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Survey Questions
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Survey Questions

Perfil Demográfico

1.1 ¿En qué grupo de edad te encuentras?

(Para identificar el grupo de edad de los participantes que podría afectar las preferencias de respuesta.)

1.2 ¿Cuál es tu género?

(para conocer el género de los encuestados)

1.3 ¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad?

(para conocer la nacionalidad de los encuestados)

1.4 ¿Cuál es el ingreso monetario de tu hogar?

(para conocer el ingreso mensual del hogar de los encuestados)

1.5 ¿Qué tipo de propiedad estás habitando actualmente?

(para saber en qué tipo de propiedad viven los encuestados)

1.6 ¿Cuántas personas viven contigo?

(para saber cuántas personas viven con los encuestados)

1.7 ¿Tienes experiencia en Agricultura Urbana?

(para ver si los encuestados tienen experiencia en agricultura urbana. Las respuestas de Sí y No conducirán a diferentes partes de la encuesta)

Conocimiento y Experiencia en Agricultura Urbana

2.1 ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas practicando la Agricultura Urbana?

(Para conocer el período de experiencia del usuario en la agricultura urbana)

2.2 En una escala del 1 al 5, ¿qué tan familiarizado estás con la agricultura urbana?

(Para entender la exposición de los participantes a la agricultura urbana)

2.3 ¿Cómo descubriste por primera vez la Agricultura Urbana?

(Para identificar la forma en que los participantes se expusieron a la agricultura urbana)

2.4 ¿Qué despertó tu interés en la Agricultura Urbana?

(Para descubrir si los participantes están interesados en esta agricultura urbana)

2.5 ¿Dónde sueles practicar la Agricultura Urbana?

(Para averiguar el lugar donde los participantes normalmente realizan la agricultura urbana)

2.6 Si no practicas la agricultura urbana en casa, ¿lo has considerado?

(Para estudiar el número de personas que están considerando ingresar a la agricultura urbana, aunque actualmente no la practican. Esto ayudará a identificar usuarios potenciales)

2.7 What is the reason for your answer in question 2.6? If you are already doing urban farming at home, please put a "-".

(To understand if there’s any specific reason people don’t do urban farming at home)

2.8 What do you usually farm?

(To understand participants’ preferences of different types of food)

2.9 Is there any plant or produce that you haven't tried farming but would like to try in the future?

(To understand participants’ preferences of different types of food)

2.10 What are the challenges you have faced in urban farming?

(To identify the challenges that participants could faced when they farming)

2.11 How would you encourage others to start Urban Farming?

(To understand the way of participants spread the urban farming)

2.12 How much do you usually spend monthly on Urban Farming?

(To identify the cost that participants spend in urban farming)

2.13 What type of Urban Farming do you prefer?

(To understand participants’ preferences of different types of urban farming)

2.14 What features do you think are important for urban farming?

(To understand how much the participants values urban farming and represent the importance of urban farming)

2.15 What additional features/equipment would you want to have for urban farming?

(Determine the participants’ needs for urban agriculture in order to achieve convenience)

2.16 Based on your answer in 2.16, please elaborate further.

(To understand the social needs associated with learning a new skill.)

2.17 Would you consider joining a community that would share tips, exchange crops, etc?

(To find out what platforms that participants are more interested to)

Understanding of Urban Farming

2.1 Have you heard about Urban Farming?

(To understand participants’ knowledge regarding this topic)

2.2 Do you know anyone who is involved in Urban Farming?

(To ensure that people that involved affect the participants knowledge regarding urban farming)

2.3 What type(s) of Urban Farming are you aware of?

(To understand how aware people are of the different types of urban farming)

2.4 What is the reason you haven't tried Urban Farming?

(To understand what is limiting and keeping people from trying out and practising urban farming)

2.5 Would you consider trying urban farming if the concerns above have solutions to them?

(To ensure that people are fine to give urban farming a try if a solution is provided to their concerns)

2.6 How do you think you will benefit from Urban Farming?

(To study how much people are aware of the benefits that can be received from urban farming and if they really are aware of its benefits)

2.7 Do you think urban farming is costly?

(To study peoples’ perception of the cost of urban farming and to study if pricing is a factor that contributes to preventing people from going into urban farming)

2.8 How much are you willing to spend to create an urban farm at home?

(To study how much people are willing to spend to create and sustain an urban farm of their own)

2.9 If you can create an urban farm at home for a low cost, would you be willing to try it out?

(To study if more people are willing to practice urban farming if if is inexpensive to create and maintain)

2.10 If you answered no/maybe, what is your reason?

(To understand what other factors, apart from price, are preventing people from urban farming)

2.11 If you were to start urban farming at home, what are some features you would like it to have?

(To understand participants’ preferences on the features that will benefit them)

2.12 If you are required to be involved in urban agriculture, please describe the specific needs or conditions you lack for?

(To understand if there are any features that should be considered for the product)