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Effective Date: ______________________, 20____




RE: ______________________

This letter of intent, (the “Letter of Intent”), represents the basic terms for an agreement  that shall be considered ☐ binding ☐ non-binding. After this Letter of Intent has been  made, another formal agreement may be constructed to the benefit of the Parties.

I. The Buyer: ______________________ (the “Buyer”) with a mailing address of  ______________________, City of ______________________, State of  ______________________.

II. The Seller: ______________________ (the “Seller”) with a mailing address of  ______________________, City of ______________________, State of  ______________________.

III. The Transaction: Buyer agrees to pay the Seller the amount of  ______________________ Dollars ($______________________) (“Purchase Price”) in  exchange for __________________________________________________________. (“Goods/Services”).

IV. Payment: Payment shall be paid in the following manner: (check one) ☐ - At a Later Date: The Purchase Price must be paid by: (check one)

☐ the Date of ______________________, 20____.

☐ the Date mentioned in the formal agreement.

☐ - Signing: The Purchase Price must be paid at the time of signing ☐ this  Letter of Intent ☐ another formal agreement.

☐ - Other: ______________________________________________________.

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V. Deposit: With the signing of this Letter of Intent, the Parties agree that: (check one)

☐ - Deposit is Required: The Buyer shall remit to the Seller, together with this  Letter of Intent, payment in the amount of ______________________ Dollars  ($______________________) (“Deposit”). The Deposit shall be accepted by the  Seller as: (check one)  

☐ Refundable under the following terms: __________________________ _________________________________________________________________. ☐ Non-Refundable.

☐ - Deposit is NOT Required: The Buyer shall not be required to make  payment at the time of signing this Letter of Intent.

VI. Financing: The Buyer has made it known that: (check one)

☐ - Conditional Upon Financing: This Letter of Intent is conditional on the  Buyer’s ability to obtain financing. Financing shall be under the following terms: _______________________________________________________________________.

☐ - NOT Conditional Upon Financing: This Letter of Intent is not conditional on  the Buyer’s ability to obtain financing.

VII. Currency: All mentions of money or the usage of the "$" icon shall be known as  referring to the US Dollar.

VIII. Governing Law: This Letter of Intent shall be governed under the laws by the  State of ___________________.


Seller’s Signature ______________________ Date ______________________  Print Name ______________________  


Buyer’s Signature ______________________ Date ______________________  Print Name ______________________

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Date: ______________________  




RE: ______________________

Dear ______________________,

I, ______________________, am writing this Letter of Intent to request employment for  the position of ______________________.  

I believe I would make a strong fit for the available position due to the following: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Furthermore, I am passionate about staying up to date with the current practices and  duties related to the available position and have exemplified this through my  experiences at: _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________  

If you have any questions regarding my skillset, availability, or any other items please  contact me by phone at ________________ or by email at ______________________.  I appreciate your time and consideration in reviewing this letter.





Print Name

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