Dialogue and participation is the essence of assemblies, an activity capable of improving coexistence, preventing and resolving conflicts. Assemblies are a resource for learning and practising democracy; and an ideal framework for applying and practising some of the principles of dialogic learning such as equality of differences, cultural intelligence, solidarity, etc.


        An assembly is a school activity in which students and teachers analyse, reflect on and discuss specific aspects of school life related to coexistence, learning, school work, use of facilities, etc.

        It allows both students and teachers to express their own ideas and opinions without any kind of coercion and on an equal footing in order to reach a consensus and make decisions among all.

        Therefore, it is to dialogue with the will to change what is necessary for the life of the class group and the school to be optimal and to do so with the will to commit oneself personally to such changes.

        The assembly usually becomes a possibility offered by the school that we all know we have at our disposal to have our say, so that it ends up becoming a symbolically important moment inscribed in everyone's memory and habits. Likewise, we all know that the things that are said and agreed in the assembly are binding; that is to say, the assembly has an institutional significance that no other form of school conversation usually achieves. The assembly is above all a place for speaking, for dialogue. It is a place and a time for talking together.


        Among the educational aspects of the assemblies, which contribute to improving coexistence, the following should be highlighted:


        Through these educational practices we aim for our students to be able to:

Learning to dialogue. This takes the form of:

Prevent conflict through the use of dialogue.

Learning to resolve conflicts through the use of negotiation and consensus as a way of reaching agreements and resolving them.

Learning the mechanisms of democratic participation and the making of agreements, pacts and voting.

To develop habits of autonomy and coexistence.

Fulfilling commitments to improve and transform our reality.

To facilitate and encourage student participation in decision-making on aspects that affect the life of the classroom and the school.

These objectives contribute to the development of:


        It should be borne in mind that a number of problems may arise in the course of the assembly, for which we should be prepared:


In the first assembly with the students, the following should be explained:

  1. Functioning of the Assembly.
  1. Start with a pre-established agenda that is published sufficiently in advance to allow time for responsible reflection.
  2. Decisions shall be taken by consensus. Only when there is no consensus on an issue, a vote on the existing options is necessary.
  3. Take note of the agreements and conclusions in order to draw up minutes of agreements, which will be made public.
  4. Assume the responsibilities to which each person commits to the assembly and fulfil them in the time indicated.
  5. Cooperate in the achievement of the decisions taken, assuming responsibly the tasks necessary to achieve it.
  6. The conclusions shall be submitted to the school assembly or to the cloister, where they exist.
  7. We go to the school assembly as representatives and I have to defend what is decided in my classroom assembly, even if it is not my choice.
  8. If I am a representative of my class in the school assembly, I am a spokesperson for my class.
  1. Rules of the Assembly

An annotated reading of the Assembly rules will be made and posted in a visible place in the classroom.

  1. Election of decision-makers:

At this assembly, the "positions of the Assembly" will be established.

Each assembly will have a team consisting of three pupils and the teacher whose roles are listed below:

At the beginning write the agenda on the board and read it out to the group.

During the session, write down in the "Diary" of the assembly the topics discussed, agreements...

At the end (or the next day) they are put on the billboard.

They should be decided by all the students in the class.

It should be rotated among the whole class.

We will start with just one position and we will progressively incorporate them. In Infant Education, the positions will be assumed by the adult until we assess whether they can be assumed by a pupil.

  1. Content proposals.

Collect from the panel or mailbox the topics that the students have proposed. The proposals must be reasoned and argued and signed.

Where criticisms are raised, alternative proposals should be put forward.

  1. Prepare the agenda.

Select only one of the topics proposed by the students.

It is prepared by the students who will later lead the assembly.

  1. Assembly proceedings

Reading of the previous minutes and approval or correction.

Summary/evaluation of the degree of fulfilment of commitments from previous assemblies.

Presentation of the subject to be dealt with:

Discussion of the issue:

Agreements and Proposals.

What commitments each learner makes.

What you will need to do to comply with them.

In what time frame you must complete your task.

Publicising the agreements.