My time In gold coast

I was tired when I woke up to go to the airport.  After I got changed I went to have breakfast I had Nutri-Grain.  The model of the plane we were going to go on was called the Airbus A321 Neo.  It was one of the newest planes in the world at the time it also had wifi onboard.  My uncle came to pick me my Dad, Mum and my Brother up to go to the airport.  My Grandma, Grandpa, Aunty and baby cousin also will come, they got picked up by my uncle’s Dad.

 When we got to the airport we went to the check-in counter to get our boarding passes and check in our luggage we had one bag each.  After the rest of my family checked everything including the stroller we went through security.  Later after security, we made it to the gate and got on the brand new plane. (3 hours later).  We made it to the gold coast so we got the car and went to the fruit market.  Then we made it to the hotel it was called mantra circle on Cavill.  If I skip a couple of days and hours I can get to the core of the holiday.

It was at movie world the first ride I went on was the Batman space shot it was a very fast version of a fearful.  The next ride I went on was the lego 4D experience it was fun. I also went on the scooby doo roller coaster. Then we did those rides more than one time then went back to the hotel.  2 days later we went to sea world it was fun.

The End