Curriculum Vitae
I am a professor, author, trainer and activist with a Ph.D. from the University of California Santa Barbara in Communication Studies with an interdisciplinary emphasis in Psychology. My research and publications examine the intersections of social identities and how they impact our perception of and communication with others. As a professor in the Communication Department at Santa Barbara City College I teach Interpersonal Communication and Leadership for a Global Society. Through the Black and woman owned firm Ally to Accomplice, I provide meaningful and effective training for educators and other adult professionals seeking to develop skills that empower them to act as change agents for a more inclusive and just society.
Intergroup Biases
Social Justice Leadership
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Equity in Education
Equitable Online Teaching
Intercultural Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Conflict and Mediation
Public Speaking
Ph.D. in Communication, University of California Santa Barbara.
Emphasis: Psychology, Intergroup Perception and Communication.
M.A. in Speech Communication, California State University Fullerton.
Emphasis: Interpersonal Communication, Interpersonal Persuasion.
B.A. in Communication, University of California Santa Barbara.
Emphasis: Communication, Spanish.
University of Costa Rica Education Abroad Program through University of California Santa Barbara.
Emphasis: Intercultural Communication, Linguistics.
In addition to my formal education, I have engaged in 200+ hours of diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism training and education.
Ally to Accomplice LLC DEI Training- Co-Founder & Co-Facilitator. May 2020- present.
Equity Mindset Series for SBCC Faculty- Designer and Facilitator. October 2020-present.
Online Teaching with an Equity Mindset for SBCC Credit Faculty- Creator. May 2020-present.
Online Teaching with an Equity Mindset for SBCC Noncredit Faculty- Creator. June 2020- present.
Serving Students with an Equity Mindset for SBCC Managers & Staff- Creator. Sept.2020- present
Equity Mindset Series Professional Development Training for SBCC School of Extended Learning- Creator and Facilitator. Oct. 2019-present.
SBCC Affective Learning Institute (ALI)- Facilitator. 2019- present
What is Systemic Racism? SURJ Community Workshop Facilitator. Sept. 2017.
How to Explain White Privilege to Skeptics. SURJ Community Workshop Facilitator. June 2017.
Culturally Inclusive Pedagogy: Examining Our Blind Spots, Faculty Inservice Facilitator. Aug. 2015.
How to Build Genuinely Inclusive Workplaces. Professional Development Webinar for the University of California. February 23, 2023.
A Three-Step Approach to Decolonizing the Curriculum Across Your Entire Campus (Online Teaching with an Equity Mindset: Free Public Launch). National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education (NCORE), Portland. May 2022.
Disrupting Racism: Foundations for Moving from Ally to Accomplice. Presentation for the Center for Equity & Social Justice, Santa Barbara City College Jul 1, 2020.
KCSB: Showing Up for Racial Justice in Santa Barbara with Carrie Hutchinson (radio interview).
Leaders for Equity Anti-Racism & Reparations Now (LEARN): A model for a collaborative approach to change. National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education (NCORE), Portland. May 2019.
Raising Antiracist Kids. Guest Speaker for Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS). Santa Barbara. April 2019.
What Can You, Personally, Do About Racism? Guest Lecturer for Global Studies, SBCC. April 2019.
Social Justice Organizing & Activism. Guest Lecturer for UCSB Leadership Program. Sept. 2018.
Are You Talking to ME? Why everyone is needed in the fight for a more equitable world. Association for Women in Communication 2018 Woman of Achievement Award Acceptance Presentation. June 2018.
Our Liberation is Bound in Each Others: Intersectional Activism is the New Feminism. Keynote Speaker, Santa Barbara Associates Luncheon. April 2017.
A Conversation About Hate: The Roots of Intergroup Conflict. Panel speaker at SBCC. April 2017.
Comfort Zones: Diving Into Antiracist Activism. Speaker at Women’s March Santa Barbara. Jan. 2017.
Looking at Our Past, Present, and Future. Speaker at Charlottesville Solidarity Rally. Aug. 2017.
The Revolution Will Be Intersectional. Speaker at Pride Festival and Rally. Aug. 2017.
Biased Language & Discrimination. Keynote Speaker for the Anti-Defamation League. April 2013.
Co-Founder, Showing Up for Racial Justice, Santa Barbara Chapter. Nov. 2016-present.
Co-founder, Leaders for Equity, Antiracism, & Reparations Now (LEARN). Founding Member. Spring 2018-present.
Founder, Together Women Rise. Santa Barbara Chapter 5 Founder. April 2014-present.
Faculty Excellence Award, Santa Barbara City College. 2022-2023
Dr. John W. Rice Diversity & Equity Award, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. July 2019.
Hayward Award for Excellence in Education, Sponsored by the Foundation for California Community Colleges: Nominee, 2018.
2018 Woman of Achievement, Association for Women in Communication. June 2018.
Above and Beyond Faculty Recognition Award, SBCC Educational Opportunities Programs & Services (EOPS). Spring 2012.
Top Paper in Intergroup Communication Division, International Communication Association Conference, New York. May 2005.
Debut Award for Independent Research: WSCA Conference. Feb. 2001.
Top Paper in Health Communication, WSCA Conference. Feb. 2001.
Outstanding Teaching Associate of the Year, California State University Fullerton. May 2000.
Silver Life Member, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
Faculty Mentor, Umoja Community of Santa Barbara City College. Fall 2018-Spring 2019.
Member, International Education Committee, Santa Barbara City College. 2006-present.
Department Chair, Santa Barbara City College Department of Communication. Fall 2015-Fall 2018.
Committee Chair, International Education Committee, Santa Barbara City College. 2009-2017.
Member, Honors Advisory Committee, Santa Barbara City College. 2009-2017.
Member, Santa Barbara City College Accreditation Committee for Educational Programs. Spring 2014.
Director, Annual Lancaster Speech Tournament, Santa Barbara City College. 2004-2007.
Panel Chair, Communication & Technology, National Communication Association Conference. 2005.
Reviewer, Communication & Technology, National Communication Association Conference. 2004-2005.
Reviewer, Student Division, National Communication Association Conference. 2003.
Member, Technology Committee, University of California Santa Barbara. 2001-2003.
Tournament Judge, Debate and Forensics, California State University Fullerton. 1999-2000.
Full-time, Tenured Professor
Santa Barbara City College, Department of Communication. 2005-present.
Study Abroad Director
Santa Barbara City College Study Abroad Programs. 2006-present.
Design and teach study abroad programs for students. Destinations have included Cuba, India, Rwanda, Australia, South Africa, Czech Republic, Germany, and The Netherlands.
World Smart Leadership Program, Traveling Professor
University of Colorado, Denver, Department of Communication. 2004-2005.
Taught Intercultural Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Conflict, and Leadership courses to college students from 25 different countries as we traveled together across three continents for one year.
Adjunct Instructor
Santa Barbara City College, Department of Communication. 2002-2004.
California State University Fullerton, Department of Marketing. 1998-2000 .
California State University Fullerton, Department of Speech Communication. 1999-2001.
Fullerton College, Humanities Division. 2000-2001.
Saddleback College, Fine Arts Division. 2000-2001.
Cypress College, Language Arts Division. 2000-2001.
Hutchinson, C.C. (2023) Positionality Matters: Navigating Our Differences for a More Inclusive Society. Self published, open access.
Hutchinson, C.C. (2020) Change Agent Toolkit: How Ordinary People Can Create a More Equitable & Just Society. New York: Kindle Direct Publishing. Free to students.
Hutchinson, C.C. (2017, 2014, 2012) Interpersonal Communication: Navigating Relationships in a Changing World. New York: Hayden McNeil. Free to students.
Hutchinson, C.C. (2011). Intercultural Communication: A Guide for the Global Village.
Hutchinson, C.C. (2010) Cross-Cultural Communication.
Cropley, C. J. (2010). Two to Tango: Understanding and Applying Theories of Interpersonal Communication. San Diego: National Social Science Press.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Cropley, C.J. (2007). A latent variable analysis of couple closeness, attributions, and relational satisfaction. The Family Journal, 16(4).
Cropley, C.J. (2006). The moderating role of personality attributes in predicting persuasive effectiveness of partners and relapse potential of substance abusers. Addiction Research and Theory, 14(5), 493-509.
Cropley, C.J. (2003). The effect of provider gender and persuasive strategy on patient compliance and satisfaction. American Journal of Health Studies, 18, 117-125.
Edited Textbooks
Adler, R.B & Rodman, G. (2010). Understanding Human Communication, 11th ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Contributing Editor and Author.
Book Chapters
Cropley, C.J. (2008). Service Learning. In R.B. Adler, & G. Rodman (Eds.) Understanding Human Communication, 10th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
Workbooks and Manuals
Cropley, C.J. (2007) Guide to Success in Business Communication: Course Manual and Workbook. San Diego: National Social Science Press.
Cropley, C.J. & Wiemann, M. O. (2007). Interpersonal Communication Course Manual and Workbook. San Diego: National Social Science Press.
Contributions to Research Projects
Communication Research Measures, Volume 2, Organizational Communication Chapter,
Assistant to Dr. David Seibold, Department Chair, University of California Santa Barbara.
Second Language Acquisition and Identity, Assistant to Dr. Kimberly Knowles, Visiting Professor, University of California Santa Barbara.
Bilingual Education and Self-Esteem of Native Spanish Speakers, Assistant to Dr. Scott Reid, Assistant Professor, University of California Santa Barbara.
Which Part of “No Justice, No Peace” Do You Not Understand? Santa Barbara Independent. Sept. 2020.
No More Hollow Statements. Santa Barbara Independent. June 2020.
Campus Cops Don’t Make Everyone Safer. Santa Barbara Independent. Feb. 2018.
Waking Up to White Supremacy. Santa Barbara Independent. Sept. 2017.
Regents Fellowship, University of California Santa Barbara.
Graduate Teaching Fellowship, University of California Santa Barbara.
Faculty Research Assistance Grant, University of California Santa Barbara.
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE). New Orleans, 2023.
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE). Portland, 2022.
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE). Portland, 2019.
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE). New Orleans, 2018.
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE). Fortworth, May 2017.
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE). San Francisco, May 2016.
Association of International Educators Conference (NAFSA). Boston, May 2015.
International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. San Francisco, May 2007.
National Communication Association (NCA) Conference. Boston, Nov. 2005.
National Communication Association (NCA) Conference. New Orleans, Nov. 2002.
International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Seoul, Korea. July 2001.