"The Goddess of Winter-Magic" -                 January 2018-Author:Munteanu-VodăŞtefan-Cătălin

Digital art/ Cardboard

Lesson plan

Grade:VI B

School: Kirkkomannikon Koulu, Alavus


Teacher: Visual arts teacher-Munteanu-Vodă Ştefan-Cătălin

CTETc –Iași,Romȃnia

Subject :  1-Music and movement

                 2-Visual arts - plastic arts

Sincretism of music and visual language

Unit - Music and movement, rithm in music, dans, plastic art

Plastic theme: Policrom plastic compositionwith plastic rhythm

Musical theme:“The Nutcracker” ballet by Piotr  Ilici  Ceaikovski-„Snowflake dance”

Content :”Winter magic - sound, rhythm and colour”

Form of achevement: Project syncretism- combining musical techniques with elements of plastic language and means of plastic expression  

Type of activity: mixed lesson -Creative workshop ,workshop-performance ,
performing arts, visual arts - teaching - learning, skill training.

Time of the lesson:45 min.


1.The pupils included in Erasmus-Finland mobility will learn  ways of representing graphic and pictorial elements of plastic language and means of expression, shaping their hand and gesture on paper, based on a syncretism- a combination of ballet, music and fine arts.

  1. Learning rhythmic dance steps, after the musical sequence of the Nutcracker, Piotr Ilici Tchaikovsky's ballet - "The Snowflake Dance".

  1. Linking dance with brush movements on the drawing sheet and creating the proposed plastic project - inspired by the chosen musical sheet.

4. Presenting creations to the public in dance rhythm, some drawings will be given to the participating teachers and the school- exhibition selection.

Source: The Nutcracker - Ballet in the superlative

Ballet fairy scene in two acts, three sequels and fifteen scenes.

Music:Piotr Ilici Ceaikovski. The world premiere  took place on December 6th 1892, Mariinski Theatre. The selected image and video will constitute the source of inspiration for the plastic theme.

Lesson development

Moments of the lesson


Teacher activity

Student activity

Methods and procedures


1.Organizing the lesson

5 min

Optimal conditions for the development of the activity of music, movement and visual arts, syncretism will be ensured

Children will have on the desks-watercolors, gouache, tempera, acrylic-water colors, watercolor brushes, drawing sheets


Lesson plan

Drawing sheets








2. Captivating attention -5 min

The teacher clearly presents his name and surname, his home country, specialization and the format of the project based on syncretism.

Children prepare their drawing sheets,watch the presentation of the project and prepare the dance moves.



Syncretism exercise music- plastic arts





Drawing sheets



3. Musical, coreography and art moment-30 min




I play the  „House of ballet”with the You Tube video „Snowflake dance”, I make ballet moves, helped by my  „asistents”.

I synchronize my dance moves with the painting ones (on the rhythm of the music).

Children perform dance and painting movements from the desks and then dance around the class, led by the teacher.

Choreography exercise

Plastic exercise



Filmul baletului

Mijloace de expresie


Mijloace de expresie plastice

4.Finalizing the workshop–presenting the works-5 min


We finish the works and set off in  the classroom in a “magical rite” - Winter magic - sound, rhythm and colour

Children present their work in dance steps, reveal themselves to the audience, and offer teachers some of the most successful plastic creations.


Plastic exercise

Finalising the project - results

Total:45 min


1.Organization moment, lesson preparation (5 minutes) - presentation:

Hello, dear friends of the Erasmus MADD mobility! Hello, dear students!

My first name is Stefan-Catalin, the name Munteanu-Voda, I am a visual artist, visual artist teacher, graphic artist, digital artist and I teach at CTETc-Iasi in Romania. Today, dear students, we will learn to dance and paint.

Prepare your water colours, brushes and drawing sheets!

2.Captivating attention - 5 min

Our project is called "Winter Magic - Sound, Rhythm, and Color" (Winter Magic in Sound, Rhythm, Color)

We will dance, draw and paint, learning ballet movements on the one hand and the other one-minute painting.

At the end of the lesson, we will present the results of our work - plastic choreography, choreography, music.

3.Workshop –performance art– music, choreography and plastic moment-30 min:

The teacher (enters with the ballet, plays the ballet images)

Performs some graceful dance movements and bows

Invitation to dance, everybody, after me!

We “march” with floating hands, left to right tilts, bows

The first spots of colour on the rhythm of the music!

We stir the water, the snow is  heavy, we increase the rhythm of the dance and with our brushes we sketch the magic on the sheet of paper

We sit in the desks and the teacher takes the "dance" of the movement of the hand on the sheet, at the blackboard - the children carefully follow the teacher!

We will draw a ballerina, an angel, a landscape and spots, rhythms. With the drawings we raise and make a magic "ritual" - as if we invoke the snowflakes!

Let's make the selection of the creations and give it to the ladies and gentlemen, thanking for the audience!

Note: For the good development, the following aspects will be considered: - Timely entry of all participants in the classroom;

Discipline - the musical, choreographic and plastic moments won’t be disrupted in any way!;

Synchronizing musical-choreographic and plastic moments;

Presence of all necessary materials: Computer


The projector will be ready in advance and the screen as well, and the speakers, the sound, acoustics will be enjoyable without creating discomfort.

The teacher will be provided with a computer, projector, speakers, internet access, screen and the following: a 100x70 cm sheet, in any case a large size sheet visible from all angles of the class. Watercolour brushes and wide brushes, inks, watercolours , water container. The floor will be mounted on an easel, on a floorboard or on a blackboard according to the configuration of the room, or it will be stretched in a place without affecting its visibility in the plastic experiment.

Do not smear the space of the class during the class! Any movements will be carefully studied and carried out in relation to the surface

Series - "The Lord of the Empire" - "The God of the North" - Wore ice clothing, a mask on the face, and on the head a wind rose. Author: Munteanu -Voda Stefan-Catalin, digital art-2018