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Standards Committee Charter
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Lakeport Cluster Association

Architectural Standards Committee Charter

The Lakeport Architectural Standards Committee shall work with the Board of Directors to create and update Lakeport architectural standards and serve as a resource for the Lakeport Board and owners regarding the standards.


  1. The Board shall appoint the chair of the Architectural Standards Committee.  
  2. The chair shall serve as Lakeport’s liaison with Reston Association (RA) Covenants Staff and Design Review Board (DRB).
  3. A Board member shall be designated as the committee’s point of contact and serve as a member of the committee.
  4. The committee shall have at least two members, including the Board point of contact.


  1. The committee shall create and update Lakeport Cluster Standards to reflect current industry standards, provide alternatives to products and colors in earlier versions that are no longer available, and simplify home maintenance for Cluster owners.
  2. The committee shall monitor the evolving industry standards and architectural trends within Reston, using RA resources (including standards available online for other clusters) as well as other sources.
  3. The committee shall be familiar with Lakeport design standards and RA design guidelines and advise the Board and owners regarding questions about Lakeport standards.  The RA covenants advisor for Lakeport should be the source for information about RA guidelines.
  4. When a new standard or an update to an existing one is needed, the committee shall
  1. The committee shall write content for Lakeport’s electronic newsletter and other community-wide communications about pending or recently approved standards.

        Approved July 27, 2021