Treasurer’s Report
Thank you for supporting our ministry! Chris Foard, Treasurer
Worship Volunteer Schedule
Date | Asst. Min | Usher | Sacristan | Lector | Counter |
January 19 | Chris Foard | Keith Bennett | Helga Britton | Bill Spreen | Foss/Kazmac |
January 26 | Linda Coleman | Kathy Caputo | Pat Pienkos | Molly Foard | Volk/Bradford |
February 2 | Elaine Bradford | Gary Joblon | Joanne Giordano | Ann Bomberger | Wilson/McKenna |
February 9 | Linda Coleman | Dan Grillon | Sherry Lee | Rosemary Lane | Foard/Kazmac |
February 16 | Charlie Rugg | Keith Bennett | Carol Rosen | Bill Spreen | Socha/Bradford |
February 23 | Keith Bennett | Kathy Caputo | Nancy Poole | Cynthia Kazmac | Wilson/Giordano |
Coffee Hour Host Council, for the annual meeting.
Altar Flowers- January 19th The Doye’s Happy Birthday Theo!
January 26th Elaine Bradford; To the glory of God.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you! To all who consistently support our church and ministries through your time, talent, and treasure. Please help us grow by inviting your friends and family to worship and events. You are what makes Holy Trinity a wonderful church family!
Stay in touch! Please visit our church website, for updates and information. You can also find us on Facebook and view services online. The office is open from 9am to 2pm, Monday to Thursday.
Name Tag Sundays: On the first Sunday of each month, names tags and markers will be at each entrance of the sanctuary. Please fill out a tag and wear one for worship and for coffee hour to welcome visitors and help newcomers put names to faces.
Choir-The HTLC Choir meets every Sunday at 9am for rehearsal and sings in our worship at 10am. All are welcome! Come make music with us! You are a blessing!
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser will start Feb 1st Orders must be in by 2/23/25
Pick up will be Sunday Morning, March 2nd at Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall. No Deliveries
Will Need Volunteers to sort doughnuts during church.
Venmo me - you had a QR Code with my Venmo. Cash and checks accepted as well. Checks should be made out to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church with “donuts” on the memo line.
All donuts will be $20.00/dozen,, whether it's original glaze or special variety dozen (chocolate iced, lemon filled, raspberry filled, kreme filled)
Holy Trinity Memorial Garden Fundraiser Update:
Memorial Garden UpdateThe first phase of the Memorial Garden has been completed. Thanks go out to all who have contributed so far. The brickwork (hard scape) is done. It looks beautiful. Please stop by to see the design. We now would like to begin the landscape and purchase a memorial plaque, but funding is needed to begin this phase. Please consider donating so this beautiful, serene, reflective project can be completed.
● Please contact Joanne Giordano if you have any questions at 732-673-6779 or
Quilting- The Quilters need gently used any bed sheets of any size! Please leave any donations in the quilters closet in Fellowship Hall. Thank you!
Weekly Quilting on Wednesdays will begin again on Wednesday at 9:30. Bring your lunch and enjoy some fellowship at noon. All are welcome.
Social Ministry
*Year-round collections will continue for food items for Lunch Break. There is a sign-up sheet in the red book for those who can help drop these items to Lunch Break.
*We will also collect adult men's socks to periodically drop at the Red Bank Warminq Center.
*For those interested in the Heartwarminq Center — the new women's shelter is adjacent to the First Baptist Church of Red Bank at 90 Maple Ave. You can follow up on this mission through their website - On this site, they also include wish list items that can be purchased through amazon. We will be exploring purchasing some of these through a Thrivent card. If you want to purchase on your own, you can leave items at church, and the Social Ministry will deliver them.
We are happy to announce that WELCA will host another Trivia Night!
Mark your calendars for March 8 at 5pm. There is no entrance fee --because we have an international theme, we are asking everyone to bring a potluck dish of your ethnic heritage.
All proceeds will be donated to ELCA Good Gifts.
Come one, come all (bring a friend) for an evening of good food, fun, gift auction, games and prizes! If you wish, BYOB. Check the Sign Up sheet for more information.
Pastoral Care and Prayer... We are here to care for and pray! Please contact the office to add or adjust prayer requests. If you or someone you know needs pastoral care, please contact the office and Pastor Mack!
2025 Commitment Cards are being mailed this week with your YTD statements. Please, consider completing the cards and returning them as soon as possible so we can work on the 2025 budget. You can also scan this QR code and complete an online form with your pledge. Thank you for your continued support of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.
It's Never Too Late!!! to register for online giving through the eGiving Vanco website. Simply snap the QR code with your phone to set up an account. We appreciate and need your support for our ministry. You can schedule your weekly offering, or simply use it for specific donations for things like the Flowers, Endowment, Social Ministry, and yes, even Quilting!! It’s fast, easy and best of all safe!
THANK YOU for supporting and sustaining our church and ministries! All are welcome here! Please invite your family and friends to worship with us! Find us online at