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English translation: "ASL - A climate nut, Fredo, and a Biden lie."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Do you know the girl, now a woman, named Greta Thunberg?  She is a crazy climate change activist.  Three years ago, she preached to world leaders and blamed them.  She said that world leaders have ignored climate change.  She also scolded world leaders.  Greta became famous, or really, infamous.  Many people mocked her.  Last year, I posted a video about her.  

Greta became famous and rich.  She is now worth $1 million.  She got rich, because her parents forced her to lecture about climate change and about how capitalism is bad.  

In my second report, do you remember Chris Cuomo, nicknamed Fredo?  He previously worked for fake news CNN.  Recently he got fired.  He is now a reporter for a TV station called News Nation.  Fredo’s TV show is failing, and he recently complained about it.  

“Newsmax is beating me.”  

Do you know the conservative news network called Newsmax?  Poor Fredo!

In a third report, Biden recently lied again, or maybe he just forgot.  Anyway, Biden said that when he became President in January 2021, gas cost $5.00 a gallon.  He tried to boast that when he became President, gas prices went down, but when Biden became President, gas cost $2.39 a gallon.  

Maybe President Biden lied, or maybe he forgot.  I think that Biden’s speech writers lied, but Biden forgot.  We know that Biden is not running the country.  His handlers are running America.