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10.13.23 News from Investments
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Updates and Reminders for the week ending on  10.13.23

Visual Arts

5th grade

These students are studying the work of Mexican printmaker Jose Guadalupe Posada.  We are creating images of calaveras  for a printmaking project later this month.  

3rd-4th grade

These students are creating a fall landscape that focuses on creating a sense of space by using size contrast, overlap, horizon lines, and atmospheric perspective.  

2nd grade:

These students are creating proportional paintings of scarecrows.  The method we are using  can be applied to drawing any figures.  

1st grade:

These students are using oil pastels and contour lines to create pumpkin drawings that appear 3-D.



These students are completing guided drawings of owls and scarecrows.  We are then adding color by using watercolor paints.  

 Art room needs:

Clean 32 oz food tubs with lids (yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese) we use these to hold water for watercolor and the lids as small pallets for mixing colors.  

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This week students started a basketball unit. Students learned and practiced getting into “triple threat” which is how we hold the basketball when we are not dribbling. In triple threat you always have 3 options:  shoot, pass and dribble. This week we focused on dribbling. Students learned the importance of using their entire hand while dribbling and were encouraged to keep practicing outside of school.


These students also started a basketball unit this week. We started off learning about “triple threat” which is the correct way to hold the basketball when we are not dribbling. In triple threat you always have 3 options: shoot, pass and dribble. Students also learned that a pivot in basketball is when you rotate around while keeping one foot on the court. After learning about triple threat and proper footwork students were able to practice their dribbling. Students were challenged to dribble without looking at the basketball and encouraged to keep practicing outside of school.

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We read the book “In The Tall, Tall Grass”. Students sang each page on So-Mi-La pitches then played a refrain on resonator bells. Students explored moving like creatures from the story.  We played a singing game “Black Snake, Where Are You Hiding?” and students explored loud/soft.  We also played a singing game “Beetle, You Must Wander”.


We reviewed the Portuguese folk dance, Indo Eu. Then, we explored beat/rhythm with the rhyme “Naughty Kitty Cat”. Students were introduced to a quarter rest. We sang the rhyme on La-So-Fa-Mi-Re-Do pitches and played a singing game where a cat chased a mouse. We added a broken drone harmonic accompaniment to the song on xylophones. Last week we played a singing game, “Snail, Snail” where students sang while winding into a spiral. Students explored different ways to create a snail shell shape with their bodies and we had a “slowest race” where students danced slowly across the classroom.


We explored the creative movement concepts shadowing and flocking. We explored musical form with a poem, “Birds of a Feather”. Students chanted the phrases in different orders, then created rhythmic accompaniment using bird names. We performed two rhythms with body percussion to accompany the spoken poem.



We learned a song and folk dance, Alabama Gal. Students sang the four verses and performed the dance in longway sets. We added an interlude that used the rhythms of states. Students performed the interlude with speech and body percussion. Next we began to learn three harmonic accompaniment parts on xylophones (broken drone, melodic ostinato, and color part).



We worked on four-layer rhythmic texture and part independence. We used only our voices and bodies but this work is foundational for performing instrumental pieces with multiple accompaniment parts. We began by saying a modern take on the nursery rhyme, “Deedle, Deedle, Dumpling”.. Then, with the class divided into four groups, students said three repeated rhythmic phrases (speech ostinatiI) to accompany the poem. Next, in small groups, students created body percussion for their speech ostinati or movement for the poem. We put all four parts together in a final performance. We also played several drum circle games that challenged students to play in unison with visual and auditory cues, internalize a pulse while playing on different beats, and respond rhythmically to cues. Then we learned a chant, “Thump, Thump” that uses sixteenth note rhythms as well as an accompaniment rhythm. We performed the piece on drums.


We played a singing game from Latin America, “La Culebra”. Students sang the call and response song while in lines (like snakes), trying to catch the tail of another snake. We added a harmonic accompaniment that included sixteenth notes, in a minor mode.

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Kindergarten- Real vs. Imaginary characters

Story- “Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

1st- Tableau and Pantomime

Story- “Blueberries for Sal

2nd- Week 1- Mystery

Poem- “A Dark Dark Tale

3rd- Sock Puppet Design

4th- Week 1 Pantomime (Solo)

5th- Week 2 Playwriting (Constructive Phase)

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Kinder/Grade 1

Vocabulario-Los números 1-20, caliente o frío

Lectura-Mi Familia

Grade 2/Grade 3

Vocabulario-Tiene=He/she has, Quiere=He/she wants, Quiere tener=He/she wants to have

Lectura-Day of the Dead

Grade 4/Grade 5

Vocabulario-Tiene= S/he has, Quiere= S/he wants,  Habla= S/he speaks, Dice= S/he says, Comprende= S/he understands


-4th Frida y los animalitos

-5th Funny Bones


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