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Land of Love

Land of Love

Land of Love is the first part of the three-part marriage series. Couples need to prove the strength of their feelings to Auntie and Uncle and get their blessing.

Fan Page Guide

What are the trials?

There are 7 trials in Land of Love. They are meant to test the sincerity of your feelings, mutual trust, your sense of responsibility, how well you know each other, your willingness to give a helping hand, your loyalty, and your love. You will be asked to solve puzzles, play games, answer tricky questions, and contribute resources.


This is an optional feature. To start Land of Love you must be betrothed. If you decide to go down the aisle, you will be committed to your mate. You will lose all progress if you decide to change mates!!

If you decide to go ahead…..

You will notice some new items on your game screen. On the right side below the settings bar is the access portal to Land of Love, Family Matters.  From here you can ask/accept your betrothed’s consent to begin the trials in Land of Love.

Things to note after you have consent.

The timer shows the length of time you have been betrothed. It is not a countdown timer!!

You will see the number of Helper Points you have available for use.

The heart to the right of that bar is an indicator of status of help needed or received.

You can also see that status on the icon on the right side of your game screen. If there is a green check mark on the image your mate has responded to your request for help. If there is a blue exclamation point your mate is requesting help.

Click the heart to get another window asking if you want to help your mate or need help. If you click to help your mate the game will take you to their land. Once there you will see items marked for clearing. The bubble above them will include the energy amount needed.

Things to know:

Your mate does not need to be working on the same land you are working on.

Items you have marked on your land will be outlined in yellow until your mate clears them. They then have a balloon over them for you to accept the Help.


Lands for couples were created by the magic of love, and regular Energy can’t be used there. It gives place to Power of Love, a special healing and creative force.

How to get Power of Love (Pol)



On your game screen you should note there is a new bar with a pink heart below your energy bar. This is where you can see your Power of Love (PoL) total. PoL is what is needed to work on Land of Love. You do not use energy on this land.


What is the Family Tree?

It is the final reward for completing the trials in Land of Love. This tree grows and changes the longer the couple stays together. It gives better gifts, too. If you split up, it will die and turn into deadwood.

Wonder Seed: found in statues, used to make decorations at the Magic Cauldron.

Thoughtful Flower: Find in Grateful Bushes.

Good Intention:  Upgrade the Fickle Flower then test your luck to get Good Intentions.

This can take a long time, remember the land is permanent.  You will also need many, many Passionfruit.

Thread of Fate reward from Dreamy Clouds, later it can be made at the Magic Cauldron (last area on the land)

Viburnum: found on the land, it gives +1 to Power of Love

Answers to questions

Your partner is dancing with a stranger at the royal ball.  What will you do?

  1. Ask your  Friends

The knight and the princess swear to be faithful, is this just a gimmick?

  1. It is Important

Do you swear not to keep the wicked vow of infidelity?

  1. I do

What will you do if your partner smiles at the crowd on a horse ride?

  1. Smile together

One day you find a cute portrait of a stranger in your partner’s pocket.  What will you do?

  1. Talk

Chests with Power of Love

Open these when Pol is maximum 30/30



20 +5

Link to large image