top

5/28        New toilet from Menards ($210) does not fit

6/6        Installed whole house water filter in hill house (R50-BBSA) - $100

6/7        Re-plumbed hill house toilet – removed mixing valve

6/8        Cleaned mercury carburetor

6/16        Reinstalled original 2.5 gallon toilet – returned new toilet to Menard’s

6/22-6/23        Installed new floor in hill house kitchen

6/24        Sprayed Wet & Forget on log cabin roof

6/25        Stained north side of log cabin

6/25        Sprayed bleach on hill house roof

6/25        Planted grass seed behind log cabin

7/9–9/10        Build sofa table for hill house

7/28        Chris leaves

8/5        Rob, Terri & the kids arrive

8/12        Rob, Terri & the kids leave

8/25        I fly to Atlanta for Aunt Eleanor’s 100 th birthday

9/4        Hummingbirds are gone

9/9        Dorothy arrives

9/14        Removed bookcase from log cabin bedroom

9/16        Dorothy leaves

10/13        Brought in dock

10/18        Closed up log cabin

10/25        Bill leaves


5/1        Bought Porter-Cable drill press from Lowes - $252

5/7        Bill arrives at the cabin for the summer – parks at widow’s point and walks in

5/10        Drive to cabin – snow mostly gone

5/11        Ice-out

5/17        Bought Dust Deputy from Amazon - $100

5/19        First hummingbird

5/22        Chris arrives

5/24        Bat in cabin – Chris got rabis shots

5/29        Tore out old work bench in garage

5/31–7/1        Built new work bench in garage - ~$1000

6/7        Buried Ethernet cable to the log cabin - $50

6/12        Got Puller Bear - $125

6/14        Got new lawn mower from Home Depot - $300

6/15        Planted creeping phlox in triangle by boat house

7/3        Stained deck

7/4–7/9        Replaced shelves around new workbench - ~$100

7/12–7/19        Stained west side of log cabin

7/15–7/19        Built vacuum cart for Dust Deputy

7/26–8/27        Built woodworkers bench - ~$150

7/25        Bought chim-a-lator from Volko Supply Co - $202

7/30        Cleaned log cabin chimney and installed chim-a-lator

8/7        Chris leaves

8/17        Dorothy arrives

8/24        Dorothy leaves

8/25        Rob, Terri & Brandon arrive

8/29        Andrew arrives

9/2        Rob, Terri, Andrew & Brandon leave

9/2–9/21        Made table saw out-feed extension

9/27        Installed a heater in the hill house bathroom

9/29        Winterized log cabin

1024        Closed up and left

12/13        Jim died (70)


4/26        Bill arrives at the cabin – all is well

5/7        Bought electric service panel and breakers from Home Depot - $250

5/7        Found first tick

5/11        Saw first hummingbird

5/12        Bought 46” Samsung TV for hill house from Amazon - $510

5/23-5/27        Built router fence

5/28        Water softener fills with water – disassembled, cleaned and reassembled

6/3        Chris arrives

6/5        Bought Keurig Coffee Maker from Amazon - $112

6/6        Rebuilt car port

6/12        New HD DirecTV dish and receiver installed - $100

6/19-6/29        Installed new electric panel in hill house

6/23        Paid Arden Severson for road maintenance - $225

6/24        New fluorescent lights in garage

6/24        Echo Water fixed water softener – missing O-ring - $66

6/25        Planted ferns on east side of log cabin bedroom

6/26        Davis Electric hooked up new service panel in garage - $293

6/27        Ehresmann Plumbing got well working: 120v -> 240v - $153

6/29        Windstorm blew down car post

7/2        Carport back up with better tarp clips

7/8-7/19        Built new steps from hill house to boat house

8/1        Bought Rigid sander from Home Depot - $200

8/2        Chris leaves

8/2        Rob, Terri, Andrew, Brandon & Kait (gf) arrive

8/2        Rob brought a new trolling motor (Prowler)

8/5-8/14        Built new rolling shop cart for planer

8/6        Rob bought and installed a ceiling fan in log cabin                      

8/9        Rob, Terri & kids leave

8/14        Bought Dewalt planer from Amazon - $550

8/18- ?        Started building band saw

8/23        Dorothy arrives

8/31        Dorothy leaves

9/4        Fire in Dorset destroys Dorset House & Companeros

9/9        Hummingbirds are gone

10/8        Winterized log cabin

10/8        Replaced pad on random orbit sander

10/14        Brought in the dock and boat

10/18        Closed up the hill house and left


4/3        Built new boat seat

4/14        Ruth died

4/27        Arrived at cabin – no water

4/28        Louie Ehresmann replaced split poly pipe in well pit - $150

5/2        Old pressure broken, bought new one from Amazon - $154

5/7        1st tick

5/8        Pressure washed dock boards

5/12        Bought Amazon echo - $100

5/15        1st hummingbird

5/17-5/26        Removed paneling from hill house

5/21        Sprayed water repellant on deck boards

5/21        Arden Severson grades road - $225

5/22        Dock is in the water

5/26        Ordered new carpet and blinds for hill house

5/30        Order 18 sheets of ¼” dry wall from Home Depot for hill house - $150

5/30        Order 4x6’s and rebar 600from Home Depot for replacement steps - $180

6/4        New drywall installed in hill house by Doc’s - $

6/5-6/10        Re-installed molding around windows and doors in hill house

6/19        New carpet installed in hill house - $1,533

6/19        New blinds installed in hill house - $1,759

6/28        Tom Barta’s 80th birthday party

7/5        Chris arrives (he bought a townhouse in Venice FL)

7/10-7/24        Re-built steps from hill cabin to log cabin

7/23-7/24        Kelly installed new floor in log cabin - $3,765

7/29        Replaced Screen in log cabin door

7/31        Chris leaves

7/31        Rob, Terri, Andrew, Brandon and Kait arrive

8/1        Rob takes 3 old mattresses to the dump and buys a new queen

8/1        Fischer’s 4th annual lake party

8/3        Rob and boys cut down big pine next to log cabin

8/4        Changed in-line fuel filter on Mercury outboard motor

8/6        Re-built router table

8/9        Rob and Terry et al leave

8/13        Replaced ceiling light in log cabin - $32

8/18        Bought new lighted mirror for hill house bathroom - $100

8/22        Dorothy arrives

8/28        Dorothy leaves

9/4        Replaced fuel pump on mercury outboard motor - $157

9/5        Jim and the girls and their boyfriends arrive

9/8        Jim and the girls leave

9/13-10/3        Re-built one of the log cabin bunk beds

10/10        Closed up the log cabin

10/12        Car port blew down

10/24        Closed up the hill house and left


4/23        Arrived at cabin - everything OK

4/29        Put dock & boat in the water

5/5        Companeros re-opens in Dorset

5/9        Installed new timer for outside lights

5/10        5 yds of black dirt delivered from Pickett - $85

5/10        Dump truck broke through top of septic tank cover

5/12        Bought new printer from Amazon - Epson XP 330 - $55

5/13        New septic cover installed by Backhoe Pete (Dave Hacker) - $185

5/16        Arden Severson graded road - $225 for season

5/16        Planted hostas in front of garage

5/17        Septic tank pump out by Kountry Kare (Ken Gabriel) - $280

5/17        Dock and boat in the water

5/21        Bought wench from Fleet - $75

5/21        Replaced plastic tube for Yankee bird feeder

5/29-7/6        Built 2nd bunk bed for log cabin

6/3        Bought new Mercury 20 HP outboard from Johnson on the Water in Dorset - $1,500 plus trade-in

6/24        Dorothy arrives

6/25-7/14        Created fish mosaic in triangle of death by boat house

7/1        Dorothy leaves

7/21        Bad wind storm - BIG BLOWDOWN

7/21-11/2        Cleared trees form around houses

7/23        Bill Vlcek brought me his new Stihl MS271 - I bought him a new one from Ace - $416

7/24-7/28        Cleared trees from road

7/24        Geoff arrives to help clear trees from the road

7/25        Geoff leaves

7/28        Justin Fischer used bobcat to finish clearing road and get trees off hill house - $1,400

7/29        Rob & Terri arrive

7/30        Andrew arrives

8/4        Andrew's girlfriend Crystal arrives

8/7        Chris arrives

8/8        Rob, Terri, Andrew & Crystal leave

8/26        Backhoe Pete takes away 3 dump truck loads of stumps away - $1,610

9/4        Chris leaves

9/6        New slab poured for Hill House stair landing

9/8        New stairs for hill house by Larry May - $1,070

9/13        Hummingbirds leave

9/21        Beth & Rick arrive

9/22        Dick & Adair (friends of Beth) arrive

9/23-9/24        Landscape Accents plants grass seeds on hill in front of hill house $2,344

9/25        Beth, Rick, Dick & Adair leave

10/2        Geoff arrives again to help

10/2        Finish clearing trees off the path

10/2        Put guy-wire on tamarack by boat house

10/3        Brought dock and boat into boat house

10/4        Geoff leaves

10/10        Log cabin closed

10/19-10/21        New roof on hill house - $3,300

10/20        DirecTV repositions dish to south side of roof

11/1-11/17        Dukek logging start clearing blowdown in the woods

11/2        While clearing trees south of the hill house the power line was severed

11/3        Using the generator I closed up the hill house and left


11/2016        Early wet snowfall brought down many trees across the road

4/7        John Graham cleared trees from road - $1052

5/2        I arrive at the lake – staying at The Pines until I have power

5/3        New power line installed byItasca Mantrap - $16,680 + $564

5/8        Davis Electric finished power connection - $687

5/8        I move to the HILL HOUSE

5/14        Trish and I built new mailbox stand - ~$150

5/10-6/10        Planted 100 trees – BMLA $96

5/18-10/10        Filled in lakeshore in front of boathouse to stop erosion

5/24        Dragged old wooden dock up behind hill house

5/24-5/30        Chris Farden cleared some of the logging debris north of cabins - $1,937

5/29        Hummingbirds are here

6/1        Log cabin open

6/2        Replaced light above hill house table – Lamps Plus - $317

6/4        Put boat in water (I put the motor on first and then slid the boat in)

6/14        Transplanted balsam south of hill house

6/16        New Pier Pleasure dock from Timber Creek - $4,559

6/24        Dorothy arrives

6/25-6/30        Built microwave cart/garbage bin for log cabin

7/1        Dorothy leaves

7/9        Attended Aubrey’s beach wedding in St Joseph MI

7/10        Baxter’s arrive: Janet, Calan, Kyler, Matt, Alyssa, Chuck + 2 dogs

7/11        The Baxter’s replaced the light shade and bulb on the outside light north of the cabin

7/14        Baxter’s et al leave

7/16        Bought bird bath for deck from Amazon - $50

7/18-7/23        Painted deck railing

7/28        Rob, Terri, Andrew, Brandon, Kaitlin + 2 dogs arrive

8/3        Rob & the boys moved the old dock to the pothole

8/4        Chris arrives

8/5        Rob and Terri and crew leave

8/6-8/30        Built new carport - $300

8/16        Replace bathroom light above mirror in log cabin

8/18        Replaced outside light by log cabin door

8/21        Solar eclipse clouded out

8/29        Year end looner meeting at Laskey’s

8/25        New water softener – Eco Water $1,495

9/4-9/8        Moved outside light by carport to head of stairs

9/13        Chris leaves (he had no damage from hurricane Irma)

9/17        Hummingbirds are gone

9/20        Wind storm blew the top of a white pine onto the car port

9/20-9/28        Repaired car port

9/27        Closed up log cabin

10/7        Planted three lilacs by hill cabin

10/13        Brought in boat and dock

10/22           hill house and left


5/1        Arrived at cabin - everything OK

5/3        Dock out

5/10        Boat out

5/14        Put new tarp on the carport

5/14        Planted seedlings - 10 red pine & 10 white pine

5/21-5/26        Primed and painted hill house stairs

5/23        Dave Barrett cleaned up logging mess north of cabin

5/23-6/21        Rebuilt rear boat seat

6/14        John Graham repaired the gate

6/??        Chuck died

6/25-6/30        Trip to Denver: Chuck’s funeral and Brandon & Kaitlin’s wedding

7/2-8/5        Repaired hanging bench swing

7/7        Dorothy arrived

7/27        Dorothy left

8/4        Fischer’s 7th annual lake party

8/8        Stained the deck (I ran out stain)

8/15        Chris arrived

8/16        Installed NEMA 14-50 outlet in garage

8/23-9/5        Made Dorothy’s glider

8/24        Installed new kitchen faucet in log cabin - Home Depot - $33

9/7        Installed new front door on hill house - Menard’s - $708

9/11        Installed new screen door on hill house - Home Depot - $217

9/12        Hummingbirds have gone

9/12        Chris left

9/20        New Tesla Model 3 in carport

9/22        Finished staining deck

10/3        Closed up log cabin

10/7        Brought in boat and dock

10/21        Closed the hill house and left


5/1        Arrived at cabin - everything OK

5/1        Carport survived winter nicely

5/4        Dock in

5/4        Boat in

5/10        Planted 10 white pine seedlings

5/10-5/31        Opened path to widow’s point

5/12        First hummingbird

5/30        Bought new Epson XP-440 printer - Amazon - $50

6/3        Opened log cabin

6/4        Replaced log cabin shower faucet

6/12        Painted deck railing

6/15-6/21        Prepped log cabin for staining

6/29-7/6        Stained boat house

7/6        Bought hedge trimmer - Amazon -$115

7/7-7/25        Ron Harlow stained log cabin - $537

7/13        Dorothy arrives

7/25        Dorothy leaves

7/26        Rob, Terri, Andrew, Brandon & Kaitlin arrive

7/29        Installed telephone pole water break in front of log cabin

8/3        Andrew, Brandon & Kaitlin drive back to Houston with big boat

8/3        Rob & terri drive back to Denver

8/5        Tree fell on Fischer’s cabin and on The Pines

8/24        Taylor and Casey’s wedding in Beloit WI

8/16        Closed log cabin

9/18        Last hummingbird

9/29        Boat in boat house

10/7        Dock out of water

10/17        Closed the hill house and left


4/25                 Loon raft all out

5/7                   Arrived at cabin - everything OK

5/12                 Dock out

5/12                 Oil leak under Mercury motor

5/13                 First hummingbird

5/17                 Stihl 025 chainsaw died - needs new cylinder & piston

5/18                 Opened log cabin

5/23                 Changed oil & filter on Mercury motor & cleaned up oil leak

5/27                 Bought Stihl 025 replacement motor kit from Amazon - $35

5/27-5/31         Refinished center boat seat

5/31                 Boat in the water

6/3-?/?             Rebuilt Stihl 025 chainsaw motor

6/5                   Rear boat seat broke.

6/11                 Bought Stihl 025 carburetor kit from Amazon - $16

6/13                 Replaced boat house overhead light

6/13                 Bear in the yard

6/17-6/26        Camry towed to Warren’s to replace right front shock spring

6/19-7/19        Water leak under hill house bathroom sink - new faucet from Amazon - $90

7/3                   Installed electrical circuit for upcoming AC

7/9                   Bad wind storm: tree in front of log cabin, carport tarp damaged, many trees on road

7/12-7/20         Repaired carport

8/9                   Light north of log cabin needs a new socket

8/15                 Chris Farden graded the road

8/22                 Rob and Terri arrive

8/25                 Andrew and Banzai arrived with his new camper

8/27                 9th annual Fischer block party (scaled back)

8/29                 Install whole house water filter bypass

9/2                   A/C heat pump installed in hill house - Samuelson & Laney - $4,754

9/6                   Rob & Andrew transplanted 7’ balsam in front of hill house

9/9                   Birdbath froze over last night

9/9                   Bought new rear boat seat - Walmart

9/10                 Rob & Terri reupholstered old boat seat

9/12                 Burned large pile of trees cleared north of log cabin

9/22                 Rob, Terri & Andrew leave

10/4                 Helped Fischers install new garage opener

10/4                 Winterized log cabin

10/5                 Put boat in boat house

10/21               Closed the hill house (6” of snow) and left


4/30           Arrived at cabin - everything OK

5/7-6/20     Refinished upper cabinets in log cabin

5/22           Installed Starlink Internet - SpaceX - $500 + $100/mo

6/2             Dock and boat out

6/21-6/22   New electric lines to log cabin and hill house - Avenson - $5,700

6/28           Chris arrived

7/7-8/8       New well behind boat house

7/11-8/18  Redid triangle of death by the boat house

7/13           Bought Bosch angle grinder - Amazon - $62

7/14           Put second Alumacraft boat in the water

7/18           Bought new Black & Decker weed eater - Amazon - $100

7/21           Rob, Terri, Brandon, Kaitlin & Rhys arrived

7/24           Andrew, Crystal, Banzai and Addy arrived

7/30           Andrew, Crystal, Brandon, Kaitlin & Rhys head back to Houston

7/31           Rob and Terri head back to Denver

8/15           Replaced socket on outside light north of log cabin

8/18           Installed pavers in triangle of death by boat house

8/21           Chris leaves

8/24           Dorothy arrives

9/4             Dorothy leaves

9/9             New cell phone - Pixel 5a

9/11-8/25  Stained & painted the deck and stairs and railing

9/22           Road graded - Chris Farden - $400

9/23           Closed up log cabin

10/7           Boat and dock out of the water

10/19         Closed the hill house and left


3/19-3/31  Make steel boat seat swivel

5/6             Arrived at cabin - thousands of dead Asian beetles

5/11           First hummingbird

5/11           Dock and boat out

5/24           Echo repaired water softener - $200

5/27           Repaired facia on hill house

6/2             Replaced the tree on the deck

6/3             Planted a replacement lilac bush from Burney

6/11           BMLA meeting

6/16           Canceled DirecTV

6/23           Pump in log cabin leaks - repaired by Echo

7/6             Dorothy arrives

7/9-8/5       Repair one shed door

7/16           Dorothy leaves

7/21           Moved log cabin pump outside - Echo $610

7/21           Water softener installed in log cabin - Echo $2,070

8/6             Fischer’s annual party

8/19           Bought roomba 694 - Amazon $200

8/21           Andrew and Crystal arrive

8/23           Built framework for pump enclosure

8/27           Andrew and Crystal drive back to Houston

8/30           Chris arrives

8/31           New TV and stand for hill house - Amazon $280 & $60

9/10           New cabinet for log cabin - Wayfair $150

9/14           Moved Starlink antenna to roof

8/12-9/17  Built log cabin pump shed

9/18          Dorothy sent new pictures for log cabin

9/19          Hummingbirds gone

9/20          Chris leaves

9/30          Closed log cabin

10/2          Boat and dock in boat house

10/7          Last lunch with the guys

10/19        Drove back to Plymouth

10/24        Rick Ronnebaum closed hill house - $175


1/14-4/11  Built Little Free Library

5/4            Rick Ronnebaum open hill house

5/6            Arrived at cabin

5/9            Open up log cabin - all is good

5/11          First hummingbird

5/11          Dock in the water

5/12          Boat in the water

6/1            Little Free Library planted

6/3            Inaugural block party for LFL

6/9            New shingles on log cabin - Braid Roofing $7,845

6/10          Lake Association meeting

6/11-6/22  Built pull-outs drawers for log cabin

6/25          Rob, Terri, Brandon, Kaitlin & Rhys arrive with big boat

7/1            Painted deck railing

7/2-7/16   Sanded and stained deck

7/5            Rob & Terri leave

7/7            Brandon, Kaitlin & Rhys leave

7/11          Dorothy arrives

7/19          Dorothy leaves

8/3            In PR: Little Shop of Horrors

8/7            Magnetic roller - Amazon $70

8/8            Changed LC outlets to 4-plex

8/13          Patched rotted window sill on HC window

8/14-8/22 Replaced right-hand shed door

8/25          Moved Starlink dish

8/27          Andrew and Crystal arrive

8/30          Rob and Terri arrive

8/31-9/7   Replaced gate

9/2           Andrew and Crystal leave

9/9           Rob and Terri leave

9/15         Chris arrives

8/21         Hummingbirds gone

9/17-9/24 Rebuilt boat seat #2

9/26         Installed new 12v battery in Tesla

10/1         Matt & Marrilynn's wedding

10/1         Trish arrives at The Pines

10/7         Brought in boat & dock

10/7         Pressure washed boat & dock

10/9         Chris left

10/18       Drove back to Plymouth

10/20       Rick Ronnebaum closed both cabins - $325


5/4           Rick Ronnebaum opened both cabins - $325

5/6           Arrived at cabin

5/18         New mattress for hill house - Slumberland - $1,050

5/31         Andrew Rockensock put boat & dock in the water

6/4           Repaired the Little Free Library