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0:35 Welcome to the castle super strip club jesus cast~! Gene Park is back~! And yellow paint discourse.

1:32 Woolie wants nothing to do with the yellow paint discourse.

2:15 So, let's talk FF7 Rebirth. There’s some rocks with yellow paint on them. Like, three total. And suddenly everyone is talking about yellow paint.

 - 3:31 FF7: the start and end of the argument within itself. The select problem showing you arrows to show what you can interact with.

 - 4:17 Hi-Fi rush and the arrow level. And Half-life 2 and portal, on valve’s struggles with getting the player to look at or do something

 - 5:36 Woolie recalls Q&A playtesting. Just how much and how often people run into walls

 - 7:05 Pat on it being the yellow color in particular. Woolie with the steel man argument.  

 - 9:43 Gene Park retweeted the tweet that started all this, not for the paint but because he’s tired of climbing in video games

 - 10:50 FF7R’s Parkour system. What you can and can’t climb.

 - 12:08 Gene Park wonders if the climbing is just to disguise loading. Woolie recalling reggie completely missing something story critical in mass effect despite the game doing a lock and look.

 - - 13:44 Woolie is getting a little turned around in HL2 as well

 - - 15:18 Armored core VI and missing the safe drop. Pat recalls moments where characters go look at that and him turning his camera to see even though he’s looking in the correct direction already. P.T’s look behind you

 - - - 16:57 the worm battle and elden ring’s placidusax fight

 - - 18:51 Pat feels for game designers seeing people look in every direction except for the one direction they want you to look

 - 20:14 FF7 Rebirth and the seamless music transitions.

 - 21:27 the Demo and pat wondering what the hell was the point of FFXVI? THe goal of playing like advent children

 - 23:00 it plays amazing. Double and triple techs. Teamwork in a fight feels great. And gene park reminisces the chrono trigger cover art.

 - 24:19 FF7 Integrade introducing the dual techs. Now Rebirth is going in on that. Also you can feel the fujos drooling over the cloud/sephiroth stuff

 - - 25:45 Punch mom finished OG FF7. she hasn’t seen any of the compilation stuff. Jumping from that to the remake series. Seeing how much of the compilation stuff is in this

 - - 27:05 you never talk to sephiroth except for the flashback. The first time they speak after is at the end of advent children. The guts and griffith relationship.  

 - 29:13 It’s fascinating to see the game wink at you with every frame.

 - - 30:54 that bit with tifa, genesis not being in cloud’s memory because he never saw him. The unreliable narrator.

 - - 31:55 Gackt’s voice lines are reused, the ride to nibelheim and cloud acting strange.

 - 33:33 woolie is a bit bummed about the lack of one-shotting the dragon.

 - 35:38 the truck scene, just how perfect the voice acting is there.

 - - 36:28 going to your mother’s house during the fire.

 - 37:07 Do you need to play FF7 to play remake? Kind of no…? Parts will probably be incomprehensible.

 - - 38:13 this being season 7 of FF7’s TV show.

 - 39:05 can we cyberbully lucrecia? And roche is back.

 - 40:20 Zangan

 - 41:09 what will the 3rd game be called? Roche-make. Perhaps reprise. And other R-words.

 - - 42:29 Pat can’t believe they used reunion for the crisis core rerelease. Gene Park has a theory that signifies cris core as very important

 - - 43:35 the way zack’s death plays out.

 - - 44:06 Gene played FF7 entirely in japanese first. Then seeing zack and wondering who the black haired cloud was.

 - 44:46 Pat and Paige watched advent children. Pat on them not backtracking at all from the dumb stupid cringe stuff and instead embracing it.

 - 45:46 Woolie watching last order, seeing all the extra turks.

 - - 46:50 Rebranding turks as a troupe of happy goofy guys

 - - 47:47 The turks would have brought in zack alive. Also their suits are cool. The first yakuza in games.

 - - 49:20 imagine a yakuza rufus introduction. Just being able to fight him once.  

 - 50:33 Walking around Nibelheim, checking out Tifa’s house.

 - - 52:10 you can skip past this chapter when the full game comes out. But why? The nibelheim section will probably be different.

 - 53:36 the new pause screen. its the temple of the ancients

 - 54:10 it's really good. Do we even talk about the trailer? It is all spoilers.

 - - 55:24 the reverse of paige’s power. If woolie is watching something, it’ll be all spoilers.  

 - - 56:24 On the trailer, they made a brave decision. Red XIII believes human women are hot. The same people as always are now emboldened.

 - 58:22 Demo did what it supposed to. The junon demo

 - 59:27 blowing the wad with sephiroth. Succeed, me could, including taking my gf - zack

 - - 1:01:22 interactions with sephiroth. Sephiroth in school clubs. Sephy-sama~ those fujos were right.

1:04:12 after a brief break, they’ve returned with yellow clothing so the viewer knows what to look at. And gene park is thinking about wearing a yellow shirt. Gotta follow the NPC with the yellow backpack.

 - 1:06:03 Woolie rockini’ that yellow. And can suddenly play tekken



1:06:36 Going to the D.I.C.E. summit, hanging out there with suzi. Possibly sam lake and phil spencer. Pat wants to see how spencer’s doing.

1:08:08 Playing infinite wealth and another game he can’t talk about. Infinite wealth is really good. Pat got to dodonko island

 - 1:08:45 The serious crime drama dimension and the side quest dimension used to not cross over and meet. The divide no longer exists. Does painting a girls nails equate to making a gundam model kit? And nanba as hideaki anno

 - 1:10:26 Woolie coming in late to this franchise. Dont worry woolie, there’s cancer representation on the podcast. Is there any series that’s done something like switching up tone but the old characters come in and join in on the new direction the series is going in? Side quest kiryu joining you, not the dragon of dojima

 - 1:12:43 the side quest zany stuff is mandatory story stuff now

 - - 1:14:48 dondoko island is mandatory

 - 1:15:54 so we’ve moved past vtubers at this point

 - 1:16:28 Is this just 1 to 1 to your childhood, Gene? Suddenly being back in 2013, and places where the drug dealers are being where high level characters are.

 - - 1:18:27 somehow managing to nail an area they did not grow up in and a language they do not speak. The boom boom room.

 - - - 1:20:35 the underground casino as a callback to earlier games but also a real thing that probably happens

 - 1:22:06 Hawaii has a large japanese population… so, will be go to japantown, LA? Pat: we’re probably sticking around hawaii for a bit.

 - 1:23:03 the game is absolutely inscrutable. They are assuming you know who kiryu is. And woolie imagining people going ‘come to our country and roast us!’

 - 1:23:49 talking about homelessness and where pat currently is. Using real rent numbers. And secret agent kiryu not allowed to keep the gadgets.

 - 1:26:27 infinite wealth is absolutely incredible. And bryce’s japanese VA

 - 1:27:55 Hanging out with pacific islanders. The in game podcast and it taking shots at shenmue.

 - - 1:30:00 pat feeling he shouldnt bother with shenmue. And the action hero job is all virtua fighter combos.

 - 1:30:54 Anyone missing the serious mainline story stuff? And Dondoko island is deep. It plays completely differently.

 - - 1:33:09 Gene Park has a 5 star dondoko island. It eventually becomes the sims. Tailoring the island to your guests.

 - 1:34:33 A reminder its mandatory and you stay there for a few days. This is top tier yellow paint. You WILL play the mini game.

 - - 1:35:11 Sujimon also has a crazy amount of depth. It even ties into dondoko island. Use them to build and farm

 - 1:36:13 Pat hasn’t gotten around to as much infinite wealth. He’s been playing P3R. He’s surprised they dropped both games back to back

 - - 1:38:10 the persona with adults they wanted. The drink links are things pat can absolutely relate to

1:39:58 Go check out the washington post for more Gene Park!


1:40:55 He played soem rebirth and finished off a sacred and terrible air. Its the kind of book you’re going to reread after. If you want to listen to it, its up in audio form in 4 episodes!

 - 1:42:00 kurvitz is an amazing wordsmith.

 - 1:43:35 Examining nihilism.

 - 1:45:00 describing how the setting comes to be, a deeper dive into the pale.

 - 1:45:45 at the forefront, a prototype harry dubois trying to solve the mystery of some missing girls. Its a very mature book.

 - 1:47:05 “no, stop, he’s not supposed to be based!” You can’t write a charismatic piece of shit because people will be attracted to them.

 - 1:48:43 we’re probably never going back to that setting ever again.

 - 1:49:22 remember to check out the episodes, and shoutout to josh for allowing one to read the book through a disco elysium style prompt.

1:50:02 Finished Tekken 8’s story. Its really hype and fun. Dragging Jin through the mud, but he’s still the main character.

 - 1:51:55 Woolie still prefers modes where you go to different characters for chapters.

 - 1:53:03 Fighting with the Devil gene, mixing up his moveset. And reina gets introduced but she doesnt play a big role.

1:55:20 More half life 2. Met Eli vance. Getting to ravenholm. Getting the gravity gun and seeing the buzzsaws.

 - 1:56:37 Grigori

 - 1:57:41 vortigaunts worshipping you. And switching things up for his controls. Having a half keyboard.

 - - 1:59:12 does anyone use the folder slots…?

 - - 2:01:30 pat prefers the time slow with the radial wheel type

 - - - 2:02:20 DMC

 - 2:03:16 get in the car for 4 hours, getting the rocket launcher. The consistent weapons you get

2:05:41 under night in-birth 2 Sys:Celes. Its great, but there’s no crossplay. Booting straight to training mode

 - 2:06:41 this is a game for anime fighter fans. Look at all these systems. The ceiling is sky high, but the floor is also super low.  

 - 2:08:07 The grid stuff as a second game you’re playing. Passive pass the puck.

 - 2:10:05 what are we shortening it to? UNI2.

2:10:50 go check out woolie over on woolieversus!

2:11:18 SPONSOR: SHOPIFY ft. yellow clothing for viewing pleasure.




2:22:25 Remember Pat’s eva watch order? Paige and Pat decided to watch Advent Children Complete. Pat has brought forth Paige’s written down emotional reaction during the movie for our enjoyment.

 - 2:25:28 Everyone that watched it was back in anime clubs or somesuch off limewire

 - 2:25:52 Complete has more scenes. But first, paige’s thoughts. Who’s the one wearing the blanket? Why is all grey? It’s beautifully animated at least.

 - - 2:27:27 sephiroth gives aids to every orphan, twinks, and play vincent’s game.

 - - 2:29:22 denzel sucks. FIghting Bahamut.

 - - 2:30:16 they all have nice phones. The last 45 minutes is two barbies smashing against one another. Aeriths ghost calls up everyone. Pour sewer water on that child’s eye

 - 2:31:33 What do you think of the movie, paige? A glare. Complete adding some scenes to make things make more sense, but adding those scenes screws up the pace of the movie. Complete is way worse.

 - 2:33:25 advent children is schlock.

 - 2:34:30 clouds bike having all the swords and the swords making one big sword was the coolest. Dilly dally shilly shally. Also the dub is terrible. Look at those recycled lip flaps.

 - 2:36:34 Paige, Pat told you it was fun. In retrospect, pat feels he was too harsh on dirge of cerberus.

 - - 2:38:01 Dirge is entirely dependant on how much you need vincent in your life. Why isn’t vincent not the main character? And paige asking what’s up with his shoes?

 - - 2:39:26 Vincent gets a huge amount of action shots in advent children. He looks like a main character.

 - 2:40:57 They still love advent children over there. And getting to an era where you can play advent children. Woolie is apprehensive on rewatching it.

 - - 2:42:46 Gene Park is unsure if he wants to watch complete now, and woolie remembering the trailer. Tifa’s eyes being the wrong color

 - - 2:44:41 the phone they were selling was the one you could play before crisis on

 - - 2:45:26 pat: flip phones were better. They were cooler.

2:46:57 Pat’s mom called him. They watched his show. The pie argument. Pat’s mom: That 4th piece was mine

 - 2:49:23 You could just say you want the 4th piece.

 - 2:50:22 pat will perpetuate the lie to his own child.  

 - 2:51:57 The monkey ladder experiment. No one remembers the original story of Woolie stealing the pie. Fair and square rock paper scissors to childrens story villain

 - 2:55:00 the truth is not as funny. Gene Park remembering the myth of ebay. Everyone is the liar, not Woolie.

 - - 2:55:58 a zack lifestream style flashback to the pie


2:56:26 Internal message from phil spencer: they’ll continue to work with hardware, but they’ll have a strategy with multiple types of devices.

 - 2:57:11 the sudden panic selling into a reveal its podcast segment. Rampant speculation continues. An air of layoffs.

 - 2:59:26 a platform agnostic future and gamepass.

 - 3:01:04 exclusivity is competitor denial.

 - 3:02:13 if ‘we are deeply committed’ comes up, they are cooked. A world where playstation is the only high power console system

3:04:00 Sony is back on their BS with anime. Sony owns crunchyroll and funimation is now dead, so prices are going up

 - 3:05:20 every try buying a japanese anime Blu-ray?

3:05:58 The switch 2 is one of the worst kept secrets ever. Seems it’ll be backwards compatible and you’ll get better performance on the new console. A direct next week and a hardware reveal next month. Also more pokemon.

 - 3:08:00 Pat likes his switch. There’s a lot of switch games that could use the extra power. Woolie’s switch sounds like a dreamcast now. His switch is at his house instead of the office.

 - 3:10:09 they should show age of calamity or samurai showdown to show it can run it well

3:10:51 Street Fighter 6, Ed trailer. Going in on boxing.

 - 3:13:45 taking his old moves and glowing them up

 - 3:14:32 People are excited for ed now. But now Dudley is less likely.

 - 3:15:35 the background stage. So, someone might be back…

 - 3:16:32 You know, Heihachi should be in this. But on DLC characters, yeah akuma will come at some point. DLC characters have been great.

 - 3:18:12 everything woolie wanted for Ed. And on Luke’s turn around. Aleks Le on max’s stream “Yeah, I know, I was there watching you talk about him max.”

 - 3:19:25 does anyone even talk about falke?

 - - 3:20:34 no one gives a crap about the bad guy from miles morales the game.

 - 3:21:14 What happened to the monkey? What about the rest of neo shadaloo? Neo Umbrella and blue umbrella.

 - - 3:22:40 Ed has an owl around his neck, not the shadaloo logo

3:23:16 Knuckles is getting a 6 episode series. Will they shoot up maria?

 - 3:25:15 will black doom show up?

 - - 3:26:18 Now hit the second tower shadow

3:27:10 Dong dong never die: judgement day. A fan update

3:27:37 kojima interview on physint on why he decided to make it. Kojima spinning a lot of plates right now.

 - 3:29:43 getting sick during the pandemic. Changing his priorities. A culmination of his work. He wants to make a video game indistinguishable from a movie.

 - 3:32:03 MGS4 still holds the record for longest cutscene of all time.

 - 3:33:02 perhaps making a game with no interface.

 - 3:34:11 Gene Park watched the hideo kojima documentary connecting worlds. Geoff keighley was there too. Its a ‘the making of death stranding’ documentary.

 - - 3:36:02 it does show what work is like at kojima productions. Kojima getting all the employees to watch a film with him today.

 - 3:37:27 Do they like kojima or not? Absolute smarks for Kojima. Pure admiration.

 - - 3:38:41 Kojima playing death stranding 2. He takes constant notes and pulls apart his own works.

 - - 3:39:40 putting a movie he watched recently in the script.

 - - 3:40:47 how kojima found low roar. The singer died. Death stranding was their big break.

 - - 3:42:04 troy baker roles in kojima games. The jonkler

 - 3:43:10 we’re going to see some egyptian stuff in mexico. There’s a beach in egypt too.

 - 3:43:38 the shot from the trailer of looking at the moon from the moon. Kojima making amazing trailers.

 - 3:44:36 Kojima: it’s entertainment.

 - - 3:45:30 imagine a world where he goes on stage and says “I made a game where you deliver packages to people in a post apocalypse world.”

 - 3:47:45 Gene Park never found geoff keighley until 2 months ago


3:48:15 Emails! Send your emails to!

3:48:28 What are you most excited to see people with weebish persuasions do with their money?

3:56:05 game content or media from an industry outsider which doesn’t mesh with it but elevates it all the same?

3:58:58 Time to wrap it up. Thanks for showing up Gene Park!

3:59:55 END OF PODCAST: end of theme of slayer; korean