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SCJCL Constitution & Bylaws (2024)
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We, the members of the South Carolina Junior Classical League, in order to promote the cooperation among the local chapters, to establish a basis for order and to increase unity, to promote friendship and to encourage understanding among the several members, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution.

Article I

The name of this organization shall be the South Carolina Junior Classical League.

Article II

The purpose of this organization shall be to promote a more thorough knowledge of classical life, history, and literature, to impart a better understanding of the practical and cultural value of the classics; to interest other students in the classical languages, literature, government, laws, and arts, and, as members of this organization, to pattern our citizenship in respect to family, school, and nation after the best examples of classical civilization.

Article III
Parliamentary Authority

This Constitution, in conjunction with the Bylaws and Manual of the National Junior Classical League and Robert’s Rules of Order, shall be the authority for the operation of the South Carolina Junior Classical League.

Article IV
Membership and Sponsorship

A. Membership.

  1. Individual Membership. Individual membership in this organization shall be granted to any student that fits the following:
  1. Local Chapters. Local chapters are defined as:
  1. Members-at-Large. Students of the classics in the state of South Carolina who are unable to join a local chapter because a local chapter does not exist at their school may apply to the State Chair to be a member-at-large in the South Carolina Junior Classical League.

B. Sponsors.

A local chapter must be sponsored by a Latin teacher, a Greek teacher, a teacher of the Classical Humanities.

  1. Good Standing of Sponsors. A Sponsor must:
  1. Any Sponsor or State Chair may be removed from his/ her position for any of the following reasons:

Article V
Executive Board

There shall be an Executive Board composed of the State elected Officers, the Co-Chairs (their Sponsors) and the State Chair. This Board shall act as the agent through which SCJCL business between Conventions can be transacted. The President of the SCJCL shall serve as the Chairperson of the Board.

Article VI
State Officers

A. Permanent Offices.

A permanent office is one that MUST be filled by a student who is 9th-11th grade during candidacy (10th-12th while serving); if there is less than one pre-filed candidate for a permanent office, a state of emergency shall be called for by the Parliamentarian for that position during the first general assembly of the Spring Forum. The permanent elected offices of this organization shall be the following: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Parliamentarian, Historian, and Editor.

B. Junior Representative.

A Junior Representative is an office that may either be filled by up to 2 students who are in 7th-8th grade during candidacy (8th-9th grade during their term) or remain vacant. A state of emergency will be called if no candidates are running for this position.

C. Term of Office.

The term of office for each Officer shall be from 10 days after their election at the SCJCL Spring Forum until 10 days after the next SCJCL Spring Forum.

D. Candidate Eligibility.

To be eligible to run for elective office, a candidate:

E. Duties of the Officers.

  1. Duties of all SCJCL Officers.
  1. Duties of the President.
  1. Duties of the First Vice President.
  1. Duties of the Second Vice President.
  1. Duties of the Parliamentarian.
  1. Duties of the Editor.
  1. Duties of the Historian.
  1. Duties of the Junior Representatives.

F. Nomination Procedures.

  1. Filing for Office. Any eligible person who wishes to run for South Carolina Junior Classical League office may become a prospective candidate by filing the designated forms with the SCJCL Parliamentarian before SCJCL Spring Forum.
  2. Nominations Committee. A candidate shall be nominated by a Nominations Committee which shall consist of two previously selected voting delegates from each chapter attending the Spring Forum. The SCJCL Parliamentarian shall serve as the chair of Nominations Committee.
    All candidates must be approved by the Nominations Committee, including those nominees who have pre-filed forms and they must be presented first in the committee meeting. There can be no nominations from the Spring Forum floor
    unless there is a state of emergency. When the Nominations Committee has at least one pre-filed nominee for an elective office, additional nominations will not be accepted at the Nominations Committee Meeting. If more than two nominees for an office have pre-filed, the Nominations Committee will vote to select only two candidates. If only one candidate has pre-filed for a SCJCL office, then that pre-filed candidate will automatically fill the seat for that office. For the nominations, the Nominations Committee shall select the required number of nominees to have no more than two candidates. In case of a tie, the SCJCL Parliamentarian shall cast the deciding vote. The State Chair (or their representative) shall meet with the committee to act as an advisor.
    A campaign speech limited to three (3) minutes on behalf of the state candidate shall be allowed before the Nominations Committee at the SCJCL Spring Forum.

G. Election Procedures.

Each candidate may campaign at the SCJCL Spring Forum only after the candidates' speech screening. Each candidate must submit their speech to the SCJCL Parliamentarian at the date set at least two (2) weeks prior to the Spring Forum.

  1. Expenses. Expenses for the campaign shall not exceed $30 per candidate, including both the estimated value of donated material and actual expenses.
  2. Candidate Screening. At least one week prior to the State Convention, each candidate selected by the Nominating Committee must submit his or her speech to the Parliamentarian for screening. The Parliamentarian, in cooperation with the State Chair, will suggest whatever changes are necessary to ensure that the speech holds to acceptable bounds of appropriateness and that it does not conflict with the purpose of the organization.
  3. At the SCJCL Spring Forum, prior to campaigning, each candidate shall present his or her campaign materials and all applicable receipts to the Parliamentarian. The candidate will be required to give a speech limited to three (3) minutes at the General Assembly I of the SCJCL Spring Forum.
    There shall be at every Spring Forum a meeting of candidates and chapter delegates in which the delegates may question the candidates on relevant topics. The SCJCL Parliamentarian shall be in charge of the format and administration of this meeting.
  4. Voting delegates shall vote by secret ballot. Each SCJCL chapter which was represented by two (2) delegates at the Nominations Committee meeting shall have two votes; each chapter which was represented by only one delegate will have one vote. Each chapter which was not represented at the Nominations Committee shall have no vote. The voting delegates must vote in accordance with their chapter’s decision. Only members which are in good standing may vote in the chapter delegation. A candidate must receive a majority of votes eligible to be elected to an office.

H. Campaign Honesty

Any instances of dishonesty displayed by a candidate during their campaign can put their position as a candidate and potentially their position as a future SCJCL Officer in jeopardy. Some instances of dishonesty include:

Upon an instance of dishonesty from the candidate during their campaign being discovered and verified, the candidate in question may face the following penalties:

  1. Immediate disqualification from the current election race.
  2. Barred from running for a SCJCL Officer position for the remainder of their membership in the SCJCL.
  3. Barred from becoming a voting delegate for the remainder of their membership in the SCJCL.
  4. Possible barring from running for an NJCL Officer position, up to the discretion of the SCJCL Executive Board (should the candidate not be connected to any sort of chapter, the decision will be given by the current President of the SCJCL)
  5. Possible revoked membership of the SCJCL, up to the discretion of the State Chair.

Upon an instance of dishonesty from the candidate during their campaign being discovered and verified during the Spring Forum after the voting ballot has taken place, but the candidate has not yet been sworn into office, the following may happen to the election:

  1. The second most-voted candidate for the office (if applicable) will be the candidate to receive the Officer position.
  2. The voting process will be completely redone for the office, only if there were at least three (3) total candidates running for the office prior to the disqualification of the dishonest candidate.

Should an instance of dishonesty from the candidate during their campaign be discovered and verified following the candidate being sworn into office, not only may the new Officer be removed from office without any sort of vote being required, but they may also be barred from running for a SCJCL/NJCL Officer position or becoming a voting delegate for any future elections in the SCJCL and NJCL.

G. Annual SCJCL Spring Forum.

The annual SCJCL Spring Forum shall be located at the chapter of the SCJCL President; if the President is unable to host the Spring Forum the location will be determined by the board.

Article VII
Removal from Office

A. Grounds for Removal.

The South Carolina JCL will be entitled to remove any officer, Sponsor, Co-Chair and State Chair from office. Grounds for removal will include an officer’s infraction to the SCJCL rules at a state, or national convention, and/or serious negligence in the discharge of the duties of their office as defined in this constitution.

B. Removal Procedures.

The following procedures will be followed in the event that an Officer is considered for removal: the Officer must be notified in writing that they are in dereliction of duty or that the Executive Board has been made aware of a serious local, state, or national JCL infraction, a “call for a vote” for removal from office will be presented to the Executive Board. A vote of a two-thirds majority is required to remove any Officer, Sponsor, Co-Chair, or State Chair from office. Should the reason for the Officer being in question for removal be repeated, the Officer can be removed without a vote if they fits all of the following:

C. Post-Removal Officer Duties

Upon an Officer being removed from office, they are required to do the following of which applies to the removed Officer:

  1. Reimburse all and any financial accommodations received by the removed Officer in full.
  2. Return any property given by the SCJCL or NJCL for temporary use.

Article VIII
State Chair and Co-Chairs

A. State Chair

The State Chair will be elected by the Sponsors of the chapters of the South Carolina JCL. The term of office of the State Chair will be three years, beginning at the conclusion of the SCJCL Spring Forum. The State Chair may be re-elected. During the third year of the State Chair's term, the Executive Board will send out an application form to all eligible Sponsors. This form must be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the Spring Forum by any Sponsor seeking the office of State Chair. A candidate for the office of State Chair must be in good standing with the American Classical League, the National JCL, and the South Carolina JCL. The election of a State Chair will be conducted by secret ballot during the Sponsor’s meeting at the SCJCL Spring Forum.

B. Duties of the State Chair

The State Chair will:

C. Co-Chairs

The Co-Chairs shall be the Sponsors who have an elected State Officer. They are required to attend the SCJCL Classics Day and the SCJCL Spring Forum. They are also required to attend the NJCL Convention with their Officer. Failure to do so will result in their removal from the Executive Board. Co-Chairs shall also get yearly reports on the financial situation and the growth of SCJCL.

Article IX

Suggested amendments may be submitted in writing to the SCJCL Parliamentarian or State Chair at least six (6) weeks before the annual SCJCL Spring Forum. Copies of proposed amendments must be sent to all SC chapters at least four (4) weeks before the annual Spring Forum. These amendments shall be read at the General Assembly 1 of the Spring Forum and voted on at the General Assembly 2. Two-thirds votes of the voting delegates present shall be sufficient for the establishment of this constitution.

Article X

Following the ratification by a two-thirds vote of all the chapters, this constitution shall become effective after the adjournment of the SCJCL Spring Forum at which it was adopted. By a three-fourths vote of the chapters, it may likewise be abolished. A copy of the SCJCL Constitution will be submitted yearly to the NJCL Constitutional Advisor by the SCJCL President and State Chair.


A. Dues

  1. Proper payment consists of payments of the annual dues (NJCL and SCJCL) on or before February 1st. To meet payment requirements, all chapters must pay the three (3) dollars per student fee. The ten (10) dollars for the chapter registration fee will be waived for all chapters registered on or before December 1st.
  2. Chapters that fail to meet the date of required payment(s) will have all privileges nullified such as attending Forums, running for State Office, hosting the Spring Forum, and attending the National Convention.
  3. Fees for new chapters will be waived until the Spring Forum. The proper payment of three (3) dollars per student must be paid at Spring Forum for new chapters.

B. SCJCL Spring Forum

The time of the Spring Forum shall be fixed to suit the convenience of the school year. The SCJCL President and their Co-Chair will make this selection. A Spring Forum informational packet must be submitted by the President and their Sponsor to the SCJCL State Chair before January 1st.

All chapters in good standing shall receive information about the SCJCL Spring Forum through the State Chair or the President. Chapters not in good standing may neither participate in the contests nor run a candidate for office.

C. SCJCL Fall Workshop/Classics Day

The Fall Workshop/Classics Day must be announced to all chapters at least two (2) months in advance of this event. This event will be hosted by a college that has a Classics program. The First Vice President will be in charge of planning and hosting the event alongside the State Chair and Classics program of a college.