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BPCS Health & Safety Guidance for SY 22-23
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July 27, 2022

Health & Safety Guidance for SY 22-23

The Center for Disease Control no longer recommends quarantine for asymptomatic students, teachers, and staff in K-12 schools and in child care settings after a school-based close contact exposure to an individual with COVID-19. Bridges will now practice Test To Stay, (“TST”) for those individuals previously recommended to quarantine.  These individuals are  those who are NOT up to date on COVID-19 vaccines and have NOT had COVID-19 in the last 90 days as outlined below.

Participation in TTS should meet the following criteria and:

• Do not have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19

• Are able and willing to follow the below modified quarantine and testing protocols with parental consent

• Are able and willing to mask

Test to Stay Testing Protocol for Unvaccinated or Not Up To Date on COVID-19 Vaccinations

Testing may be performed using home based tests and school based tests including  OR at an of -site testing location using a rapid test.

Testing frequency:

Close contacts of individuals with COVID-19 who are not up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccines can remain in school as long as they do not have symptoms and test negative on repeated COVID-19 tests.

Close contacts that are up-to-date with vaccinations will not be required to test immediately but are required to test on day 5 and will monitor for symptoms. They can remain at work while masked.

Had COVID-19 and  recovered in the last 90 days test if they develop symptoms. Can remain at work and masked for 10 dyas.

Note: Bridges has elected to require masks for all staff,students and visitors and will re-evaluate as required.

COVID-19 Symptoms

All students and staff should monitor for the development of COVID-19 symptoms. Symptoms may range from mild to severe and often develop 2-14 days after exposure.

● Fever or chills

● Cough

● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

● Fatigue

● Muscle or body aches

● Headache

● New loss of taste or smell

● Sore throat

● Congestion or runny nose

● Nausea or vomiting

● Diarrhea

Individuals presenting with fever, vomiting and diarrhea will be sent home and required to test negative twice over a three-day period with at least 24 hours and no more than 48 hours between tests prior to return. Additionally, at least 24 hours after fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication and other symptoms have improved.

If a student presents with other symptoms of cough, fatigue, muscle aches,headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, parents will be called and a rapid test can be administered if the student has authorization and can wear a mask. If the test is negative the students may remain in school and will be required to test again within 48 hours.

Definition of a Close Contact

An individual is more likely to get COVID-19 if they are in close contact with a person who has COVID-19 while they are contagious or still able to spread illness to others. Close contact means:

● Being within 6 feet of a person who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, or

● Having direct exposure to respiratory secretions (e.g., being coughed or sneezed on, sharing a drinking glass or utensils, kissing)

People with COVID-19 can pass the COVID-19 virus to their close contacts starting from 2 days before they become sick (or 2 days before they test positive if they never had symptoms).

Criteria on Individual Participation in Test to Stay

Certain close contacts are recommended to consider testing for COVID-19 after a school based exposure and are eligible for Test to Stay in the K-12 school and child care. Students, teachers, and staff are eligible to participate if they meet the criteria below.

 Asymptomatic close contact of an individual with COVID-19 : An individual who has been identified as a close contact AND remains asymptomatic. The exposure can be a documented one that occured at the school in the community, or in the household. The exposure may be masked or unmasked.

Asymptomatic close contact who is NOT up to date on COVID-19 vaccines: Up to date with vaccines means a person has received all doses in the primary series and all boosters recommended, when eligible.

 Asymptomatic close contact who has NOT recently had COVID-19: People who have had confirmed COVID-19 in the past 90 days as long as they do not develop new symptoms.

Consents to Participation

Students may opt out of the Test To Stay program. If a parent elects to opt out, students that are not fully vaccinated will be REQUIRED to quarantine for a 5 day period. At the end of the 5 day quarantine a negative test result must be submitted to test

BPCS will test students identified as close contacts with a rapid test during school hours if reported exposure occurs between 8:00 am - 2:30 pm Monday -Thursday and 8:00 am - 12:30 pm Friday. Parents may opt out of rapid testing administered by OSSE Patient Care HealthTechnician and can elect to test students at home and submittest results to

Parents & Staff are required to notify the school;

  1. When any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 develop
  2. Refrain from attending the school/ before care/ aftercare  
  3. Notify the school or child care facility of any new or additional close contact exposure to an individual with COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19 that is identified while participating in Test to Stay
  4. Promptly leave or pick up their child from the school (within 20 minutes), should they test positive or develop signs or symptoms of COVID-19 while at school.
  5. Comply with public health recommendations for quarantine when not attending the school.

People who have had close contact with a person who was a close contact to someone with COVID-19 (“contact of a contact”) are not recommended to participate in Test to Stay unless the contact tests positive for COVID-19.


Ongoing Mitigation Plan

Masking Indoors

The following should wear a mask:

•All staff, students & visitors

•Individuals returning from isolation or quarantine, for the remainder of the 10 days from the start of their isolation or quarantine period

•Individuals while inside a health suite or isolation suite, unless receiving treatment

•Staff providing medical care (including testing) or supervising individuals in isolation suites

•Individuals exposed to someone with COVID

The following do not need to wear a mask:

•Individuals eating or napping

•Individuals outdoors

Cleaning and Ventilation

The school will provide:

Hand Hygiene:

•Soap in every bathroom/near sinks

•Hand sanitizer in every room and available at key times; i.e. before/after eating, recess

•Maintain hand hygiene instruction

Ventilation and Filtration:

•Maintain high-quality HVAC systems and replace filters as needed

•Open windows whenever possible

•Maintain portable air purifiers in rooms with less than ideal ventilation


•Maintain daily and routine cleaning schedules

•Routinely clean high-touch surfaces - Disinfect when necessary.

•If someone was sick or tested positive for COVID-19 was in the space within the past 24 hours, clean and disinfect the space before use.


The school will:

• Report to DC Health when 25 or more confirmed COVID-19 cases are tied to a single event that occurred at or was hosted/sponsored by the school.


The school will:

•Notify families of COVID testing results

•Isolate and dismiss individuals with COVID or symptoms of COVID, and communicate isolation recommendations

• Conduct contact tracing and identify those with symptoms or tested positive in the last 5 days

•Notify staff, students, and parents/guardians if they or their student is exposed to someone with COVID at school within the last 5 days, and provide the following information: education about COVID-19 including signs and symptoms, DC Health's guidance for close contacts, and testing locations.

Everyday Prevention Measures (regardless of COVID-19 Community Level):

COVID-19 vaccination (CDC recommends COVID-19 primary series vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older, and COVID-19 boosters for everyone ages 5 years and older, if eligible)

For Medium or High COVID-19 Community Levels (or facility-specific-needs)

For High COVID-19 Community Levels (or facility- specific needs)

Protocol A: For Eligible Asymptomatic Close Contacts

Eligible for Test to Stay: Yes

Unvaccinated or Not Up to Date on COVID-19 Vaccination

Return to School: Eligible close contacts may remain in school if the following criteria are met:

  • The individual remains asymptomatic
  • The individual takes a rapid antigen test as soon as possible after the exposure is identified - if negative they remain in school
  • Rapid antigen test between Days 5-7 (day 5 if a school day, extended to day 7 if day 5 falls on weekend or holiday) after exposure, and the result is negative. Exposure day = Day 0
  • If the test is POSITIVE see Protocol B.

The test may be taken either in the morning before school or the evening prior to school, ideally after 7pm. Students submit results to Rapid testing may be performed at home with a rapid test kit

● The individual does not need to take a rapid test on mornings that fall on weekends or holidays (or the evenings prior); however, they should quarantine on these days (i.e. the individual is not to attend birthday parties, sporting events, or other group activities on these days).

● The individual immediately isolates at home if they receive a positive test result (see Protocol B for individuals who test positive).

● The individual may consider wearing a well-fitting mask when around others indoors for 10 days after the exposure, except when eating, drinking or sleeping.

Note: While participating in TTS, the student should quarantine from all non-school related activities (e.g.. birthday parties) and should not participate in sports practice and competitions until they have completed the 5-day testing regimen.

** If the students can not wear a mask after exposure while in school, a mandatory at home 5 day quarantine is required. On day 5 submit results to

Up to Date on COVID-19 Vaccination, Had COVID-19 and Recovered in the Last 90 Days

Eligible for Test to Stay: Yes

Return to School: Eligible close contacts may remain in school if the following criteria are met:

  • The individual remains asymptomatic
  • Rapid antigen test between Days 5-7 (day 5 if a school day, extended to day 7 if day 5 falls on weekend or holiday) after exposure, and the result is negative.
  • If the test is POSITIVE see Protocol B.
  • The test may be taken either in the morning before school or the evening prior to school, ideally after 7pm. Students submit results to Rapid testing may be performed at home with a rapid test kit
  • The individual does not need to take a rapid test on mornings that fall on weekends or holidays (or the evenings prior); however, they should quarantine on these days (i.e. the individual is not to attend birthday parties, sporting events, or other group activities on these days).
  • The individual immediately isolates at home if they receive a positive test result (see Protocol B for individuals who test positive).
  • The individual may consider wearing a well-fitting mask when around others indoors for 10 days after the exposure, except when eating, drinking or sleeping.
  • If close contact exposure is within house hold see page 8 - Guidelines for Household Close Contact Exposure

Note: While participating in TTS, the student should quarantine from all non-school related activities (e.g.. birthday parties) and should not participate in sports practice and competitions until they have completed the 5-day testing regimen.

** If the students can not wear a mask after exposure while in school, a mandatory at home 5 day quarantine is required. On day 5 submit results to  


Protocol B: For Individuals Who Test Positive for COVID-19 (Isolation)

Eligible for Test to Stay: No

Regardless of vaccination status, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate at home for at least 5 days. If they are asymptomatic or symptoms are resolving and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication, they may return to programming after Day 5, provided:

  • The individual has tested negative to COVID-19 on day 5. Exposure day = Day 0
  • If the individual is able to mask, they should do so through Day 10
  • If the individual is unable or unwilling to mask during this time (including children under age 2),  the person should remain home through day 10
  • Submitting a negative test result applies to anyone who tests positive, regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms
  • If test results are positive at the end of 5 day the isolation period, the individual should continue to isolate through day 10 and return on day 11.

Note: A return-to-school note from a healthcare provider is NOT necessary.

For more information on testing please see

Protocol C: For Symptomatic Individuals

Eligible for Test to Stay: YES

For: Up to date on COVID-19 Vaccination, Had COVID-19 and recovered in the last 90 days. OR Unvaccinated or NOT Up to Date on COVID-19 Vaccination

Brief Summary: Individuals who have symptoms of COVID-19  are required to test twice over a three-day period with at least 24 hours and no more than 48 hours between tests.

  •  If symptomatic individuals does not have COVID-19 (determined through testing and/or evaluation by a healthcare provider), they may remain in school.
  • If the test is POSITIVE see Protocol B.

Guidelines for Household Close Contact Exposure

In the case of a household exposure, the individual with COVID-19 isolating at home should minimize close contact with others in the household as much as possible. This includes having the person with COVID-19 stay in a separate bedroom and use a separate bathroom if possible, staying at least 6 feet apart, minimizing time spent with each other, wearing well-fitted masks, and improving air flow by safely opening a window.

Those participating in Test to Stay after close contact with a household member with COVID-19 should count the date of last close contact with the individual with COVID-19 as Day 0. If the individual with COVID-19 is not able to completely separate from the household contact, then the exposure is considered ongoing. Complete separation means not having close contact exposure the entire time the person with COVID-19 is isolating at home. In cases of an ongoing household exposure, the exposed contact should be tested at least three times. The exposed contact participating in Test to Stay should test:


How to obtain free rapid test kits mailed to your home:

Where to pick up free test kits in Washington,DC: 

COVID-19 Vaccines - Help Protect you, Your Child and Our Community:

For questions about COVID Testing, test to stay and health and safety contact: Georgia Vergos, Chief Operation Officer at