WALHT - use emotive language - Looks like

The BIG idea:

We want our writing to be interesting and exciting to read..

We are focusing on describing words. We are remembering to include:

  • Colour
  • Shape
  • Texture
  • Size
  • To use similes

Remember to:

  • I will re read my sentence to make sure it makes sense.
  • I will think about how I will structure my writing and use my plan

Success Criteria

Self assessment

High-light how you think you went.

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I will find the describing words in my writing.

I will write similes in my writing. 

I will add describing words to describe how I think things look and feel.

Thump! My beach bag hit the bottom of the car boot. Slam! Slam! Slam! We all pulled our doors closed in unison. We were off! We had been counting down until the long Labour Weekend. Three long Spring days with no school and perfect weather.

Our sleek, silver car crept along the beach carpark slightly seeking a car park. It reminded me of a wild cat sneaking up on a native bird. Finally, we spotted a park. Yes!!! The race was on. Another car had seen the same park from the other entrance and we zigzagged across the tarmac like a crab scuttling across hot rocks. We zoomed into the park just in time. The other people’s faces sitting in the other car were as angry as a bear with no honey.

We unloaded the car of everything we could possibly need for a trip to the beach. We had a picnic, a chilly bin filled with cold drinks, an umbrella, our togs, towels, sunhats and Mum actually remembered to bring the sunblock for once.

I stepped onto the soft golden sand. Mt toes sunk like a battered and broken pirate ship at sea. I suddenly realized just how hot the sand was. AHHHHHHHH! I hoped, skipped and tiptoed down to the water's edge. I looked like a crazy leprechaun skipping across a rainbow. Sizzzzzzle. My toes entered the ice cold water and melted like an ice block..

As I Woke up I stretched like a tree stretching its branches to the sky. When my mom came in she told me to put my Togs on “I said to my mom why I was putting my togs on” when I was done I carried Gigantic bags of food like a bear carrying a big heavy beehive into the truck. “My mom said you should have lifted the smaller bags” Then my Dad started the truck Roar as the truck started we drove off Once we were on the road to the fishing spot The road was Very Very rough like a big cliff My dad Was angry because it was hard to control the truck on the rough road once we got to Waipaoa Rivermouth we looked for a spot to put the tent roof up.

Once we got a spot I stepped out I thought the sand was going to be warm but it was HOT. I started jumping and running like a Bouncy Kangaroo to the cool water ahh the water was so cool it Was so soothing when my toes got into my water while I was walking in the water I found A gigantic shell the size of my hand The color Was White and tan mixed With a texture that was rough Its shape was Like a oval plus mixed  with a circle while I was collecting more shells rafael  came To play with me at the beach while rafael came to me I saw a harmless Jellyfish and I picked it up to scare rafael it was so slimy like a snail it was also really soft Then our Mum and Dad called us because we had to go home I said to the beach “bye beach”. I said to my dad “What did you get “he said weeds “