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PDAC Work Plan: Funding Request Process
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PDAC WORK PLAN: PD Funding Request

Goal: To improve access to professional development funding for all employees by streamlining the funding application process and workflow.

Background: Currently, there are multiple sources of professional development monies available across various funds throughout the college. Combining and simplifying the process by which employees can request funding will help promote equitable access to professional learning opportunities and allow activities to be tracked and learning to shared across the campus community.  

Coordinators: In the short-term, members of the Professional Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) and the AB1725/Travel Committee will work together to combine their processes and procedures. Once the processes are aligned, they will work together to review, approve, and track funding requests on an ongoing basis.





Objective 1: Create a comprehensive workflow for the professional development funding application process by the end of Fall 2019.

❑ Task 0: Meet with AB1725 Committee (Don Long)

❑ Task 1A: Articulate AB1725/Travel Committee procedures with PDAC Committee funding request procedures (on website, understood by committee members).

❑ Task 1B: Create a joint schedule for reviewing funding requests.

❑ Task 1C: Create funding recipient checklist to route travel documents.

❑ Task 1Ca: New checklist reviewed and approved by Business Services.

❑ Task 1D: Create messaging templates.

❑ Task 1E: Review the funding rubric for prioritizing and approving requests for professional development funding.

❑ Task 1Ea: Create digital rubric for reviewers to enter scores

❑ Task 1F: Update PDAC funding application based on tasks 1A-1E.



Sub Group


Cecilia/ Deanna




By October 2

Oct. 8 PDAC Mtg

Tent. Oct. 1 Mtg

Tent. Oct. 8 PDAC

Oct. 15th

Oct. 15th

Oct. 15th

Oct. 25th


In progress

Objective 2: Train campus community on new processes throughout Spring 2020.

❑ Task 2A: Train the committee members (train-the-trainer) and task them with providing updates (see Task 2B) and serving as pd funding experts/liaisons for colleagues.

❑ Task 2B: Provide updates at various campus, school, department, and constituent meetings (i.e. College Council, Instructional Services Cabinet, Academic and Classified Senate, etc.) -- consider creating a short video update (no more than 2 mins) for deans and chairs to share out at their meetings.

Task 2Ba: Communications to Chairs/Deans for time during Flex

Task 2Bb: Video

Task 2Bc: Flex session

❑ Task 2C: Create and distribute flyers announcing these new funding processes, with names, emails, and phone numbers of pd funding experts/liaisons.

❑ Task 2D: Make sure webpage is up-to-date.

❑ Task 2E: Collect feedback and update process and/or tools as needed.

Paula and Anna





Anna and Subgroup


Nov. 12th (PDAC)

Ongoing - Informal in Fall. Roll out for

Spring Flex Week

Jan. 15th


Jan. 17th

Jan. 15th

By Jan 2020

Through Spring 2020

Flow for End User:

  1. Requestor submits online funding request application
  2. Administrator reviews and adjusts submitted form and sends email back to requestor
  1. Form looks like PAT
  1. Requestor obtains required signatures (from Chair and Deans, or Managers)
  2. Requestor forwards packet to PDAC, via Professional Development mailbox
  3. PDAC reviews funding request
  4. If funding is approved by PDAC, packet is routed to fund managers for signature (requestor notified by email  “Your packet has been forwarded for signatures…”
  5. After obtaining fund managers’ signatures, packet is forwarded to Business Services to get VPAS signature
  6. Packet is sent back by BS to requestor, who then needs to scan the document and upload to their Travel Authorization in PeopleSoft
  7. Requestor goes out on travel
  8. When requestor comes back, submit expense report
  9. Once activities associated with PD, requestor submits their evaluation/impact report to PDAC
  10. Funding request committee sends email reminder to submit eval/impact report
  11.  creates Travel Pre-Authorization Packet
  12. Enter request for funding on PD Website
  1. Designate funding source
  1. Route packet for Chair/Dean/Supervisor signature
  2. Turn packet in to designated “mailbox” by deadline for funding consideration
  3. Committee Review - joint session for AB1725 and all other PDAC sources
  1. Email to fund managers to expect packets
  1. Requestors receive email of approval/denial/etc.
  2. AB1725 packets signed and returned to requestee’s box that day
  3. Other funded packets routed to appropriate fund managers for signature.
  1. Admin Techs route to Business Services for budget check once signed
  2. Business Services routes packet back to requestor.
  1. Requestor enters travel into PeopleSoft
  2. Travel Occurs
  3. Requestor closes travel in PeopleSoft within 10 days of completion of travel.

Meeting Flow:

Prep before meeting: need up-to-date budget for PD Short Term Funds

Review spreadsheet for open applications that have pending or outstanding impact reports

Email reminders/warnings (cross-check for disqualified application from new round and send any necessary notification.

(Tasks: 3 boiler-plate emails to draft)

Email completed impact reports to fund managers

Review new applications

Email requesters approvals/not-approved notices/disqualification notices with instructions for next steps

Email notices to fund managers of funded application to expect

Enter fund number and route hardcopy packet to fund manager with routing instructions for Admin Tech

(Admin Tech routes to Business Services for budget check, Business Services routes back to requestee)

Update budget and notify campus of continued availability or closure of application.

        Post notice on Website ONCE funds are gone.

Review funded travel for outstanding impact reports

        Send email reminders to requestors with outstanding reports. (email 1 - two weeks to get it in, email two - two more weeks to get it in but this is final notice before you are deprioritized for future funding.

Form is located:

Nested too deep

Steps to request AB1725

  1. Download Pre-authorization for travel form
  2. Gather all necessary documentation to submit with the Pre-authorization
  3. Fill out form, attach the doc, get chair and dean sig, submit packet to Don,
  4. Don reviews for any issues that need to be reviewed/clarified before sending information to committee for review.
  5. Don compiles document for committee to review and emails to group. Group responds via email or comes to meeting
  6. Group meets and reviews applications. Squares up forms with budget at the meeting. Check with Brenda in HR to find out load for adjuncts
  7. If applicant has requested coverage of cost that fund doesn’t cover, inform applicant of total that is approved and what was not covered, send approval of modified funds back to applicant.
  8. to provide feedback.
  9. group meets and reviews, if approved, Don signs and routes back to applicant to finish the process.

Biannual reports to senate of spending and

Email Text #1: Sent after requestor submits application, prompts them to create and submit Travel Pre-Authorization packet.

Funding Requestor:__________________

The PDAC Committee has received your electronic request for travel funds. The committee will meet on ________________ to review the request. To be able to consider your request for funding, you will need to do the following:

  1. Print the Pre-authorization for Travel form attached to this email and attach the necessary documentation to support your travel request.
  2. Obtain your permission-to-travel signatures (for faculty this will be your chair and dean, for classified professionals this will be your manager). Route your Pre-Authorization for Travel packet to the Professional Development office by _______________.

Packets that are incomplete or not received by the date above cannot be reviewed for funding in this cycle.

Please contact _______________________ with questions about your packet or the funding request process.

PDAC Committee

Email Text 2:

Funding Requestor:_____________________

Your funding request of ___________________ for travel to ____________________________ has been reviewed and approved by the PDAC committee. Your packet is now being routed for the remaining required signatures listed below.

_________________________: Fund Manager

_________________________: Fund Manager

_________________________: Vice President, Administrative Services

Business Services will return you packet with all required signatures to your campus mail box (Room: T-131).

Once you receive your packet in your campus mailbox, follow the requestor steps below to successfully complete the remainder of the travel funding request process:

  1. Scan your packet and complete your Travel Authorization in PeopleSoft
    (See _________________ for detailed instructions on submitting PeopleSoft Travel Authorizations).
  2. Once you return from travel, complete your expense report in PeopleSoft
    (See ____________________ for detailed instructions on submitting PeopleSoft Expense Reports).

NOTE: Expense reports are due within 10 days of completing travel.

  1. Submit your impact report to the PDAC Committee (URL goes here)
    Evaluation/Impact report due:  ______________________.

Please contact _______________________ with questions about your packet or the funding request process.

PDAC Committee

Email Text #3

Funded Requestor:

You indicated in your application for travel to  _______________________ that your evaluation report would be submitted by _______________________.

This is a reminder that we have not received your evaluation/impact report. Please submit your evaluation/impact report  within 10 business days at (URL here).

PDAC Committee

Email Text #4

Funded Requestor:

You indicated in your application for travel to  _______________________ that your evaluation report would be submitted by _______________________.

You received a reminder email that the PDAC committee had not received your evaluation report on ______________________.

We are sending a second reminder to submit your evaluation report as soon as possible at (URL). If your evaluation report is not received within 10 business days you will be ineligible to apply for future funding until your impact report is received.

If there are circumstances the committee should be aware of in relation to the submission of your evaluation report, please contact_________________________.

PDAC Committee


  1. ❑ Obtain signature from Department Chair (if Faculty)
  2. ❑ Obtain signature from Dean/Manager  
  3. ❑ Submit packet to “Professional Development” inbox in mailroom
  4. ❑ PD Advisory Committee reviews packet and forwards to fund managers, if application is approved
  5. ❑ Fund manager for signature _________________________
  6. ❑ Fund manager for signature _________________________
  7. ❑ Submit packet to Business Services for VPAS signature
  8. ❑ Business Services returns packet to travel applicant via mailbox (check your inbox!)
  9. ❑ Applicant scans and saves a digital copy of the completed packet
  10. ❑ Applicant enters Travel Authorization in PeopleSoft (go to _____ for step-by-step instructions)
  11. ❑ Applicant submits funding evaluation report