DEI Recruitment

Updated December 2022

Purpose of this Template


Things To Keep In Mind When Recruiting Candidates

Diverse, Equitable, and Accessible Sourcing

Sourcing Methods

Digital & Ongoing:

External & Network

Traditional Underrepresented Minorities (URMs) in the Workplace focus:

Attracting Diverse Talent

Initiatives to Attract Diverse Talent

Questions to Strengthen Equitable Recruitment?


Related Blog Posts, Lunch & Learns, Workshops, and Coaching

Contributors to this Template

Purpose of this Template

This template should serve as a guide for transforming your recruitment process to ensure DEI is at the forefront. This is not all inclusive of all DEI recruitment resources, however, it is a starting point. Be sure to apply to your organization’s industry and position requirements.


Recruiting is about building relationships and creating a network of talent. Even if someone isn’t interested in changing employers now, they may know someone talented who is currently searching – and they’ll know how to find you when they’re ready. Make those connections, use social media outlets to attract talent and continue to engage with them. Think of it like building relationships in sales: you may not get the customer now, but you keep the communication lines open for future opportunities. This includes:

Search profiles on LinkedIn, attend networking events, and build partner relationships. If you can build a network early, it will be easier to reach the talent that you need. Think about your target employee. If you can answer the following questions, you have a great shot at recruiting the right people for your role.

Things To Keep In Mind When Recruiting Candidates

Diverse, Equitable, and Accessible Sourcing

A sourcing strategy must begin with a thorough understanding of your organization’s diversity, identities, and how it is compared to the industry standard. When sourcing, ask, does your outreach match your diversity goals?

List questions or checklist

Sourcing Methods

Digital & Ongoing:

External & Network

Traditional Underrepresented Minorities (URMs) in the Workplace focus:

Attracting Diverse Talent

Increase candidate pools from underrepresented backgrounds. Attract candidates from underrepresented backgrounds to our product and ensure our marketing practices are unbiased. In order to do so, it is recommended to created talent management objectives such as the following:

After creating the objective, focus on the specific key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be measured to demonstrate success and return on investment (ROI). Here are a few examples:  

Initiatives to Attract Diverse Talent

Questions to Strengthen Equitable Recruitment?


Related Blog Posts, Lunch & Learns, Workshops, and Coaching

Contributors to this Template


OPHR: One Person Human Resources