Tushka Public Schools
Safe Return to School Plan
Tushka Public Schools has developed the following plan for the 2022-2023 school year. This plan will allow our students to return to school in the safest way possible. The COVID-19 pandemic and the response to it is continuously changing. We are in unique times that require flexibility and cooperation from everyone involved with Tushka Public Schools. Thank you in advance for working together to ensure our students health and safety.
Screening protocol for entering school facility:
In an effort to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and staff and to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, especially during a pandemic or public health crisis, Tushka Public School will be implementing the following protocol to control and restrict access to school property, activities and events:
Tushka Public Schools encourages parents, legal guardians, and all school employees to self-screen at home. (A Covid-19 Screening Checklist is included in the Response Guide.) If a student or employee has a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, the student or employee should remain at home until the individual has been free of fever for 3 days with no fever reducing medication.
Tushka Public Schools will screen any individual (students, faculty and staff) who enters a school facility during the regular school day. This screening process may include taking temperatures, asking health-related questions, and isolating those that have symptoms of a communicable disease.
Tushka Public Schools will adhere to guidelines set by local, state and federal health and safety guidelines when feasible.
Best practices for positive cases at schools:
1. Consult with county Health Department to begin contact tracing.
2. Communicate to staff
3. Communicate to applicable parents depending on classroom arrangement.
4. Thoroughly sanitize classroom
5. Positive case classroom goes to distance learning for 14 days while those students are quarantined. If the student has siblings, the siblings will be quarantined.
6. If the attendance of campus learners at the site and/or district where the positive case occurs reaches a 35% absenteeism rate, the site and/or district (dependent on school size and structure) will go to distance learning for 14 days. The count starts on the first day of distance learning.
7. Grab and Go meals will be provided starting on Day 1 of distance learning. Delivery schedule will be dictated by Tushka’s Child Nutrition capabilities.
1. Consult with county Health Department to begin contact tracing.
2. Communicate to staff
3. Communicate to parents at site about positive case.
4. County health departments will decide which students will have to be quarantined and go to distance learning dependent on exposure level as determined by the county health officials.
5. If the attendance at the site and/or district where the positive case occurs reaches a 35% absenteeism rate, the site and/or district (dependent on school size and structure) will go to distance learning for 14 days. The count starts on the first day of distance learning.
6. Grab and Go meals will be provided starting on Day 1 of distance learning. Delivery schedule will be dictated by the Child Nutrition capabilities.
Access to school facilities:
Due to COVID-19 and for the safety of our students, parents will not be allowed to enter school facilities during the regular school day. For assistance, parents are asked to call the office at each school site. Students will not be permitted to enter the buildings until 7:30 AM each morning.
Tushka Public School 580-889-7355
Elementary School Office Ext. 1
High School Office Ext. 2
Superintendent Office Ext. 3
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to wear a mask. Any person that chooses to wear a mask is encouraged to do so. At this time, masks are not required. It is recommended that parents purchase masks for their students prior to the start of the new school year in the event masks do become a requirement.
Transportation safety:
Tushka Public Schools will continue transporting students to and from school each day. We would also like to encourage parents that can bring their children to school each morning and pick them up each afternoon to do so. This would eliminate overcrowding on the bus routes. Also, students are encouraged but not required to wear a face covering for the bus routes due to the small, confined area of school bus. All school buses will be sanitized after the morning routes and afternoon routes are completed. Remember to pre-screen your child before having them catch the bus in the mornings.
Distance/Virtual Days:
In the event of school closure, Tushka Public Schools will implement distance/virtual days of instruction. Students, parents and faculty members will be notified as early as possible regarding virtual days.
Tushka Public Schools will use email, the school website, and school social media accounts to communicate with parents and students.
Modifying facilities to allow physical distancing:
Social distancing will be practiced, when possible. All student desks will face the same direction and be placed 6ft apart when possible. Corridors will be clearly marked for direction of flow and social distancing. In the cafeteria, students will remain with their grade level and in an assigned seat.
Handwashing and respiratory etiquette:
Students will receive instruction on proper hand washing techniques and guidelines for respiratory etiquette to assist in slowing the spread of COVID-19. The Tushka Public School will work cooperatively with the Atoka County health department to provide this instruction. Students will have frequent breaks throughout the school day to practice safe handwashing techniques. Respiratory etiquette will include the proper way to cover the nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing.
Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation:
Disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer will be available for use in each classroom. Classrooms and facilities will be cleaned and sanitized periodically throughout the school day. All mouth pieces on water foundations will be covered.
The Tushka Public School has conducted an assessment of ventilation systems and will repair or replace ventilation systems that are not functioning properly.
Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine in collaboration with the State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments:
The Tushka Public Schools will adhere to guidelines set by local, state and federal health and safety guidelines. Contact tracing will be conducted in cooperation with the Atoka County Health Department. Isolation and quarantine guidelines provided by health officials will be used to determine when a student can safely return to school.
Diagnostic and Screening Testing:
In an effort to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and staff and to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, especially during a pandemic or public health crisis, the Tushka Public School will be implementing the following protocol to control and restrict access to school property, activities and events:
The Tushka Public Schools encourages parents, legal guardians, and all school employees to self-screen at home. If a student or employee has a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, the student or employee should remain at home until the individual has been free of fever for twenty-four (24) hours.
The Tushka Public Schools will screen any individual (students, faculty and staff) who enters a school facility during the regular school day. This screening process may include taking temperatures, asking health-related questions, and isolating those that have symptoms of a communicable disease.
The Tushka Public Schools will adhere to guidelines set by local, state and federal health and safety guidelines when feasible.
The Tushka Public School will work cooperatively with the Atoka County Health Department to provide COVID-19 diagnostic testing for any student that wishes to participate.
Efforts to provide vaccinations to school communities:
The Tushka Public Schools will work cooperatively with local and tribal health officials to provide opportunities for all school district employees and eligible students to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. The Tushka Public School will also assist these entities in disseminating information about vaccine safety and effectiveness.
Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies:
All students with disabilities will receive appropriate accommodations in accordance with their individual education plan developed by the IEP team. Student with disabilities will not be excluded from attending and participating in classroom activities.
Coordination with State and local health officials:
As COVID-19 continues to evolve, the Tushka Public Schools will partner with the Atoka County Health Department and health officials from the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma to coordinate a response that is accordance with the latest CDC guidelines.
Continuity of services:
All student services will continue as scheduled including academic curriculum delivery, meal delivery and associated special education services.
2022-2023 Tushka Public Schools
All students must complete an enrollment packet on the scheduled enrollment days. All students will be automatically enrolled in learning option #1. Students and parents that are interested in option #2 must complete a distance/virtual student application form and schedule a meeting with the building principal to determine if the student is a viable candidate for distance/virtual learning.
Learning options:
Option 1-Traditional classroom setting
Learning Management System: Google Classroom
A. All on site learning
B. In person learning and interaction with peers
C. Immediate access to teachers and school facilities, including libraries, computer labs, etc.
D. Transportation offered to and from school
E. Students offered breakfast, lunch, & third meal
F. 24/7 access to student grades (WENGAGE) and google classroom
G. Participate in all events sanctioned by the OSSAA and all extra-curricular activities
H. Distance learning will be used in the event of school closures, not limited to sickness, distance learning days, weather related school closures, etc.
Option 2- Blended Learning Program
Learning Management System: Google Classroom, Edmentum, and Edgenuity.
A. Remain a student of Tushka Public School.
B. Participation in all school sponsored activities, such as: Vo-Ag, FCCLA,
academic team, and athletics (must meet OSSAA eligibility criteria).
C. Available for students in PK-12 grades
D. 24/7 access to student grades (WENGAGE)
E. 24/7 Online Access to submitted and/or graded assignments via learning management system
F. Communication between teachers and parents with regular updates provided
G. Breakfast and lunch will be available for pickup during designated times
Distance Learning-This option will only be available in the event of school wide closure.
Learning Management System-Google Classroom, Edmentum
A. Virtual students will continue with their learning management system
B. Traditional students will continue with same curriculum used in the traditional school setting and access google classroom daily to complete assignments
C. Teachers will communicate via email through google classroom but will be available during scheduled times in order to serve students
D. 24/7 access to student grades (WENGAGE) and assignments (google classroom)
E. School owned Wi-Fi hot spots will be placed at announced locations within the district for students to use for distance learning
Tushka Public Schools
Option #2-Distance/Virtual Learning Application
GRADE________ PREVIOUS SCHOOL_____________________________ DATE___________________
STUDENT’S LEGAL NAME_________________________________________________GENDER_______
BIRTHDATE__________________ BIRTHPLACE______________________
□MAILING ADDRESS________________________CITY_____________STATE_______ZIP____________
PARENT/GUARDIAN NUMBER___________________________EMERGENCY NUMBER____________
Student E-Mail:___________________________________________________________________________
Parent’s E-Mail:__________________________________________________________________________
1. What is the reason for choosing the virtual option?
2. Does the student have access to an electronic device that will support virtual education?
3. Does the student have access to reliable internet connectivity to support virtual education?
Student Acceptable Use Guidelines
Students who do not abide by these terms and conditions will lose their login privileges and will return to a traditional classroom setting. Students may also be subject to school disciplinary procedures.
Student Agreement:
I am indicating that I have read the Acceptable Use Guidelines. I understand and agree to follow the Terms and Conditions for technology use. I understand any violation of the Acceptable Use Guidelines will result in the loss of my user account, may result in other disciplinary action, the revoking of all network privileges and the possible referral to legal authorities. I agree to report any misuse of network resources to my teacher, administrative staff or the district’s system administrators. I understand any violation will result in being removed from Tushka Public School virtual program and returning to the traditional classroom setting.
Testing Requirement
All students, enrolled in Tushka Public Schools, including distance/virtual students, must take all state mandated tests. Parents are responsible for providing transportation to Tushka Public Schools for multiple days of testing.
Student Responsibility
Tushka Public School distance/virtual students should plan to commit at least 5 hours per week per class/subject (30-35 hours per week). It is critical for students to maintain the pace set by their Tushka Public School teacher and to turn in work for every class each week. Also, students must maintain contact with their teachers. A student that is not reading and/or responding to emails, returning phone calls, and maintaining pace will be removed from the virtual option and enrolled in the traditional school option. If an elementary student falls below benchmark level, the student will be returned to a traditional classroom setting.
Parent Responsibility
Parents must monitor student progress and maintain communication with teachers. If an address, email, or phone number changes, parents must notify the school site office to update, as well as update any online profiles.
Tushka Elementary
Building Access:
Distant Learning:
Tushka High School
Building Entry Procedures:
Staff will be present at each entrance to take student’s temperature. Any student who has a temperature of 100.4° F or higher will be directed to the HS Office in order to notify their parent or legal guardian and make arrangements to get the student home. Students with a temperature less than 100.4° F will report to their first period class. All first period teachers will have students fill out the COVID-19 Screening Form. Any student who is deemed high risk according to the COVID-19 Screening Form will be sent to the HS Office in order to notify their parent or legal guardian and make arrangements to get the student home.
Students traveling to KTC or arriving from KTC will report to the office entering through the HS where they will be properly screened and allowed to move to the bus loading area for transport, proceed to class, or if they are deemed high risk, their parent or legal guardian will be notified and arrangements will be made to get them home.
Hallway Travel:
Students will be instructed to travel on the right side of the hallway when moving from class to class and will refrain from gathering at lockers or in the hallway. Prompt movement from classroom to lockers and from lockers to classroom is expected.
Social distancing should be adhered to while waiting in line and sitting in the cafeteria. Students will not be allowed to gather in the cafeteria. The cafeteria is to be used for dining purposes only.
Student Checkout:
Parents will be required to call the High School Office in order to check a student out for appointments and other family situations. Upon arrival at school, the parent or legal guardian can phone the High School Office and office personnel will send the student to the vehicle. Students who drive a personal vehicle will be allowed to leave school once the parent or legal guardian has contacted the office and office personnel have verified the legitimacy of the call.
Water Fountains:
All mouth pieces on water foundations will be covered. Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles and use the bottle filler.
Distance Learning:
Teachers will use Edmentum as the primary outlet for distance learning if necessary. Lesson plans, assignments, and other instructional resources will be available to students in Google Classroom. Teachers will utilize Google Classroom in the traditional setting on a weekly basis ensuring they become familiar with the program. Edmentum Courseware will also be utilized as a supplement to the traditional curriculum, as a tool for our blended learning framework, or as a stand-alone curriculum in situations where long term distance learning is warranted. Exact Path Courseware will be utilized in order to help students develop, maintain, or enhance critical skills in the areas of math, reading, and language arts which will help ensure students bridge the learning gap caused by the COVID – 19 outbreak.
Students will be required to communicate with faculty and staff via school email and Google Classroom. Parents are encouraged to use email or phone to communicate with faculty and staff. We will also use the Dailmycalls.com to send out messages and other pertinent information to faculty, staff, parents, and students.
Social distancing will be adhered to as much as possible within each classroom. Wipes and hand sanitizer will be available for use in each classroom. Classrooms and facilities will be cleaned and sanitized periodically throughout the school day.