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Harry on Reddit
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Note: MAGENTA color text implies new talking point from his original  post and RED color text implies a link to another Reddit post which is then pasted below the red link. The purpose of this file is to be printed.

Three years of Harry on Reddit: My "Estimate of the Situation".


The UFO Timeline As I see it:

Having spent 3 years now on Reddit researching UFOs / UAPs, it's time for a break. I've got a few hectic months ahead for a project I'm involved in (i.e. - one that actually puts food on the table) so I don't think I'll be hanging around on here for a while as I need to focus on it (as I'm sure everyone is aware, this subject is very distracting) Before I go I thought I'd give a summary of my findings in a chronological timeline of events as I believe they happened. These are only my thoughts after thousands of hours researching these subjects, and most of my information comes from recently declassified documents - I wouldn't bother trying to argue because you will not convince me otherwise. It is what it is.

The second reason I'm putting this out now is because the next six months on the Internet are going to be unlike anything we have experienced. Although the UFO subject should (IMHO) be front and center of the 2024 Presidential Election, I'm pretty certain it won't be. There will be a lot of "noise" corrupting the signal. Normal human reaction to the question of whether or not we are alone should be curiosity - unfortunately, those in power are completely against even TALKING about it -WHY? The only conclusion I can come to is that the general public knowing of the Alien Presence is a direct threat to their power base somehow -which in turn means that they have been compromised in some fashion. I don't know and I'm not even sure I want to know how they are compromised - rest assured it can't be good.

Anyway, here it is. I won't turn the comments off, but I probably won't respond to comments either way, so don't take offense. It is a wall of text - I'd suggest just scrolling down and reading the bold outlines to see if there is anything of interest.


The 1933 Magenta Crash:

Although previous crashes have potentially been identified all through history, this one kicked things off. The Italian military shared its secret find with the Nazis, who then used the knowledge of otherworldly beings to blackmail the Vatican into signing a Concordat, which remains in place to this day. The Americans were alerted to the fact of the Magenta crash by two of its citizens living in Milan who witnessed the event: the father and son team of Hugh and James Angleton.


The Magenta Crash 1933: Was information of the event “the pistol held to the head” of Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) by the Third Reich in order to force the Vatican to sign the Concordat in July 1933? Did the Vatican fear general knowledge of NHI would destroy the Catholic Church?


Yes, unfortunately, by its very nature this is going to be a very long read. I've posted the images of the CIA documents referenced because, quite frankly, people would not believe what the documents contained unless they saw them with their own eyes. I understand that it will also be a very controversial read, and I make no apologies. I’m merely pointing to the data - make up your own mind. I have interspersed the data with comments of my own in CAPS, because in all honesty, they scream out a need to be answered. Hopefully, one of the other researchers will pick up the thread and make a YT video of the data for better dissemination.

The main characters:

  1. Eugenio Pacelli – was Vatican secretary of state under his predecessor, Pope Pius XI, and a former papal nuncio, or envoy, to Germany. Became Pope Pius XII in 1939.
  2. Eugen Dollmann - a German diplomat and member of the SS. From 1927 to 1930, Dollmann studied in Rome the history of the Farnese family and Italian art history. There he met Heinrich Himmler who introduced him to Karl Wolff. In 1933 Dollmann become Hitler’s attache in Rome and Vatican envoy, reporting directly to Himmler. He used the knowledge of Magenta to force the Vatican’s hand into signing the Concordat. After the war, Dollman is involved in nuclear propulsion experiments with the Italian Navy, claims to know the whereabouts of a secret cache of weapons and Hitlers’ most important documents. CIA Director Allen Dulles and Chief of Counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton personally write reports on Dollman from 1946 to 1955.
  3. William H. “Wild Bill” Donovan – lawyer, WW1 Medal of Honour recipient, Attorney General candidate and Director / General of the Office of Strategic Services. Named in a memo from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 5, 1942, regarding the recovery of recovered objects from the Los Angeles incident in 1942. Donovan personally photographs ALL of the important OSS files between September 20 – October 1, 1945 after President Harry S. Truman informs him the OSS will be abolished within 10 days. The CIA is only given access to these files in 1982 when the US Army provides them under Executive Order 12356, and after the US Navy copies them in their entirety. The CIA sanitized the files and gave them back to the US Army – this explains why the three CIA leakers of the Majestic Documents (Tarasoff, Goodpasture and Miler) had no documentation relating to the 1933 Magenta incident. All three had left the CIA by 1976. The 3 known remaining copies of Donovan’s OSS files may be able to be FOIA’d.
  4. Francis Spellman – close friend of Cardinal Pacelli / Pius XII. Conducted a classified tour of the New Mexico military bases on 30 June 1947, shortly after the Roswell crash. One of Pacelli / Pius XII first acts was to appoint Spellman the sixth Archbishop of New York on April 15, 1939.
  5. President Franklin D. Roosevelt – appears to have known about crash retrievals before the April 1941 Cape Girardeau incident. Majestic Documents memo to him reference a crash in 1897, and he was also possibly informed of the 1933 Magenta crash through the Angleton family, who were living in Milan at the time.
  6. Allen Dulles – the OSS’ well-connected “man in Switzerland” who organised the Ciano Diaries and who negotiated with Eugen Dollman for the surrender of the German Forces in Italy under Operation Sunrise. As the original recipient of the Ciano Diaries from Edda Ciano (Count Ciano’s wife and Mussolini’s daughter), it is most likely very probable that Dulles removed any reference to the Magenta crash from the diaries before passing them on.
  7. Otto Skorzeny – notorious SS commando and the man Hitler tasked with retrieving Mussolini from imprisonment on Grand Sasso mountain. Skorzeny sets up office in Spain in the 1950s, where Dollman seeks refuge in 1954. Although a committed Nazi, he is recruited by the Israeli Mossad in 1962 to assassinate former Nazi rocket scientists who are assisting Egypt.
  8. E. Howard Hunt – former OSS operative and CIA black ops specialist. Worked in Spain during 1965-66 on a sensitive “bigot-list” program. In 1978 the House Select Committee on Assassinations requests information from the CIA on Hunt’s activities in Spain during the time, but the CIA are unable to provide any information on Hunt during this period or even how he got paid.
  9. Myron Taylor – J.P. Morgan personal friend and tasked by President Roosevelt to be special envoy to the Vatican (even though Roosevelt had also tasked Archbishop Spellman with the same job).
  10. James Jesus Angleton – OSS Counter Intelligence (X-2) Chief in Italy 1943 – 1945, stayed on after the war to run CI for the U.S. Government until late 1946. Stated in a report that intercepted communications from Vatican Envoy Myron Taylor back to President Roosevelt constituted a “threat to U.S. National Security”.
  11. Ildefonso Schuster – Archbishop of Milan. Well known to the catholic Angleton family since their move to Milan in 1931. In August 1946, Colonels Eugen Wenner and Eugen Dollmann escaped from a detention camp, they received help and protection from Italian intelligence and Schuster. A member of the Order of the Knights of Malta, of whom Hugh Angleton, James Jesus Angleton were members. The Knights of Malta LinkedIn account is currently managed by Jim Angleton.

1933 – a tumultuous year for the Vatican and Eugenio Pacelli.

· Accounts of 20th-century diplomatic relations between Germany and the Vatican commonly take as their starting point the political scene in the late 19th century. German Chancellor Bismarck's Kulturkampf ("Battle for Culture") of 1871–78 saw an attempt to assert a Protestant vision of nationalism over the new German Empire, and fused anticlericalism with suspicion of the Catholic population, whose loyalty was presumed to lie with Austria and France.

· The attitudes and actions of German Catholics and Protestants during the Nazi era were shaped not only by their religious beliefs, but by other factors as well, including:

· Backlash against the Weimar Republic and the political, economic, and social changes in Germany that occurred during the 1920s

· Anti-Communism

· Nationalism

· Resentment toward the international community in the wake of World War I, which Germany lost and for which it was forced to pay heavy reparations

· Before 1933, in fact, some bishops prohibited Catholics in their dioceses from joining the Nazi Party. This ban was dropped after Hitler's March 23, 1933, speech to the Reichstag in which he described Christianity as the “foundation” for German values. The Centre Party was dissolved as part of the signing of a 1933 Concordat between the Vatican and Nazi governmental representatives, and several of its leaders were murdered in the Röhm purge in July 1934.

· In January 1933, Hitler became Chancellor. The passing of the Enabling Act on 23 March, in part, removed the Reichstag as an obstacle to concluding a concordat with the Vatican. Hitler offered the possibility of friendly co-operation promising not to threaten the Reichstag, the President, the States, or the Churches if granted the emergency powers. Soon after coming to power, Hitler told Hermann Rauschning that Bismarck had been stupid in starting a Kulturkampf and outlined his own strategy for dealing with the clergy which would be based initially on a policy of toleration: We should trap the priests by their notorious greed and self-indulgence. We shall thus be able to settle everything with them in perfect peace and harmony. I shall give them a few years' reprieve. Why should we quarrel? They will swallow anything in order to keep their material advantages. Matters will never come to a head. They will recognise a firm will, and we need only show them once or twice who is the master. They will know which way the wind blows.

· Early in March 1933, the German bishops recommended that Catholics vote for the Centre Party in the elections scheduled for 5 March 1933. However, two weeks later the Catholic hierarchy reversed its previous policy – the bishops now allowed the Centre Party and the Bavarian Catholic Party to vote for the Enabling Act which gave Hitler dictatorial powers on 23 March. On 29 March 1933 Cardinal Pacelli sent word to the German bishops to the effect that they must now change their position with regard to National Socialism. On 28 March 1933, the bishops themselves took up a position favourable to Hitler. According to Falconi (1966), the about-face came through the influence and instructions of the Vatican. Pope Pius XI indicated in Mit brennender Sorge (1937) that the Germans had asked for the concordat, and Pope Pius XII (the former Cardinal Pacelli) affirmed this in 1945.

· At a 26 April 1933 meeting with Bishop Wilhelm Berning of Osnabrück, representative of the German Bishops' Conference, Hitler declared that the Catholic Church had distrust in other religions for “1500 years”. Edith Stein — later canonized as Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross — wrote a letter to Pius XI in April 1933 about the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany. Her letter was sent personally via the Arch-Abbott of Beuron. She never asked him to issue an encyclical on the matter, as some have contended. The Arch-Abbott received an answer from Cardinal Pacelli, the future Pius XII.

· Because of increasing harassment of Catholics and Catholic clergy, Cardinal Pacelli sought quick ratification of a treaty with the government, seeking in this way to protect the German Church. When Vice-Chancellor Papen and Ambassador to the Vatican Diego von Bergen met Pacelli in late June 1933, they found him "visibly influenced" by reports of actions being taken against German Catholic interests.


· “His Holiness Pope Pius XI has appointed as his plenipotentiary [a diplomat granted full power to represent] His Eminence the Most Revered Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, His Holiness' Secretary of State; and the President of the German Reich [Paul von Hindenburg] has appointed as plenipotentiary the Vice-Chairman of the German Reich, Herr Franz von Papen; who, having exchanged their proper form have agreed to the following articles.”

· Cardinal Pacelli and von Papen initialled the concordat in Rome on 20 July 1933, with Eugen Dollman in attendance.

· On 23 July, a British minister met Cardinal Pacelli who appeared "very satisfied" with the signing of the concordat. The cardinal expressed the view that, with the guarantees given relating to Catholic education, this concordat was an improvement over the 1929 agreement with Prussia. Cardinal Pacelli did sound a note of caution in that his satisfaction was based on the assumption that the German Government "remained true to its undertaking", but noted also that Hitler "was becoming increasingly moderate"

· On 19 August, Ivone Kirkpatrick had a further discussion with Cardinal Pacelli in which he expressed his "disgust and abhorrence" at Hitler's reign of terror to the diplomat. Pacelli said "I had to choose between an agreement on their lines and the virtual elimination of the Catholic Church in the Reich." Pacelli also told Kirkpatrick that he deplored the persecution of the Jews, but a pistol had been held to his head and that he had no alternative, being given only one week to decide.


· After constant confrontations, by late 1935, Bishop Clemens August von Galen of Münster was urging a joint pastoral letter protesting against an "underground war" against the church. By early 1937, the church hierarchy in Germany, which had initially attempted to co-operate with the new government, had become highly disillusioned. In March, Pope Pius XI issued the Mit brennender Sorge encyclical – accusing the Nazi Government of violations of the 1933 concordat, and further that it was sowing the "tares of suspicion, discord, hatred, calumny, of secret and open fundamental hostility to Christ and His Church". The Nazis responded with an intensification of the Church Struggle, beginning around April.

Archbishop Francis J. Spellman

· Francis Joseph Spellman (May 4, 1889 – December 2, 1967) was an American prelate of the Catholic Church. From 1939 to his death, he served as the sixth Archbishop of New York; he had served as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston from 1932 to 1939. He was created a cardinal in 1946.He graduated in 1911 and decided to study for the priesthood. He was then sent by Archbishop William Henry O'Connell to study at the Pontifical North American College in Rome.

· During his years in Rome, Spellman befriended such figures as Gaetano Bisleti, Francesco Borgongini Duca, and Domenico Tardini.

· Spellman was ordained a priest by Patriarch Giuseppe Ceppetelli on May 14, 1916. Upon his return to the United States, he did pastoral work in the Archdiocese of Boston. After the United States entered World War I in 1917, Spellman applied to become a military chaplain in the Army but did not meet the height requirement.

· Spellman's comparable application to the Navy was personally rejected, twice, by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

· He was named assistant chancellor in 1918 and in 1924 archivist of the Archdiocese. After translating into English two books written by his friend Borgongini Duca, Spellman was made the first American attaché of the Vatican Secretariat of State in 1925.

· He was raised to the rank of Privy Chamberlain on October 4, 1926, by Pope Pius XI. During a trip to Germany in 1927, Spellman established a lifelong friendship with Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli, who was serving as Apostolic Nuncio.

· He translated Pius XI's first broadcast over Vatican Radio in 1931.Later that year, Spellman was charged with smuggling Non abbiamo bisogno, the papal encyclical condemning Benito Mussolini, out of Rome to Paris, where he then delivered it to the press; he was subsequently attacked by Italian newspapers.

· On July 30, 1932, Spellman was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Boston and Titular Bishop of Sila by Pope Pius XI. Spellman had originally been considered for the Dioceses of Portland, Maine, and Manchester, New Hampshire.

· He received his consecration on the following September 8 from Pacelli (wearing the vestments Pacelli wore when he was consecrated by Benedict XV), with Archbishops Giuseppe Pizzardo and Francesco Borgongini Duca serving as co-consecrators, at St. Peter's Basilica. His was the first consecration of an American bishop ever held at St. Peter's. Borgongini-Duca designed for him a coat of arms incorporating Columbus's ship the Santa Maria. Pope Pius XI gave him the motto Sequere Deum ("follow God").

· In the autumn of 1936, Cardinal Pacelli came to the United States and visited New York City, Washington, D.C., Boston, Saint Paul, and Chicago. The ostensible purpose of the trip was personal; he was to be the guest of Genevieve Brady, the wealthy widow of Nicholas Brady. However, during the trip Pacelli met with Roosevelt to discuss diplomatic recognition of the sovereignty of Vatican City.

· Spellman was present at the meeting, which he arranged to take place at the president's boyhood home at Hyde Park, New York, on November 5, 1936, two days after his re-election to a second term.

· After the death of Pope Pius XI, Pacelli was elected as Pope Pius XII, and one of his first acts was to appoint Spellman the sixth Archbishop of New York on April 15, 1939. In addition to his duties as diocesan bishop, he was named Apostolic Vicar for the U.S. Armed Forces on December 11, 1939.

· After his promotion to New York, Spellman also became a close confidant of Roosevelt. During World War II, he was chosen by Roosevelt to act as the latter's agent and visited Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in 1943 for a total of 16 countries in four months. As Archbishop and a military vicar, he would have greater freedom than official diplomats. Spellman also acted as a liaison between Pope Pius XII and Roosevelt in the Pope's attempts to have Rome declared an open city to save it from the relentless bombing that other European capitals had suffered and from potentially destroying Rome's historical sites and ruins, including Vatican City. Pope Pius XII created Spellman Cardinal-Priest of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in the consistory of February 18, 1946. Spellman's titular church was the same one that had been held by Pius before his election to the papacy. Being known as a Cardinal of a small, unknown church in Rome was less desirable than being known as the Archbishop of New York, which is why Spellman is referenced in the Majestic Documents as “Archbishop Spellman”, despite being a Cardinal at the time.

· General Eisenhower Memo to Col. K. W. Ireland, 30 June 1947 (Majestic Document). In this one-page unclassified memo, Eisenhower orders Col. K. W. Ireland to take good care of Archbishop Francis J. Spellman on his tour through New Mexico. What seems unusual is President Truman’s personal involvement in this matter. The memo states: “By personal direction of the President of the United States, Archbishop Francis J. Spellman in his capacity as Military Vicar of the Armed Forces of the Army, Army Air Forces and the Navy, is making a tour of military bases in New Mexico, afterwards is making a trip over the routes of the Air Transport Command.” It is strange that this is a classified trip, as evidenced by the following statement: “General Webster has assured me that the Archbishop will have complete security at all times and that his presence at any air field will not be disclosed as his flight schedule is considered classified by order of AC/AS General Vandenberg.”

Major General William J. “Wild Bill” Donovan

· William Joseph "Wild Bill" Donovan KBE (January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was an American soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat. He is best known for serving as the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during World War II. He is regarded as the founding father of the CIA, and a statue of him stands in the lobby of the CIA headquarters building in Langley, Virginia.

· A decorated veteran of World War I, Donovan is believed to be the only person to have been awarded all four of the following prestigious decorations: the Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, and the National Security Medal. He is also a recipient of the Silver Star and Purple Heart, as well as decorations from a number of other nations for his service during both World Wars.

· Impressed by Donovan and cheered by his eagerness to help Britain, Churchill ordered that he be given unlimited access to classified information.

· On July 11, 1941, President Roosevelt established the Office of the Coordination of Information (COI) and named Donovan as its director. The COI was tasked with coordinating information collected abroad for the president. After the United States became involved in World War II, the COI became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in June 1942, with Donovan, now a major general, in charge.

Memo to George Marshall from FDR, 27 February 1942 - This is the memo that links the UFO crashes with the Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942, since it occurred only three days earlier. It alludes to “atomic secrets learned from study of celestial devices” and authorizes “Dr. Bush to proceed with the project without further delay.” The reference to “this new wonder” is a unique phrase for the time

· See

· There has been much speculation regarding the document above, and Donovan’s rank as a “General” at the time. That great oracle of wisdom (Wikipedia) has Donovan ranked as a Colonel during this period. The SOF website mentioned previously states that by June 1942 Donovan had the rank of Major General – meaning that in February 1942 Donovan was at least a Brigadier General. Also, the following memoir of Donovan from Allen Dulles himself would make the plausibility of someone ranked as a junior Staff member be in charge of what amounts to an entire Division (20,000 + soldiers) of the U.S. Army seem unlikely:

· “Donovan also recommended to the President that the United States start preparing immediately for a global war. He particularly stressed the need of a service to wage unorthodox warfare and to gather information through every means available. He discussed this idea at length with his close friends in the Cabinet, Secretaries Knox and Stimson, and with Attorney General Jackson.

The seeds which Bill planted bore fruit. In July 1941 the President established the Office of the Coordinator of Information and called Donovan to Washington to head it. In original concept this Office was to combine the information and intelligence programs with psychological and guerrilla warfare. This proved to be too big a package for one basket and in 1942 the organization was split. That portion of it coordinating wartime information services became the Office of War Information, and the intelligence and unorthodox warfare work, where Bill's greatest interest lay, was put under an Office of Strategic Services.

Truly one of the remarkable accomplishments in World War II was the organization and activity of the O.S.S.--feats which would never have been achieved without Bill Donovan's leadership and his vast interest in the unorthodox, the novel and the dangerous. Starting from scratch in 1941, he built an organization of about 25,000 people that made a real contribution to the victory. Many of the deeds of O.S.S. will have to remain secret, but with the passage of time many have been disclosed.”

· On March 5, 1942, George C. Marshall writes a top-secret memo to the President (Majestic Document), which states: “regarding the air raid over Los Angeles it was learned by Army G2 that Rear Admiral Anderson recovered an unidentified airplane off the coast of California with no bearing on conventional explanation… This Headquarters has come to the determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources they are in all probability of interplanetary origin.” Marshall goes on to state: “As a consequence I have issued orders to Army G2 that a special intelligence unit be created to further investigate the phenomenon and report any significant connection between recent incidents and those collected by the director the office of Coordinator of Information.” The memo bears correct Office of Chief of Staff (OCS) file numbers and has “Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit” (IPU) typed on it at a later time by a different typewriter. It is logical to believe that this is the order that sets up the IPU. This memo also references a crash retrieval that occurred in 1897.


· Shortly after the Japanese surrender in 1945, General Donovan gets some very bad news from President Harry Truman: the OSS is going to be disbanded in 10 days time. Donovan, being a lawyer at heart, photographs all the important documents that the OSS has collected:


r/UFOB - The Magenta Crash 1933: Was information of the event “the pistol held to the head” of Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) by the Third Reich in order to force the Vatican to sign the Concordat in July 1933? Did the Vatican fear general knowledge of NHI would destroy the Catholic…


· This explains why there is no reference to the Magenta Crash in the Majestic Documents – the CIA only acquired these Donovan’s microfilm files in 1982, well after the three CIA Majestic Document leakers Boris Tarasoff (aka “Thomas Cantwheel”), Ann Goodpasture (aka “Selina”) and Scotty Miler (aka Source S-1) had left the agency. The “corporate knowledge” of the Magenta Crash was maintained by Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angleton and Richard Helms, who were all former OSS members.

· The CIA received the OSS files from the US military in 1982 (who had already made full copies of everything), sanitised them and then returned the files. As the document pictured states, there were four known copies of the OSS files – one of which has since been destroyed. If the original, unsanitized files can be located, they might be a veritable gold mine for UFO researchers if FOIA’d.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Myron Taylor

· As stated earlier, Roosevelt had employed Archbishop of New York, Francis Spellman, to be the liaison between Pope Pius XII and himself. Why then, on December 22, 1939, did Roosevelt ask industrialist and personal friend of J.P. Morgan, Myron Taylor "to take on a special mission for me" to be his "personal envoy" to Pope Pius XII. Did Roosevelt not trust Archbishop Spellman?

· Taylor's appointment was announced on December 23, 1939, and confirmed in Rome, Italy, on February 28, 1940. Taylor served from 1940 throughout the rest of Roosevelt's presidency (his death in 1945) and continued as President Harry S. Truman's "personal envoy" until 1950. Although appointed as a "Peace Ambassador" and "personal envoy" Taylor was extended ambassador status by the Holy See on February 13, 1940.

· On February 22, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a DOUBLE TOP SECRET memo on White House stationary for “The special committee on non-terrestrial science and technology” (Majestic Document). Both the title and the content clearly allude to extraterrestrial life, the former using the word “non-terrestrial” and the latter talks about “coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life the universe.” Remarkably, the last four words are exactly the title of Sagan’s book co-authored with the Soviet scientist Shklovsky. Clearly the situation was that we had recovered at least one craft by then, probably the Cape Girardeau crash of 1941, and came to realize the wealth of technology that lay there for the pickings. Apparently the “Special Committee on Non-terrestrial Science and Technology” had been working some time in order to define a clear action. Dr. Bush had presumably presented a proposal from the Committee for an aggressive separate program to apply “non-terrestrial know how” to the war effort, but FDR thought that it would threaten the atomic bomb program. Thus, he carefully avoids saying “no,” but says that we will “take every advantage of such wonders that have come to us” after we have won the war.


· From the diaries of Count Galeazzo Ciano, we know that Taylor’s constant to-ing and fro-ing between Washington and the Vatican was a source of severe irritation to Mussolin – on October 26, 1942, Mussolini states “Concordat or no concordat – if Myron Taylor tries to return to Italy he will be put in handcuffs”.

· Angleton considered any intercept of Myron Taylor’s communications a “threat to U.S. national security”: “After the withdrawal of the Sicherheitsdienst from Rome and the isolation of the German diplomatic staff, Ultra information became less decisive. The misunderstanding between SI and SCI-Z blocked any form of dialogue. According to Scamporino, the data were essential, but for Angleton, as he communicated to Donovan on January 2, 1945, they were a mix of trivialities, irrelevant real facts, and false claims. All of Angleton’s attempts, from February to April 1945, to question the validity of the information were interpreted by Scamporino as an attack on his source. On May 3, Scamporino insisted by sending to Washington a list of cryptonyms used by “Vessel.” However, for Angleton, the head of counterespionage at OSS in Rome, the situation was of considerable importance. If the information had been true, it would have represented a threat to American national security, since “Vessel” suggested having access to reports by Myron Taylor, Roosevelt’s representative to the Vatican. The existence of “Dusty” as the only alternative source indicated the possibility of manipulation, presumably by British intelligence.”


SS Colonel Eugen Dollman

· Eugen Dollmann (8 August 1900 – 17 May 1985) was a German diplomat and member of the SS. Born in Regensburg. Dollmann graduated in 1926 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München as Doktor der Philosophie. From 1927 to 1930, Dollmann studied in Rome the history of the Farnese family and Italian art history. He was living at the Piazza di Spagna where he worked as interpreter. There he met Heinrich Himmler who introduced him to Karl Wolff. In 1933 Dollmann become the Third Reich’s representative in Italy, reporting directly to Himmler and was involved in the “negotiations” for the Concordat with Cardinal Pacelli. He knew about the Magenta Crash, using the knowledge as blackmail for the rest of his life.


· The Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act (NWCDA), passed in 1998, forced the CIA’s hand and brought to light much of Dollman’s history with the OSS and the CIA. A treasure trove of documents can be found at - in the following points I will post images of the relevant documents and their reference numbers.


r/UFOB - · Document 5

· Document 5


r/UFOB - Document 8

Document 8

· Angleton’s report above of November 26, 1946 has the following detail of a Top Secret document on Dollman accidently being shared with British Intelligence:


r/UFOB - Document 8

Document 8


· On December 5, 1946, the following report regarding Dollman (Document 9) is sent to General Hoyt Vandenberg, General Lyman Lemnitzer and the Department of State, and recommends that the report is “immediately burned after you read it”:

r/UFOB - Document 9

Document 9


· Dollman obviously has information that the CIA are desparate to keep the lid on. Here is Richard Helms on October 22, 1947, stating that if Dollman gets arrested in Italy “we will not intercede on his behalf to get them out again”.


r/UFOB -  Document 18

Document 18

· On July 21, 1950, Dollman makes the claim to CIA source that there is a “hidden arms cache” in the Brenner Pass region. This source also states that a US Army Counter Intelligence Corps representative managed to get Dollman released from French custody.

r/UFOB -  Document 30

Document 30


· On October 26, 1950, Dollman refers to the arms cache as being from the “Brandenberg Regiment” and also claims Hitler is still alive.

r/UFOB - Document 35

Document 35

· On August 6, 1951, the CIA reports that Dollman is the conduit for two German nuclear scientists to begin working on propulsion systems with the Italian Navy - specifically heavy water (the Twining White Hot report stated heavy water was part of the propulsion system from the Roswell crash).

r/UFOB - Document 37

Document 37

· On October 2. 1951, the US Army officially informs the CIA and the Department of State of Dollman’s involvement with the nuclear scientists.

r/UFOB -  Document 41

Document 41


· November 16 1951 – the CIA is considering PAYING Dollman to find the Hitler documents in Brenner Pass.

r/UFOB -  Document 43

Document 43


· March 18, 1952 – Dollman travels to Spain with assistance from Italian Intelligence Service (SIM) and the Catholic Church – specifically Archbishop of Milan, Ildefonso Schuster (an old friend of the Angleton family from their time in Milan 1931-39). He stays with SS Commando Otto Skorzeny.

r/UFOB - Document 50

Document 50

· The Italian Intelligence Service (SIM) consider Dollman a “salvageable intelligence asset” after his nuclear propulsion tests with the Italian Navy.

r/UFOB - Document 51

Document 51

· Dollman’s arrival in Spain is documented for the CIA by Winston M. Scott – someone who is well known in the JFK Assassination as the station Chief of Mexico City when Lee Harvey Oswald visited in 1963. Also present in Mexico City were the Majestic Document leakers Boris Tarasoff and Ann Goodpasture.

r/UFOB - Document 52

Document 52

· Dollman’s activities in Spain reach the highest echelons of the CIA, US Army and the Department of State. In Document 53, Assistant Director and later Inspector General of the CIA Lyman Kirkpatrick states that Dollman is being protected in Spain by the Catholic Church and General Franco himself.

r/UFOB - Document 53

Document 53


· On December 17, 1952 an article on Dollman is published in an Italian magazine called “Epeon”, and relates his story of the hidden cache in the Brenner Pass region. Dollman claims Field Marshall Kesselring urges him to find the cache “before the Russians do” in the dying days of WW2.

r/UFOB - Document 61

Document 61

· Dollman’s old “acquaintance” during the war and now Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles, still has an interest in Dollman’s activities in 1954, when he resides in Munich. Dulles wants to know EVERYTHING about Dollman and his activities from January 1 1952 onwards. “Exempt Zipper” relates to the Gehlen Intelligence network.

r/UFOB - Document 64

Document 64

· On February 10, 1955, Dollman appears to be up to his old “blackmail” tricks, this time the target being DCI Allen Dulles himself. In Document 74, Dulles states “opinion strongly against mention ANY Americans. Pls inform Dollman letter coming

r/UFOB - Document 74

Document 74


· On April 17, 1955 CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence, James Jesus Angleton writes to the State Department to explain that Dollman has claimed a former Ambassador is a homosexual, and gives a witty anecdote of the story (Document 79)

SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny

· Skorzeny’s fame entered legendary status when Hitler selected him for the mission to rescue Mussolini after his arrest. What is not widely known, however, is that he later claimed the OSS (the CIA’s forebear) had aided his escape in return for his services.

· In 1950, he moved to Spain, where Nazi refugees received asylum. To all appearances, his new life with his wife and their small engineering business appeared relatively normal. But his business may have been a front to help numerous Nazis escape to Spain or Latin America

· Which makes it even more interesting that Skorzeny became a hitman for Israel over ten years later.

· One evening in 1962, two Mossad agents posing as a couple befriended Skorzeny and his wife in a Spanish bar. But Skorzeny was no fool and he lured them back to his house, where he pulled a gun on them. He said, “I know who you are, and I know why you’re here. You’re Mossad and you’ve come to kill me.” The agents said he was half-right: they did not want to kill him but wanted to recruit him. Israel wanted to stop Egypt’s missile program and they saw Skorzeny as the person to do it. After tense negotiations at the point of a pistol, Skorzeny agreed only if Mossad removed his name from Israel’s hit-list.

· Convinced, Skorzeny got to work. In Munich, he assassinated Heinz Krug, one of the principal former Nazi scientists working on the missile project. In Egypt, he sent an exploding package which killed five Egyptians at Factory 333, the military site where the scientists worked. The intimidation worked because the remaining German scientists all left by the end of 1963. Skorzeny remained in Madrid for the rest of his life, where encountered another “interesting fellow” by the name of E. Howard Hunt.

“This Hunt fellow – he knows to God-damned much” – President Richard Nixon

· During the House Select Committee hearings in 1978, the committee asked the CIA to give information on what E. Howard Hunt was doing for the CIA in Spain during the period of 1965 – 1966. The CIA could not provide any information on Hunt’s TDY to Spain – they couldn’t even say how he got paid. When asked by the HSCA during his testimony what he was doing there, he stated he was part of an operation that required a “Bigot List” – now, where have we heard that before?

r/UFOB - Hunt HSCA Testimony

Hunt HSCA Testimony

r/UFOB - Hunt HSCA Testimony

Hunt HSCA Testimony


That’s all folks.

u/36_39_42 - thanks for the tip.


The Ciano Diaries: Did Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess fly to Scotland in May 1941 because he thought the advanced knowledge the Nazis gleaned from the Magenta Crash in Italy in 1933 made them “invincible” and would bring the UK to the negotiating table? Did he fail because the Allies already knew?


This post was prompted by researcher u/36_39_42, whose excellent analysis of the Magenta Crash in Italy in 1933 is the key uncovering the true facts of that history changing event. The “hive-mind” of collaborative research is the one thing that will drag the UFO / UAP subject into the light.

Galeazzo Ciano, Count di Cortelazzo' was born at Leghorn on March 18, 1903. He was the only son of Costanzo Ciano, who served with gallantry as a captain in the Italian Navy during World War I. The elder Ciano was one of those most responsible for the initial success of the Fascist movement. Promoted to the rank of admiral and ennobled immediately after Musolini rose to power, he subsequently served for many years as Minister of Communications and as President of the so-called Fascist Chamber of Deputies. Today he is best remembered for the immense fortune which he accumulated through the opportunities offered him by his controlling influence within the Fascist party and, in particular, during the years when he held office as Minister of Communications (i.e., control of the Stefani news agency, who later produced the secret telegrams of the Magenta Crash).

Galeazzo Ciano graduated in law at the University of Rome in 1925, and during his university years, which coincided with the first period of Fascism, also worked as a dramatic and art critic on a Roman daily newspaper. Strangely enough, during these years he adopted a critical attitude toward the Fascist Party, of which his father, whom he greatly revered, was already an outstanding leader. Immediately after his graduation he entered the Italian Diplomatic Service. During his first five years in the service he was stationed at Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Peking, and the Vatican City. It was at the close of this period that he married Mussolini’s daughter, Edda. Simultaneously he became an ardent Fascist. From then on, his rise was rapid. Serving briefly as Consul General at Shanghai, he was promoted in 1932 to be Minister to China. By 1933 he had again returned to Italy and, receiving an appointment as a member of the Italian Delegation to the London Economic Conference in June 1933, he was immediately thereafter made chief of Mussolini’s press office. In 1935 he was promoted to be Undersecretary of State for Press and Propaganda. Shortly thereafter he was named a member of the Fascist Grand Council. The following year, at the age of thirty-three, he was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs. His diaries of his time as the Foreign Affairs Minister were well known to Mussolini, who on several occasions asked him to make sure he documented the way that Hitler and his cohort treated Italy in a subservient manner. After Mussolini’s arrest in 1943 and subsequent rescue by the notorious Nazi figure Otto Skorzeny at Grand Sasso, the diaries became a liability for Mussolini and he ordered them to be destroyed. Ciao was tricked into fleeing to Nazi Germany, who then arrested him and imprisoned him in northern Italy. The final passage in this Diary, that was written by Count Ciano in his prison cell in Verona some two weeks before his execution, is the most revealing epitaph that can be written for him. Mussolini’s own daughter Edda smuggled her husband’s diaries out of Italy in her underwear to Switzerland, where OSS agent and later Majestic Twelve leader / CIA Director Allen Dulles took possession of them through an intermediatory. We know this because OSS Cable file Dulles to Washington, State Department, 16 January 1945 states: ‘EDDA matter will hereafter be given code name ECDAR’: US, NA, RG 226, Entry 190C, Box 11. Parts of this file are indexed under the heading, ‘Personal file of Allen W. Dulles, “Edda Ciano Diaries”’. The writers believe that Dulles created this file as an afterthought, pulling together material from other files. For example all the Berne–Ciano correspondence from December 1944–May 1945 are held at: US, NA, RG 226, Entry 146, Box 215, folder 1344–1346. It is possible that Dulles intended to write about the retrieval of the diaries at some later date. In the introduction of the Ciano Diaries the editor, Hugh Gibson, states the following:

The text of the diaries is given unabridged. It will be observed that for several periods there are no entries-on account of illness, absence on military service, or other obvious reasons. In several places pages were removed from the diaries before they were turned over for photographing; this has been clearly indicated by notes in the text.

The hand of Allen Dulles was clearly at work here – the “pages removed” may relate to the Magenta Crash.

Rudolf Hess

r/UFOB - Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess

Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess

The strange flight of Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess to Scotland on May 10, 1941 in order to “negotiate peace with Britain” is well known, but the exact reasoning remains a mystery to this day. He was very close to Hitler, having served prison time with him after the failed Beer Hall Pusch in 1923. Whilst the Nazis tried to spin Hess as being totally insane, extracts from the Ciano Diaries regarding the Hess subject indicate that senior Nazi officials, including Hitler himself, were extremely nervous about telling the Italians what had happened. Was this because Hess went to Scotland to tell the British High Command that the Nazis had developed advanced technology from “off planet” sources and that it would be futile to continue the war against such newly developed “Miracle Weapons”?

First off, the Italians are given disinformation about Hess, saying that he died in an aircraft accident (page 384 of the PDF file):

r/UFOB - Page 384

Page 384

Next, Ciano’s Nazi counterpart, German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop calls for a meeting with Ciano, turning up unexpectedly in Rome in a “nervous” state:

r/UFOB - Page 392

Page 392

Note that the Nazis are trying to spin the narrative that Hess was insane and that whatever he tells the British is “false”. In particular, the following line stands out:

“The Germans want to cover themselves before Hess speaks and reveals things that might make a great impression in Italy.”

I believe this is a direct reference to the Magenta Crash. What else relating to the Hess affair would "make a great impression" in Italy?

A week later, Mussolini asks Dino Alfieri, member of the Fascist Grand Council; Minister to Poland and Ambassador to Germany about the Hess affair after Alfieri returns from Germany.

r/UFOB - Page 394

Page 394

Ciano notes that Alfieri’s lack of knowledge of the subject seems strange, given that he “broke his neck” trying to be the first to console Hitler.

A few days later, Hitler requests Mussolini attend a meeting at the Brenner Pass, but the subject of the meeting is unknown to the Italians:

r/UFOB - Page 393

Page 393

The main subject of the meeting was, of course, Hess. Mussolini later tells Ciano that Hitler spoke for hours about Hess and wept as he did so:

r/UFOB - Page 394

Page 394

r/UFOB - Page 399

Page 399

In fact, Rudolf Hess may have timed his peacemaking mission very badly – his information about “off world” technology making the Axis powers invincible in modern warfare was trumped just a week or two earlier by an event in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in late April 1941. It is also known that American businessman and intelligence operative James Hugh Angleton was living in Milan at the time of the Magenta crash and, apart from possibly witnessing the sound and light show that accompanied the crash firsthand, his connections within the Fascist government and Catholic Church probably leaked information about the event, which was passed on to the U.S. government.

r/UFOB - Cape Girardeau crash, April 1941

Cape Girardeau crash, April 1941

Fellow inmate of Spandau Prison, architect and high-ranking Nazi official Albert Speer had an interesting conversation with Hess in 1965, which he describes in his book Inside the Third Reich on page 211. Hess claimed that “supernatural forces” told him to undertake the mission to Scotland – perhaps these forces were an adversary to the NHI that crashed at Cape Girardeau?:

r/UFOB - Speer page 211

Speer page 211

r/UFOB - Speer page 212

Speer page 212

Hess remained as the only prisoner in Spandau Prison after the release of Speer and other prisoners in 1966. He committed suicide in his cell in 1987, but the question remains – why did the Allied keep him imprisoned for the term of his natural life? The other prisoners were released on medical grounds, and Hess was a well-known hypochondriac with multiple health issues. His flight to Scotland occurred before Operation Barbarossa, and Speer took over as No. 1 Nazi upon Hitler’s death. Were the Allies afraid that Hess would “spill the beans” about the Magenta Crash and the advanced technologies that were obtained? Ciano actually mentions some of these weapons on page 603:

r/UFOB - Page 603

Page 603

Hess’s involvement with the Thule Society and other Occult studies caused Hitler to outlaw these activities in Germany after Hess’ flight:

r/UFOB - Page 404

Page 404

On a side note, the following passage from the Diaries relating to Benito Mussolini’s son Bruno is also interesting:

r/UFOB - Page 415

Page 415

The “new type of plane” mentioned here is a little perplexing. The Piaggio P.108 Bombardiere was an Italian four-engine heavy bomber that saw service with the Regia Aeronautica during World War II. The first prototype P.108B flew on 24 November 1939, so it certainly wasn’t really “new” by September 1941. It performed extremely well in a series of tests and required refining in only a few minor areas, but it took some time for pilots to get used to the new aircraft. The P.108 was delivered to a single unit, the 274a Squadriglia (274th Squadron), in 1941. But there were several accidents, one of them involving the son of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. On 7 August 1941, Bruno Mussolini, commander of the 274a Squadriglia, was piloting one of the prototypes of the "secret" bomber. He flew too low and crashed into a house. The cockpit section separated from the rest of the aircraft and although the aircraft did not catch fire, it was nevertheless totally destroyed in the impact. Commander Bruno Mussolini died from his injuries.

Was Bruno Mussolini actually killed trying to fly a “new type of plane” derived from the technology discovered from the Magenta Crash, and the P.108 incident just a “cover story”? The pilot son of the ruling Dictator would certainly be at the top of the list of trustworthy sources for The Duce to get reliable information from regarding progress.

r/UFOB - P.108 bomber

P.108 bomber

The American connection to the Magenta Crash

An American businessman/spy and his family were living in Milan in 1933 – his name was James “Hugh” Angleton.

r/UFOB - Hugh Angleton - James Angleton's father

Hugh Angleton - James Angleton's father

Here is a brief overview of Hugh Angleton, published upon his death on March 7, 1973 by the New York Times:

r/UFOB - New York Times March 7, 1973

New York Times March 7, 1973

There is one slight error here: Hugh Angleton moved his family to Corso Venezia 47, Milan, Italy in 1931 to be close to the factory where National Cash Register manufactured its machines. In 1933 he bought the distribution franchise rights for NCR in Italy whilst still working as an executive for NCR. Note in the obit that he was “working closely with the U.S. Embassy” which is veiled speech for “spy”. He was very impressed with Benito Mussolini, and his friend Max Corvo commented "Hugh Angleton... was ultra-conservative, a sympathizer with Fascist officials. He was certainly not unfriendly with the Fascists.” He was also very well connected in Italian society (including the monarchy), which is evident by his actions in WW2 as a Lt. Col. With the OSS:

r/UFOB - Hugh Angleton and the Italian Monarchy

Hugh Angleton and the Italian Monarchy

r/UFOB - OSS liaison with US Army CIC

OSS liaison with US Army CIC

Note the mention of “Myron Taylor” in the reports and Hugh being the interface between the OSS and the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), which will be important later.

Myron Charles Taylor (January 18, 1874 – May 5, 1959) was an American industrialist, and later a diplomat involved in many of the most important geopolitical events during and after World War II. On December 22, 1939, Roosevelt asked Taylor "to take on a special mission for me" to be Roosevelt's "personal envoy" to Pope Pius XII.

Taylor's appointment was announced on December 23, 1939, and confirmed in Rome, Italy, on February 28, 1940. Taylor served from 1940 throughout the rest of Roosevelt's presidency (his death in 1945) and continued as President Harry S. Truman's "personal envoy" until 1950. Although appointed as a "Peace Ambassador" and "personal envoy", Taylor was extended ambassador status by the Holy See on February 13, 1940.

Taylor’s frequent visits to the Vatican annoyed Mussolini, as is noted in several places in the Ciano Diaries. Ciano even states "the Vatican will only tell us what they want". Was Taylor the back channel between the US Government and the Vatican for information on the Magenta Crash?

r/UFOB - Various instances of Myron Taylor's activities raising suspicion with Mussolini

Various instances of Myron Taylor's activities raising suspicion with Mussolini

Why did Roosevelt select the industrialist Taylor to be his envoy to the Pope? Was it because Taylor’s experience in the manufacture of steel products would be incredibly useful for the both the Vatican and the United States understand the technology that crashed at Magenta in 1933? Remember, Hugh Angleton was living in Milan at the time and was an eyewitness to the incident, which was accompanied by incredibly bright and loud “thunder and lightning”. He would have been the ideal intermediatory to assist Myron Taylor in his endeavours to work with Vatican on the Magenta subject – after all, Angleton was the original source of the information to the U.S. Government. Hugh’s son, James Jesus Angleton, also witnessed the event as he spent his final summer in Italy before travelling to Britain in September 1933 to study at Malvern College in Boarding House No.2 until 1936 when he commenced study at Yale.

r/UFOB - James Jesus Angleton moves to Milan aged 14 (1931)

James Jesus Angleton moves to Milan aged 14 (1931)

James Jesus Angleton entered Yale University in 1937: "Angleton had already developed a distinctive personal style. He spoke with a slight English accent (probably not an affection after three years in the country), and was tall, athletic, bright, and handsome... By conventional standards he was a poor student, frequently missing class, excelling only in those subjects that interested him, and occasionally failing those that didn't." A fellow student, Reed Whittemore, later commented: "All through Yale, Jim was backward at completing school papers... It may be that he was just lazy - or maybe he had a psychological problem. He had the class record for incompletes, but he could invariably whitewash over these missing grades because he had a favorable presence with the teachers, who for the most part liked him a lot." A member of the Skull and Bones, he recruited the services of fellow Bonesman George H.W. Bush when Lancer’s enquiries in MJ-12 operations needed to be delt with.

James Hugh Angleton became a senior figure in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and was on the staff of Colonel William Donovan. It had been created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt soon after the outbreak of the Second World War. The OSS replaced the former American intelligence system, Office of the Coordinator of Information (OCI) that was considered to be ineffective. The OSS had responsibility for collecting and analyzing information about countries at war with the United States. It also helped to organize guerrilla fighting, sabotage and espionage.

In August 1944, Lieutenant Colonel James Hugh Angleton and Norman Holmes Pearson, Angleton's former English professor at Yale University, contacted James R. Murphy, the head of the new X-2 CI (Counter Intelligence) branch of the OSS. On 25th September, 1943, Murphy issued a memo: "I would greatly appreciate it if you could get provisional security for Corporal James Angleton in order that he may commence OSS school on Monday. His father is with this branch... In addition young Angleton is very well known to Norman Pearson, who recommended him to me." (14)

During his training James Jesus Angleton met Richard Helms, the former national advertising manager of the Indianapolis Times, who had joined the OSS in August 1943. In his autobiography, A Look Over My Shoulder (2003) he commented: "As a young man, Jim was bone thin, gaunt, and aggressively intellectual in aspect. His not entirely coincidental resemblance to T. S. Eliot was intensified by a European wardrobe, studious manner, heavy glasses, and lifelong interest in poetry."

On 28th December, 1943, James Jesus Angleton, arrived in London to work for the Italian section of X-2 C.I. Soon after arriving in England he met Kim Philby, who was head of MI6's Iberian section. It was the start of a long friendship: "Once I met Philby, the world of intelligence that had once interested me consumed me. He had taken on the Nazis and Fascists head-on and penetrated their operations in Spain and Germany. His sophistication and experience appealed to us... Kim taught me a great deal." Phillip Knightley, the author of Philby: KGB Masterspy (1988), has pointed out: "Philby was one of Angleton's instructors, his prime tutor in counter-intelligence; Angleton came to look upon him as an elder-brother figure."

Angleton impressed his senior officers and within six months he was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant and was appointed as chief of the Italian Desk for the European Theater of Operations. In October 1944 Angleton was transferred to Rome as commanding officer of Special Counter-Intelligence Unit Z. In March 1945, he was promoted to first lieutenant and became head of X-2 for the whole of Italy. At the age of twenty-seven, he was the youngest X-2 Branch chief in all of OSS. According to Charles J.V. Murphy: "His (Angleton) unit uncovered some of the secret correspondence between Hitler and Mussolini that was later introduced into the Nuremberg trials as proof of their conspiracy. James therefore also had a leading role in the repatriation of the craft from Magenta back to the United States – and in doing so crossed paths with the head of the US Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps in Italy – one Phillip J. Corso. The grapple for control of the Magenta craft between James Angleton and Phil Corso was the original source of enmity between the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Military Counterintelligence regarding ownership of the UFO subject – Angleton, with the help of his well-connected father won this particular battle. The Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit report from the Roswell crash documents this animosity very well – members of the IPU were forbidden to see the wreckage or the bodies. This animosity even extended to influencing the selection of high level positions within the CIA – in 1962, Corso’s boss, General Arthur Trudeau, was being considered by President John F. Kennedy for the position of Deputy Director, CIA. However, according to Trudeau’s memoirs, “someone in the CIA Counter Intelligence Division put a stop to it”. James Angleton was the Director of CIA Counter Intelligence at that time, and instead Angleton’s fly fishing buddy and General George Marshall’s former Chief of Staff during 1947, Lt. Gen. Marshall S. Carter was selected. Another former US Army CIC member, Henry Kissinger, got the upper hand over the CIA during the Nixon Administration – however both teams lost out due to Watergate and the Church Committee.

In conclusion, Magenta crash eyewitness James Jesus Angleton was therefore well set up by his connections to become the CIA’s chief “secret-keeper” of the UFO subject. Hugh’s wealth allowed James to join the “Geogetown Set” in D.C., along with other wealthy CIA members Allen Dulles and Richard Helms. When the Nixon Administration gave the order to destroy all documents relating to MJ-TWELVE and MK-ULTRA, a few CIA patriots managed to save crucial documents from the fire to inform future generations of this hidden part of human history. I encourage everyone here to dig further into this subject.

The Ciano Diaries:

The Ciano Diaries: 1939 1943 The Complete, Unabridged Diaries Of Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian Minister Of Foreign Affairs : Hugh Gibson and Count Galeazzo Ciano : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


James Jesus Angleton moved to Italy in 1931, was head of the Italian section of X-2 C.I. at Bletchley Park in 1943, moved to Rome in 1944 for the OSS, and stayed there after the War. Involved in bringing the Italian object to the U.S. and therefore a perfect fit for C.I.A.'s MJ-12 operation


"In 1931 James Angleton moved with his family to Milan*, for his father Hugh's business. Hugh was very impressed with* Benito Mussolini and his friend, Max Corvo*, commented "Hugh Angleton... was ultra-conservative, a sympathizer with Fascist officials. He was certainly not unfriendly with the Fascists." In 1933 James Angleton was sent to* Malvern College*. "He learned all about snobbery, prejudice, and school beatings. Before he left three years later he had served as a prefect, a corporal in the Officers' Training Corps, and joined the Old Malvern Society. He seems to have become more English than the English, a useful ruse perhaps for Malvern's lone half-Mexican Yank." James Angleton later recalled: "I was brought up in England in one of my formative years and I must confess that I learned, at least I was disciplined to learn, certain features of life, and what I regarded as duty."*

The above and the following excerpts are from

As we know from David Grusch's interview with French media, the ONLY crash retrieval incident he has been allowed to talk about by DOPSR occurred outside of the CONUS (unlike Roswell, Socorro, Aztec) or was not the direct result of U.S. military operations (like the Bluegill Triple Prime shootdown in Operation FISHBOWL). This is an incident that has authentic documentation by Mussolini himself and was studied by the Vatican - the U.S. government, therefore, has no control over the information's dissemination and would cause a diplomatic incident if it tried to do so. That incident occurred in 1933 in Magenta, a small town a few miles outside of Milan where the Angleton family was residing at the time. Hugh Angleton's connections with Mussolini may have informed him of the crash retrieval incident, which in turn may have assisted him later on in his career with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which was the precursor organization to the Central Intelligence Agency.

Like father, like son.

r/UFOB - Magenta is located a few kilometers outside of Milan

Magenta is located a few kilometers outside of Milan

James Jesus Angleton entered Yale University in 1937: "Angleton had already developed a distinctive personal style. He spoke with a slight English accent" (probably not an affection after three years in the country). Angleton and friend Reed Whittemore edited a quarterly of original poetry, called Furioso, financed mostly by subscriptions raised by Whittemore's aunt. Angleton and Whittemore were both promising poets and other contributors included Archibald MacLeish, Ezra Pound, E.E. Cummings and William Carlos Williams. Whittemore later commented: "When we were short of money, which was most of the tune, we paid off our poets with fine Italian cravats from the stock that the Angleton haberdasher in Italy kept replenishing."

Hugh Angleton became a senior figure in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and was on the staff of Colonel William "Wild Bill" Donovan. It had been created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt soon after the outbreak of the Second World War. The OSS replaced the former American intelligence system, the Office of the Coordinator of Information (OCI) which was considered to be ineffective. The OSS had responsibility for collecting and analyzing information about countries at war with the United States. It also helped to organize guerrilla fighting, sabotage, and espionage.

In August 1944, Lieutenant Colonel James Hugh Angleton and Norman Holmes Pearson, Angleton's former English professor at Yale University, contacted James R. Murphy, the head of the new X-2 CI (Counter Intelligence) branch of the OSS. On 25th September 1943, Murphy issued a memo: "I would greatly appreciate it if you could get provisional security for Corporal James Angleton in order that he may commence OSS school on Monday. His father is with this branch... In addition young Angleton is very well known to Norman Pearson, who recommended him to me."

During his training, James Jesus Angleton met Richard Helms, the former national advertising manager of the Indianapolis Times, who had joined the OSS in August 1943. Helms would of course go on to be Director of Operations for the C.I.A. during the Kennedy Administration and ultimately Director Central Intelligence.

On 28th December, 1943, James Jesus Angleton, arrived in London to work for the Italian section of X-2 C.I. Soon after arriving in England he met Kim Philby, who was head of MI6's Iberian section. Angleton impressed his senior officers and within six months he was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant and was appointed as chief of the Italian Desk for the European Theater of Operations. In October 1944 Angleton was transferred to Rome as commanding officer of Special Counter-Intelligence Unit Z. In March 1945, he was promoted to first lieutenant and became head of X-2 for the whole of Italy**.** At the age of twenty-seven, he was the youngest X-2 Branch chief in all of OSS. According to Charles J.V. Murphy: "His (Angleton) unit uncovered some of the secret correspondence between Hitler and Mussolini that was later introduced into the Nuremberg trials as proof of their conspiracy." Raymond Rocca was his senior staff officer. The two men were to remain close friends for the next thirty years, with Rocca acting as the Director of the notorious Special Investigations Group within the C.I.A.'s Counterintelligence Section that was headed by Angleton from 1954 - 1974.

Did Jim Angleton and Ray Rocca uncover correspondence regarding the Italian crash retrieval operation between Hitler and Mussolini in 1944? The crashed object has been described as a "bell-shaped" aerodyne, not unlike the Nazi Germany "Die Glocke" device.

After the war, both Angleton and Rocca remained in Italy. They worked closely "with Italian counterintelligence to uncover reams of data about Soviet operations". Angleton's biographer, Tom Mangold, has pointed out: "As Italian fascism collapsed and the German retreat quickened, Angleton found himself targeting subtle new enemies, including lingering Fascists and, more importantly for him, nascent Communist networks. The young Counterintelligence chief was now in his element: recently declassified documents show Angleton at the zenith of his wartime career... His unit's top secret intelligence sources... burgled their way across the open city with seeming impunity."

A disastrous attempt to reunite with his wife and young child in New York in November 1945 saw Angleton returning to Italy by himself. It is claimed that William Donovan, the head of the Office of Strategic Services asked Angleton to "help the provisional Italian government beat off a threatened Communist takeover". Angleton discovered documents to show that communist parties in Europe were following instructions from the Soviet Union. "He (James Jesus Angleton) and his principal associate for all of his career, Raymond Rocca... ferreted out the exchange of correspondence between Stalin and Tito that foreshadowed the 1948 breach between them."

In December 1947 Angleton returned to the United States and moved to Washington in June 1948 to begin his career with the recently established Central Intelligence Agency. Was this a direct result of the events in Roswell? A person with first-hand knowledge of the Italian crash retrieval operations and the subsequent cover-up would be the perfect person to run the United States crash retrieval program as one of the MJ-12 executives.

Angleton's first post was as a senior advisor to Frank Wisner, the director of the Office of Special Operations (OSO). The OSO had responsibility for espionage and counter-espionage. Wisner was told to create an organization that concentrated on "propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world". Angleton's job was to oversee special studies involving all countries where the CIA was operating.

In early 1951 James Jesus Angleton was appointed head of the CIA's newly created Special Operations Group. In this post, Angleton served as the CIA's exclusive liaison with Israeli intelligence. "One might have expected his unit to be part of the agency's Middle East Division. But it stayed under Angleton's tight, zealous command for the next twenty years - to the utter fury of the division's separate Arab desks. Angleton's ties with the Israelis gave him considerable prestige within the CIA and later added significantly to his expanding counter-intelligence empire."

Allen Dulles**,** the new director of the CIA, commissioned Lieutenant General James Doolittle to report on the organization's CIA 's covert intelligence-collecting capabilities. Doolittle concluded that the CIA was losing the spy wars with the KGB. Doolittle advised "the intensification of the CIA's counter-intelligence efforts to prevent or detect and eliminate penetrations of CIA". In December 1954, Dulles' response to the report was to appoint Angleton to become the first chief of the CIA's newly created Counter-Intelligence Staff. 1954 is an important year, because it is when the entire structure of the covert MJ-12 operations was crafted within the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 which allowed the President of the United States to be denied access to details of MJ-12, as Dulles pointed out to President John F. Kennedy on November 5 1962 in his response to JFK's request for a full briefing on MJ-12.

r/UFOB - Majestic Documents - MJ-12 briefing document from Dulles to JFK

Majestic Documents - MJ-12 briefing document from Dulles to JFK

In his bestselling book JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters*,* author James W. Douglass states that Angleton also ran an assassination squad, commanded by Colonel Boris Pash.

Boris Pash (1900 – 1995) was a United States military intelligence officer who commanded the Alsos Mission during World War II.

Pash was called to active duty with the Army in 1940, and became chief of counter-intelligence at the Ninth Corps headquarters at the Presidio in San Francisco two years later. After the United States entered World War II in 1941, Pash was tasked with investigating security breaches at the Manhattan Project’s Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, where American officials suspected Soviet spies of stealing secret atomic research information.

Pash was soon summoned to Washington by Major General Leslie Groves, who placed him in charge of organizing and directing the Alsos Mission as a military-scientific force to investigate Nazi Germany’s atomic program. Pash was appointed military commander of Alsos, while Dr. Samuel A. Goudsmit was named chief of the unit’s scientific team.

Under Pash, the Alsos Mission carried out operations in Italy, France, and Germany. Members of the Alsos Mission were among the first American troops to enter Paris, seizing a sizeable cache of uranium and securing valuable information regarding the German atomic program.

In 1944, the Alsos task force began operations in Germany, which culminated in the capture of the German atomic research laboratory at Haigerloch, as well as other valuable targets in Hechingen, Bisingen, and Tailfingen.

In early May 1945, an operation led by Pash at Urfeld, Germany resulted in the capture of Werner Heisenberg, a leading German nuclear physicist who was quickly removed along with confiscated records to Heidelberg.

Douglass claims that Pash's group was the model used for the ZR/RIFLE sub-program called EXECUTIVE ACTION, which authorized C.I.A. operator William Harvey to assassinate foreign leaders without the need to ask the President or anyone else permission to do so. Did Angleton use Pash's team to assassinate people who might leak information about the UFO crash retrieval operations? If you think that is a far-fetched concept, consider the following from an interview of G. Nicholas Stuparich on October 18, 2006 Las Vegas, for the Nevada Test Site Oral History Project. Stuparich was a U.S. Marine onboard the USS Curtis, which delivered the nuclear weapons for the CASTLE series of atmospheric tests:

Interviewer Mary Palevsky: So you come back for—the last trip is the Redwing trip, is that right, the last trip to the Pacific?

G. Nicholas Stuparich: Yes.

MP: And then what happens?

GNS: Then we all went ashore and we were assigned to different divisions in the First Marine Detachment. I went up to become a training aids NCO [Noncommissioned Officer]. That was for the balance of my tour. I was responsible for the training aids using Marine Corps films and different types of devices and equipment that they use, weapons, and that sort of thing so that they could train the recruits or the new coming people.

MP: Did any of that involve training in nuclear issues?

GNS: No. That was dead. When we left the ship, they just said, what you saw and hear stays here and you’ll never repeat it again. And then—

MP: They said that to you.

GNS: Yes. And the one thing that I found interesting, and I think it’s probably because of my prior knowledge of the Rosenbergs, it meant a lot to me when they said, Well, you know that it’s execution. You divulge any of this information, you’re executed. Period, end of conversation. I live by that today. People laugh at me. Right now, later on in life here, I’m an officer with the Alaska State Defense Force, and we are part of the Veterans Administration and [U.S. Department of] Homeland Security. So we have a gentleman who is on the—he’s on a—it’s called a Field Intelligence Security Team, and his name is Rosenberg. Well, when we were talking about clearances, I said, Well, I had an FTS Queen clearance, and I said, We were assigned under the Rosenberg Act. And his name is Rosenberg, and so we kind of laughed at him and said, Hey, is it true you have that much power over these guys? And he just kind of—he doesn’t even know what it meant. But I think we all had Final Top Secret Q clearances*.*

MP: That’s what FTS means, Final Top Secret.

GNS: Right. And then Q, it has to do with the operations. Now, every operation you’re on or what you do has a different ending. It could be Wiggy or—

MP: So you think Q has to do with nuclear stuff?

GNS: I think Q had to do with the highest clearance you could have in those days.

MP: Right. That’s what I understood.

GNS: Yeah. Today I think there’s some higher. Some higher. I’m sure. There’s some for pink paper, which is Pentagon paper. There’s another one that’s higher, and I can’t remember what it is. page 32

The penalty for divulging information about the compartments you have been briefed into is execution. Full stop. Angleton had the power will save the Government the cost of a treason court case and execute you whenever it suited them. You signed onto that arrangement before you got the briefing. You know it. They know it. It's only a matter of time before you are executed. See why David Grusch is concerned?

On this note, I have heard that the crash retrieval program Grusch is talking about is codenamed ZODIAC. This is interesting because the Majestic Document known as the "Important Memo" that was received in 1999 had the following:

r/UFOB - Zodiac reference

Zodiac reference

If these documents are a hoax, how did the hoaxer correctly guess the name of the crash retrieval program in 1999?

With reference to assassinations of whistleblowers, the Important Memo also has this:

r/UFOB - Colby executed

Colby executed

The JFK memo is also in the Majestic Documents, and it is a memo from JFK to the Director of Counterintelligence, Central Intelligence Agency (i.e. James Jesus Angleton) outlining the intent to share all classified UFO data with the Soviet Union. It was dated 10 days before President Kennedy's assassination, and someone has scribbled in the margin "Response for Colby, Angleton has the MJ Directive"

r/UFOB - JFK memo

JFK memo

Colby signed the papers in the 1950s authorizing his execution if he divulged information. When the JFK Memo surfaced in early 1996, he knew they were coming for him. They thought he had divulged far too much whilst DCI during the Church Committee - he would probably do the same if questioned about the memo. The "MJ Directive" was the Burned Memo, that authorized JFK's assassination by using veiled speech ("it should be wet" - wet works - assassination). He took a photo of his deceased daughter and paddled in a canoe into oblivion.

For the people that know about the program, the stakes are incredibly high. The hit squads are still operational and are probably in the "Samson Option" stage of destroying the world and taking themselves with it.

That's all folks.

World War 2:

The intelligence gathered by the Angletons regarding the Magenta crash was further confirmed by the crashes at Cape Girardeau in 1941 and Los Angeles in 1942, and through eyewitness accounts of US Army Air Force pilots in combat. In one instance (Mission 115 over Schweinfurt, Germany) a B-17 collided with a series of silver discs without damaging the aircraft. One of the eyewitnesses of the Schweinfurt raids was the air commander, Col. Curtis LeMay. This event piqued LeMay's interest in exotic propulsion mechanism of aircraft, which Nazi scientists had been working on in secret bunkers in Bavaria. General William Donovan's Office of Strategic Services (OSS) removed the Magenta craft and components from various sites in Italy and relocated them to the United States for further study.


Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves they're real.


Following on from the excellent post and commentary by u/Magog14 regarding the 1942 Los Angeles "air raid", an authentic declassified document from U.S. military Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up with communications sent over the following 7 days from the Majestic Documents – adding further prove that most of these documents are indeed authentic themselves.

On page 15 of Timothy Good’s UFO “bible” Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Coverup, the following information is found:

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…

FOIA Document referenced:

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…

The Majestic Documents has a response from FDR to Marshall, however this time the document is marked with a TOP SECRET classification. This is a common practice with sensitive information; because of the noise and the claim that 3 people died of heart attacks during the event, it would be near on impossible for the U.S. Army to deny the event occurred. A lower classification document, if required, could be disseminated to Allies and if push came to shove, declassified as a “limited hangout” to protect the higher classified technical details. A similar ploy was used for the Twining Memo, a document with Secret classification that was shared with Australia (referenced in Harry Turner’s 1971 report and declassified in 1978) and the Twining White Hot report, a Top Secret NOFORN document that wasn’t shared with other Allies. A modern example is Grant Lavac’s Five Eyes UAP Caucus Working Group FOIA document that suggested information shared at TS//SI/TK classification level, and John Greenewald’s NRO FOIA release that had UAP data at the TS//SI/TK//NOFORN classification level and not shared with the other Five Eyes.

This is the response from FDR to Marshall the following day (27th February 1942), noting here that the Cape Girardeau crash of 1941 had already occurred:

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…


The following information regarding this document is from the Majestic Documents page:

This is the memo that links the UFO crashes with the Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942, since it occurred only three days earlier. It alludes to “atomic secrets learned from study of celestial devices” and authorizes “Dr. Bush to proceed with the project without further delay.” The reference to “this new wonder” is, to our knowledge, a unique phrase for the time. The writing of Source S-2 shows at the bottom of the page.

Also note General William “Wild Bill” Donovan is mentioned in this memo. Two of his OSS staff were living in Milan, Italy in June 1933 possibly heard and saw the Magenta Crash as it happened. This was James Jesus Angleton and his father Hugh.

A few days after Marshall received the response from FDR, he replied with the following on the 5th March 1942:

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…

The information from the Majestic Documents regarding this document is as follows:

On March 5, 1942, George C. Marshall wrote a top-secret memo to the President, which states: “regarding the air raid over Los Angeles it was learned by Army G2 that Rear Admiral Anderson recovered an unidentified airplane off the coast of California with no bearing on conventional explanation… This Headquarters has come to the determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources they are in all probability of interplanetary origin.” Marshall goes on to state: “As a consequence, I have issued orders to Army G2 that a special intelligence unit be created to further investigate the phenomenon and report any significant connection between recent incidents and those collected by the director of the office of Coordinator of Information.” The memo bears correct Office of Chief of Staff (OCS) file numbers and has “Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit” (IPU) typed on it at a later time by a different typewriter. It is logical to believe that this is the order that sets up the IPU.


We know through Timothy Good’s FOIA response that the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit was actually a “thing” because the U.S. Army confirmed it:

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…


Relevance to the Majestic Documents

The following timeline of receipt of Majestic Documents was presented by Ryan Wood at the 2001 MUFON symposium (I have added the coloring and text in the bottom margin):

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…

Ryan Wood took possession of the Majestic Documents from Timothy Cooper in late 2000. There is a discrepancy in this list – according to the metadata associated with the Marshall to Roosevelt Memo, it was actually Source S-2 that supplied these documents to Cooper and not Source S-3. In previous posts I have identified Thomas “Cy” Cantwell as Army CIC / IPU / CIA officer Boris Tarasoff, “Salina” as CIA Counterintelligence officer Anne Goodpasture (born in Celina, Tennessee in 1918), and Source S-1 as CIA Counterintelligence Special Investigations Group Deputy Director Newton “Scotty” Miler.


Boris Tarasoff was a Russian emigre who arrived in the United States in the early 1930s. His Russian language fluency was particularly valuable to the U.S. Army during WW2.

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…

Note that in December 1945 Tarasoff “left” the Army Counterintelligence Corps to work for the Red Cross in Cleveland, Ohio. I believe this was in fact the cover story for employment with the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit at Wright Field (now Wright Paterson AFB) where the Army Air Material Command and General Nathan Twining was based. The information in that image comes from Tarasoff’s application to join the CIA in 1956, when he was deployed to Mexico City.

r/UFOB - Los Angeles air raid 25 February 1942: An authentic, declassified document from General George C. Marshall to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 26 February 1942 lines up completely with two early Majestic Documents sent over the following days. Add to the pile of evidence that proves…


So why would Tarasoff, Goodpasture and Miler purposely leak these explosive documents that form the core of the Majestic Documents?

Put yourselves in their shoes for a moment. Tarasoff and his wife were the Russian linguists assigned to the CIA Station in Mexico City and transcribed the conversation that Lee Harvey Oswald had with the Russian and Cuban Consulates there in mid-1963. The audio files and transcript documents were the responsibility of the Station’s Counterintelligence officer, Anne Goodpasture. As Danny Sheehan u/NewParadigmInstitute pointed out on the Koncrete podcast, the CIA’s Mexico City station was supplying the money for the “triangular fire” Castro assassination team training grounds at Clint Murchison Jnr’s ranch in Acuna, northern Mexico. As Sheehan explained, the money was skimmed from the Las Vegas casinos and driven to Miami where it was wired to the Banco Internacional office in Mexico City, where the CIA officers would collect it and distribute it to the training team. Tarasoff and Goodpasture were the cheerleaders for the assassination team and did everything they could to assist them. Imagine their horror when the target tasking suddenly switched from Castro to President John F. Kennedy after the failed invasion attempt in mid June 1963 and JFK made it clear he was going to disassemble the entire nuclear arsenal and share knowledge of UFOs with the Soviets. In the weeks following JFK’s assassination, the FBI got involved and wanted to do voice comparison analysis on the tapes of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City that Tarasoff transcribed against their own copies of his various FBI interrogations. Goodpasture DESTROYED the audio copies because the Mexico City personnel KNEW that someone impersonated Oswald at the consulates as part of the plan to assassinate CASTRO, when in fact it turned out to be KENNEDY. Goodpasture, Tarasoff and the Mexico City CIA Station Chief Win Scott all knew that it would be hard to convince a grieving public that they had unwittingly facilitated the assassination team, so they did their best to cover the situation up. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover also knew the CIA had destroyed the evidence but kept this information secret to use as leverage at a later date. Information relayed to Deke DeLoach, FBI assistant Director formed the basis of an FBI interview with DCI McCone exactly a month after the assassination, when FBI Liaison agent Sam Papich accused McCone of spreading disinformation about Lee Harvey Oswald's activities in Mexico City in the lead up to the assassination. Curiously, the Assassination Records Review Board bundled the transcript of the Papich-McCone interview with the Marilyn Monroe UFO document, which was written the day before her death. The Monroe document supplied to the CIA for verification had James Angleton's name and "MJ-12" cut off from the bottom margin.

104-10338-10005.pdf (

Original Monroe document as received by Timothy Cooper by a "CIA archivist" in 1992, with Angleton's name, signature and "MJ-12" at the very bottom:

marilynmonroe.pdf (

The three CIA officers weathered the storm of the Warren Commission and appeared to have escaped suspicion. However, the Watergate Burglary bought their involvement back into the limelight when Cuban “Plumber” Bernard Barker was arrested at the scene with a large wad of cash in his pocket. Further investigation by the FBI revealed this cash was sequentially numbered, and as Sheehan explains, led straight to the Banco Internacional office in Mexico City. As Assistant FBI Director Mark Felt prepared to travel to Mexico City “to see what the hell was going”, Nixon had his famous discussion with H.R. Halderman in the Oval Office which later became known as the "Smoking Gun" tape, documented the initial stages of the Watergate coverup. On it, Nixon and Haldeman are heard formulating a plan to block investigations by having the CIA falsely claim to the FBI that national security was involved. In 1973, amid a government-wide panic caused by Watergate, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MJ-12 and MK-Ultra files destroyed, and this is how Scotty Miler (Source S-1) managed to snatch the “Burned Memo” from the document incinerator and save it as leverage in case his involvement in the JFK assassination came to light.

Watergate led directly to the Church Committee investigations, where once again Tarasoff, Goodpasture and Miler came under intense scrutiny – at one stage CIA Director of Counterintelligence James Angleton had Miler assist him on the stand to answer the Committee members’ questions regarding CIA activities. When asked about the MK-Ultra program by the Committee, CIA officers denied such a program existed. However, one document stored incorrectly in a filing system was found relating to finance of the MK-Ultra program. James Angleton, Scotty Miler and Angleton’s Deputy Director Raymond Rocca were all forced to resign from the CIA just before Christmas 1974. All three had known no other job, transitioning from the armed services directly after WW2.

The Church Committee uncovered more questions than answers, and when the Zapruder footage was first shown on TV on March 6, 1975 in Good Night America, after being stored by Life magazine out of view for almost twelve years. The footage showed the president's head recoiling violently backwards inside the presidential limousine during the fatal shooting as Lee Harvey Oswald was more than 80 yards behind. The public, having more and more difficulty accepting the conclusions of the Warren Commission report, led members of Congress to ask for new investigations into the assassination, within the framework of a new Commission of Inquiry.

In September 1976, the United States House of Representatives voted 280–65 to establish the Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in order to investigate the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. Tarasoff and his wife were both interviewed by the HSCA about their time in Mexico City and the circumstances surrounding the audio recordings of Lee Harvey Oswald that they transcribed. Anne Goodpasture was interviewed TWICE by the HSCA, because she was the person who erased the audio tapes of Oswald. Miler was interviewed again by the HSCA because of his role as Counterintelligence Special Investigations Group Deputy Director. Shortly before the assassination, Oswald’s CI/SIG-held 201 file was transferred to the Mexico City Headquarters desk. There, Goodpasture drafted the two now infamous communications that cause much suspicion of the CIA’s involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Although the two communications were drafted at the same time, the cable to CIA in Mexico City describes Oswald as 5’10", 165 pounds, with light brown hair; whereas the teletype to the State Department, Navy and the FBI describes Oswald as being approximately 35 years old, 6’ tall, with an athletic build and a receding hairline. Why would Angleton’s people be collaborating with the Mexico City desk officer to mislead other agencies within the government unless they were in some measure trying to hide or protect Oswald’s identity?

Goodpasture’s testimonies in all three investigations were “sketchy” at best and investigators like Jefferson Morely and John Newman punched holes in her story during magazine interviews. It felt like the world was closing in on the spouseless, childless Goodpasture – however, her “father-like” colleague Boris Tarasoff decided to take some of the heat off Goodpasture. In October 1992, he started to drip feed documents he and the others had collected during their times as CIC – Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit and CIA Counterintelligence operatives to a person Scotty Miler knew through the Association of Former Intelligence Officers – a private investigator named Timothy Cooper. The last document Tarasoff delivered to Cooper was in July 1995, just 4 months prior to his death in November 1995.

The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, or the JFK Records Act, is a public law passed by the United States Congress, effective October 26, 1992. It directed the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to establish a collection of records to be known as the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection. The final report of the act's Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) partially credited the conclusions in Oliver Stone's 1991 film JFK with the passage of the act. The ARRB stated that the film "popularized a version of President Kennedy's assassination that featured U.S. government agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the military as conspirators." The ARRB interviewed Goodpasture TWICE – once in December 1995 and again in April of 1998. In between those interviews, Goodpasture delivered to Cooper a series of documents that included the Twining White Hot report that Tarasoff had kept since his IPU days. Born in Celina, Tennessee in 1918, Goodpasture used the pseudonym “Salina” when delivering the documents to Timothy Cooper, stating that they were from her “father”, which was in fact Tarasoff.

With the knowledge that the Church Committee and HSCA testimonies would one day be declassified and implicate him and his CIA colleagues in the JFK assassination, Scotty Miler began to deliver the documents in his possession to Timothy Cooper on June 23, 1999 in an attempt to demonstrate why Kennedy “had to go”. Included in his documents were some essays he had written explaining the UFO situation and the CIA’s role in the cover-up. The “Important Memo” has a few very sinister statements in it, regarding former CIA Director William Colby’s assassination because he was named in the margins of the “JFK to a Director of the CIA” memo. Miler states that Colby was murdered to “shut him up” before the ARRB started asking him questions about it.

Scotty Miler died in 2007, and was hopeful (like Tarasoff and Goodpasture were) that the release of the Majestic Documents would be read by future historians and help them understand why President Kennedy’s plan to cooperate with the Soviet Union to gain an understanding of the “alien presence” and dismantle both country's nuclear arsenals was a direct threat to the Military Industrial Complex and the National Security State.


Black Thursday, 14 October 1943: the day UAPs turned up in the middle of one of the bloodiest air battles of World War 2


Taking note of Ryan Graves' recent Tweet calling for aircrews past and present to come forward and share their encounters, I decided to examine a few famous cases from the past. Browsing through the files of the Majestic Documents the other day, I came across this piece of information:

r/UFOs - Pg.14

With the specific date, mission number, and combat unit data points provided, I set to work.

The second Schweinfurt raid, also called Black Thursday, was a World War II air battle that took place on 14 October 1943, over Nazi Germany between forces of the United States 8th Air Force and German Luftwaffe fighter arm (Jagdwaffe). The American bombers conducted a strategic bombing raid on ball-bearing factories to reduce the production of these vital parts for all manner of war machines. This was the second attack on the factories at Schweinfurt. American wartime intelligence claimed the first Schweinfurt–Regensburg mission in August had reduced bearing production by 34 percent but had cost many bombers. A planned follow-up raid had to be postponed to rebuild American forces. As the squadrons rebuilt, plans for the return mission were modified based on the lessons learned. Planners added additional fighter escorts to cover the outward and return legs of the operation and sent the entire force against Schweinfurt alone, instead of splitting the force. Despite these changes, a series of minor mishaps combined with the ever-increasing efficiency of the German anti-aircraft effort proved to be devastating. Of the 291 B-17 Flying Fortresses sent on the mission, 60 were lost, another 17 were damaged so heavily that they had to be scrapped and another 121 had varying degrees of battle damage. Losses represented over 26 percent of the attacking force and losses in aircrew were equally severe, with 650 men lost of 2,900, 22 percent of the bomber crews. The American Official History of the Army Air Forces in the Second World War acknowledged losses had been so great that the USAAF would not return to the target for four months, "The fact was that the Eighth Air Force had for the time being lost air superiority over Germany".

The former commander of one of the bombing group elements that participated in Black Thursday, the 384th BG of the 8th Air Force was Colonel Budd J. Peaslee, a great pilot and charismatic leader whose kindness and compassion toward the personnel under his command earned him the nickname “Uncle”.

r/UFOs - Col. Budd Peaslee

Col. Budd Peaslee

Concern for pilot safety was at the forefront of Peaslee’s mind at all times; he often accompanied his men into battle as Air Commander and co-pilot of one of the beloved B-17 Flying Fortresses taking part. 14th October 1943, The 384th Bomb Group put up three squadrons (twenty-one aircraft assigned) on that mission. Five aircraft aborted, five were unused spares, six were knocked out by the enemy and failed to return, and three were lost due to bad weather over East Anglia when the crews, unable to locate a suitable place to land in England, bailed out and abandoned them to crash. Only five completed the mission and four of them landed at other airfields. In the book published in 1991 by Martin Caidin titled “Ghosts of the Air: True Stories of Aerial Hauntings.”, Peaslee describes a very strange encounter experienced by multiple B-17 crews during the fierce battle in the air raging over Schweinfurt :

r/UFOs - Black Thursday, 14 October 1943: the day UAPs turned up in the middle of one of the bloodiest air battles of World War 2

r/UFOs - Black Thursday, 14 October 1943: the day UAPs turned up in the middle of one of the bloodiest air battles of World War 2

r/UFOs - Black Thursday, 14 October 1943: the day UAPs turned up in the middle of one of the bloodiest air battles of World War 2

r/UFOs - Black Thursday, 14 October 1943: the day UAPs turned up in the middle of one of the bloodiest air battles of World War 2

r/UFOs - Black Thursday, 14 October 1943: the day UAPs turned up in the middle of one of the bloodiest air battles of World War 2

The above is an abridged version of Chapter 2 of Ghosts of the Air. The full chapter can be found here:

Over the years, many researchers have investigated Mission 115 and uncovered some of the official intelligence reports regarding the encounter, which irrefutably back up Peaslee’s account in Caidin’s book.

r/UFOs -

As researcher Andy Roberts notes on his Schweinfurt - A Mystery Solved? Webpage, there is a very interesting person to which the Intelligence report annex was disseminated – Col. Kingman Douglass. A WW1 fighter pilot tasked with intelligence collection, during WW2 he served as the senior United States Army Air Corps intelligence liaison officer assigned to the British Air Ministry and in the Allied Intelligence Group in the Pacific Theater. After the war, Douglass established the new Central Intelligence Agency, serving as its deputy director for a few months before returning to finance. Still, he returned to intelligence after a while: Douglass later served as Assistant Director of the CIA, from 1950 through July 1952.

Roberts asserts the following in his year 2000 webpage of the silver discs described by Peaslee :

The objects reported are intriguing but not completely mystifying. There were many types of flak being used by the Germans in W.W.II and several files in the PRO refer to colored flak, flak which threw off unusual fragments, and so on. This explanation is made more likely by the fact that the 'F.L.O.' in Caidin's reference stands for 'Flak Liaison Officer', at least suggesting that the Air Ministry were treating it within a flak context.

The objects could also have been some kind of 'window' dropped by the Germans in an attempt to disrupt radar or radio communication among aircrew. The explanation as to what the small objects were is now more of a task for the air historian than it is for the ufologist. What is clear from the original account is that the discs, whilst unusual, were clearly not any type of 'craft', under intelligent or purposeful control or dangerous to the aircraft or crew.”

With 23 years of hindsight, which includes the FLIR1, Go Fast and Gimbal footage and brave aviators like Ryan Graves coming forward to reveal similar encounters were “an everyday occurrence”, I think it is time to revisit Mission 115 on Black Thursday, starting with an examination of photographs taken during the battle.

For reference, the following map of Schweinfurt from 1925 is provided to understand the direction the B-17s were flying when the various photos of the raid are examined. This is important to understand, as some of the analogous objects that can be seen to actually cast shadows on the ground.

r/UFOs -

r/UFOs -  “Schweinfurt is in flames while a B-17 heads for home”

“Schweinfurt is in flames while a B-17 heads for home”

Our first photograph, entitled “Schweinfurt is in flames while a B-17 heads for home” is actually from the Wikipedia page for the raid:

In the image below, I’ve highlighted a number of points of interest.

r/UFOs - Points Of Interest

Points Of Interest

POI 1- 6 are of disc or sphere-shaped objects – the best example being number 1.

POI 7-8 are of a “Tic-Tac” shaped craft and the shadow it casts on the ground. One of the “large objects seen to be following the disc’s descent into the formation” as described in the Majestic Document?

POI 9 is the wooded area shown in the 1925 map to be located South of Schweinfurt. Therefore, the B-17 pictured here is flying roughly on an Eastern heading.

POI 10 is a smoke cloud and its shadow cast on the ground. This aligns with the Sun’s orientation mid-morning in Germany (South) and aligns with the shadow the “Tic-Tac” craft appears to be casting.

I suggest downloading the image to your own device to examine it in close detail.

r/UFOs -  A formation of B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 305th Bomb Group during a raid over Schweinfurt

A formation of B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 305th Bomb Group during a raid over Schweinfurt

A number of black objects appearing above the clouds in this photograph – whilst they could be anti-aircraft bursts, they could also be the “black debris” described by the bomber crews. Several luminous objects to the top right of this photo can also be observed.

The caption provided with this image is as follows:

“A formation of B-17 Flying Fortresses of the 305th Bomb Group during a raid over Schweinfurt. Printed caption on reverse: '50120 AC - Germany. Boeing B-17 "Flying Fortresses" bombing target in Schweinfurt, Germany. Please credit: "Official U.S. Air Force Photo."'

What is interesting for an "official U.S. Air Force Photo” is that each object appears to have been heavily pixilated, whilst the surrounding parts of the image remain clear:

r/UFOs - Objects pixilated

Objects pixilated

The Black Thursday raid on Schweinfurt was also known as “Schweinfurt 2”, as another large raid to target the ball bearing factories in the town had occurred 2 months earlier on 17th of August 1943.

This image is from that raid:

r/UFOs -

This image has several anomalous objects as well, heavily pixilated when you zoom in:

r/UFOs - Almost like a Cube-in-Sphere?

Almost like a Cube-in-Sphere?

Why would there not be documents regarding these objects in official combat reports? Perhaps because the Air Commander over Schweinfurt that day was less concerned with the flight safety and well-being of his crews than Col. Peaslee. Who was the Air Commander for Schweinfurt 1 raid? A man known to be hard on his troops, earning the nickname “Old Iron Pants”, and would later figure heavily in the US Air Force efforts to cover up the UFO subject – Col. Curtis LeMay.

The first raid on Schweinfurt proved ineffective, thereby requiring the second raid a month later, on “Black Thursday”. In a discussion of a report into high abort rates in bomber missions during World War II, which Robert McNamara suspected was because of pilot cowardice, McNamara described LeMay's character:

“One of the commanders was Curtis LeMay—Colonel in command of a B-24 [sic] group. He was the finest combat commander of any service I came across in war. But he was extraordinarily belligerent, many thought brutal. He got the report. He issued an order. He said, 'I will be in the lead plane on every mission. Any plane that takes off will go over the target, or the crew will be court-martialed.' The abort rate dropped overnight. Now that's the kind of commander he was. “

By contrast, consider the following words by Col. Peaslee, written years later upon reflection on the strange objects the men of 384 BG encountered that day over Schweinfurt:

Recollections of all these fade a little with each passing year until at last there will finally remain only the indelible records of the all-seeing Master of the Universe to recall the deeds of valor excelled by no other nation, arm, or service. These sacred scrolls will forever remain the heritage of the free and untrampled people of this earth.” (my emphasis).

The excellent website documents the deeds of these brave aviators, and has 9 pages dedicated to Col. Bud Peaslee, and also touches on the strange encounter of Black Thursday:

Included in this site are a comprehensive description of the B-17 No. 026 (nicknamed "Battlewagon") and aircrew that actually flew directly THROUGH some of the discs, without apparent damage.

r/UFOs - Aircrew of B-17 026 "Battlewagon", who flew directly THROUGH a fleet of discs.

Aircrew of B-17 026 "Battlewagon", who flew directly THROUGH a fleet of discs.

In any case, the events surrounding Mission 115 found their way back to the United States, where it was thought that they were part of the German “Miracle Weapons” that were widely rumored to exist, both inside and outside the Third Reich. For example, a book entitled Uboat 977, written by its commanding officer Heinz Schaeffer in 1951, describes his encounter with an SS Officer who tries to convince Schaeffer in April 1945 that the war can still be won by the use of “decisive new secret weapons”. My 1954 printed copy notes Schaeffer’s discussion with the SS Officer on pages 152-153:

r/UFOs - U-Boat 977 (1951)

U-Boat 977 (1951)

r/UFOs - U-Boat 977 (1951)

U-Boat 977 (1951)

Heinz Schaeffer managed to get U-977 to Argentina in August 1945, thereby promoting the rumors that Hilter and others of the Nazi High Command had escaped Berlin. In late July and early August 1945, just weeks after the end of the war in Europe, the 28-year-old John F. Kennedy visited war-devastated Germany. Accompanying him on this tour was US Navy Secretary James Forrestal (whom President Truman later appointed as the first Secretary of Defense). What was the purpose of Kennedy and Forrestal’s visit so soon after the War? Many have speculated it was an intelligence mission to find and acquire the “Miracle Weapons”, including information on the mysterious silver disks sighted many times by airmen over the course of the war – including those documented by multiple eye-witnesses over Schweinfurt on 14 October 1943. Kennedy’s Naval Intelligence background suited him for this purpose, although his cover story for the mission with Forrestal was as a “journalist”.

r/UFOs -

What did Forrestal and Kennedy find in Germany regarding UAPs? Whatever they uncovered, it would set them both on a collision course with the powerful group known as Majestic Twelve and other elements of the Military Industrial Complex, and result in both their untimely deaths under mysterious circumstances.

r/UFOs - Kennedy at Forrestal's grave, May 1963

Kennedy at Forrestal's grave, May 1963

Perhaps "all will be revealed" on December 15, 2022, when the final tranche of the John F. Kennedy assassination files are declassified and released for public review.

But, then again, like the October 31, 2022, UAP report from the DNI - I won't be holding my breath.


B-17 bomber aircrews first photographed a Tic Tac during combat in 1943 - they are therefore NOT "secret U.S. tech".


Following PJ's tweet a few days ago, there have been numerous responses of "It's secret U.S. tech being tested on the Navy crews". To emphasize that the U.S. military have been aware of Tic-Tac and sphere objects for over 70 years - an image from the Second Schweinfurt raid on 14 October 1943 shows at Tic-Tac in flight, which also casts a shadow on the ground:

r/UFOs - Tic-Tac upper right; shadow lower left

Tic-Tac upper right; shadow lower left

The same image also has multiple spheres in flight:

r/UFOs - Sphere


r/UFOs - Spheres


The image can be found on the Wikipedia page for the battle during which the photograph was taken: Second Schweinfurt, otherwise known as "Black Thursday":

r/UFOs -

The shadows from the smoke, the bomber's directional heading in relation to the River Main that runs through Schweinfurt are all consistent with the sun's position in the late morning in that geographic location on 14 October 1943. The shadow cast by the Tic-Tac relative to its position in the sky and the sun's position is also consistent.

The shadow on the bomber itself is caused by the "Combat Box" formation the bombing group were flying in that day, a concecpt developed by the then Col. Curtis LeMay:

r/UFOs -

The shadow cast by the tail wheel of the high element aircraft is clearly visible on the port wing, No.2 engine:

r/UFOs - Tail wheel shadow

Tail wheel shadow

An intelligence report of unknown objects encountered during the battle was filed and sent to Col. Kingman Douglas, Intelligence Chief for the 8th Air Force, as well as U.K. Bomber Command. After the war Douglas was credited as being the main driver for the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency.

r/UFOs -

The objects were described by the crew of B-17 026 "Battlewagon", 384th Bombardment Group in the mission debrief combat report:

r/UFOs -

Why were they interested in this battle? Probably due to the carnage we inflicted upon one another:

r/UFOs - B-17 bomber aircrews first photographed a Tic Tac during combat in 1943 - they are therefore NOT "secret U.S. tech".

r/UFOs - B-17 bomber aircrews first photographed a Tic Tac during combat in 1943 - they are therefore NOT "secret U.S. tech".

r/UFOs - B-17 bomber aircrews first photographed a Tic Tac during combat in 1943 - they are therefore NOT "secret U.S. tech".

Images from:

The obvious conclusion therefore is this: as they have been around for a LONG time, they are are NOT made by humans.

Edit: It has been pointed out that the first bombers were over Schweinfurt on Black Thursday were in the late morning. The Air Force Mueseum doesn't say which airframe is in the picture, but as the smoke has only just started to appear over the city it is reasonable to assume this aircraft was one of the first of the raid. The 8th Air Force lost 60 B-17s over Schweinfurt (600 air crew killed or captured) on Black Thursday.


Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project MOON DUST

According to Kissinger’s biographers Bernard and Marvin Kalb, after the war he transferred with the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps to the Hötzendorf Kaserne barracks in Oberammergau in 1946:

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

During the last years of World War II, many large underground facilities were being constructed across Germany in an effort to disperse production disrupted by the Allied bombing offensive.

In August 1943 the Army was ordered out of Barracks and the Messerschmitt Design Bureau, based in Augsburg, referred to as the 'Upper Bavarian Research Institute' for security reasons, moved in one month later. Under Project CERUSIT, a tunnel complex, approximately 150 by 90 meters, was dug into the base of the Laber mountain, adjacent to the barracks. The massive underground construction work was completed by approximately 500 volunteers and forced laborers, who were housed in the nearby "Rainenbichl" temporary barracks. The tunnel complex comprised workshops, duplicate document storage areas, test facilities, and air raid shelters, carved out of the soft limestone rock. A road tunnel complex called 'Duck', just north of Oberau on the road to Eschenlohe, was constructed as a logistics base.

Professor Willy Messerschmitt (1898 - 1978) was based in Oberammergau from November 1944, working on the development of the Messerschmitt P.1101 jet fighter. Willy Messerschmitt also controlled research facilities at Linderhof Castle, where the Enzian surface-to-air-missile system was developed.

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

On 29 April 1945, when the P.1101 model was nearing completion, the US Army occupied the town of Oberammergau and discovered the Oberammergau complex. The prototype P.1101 and a ME-109 were found in Building 615 – now housing the Manfred Wörner Lecture Hall. Other experimental airframes were found in the gymnasium, Building 607.

After visits by military intelligence and technical exploitation teams almost the entire Messerschmitt underground production plant and the P.1101 prototype were shipped to the Bell Aircraft works in Ohio. One of the scientists that worked at the BMW aircraft propulsion factory in nearby Munich during the war was Waffen SS Captain Helmut von Zborowski, who claimed to have been working on atomic propulsion for the Nazis during the later part of the war. He was interrogated at Oberammergau (most likely by Kissinger himself) along with fellow Nazi rocket scientists Wernher von Braun and Kurt Debus.

Von Zborowski is awarded a patent in 1952 for a nuclear reactor that uses deuterium oxide, otherwise known as heavy water. This propulsion unit appears to be of similar design to that described by the Twining “White Hot” report of Majestic Documents fame.

Fast forward to 1959, and the CIA Director of Counter Intelligence, James Angleton, suddenly has an interest in Helmut von Zborowski. He reaches out to the US Army Counterintelligence for a background trace of his history. Note Zborowski’s membership of “The Society For Interplanetary Research”:

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

For whatever reason, Angleton grants Zborowski a “provisional operational approval” as a CIA asset in November 1959.

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

So, what has this got to do with Kissinger?

It is further proof that Kissinger was aware of German “miracle weapons” that everyone was after at the end of World War 2 and was personally involved in the interrogation and debriefing of the Nazi rocket scientists. Oberammergau would have been the ideal place to run an attempted reverse engineering of a propulsion unit from a craft that had fallen into German hands (the Italian craft from Magenta or another).

Kissinger therefore learned very early on that the knowledge of the existence of the Alien Presence gave enormous power to those that possessed it – hence his meteoric rise in the military and diplomatic circles after the war. Returning home from Germany in the spring of 1947 but remaining with the Counter Intelligence Corps as a Reservist Officer with the rank of Captain, he soon found intense rivalry regarding the subject from within the fledgling intelligence services of the US Government. A special group was created within the Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps to accommodate the investigation of recovered objects – the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit, based out of Durango, Colorado. Although arriving at Roswell Army Air Field on the 5th of July 1947, they were prevented from accessing the recovered materials or EBEs by the guard force.

However, Kissingers’ interest in the subject continued on into his political career, including his tenure as US Secretary of State. How do we know this? There is documented evidence.

On January 4, 1977, with just 16 days left in office, Kissinger sent the following telegram to the US Embassy in Ottawa, Canada:

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

Why would this be of interest to someone who only has days left in the office of Secretary of State? Because it is an attempt by Kissinger to gain knowledge of the event, and as discussed, knowledge is power. One other interesting thing here is the subject line: it clearly states “MOON DUST”. Would this not be a serious breach of security? The answer is NO – and in fact this is how the Standard Reporting Procedure for requesting MOON DUST material from 1961 states it should be done. Another clue that this is not the first time Kissinger has dealt with MOON DUST material:

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

Getting back to Zborowski – why was Angleton so interested in using him as a CIA asset? The reasons were twofold:

· Firstly, despite the successful integration of the Paperclip specialists and their success with the Atlas and Thor ballistic program, General Curtis LeMay was still pushing for a nuclear-powered bomber that could stay aloft for weeks at a time and deliver nuclear weapons to a target with just a few hours notice. Beginning in 1946, the Army Air Forces (AAF) first sponsored a study on the Nuclear Energy for Propulsion (NEPA) project. The effort progressed over the next several years after reviews by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). From this emerged the joint USAF-AEC Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) program. Ten more years of studies were undertaken by governmental laboratories and industrial firms until the Kennedy administration canceled the effort in 1961.

· Secondly, the construction of an atomic weapon for the Israelis using Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) stolen from the NUMEC factory in 1957 was most likely underway in the CIA Annex in Frankfurt. In his Church Committee testimony, declassified in December 2022, Angleton admits to helping the Israelis “with certain nuclear technologies”. A similar project to perfect an atomic propulsion unit would be therefore best undertaken in this facility as well, far away from the prying eyes of the US Congress. Utilizing Zborowski at this facility would also be far easier than importing the former Dachau slave labor proprietor into the continental US.

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

Angleton’s choice to oversee the Israeli atomic weapon/propulsion program in West Germany was initially the first scientist recruited by the CIA – an Applied Physicist named David L. Christ, working for the Technical Services Section (which later became the Directorate of Science and Technology).

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

Angleton’s plans go awry in September 1960, when Dave Christ is arrested in Havana along with three other US spies. He is incarcerated for two and a half years, perhaps revealing under torture the details of the Israeli atomic weapons and, more importantly, the fact that the United States government had recovered craft in its possession that was “not of this world”.

Jn Christ’s place, Angleton sent fellow engineer and Christ’s protégé James McCord:

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

On 28th February 1962, the CIA Deputy Director of Plans Richard Helms received an inquiry from the Air Force Chief of Intelligence regarding the CIA status of Helmut von Zborowski. The choice of Helms as the recipient of this Air Force request is interesting because at that time he oversees Area 51:

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

The response from Helms appears to be purposely made hard to read, but it seems to be addressed to “The Chief, USAFAFR” (could be related to Air Force Regulation 200-2 for reporting UFO sightings?). I’ve not been able to identify which unit this refers to, but the next line is very clear: “AFCIN”. This is the USAF Headquarters Chief of Intelligence. Why would the top-level USAF General commanding its intelligence collection activities be interested in Zborowski? The two letters after AFCIN are crucial to identifying the exact unit within AF HQ making the enquiry – it’s either “1E” or “1F”. If it’s the former, it means it is the 1127th Field Activities Group, which is tasked with the Foreign Material Program activities related to Projects BLUE FLY and MOON DUST. If it is the latter, it means that it is a PRIORITY AIR INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENT.

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

As we saw in the MOON DUST reporting procedure, AFCIN had units spread around the globe, identified by a 2-letter alpha-numeric character. For example, the Air Technical Intelligence Center unit based at Wright-Patterson AFB had the designator “4A”. We know the 1127th had the “1E” designator from the Betz Memo:

r/UFOB - Well, look at that – Kissinger posted at a Nazi underground aerial propulsion research facility after WW2 for the US Army, and this CIC unit provided background information on a Nazi scientist with atomic propulsion experience for the CIA and also USAF’s Chief of Intelligence for Project…

The bottom line here appears to be this: there has been a considerable effort by various arms of the US government since World War 2 to try and replicate the technology it has acquired over the years, and it is evidenced by declassified documents. Although there was intense rivalry for control of the subject between USAF / CIA / AEC /DIA, they at times used the same resources to try and move forward on the reverse engineering projects, and declassified documents are the way to catch them out, like what happened with MK/ULTRA. Kissinger was the final link to that era – to avoid him taking the stand and revealing who was involved, the US government has had a policy of denial. Former President Jimmy Carter was probably not in the loop when all this went on – the reports of him breaking down when given a limited briefing on the UFO subject were probably due to the revelation of the scale of treachery within USG departments and less to do with the fact of UFOs themselves. George H.W. Bush resigned as Director of Central Intelligence before Carter took office, be the House Select Committee was breathing down his neck trying to tie him to the JFK assassination – evidenced by the number of sticky notes with “Bush” written on them in Allen Dulles’s diary on the dates H.W. had visited the DCI’s office.

I’m sorry to say that most of the people within the US Congress are probably compromised anyway by the CIA – financial assistance on their initial election campaign, perhaps a trip or two to Little St James Island and they become a CIA asset and will do whatever they want when required. Congressman Tim Burchett has hinted at this scenario before – so unfortunately, no matter how many phone calls you make or letters you write to your elected representatives, it’s already a foregone conclusion. Catching them out with declassified documents is, I believe, the only way forward.


CIA / ex-Nazi covert reverse engineering program: a USAF official document that discusses THOUSANDS of technical scientific reports to power aircraft with nuclear reactors has some interesting parallels with the information contained in Gen. Twining's "White Hot" report and other Majestic Documents


I have recently come across an amazing document, entitled "AIRCRAFT NUCLEAR PROPULSION: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Prepared for the UNITED STATES AIR FORCE HISTORY AND MUSEUMS PROGRAM" by Bernard J. Snyder MAY 3, 1996. There were literally THOUSANDS of projects between 1943 and 1961 to get an aircraft powered by a nuclear reactor, at the behest of General Curtis LeMay. This is not to be confused with the nuclear rocket program (ROVER/ ORION) - this was purely for aircraft. All the usual suspects are present in the survey of literature related to the subject, which was compiled in 1996 for the USAF History and Museums project. GE, Pratt & Whitney, Wright Patterson, Battelle, Lockheed, Boeing, Douglas, etc., etc.

Whilst the document provides a multitude of rabbit holes to disappear down, I found the following incredibly interesting:

r/UFOB - Page 193

Page 193

The reason I found it interesting was because of the reference to a similar type of propulsion unit described in General Nathan Twining's "White Hot" report, of Majestic Documents fame:

r/UFOB - White Hot Report, page 13

White Hot Report, page 13

Both mention the use of heavy water, which is another name for DO2. How did former Nazi scientist Helmut von Zborowski know about this method of nuclear fusion for aircraft propulsion only a few years after the Roswell crash?

On March 26, 1954, von Zborowski filed the following patent:

r/UFOB -

Another report from Gen. Twining, the Majestic Document "Air Accident Report" about the Roswell crash, has the following information regarding the propulsion system:

r/UFOB - Twining's Air Accident report page 2

Twining's Air Accident report page 2

r/UFOB - Twining's Air Accident Report page 3

Twining's Air Accident Report page 3

So who was Count Helmut von Zborowski? He was a rocket fuels specialist who worked with Werner von Braun and Kurt Debus on the V1 and V2 weapons during World War 2, but was not "imported" into the United States under Operation Paperclip after the war. He is, therefore, a "Free Agent", with obvious knowledge of crash retrievals - possibly the Magenta, Italy crash of 1933. Naturally, the CIA's Allen Dulles and James Jesus Angleton had an extreme interest in utilizing Zborowski's knowledge in order to run their own, covert aircraft nuclear propulsion project in Frankfurt, Germany. Two of the key scientists on this black project were David L. Christ and James W. McCord.

Just prior to getting his "Q" clearance in 1957, Christ is granted clearance to visit "The Plant".

r/UFOB - Avion Division of ACF Industries plant

Avion Division of ACF Industries plant

Angleton starts delving into Zborowski's background:

r/UFOB - Zborowski WW2 - note interest in "Interplanetary Research"

Zborowski WW2 - note interest in "Interplanetary Research"

Angleton initiated his Counterintelligence team to contact Zborowski in Munich 1959 to see if he had any information about the Soviet reverse engineering program, and then recruited Zborowski for themselves:

r/UFOB - CI request from Angleton to target Zborowski

CI request from Angleton to target Zborowski

EDIT: Angleton's CI Divison grants Zborowski a "Provisional Operational Approval" on 1st December 1959:

r/UFOB - CIA / ex-Nazi covert reverse engineering program: a USAF official document that discusses THOUSANDS of technical scientific reports to power aircraft with nuclear reactors has some interesting parallels with the information contained in Gen. Twining's "White Hot" report and other Majestic…

r/UFOB - Counterintelligence report of contact with Zborowski under "U.S. Army R&D" cover

Counterintelligence report of contact with Zborowski under "U.S. Army R&D" cover

r/UFOB - Zborowski worked in Canada with AVRO on the "flying disk" project

Zborowski worked in Canada with AVRO on the "flying disk" project

r/UFOB - Reactor work

Reactor work

r/UFOB - Working on the design since "1945"!!!

Working on the design since "1945"!!!

r/UFOB - CIA Counterintelligence background checks onZborowski

CIA Counterintelligence background checks onZborowski

It is at this point that the CIA's reverse engineering of recovered crafts project goes awry.

Dave Christ, the Applied Physics scientist in charge of the CIA's reverse engineering program makes a very foolish decision to implant a bug in a hotel in Cuba. A disagreement with a department head of another section of the CIA saw Christ's request for someone else to do the job denied. He decided to do the job himself and gets arrested in September 1960, spending 3 years behind bars in the Isle of Pines prison, which is near the Bay of Pigs. The Cubans extract the details of the CIA reverse engineering program from Christ via torture, who pass the information onto the Soviets. Atomic Energy Commission Chairman John McCone, (who has been butting heads with the Defense Research and Engineering division Director Dr. Herb York over the cost of the aircraft nuclear propulsion project) panics and delivers a "Limited Hangout" of information to the New York Times - the Israelis are building their own nuclear weapons. The CIA black project involved developing a nuclear-powered aircraft that could spend days airborne and deliver nuclear bombs as required - Angleton had negotiated with the Israelis to deliver the complete weapons platform. McCone's limited leak in December 1960 was an attempt to "get ahead" of the story before the full details came out. McCone resigned a few days after and became the CIA Director after Dulles was forced to resign by JFK.

Angleton sends Christ's protege, James W. McCord, to finish the work with Zborowski in Frankfurt, Germany. The two-year operation from 1962-1964 was completed successfully and McCord was given a year off to study at the USAF Air Warfare College as a reward. Angleton's Church Committee testimony stated that "he used McCord twice - once for an overseas job, that required absolute water-tight security and another where he made an error". The "error", of course, was using tape on a lock in the Watergate Hotel burglary, where he, Frank Sturgis, Bernie Barker, E. Howard Hunt and Gordy Liddy were arrested. Why was he there in the first place? As Hunt's lawyer, Douglas Caddy recalls, "There were Cuban Government reports in the DNC office that could tie Nixon to JFK's assassination." Those reports related to the reverse engineering program that Christ had been involved with, which Nixon had initiated as Vice President in the Eisenhower Administration.

Edit 2: Although a request from CI on 10 June 1960 states that as the POA for Zborowski has expired and he is of "no further interest" to the CIA, he is referenced in several documents from 1962 and 1966 in relation to the US Air Force. For instance, this one is from Deputy Director of Plans, Richard Helms to USAF HQ:

r/UFOB - Helms to USAF HQ about Zborowski

Helms to USAF HQ about Zborowski

And this from 1966, "Coordinated" with USAF, referred to NRF (is this short for "NATO Response Force?):

r/UFOB - "Referred to USAF / NRF" - NATO Response Force?

"Referred to USAF / NRF" - NATO Response Force?

What happened to Zborowski? With Nixon elected as President in 1968, Zborowski became a "loose end" that needed to be sorted out. He died in 1969 - perhaps a victim of Otto Skorzeny- the Nazi commando turned Mossad hitman, who assassinated fellow V2 rocket scientist Heinz Krug:

Wikipedia had a link to "Helmut von Zborowski photo album 1939 -1960" in the National Air and Space Museum. 16 May 2016, but the link is now 404'd.

No surprises there.

It is also interesting to note that Dr. Herb York, who McCone had disagreements with over the nuclear propulsion for aircraft project, was the first Director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1952-58). This ties in well with Jeremy Corbell's claim of LLNL having some involvement in reverse engineering programs. President Kennedy canceled the entire aircraft nuclear propulsion program in 1961, shortly after taking office. Dulles continued to run the MJ-12 program, which prompted JFK to ask questions.

The following may have also documented the establishment of MJ-12, a month after the Roswell crash:

r/UFOB - "Special Committee" = MJ-12?

"Special Committee" = MJ-12?

If you have the time, Snyder's report is well worth digging into - there's tons of "nuggets" in there!


The Waffen SS rocket engineer Helmut von Zborowski / Roswell neutronic engine reverse engineering program / CIA Deputy Director of Plans Richard Helms / Area 51 connection: Assistance is required identifying which USAF Direct Reporting Unit / Field Operating Agency made inquiries 1962 - 1966.


I am having trouble identifying the USAF entity that made enquiries on the 28th February 1962 to the CIA Deputy Director of Plans (Richard Helms) regarding former Nazi rocket engineer Helmut von Zborowski, a contemporary of Werner von Braun and Kurt Debus on the V1, V2 and ME-163 Komet "miracle weapons" during World War 2. I have tried to enhance the original type:

r/UFOB - Enhanced type

Enhanced type

r/UFOB - Original from declassified CIA document

Original from declassified CIA document

I believe that this USAF entity is either a Direct Reporting Unit or a Field Operating Agency (it may have even been called a Separate Operating Agency in 1962). As far as I can tell, I think USAF person making enquiries is the Chief of "AFA", which is part of Air Force "CIN", "1F" and located at USAF Headquarters. If anyone is able to assist identifying who this might be it would be greatly appreciated.




The CIA Deputy Director of Plans was responsible for the Development Projects Division - and in 1961 the DPD were setting up Area 51. How do we know this? Personality clashes, of course.

In September 1961, the CIA's Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick visited the DPD "Area"

r/UFOB - Kirkpatrick to Bissell

Kirkpatrick to Bissell

The "Dick" referred to in the report is DDP Richard Bissell, mastermind of the Bay of Pigs fiasco and who, along with CIA Director Allen Dulles, would be forced to resign in November 1961 by President John F. Kennedy for their roles in the debacle.

Bissell responds through his assistant and basically tells Kirkpatrick to "keep his nose out of Area 51's business":

r/UFOB - Bissell's response to Kirkpatrick

Bissell's response to Kirkpatrick

JFK replaces Bissell with Richard Helms, the CIA's "superspy". In 1936, Richard McGarrah Helms, then a young reporter for the United Press, managed to interview Adolf Hitler. Over lunch, Helms and Hitler talked for three hours.

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor Helms joined the United States Navy. In August, 1943, he was transferred to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) that had made established by William Donovan The OSS had responsibility for collecting and analyzing information about countries at war with the United States. It also helped to organize guerrilla fighting, sabotage and espionage.

After the surrender of Germany in 1945, Helms helped interview suspected Nazi war criminals. Helms remained in the OSS and in 1946 was put in charge of intelligence and counter-intelligence activities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The following year Helms joined the recently formed Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). His first task was to mount a mount a massive convert campaign against the Communist Party during the Italian General Election. This was highly successful and this encouraged President Harry S. Truman to establish the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), an organization instructed to conduct covert anti-Communist operations around the world. In August, 1952, OPC and the Office of Special Operations (the espionage division) were merged to form the Directorate of Plans (DPP).

Frank Wisner was appointed head of the DPP and he appointed Helms as his chief of operations. In December, 1956, Wisner suffered a mental breakdown and was diagnosed as suffering from manic depression. During his absence Wisner's job was covered by Helms. The CIA sent Wisner to the Sheppard-Pratt Institute, a psychiatric hospital near Baltimore. He was prescribed psychoanalysis and shock therapy (electroconvulsive treatment). It was not successful and still suffering from depression, he was released from hospital in 1958.

Wisner was too ill to return to his post as head of the DDP. Allen W. Dulles therefore sent him to London to be CIA chief of station in England. Dulles decided that Richard Bissell rather than Helms should become the new head of the DPP. Helms was named as his deputy. Together they became responsible for what became known as the CIA's Black Operations. This involved a policy that was later to become known as Executive Action (a plan to remove unfriendly foreign leaders from power). This including a coup d'état that overthrew the Guatemalan government of Jacobo Arbenz in 1954 after he introduced land reforms and nationalized the United Fruit Company. It also includes the notorious MK/ULTRA mind control program under Sidney Gottlieb.

So, why is the USAF asking Helms about Zborowski in February 1962? I believe that the CIA were covertly trying to develop a nuclear aircraft engine, using technolgy gains gleaned from crash retrievals of UFOs.

The problem: the "Paperclip Specialists" (von Braun, Debus, Oberth, Steinhoff etc.) were well known as ex-Nazi scientists in 1962 (as Tom Lehrer's brilliant song about von Braun can attest :; it would therefore be impossible to import a former Waffen SS officer and rocket specialist into the U.S. without controversy.

The solution: Develop the technology "off-site" in Frankfurt, Germany at the U.S. Army's European Research Office covert facilities.

Word had gotten back to USAF HQ from Europe in February 1962 about Zborowski's presence at certain facilities over the 1960 -62 period (remembering that the CIA Counterintelligence Division had contacted Zborowski in 1959 at the behest of James Angleton) and they were asking Helms who the hell he was. The CIA were in a bind during late 1960 - early 1962 with regards to their revrse engineering ambitions. Their scientific specialist, David L. Christ had been captured in Havana in September 1960 and was slowly being tortured by the Cubans to reveal all he knew on the subject, and this was being directly relayed to the Soviets by Castro. Christ's protege, James W. McCord, was getting up to speed on the subject - just prior to a two-year posting to Frankfurt in August 1962, McCord is granted a "Q" clearance by the Atomic Energy Commission- unusual for someone whose official job description within the CIA is "Audio Security Engineer".

r/UFOB - McCord Q clearance

McCord Q clearance

r/UFOB - McCord two year posting to Frankfurt

McCord two year posting to Frankfurt

Angleton even admits he used McCord on a difficult two job overseas, in his testimony to the Church Committee:

r/UFOB - Page 51 of Angleton testimony

Page 51 of Angleton testimony

If we can identify who within the USAF was asking Helms questions about Zborowski, I believe we can find the paper trail to "The Program".

Finally in 1966, someone else asks CIA about Zborowski - but this time the details of who is asking are so poorly displayed that it is illegible. The CIA responds on 8 June 1966 by stating:



I initially thought "NRF" meant "NATO Response Force", however this entity wasn't stood up until 2002.

If anyone else knows what NRF may have been referring to in 1966, I'd be happy to hear from you.

I'm hoping it stands for USAF/ Nevada Research Facility (aka Area 51).

Edit 18/09/23 - It's even better than I thought!

Great work from u/devolve here to find the following:

I found a lead for usaf/nrf: a signature of the Chief for the USAFNFR

The return address is to AFCIN 1E, and AFCIN is the AF Chief of Intelligence. And 1E is 1127th USAF Field Activities Group according to some UFO sources (haven’t been able to corroborate it otherwise) see for example

r/UFOB - AFCIN-1E is the 1127th Field Activities Group, which has a Foreign Materials Exploitation component

AFCIN-1E is the 1127th Field Activities Group, which has a Foreign Materials Exploitation component


g. Moon Dust: As a specialized aspect of its over-all material exploitation program*, Headquarters USAF has established Project Moon Dust to* locate, recover and deliver descended foreign space vehicles.

ICGL #4, 25 April 1961, delineates collection responsibilities.

There is a definite paper trail of a reverse engineering program connecting Zborowski > Angleton > Helms > Area 51 > 1127th Field Activities Group > Project MOONDUST.

Page 30 / 33

Edit 2: It looks like Australian researcher Paul Dean has the original document, which confirms that AFCIN -1E is an actual reference to the 1127th Field Activities Group.

Post WW2 / Roswell / Aztec

Donovan is informed by President Harry S. Truman a few days after the war ends that the OSS is to be disbanded. Donovan hurriedly microfilms all the OSS files. The US Army's Counter Intelligence Corps interrogated and facilitated most of the Nazi rocket scientists' repatriation to the United States under Project Paperclip, and in order to study the new technology created the aptly-named Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (a unit confirmed via a FOIA request response to Timothy Good in 1978). The IPU was also competing with elements of the newly-formed CIA and US Air Force for "ownership" of the technology at the time of the Roswell and Aztec crashes. Scientists from the Manhattan Project were used as consultants to examine the new materials and biologics from these events.


Microfilm Roll 114 – General “Wild Bill” Donovan’s hastily created copy of OSS files documenting their activities in Italy and the expatriation of Professor Carlo Calosi and certain “materials” in 1943 to work with James Conant and Vannevar Bush (Manhattan Project). Is this Magenta Crash related?


Given the excellent work by Roberto Pinotti and others on the Italian end of the Magenta Crash, I believe it is time for us all to investigate the American end.

On September 20, 1945, despite the efforts of General William Donovan, President Truman issued an executive order (E.O. 9621) terminating the OSS, effective 1 October. In the few days remaining to the agency, General Donovan (a lawyer by training and probably wanted to preserve evidence in case everything "came to light") ordered Lt. Edwin J. Putzell to assist him in microfilming select documents from Donovan's safe files for his own action and personal use. Donovan and Putzell worked, under pressure of time, with a Kodak Recordak Camera to produce 131 rolls of 35 mm microfilm from the records of the Donovan files. Due to haste, the quality of the microfilm was poor and the records often misarranged. In addition, Donovan also obtained for his own use 62 rolls of 16 mm microfilm of select cable files. The cable files had been microfilmed by the OSS Communications Branch, which had produced a comparatively readable film copy of its own R and C traffic. After the war, Donovan stored the 193 rolls of microfilm at the offices of the law firm of Donovan Leisure Newton and Irvine in the Rockefeller Plaza in New York.

When William Donovan died in 1959, Otto C. Doering took charge of his papers. A  member of Donovan's law firm since 1935, Doering had served as Executive Officer in the OSS Washington Director's Office. Doering allowed the historian Anthony Cave Brown, who was planning to write a biography of Donovan, to see the microfilm as early as 1977-78. At Doering's death in 1979, his wife returned the 193 rolls of microfilm to the law firm, which passed them on to Brown. In 1982, Brown gave the microfilm to William Donovan's son, David, who transferred the microfilm, along with some 100 cubic feet of Donovan's textual records, to the U.S. Army Military Historical Institute at Carlisle Barracks. When the Department of the Navy made a diazo copy of the microfilm in the possession of Carlisle Barracks, the Central Intelligence Agency was informed in accordance with Executive Order 12356. The CIA then obtained the Donovan Files microfilm for security review. After completing its review, the CIA provided Carlisle Barracks and the National Archives with sanitized copies. At least four sets of the Donovan Files microfilm are known to have existed:

  1. Donovan estate set - the original 193 rolls taken by General Donovan in 1945.
  2. G. Edward Buxton - destroyed
  3. CIA set
  4. Churchill College, Cambridge University set - Mr. Brown allowed Churchill College to copy parts of the microfilm relating to Britain and Europe.


What is interesting here is that the US Army / US Navy had the ORIGINAL files, before supplying a copy of them to the C.I.A., who returned “sanitized” versions, as required by Executive Order 12356. The nature of OSS’ activities under President Roosevelt probably left Vice President Harry S. Truman “out of the loop” – as was the case of the Manhattan Project, the existence of which was only revealed to Truman when he became President after FDR’s death.

The list of files and a brief overview of their content is extensive, but the following entry caught my eye:

r/UFOB - Page 208

Page 208


The McGregor Project


The McGregor Project used Italian and Italian-American contacts to expedite the Italian surrender to the Allies in 1943. As we have seen in previous posts and comments from u/quantumcryogenics , u/VolarRecords, u/Papabaloo and u/36_39_42, Allen Dulles was heavily involved in this project in collaboration with Nazi SS officer Eugen Dollmann under the codename “Operation Sunrise”.

One of the Italian-Americans picked for the McGregor Project was Joseph Anthony Savoldi Jr., (born Giuseppe Antonio Savoldi; March 5, 1908 – January 25, 1974) more commonly known by his nickname "Jumping Joe" Savoldi, who was an Italian-American professional wrestler, football player, and Special Ops agent for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II.

Savoldi was approached by the U.S. government in 1942 about joining the war effort in an espionage role. He was chosen due to his fluency in multiple dialects of Italian, his expertise in hand-to-hand combat, and his deep knowledge of the Italian geography—including the interior of Benito Mussolini's compound. Savoldi was assigned to the Special Operations branch of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), with the code name "Sampson". He took part in missions in North Africa, Italy, and France during 1943–1945.

Savoldi's second operation as part of the ongoing McGregor Project was to extract Italian scientist Carlo Calosi from the German-occupied part of Italy. Calosi was the inventor of the highly effective magnetic trigger used in the Silvrifici Italiano Calosi (SIC) torpedo, which the Germans used extensively. Savoldi and colleagues Donald Downes and Andre Pacatte located Calosi in Rome. They moved him, his commander Admiral Minisini, their wives, several technicians, and secret documents on the SIC to the Amalfi Coast, where they were picked up by US forces. Calosi's party went to the US and developed countermeasures against the SIC for the Allies.

Microfilm Roll 114 has some interesting names among the communications regarding Calosi and his extraction to the United States in late 1943. First up, the entry referring to “Willie’s work” and all equipment from the 3 plants taken to Algiers (I believe “D” is a reference to Allen Dulles):

r/UFOB - Page 208

Page 208


 Microfilm Roll 87 on page 147 has the following entry:

r/UFOB - Page 147

Page 147

The JCS is the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and this file mentions McGregor, the Allied Commander in Europe, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Army Air Force General Jimmy Doolittle. This is possibly the extraction route for the electromagnetic countermeasure device that Calosi has developed for the magnetic field-triggered torpedo, but it could also be the route used for “other” things found in Italy as well. Also,  who is “Willie”?

Edit: I believe this could be a reference to Wilhelm Emil "Willy" Messerschmitt, Germany's premier aircraft designer in WW2. Someone who would be very much interested in the propulsion and flight characteristics of the craft that crashed at Magenta.

Next, we have the following:

r/UFOB - Microfilm Roll 114 – General “Wild Bill” Donovan’s hastily created copy of OSS files documenting their activities in Italy and the expatriation of Professor Carlo Calosi and certain “materials” in 1943 to work with James Conant and Vannevar Bush (Manhattan Project). Is this Magenta Crash…

The “electromagnetic pistol” is the torpedo countermeasures device, but what is the OX- 5 motor? Glenn Curtiss developed a V-shaped aircraft engine in 1917 called an OX-5, however, it was considered unreliable by the end of WW1 due to overheating issues, so it is extremely doubtful that it is a reference to that. Technically speaking, an “engine” is different from a “motor” – one provides driving force whilst the other is driven. The names are commonly interchanged, but I’m wondering in this instance what it is in reference to? There is a mention of “SIA” – at first I thought this might be the aircraft company Marchetti, where the craft from the Magenta crash was initially stored. However, there is an “I” missing at the end – it is SIAI-Marchetti.

In early March 1944, President Roosevelt’s Science Advisor Dr. Vannevar Bush has a conference regarding Professor Calosi and Italian Navy Admiral Minisini, and also mentions the “Crossbow Committee”. Prior to that, Adm. Minisini’s experimental and research work is discussed with a Dr. Tate.

There’s also a communication “informing the Royal Navy about the McGregor Project results”.


Why inform just the Royal Navy about a project whose prime objective was supposedly to “expatiate the surrender of the Italians to the Allies”? Would that not be better directed to the Ministry of Defence or the Office of the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and not just a single armed service in particular? The whole thing sounds very much like a cover story for something much more than the Italian surrender.

r/UFOB - Page 212

Page 212

Next we have a series of communications with the Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal regarding Calosi and associates. Remember, Forrestal went to Germany in May 1945 in search of the Nazi “miracle weapons”, and took with him a young Naval officer named John Fitzgerald Kennedy.


r/UFOB - Page 215

Page 215


With Professor Calosi now permanently in the United States, they have to find something useful for him to do. The U.S. Navy seems disinterested in Calosi working for them, so a suggestion is made put Calosi in contact with Dr. James Conant, who at the time is heavily involved in the Manhattan Project. The Philco Company is also mentioned as a possible use for Calosi.

r/UFOB - Page 217

Page 217


James Bryant Conant (March 26, 1893 – February 11, 1978) was an American chemist, a transformative President of Harvard University, and the first U.S. Ambassador to West Germany. Conant obtained a Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard in 1916.

 Conant was appointed to the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) in 1940, becoming its chairman in 1941. In this capacity, he oversaw vital wartime research projects, including the development of synthetic rubber and the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bombs. On July 16, 1945, he was among the dignitaries present at the Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range for the Trinity nuclear test, the first detonation of an atomic bomb, and was part of the Interim Committee that advised President Harry S. Truman to use atomic bombs on Japan. After the war, he served on the Joint Research and Development Board (JRDC) that was established to coordinate burgeoning defense research, and on the influential General Advisory Committee (GAC) of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC); in the latter capacity he advised the president against starting a development program for the hydrogen bomb.

After the United States entered the war in December 1941, the OSRD handed the atomic bomb project, better known as the Manhattan Project,over to the Army, with Brigadier General Leslie R. Groves as project director. A meeting that included Conant decided Groves should be answerable to a small committee called the Military Policy Committee, chaired by Bush, with Conant as his alternate. Thus, Conant remained involved in the administration of the Manhattan Project at its highest levels.

While it is possible that Conant was mentioned because of his Presidency of Harvard University, the following curious footnote to Roll 114 is this:

r/UFOB - Page 219

Page 219

In a communication on the 3rd of February 1945, the Chief of the Research and Development (U.S. Army?) was informed by someone named Cheston that the McGregor Project was “transferred” to his branch on the 21st of June 1944. Why would a project to precipitate the Italian surrender require “further research and development”? By February 1945 it was already apparent that the war was over in Italy, with only patches of German resistance in the north. This seems to be clear evidence that the McGregor Project was in reality, a technical research and engineering undertaking that was not yet complete.


I believe the original, unsanitized microfilm roll 114 is kept in storage at Carlisle Barracks, which is a United States Army facility located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. It is also the site of the U.S. Army War College. It shouldn’t require a FOIA to access – I believe it is available to view if you were physically present and request it. If anyone from that location has the time, they should check it out.

Also, anyone know what the "OX-5 motor" was? Was it for a torpedo or some other naval vessel? Another post on here noted that the Italian Navy had a presence in the Sorte bunker - I wonder if this is all related?



It appears I have been shadowbanned from r/UFOs, so I shall only post in r/UFOB from now on. Here is the data – identical content posted in both subs, before and after shadow ban applied in early May, without warning or notification:

r/UFOB - Reddit post views February

Reddit post views February

r/UFOB - Reddit post views April

Reddit post views April

r/UFOB - Reddit post views May after shadow ban

Reddit post views May after shadow ban

Just be aware - certain people don't want us looking into all this stuff.


U.S. Army CIC Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit / U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations versus the Central Intelligence Agency and the psychological warfare operations regarding the UFO subject: A specific timeline of events that led to the situation we now find ourselves in.


The TL;DR of the timeline below is this: The Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) and the CIA had been fighting over the control of this compartment for decades, and ultimately it became a showdown after JFK's assassination between Henry Kissinger (Army CIC officer who debriefed the Nazi rocket scientists after the war) and Richard Helms during the Nixon administration. The fallout of which ended up being uncovered in the Church Committee testimonies, which have recently been declassified.

1.The 1941 Cape Girardeau and 1942 Louisiana crashes altered the U.S. Army to the neutronic nature of the UFO propulsion systems, knowledge which may have assisted the Manhattan Project. The Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit of the Army Counter Intelligence Corps was created after these crashes.

2.General Curtis LeMay had seen UFOs up close as the air commander of the 1st Schweinfurt Raid on 17th August 1943. He threatened any bomber crews who aborted missions with a court martial. The 2nd Schweinfurt Raid on 14th October 1943 (Mission 115) reported in official logs that B-17 airframe no. 026 collided with "silvery discs" during the mission by suffered no damage as a result. The 8th Air Force, U.S. Army Intelligence Commander at the time, Col. Kingman Douglas, later becomes a founding father of the CIA.

3.Henry Kissinger debriefs Nazi scientists at the secret underground aircraft factory at Oberammergau, where many of the "miracle weapons" were developed. Kissinger is therefore heavily involved in Operation Paperclip. One of those scientists who is unable to travel to the U.S. because of his harsh treatment of prisoners of Dachau concentration camp is S.S. Officer Helmut von Zborowski.

4.General George C. Marshall and General Leslie Groves advise Harry Truman in 1946 that the Atomic Energy Commission should control all nuclear weapons, rather than the military. During Congressional debates on the atomic energy bill , one of the major issues raised was' whether atomic energy should be controlled by a civilian or military agency. For this reason, the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 contained specific provisions, defining civilian and military responsibilities. The Act established a civilian commission and authorized it to conduct experiments and do research on the military applications of atomic energy and to engage in the production of atomic weapons. To carry out these functions the Act established a Division of Military Application, whose director was required to be a member of the armed forces. In addition, the Act established a separate organization, the Military Liaison Committee, which was to advise the Commission on the policy level of military requirements.

5. General LeMay instigates the Nuclear Energy Propulsion for Aircraft (NEPA) program in 1946, headquartered at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee.

6.The Roswell crashes tested the ability to control the UFO compartment. At the time, the entire U.S. atomic bomb arsenal was housed at Roswell with the 509th Composite Group. The second craft that came down during the Roswell event ended up crashing at the Trinity Test Site. According to the IPU Report, Army CIC personnel were denied access to the recovered craft and bodies by Los Alamos National Laboratory personnel and Army Air Force units.

7. Harry Truman signed the Special Classified Executive Order on 24 September 1947 to create the Central Intelligence Agency and gave the DCI extraordinary powers to deny Presidents and members of Congress access to UFO information.

8. Aztec crash 25 March 1948 - the details found in the "Library Book" found in this intact "technology transfer" of a craft precipitated the formation of Israel in May 1948, with James Angleton acting as chief negotiator.

9. Israel expresses an interest in both nuclear weapons and a nuclear-powered aircraft with long loiter times for their delivery. Angleton and the CIA begin to investigate the nuclear propulsion of aircraft, as indicated in his recently declassified Church Committee testimony.

10. CIA recruits its first scientist, Applied Physicist David Lamar Christ in 1950. Around the same time the US Army CIC Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit of the Scientific and Technical Branch, Counter Intelligence Directorate, Department of the Army, was disestablished during the late 1950’s and never reactivated.  All records pertaining to this unit were surrendered to the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations in conjunction with operation "Blue Book".

11. 1952 Washington D.C. flyover on consecutive weekends is a "show of force" by the visitors and causes mass panic within the Military Industrial Complex.

12. Aerodynamic and propulsion specialist Theodore von Karman convinces Majestic 12 member MJ-4 to sponsor a research group in Europe to remove the influence of the Pentagon and the Air Materials Command at Wright Field, Ohio. The Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) is born.

13. The 1952 flyover had many people in Congress asking questions - to fully prevent exposure, the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 is worded to keep people without a direct "Need to Know" to perform their job roles from finding out the truth. This includes Presidents and Members of Congress.

14. LeMay ramps up the NEPA program, with over 3000 scientific papers created, including patents by Helmut von Zborowski on nuclear propulsion.

15. CIA scientist Dave Christ makes a site visit to "The Plant", which was the Avion Division of ACF Industries Inc in 1957, who at the time was involved in the Nuclear Energy Propulsion for Aircraft program at Oak Ridge, at the behest of Gen. Curtis LeMay. His bio also indicates he has been to a certain country "many times", which is most likely Israel, who were interested in both nuclear weapons and a nuclear-powered aircraft to deliver them. Angleton admitted to CIA giving "special nuclear assistance" to Israel in his Church Committee testimony.

16. Dave Christ is granted an Atomic Energy Commission "Q" clearance for a joint CIA Technical Services Division / Office of Scientific Intelligence "special project", despite Christ's official role as Audio Engineer having no requirement for access to nuclear weapons material.

17. In late 1959, James Angleton granted Helmut von Zborowski a limited CIA clearance for reasons that are unclear. It is most likely to engage his services on a nuclear aircraft powerplant at AGARD.

18. Christ gets captured in Havana during a CIA bug implant job that goes wrong in September 1960 and is incarcerated at the Presidio Modelio prison on the Isle of Pines, Cuba. Under torture, Christ reveals both the Israeli nuclear weapons program AND the UFO reverse engineering program undertaken by CIA. This information is later rumoured in 1972 to have been given to DNC operatives and stored at the Watergate Hotel. Nixon, as Vice President, authorizes the Bay of Pigs diversion in order to jailbreak Christ from prison. It is one of his last acts in the dying days of the Eisenhower Administration.

19. In a panic and trying to "get ahead" of the story, Atomic Energy Commission Chairman John McCone leaks the story of the Israeli nuclear weapons program to a reporter of the New York Times in late December 1960. McCone resigns shortly after.

20. The Cubans, having extracted the information from Christ about the reverse engineering program via torture believe the U.S. will try and jail break Christ. They line the Presidio Modelio prison with explosives in case that eventuates.

21. The Bay of Pigs, located across the harbour from the Presidio Modelio prison is the site of a diversionary attack before the main jail break of Christ is attempted. JFK's refusal to allow air support causes the jail break attempt to be aborted.

22. JFK kills the NEPA program in April 1961, enraging Gen. Curtis LeMay. JFK asks Dulles for a full briefing on MJ-12 operations and their Cold War psychological warfare operations on 28 June 1962 (Dulles' recently declassified calendar for that date reflects this event). Dulles responds 5 months later and states the President doesn't have a need to know, as defined by the Atomic Energy Act 1954. Dulles is forced to resign by JFK 10 days later.

23.Former Nazi rocket scientist Von Zborowski is still unable to come to the U.S. due to his use of slave labour from Dachau during WW2, and so in early 1962, a C.I.A. representative is dispatched to travel to Europe to engage his services. The cover used here is von Karman's Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, which was created to remove the Pentagon and Air Material Command influence from the research. As Dave Christ is still incarcerated in Cuba, his protege James McCord is sent by Angleton instead. Upon his return in 1964, McCord attends the USAF Air Warfare College for a year.

24. Although released in a prisoner swap, Christ was unable to travel outside of the U.S. for the rest of his life after returning from incarceration in Cuba in mid-1962 - it was something he made official complaints about in the following years. His file from the CIA states he had lied about something during his debrief, although it was never specified what that was. It is suspected this was related to his claim that he maintained his "cover" whilst in prison.

25. On 28th February 1962, the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)'s 1127th Field Activities Group (the one responsible for Project MOON DUST) enquires to CIA Deputy Director of Plans, Richard Helms, about Helmut von Zborowski. At the time Helms, as the CIA DDP, is in charge of Area 51.

26. A UFO is filmed by a RC-135 Cobra Ball aircraft following the re-entry vehicle with a dummy nuclear warhead from the Atlas 8F missile test on 19 September 1962. The USAF and NASA post flight test report states the object's "origin and identification could not be determined".

27. SIGMA 7 Astronaut Wally Schirra reports a "white object" following his capsule during his multi-orbit flight of 5 October 1962.He discusses this object in the post flight press conference with fellow astronaut John Glenn, who also saw similar objects.

28. The Bluegill Triple Prime high-altitude nuclear weapons test re-entry vehicle is also followed by an unidentified object on 25 October 1962. At 48km altitude the warhead is detonated, and the object is captured tumbling to Earth from within the nuclear fireball by two independent EG&G manned RC-135 Cobra Ball aircraft. This event occurs during the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis, so JFK is given an emergency briefing about MJ-12 and the Alien Presence on Earth by CIA Director of Counter Intelligence, James Angleton.

29. JFK plans to work with the Soviets on discovering more about the "Alien Presence", but is assassinated by MJ-12 operatives before he can do so.

30. The Project MOON DUST / AFOSI's 1127th Field Activities Group asks CIA again in 1966 about von Zborowski's status within the organization on 8th June 1966, but the response from CIA is "go ask USAF/NRF". Not sure what NRF stands for - could be "NATO Response Force, which with whom AGARD was aligned with.

31. Nixon is elected in 1968, with former US Army CIC operative Henry Kissinger as his National Security Advisor. CIA Director Richard Helms starts to lose control of the UFO compartment. But, first, Nixon had to tutor Haldeman on just how to make the threat to Helms. During a June 23 rehearsal of Haldeman for the critical meeting with Helms later that day, the president carefully instructed his No. 1 aide on what to tell the CIA chief: “Hunt knows too damned much . . . If this gets out that this is all involved . . . it would make the CIA look bad, it’s going to make Hunt look bad, and it’s likely to blow the whole Bay of Pigs thing . . . which we think would be very unfortunate for both the CIA and the country . . . and for American foreign policy.” (Halderman claimed in his book The Ends of Power that Nixon used the term "Bay of Pigs" as a code for the JFK assassination). At his meeting with Helms, when Nixon’s emissary brought up the Bay of Pigs, according to Haldeman, the CIA chief gripped the arms of his chair, leaned forward and shouted: “The Bay of Pigs has nothing to do with this! I have no concern about the Bay of Pigs.” Haldeman said he was “absolutely shocked by Helms’s violent reaction” when he delivered Nixon’s message. Helms “yelled like a scalded cat,” said Nixon aide John Ehrlichman when Haldeman mentioned the Watergate trail might lead to “the Bay of Pigs.” Ehrlichman sat in on the meeting.

32.Rumors around DC is that the information extracted from Christ by the Cubans on the Israeli nuclear weapons program and the UFO reverse engineering effort for NEPA has been given to the DNC Committee and is being stored at the DNC HQ at the Watergate Hotel. The CIA Plumbers, including E. Howard Hunt and James McCord, are tasked along with 4 Cuban nationals to break in to retrieve the information. McCord is included because of his "Q" clearance and technical nuclear knowledge; the Cubans are included to translate if required. All are caught in the act.

33. After Nixon's re-lection in 1972, Helms is told his services are no longer required as Director CIA.

33. In revenge for Helm's firing and Nixon's betrayal, James Angleton arranges for Nixon's exposure to the JFK assassination through Nixon's sponsorship of the ZR/RIFLE assassination program whilst Vice President in the Eisenhower Administration.

34. Nixon panics and issues a Special Classified Executive Order to destroy all evidence of MJ-12. Loyal CIA operatives secretly retrieve the most explosive documents from the incinerator.

35. Hunt and McCord threaten to expose Nixon's involvement and by default, the fact of the alien presence. Dorothy Hunt is assassinated in a plane crash whilst collecting extortion money. Hunt and McCord abandon their extortion plot.

36. A few nights before he starts his prison sentence, Hunt tells his former attorney Douglas Caddy that the Watergate break-in was to recover "Cuban Government reports" that would implicate Nixon in the conspiracy of Kennedy's assassination. Hunt also reveals after further probing by Caddy "that JFK was about to reveal our most vital secret to the Soviets - that being the Alien Presence".

37. Nixon realizes he being is implicated in the JFK assassination plot and resigns before it becomes public.

38. After Colby's exposure in the 1995 JFK to CIA memo of 12 November 1963 he is assassinated in 1996 before more questions are asked. Newton "Scotty" Miler (Source S1) begins his slow drip of documents to Timothy Cooper.

Please let me know in the comments which points you require references for of official documentation from which of the above information was derived (maximum 3 per comment). I am interested to find out which are the most popular points with Reddit r/UFOB users.

Edit: Added Nixon's use of the phrase "Bay of Pigs" as code for the JFK assassination in point 31.


The Oppenheimer-Einstein Draft of June 1947: A discussion of whether an advanced civilization would consider Earth "unoccupied" because of Homo Sapiens disunity; if the testing of nuclear weapons attracted their attention and whether their existence should be kept secret whilst they "integrate".


"This six-page document titled, “Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies*”*, is the first document to use the phrase Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, or EBEs. It says the presence of unidentified spacecraft is accepted as de facto by the military – and this is dated June 1947. It deals with the subjects that you would expect competent scientists to deal with – i.e., where do they come from, what does the law say about it, what should we do in the event of colonization and/or integration of peoples, and why are they here? The document suggests that in the event that EBE’s desire to settle here on earth there will be “profound change in traditional concepts” of law and the possible need for a new “Law Among Planetary Peoples.” There are also propositions concerning the necessary creation of a “Cosmic International law” that would protect the rights of all celestial states to lay claim on otherwise unclaimed solar territories. Finally, the document addresses the presence of celestial astroplanes in our atmosphere as a result of actions of military experiments with fission and fusion devices of warfare. The authors of this document encourage consideration of our potential future situation and safety due to our present and past actions in space. How can we avoid a perilous fate?"

Yes, this is one of the Majestic Documents, written one month BEFORE the Roswell incident.

Given the recent interest in Oppenheimer and his attitude toward thermonuclear weapons, I found the following points of interest (my comments in italics):

Anyway, it is an interesting document to consider given our present state of affairs and the Oppenheimer movie.


Looking up: A UFO Rosetta Stone from the Aztec crash? An article by Dr. Donald Burleson regarding the "Library Book" allegedly recovered from the Aztec crash of 1948 - could this be related to Ross Coulthart's hint that information from this event will be disclosed in the "near future"?

By Donald Burleson

Special to the Daily Record

When a large disk-shaped object crashed on March 25, 1948 near Aztec, New Mexico, one of the civilian scientists called in to study the craft was physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. He examined a “sort of book” found inside the UFO, consisting of plastic-like pages filled with strange symbols that Oppenheimer said looked something like Sanskrit.

According to researchers — since nobody could make any sense of those symbols — they were sent to prominent cryptanalyst William F. Friedman for an attempt at decipherment. If Friedman was able to determine anything from that analysis, the results are still classified.

Strictly speaking, the problem was not one of trying to decode a message deliberately enciphered for purposes of secrecy, but rather the problem of reading a text in an unknown language. However, the two problems sometimes amount to practically the same thing, in terms of what one needs to do to solve them.

What was needed was a new Rosetta Stone. The original Rosetta Stone was discovered in Egypt in 1799 by engineers deployed by French emperor Napoléon Bonaparte. A few years after the discovery, the hieroglyphics on the stone were deciphered by linguist Jean-François Champollion. This was a milestone in the field of linguistics, since it was the first time in many centuries anyone had been able to read ancient Egyptian writing.

The key to the decipherment was the fact that on the Rosetta Stone, the same message was carved first in hieroglyphics, then in Egyptian demotic script, then in a classical Greek script well-known to scholars. By examining these parallel inscriptions, Champollion was finally able to read the hieroglyphics, determining that they involved not only pictographs but also elements of phonetic writing, where names were spelled out according to their sound.

The problems Champollion faced, and ultimately solved, were no doubt encountered by Friedman in a bizarre new context, where the mystery wasn’t an ancient Earth language with which we had lost contact, but a language from another world.

Friedman, for example, must have struggled with the question of whether the symbols in the Aztec book were just pictographs or had phonetic qualities, too. Also, Friedman would have had to determine whether the script was an inflected language, i.e., whether it contained things like affixes to show different forms and tenses of verbs. Some extraterrestrial creature examining English language texts in the same way would notice the repetition of configurations like “-ed” and “-ing.” Did Friedman discover anything analogous in the Aztec UFO script? We may never know.

In any case, the prevailing powers in 1948 certainly did the right thing in sending the mysterious document to Friedman. As a moderately experienced cryptanalyst myself, I can assure everyone that solving the problem would have had to be a cryptological challenge, likely one of the most intriguing decipherments anyone ever tackled. Perhaps in some ways, even without parallel passages in different languages, the Aztec book itself may have proven to be a UFO Rosetta Stone, helping illuminate a language from realms unknown.


Oppenheimer: The "Story within a story" regarding his Un-American Activities trial and the subject of UFOs.

If you have the time, I highly recommend watching the entire YouTube video of "UFO Secrecy and the Fall of J. Robert Oppenheimer" by Dr. Donald R. Burleson, particularly if you intend to go and watch the movie when it is released. The link below goes to a particular timestamp, but the whole thing is worth watching for some perspective.

There is a section in there that describes the "Un-American Activities" trial where Oppenheimer lost his clearance. On the first day of the trial, Oppenheimer is extremely dismayed when he discovers that the Chairman of the trial is none other than Gordon Gray, one of the original Majestic Twelve crew. Parts of the trial are highly classified, and the attorney-client privilege between Oppenheimer and his lawyers is comprised via wiretap. Later in life, Oppenheimer always said "There's a story within a story" regarding his loss of security clearance.

Really insightful viewing coming on the heels of Schumer's revelation that the Atomic Energy Act 1954 is being used to improperly keep UFO data permanently classified.

Edit: Just watched it again, here are some highlights timestamped:

Attorney-client privilege tapped: 35:00

Canadian UFO scientist Wilbert Smith & Robert Sarbacher: 38:30

Oil industry destroyed if new technology revealed: 50:50

Gordon Gray MJ-12: 52:29

Gray's papers on Oppenheimer in Eisenhower Library "never to be released": 56:30

General Leslie Groves no longer trusted Oppie (why?): 59:45

Oppie states "a great deal happened between 1945-49" (i.e. Roswell, Aztec etc.)

John von Neumann testified about "a new Buck Rogers reality" (remembering that when he was in hospital dying of aggressive cancer, an armed military guard on watch 24/7 in case von Neumann revealed any "secrets") : 1:06

Oppie states "There's a story within the story" : 1:10:35

Propulsion systems: 1:13:40

Executive Orders create the secrets, no the Congress: 1:15:30


Due to apparent "neutronic" powerplants discovered in the crash retrievals, the Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft (NEPA) project began at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1946, at the behest of General Curtis LeMay. The Vistors also began taking an interest in thermonuclear weapons tests like the infamous Castle Bravo event. After the 1952 "show of force" event over consecutive weekends in July 1952, there was no doubt to the U.S. Government that The Visitors had superior technology. President Eisenhower met with The Visitors to gain an understanding of their intent. It would appear that The Visitors were interested in the negative energy generated when humans torture other humans (sometimes referred to as "Loosh"), and as long as sufficient amounts of Loosh was being generated, the Visitors would share part of their technological advances. We know from recently declassified documents from the Church Committee that the CIA started human trafficking operations in the late 1950s, to compromise people of influence and possibly the generation of Loosh.


The Perhapsatron was an early fusion power device based on the pinch concept in the 1950s, "conceived" by James Tuck whilst working at Los Alamos. The 1958 refined model was designated "S-4" - at the precise time that the C.I.A. started construction of Area 51 and Papoose Lake ("The S-4 Facility").

This is the abstract from the following document:

Conner, J. P., Hagerman, D. C., Honsaker, J. L., Karr, H. J., Mize, J. P., Osher, J. E., Phillips, J. A., and Stovall, Jr, E. J.. Operational characteristics of the stabilized toroidal pinch machine, Perhapsatron S-4. United States: N. p., 1958. Web.

The Perhapsatron S-4 machine has a quartz torus, 14.0-cm minor inside diameter, 218-cm mean circumference, and wall thickness 0.6 cm. An aluminum primary, 1.25-cm thick surrounds the quartz torus with minimum spacing, ~0.4 cm, and can be energized by 90,000 joules, 20 kv at two feed points, permitting a maximum electric field of 150 volts/cm. A two-ton iron core (laminations 0.002-inch thick) links the primary and secondary and has a rating of 0.2 volt-sec. A solenoid, 1.6 turns per cm, wound around the primary is energized by a 2400 {mu} capacitor at voltages up to 3 kv and produces an axial B/sub z/ magnetic field up to 4000 gauss. A split in the aluminum primary allows rapid B/sub z/ field penetration. The typical behavior of gas current and secondary voltage at 25 kv is shown. The current voltage phase relation shows that the gas current is largely inductance limited and not resistance limited as observed in PS-3. After gas breakdown ~ 80% of the condenser voltage appears around the secondary in agreement with the ratio of source and load inductances. The rate of rise of gas corrent at first is large, ~ 1.3 x 10/sup 11/ amps/sec, until the gas current contracts to cause an increase in inductance at which time the gas current is a good approximation to a sine curve. The gas current maximum is found to rise linearly with primary voltage, deviating as expected at the higher voltages because of iron core saturation. At the discharge current maximum, the secondary voltage is not zero, and if one assumes that there is no large change of inductance, the total resistance of the discharge (R = V/I) is computed to be ~28 milliohms.

r/UFOB - S-4 fusion reactor

S-4 fusion reactor

The quartz torus held the isotope of hydrogen known as deuterium, which has one proton, one neutron, and one electron. The deuterium was in its gaseous phase and the deuterons were accelerated by an induced electric field.

Was the S-4 a primitive attempt by Los Alamos National Laboratory to emulate the propulsion system found in the ULAT-1 from the Roswell crash?

Consider then the description of the propulsion system of ULAT-1, one of the objects that crashed at Roswell in July 1947 and described in Gen. Nathan Twinings' "White Hot" report:

r/UFOB - White hot report description

White hot report description

Notice the description of "oddly arranged coils", similar to the image of the Perhapsatron S-4?

Another Majestic Document, the Air Accident Report by Twining to Headquarters, gives a further description of the powerplant:

r/UFOB - Air Accident Report description of ULAT-1 propulsion system

Air Accident Report description of ULAT-1 propulsion system

"A doughnut shaped tube approximately thirty-five feet in diameter, made of what appears to be a plastic material, surrounding a central core....This tube is translucent, approximately one inch thick. The tube appearred to be filled with a clear substance, possibly a heavy water. A large rod centered inside the tube, was wrapped in a coil of what appears to be a copper material, ran through the circumference of the tube. This may be the reactor control mechanism or a storage battery. There were no moving parts observable within..."

Here is an impression of the ULAT-1 propulsion mechanism from the above description, kindly provided by MUFON's National Director for Australia and New Zealand, Dr. Roger Stankovic (u/rogerstan1):

r/UFOB - ULAT-1 propulsion mechanism

ULAT-1 propulsion mechanism

The image was part of a presentation on the excellent UFO Mystery Podcast channel that Roger has created. Notice that the secondary coils appear to be inside the torus - this may be the result of a nuclear cold fusion process that actually produces electricity without the heat and radiation accompanied by our present nuclear fusion capabilities. This electrical power may then be used to create large, monopolar magnetic fields within the craft body itself and form an integral part of the propulsion system, as discussed here:

r/UFOB - "At least this is the opinion of Dr. Oppenheimer and Dr. von Karman ...that part of the craft itself exists as part of the propulsion system..." Air Accident Report pg. 2

"At least this is the opinion of Dr. Oppenheimer and Dr. von Karman ...that part of the craft itself exists as part of the propulsion system..." Air Accident Report pg. 2

By a strange "coincidence", the Perhapatron S-4 was developed around that time the Central Intelligence Agency's Deputy Director of Plans, Richard Bissell, was turning the first sod at a Top Secret location adjacent to the Nevada Test Site that would later be known to the world as Area 51.

"On April 12, 1955 Richard Bissell and Col. Osmund Ritland flew over Nevada with Kelly Johnson in a small Beechcraft plane. Johnson was the director of the Lockheed Corporation's Skunk Works, which, as part of a secret CIA-Air Force project, codenamed AQUATONE by the CIA and OILSTONE by the Air Force, was building a revolutionary spy plane, designated the U-2. Bissell, CIA head of the project, Ritland his Air Force deputy, Johnson, and Lockheed's chief test pilot, were looking for a site where the plane could be tested safely and secretly.

During the trip they discovered, near the northeast corner of the Atomic Energy Commission's (AEC) Nevada Proving Ground, what appeared to be an airstrip near a salt flat known as Groom Lake. After examining the location from the ground, the four agreed that it "would make an ideal site for testing the U-2 and training its pilots." Upon returning to Washington, Bissell discovered that the land was not part of the AEC's proving ground — leading him to ask the commission's chairman to make the Groom Lake area an AEC possession, a request which was readily granted. President Eisenhower approved the plan, and the territory, known by its map designation — Area 51 — was added to the Nevada Test Site. The site acquired several other designations. Kelly Johnson, in order to make the remote location seem more palatable his workers began referring to it as Paradise Ranch, which was then shortened to the Ranch. An additional unofficial name would be Watertown Strip — a consequence of the need to build a paved runway so that testing could continue when rainwater runoff from nearby mountains made it impossible to land on Groom Lake. By July 1955, the base was ready and personnel from the CIA, Air Force, and Lockheed began to arrive."

S-4, of course, was also the name of the facility Bob Lazar claimed to have worked at on the reverse engineering program of crash-retrieved propulsion system "not made by human hands".

At a MUFON conference in 1989, John Lear claimed that the S-4 area was near Papoose Lake, and that Skylab actually photographed the facility. Declassified documents from 2004 confirmed that there were indeed concerns about Skylab imagery revealing the existence of the facility from within the CIA, NRO, USAF, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

So, is it "just another coincidence" that an early attempt at building a nuclear fusion reactor at the Los Alamos National Laboratory was named "S-4", and resembled descriptions and used the same substance (deuterium) that a document related to the Roswell crash of July 1947 claims, and a Top Secret facility purported to be the site of an intensive program to reverse engineer non-human propulsion system is also named "S-4"?

I don't think so.

EDIT: Thinking a little further about the primary / secondary coil system of the powerplant. To start the rotation of the fluid, the craft's outer shell might be manufactured on the atomic level to act as "iron core" for the the primary coil (the planetary magnetic field), to link with the internal secondary coil, and which induces a pulsed electromagnetic field into the secondary coil that is inside the torus section and immersed within the D2O (deuterium oxide, aka heavy water). The pulsed secondary current in turn induces a magnetohydrodynamic wave within the fluid, which then spins up to a particular speed for whatever quantum process occurs to (momentarily) fuse the deuterons into helium-4, with electricity as the output (Pharis William's patent for a fusion reactor using his Dynamic Theory discusses alignment of deuteron spins as the fusion mechanism). The internal secondary coil now switches roles and becomes the primary coil, inducing an electromagnetic field into the crafts' outer shell (which is now mono-magnetized against the secondary coil, the Earth's magnetic field) to create the propulsive pinch effect described in the main body of the post, using the craft as a monopolar magnet(s) to produce thrust and direction.

r/UFOB - Oke Shannon's buddy Pharis Williams Deuterium fusion reactor patent

Oke Shannon's buddy Pharis Williams Deuterium fusion reactor patent

EDIT 2: Following on from excellent comments on this post by u/Smooth_Imagination, I have added information below for further context.

Having over 30 years in power generation in small to medium networks, the concept described above is quite common in modern life. The diagram below illustrates the "load share" concept of the Earth-Moon-Sun electromagnetic system for clarity, directly from a real-world application. Consider G1 as the Sun, G2 as the Earth and G3 as the Moon, and all are magnetically coupled. ("Norm" is with G2 & G3 not running, 'SWBD' is short for switchboard). The additional "load" placed on the Earth-Moon-Sun system by a UAP using electromagnetism for propulsion is transferred to the Sun and not experienced locally.

r/UFOB - Magnetically coupled generators of different outputs

Magnetically coupled generators of different outputs

"The Earth has a slightly flattened shape and rotates about an inclined axis that wobbles around the poles. Its mantle deforms elastically due to tidal effects caused by the Moon. The researchers show that this effect could continuously stimulate the motion of the liquid iron alloy making up the outer core, and in return generate Earth's magnetic field. The Earth continuously receives 3,700 billion watts of power through the transfer of the gravitational and rotational energy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system, and over 1,000 billion watts is thought to be available to bring about this type of motion in the outer core. This energy is enough to generate the Earth's magnetic field, which together with the Moon, resolves the major paradox in the classical theory. The effect of gravitational forces on a planet's magnetic field has already been well documented for two of Jupiter's moons, Io and Europa, and for a number of exoplanets."

I'm not overly concerned with the mechanisms here - just the power output - 3700 GigaWatts! The SCU report on the Tic-Tac calculates a power requirement for the UAPs observed by the USS Princeton in 2004 of 1100 GW for an object weighing 1000 kg to descend from 28,000 ft to sea level in 0.78 seconds. page 3.

The Earth-Moon magnetic coupling is also well known:

Food for thought!


The USS Curtiss USO incident: that time the U.S. Navy ship delivering the hydrogen bomb for the Castle Bravo test was shadowed by an Unidentified Submarine Object in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


Inspired by Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet’s (Ret.) recent discussions on USOs, I thought I would relate the following. Just over 70 years ago, an interesting incident occurred on board the USS Curtis – the U.S. Navy vessel tasked with delivery of the Shrimp device to the Pacific Proving Ground in 1954 for the notorious Castle Bravo nuclear weapons test. This particular test, which scientists from Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore laboratories had calculated to have a yield of 4,8 megatons actually went far above this calculation to achieve nearly 16 megatons of TNT equivalent yield. This miscalculation exposed many U.S. military personnel to dangerous levels of radiation and, more importantly, post traumatic stress disorder from being exposed to the close-range effects of such a large blast. Was the USO incident related to the yield miscalculation event?

r/UFOB - USS Curtiss (AV-4)

USS Curtiss (AV-4)

The Curtiss class were the first seaplane tenders built from the keel up for the US Navy, the previous tenders had been converted from cargo ships. They were designed to provide command facilities for forward operating long-range patrol seaplane squadrons. To accomplish this, they were heavily armed with four 5-inch (130 mm)/38 caliber dual-purpose guns, and contained repair and maintenance facilities, along with supplies for operating in forward areas for many months.

The ships had a large seaplane deck located at the stern with the maintenance shops located in the superstructure just forward of it. They were built with three large cranes, one located at the starboard extreme of the stern, the second was at the aft of the superstructure on the port side, with the remaining crane located midship on the starboard side. The starboard crane at midship was removed from both ships during WWII and replaced with a 20-millimeter (0.79 in) Oerlikon cannon gun tub. Two of the 5-in guns were staggered on opposite sides of the rear superstructure, with the remaining two in a superfiring configuration at the bow of the ships.

From 23 February to 13 June 1951, Curtiss served as flagship for "Operation Greenhouse" and was the base for civilian and military technicians during the atomic tests at Eniwetok. She also provided meteorological information and operated a boat pool. Curtiss served at San Diego, in local operations until 29 September 1952, when she again sailed to Eniwetok, as flagship during the atomic tests of "Operation Ivy", during which the first hydrogen bomb was detonated. Returning to San Diego, on 4 December, she cruised the west coast, and visited Acapulco, Mexico, in 1953. From 10 January to 28 May 1954, she participated in "Operation Castle".

Rather than write about the USO event, I will post verbatim the eyewitness accounts of two U.S. Marines onboard the USS Curtiss – Robert Mackenzie and G. Nicholas Stuparich.

First, a little background from Mackenzie and Stuparich regarding their duties on the Curtiss:

Mackenzie: So all the guys that got a clearance, we went as a group on the Curtiss. Now we knew where it was going but we really didn’t know what we were going to do.

Interviewer : OK, so after the fact, at some point you know that you’ve gotten a clearance.

Mackenzie: We didn’t know that until we were already halfway on the cruise. And the way we found out is that some of the men were called in and they were told they didn’t get a Queen Clearance. They got top secret but they didn’t get Queen. And it was no fault of theirs, Mary. Some of them, if they had one relative that was born in another country and something, they just couldn’t get one.

Interviewer: Correct. Correct. So “Q” stands for “Queen.” Yes. Or is “Queen” something you make from “Q”? I wonder. I’ve never—

Mackenzie: Well, “Q” must be “Queen,” I guess. Yes. It must be.

Interviewer: You guys said “Queen,” though, when you said clearance.

Mackenzie: Yes. Yes. And it’s a Queen Clearance, yes. And they’re still around, I understand.


Mackenzie: And I tell you why, is that when I went aboard ship, they made me an orderly, which was a great honor. And so I was the admiral’s orderly, and before that I was the captain’s orderly. In fact, by the time I was aboard the Curtiss for eighteen months, I worked as an orderly for three admirals and two ship’s captains and the executive officer, which was a great background for a young man. And I have the highest regard for naval officers. I watched them talk to their men, I watched them talk to their fellow officers, I saw how they solved problems, and just what a great example for a young man, to be around people of that caliber. It was wonderful.

Interviewer: Let me ask you a question here because I don’t know that much about the armed forces. The Curtiss is obviously a Navy ship.

Mackenzie: Yes.

Interviewer: And you’re a Marine serving on it. Is that common?

Mackenzie: No. It’s only in capital ships, normally, which would be battleships— Interviewer: “Capital ships.”

Mackenzie: Capital ships, which would be—the terminology has changed today, Mary, but in my day it was battleships, cruisers, heavy cruisers, light cruisers, aircraft carriers, would have Marine detachments. Now originally the Marine detachments were almost the police force of the ship. And they were called MAs, which would be Master-of-Arms. Very unpopular with the Navy. And the brig is, of course, run by the Marines. But on our ship, we didn’t have those duties, not on the Curtiss. The Curtiss, we were a special force with top secret clearances. People only didn’t talk to us because they would say, Hey, you don’t talk to those guys. It was that kind of thing. So anyway, but we ended up being very close with the Navy, but our duties, we didn’t talk to each other about our duties.

Stuparich: So, I remember signing the clearance papers and they didn’t tell us what we were going to do or where we were going. We went aboard ship as supposedly just a Marine detachment, but then it ended up being as nuclear security. We were well briefed and well trained on what our jobs were aboard ship. I did security with the devices, once they were delivered to the vessel. We did perimeter security when the devices were being delivered, which meant we were out on the pier and out in the area when the trucks arrived, delivering units. Once the canisters were brought aboard, then we were assigned to security aboard the ship, which meant working in the hole. In other words, the devices were put in a particular compartment. We were responsible for the security of that department, the corridor that led to it, and I can’t remember if we were reading the temperature. We had to take a reading, I believe, once an hour and record it. I do not remember whether it was temperature or radiation, but it had to be recorded; I remember that if there was something wrong, and I don’t know the standard, but if it went over that standard or under that standard, we had to notify the science officer, who was also the engineering officer. That was Commander Hart, I believe.

Interviewer: Now, let me back up just a tiny bit with the security piece. So there’s a point at which you’re informed, I assume after you’re cleared, of what your mission actually is?

Stuparich: Correct.

Interviewer: Give me a sense of how much detail they give you there, and how much that is connected to what you already might know about nuclear weapons.

Stuparich: That’s a little bit confusing because I know so much more now than I did then. I do not believe they gave us that much information. They definitely didn’t give us a detailed description of our duties, other than that what we were doing was actually guarding a nuclear device, and that’s all they would say. We and I think about a half-a-dozen sailors were the only ones that actually saw the canisters being brought aboard. There were not very many people. That was secured. The whole aft deck was secured when that occurred.

Interviewer: And how many of there were you, when you say “we”?

Stuparich: There were probably six Marines on the dock, one or two on the trucks, then I think there were a couple in the different corridors—what they did was they dogged the hatches so people couldn’t come in when we were loading this particular material. Then it went down into the hole and then there was a special rack because the canisters had to be triced up in these racks. I can’t remember whether there was—I think there were six to a rack. And they were triced up like you would trice up nitroglycerine, you know, with like Bungee cords but I think they were springs.

Interviewer: Say that word again. I don’t know that word “trice.”

Stuparich: Tricing means to tie, and what it does is it keeps something in balance so that if it’s hanging, it’s free-hanging, but it’s in a rack, and this keeps the canister in line, and it’s called trice, you trice it up.

Interviewer: “Trice it up.” I see.

Stuparich: We didn’t do that. That was done by their people.

Stuparich: We embarked out of San Diego, went up to San Francisco. That’s it. We went to San Francisco, went to Hunters Point for something, some sort of refurbishing. Then from Hunters Point we went over to Port Chicago, picked up our merchandise, if you will, and then when we were through with that, when we pulled out, we went down and then into the bay. At that time we picked up some escorts, and then we went under the Golden Gate Bridge, at which time the Secret Service or FBI, whoever they were, had the bridge closed, and they were waving at us as we went underneath.

Interviewer: Wow, they closed the bridge.

Stuparich: They closed the Golden Gate Bridge. It was kind of cool because being from the Bay Area I kind of remembered that. I think I was aft at the time and I was looking up and yeah, sure enough, they did. And that was kind of interesting. So then we headed out to the Pacific. I think we refueled and resupplied once or twice, a ship came alongside, I think they came out of Hawaii. They used the high line and brought the stuff across, and then they brought the refueler up and then they refueled us. And that’s why they call us the Ghost Ship, because almost everything that we did, the replenishing and the refueling, was all done at sea.

Now, the USO incident – which many people denied having happened. The "Russian sub" somehow penetrated the flotilla protecting the Curtiss and was completely undetected until it appeared underneath the Curtiss. This event occurred a full 6 years before the Soviet's first nuclear submarine set sail - so for a diesel powered submarine in the middle of the Pacific without logistic support this feat would have been incredibly difficult to accomplish.

Stuparich Account:

Stuparich : The other thing that really upset me was the submarine.

Interviewer:  Yes, talk to me about that a little bit.

Stuparich : Well, Robert Mackenzie was the admiral’s orderly that night, and I was the orderly on the next deck down, and my job was to protect the crypto room which was, if you were looking down the hall, was to the left, and then the CIC which was straight ahead.

Interviewer:  CIC is?

Stuparich : Is Central Intelligence Control or something like that. It’s an area where they plot everything. [Note: on board U.S. Navy ships, the CIC is the Combat Information Center]  Anyway, I was standing there and all of a sudden Commander Hart came running around the corner and said, “Come with me”, with that I was on alert. So we went into CIC and then there was—I stood at the door. He said, “Block the door”, and I blocked the door. And it was one of those combination doors in those days. And I saw him talking with an officer, with the officer in command of the CIC at the time, or duty officer, I guess is what you call him, and then they were really—I could tell they were really stressed about something. Then a chief electronics mate had taken the young man off of the board and they were looking at the board and plotting on the board something, and he got on the phone to the bridge. I immediately felt the ship changing course, and we immediately started into a zigzag situation. And then I could tell, this man was stressed, and I’d never seen him stressed like that before. This way, that way. Everything was very staccato. So went back up to the bridge and Mackenzie and the Admiral were already there. And as a young man, you’re looking at their body language and their facial features and we knew that there was something wrong. Well then, I heard the conversation, and they wanted to know, in profanity, how the son-of-a-b*tch got there. How did it get there? How did it get through the perimeter? So then they were communicating with the vessels that were on the perimeter, there were destroyers out there and everything else, and they couldn’t figure it out. Admiral Wellings said, I believe that’s he’s probably been sitting here waiting for us. He probably plotted our course and just dropped to the bottom and waited till we came by, and then he came up underneath us. And he just followed us, and it was just a Russian sub, is what we anticipated. And they figured that they knew it was a Russian sub. Yeah. And it did. It stayed with us. And then what really became scary is that I remember the admiral telling the captain, We don’t have to worry if he’s directly under us. If he drops back into firing range, then we have to worry. By then, the other ships were doing crisscrosses in front and in back of us. These are the little destroyers. And sure enough, he did, he dropped back, I don’t know how far, I remember they had it plotted, and he was within firing range. And so then I just, I don’t know, something really bothered me and really happened to me mentally, because I just said [to myself], this whole thing’s over now, we’re through, we’re done with. And I guess I kind of convinced myself that that was going to happen.

Interviewer:  And this is prior to arriving in the Pacific.

Stuparich: Yeah, we were on our way.

Interviewer: So, just to get a sense of it, you’re well aware of what you’ve got on board?

Stuparich : Oh yeah, because I’d already been down in the hole and they’d told us what it was. Yeah, and then you’ve got a— Got this sub, and believe it or not, not very many people knew about it. I mean surprisingly, people were telling Bob [Robert W. Mackenzie] he was crazy. You don’t know what you’re talking about. There was no submarine. Well, I know there was. And when I mentioned it to Bob last year he said, Thank God somebody else knows. And what we’re trying to do is find a third Marine who was on the bridge, but there may not have been a Marine on the bridge.


Mackenzie account:

Interviewer: So explain to me how much you knew about the mission or what you thought or what’s that like?

Mackenzie : We didn’t know anything about it, frankly. You know, I realized that it was more than just a mission. Now by that time, Mary, the Korean War was over with. We were steaming out in ’54? Yes, January of ’54 is when we left San Diego. And Korea had been over for about six months, but the Cold War was extremely hot then. And when I first realized that there was more going on than we realized is when we had full wartime conditions on the ship. And I’d thought, Well, what are we doing here? The ship’s all blacked out at night. We’ve got all these red lights on you see in the movies, like those submarine movies, everybody running and all those red lights on at night. And heavy, heavy drapes in front of every hatch. And you don’t go outside, or as they say, out on the decks without closing that, and then you open the hatch and a red light comes on, then you close the hatch. And they were conscious of sound, of lights. And I said, What’s going on here? You know. And so when I really realized there was more going on is when I was on orderly duty for the admiral. And I was on duty and on duty and on duty and I just couldn’t stand up anymore. So I called somebody in the Marine detachment and said, Well, when is my relief going to be here? It was real late at night, it was like eleven or twelve o’clock, I’d gone on that morning at 6:30, and I’d been standing all day long. That’s what you do. And I just got so I couldn’t stand anymore. So I called down and I was told that the admiral only wanted me and there would be no relief, So just stick it out, Mackenzie. I wasn’t real happy about that. But anyway, so—and I’ll put this right on tape—so a Marine never sits down on duty, but I did. I couldn’t stand up anymore. So I found a chair in an empty officer’s stateroom and I wedged that chair in a real narrow hallway that went into the admiral’s quarters, and I put my feet against the bulkhead and I rocked back and I just kind of rocked with the ship. At least I was off my feet, and I figured nobody could get by me. So I guess, I don’t know if I dozed off or what, but all I know is this sailor was shaking my arm. It was about 2:30, three o’clock in the morning. And he says, “Wake up the admiral! Wake up the admiral!” And I said,”Well, who are you? What do you mean, wake up the admiral? It’s three o’clock in the morning.” [And he said], “Oh, they want him on the bridge right now”. And I said, “Who wants him on the bridge?” [And he said], “Well, the officers, blah, blah, and all that”. I said, “Well, what is your name?” And he gave me his name, and I said, “What’s the officer’s name?” I really realized we were very, very conscious and were trained to be suspicious of everything. I don’t know who this guy is. He wants to go in and see the admiral? That’s my job. Nobody goes in to see the admiral. And so anyway I said, “Well, I’ll go wake up the admiral and you go back and report to the bridge, and I’m sure the admiral will be right there”. I didn’t want him to go in with me. And so anyway, he left. So now I’m saying, How do you wake up an admiral? You know. I wanted to do it maybe like I was back in back in boot camp and scream, say, “Hit the deck”! I says, well, no, I didn’t want to go to the brig, so I didn’t do that. So anyway I said, Well, how do you wake up an admiral? So anyway, I woke him up. And I remember he said, “What is it, Mackenzie?” And he was startled. And I said, “Sir, the admiral’s presence is requested on the bridge immediately”. You don’t want to say “immediately” to an admiral, but I did. Anyway, he looked at me, and he had a phone right next to his bunk. And I always wondered, if he had phone, why didn’t they just call him? I don’t know. You know, you would wonder. And so anyway, he picked up his phone. And like I said, the respect from the naval officers, they’re just really something, Mary, they really are. And so he went up on the deck with his blue terrycloth bathrobe on.

Interviewer:  He picks up the phone and confirms?

Mackenzie: Right. And then he puts on his blue bathrobe— He doesn’t even get dressed. Oh no. They want him right now [sound of fingers snapping]. So I thought, Whoo, something’s going on. So I go up there, and it was like an old World War II movie. At my age, I grew up with those World War II movies, you know. And on the bridge, all the lights are out because we’re running at wartime conditions at night, and you can just see the shadows, you know, and those were from the glowing of the instruments and the people moving around the bridge and all that. And right away, the officer in charge of the bridge came up, and everybody was whispering. I thought, What is all this whispering about? You know. And he was talking to the admiral. And that’s part of the job of being an orderly. You’re there but you don’t get too close because if you do—

Interviewer: You’ll hear?

Mackenzie: You don’t want to hear. And the admirals will let you know, and so will the captains. If you’re a little too close to them, they’ll give you one of those, turn their head around, you kind of back up. You realize you’re a little too close. They want to be guarded. They don’t want anybody to get them. That’s your job is to protect them, help them in any way you can, so forth. But anyway, and you’ll kind of back up. But I wanted to hear what was going on, you know. So then all I heard was “submarine.” I thought, Well, so what? You know. But anyway, it turns out that we were being shadowed by a Russian sub.

Interviewer: For real?

Mackenzie: For real. And the sub was directly under us [slaps hands together] like this. And they picked it up. Because I thought, well, how did it get through our screen? We were in a complete convoy, and we had carriers, we had destroyers, we had everything. And I thought, How did this guy get through all that? And they tell me what they do is they know where you’re going. They just sit down at the bottom and wait till you get there and just [slapping hands together] pop up. They don’t have to go through any screens. And I said, Oh.

Interviewer: Oh. So they know from –

Mackenzie: Sure, they know. Yes. They probably knew, with all the spies and all that.

But anyway, the admiral asked several questions, and I guess before, he asked them if they had contact with somebody. And they said,”No, sir, we thought we’d wait for the admiral”, and all that. And he said, “Well, you should’ve. Did you contact anybody to tell them what the situation was? How have you tried to contact the sub?” Evidently they have an international language they use. Then of course they used Russian and they used everything, and no response. And so I always was kidding Kari because this was dramatic, you know. I always said, Whooo, thirty seconds from World War III. Well,

that’s the way you think of it later, but it’s very true. But the thing that I still remember today is when the admiral walked on the bridge, you get almost like this, your daddy had come home to save you or something. That man had a presence about him. He wasn’t tall in stature. And his name was [RADM H.C.] Bruton. I’m sure he’s gone now. But he walked on that bridge and all of a sudden, you could just—everybody, like, The admiral’s here, we’re going to be all right. You know. And you could feel that. And he asked just a few questions. And the sub, and they were waiting for the reply to come back, Do we take action? Do we take evasive action? Now it’s pretty hard to blow up a submarine when it’s right under you. What do you do, when you think about it? How do you get a sub from under us? But we had submarines with us, too, our subs. And so it came back, they were waiting for the reply to come back, and I thought, My God, this is more serious than I realized. You know, it was kind of like a game until then, you know, it was just wartime conditions. I mean we didn’t think anything about this kind of stuff. And so we knew security was extremely tight. Only certain people could go by us, then go into certain compartments, and I’ll tell you about that in a minute. But anyway, back to the sub. And so it broke away. And you know you say “broke away,” where’d it go? It just broke away. And the admiral, they said—sonar reported or whatever and said, The sub has broken away. They must’ve known how many seconds they had. Later I saw a Tom Clancy movie about that, where they were checking and there were seconds and all, and I said, My golly, I saw the same thing in 1954, except for real, you know. So they said it broke away, and the admiral just calm as could be and he says, Carry on, men, you did a good job. If you need me, call, and he went back and went to bed. And I said [to myself], My gosh, it was almost—it was like nothing to him. He was so in command, just knew what he was doing, asked the right questions, congratulated everybody for the job they did, and went back to bed. Now I’m wide awake. I didn’t sit down anymore for the rest of the night. But I never told any of the guys about it. I just told that guy, one of our fellow Marines, November the tenth. It was the Marine Corps birthday. We all got together here at Dana Point. And I told him the submarine story and he says, “What submarine?” I said, “The submarine”. He said,” Well, I didn’t know anything about any submarine.” And I remembered, I’d thought about it, “Well, why should I worry the guys?” And not only that, if something happened when I was on orderly duty, you don’t pass that around the ship. That’s a confidence between you and the admiral. And so I didn’t pass it on.

Interviewer: I have a couple of questions about this. You’re aware in real time, then, that it is a submarine.

Mackenzie:  Absolutely. Because you’re hearing the conversation.

Interviewer:  Right. It makes me wonder, as I’m listening to the story, if they had you on duty for all this time, would there have been some knowledge of some kind of danger, that they didn’t let you leave orderly duty? Do you make a connection between the fact that the sub was there and the fact that you had to be on duty for so long? That makes you wonder.

Mackenzie: Well, I don’t know. It does, Mary. I never thought about it that way. I don’t think so. I just really think the reason I was left on duty so long is that we were new at our jobs, and they just didn’t realize that when you’re on orderly duty, you’re attached [slapping hands together], you know, at the hip. And not only that, is the admiral doesn’t want to walk out and say, What’s your name? You know, he wants somebody that he can trust and could read him before he says it. I could tell what he wanted. He was looking around and so I call somebody and say, Hey, the skipper’s out of coffee. You better get some in there. See? So you’re his confidant. He’ll say, Well, how are the men thinking? Because he’s some concerned about the morale, or  whatever. So you’re his sounding board. Every admiral’s different. Some really use their orderlies. I’ve had admirals when I reported, they’d say, “Well, I’m a little low on cigars, Mackenzie. Why don’t you go down and get me cigars?” Well, I don’t say, ”What kind do you smoke?” So I’d go down and ask the guy to open up the place where you buy the cigars, what’d we call that? Commissary, I think. And they used to question it. And they’d just say, “Well, you sure these are the kind of cigars you smoke, Mackenzie?”  And I said, “These are for the skipper.” And he said, “I don’t think so”. And I said, “Really? Why don’t you call and ask him?” [And he’d say], “Oh, OK”. And so that kind of a thing. So, interesting. But anyway, I never did pass that submarine story on to the troops.

Interviewer: That’s so interesting. That’s interesting.

Mackenzie: And so then, now, as time goes by, Mary, as I watch the History Channel and Discovery Times Channel, all these things are coming back to me. And our main concern was frogmen. We were very afraid of frogmen. And so we figured if they came aboard the ship, how they’d come aboard the ship, what we would do, you know, if one did come on. But I never thought about mines or bombs attached to the ship, and now I think about it. Can you imagine if they could’ve got to our ship, and we had people on their like [J. Robert] Oppenheimer and had all those scientists on there? We had fifty-eight scientists on the ship. We had all the bombs on the ship. I mean what a coup that’d meant for the Russians if our ship accidentally sunk, hit a reef or something, or something went off. You know, you can just see it all right now. It’d be another Cold War incident.

Interviewer: But you don’t know that you’re carrying bombs at this point, or do you?

Mackenzie: Yes, we did. We knew we were carrying pieces of the bombs.

Interviewer: You did.

Mackenzie: Yes. Yes. Because security was so tight, it had to be something like that, when only the admiral and two or three people could go in there. And then we timed them, how long they were in, who they were with, they signed in, they signed out. They had a badge with their photograph on it. The badges were made by, at that time, the Atomic Energy Commission [AEC], and they were watermarked with all the same intensity and security as our money. And the admiral would have his picture on there. And I didn’t just look on his shirt. I had to take it off his shirt, which you don’t like to touch an admiral or a captain. It’s just this—you’ve got that—this little [feeling] like, “Hi, God”- that feeling. And you’d take off his badge like that and hold it up right next to his face, make sure you got a really good look at it, and you’d flip it over and check the watermarks, check the number on it. And when I was on, I’d have a check-off list, and his name better be on there. In fact, our own commanding officer forgot to put his name on there and our guys wouldn’t let him in the post. He said, ”What do you mean?” They said, “You’re not on the list, sir.” [And he said], “Well, you know who I am. I’m Captain [James] Brannaman, your commanding officer.” [They] say, “Sir, we been instructed, if your name isn’t on the list, you don’t get on this post”. And the guys loved doing it to him. He wasn’t real happy but.

Interviewer:  Oh, I’m sure. Who was this captain again?

Mackenzie:  Captain Brannaman. He’s still alive. Stanford graduate. Super sharp guy. About six-five or so, something like that. Nice man.

Interviewer: I’m not well-versed in military things. Is it usual for an admiral to be on the ship?

Mackenzie: No. Now the admiral on any operation, the admiral has what he calls his flagship, and he can change his flag when he wants. The Curtiss was an unusual ship, Mary, because it was designed as a seaplane tender, 1939, something like that. It was hit at Pearl Harbor, went all the way through World War II, ended up with seven battle stars. Then after that, the Atomic Energy Commission grabbed it and then converted it for all the testing. So the Marine captain isn’t like a Navy captain. What’s confusing to everybody, and it was to me, too, the captain of the ship, the Navy ship, doesn’t have to be a captain. That’s his job title. OK, and now the Marine captain is a captain and he’s in charge of the Marines.

Interviewer:  So this is the Marine captain you’re talking about.

Mackenzie: The Marine captain, right.

Interviewer:  Got it. Not the captain of the ship.

Mackenzie: Not the ship captain—that’s right.


The full transcripts of the two interviews can be found here:

Interview with Robert William Mackenzie, January 1, 2005 | UNLV Special Collections Portal


Interview with G. Nicholas Stuparich, Jr., October 18, 2006 | UNLV Special Collections Portal


I'm sorry to have to say this, but are you ready for the somber part yet? The "Agreement" that was made with NHI by various Governments allows access to their advanced technology in exchange for our greatest treasure: our children.

It is unfortunate that I have to write this (and it is incredibly disturbing), but it is now quite obvious what our "part of the bargain" with NHI is - they want children in exchange for the technology transfer and will remain hidden whilst the agreement holds. Why that is, I do not know.

Michael Herrera's Marine Corps unit stumbled across a harvesting operation in Aceh in 2009, carried out in the midst of a natural disaster - just like those that were caught trying to move kids out of Haiti. The low height of the shipping container with oxygen cylinders on the front was designed to accommodate small humans:

This is also why David Grusch refused to discuss - even when prompted by Ross - to talk about the "Agreement", and instead asks National Leadership to answer the question.

Ross Coulthart 30:13

But if this nonhuman intelligence is so advanced, and at least some of them are malevolent, why haven’t they destroyed us already, perhaps some fragile yet combustible detente has been reached. grush has written an internal document about his discoveries, that refers to agreements that risk putting our future in jeopardy, it is quite clear that you’re talking about agreements between America and non-human intelligences. Have we made agreements with non-human intelligences?

David Grusch 30:50

That’s the kind of information I really hope national leadership is able to get to the bottom of.

Ross Coulthart 30:56

I need to pin you down on this are the agreements between non-human intelligences and the American government?

David Grusch 31:02

I think that’s a question that I would like to know all the details of as well.

Also - remember Bob Lazar's description of seeing "the kids" whilst passing a doorway to a compartment he wasn't briefed into?

Tom DeLonge talking of "those little ankle-biters" during the Jimmy Church "Fade To Black" radio show (Episode 515)?

Jon Benet Ramsey's case files sealed for reasons of "National Security" (her dad worked for Lockheed Martin).

It's bad.

This is one theory I would gladly see debunked.


The terms of the "Agreement" between President Eisenhower and Extraterrestrial Biological Entities / Non-Human Intelligence at Kirtland AFB, July 18 1954 as discussed in a leaked Defense Intelligence Agency document from 1989.


Ok, I did a bit of digging to find the provenance of the document that contains the terms of the Agreement:

r/UFOB - Page 44 of the leaked D.I.A. document

Page 44 of the leaked D.I.A. document

Click on the image to zoom in (I know it is difficult to read, URL1 will be in the comments).

Before you jump in and scream "IT'S FAKE", look at who the guy was who "procured" it:

r/UFOB - Oke Shannon's notes from ATP conference 1985

Oke Shannon's notes from ATP conference 1985

That's right, Bob Wood attended the 1985 Advanced Theoretical Physics Conference at the BDM SCIF in McLean, VA along with Los Alamos scientist Oke Shannon and represented the McDonnell Douglas corporation. (As an aside, BDM, Los Alamos, and Douglas Corporation were all active players in the Bluegill Triple Prime shootdown event). He was given the document from an inside source at D.I.A. (URL 2 in comments).

Apart from Ross Coulthart, there has been another Australian involved in uncovering the truth about UFOs: Dr. Michael Salla, who was a Professor of Government Studies at American University for some time. Dr. Salla has written the following about the document in question, and keep in mind that both Salla and Wood have been investigating this subject FOR DECADES. Salla has said for quite some time now that JFK was murdered by the Deep State over his request to study the problem with the Soviets - perhaps because he taught at the very University where President Kennedy made the famous speech that possibly set the wheels in motion for his assassination (URL 3 in comments).

Bob and his son Ryan administer the Majestic Documents website, however, this D.I.A. document was from a different tranche of documents.

It is probably no coincidence that Dr. Deep State himself, James Clapper, became Director D.I.A. soon after the document was leaked, and went on to become Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, then the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security and finally Director of National Intelligence (no wonder the subject is buried deep!)

There is also anecdotal evidence from a C.I.A. whistleblower that the NHI disregarded the agreement towards the end of the Eisenhower administration, causing Eisenhower to threaten to invade Area 51 (URL 4 in comments)

"We called the people in from MJ-12, from Area 51 and S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing…. I want you and your boss to fly out there. I want you to give them a personal message…. I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me. And if they don’t, I’m going to get the First Army from Colorado. we are going to go over and take the base over. I don’t care what kind of classified material you got. We are going to rip this thing apart.”

It is also probably why Eisenhower chose his farewell speech in January 1961 to warn the American public about the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex.

Two things to note:

  1. One of the terms of the agreement is for the NHI to give detailed listings of the people they abduct and promise to return the after 48 hours. It was this part of the agreement the NHI chose to disregard I believe and that lead to Eisenhower's threat to invade Area 51 where the terms state the "Embassy" was to be located. I'm not sure what the resolution was or if there even was one.
  2. The document now has a curious purple line down the side of page 44, which is the Agreement. It wasn't there last week.

Perhaps this is the "Agreement" David Grusch was referring to, and why Ross pushed him to reveal more?


The "Family Jewels" document's number one secret revealed in the 2022 JFK release: C.I.A. involvement in human trafficking.



•2 yr. ago

The "Family Jewels" document's number one secret revealed in the 2022 JFK release: C.I.A. involvement in human trafficking.

The latest release of JFK assassination files has some interesting documents regarding Robert Maheu, a security contractor frequently used by the CIA. In one document, which is a biographical overview of Maheu's career, we find the following:

r/UFOB - Maheu biography

Maheu biography

However, when we look at the Family Jewels list in its entirety (with No. 1 redacted), we find the “procurement of feminine companionship” entry missing from the list. The redacted portion is what is referred to as "Tab 1" in Maheu's biography.

r/UFOB - The "Family Jewels" document's number one secret revealed in the 2022 JFK release: C.I.A. involvement in human trafficking.

The reports that constitute the CIA's "Family Jewels" were commissioned in 1973 by then CIA director James R. Schlesinger, in response to press accounts of CIA involvement in the Watergate scandal—in particular, support to the burglars, E. Howard Hunt and James McCord, both CIA veterans. On May 7, 1973, Schlesinger signed a directive commanding senior officers to compile a report of current or past CIA actions that may have fallen outside the agency's charter. The resulting report, which was in the form of a 693-page loose-leaf book of memos, was passed on to William Colby when he succeeded Schlesinger as Director of Central Intelligence in late 1973.

The number 1 item on the list, compiled by CIA officers and outlining their disgust of some of the things the CIA had been involved in between 1959 -1973, was the fact that the CIA had been involved in human trafficking. Amongst these was Operation HARPSTAR, where the CIA contracted Maheu to procure females for the visiting President of Indonesia, Sukarno. page 2.

I was hoping that Item 1 was actually related to MJ-12 or the Kennedy assassination – I guess that these subjects were heavily compartmentalized and that few within the CIA knew of their existence. The well-known connection between Jeffrey Epstein- Ghislaine Maxwell and the CIA means this revelation was kind of a letdown.

Oh well.

1960s -CIA's Reverse Engineering program compromised in Cuba.

The CIA's first scientist recruitment was Applied Physicist David Lamar Christ in 1950. Christ worked for the Technical Services Section and received approval in 1957 to visit "The Plant" at The Avion Division of the ACF Industries, which at the time were involved in the NEPA program. Later that same year Christ was granted a "Q" Clearance to handle nuclear weapons-related material. Christ also recruited another young scientist to his team named James McCord, who also gained his "Q" Clearance, despite the fact that both men's official role at CIA was stated as "audio security specialists". Christ and McCord worked on the CIA's secret reverse engineering program under the Deputy Director of Plans, Richard Bissell. We know from a famous personality clash with CIA Inspector General Lyman Kirkpatrick that Bissell was building the Area 51 complex. James Angleton was also running a joint counter-intelligence operation in Germany with the Israelis at the time to gather atomic propulsion/weapons secrets from Nazi scientists, particularly Count Helmut von Zborowski. Angleton granted Zborowski a CIA clearance in 1959 to work in Frankfurt, Germany. AEC Commissioner John McCone facilitated the theft of nuclear material from the NUMEC facility to assist the project and it was smuggled out of the U.S. and taken to Germany and Israel. Things went very bad for the CIA in September 1960 when David Christ was arrested along with three other Americans in Havana, Cuba. Christ was using the cover name of Daniel Carswell and always claimed he maintained his cover, but suspicions persist that the information regarding the CIA reverse engineering program was extracted via torture. AEC Commissioner panicked in late December 1960, and according to journalist Seymour Hersh, planted a story in the New York Times about the Israeli atomic weapons program. McCone then resigned as AEC Commissioner 3 days later - it appears this might have been an attempt at a "limited hangout" in case the Soviets (with whom the Cubans would have shared the information) decided to release the information as a propaganda coup. The Cubans knew that Christ was a high-value prisoner, so they lined the Isle of Pines prison with explosives. It is now thought that the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961 was in fact a diversion whilst an attempt to jailbreak Christ was undertaken. President Kennedy's refusal to provide air support terminated the jailbreak operation.


(See pages 121-134)


On 12 December 1960, FBI Special Agents interviewed former President Harry Truman at the request of President Elect Kennedy and was "cordial until purpose of interview explained, whereupon his manner became brusque". Was he asked the embarrassing question "did you authorize Operation Majestic 12?"


The following document is from the FBI Vault archive:

r/UFOB - Record of Interview of former President Harry S. Truman

Record of Interview of former President Harry S. Truman

From the interview body, It appears that the incoming administration of President Elect John F. Kennedy requested the Special Agent in Charge of the Kansas City FBI Office to interview former President Harry S. Truman over a "Special Inquiry Matter". Truman is clearly upset at the line of inquiry and eventually terminates it, after his opinions were asked about certain people that were to hold high level positions in his government. As the Director of Central Intelligence is a political appointee, I believe one of those people was the incumbent DCI at the time, Allen W. Dulles. Truman appointed Dulles as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence in 1951, and tells the FBI Special Agent he is "All right". The other person that Truman claims "I never heard of him" may have been the CIA Director of Counterintelligence, James Angleton who was appointed to that position after Truman had left office. Kennedy may have heard bad things about these two gentlemen through his friend James Forrestal, whose defenestration in 1949 haunted Kennedy for the rest of his life.

Interestingly, another reference to Truman being interviewed by FBI Special Agents regarding "Special Inquiry Matters" comes from the Majestic Documents via Source S-1, whom I believe to be CIA CI Special Investigations Group Director Newton "Scotty" Miler. In this interview, Truman is asked directly "Did you authorize Operation Majestic 12?" Truman is initially coy in his response until he is shown the documents with his signature on them - supplied to the FBI by the CIA. He then proceeds to expand on the reasons why it was created and how Congress had no idea of the monster they had all created. Miler supplied his essay "UFOs, CIA and Congress" to researcher Timothy Cooper in 1999, and the discrepancy in the years may have been due to a lapse of his memory.

r/UFOB - Page 1

Page 1

r/UFOB - Page 2

Page 2

The original FBI record of interview file can be found on page 54 of this FBI Vault archive:

Records: The Vault — Harry S. Truman Part 02 of 03

The essay "UFOs, CIA and Congress" can be found here:

s-cia-congress-s1-00.pdf (


As I stated in the post, Miler might be getting the December 1960 FBI interview mixed up with the December 1963 Washington Post article that Truman wrote calling for the CIA to be "limited to intelligence gathering". The fact Truman had it published precisely one month after Kennedy's assassination caused Dulles and Angleton to fly to Independence, Missouri the next day to get Truman to rescind the article. Truman very calmly, very politely told both men to "f*ck off".

Here is the article:

And here is the official CIA analysis of the article, which appears to be written by one of Angleton's deputies in the Counterintelligence Division - either Scotty Miler or Ray Rocca:


The CIA, UFOs, and John F. Kennedy: more secrets revealed in the JFK Assassination files connecting nuclear propulsion reverse engineering efforts, the Bay of Pigs, and Watergate to JFK's Assassination.


I have recently come across further evidence from the JFK Assassination Records and the CIA Reading Room archive of the connection between a reverse engineering program of recovered nuclear propulsion by the CIA and the events surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, including Watergate.

The December 17, 1953, CIA report from Dr. Todos M. Odarenko, Chief of Physics and Electronics division of the CIA's Scientific Intelligence branch (SI) to Herbert Scoville, Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence is an interesting one. Coming just over a year after the Washington Flyover (a "show of force" by non-human intelligence), there are a number of things that make it clear that the CIA took the subject very seriously at that time. For instance, there is this excerpt:

r/UFOB - 100 Stereoscopic cameras with grated lenses were purchased to document the phenomena

100 Stereoscopic cameras with grated lenses were purchased to document the phenomena

Thus began the power struggle between the U.S. military and the CIA / AEC to control the UFO subject. As nuclear propulsion figured prominently in all the objects recovered up until that time, it is entirely plausible that this was buried deep within the nuclear weapons development effort, as discussed in "The Original Wizards of Langley", a CIA history of the Scientific Intelligence branch, which later became the Science and Technology Division:

"Concern that other countries might develop nuclear weapons and an awareness that advanced knowledge was the only practical shield against a surprise attack fed a sense of urgency among US policymakers. Concern extended to biological and chemical warfare and to the likely development of guided missiles, which would increase the danger of surprise attacks on the continental United States. Despite such concern, little real progress took place until President Harry Truman’s 23 September 1949 announcement of the first Soviet nuclear explosion. The next month the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) created the Scientific Intelligence Committee (SIC) to coordinate the entire US scientific intelligence effort. The required coordination, however, did not come easily. CIA chaired this new committee, charged with responsibility for scientific and technical intelligence, including all research and development up to the initiation of weapons systems series production. This concept was opposed by the US military, which sought to distinguish between basic scientific capabilities and weapons systems applications and keep the latter to itself. There was some support for CIA’s having this responsibility even within the defense establishment itself, however. The Research and Development Board in the Department of Defense, for example, was extremely dissatisfied with the intelligence support it received from the military intelligence agencies and supported the SIC as its primary source of intelligence support. Because of OSI’s competence in Soviet nuclear capabilities, the military also accepted the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC) as a subcommittee of SIC, to be concerned with that subject exclusively. Shortly thereafter, other subcommittees were established on biological warfare, chemical warfare, electronics, and guided missiles, and later on aircraft and antiaircraft weapons systems. The services did not give up, however. During the early 1950s, there was a long struggle within the SIC between its military and civilian members: Army-Navy-Air Force versus CIA-State-Atomic Energy Commission. In August 1952, the original directive establishing SIC (OSI’s lifeline) was rescinded. A new directive dissolved the SIC and all of its subcommittees except the JAEIC. It was retained as a subcommittee of the interdepartmental Intelligence Advisory Committee itself. The intelligence agencies of the Department of Defense were given primary intelligence production responsibility with regard to weapons, weapon systems, and military equipment and techniques, including intelligence on related scientific research and development. The new directive assigned to CIA’s OSI primary responsibility for scientific research in general, fundamental research in the basic sciences, and medicine (other than military medicine). The Defense Department agencies as well as CIA were now given responsibility for atomic energy intelligence, the original basis for CIA’s scientific and technical effort."

Under the direction of General Curtis LeMay, the Oak Ridge nuclear material production facility pursued the Nuclear Energy Propulsion for Aircraft (NEPA) program from 1947 -1951, in an effort to give strategic bombers unlimited range. The CIA, having the lead in the development of this technology, chewed the end of LeMay's cigar.

This interest sparked Scoville to request a "Q" clearance from the Atomic Energy Commission in 1957 for one of his best and brightest scientists, David Lamar Christ:

r/UFOB - Dave Christ "Q" clearance

Dave Christ "Q" clearance

From this point on, the following happens:

r/UFOB - Frank Sturgis at his Watergate trial (L) and after his arrest as one of the "Tramps" in Dealy Plaza

Frank Sturgis at his Watergate trial (L) and after his arrest as one of the "Tramps" in Dealy Plaza

r/UFOB - David L. Christ aka Daniel L. Carswell

David L. Christ aka Daniel L. Carswell

Think this is all far-fetched? Well, the 1978 House Select Committee on Assassinations took a keen interest in the connections between Dave Christ, Bill Harvey, and E. Howard Hunt. A 5-page document released in the December 2022 JFK assassination files is entitled "BIOGRAPHIC PROFILES OF DAVID L. CHRIST, WILLIAM HARVEY AND HOWARD HUNT".

Why is the focus of the HSCA on only these three people? On paper, they had absolutely no interaction with their day-to-day roles at the CIA.

If you would like to know more about these events and the CIA-UFO connection to JFK's murder, I discuss the subject at length with Roger Stankovic, National Director of MUFON for Australia and New Zealand:

Classified Documents, Assassinations and the Atomic-UFO Connection - YouTube

It's not hard to see why the U.S. Intelligence Community DO NOT want this information to come out.

EDIT: It appears that David L. Christ's wife tried to circumvent the CIA and go directly to Attorney General Robert Kennedy to expedite the release of her husband around Christmas 1962. Deputy Director CIA, General Marshall S. Carter was no stranger to the reverse engineering program, having been OIC at the Special Weapons nuclear center at Fort Bliss, TX in the late 1950s. In this exchange, Carter seems concerned that bypassing the CIA and going to the Kennedys might jeopardize the whole operation (i.e. MAJESTIC TWELVE). There is some type of "exchange" proposal underway to secure the prisoner's release (page 168):

r/UFOB - D-DCI Carter and RFK contact

D-DCI Carter and RFK contact

The linkage between Christ and Watergate (page 112)

r/UFOB - Christ's security file

Christ's security file

It appears Christ also traveled to a certain country "many times" before his incarceration in Cuba (page 26):

r/UFOB - The only country name that remains redacted by the CIA

The only country name that remains redacted by the CIA

We know that Christ was prohibited from traveling overseas after his release because of "discrepancies" in his debrief by Angleton and the Counterintelligence group. Therefore, these trips must have occurred before his capture (page 225):

r/UFOB - No time limit on Christ's travel restrictions

No time limit on Christ's travel restrictions

All items are from this National Archives file:

EDIT2: Shortly before receiving his "Q" clearance in 1957, Christ is given "Plant Clearance" to visit the Avion Division of ACF Industries Inc., at 800 North Pitt Street Alexandria, Virginia. Is this the "plant" involved in the nuclear propulsion reverse engineering effort? (page 247)

r/UFOB - Avion "plant" access requires clearance

Avion "plant" access requires clearance

Details about ACF industries' Avion Division :

r/UFOB - Avion Division

Avion Division


Watergate and “the alien presence” – were the Plumbers looking for Cuban Government reports on the C.I.A. nuclear weapons program for Israel, the details of which the Cubans extracted by torturing Q Clearance holder David L. Christ (aka Daniel Carswell) during his incarceration between 1961 – 1963?

(This post was removed by mods but it was posted to the sub in 2022)


JFK 2022 document release: In James Angleton's testimony to the Church Committee, he appears to be running a covert weapons program in Frankfurt to supply Israel with the atomic bomb a full year BEFORE the 1963 Dimona crisis. Links to the documents in the post.

The testimony of James Jesus Angleton during the Church Committee hearings in 1975 in the recently released tranche of JFK assassination records gives some insight into why the C.I.A. needed a change in Administration policy in 1963.

On page 6, they establish that Angleton had two separate responsibilities within his role at C.I.A.; one as Counterintelligence Chief, whilst the other role is redacted.

r/conspiracy - Angleton's dual responsibilities

Angleton's dual responsibilities

Fortunately for us, on page 13, they missed a redaction when asking Angleton what his responsibilities were in the role:

r/conspiracy - "The (redacted) account"

"The (redacted) account"

r/conspiracy - Missed redaction

Missed redaction

Continuing on page 14, Angleton stated that he was the chief negotiator of the arrangement on the U.S. side in 1951:

r/conspiracy - Chief Negotiator

Chief Negotiator

So, Angleton was in control of the “Israeli Account”.

We also find out in this document on page 86 that Angleton’s close friend, William Harvey, who ran the C.I.A.’s assassination program, ZR/RIFLE, also used the intelligence components of the “Israeli Account” during the Bay of Pigs invasion:

r/conspiracy - Assistance in the "Cuba business". Fill in the blanks - a six-letter word starting with "M" and ending with "D"

Assistance in the "Cuba business". Fill in the blanks - a six-letter word starting with "M" and ending with "D"

On page 51, we also find that Angleton had used the services of one James McCord in the past, once for a lengthy job overseas :

r/conspiracy - Angleton used McCord for a "difficult overseas assignment"

Angleton used McCord for a "difficult overseas assignment"

Interestingly, James McCord and 5 other C.I.A. officers were given Department of Energy “Q” clearances on 27 July 1962, which gave them access to Top Secret Restricted Data relating to nuclear weapons design. Why on Earth would the C.I.A. need such information?

These documents were also in the 2022 release:

r/conspiracy - C.I.A. obtains "Q" for 6 personnel, gives them access to Top Secret Restricted Data on nuclear weapons design

C.I.A. obtains "Q" for 6 personnel, gives them access to Top Secret Restricted Data on nuclear weapons design

r/conspiracy - James McCord is granted a "Q" clearance before heading to Frankfurt

James McCord is granted a "Q" clearance before heading to Frankfurt

This occurred directly before James McCord was sent to Rheims-Main AFB, near Frankfurt, Germany for two years for “Physical Security” duties. Was this just a “cover story” for providing technical services at a C.I.A. “black site” in Frankfurt for an Israeli atomic bomb? (wasn’t there some other “dodgy” C.!.A. program that was recently run out of Frankfurt?)

r/conspiracy - McCord goes to Frankfurt and then Air Warfare College

McCord goes to Frankfurt and then Air Warfare College pg.142

Page 92 of Angleton’s testimony describes a question from Chief Counsel Frederick Schwarz relating to an article by journalist Tad Szulc that claimed that during Eisenhower’s administration (which wanted to assist Israel obtain nuclear weapons) it was Angleton’s responsibility to provide that assistance. Angleton denied the claim:

r/conspiracy - Angleton denies he is in charge of a project to supply nuclear weapons to the Israelis

Angleton denies he is in charge of a project to supply nuclear weapons to the Israelis

However, later on in his testimony, Angleton admits to providing “technical assistance” but denies providing fissile material:

r/conspiracy - Denies nuclear technological assistance

Denies nuclear technological assistance

r/conspiracy - Changes his tune regarding "nuclear technological assistance"

Changes his tune regarding "nuclear technological assistance"

r/conspiracy - Angleton omits telling Church Committee that 6 CIA officers have DOE "Q" clearance

Angleton omits telling Church Committee that 6 CIA officers have DOE "Q" clearance

r/conspiracy - Angleton tries to cover his tracks

Angleton tries to cover his tracks

r/conspiracy - Angleton wants to "go off the record" to answer that one

Angleton wants to "go off the record" to answer that one

Pages 94-100 refer to the above.

In this short YouTube video, renown JFK assassination researcher Jefferson Morley describes how the fissile material may have been supplied to the Israelis:

So, halfway through President Kennedy’s term (mid-1962), we find 6 C.I.A. officers have been granted Q clearances that allow them access to nuclear weapons-related material. Not nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons. What were JFK’s thoughts on allowing the Israelis nuclear weapons? Obviously, the exact polar opposite of the Eisenhower Administration’s position.

From Wikipedia (verbatim) for full context. Sorry about its length but it is important to understand Jack Kennedy's stance on the subject:

1963 standoff on nuclear weapons between Israel and the United States

r/conspiracy - Kennedy and Ben-Gurion in 1961

Kennedy and Ben-Gurion in 1961

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported in 2019 that, throughout the spring and summer of 1963, the leaders of the United States and Israel – President John F. Kennedy and Prime Ministers David Ben-Gurion and Levi Eshkol – were engaged in a high-stakes battle of wills over Israel's nuclear program. The tensions were invisible to the publics of both countries, and only a few senior officials, on both sides, were aware of the severity of the situation. According to Yuval Ne'eman, Eshkol, Ben-Gurion's successor, and his associates saw Kennedy as presenting Israel with a real ultimatum. According to Ne'eman, the former Israel Air Force commander Maj. Gen. (res.) Dan Tolkowsky, seriously entertained the fear that Kennedy might send U.S. airborne troops to Dimona, the home of Israel's nuclear complex.[54]

On March 25, 1963, President Kennedy and CIA Director John A. McCone discussed the Israeli nuclear program. According to McCone, Kennedy raised the "question of Israel acquiring nuclear capability," and McCone provided Kennedy with Kent's estimate of the anticipated negative consequences of Israeli nuclearization. According to McCone, Kennedy then instructed National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy to guide Secretary of State Dean Rusk, in collaboration with the CIA director and the AEC chairman, to submit a proposal "as to how some form of international or bilateral U.S. safeguards could be instituted to protect against the contingency mentioned*." That also meant that the "next informal inspection of the Israeli reactor complex [must] …be undertaken promptly and... be as thorough as possible."*[54]

On April 2, 1963, Ambassador Barbour met Prime Minister Ben-Gurion and presented the American request for his "assent to semi-annual visits to Dimona perhaps in May and November, with full access to all parts and instruments in the facility, by qualified U.S. scientists." Ben-Gurion, apparently taken by surprise, responded by saying the issue would have to be postponed until after Passover, which that year ended on April 15. To highlight the point further, two days later, Assistant Secretary Talbot summoned Israeli Ambassador Harman to the State Department and presented him with a diplomatic démarche on the inspections. This message to Ben-Gurion was the first salvo in what would become "the toughest American-Israeli confrontation over the Israeli nuclear program".[54]

On April 26, 1963, more than three weeks after the original U.S. demand concerning Dimona, Ben-Gurion responded to Kennedy with a seven-page letter that focused on broad issues of Israeli security and regional stability. Claiming that Israel faced an unprecedented threat, Ben-Gurion invoked the specter of "another Holocaust," and insisted that Israel's security should be protected by joint external security guarantees, to be extended by the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Kennedy, however, was determined not to let Ben-Gurion change the subject. On May 4, 1963, he replied to the prime minister, assuring him that while "we are watching closely current developments in the Arab world," as to Ben-Gurion's proposal for a joint superpower declaration, Kennedy dismissed both its practicality and its political wisdom. Kennedy was much less worried about an "early Arab attack" than he was by "a successful development of advanced offensive systems which, as you say, could not be dealt with by presently available means."[54]

Kennedy would not budge on Dimona, and the disagreements became a "pain in the neck" for him, as Robert Komer later wrote. The confrontation with Israel escalated when the State Department transmitted Kennedy's latest letter to the Tel Aviv embassy on June 15 for immediate delivery to Ben-Gurion by Ambassador Barbour. In the letter Kennedy fleshed out his insistence on biannual visits with a set of detailed technical conditions. The letter was akin to an ultimatum: If the U.S. government could not obtain "reliable information" on the state of the Dimona project, Washington's "commitment to and support of Israel" could be "seriously jeopardized." But the letter was never presented to Ben-Gurion. The telegram with Kennedy's letter arrived in Tel Aviv on Saturday, June 15, the day before Ben-Gurion's announcement of his resignation, a decision that stunned his country and the world. Ben-Gurion never explained, in writing or orally, what led him to resign, beyond citing "personal reasons." He denied that his move was related to any specific policy issues, but the question of the extent to which Kennedy's Dimona pressure played a role remains open to discussion to the present day.[54]

On July 5, less than 10 days after Levi Eshkol succeeded Ben-Gurion as prime minister, Ambassador Barbour delivered to him a first letter from President Kennedy. The letter was virtually a copy of the undelivered letter of June 15 to Ben-Gurion.[55] As Yuval Ne'eman stated, it was immediately apparent to Eshkol and his advisers that Kennedy's demands were akin to an ultimatum, and thus constituted a crisis in the making. A stunned Eshkol, in his first and interim response, on July 17, requested more time to study the subject and for consultations. The premier noted that while he hoped that U.S-Israeli friendship would grow under his watch, "Israel would do what it had to do for its national security and to safeguard its sovereign rights." Barbour, apparently wanting to mitigate the bluntness of the letter, assured Eshkol that Kennedy's statement was "factual": Critics of strong U.S.-Israel relations might complicate the diplomatic relationship if Dimona was left uninspected.[54]

On August 19, after six weeks of consultations that generated at least eight different drafts, Eshkol handed Barbour his written reply to Kennedy's demands. It began by reiterating Ben-Gurion's past assurances that Dimona's purpose was peaceful. As to Kennedy's request, Eshkol wrote that given the special relationship between the two countries, he had decided to allow regular visits of U.S. representatives to the Dimona site. On the specific issue of the schedule, Eshkol suggested – as Ben-Gurion had in his last letter to Kennedy – that late 1963 would be the time for the first visit: By then, he wrote, "the French group will have handed the reactor over to us and it will be undertaking general tests and measurements of its physical parameters at zero power."[54]

Eshkol was vague on the proposed frequency of visits. Eshkol disregarded Kennedy's demand for biannual tours, while avoiding a frontal challenge to Kennedy's request. "Having considered this request, I believe we shall be able to reach agreement on the future schedule of visits," Eshkol wrote. In sum, the prime minister split the difference: To end the confrontation, he assented to "regular visits" by U.S. scientists, but he did not accept the idea of the prompt visit that Kennedy wanted and avoided making an explicit commitment to biannual inspections. Kennedy's appreciative reply did not mention these divergences, but assumed a basic agreement on "regular visits."[54]

In the wake of Eshkol's letter, the first of the long-sought regular inspection visits to Dimona took place in mid-January 1964, two months after Kennedy's assassination. The Israelis told the American visitors that the reactor had gone critical only a few weeks earlier, but that claim was not accurate. Israel acknowledged years later that the Dimona reactor became operational in mid-1963, as the Kennedy administration had originally assumed.[54]

It turned out that Kennedy's insistence on biannual visits to Dimona was not implemented after his death. U.S. government officials remained interested in such a schedule, and President Lyndon B. Johnson did raise the issue with Eshkol, but he never pressed hard on the subject the way that Kennedy had.[54]


Having already supplied the technical know-how (and possible fissile material) for assembly of one or nuclear weapons at the cut-out site in Germany – Angleton and the C.I.A. find themselves in May of 1963 in quite a dilemma. The covert continuation of the Israeli nuclear weapons program, started by Allen Dulles and continued behind President Kennedy’s back, leads Angleton to believe there is only one solution and turns to his old friend William Harvey for a ZR/RIFLE Executive Action. Harvey in turn assembles the team of E. Howard Hunt, David Morales, Frank Sturgis, Bernard “Macho” Barker, Lucien Conein (who recruits Corsican thug Lucien Sarti as a backup shooter), and, of course, Lee Harvey Oswald. George H.W. Bush is on the periphery too, though it is never proven he is on the C.I.A. payroll during that time.

With President Kennedy’s assassination, Angleton’s Israeli problem is now solved.

According to Jefferson Mosely, James Angleton in his early years was anti-sematic and in regular correspondence with noted poet and antisemite Ezra Pound. What caused the 180-degree shift? Was it something recovered from the ULATT crashes of 1947-48 that initiated the rapid creation of Israel and started the negotiations in 1951 that Angleton presided over to acquire nuclear weapons for the newly formed state? Did the C.I.A.’s compartment with the cryptonym MJ (later allegedly nicknamed “Majestic Jehovah” by Albert Einstein) also contain the program to acquire nuclear weapons, which prompted President Kennedy to demand “a review of MJ-12 Intelligence Operations as they relate to psychological warfare plans” from Allen Dulles on 28 June 1961? With Kennedy furious at having been led astray twice previously with:

  1. the Bay of Pigs invasion and
  2. William Harvey sending in 60 operatives into Cuba during the Missile Crisis,

Angleton knew that the third strike of being caught having delivered nuclear weapons behind JFK’s back would probably see Kennedy come good on his promise of “I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind**”.** Therefore Angleton, Dulles, and Harvey et. al. could only think of one solution to their shared problem of keeping their Deep State empire alive.

Angleton’s assistance to Israel is memorialized in Jerusalem.

r/conspiracy - Angleton's memorial in Jeruselum

Angleton's memorial in Jeruselum

James McCord, one of the CIA’s most brilliant technical officers with a stellar career, is later caught in the Watergate burglary in 1972 along with other team members from “the Big Event” in 1963, E. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, and Frank Sturgis. The Church Committee discovers that McCord and 5 other C.I.A. officers have Q clearances for no apparent reason and become suspicious after listening to Angleton’s testimony. The “Family Jewels” document, written by disgruntled C.I.A. officers at Director William Colby’s behest during the Church Committee period, most probably has as Number 1 on the list the fact that C.I.A. helped Israel acquire nuclear weapons in 1965-66, only to have them attack and kill U.S. personnel in the USS Liberty incident a year later in 1967 as their top grievance. The Family Jewel list Item 1 is still classified to this day.

So now you know not only the “Who, What, Where, and When”, but most importantly, the WHY of the John F. Kennedy assassination.

Merry Christmas


James Angleton (Head of Counter Espionage in Italy) and Henry Kissinger (Counter Intelligence Corps / Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit) roles during WW2 brought both men together as friends for the rest of their lives - was it due to their combined knowledge of crash retrievals from Milan and Roswell?


r/UFOs - James Angleton (Head of Counter Espionage in Italy) and Henry Kissinger (Counter Intelligence Corps / Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit) roles during WW2 brought both men together as friends for the rest of their lives - was it due to their combined knowledge of crash retrievals from Milan…


CIA Codenames and Cryptonyms: Is "MJ" the missing bi-gram?



I found this description of how the CIA routed its documents on the Mary Ferrell website intriguing:

"The first and most common mechanism of operational and personnel security has been to assign code names (cryptonyms) to functional sections of the CIA itself, to its offices and facilities, and to other government agencies as well as to its own operations and personnel. Cryptonyms are uppercased code names whose first two letters ("bi-gram")provide a context and aid document routing - these two digits normally refer to the geographic or functional area of a particular directorate, geographic region, office, or operation. As an example, the "AE" prefix was assigned to the Soviet Union. "AM" was used for Cuba, "OD" for the U.S. itself, and so on. Protocol called for the code names to be centralized and registered, but in practice, some groups - such as counter-intelligence - had the authority to create and control their own codes, and even maintain their documents outside the centralized system during certain periods of time." (my emphasis).

I've taken a snapshot of the webpage at and inserted two additional bigrams - MI and MJ:

r/aliens - Modified CIA Bi-gram list as examplar

Modified CIA Bi-gram list as examplar

"MI" would most likely not have been used to avoid confusion with British Intelligence's MI-5 and MI-6 organizations. The "MJ" bigram, however, may have been used to designate the Special Investigations Group of Jim Angletons' Counterintelligence Division and route all information and documents outside the regular CIA system, which Angleton was later found to have done by his successor, George Kalaris. CIA Assistant DDO Ted Shackley and Kalaris had to entice retired CIA officer Cleveland Cram to come back to work for them to "Find out what in hell happened. What were these guys doing". Kalaris thought Cram's study of Angleton's CI Division would be a one-year assignment. As David Wise points out in his book Molehunt (1992): "When Cram finally finished it in 1981... he had produced twelve legal-sized volumes, each three hundred to four hundred pages. Cram's approximately four-thousand-page study has never been declassified. It remains locked in the CIA's vaults."

Angletons' CI/SIG was heavily involved in monitoring Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the assassination. Curiously, they did not "officially" open a 201 file on him until a year AFTER his defection to the USSR, which is odd given the subject was a former U.S. Marine radar operator with a security clearance. The SIG has also had long been suspected of destroying documents related to LHO. Strangely, one of the Chiefs of another of Angleton's CI section, Raymond G. Rocca, wrote the narrative that CIA officers subpoenaed to the Warren Commission (including Director John McCone) would deliver under oath. Former CIA Director Allen Dulles, long rumored to be MJ-1 and author of the "Burned Memo" assassination directive, was one of the members of the Warren Commission anyway so they had all bases covered in protecting the existence of the overall MJ project regarding the alien presence.

Another highly sensitive project was created around the same time as the peak of alien interaction (1952 Washington Flyover) with an "MK" cryptonym was MKUltra. The existence of this project was only discovered due to a CIA "accident". In 1973, amid a government-wide panic caused by Watergate, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed. Pursuant to this order, most CIA documents regarding the project were destroyed, making a full investigation of MKUltra impossible. A cache of some 20,000 documents survived Helms's purge, as they had been incorrectly stored in a financial records building and were discovered following a FOIA request in 1977. These documents were fully investigated during the Senate Hearings of 1977. Perhaps the MJ compartment documents were also ordered by Helms to be destroyed alongside the MK compartment documents, only surviving by being literally "pulled from the fire" of the classified document destruction furnace? Maybe the person who rescued these documents was source S1, and the surviving records were delivered as the "Majestic Documents"?

Interestingly, the nickname "Majestic Jehovah" was supposedly given to the project bigram by Professor Albert Einstein, who, along with other leading scientists at the time, was briefed into the MJ compartment for their subject matter expertise. (I can't remember where I read this, I will try to locate the source).

Comments discussing the likelihood of the above theory (both for or against) are welcome.

Edit: formatting


The Majestic Operation organization structure and CIA as the Compartment Controller

Thanks to the efforts of u/Blackvault, we have unequivocal proof that the Central Intelligence Agency has the subject of UFOs / UAPs as one of its standing statutory authorizations. “HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS FOR SURE?” I hear you scream. Well, the answer is hidden in plain sight.

Page 1 of the at has the Classifying Officer’s name protected by 50 U.S.C. § 3024(m)(1), which is specifically for CIA personnel:

(m)Additional authority with respect to personnel

(1) In addition to the authorities under subsection (f)(3), the Director of National Intelligence may exercise with respect to the personnel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence any authority of the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency with respect to the personnel of the Central Intelligence Agency under the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 [50 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.], and other applicable provisions of law, as of December 17, 2004, to the same extent, and subject to the same conditions and limitations, that the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency may exercise such authority with respect to personnel of the Central Intelligence Agency.,and%20authorities%20of%20the%20Director%20of%20National%20Intelligence

That Title 50 refers specifically to the Intelligence Community, rather than the Defense Community, is states here by Professor Robert Chesney, the Charles I. Francis Professor in Law, University of Texas School of Law:

Reflecting this distinction, the argot of national security lawyers uses “Title 50 authority” and “Title 10 authority” as shorthands for the notion that there are distinct spheres of intelligence and military operations and that each is subject to a distinct set of standing statutory authorizations and constraints. Page 1 footnote 2

Now that the question of who controls the classified compartment is settled, we should look at the possible organization structure of the compartment to identify those who may have held positions within the compartment in the past. As the structure has changed post 9/11, these positions are no longer valid. I shall leave you to draw your own conclusions as to who may be holding similar positions in whatever the org structure looks like in the present day; however, any suggestions you might make as to their identity will possibly be in breach of your country’s intelligence laws. You are all smart people, so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to join the dots yourselves. One caveat though - please don’t post their names directly here as you may get “Vanned” early tomorrow morning. Cryptic inferences should be fine though.

r/UFOB - Majestic compartment structure prior to 9/11

Majestic compartment structure prior to 9/11

The diagram above is also from u/blackvault’s files, although he himself considers the document to be fake, it provides a good reference to what the organization of the compartments and sub-compartments would have looked like prior to 9/11. The creation of the Director of National Intelligence by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, which, I’m sure by just pure coincidence, is the start date of the report data collected for the Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena report of June 25, 2021. The chart in the original document is hard to read, so I’ve just made it clearer to read.

The first thing to notice is that the Office of the President, although at the top, is a sub-compartment of the Majestic Directorate. The sitting President only gets a brief overview of the Operation, not a “down in the weeds” briefing, as a person with a maximum of 8 years in the job doesn’t have a Need To Know all the details. The awkward meeting of Trump and Obama, where Trump is unusually subdued might have been the meeting in which Obama gave the handover regarding UAPs.

The core of the compartment was the six scientists and six administrators, who make up the MAJESTIC TWELVE. Here are some of my suggestions for previous Administrative members of this compartment:

Allen Dulles James Jesus Angleton William Colby Gen. Marshall Carter John McCone

Adm. Hillenkoter Gordon Grey Gen. A.C. Wedemeyer Gen. Curtis LeMay

For the Scientific Members of the compartment, I believe the following people might have had an MJ designation at some point:

Donald Menzel Detlev Bronk William Friedman Carl Sagan Vannevar Bush

Sub- Compartments

The sub-compartments would most likely have one of the MJ-12 members as Director. For instance, the Astronomy Task Unit would have been headed by Donald Menzel and later by Carl Sagan. The Analytical Science Task Unit might have been headed by Detlev Bronk, whose pioneering expertise in biophysics (the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena) would have been ideally suited to the subject matter. Early on in the history of the Majestic Operations compartment, I believe they contracted many specialist consultants to help understand the phenomena. There are numerous references to “the Princeton Consultants” (Oppenheimer, Einstein, von Neuman) and the “Paperclip Specialists” (von Braun et. al.), so these people were probably briefed into sub-compartments, and not full MJ designates. I believe this also might be why Oppenheimer got into hot water and lost his security clearance – he was talking about the subject matter outside of the compartment. The excellent lecture “Oppenheimer and UFOs” by Donald Burleson describes the “Un-American Activities” trial when Oppenheimer walks into the courtroom and discovers that MJ Twelve member Gordon Grey is presiding. Oppenheimer even called on Vannevar Bush as a witness for his defense, to no avail. Oppenheimer later stated to reporters that there was “a story within the story” regarding the revocation of his security clearance, but would not elaborate further.

The Bigoting Reports Task Unit is an interesting one – as well as full scope background checks and ongoing monitoring/polygraphs and “After Care” of persons briefed into the sub-compartments, this unit is most likely also tasked with identifying individuals that have skill sets that could be useful for future Majestic Operations research. Ross Coulthard covers this subject extensively in his book In Plain Sight, and recently physicist Mike McCulloch posted this on his LinkedIn profile:

r/UFOB - Mike McColloch

Mike McColloch

The MJ Designate to act as Director for this compartment would most likely have a Military / IC background.

The Linguistics Task Unit is a strange one – are they referring to extraterrestrial languages here? Cryptanalyst William Friedman was supposedly tasked with decrypting/decoding the “Library Book” found in the Aztec craft, and later acted as an embedded informant for the Majestic Operation Enforcement Command whilst working for the NSA.

Enforcement Command Staff – quite obviously an active military person would be a Director of this sub-compartment. The 101st Airborne Unit was known to wear Blue Berets in the mid-1970s, and would obviously work in coordination with the Air Cavalry Units for transport.

r/UFOB - 101st Airborne Division Blue Berets

101st Airborne Division Blue Berets

Finally, we come to the most interesting compartment – Covert Ops. Before we delve into how these individual agencies co-operate with each other without anyone “spilling the beans”, we must understand how the CIA has historically achieved similar activities within corporations and other government departments, possibly without their knowledge.

E. Howard Hunt, the infamous CIA officer, held numerous positions in “front companies” for the CIA. Some of these companies included:

· United Fruit Company

· Evergreen Advertising Agency

· Double-Chek Corporation

· Robert Mueller Company

Hunt’s friend and lawyer Douglas Caddy explains how he met Hunt in 1969 whilst working for the Mueller Company when Hunt was embedded (24:30 minute mark):

Gordon Novel gets a mention too in CIA declassified files as working for their front companies; it is denied in the text, but the routing sheet has a note from CIA Chief Counsel Lawrence Houston that “this is sensitive to CCS Division”. The CCS Division is the Central Cover Staff, which creates fake front companies and identities for CIA covert ops.

CIA personnel are also routinely installed in other U.S. Government Agencies – and as the old saying goes, there is no such thing as an ex-CIA officer. For example, “Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Intelligence and Analysis, The Hon. Leslie Ireland is the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Intelligence and Analysis. She joined Treasury in 2010 after 25 years at CIA where she specialized in Iran, the Middle East and WMD. Ms. Ireland retired in November 2016 after more than 31 years in the Intelligence Community.” It is believed Ireland utilized the Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund to assist CIA activities.

Notorious FBI Section Chief of Counterespionage Section Peter Strzok was also thought to hold some type of position at the CIA involving counter-intelligence.

Today, the CIA is more open about its activities in the corporate sector – they no longer have to operate front companies for cover. In-Q-Tel is a classic example – former CIA Director George Tenant is quoted as saying “While we pay the bills, In-Q-Tel is independent of CIA” George Tenet (1997), At The Center Of The Storm: My Years at the CIA, Harper Press, p. 26

CIA funding for other “non-profit” institutions like The Aerospace Corporation or Battelle is also probably not classified.

The point I’m trying to make here is that the majority of the workforce at the agencies on the Covert Ops compartment list probably don’t even know they have embedded CIA personnel on their books. A few other historical examples:

· General Albert Coady Wedemeyer - A noted military planner, he is a signatory to the 1947 Twining “White Hot” report, and is later installed into the NICAP board, alongside former CIA Director Vice-Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter. As you may recall, Adm. Hillenkoettor became quite vocal about the existence of UFOs after his retirement, and Wedemeyer was most likely installed to keep a handle on him. Hillenkoetter resigned from NICAP in Feb 1962 and was replaced on the NICAP Board by a former covert CIA high official, Joseph Bryan III, the CIA's first Chief of Political & Psychological Warfare (Bryan never disclosed his CIA background to NICAP or Keyhoe).

· General Marshall S. Carter – longtime Chief of Staff to General George C. Marshall during the events of 1947-1948 when Marshall was Secretary of State. Carter was Commanding Officer of Fort Bliss, Texas, where nuclear propulsion technology was being researched by Paperclip Specialists like von Braun. Deputy Director CIA during the Cuban Missile Crisis and JFK assassination, he later becomes the Director of the NSA. It was during a recording of his memoirs as DIRNSA that the activities at Ft. Bliss were accidentally revealed. The interviewer, Col. Robert D. Farley, has the following exchange, which Carter tries to (unsuccessfully) deflect:

Farley: When did Fort Bliss become the Nuclear and Special Weapons Headquarters*? That must have been later in the '50s?*

Carter: It was after my time.

Farley: It must have been in the mid-'50s.

Carter: After my time. I didn't know that it was.

Farley: I took a course there in '57, Nuclear and Special Weapons.

Carter (trying to deflect, as how could the CO of Ft. Bliss not know this*?)*: Well, you must have gone up to White Sands.

Farley: (Pushing the point, not realizing he is talking out of school about a HIGHLY sensitive subject): Well, yes. There were a couple of days of it up there and most of it was classroom in Fort Bliss where they showed you the "Fat Boy” and the big bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima.

Carter: Oh, that was at White Sands.

Farley (confused): Yeah.

Carter (trying to compose a cover story on the fly, not realizing that he confirms he was the CO at Ft. Bliss AFTER Farley did his course there, and also possibly confirming his membership of MAJESTIC TWELVE): When I was there in '61 and '62, I was there just for a year and four months of that I was off in Washington on a special study group*, which I think I covered in this tape. I went to establish a* command organization for hostilities for the military. page 34

(An interesting footnote here is that the foundation of Philip Klas’ “debunking” of Lt. Col Phillip Corso’s testimony was that Ft. Bliss never had a nuclear warfare/propulsion training function or housed Paperclip Specialists).

A Final Word Of Caution

Today, as I write this, the Central Intelligence Agency is in a VERY precarious position. The fact is now clear that they are the Compartment Controller for the UFO / UAP subject matter, and that as it is now classified subject matter, it is an admission that they have been lying not only to Congress but to the American people for over 70 years. The UAP Report only goes back to 2004 BECAUSE THE CIA IS REFUSING TO RELEASE THE DATA THEY HAD CONTROL OF PRIOR TO THE CREATION OF THE DNI OFFICE. The battle inside the U.S. Intelligence Community is intense – what else have they been hiding? The paper trail of their involvement in other nefarious activities such as bioweapons labs in foreign countries is compelling, and they are very much backed into a corner. Wernher von Braun’s warning of the “Last Card” they have to play may be very close to being laid on the table – be careful who you poke when investigating this subject from now on.

The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bluegill Triple Prime shootdown and recovery operation:

On the 19th of September 1962, 37 days before the peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis, a UFO was filmed following an ICBM re-entry vehicle test, traveling at Mach 18. This film has been categorised by AARO as a UFO event and is available to view in the National Archives website. This footage gives credence to Tom DeLonge's stating that both the U.S. and Soviets knew their nuclear weapons tests were being monitored by The Visitors. At the peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis on 26 October 1962, footage from two independent aircraft filmed an unidentified object following the re-entry vehicle of the Bluegill Triple Prime high altitude nuclear weapons test. The object is in close proximity to the enhanced X-ray thermonuclear weapon when it detonates and can be seen tumbling from the sky and crashing into the ocean. Both sequences of footage are also publically available, although one has been partially redacted. The deck logs of several US Navy ships record an unusual recovery operation in the days following the event, with one ship's crew (USNS Point Barrow) later found to have the second highest radiation readings of all ships involved in the Operation Dominic atmospheric tests, despite having no official role exposing the crew to radiation. James Angleton, acting as MJ-4, was forced to brief President Kennedy of the MJ-12 group's activities as a result of this shootdown event.


Marik Von Rennenkampff & Joe Murgia "ATLAS F TEST 103 UAP" tweet: National Archives footage of a UAP following an ICBM Re-entry Vehicle test circa 1962 - the same UAP that followed the Bluegill Triple Prime RV from 250km down to 48km and got whacked by the 400 Kt "Hot X-Ray" nuke on 25 OCT 1962?



BINGO: WS 107A 1 FLIGHT TEST WORKING GROUP FLIGHT TEST REPORT ATLAS MISSILE 8F AMR No. 103 describes the UAPs shown in footage Tweeted by Marik Von Rennenkampff & Joe Murgia - "Their origin or identification could not be determined". Page 14. The missile had cameras onboard too - THEY HAVE THE DATA!

r/UFOB - BINGO: WS 107A 1 FLIGHT TEST WORKING GROUP FLIGHT TEST REPORT ATLAS MISSILE 8F AMR No. 103 describes the UAPs shown in footage Tweeted by Marik Von Rennenkampff & Joe Murgia - "Their origin or identification could not be determined". Page 14. The missile had cameras onboard too - THEY HAVE…


Unidentified objects filmed tailgating an Avco Mk4 Re-entry Vehicle in a 1962 Atlas Missile ICBM test - USAF post-flight test report states "their origin or identification could not be determined". Rather disconcerting.

There is 1 minute and 20 seconds of footage on the Internet of an unidentified flying object following the re-entry vehicle of the Atlas 8F test on 19 September 1962 in the Atlantic Missile Range, and it appears to be "inspecting" the RV, like Bob Jacobs witnessed a few years later in the Pacific Missile Range. The footage was captured by a RC-135A Cobra Ball aircraft - the object appears at the 4 minutes 40 second mark. The RV has decoys and penetration aids that it deploys upon re-entry to confuse enemy air defense radar - this is clearly shown in the first 4 minutes of the footage. The object appears after the decoys and penaids have dispersed:

I have managed to track down the post flight test report of that incident, which states the following:

"one fairly large object and other smaller objects could be observed out behind the booster section. Their origin or identification could not be determined."

This statement is located on Page 14 of the original document, however the document has been deliberately scanned with pages 13 and 15 swapped around, making it difficult to follow the report findings. If you download the report and look at the PDF, that statement is on page 22:

Two weeks after this event on 3rd October 1962, astronaut Wally Schirra observed a large white object following his Sigma 7 capsule, which was also launched by a modified Atlas missile.

And finally, on 25th October 1962, 22 days after Schirra's flight, the re-entry vehicle of the Bluegill Triple Prime high altitude nuclear explosion test was hoisted aloft by a Thor missile to 170km altitude, before deploying and re-entring the Earths' atmosphere. Another object was observed following the RV during re-entry, but this RV was carrying a live thermonuclear device which was detonated at 48km altitude. The first few milliseconds of the explosion were filmed by a pair of RC-135A Cobra Ball aircraft for Operation Fishbowl, and an object can be clearly seen tumbling out from within the fireball in one of the Cobra Ball film and crashing into the ocean 35km off Johnson Island. The other Cobra Ball footage has a large white triangle covering the area where the object tumbles from - I am presently engaged with the Department of Energy in having the redaction removed.

As the Atlas 8F missile post flight test report states, NASA had "piggybacked" a science experiment onto the missile, so their engineers and scientists were sitting right alongside the USAF mission controllers at Cape Canaveral's Complex 11 control room.

Have a look for yourselves - it's freely available. Interested to know what you guys think they might have been.


Surely the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office can’t be this stupid? They have a link on their own website to the NARA UAP records, which contains the Atlas 8F missile test of 19th September 1962 where UAPs were both filmed AND reported on by the USAF and NASA. I thought they had "no evidence"?


r/UFOs - Surely the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office can’t be this stupid? They have a link on their own website to the NARA UAP records, which contains the Atlas 8F missile test of 19th September 1962 where UAPs were both filmed AND reported on by the USAF and NASA. I thought they had "no…


In the days leading to the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States military and NASA had close encounters with UFOs during nuclear weapons re-entry vehicle tests and the Mercury 8 manned spaceflight. It culminated with the Bluegill Triple Prime takedown of a UFO - and MJ-12 were forced to brief JFK.  (video unavailable)


Blue Gill Triple Prime: the time the U.S. accidentally shot down a UFO with a high-altitude nuclear explosion


Footage taken by EG&G of the Blue Gill Triple Prime shot

The imagery above was taken from the official declassified footage of Operation Fishbowl. An object can be seen "tumbling" out of the fireball in the first few seconds of the Bluegill Triple Prime nuclear test, 48 kilometers above the Earth.

You also recall the following conversation between Lue Elizondo and James Iandoli:

Iandoli: “Starfish Prime was where they were doing some tests with nuclear explosions in space, and something crashes into the ocean and was retrieved.”

Elizondo: “Let me ah…there may be some significance to EMPs….ah…and I’m gonna go out on a limb here…please don’t take this and anyone run to the hills…this is, at this point, pure speculation…on…based upon some potential observations made in the past. Ah…there may be some truth that an electromagnetic pulse of energy can interfere with whatever this technology is and its propulsion. Like a bubble. And if it interferes with it, you know….hmmm…you now have a..a…a very interesting scenario where whatever is keeping these things up in the sky…no longer does that…can’t do it. So now all of a sudden, this object comes crashing down, this object that has no wings, no tail, no ailerons, no…no obvious signs of propulsion, and it now it really becomes a brick, and that brick falls. And now all of a sudden gravity has a say, and mother nature takes over. And that’s…that’s probably all I will say right now. About that.”

The United States completed six high-altitude nuclear tests in 1958, but the high-altitude tests of that year raised a number of questions. According to U.S. Government Report ADA955694 on the first successful test of the Fishbowl series, "Previous high-altitude nuclear tests: Teak, Orange, and Yucca, plus the three ARGUS shots were poorly instrumented and hastily executed. Despite thorough studies of the meager data, present models of these bursts are sketchy and tentative. These models are too uncertain to permit extrapolation to other altitudes and yields with any confidence. Thus there is a strong need, not only for better instrumentation, but for further tests covering a range of altitudes and yields.

There were three phenomena in particular that required further investigation:

  1. The electromagnetic pulse generated by a high-altitude nuclear explosion appeared to have very significant differences from the electromagnetic pulse generated by nuclear explosions closer to the surface.
  2. The auroras associated with high-altitude nuclear explosions, especially the auroras that appeared almost instantaneously far away from the explosion in the opposite hemisphere, were not clearly understood. The nature of the possible radiation belts that were initially generated along the magnetic field lines connecting the areas of the auroral displays were also poorly understood.
  3. Areas of blackout of radio communication needed to be understood in much more detail since that information would be critical for military operations during periods of possible nuclear explosions.

The Fishbowl tests were a sub-project of the larger Project Dominic series and were monitored by a large number of surface and aircraft-based stations in the wide area around the planned detonations and also in the region in the southern hemisphere in the Samoan Islands region, which was known in these tests as the southern conjugate region. Johnston Island is in the northern hemisphere, as were all of the planned Operation Fishbowl nuclear detonation locations. It was known from previous high-altitude tests, as well as from theoretical work done in the late 1950s, that high-altitude nuclear tests produce a number of unique geophysical phenomena at the opposite end of the magnetic field line of the Earth's magnetic field.

According to the initial plan of Operation Fishbowl, the nuclear tests were to be Bluegill, Starfish and Urraca, in that order. If a test were to fail, the next attempt of the same test would be of the same name plus the word "prime." If Bluegill failed, the next attempt would be Bluegill Prime, and if Bluegill Prime failed, the next attempt would be Bluegill Double Prime, etc. Expansion of Operation Fishbowl later included the Kingfish, Checkmate, and Tight Rope series of tests.

The Starfish Prime shot is probably the most well-known of the Fishbowl shots, mainly because of the high electromagnetic pulse it generated. However, footage of the only successful Bluegill test displays an object tumbling out of the nuclear fireball - and in some cases, the footage displays deliberate attempts to cover this object up. In an interview with James Iandoli, Lue Elizondo has to choose his words wisely when the Starfish Prime subject is mentioned, and he confirms that High Altitude Nuclear Explosions (HANE) do interfere with UFO/UAP propulsion systems but does not go into the specific mechanisms. Recently re-analyzed data from the Starfish Prime shot, along with new information from scientist Thomas Townsend Brown's own private papers may offer an explanation.

The fourth attempt at the Bluegill test was launched on a Thor missile on 25 October 1962 (Johnston Island time). It resulted in a successful detonation of a sub-megaton nuclear warhead at about one minute before midnight, local time (the official Coordinated Universal Time was 0959 on 26 October 1962). It was officially reported as being in the sub-megaton range (meaning more than 200 kilotons but less than one megaton), and most observers of the U.S. nuclear testing programs believe that the nuclear yield was about 400 kilotons. Specific data of the shot is as follows:

DOMINIC I/ FISHBOWL--Bluegill Triple Prime 26 Oct 1962 08:59 UTC 16.9 N 169.2 W 48.2 kilometers altitude over Johnston Island, Pacific Ocean 400 kiloton W50, boosted fission warhead.

What could have caused a nearby UFO to get "knocked for six" by the Bluegill blast?

The Starfish Prime blast blew out a huge bubble of plasma, producing a giant, short-lived cavity in the Earth’s ionosphere. The planet’s magnetic field was completely expelled for nearly half a minute.

In 1963, a little more than a year after the blast and just months after the Cuban Missile Crisis, the U.S. and Soviet Union agreed to ban above-ground nuclear testing. The Starfish Prime magnetic tapes are now some of the only data ever recorded from a real high-altitude nuclear test.

In the decades after, thousands of scientists spent millions of hours developing the physics and computational models to interpret high-altitude phenomena, like those observed in Starfish Prime. But mysteries remained — especially surrounding the EMP emitted, which was far larger than physicists had theorized.

When the U.S. government shelved the testing program, Palmer Dyal, the scientist who led the recording of Starfish Prime’s magnetic field data, shelved the box of magnetic tapes, too — in his garage.

And there the tapes sat for four decades.

Then, in the early 2000s, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency asked Dyal if he would analyze the recordings. In 2006, Dyal published the first magnetic field data from a once-classified high-altitude nuclear explosion ever shared publicly.*qt2jx5*_ga*NzE0NTQ2MDc1LjE2ODIwNDk2MTc.*_ga_1CCM6YP0WF*MTY4MjE0MzIwMC4yLjEuMTY4MjE0MzI0Mi4wLjAuMA..

r/UFOB - Figure 1. Payload trajectories were located in the plane of the magnetic meridian through Johnston Island. At the Starfish burst time the payloads were positioned near the beginning of the short thick 5 mm enhanced portion of the trajectory which depicts the 30 s time period that…

Figure 1. Payload trajectories were located in the plane of the magnetic meridian through Johnston Island. At the Starfish burst time the payloads were positioned near the beginning of the short thick 5 mm enhanced portion of the trajectory which depicts the 30 s time period that high-frequency data were recorded for 3 s before, through 27 s after detonation. The expanding plasma boundary is shown at three-time steps as it was measured by P-6 beta detectors at H + 0.66 s, then P-7 at H + 0.63 s, and P-4 field at H + 0.993 s. P-2 and P-3 were outside the bubble boundary during the rapid expansion and collapse phase. The contour at H + 1.20 s was determined from P-2 and P-4 magnetic field measurements and P-3 and P-7 beta particle measurements as the spacecraft traveled through remnants of the stopped debris.

The large "diamagnetic bubble" cavity formed by the Starfish Prime blast would have been considerably larger than the one generated by the Bluegill Triple Prime shot, due to the higher burst altitude (400km versus 48km) and the weapon's yield (1400 kilotons versus 400 kilotons). However, data from Starfish Prime The magnetic field dropped to a value of 0.06 gauss inside the cavity, whilst it measured 0.226 gauss outside the cavity, which is near the ambient pre-burst value of 0.256 gauss (page 11 of Dyal's paper). In other words, the magnetic field of the Earth was completely removed from that cavity for a brief period of time. This is interesting because in a recently published book by Paul Schatzkin titled "The Man Who Mastered Gravity", it is revealed that the mysterious Dr. Thomas Townsend Brown claimed that gravity potential is inversely proportional to electrical potential. As we all know, electricity and magnetism go hand in hand - so would a very low magnetic field strength of 0.06 gauss inside a diamagnetic cavity also create a very high gravity field inside the cavity and cause a UFO to uncontrollably get pulled toward the center of the Earth?

The page in reference:

r/UFOB - "The Man Who Mastered Gravity" page 225

"The Man Who Mastered Gravity" page 225

r/UFOB - Excellent read

Excellent read

The footage of the Bluegill Triple Prime shot seems to display an object tumbling out of the fireball in the first few seconds after the detonation. The geniuses at Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier (EG&G) even tried to cover up the falling object by placing a large conspicuous white triangle over sections of the footage that used different filters to examine the detonation and plasma creation. Oke Shannon's note from the Advanced Theoretical Physics conference in 1985 has the following:

r/UFOB - Page 8 ATP notes

Page 8 ATP notes

So would a "near zero" gauss environment (even if only briefly) interfere with an advanced propulsion system? Possibly. Dyal's paper states the following:

"An estimation of the radial extent of the Starfish plasma cavity was calculated in order to select locations for instrumented payloads to measure the particles and fields associated with the burst. Rule-of-thumb estimates of nuclear weapon energy partition indicated that approximately 60% would go into X rays, 25% into debris kinetic energy, and 15% into neutrons, gamma rays, beta particles, etc. This energy partition is strongly dependent upon weapon design and the surrounding hardware. For a rough estimate the yield was approximated as 1 MT with a weight of 1 ton of iron that expanded as a spherical shell from the burst point. " (Page 18).

The fact that the Los Alamos National Laboratory attendees to the ATP conference wanted classified nuclear weapons design documents available "as required" seems to indicate an interest in either expanding the diamagnetic cavity or an increase in the amount of Beta radiation generated through a particlar nuclear weapon design as a method of kinetic defense against hostile UFOs/ UAPs.

r/UFOB - Cover page of ATP conference

Cover page of ATP conference

It is also interesting to note that the final series of Operation Fishbowl, the Tightrope series, used the Nike Hercules missile. Dr Bernard J. Dunn, one of the founders of Braddock, Dunn and McDonald (BDM) who hosted the conference, played a major role in the development of anti-ballistic missile technology, tested related weapons systems such as MIM-14 Nike-Hercules, and studied the effect of large electromagnetic fields on U.S. aircraft and missiles.

The fact that rockets with scientific instruments onboard flew inside the diamagnetic cavity during the Starfish Prime would seem to negate the "extreme gravity" hypothesis - although it might also be that our crude chemical rockets are less sensitive to the conditions inside the cavity than the advanced propulsion systems on a UFO/UAP.

There are also very large amounts of Beta radiation generated by high-altitude nuclear bursts; there is also mention in Oke Shannon's notes about "B^2 detectors":

r/UFOB - B2 detectors - page 25

B2 detectors - page 25

The nuclear weapon design also has a bearing on the number of beta particles generated. The "kick starter" of a fusion weapon is a fission weapon - and the thick "tamper" (usually depleted Uranium) is used to contain the neutrons inside the fission component to allow the correct number of split generations form part of the weapons debris after a blast. Dyal again here, discussing the positioning of the science payloads during the blast and the beta flux generated by the fission components:

"These positions were chosen to bracket most of the early time phenomenology. The fission beta particle flux, ion density, and magnetic field were selected to be measured at each site for a period of 30 s with a frequency response greater than 1 kHz." Page 19*.*

For the Bluegill series, the W-50 warhead was chosen. The W50 was a two-stage, gas boosted, externally initiated design.The warhead was body 14 inches (360 mm) in diameter and 15+3⁄8 inches (390 mm) in diameter at the mounting flange, 44 inches (1,100 mm) long and weighed 412 pounds (187 kg). The mounting flange was aluminium and shrunk-fit over the steel warhead case. The boosting gas bottle was mounted outside the pressure cover to enable replacement without breaking the warhead seal. The warhead electrical system contained two neutron generators. The unique design of this warhead by Los Alamos Labs may have also produced a particular effect that proved detrimental to the objects flight.

Further reading on this subject can be found at the following here:

Edit: I've just found this statement from a paper titled "Electric Propulsion Study" by Denis Cravens of SIAC. Cravens lists Dr. Pharis Williams as a consultant for the paper. "Willie" was one of Oke Shannon's buddies, who developed the Dynamic Theory. This theory sound very similar to what Townsend Brown was working on. This section describes the "electromagnetic-gravity coupling".:

"Conventional physics rules out any departure from the conservation of momentum. Recently, however, physics has seen a multitude of new theories that try to unify all of physics. One specific set of multidimensional theories has approached the unification problem by inductively coupling the electromagnetic (EM) forces with the gravitational forces. Inductive coupling means that a conversion between gravitational and electrical forces is possible. Inductively linked theories indicate that the interactions between the two forces may open methods for the interconversion of electric and gravitational events, just as magnetic and electric events are now interconvered*. This means that inductively coupied theories may offer ways to convert charges into masses. This is similar to the way the fourth dimension has supplied a method of converting mass into energy.* "

Inversely proportional = interconversion.


Blue Gill Triple Prime shootdown Part 2: Was the crash retrieval operation successful?


Continuing from Part 1, let’s first look at what the failing object captured by the EG&G science film crew WASN'T.

r/UFOB - Blue Gill Triple Prime falling object sequence

Blue Gill Triple Prime falling object sequence

Delivery vehicle/weapons debris

The PGM-17 Thor rocket used in the Blue Gill Triple Prime (BGTP) shot was a single-stage, liquid oxygen/ kerosene fuelled launch vehicle. It had an overall length of 19.82 m (65 ft) and a maximum span of 2.74 m (9 ft). The warhead used for BGTP was the W-50 boosted fission weapon. This refers to a type of nuclear bomb that uses a small amount of tritium and deuterium gas as a fusion source to increase the amount of neutrons available for a greater number of induced fission reactions to take place. The fusion fuel increases the yield of the weapon but does not add much energy to the weapon output itself.

In his book Nuclear Weapons – Principles, Effects, and Survivability, (Brassey’s, 1993), author Charles S. Grace has the following table as an example of the various nuclear fireball sizes by yield and the time it takes to reach maximum radius (page 25):

Yield Max. Radius Time to Max. Radius

1kT 67m 0.0417 seconds

20kT 220m 0.1560 seconds

1000kT 1062m 0.871 seconds

Given that the stated yield of BGTP was 400kT, it can be seen that the radius of the nuclear fireball was somewhere around the 450 – 500m mark within less than 0.5 a second. Grace also states here that the true fireball temperature around this time is over 1,000,000° C, which instantly vaporizes the launch vehicle components and any weapon debris to form a highly radioactive plasma. This plasma is what forms the diamagnetic cavity which, at high altitudes, pushed the Earth’s magnetic field lines apart for a brief period of time. Therefore, the “falling debris” scenario is not plausible.

Deployed instrumentation pods

An unclassified Technical Review of the entire Operation Dominic 1 nuclear test series of 1962 (which included Operation Fishbowl) was compiled by the KAMAN TEMPO Group of Santa Barbara in 1983. Most of the technical information of this post is derived from this document, which from hereon in will be referred to as the "KT Report":

All of the Operation Fishbowl shots that used the PGM-17 Thor missile as the delivery system had three instrumented pods that were deployed in-flight at specific points to capture Gamma and X-Ray data. The pods were designed to separate from the missile at pre-determined altitudes so they would be at prescribed distances from the device when the nuclear warhead detonated. The pods were orientated with the sensor base toward the detonation as they descended via parachute and were retrieved by Navy Ships and Marine Corps helicopters. Extreme care was required during their recovery as they became radioactive when exposed to the detonations. (KT Report, pg. 218).

r/UFOB - Thor in-flight deployed instrument pods

Thor in-flight deployed instrument pods

From the KT Report (pg. 244): “Scientific experiments were quite successful, including photography. The weather was exceptionally clear. The three instrument pods were carried aloft by the Thor missile. They functioned properly and were subsequently recovered by the Navy and returned to Johnston Island. All three pods were radioactive…”

Project 8A.3 -- Structural Response to Thermal Radiation from High-Altitude Fireball

Agencies: Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory (AFFDL) American Science and Engineering (ASE)

Operations: Instrument-carrying pods were exposed to high-altitude detonations. Returned pods were placed in “hot” cells on Johnston Island once they were recovered by Marine Corps helicopters or Navy fleet tugs. The instruments were then removed. Project personnel working near the pods or instruments removed from the pods could have been exposed to beta and gamma radiation. No alpha activity was detected on the pods.


So, we can also conclude here that an instrument pod was not the object that was seen tumbling into the Pacific Ocean shortly after detonation.

r/UFOB - Deployable instrument pod detail

Deployable instrument pod detail

Small instrument rockets launched before, during, and after BGTP detonation

Twenty-eight small instrument rockets were launched from Johnston Island for BGTP, including two for sampling the nuclear cloud debris that formed after the detonation. (KP report, pg. 244). The general approach was to define a set of instruments, payloads, and booster rockets that would produce reliable measurements and be robust enough to survive and operate in the Starfish and Blue Gill radiation environment. The Blue Gill series used different delivery vehicles to position the instrumented systems, with first-stage motor burns lasting 3 seconds. All instrumented systems worked as specified for BGTP, according to the KT Report. The Starfish series, being exo-atmospheric, used the multi-stage Scout delivery vehicle to position the instrumentation correctly for the 400km attitude shot. The Blue Gill series, being much lower at 48 km altitude used the smaller, Nike-Cagun and Honest John rockets to position the instrumented systems in the pre-determined spots. It was these systems that Palmer Dyal used to collect the magnetic field and beta radiation data for Starfish Prime that was re-analyzed in 2006 to make the diamagnetic cavity discovery. page 29

r/UFOB - Two-stage instrumented rocket used for Blue Gill Triple Prime shot (left) compared with multi-stage Scout vehicle used for the Starfish Prime shot.

Two-stage instrumented rocket used for Blue Gill Triple Prime shot (left) compared with multi-stage Scout vehicle used for the Starfish Prime shot.

The two small rockets used to sample the nuclear cloud debris were launched well after the detonation but were not recovered. These being the only two instruments that were not found (rather than malfunctioning), we can therefore also rule out these systems as a source of “falling debris” in the few milliseconds immediately after detonation.

r/UFOB - These timings show the majority of the small rockets were sent up AFTER the Blue Gill Triple Prime detonation (  pg. 68)

These timings show the majority of the small rockets were sent up AFTER the Blue Gill Triple Prime detonation ( pg. 68)

The Blue Gill Triple Prime retrieval operation

With so much instrumentation requiring immediate recovery after splashdown, it was necessary to have a large fleet of recovery vessels on station in the nearby vicinity of “Surface Zero” directly below the BGTP detonation. The following gives an idea of the size and location of the recovery fleet:

r/UFOB - Command, Control, and Recovery vessels on station for Blue Gill Triple Prime shot

Command, Control, and Recovery vessels on station for Blue Gill Triple Prime shot

The recovery fleet and the distance of each vessel from Surface Zero of BLUEGILL Triple Prime shot Johnston Island, on 25 October 1962 (23:59 local time) is as follows:

Group 1

USS Princeton (LPH-5): Amphibious assault ship with a normal complement of 3,448. Participated ln Flagship Element (TE and provided JTF 8 Operations Control Center. BLUEGILL Triple Prime (Johnston Island, 25 October 23:59). Steaming approximately 10 nm (19 km) northeast of Johnston Island. around 30 mi (56 km) from surface zero.

USAS American Mariner: This ship was operated for the Army by Mathiasen Tanker Industries. Inc. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. The Army missile command used this ship, designated the DAMP (Down Range Anti-Missile Measurement Program) ship, as an instrumentation platform.

USS Lipan (ATP-85): Fleet Ocean tug with a normal complement of 85. BLUEGILL Triple Prime (Johnston Island, 25 October 23:59). Underway independently for the designated area, approximately 40 nm (74 km) north-northeast of the detonation.

Group 2

USS John S. McCain (DL-3): Frigate with a normal complement of 403. Element of the Johnston Island Operations Unit (TU 8.3.6). where it led pod recovery activities. BLUEGILL Triple Prime (Johnston Island. 25 October. 23:59). Steaming with Engage and Safeguard in the vicinity of Johnston Island. conducting random barrier ASW patrol, approximately 35 nm (65 km) north of the detonation. The next day recovered pod and transferred to a mechanized landing craft (LCM).

USS Engage (MSO-433): Ocean minesweeper with a normal Complement Of 74. participated in pod and nosecone recovery operations as well as in TU 8.3.6 (Johnston Island Operations Unit). BLUEGILL Triple Prime, (Johnston Island, 25 October. 23:59). Steaming on assigned station off Johnston Island, approximately 35 nm (65 km) north of detonation.

USS Safeguard (ARS-25): Salvage ship with a normal complement of 120. Member of TE (Recovery Element). Details of its exact position and activities in the immediate aftermath of BLUEGILL Triple Prime, (Johnston Island, 25 October. 23:59) are missing from the KT Report (Page 309). Page 310 has a sticky note on it with “to be researched again”.

Group 3

USS Henry County (UT-824): Tank landing ship with a normal complement of 266. Arrived Johnston Island 6 October. Element of the Scientific Unit (TE BLUEGILL Triple Prime (Johnston Island, 25 October 23:59). Steaming in scientific formation in company with Summit County. The ship was approximately 13 mi (24 km) south-southwest of the detonation.

USNS Point Barrow (T-AW-1): NSTS dock cargo ship with a normal complement of 67. Member of the Scientific Element (TE Participated in rollup operations for Christmas Island. which were completed by 17 August. On 12 December Point Barrow returned to Johnston Island For the rollup phase. No log has been located for the ship. However. some of its activities were documented and are summarized below. BLUEGILL Triple Prime (Johnston Island, 25 October. 23:59). Steaming on the scientific station. 16 nm (30 km). Bearing 185.8OT from the blast.

Group 4

USNS Harris County (T-LST-822): Tank landing ship with a complement of 43. Participated as a unit of the logistics and scientific element and as part of the rollup phases for both Christmas and Johnston Islands. BLUEGILL Triple Prime (Johnston Island. 25 October. 23:59). Steaming on assigned station in formation with USS Summit County (LST-1146). The ship was 15 nm (28 km) south of detonation.

USS Summit County (UT-1146): Tank landing ship with a normal complement of 119. Unit of TS (Scientific). Participated in Johnston Island shots only. BLUEGILL Triple Prime (Johnston Island. 25 October 23:59). At 1300 Steaming on assigned station to remain with Harris County. On 26 October at 0000 observed detonation, ship approximately 15 nm (28 km) south of detonation.

r/UFOB - Pages 308 & 310 of the KT Report, show the partial record of the salvage ship USS Safeguard (ARS-25). Where is page 309?

Pages 308 & 310 of the KT Report, show the partial record of the salvage ship USS Safeguard (ARS-25). Where is page 309?

r/UFOB - Aircraft on station for Blue Gill Triple Prime shot. The EG&G footage was shot from either the CORDOVA (looking back to Johnston Island) or KETTLE and KIBOSH2 (looking obliquely, much closer to detonation) KC-135 aircraft. My bet is KIBOSH2.

Aircraft on station for Blue Gill Triple Prime shot. The EG&G footage was shot from either the CORDOVA (looking back to Johnston Island) or KETTLE and KIBOSH2 (looking obliquely, much closer to detonation) KC-135 aircraft. My bet is KIBOSH2.

The Air Force arrayed 22 aircraft for the BGTP detonation as shown in Figure 105. Other aircraft participating Included Air Force WE-50s and U-2s (weather). Navy P2Vs (surveillance and pod recovery). and Marine helicopters (pod recovery).

UFO crash retrieval operation?

To me, it looks like the EG&G camera crew were in the KIBOSH2 KC-135 aircraft, so the object splashdown was very close to where the recovery command group McCain, Engage and Safeguard vessels were located (maybe why page 309 of the KT report is missing?).

So, given that U.S. Navy salvage and cargo vessels were only a few kilometers from where the object tumbled into the ocean, could they have recovered the wreckage?

Even though they were very close, unless it was extremely lightweight and floated on the ocean surface, I think it is highly UNLIKELY that the U.S. Navy was able to recover it (Edit 18/05/23: I have since found the deck logs of USS John S. McCain, USS Engage and USS Safeguard that they did indeed recover something - covered in Part 3). The Pacific drops to almost a kilometer in depth just a few hundred meters of the southern coast of Johnston Island and is 2km deep around the area of Surface Zero. 6 months after Blue Gill Triple Prime, the U.S. Navy lost the nuclear submarine USS Thresher in 2.6 km of water; although the bathyscape Trieste was dispatched from San Diego on April 11, 1963 to assist in the search, the first dives on the wreck did not take place until June 24. The inadequacy of the recovery vessels in the U.S. Navy inventory at that time led to the acquisition of vessels that were fit for purpose. In any case, all of the vessels that participated in Blue Gill Triple Prime support were also used for the Kingfish shot just a few days later on November 1, including the vessels with missing logs or status reports. If something had been recovered, one would naturally assume that at least one of the vessels would have been used to transport the wreckage back to the Continental United States (CONUS).

r/UFOB - Chart of the Johnston Atoll and surrounding oceanic depths in meters

Chart of the Johnston Atoll and surrounding oceanic depths in meters

NOTE: Whilst writing this post, Richard Dolan reposted a YouTube video on Twitter that he and his wife made in January 2020 on this exact subject.

Dolan was contacted by an eyewitness to the Blue Gill Triple Prime shot named David who claimed to see both an enormous UFO at the time of the event and who later that day had heard the object had crashed into the Pacific Ocean. Years later, this sailor came across a USN diver who was tasked with the recovery of the downed object (perhaps the Diver was on one of the vessels with the missing logs or missing pages in the KT report?). The sailor stated he was onboard the USS Finch (DER-328) when BGTP occurred, which was stationed off Johnston Island acting as the Radar Guard. Although the KT Report does not have USS Finch there at the time, it does have its twin sister, USS Forster (DER-334) in that position (Finch and Forster had rendezvous just after the Starfish Prime shot, with Finch returning to Honolulu and Forster returning to Johnston Island - perhaps the sailor transferred aboard?) David said the yield of the BGTP shot was around 1000kT – and whilst official records state the output was 400kT, David’s estimate may be actually closer to the mark. The KT Report states that the heat from the fireball could be felt by ground staff on Johnston Island, even though the blast was 48 km away. Two sailors in the area also suffered serious retinal eye burns from the blast, which was unexpected. The W-50 warhead, being of the boosted fission type, may have worked far more efficiently than expected at the high altitude, which produced a greater yield output. I highly recommend a listen.

The Edgerton Germeshausen & Grier (EG&G) staff.

The functions of the contractors varied during Operation Fishbowl. Some, such as Edgerton Germeshausen & Grier (EG&G) provided services for the whole or large parts of the operation. Some were manufacturers of hardware whose personnel were at the test areas to assist in the operation and maintenance of their hardware. Finally, some were there as consultants to the government scientific organizations, and their personnel participated in the design, execution, and reporting of the projects.

For example:

· TASK UNIT 8.1.6. A civilian unit of 183 personnel from Edgerton. Germeshausen. and Grier. Inc. Tu 8.1.6 provided the timing and firing signals for the nuclear detonation, when required, and also gave technical support to other JTF 8 units. They were primarily located on Johnston Island.

· Project 8A.2 -- Optical Phenomenology of High-Altitude Nuclear Detonations

Agency: Edgerton, Germerhausen & Grier (EG&G)

Operations: This project obtained optical coverage of the five high-altitude events from land-based and airborne platforms. The aircraft used were KC-135s. Nos. 53120. 53144. 60376. Three project members flew aboard each aircraft for all shots except the first when two members were aboard each aircraft. Land-based sites were Johnston Island, Samoa. Fiji. and Tonga. Personnel wore stationed at Hickam, Johnston Inland. Samoa. Fiji, Tonga. and the Island of Hawaii. Only at Johnston Island was there a potential for radiation exposure and this was low.


Staffing: At Johnston Island, personnel strength varied from five to ten. At Samoa, the peak strength was eight. Two people were in Fiji and two at Tonga. There was four personnel from the Army Pictorial Center, one from the University of Rochester, one from Holmes & Narver, and one from Photo-Sonics. Inc. working for EG&G on this project. none of whom were badged. Only three of the twenty identified probable participants were badged (see Table 14). project Report: Reference c.2036. (KT Report pg. 126).

r/UFOB - Details of the EG&G tasking for low, medium and high speed filming of the detonation

Details of the EG&G tasking for low, medium and high speed filming of the detonation page 53

So, what did the EG&G cameraman aloft actually do when filming the Blue Gill Triple Prime fireball? After seeing the debris fall, he monitored the fireball as tasked. Towards the end of the expansion though, he tilts the camera down as if he was looking for the debris, before returning to the fireball. In doing so he missed vital a part of the fireball development – and was probably reprimanded afterward for the loss of scientific data. It must have been a totally unexpected sight to see the debris fall – enough of an anomaly to cause a highly trained professional to deviate from the important scientific tasking.

Finally, we also must wonder about the conspicuous “white triangle” used by EG&G to cover up the obvious anomalies present when the footage was viewed through different phenomenology filters. These filters gave highly detailed insights into the inner workings of the nuclear fireball. Like a trick learned from NASA, the area covered is exactly where the object appears to fall from in the unfiltered footage. Specific details of the event that caused the object to tumble out of control must have been in plain sight for the EG&G staff to use such a crude method of obfuscation. But why release this footage at all if the evidence is so obvious? The Blue Gill series had been a complete and unmitigated disaster up to the point of the Triple Prime shot, heavily irradiating both the ocean and the Johnston Island environs unnecessarily. I believe they had to release something from this series, least hard questions be asked in Washington about the competency of the Department of Defense and Atomic Energy Commission to operate and maintain such weapons.

r/UFOB - "White triangle" device used to cover up technical imagery of the object falling out of the nuclear fireball

"White triangle" device used to cover up technical imagery of the object falling out of the nuclear fireball

I believe the Blue Gill Triple Prime shot is worthy of further investigation. Areas of effort could include interviews of former U.S. Navy like Dolan's contact "David", USAF, or civilian staff involved in it or other Operation Fishbowl nuclear shots.

They were hiding something and got away with it for 60 years!

Edit: typos and added KIBOSH2 as the most likely aircraft EG&G took the footage from.

Edit 2: Link to Part 1, as requested by r/UFOs moderators:


Bluegill Triple Prime Part 3: Official US Navy deck logs confirm anomalous objects were retrieved from the ocean in the days after the high-altitude nuclear weapons test detonation.


Thanks to the efforts of Twitter user MetaStudioLogic, we are now able to focus our investigation on the official US Navy deck logs of the five vessels that were directly involved in the recovery operations of the instrumentation pods and rocket nosecones in the days following the Bluegill Triple Prime nuclear test, with the entries of the four-hour watch observations:

r/UFOB - Ships in the focus of the anomalous events surrounding the Bluegill Triple Prime test

Ships in the focus of the anomalous events surrounding the Bluegill Triple Prime test

First, we will focus on the Johnston Island Recovery Operations Unit (TU 8.3.6) logs for 26 October 1962. The Bluegill Triple Prime shot occurred just before midnight local time on 25 October 1962.

· USS John S. McCain (DL-3), a Frigate with a normal complement of 403.

· USS Engage (MSO-433): Ocean minesweeper with a normal Complement Of 74.

· USS Safeguard (ARS-25): Salvage ship with a normal complement of 120.

(the deck logs throughout this post are in the above order):

r/UFOB - Deck Logs of Elements of the Johnston Island Operations Unit (TU 8.3.6). where it led pod recovery activities.

Deck Logs of Elements of the Johnston Island Operations Unit (TU 8.3.6). where it led pod recovery activities.

The watch between 00:00 and 04:00 has the following entries:

r/UFOB - 26 October 1962 00:00 - 04:00 Local Time watch logs

26 October 1962 00:00 - 04:00 Local Time watch logs

Nothing out of the ordinary here; all three ships are steaming toward where the instrument pods should be. Come daybreak, however, things start to get interesting:

r/UFOB - 26 October 1962 04:00 - 08:00 Local Time watch logs

26 October 1962 04:00 - 08:00 Local Time watch logs

At 05:00, a small landing craft (LCM) appears alongside the USS McCain to transfer “an experimental pod”. It appears that his pod was already on board the McCain, and wasn’t one of the Bluegill Triple Prime instrument pods ejected from the Thor missile and recovered from the ocean.

At 07:23, USS Engage spots a “black ball” in the water and recovers it at 07:28. The instrumentation pods do not look anything like a ball or sphere – they are decidedly bell-shaped and the crew would recognize them immediately. Perhaps this “black ball” is the remains of a Mosul or Betz sphere-type UFO that got too close to Bluegill Triple Prime and was incinerated/prevented from operating? The log states a measurement of “30 mR from one foot away”. I believe this value to be milli-Roentgens, where the roentgen or röntgen is a legacy unit of measurement for the exposure of X-rays and gamma rays and is defined as the electric charge freed by such radiation in a specified volume of air divided by the mass of that air (statcolumb per kilogram). The fact that this “black ball” has a relatively high radiation reading means that this object is not simply oceanic flotsam that has incidentally floated into the area – it has been in close proximity to a radiation event. This object could have been part of the mysterious debris that can be seen falling from the periphery of the nuclear fireball, leaving a trail as it falls.

Simultaneously, USS Safeguard has located an instrument pod and is loading it into its recovery net at 08:18 when the ship suddenly loses all electrical power. This is an unusual event, as ships have more than one generator running in parallel with the bus tie on the distribution boards “open” so a trip on one generator or switchboard doesn’t take the whole ship out. Having a “black ship” is a very dangerous situation, particularly when maneuvering close to other ships or seaborne objects as there is a complete loss of steering and possibly propulsion. Power was recovered two minutes later at 08:20. However, the Safeguard is relatively unique in that it only has direct current electricity, not alternating current. All Diver Class salvage and rescue ships had two Diesel-drive 200Kw 120V D.C. and one Diesel-drive 60Kw 120V D.C. installed. Was there a short electromagnetic pulse from the black sphere / somewhere else that dragged the ship's DC power down momentarily? At any rate, the pod was kept in the net alongside Safeguard until it was collected by a helicopter a few minutes later at 08:26.

The 08:00 – 12:00 watch logs get even more interesting when further “anomalous” debris is recovered:

r/UFOB - 26 October 1962 08:00 - 12:00 Local Time watch logs

26 October 1962 08:00 - 12:00 Local Time watch logs

At 08:25, the USS McCain deck logs record the recovery of “a floating object”. No mention of this object being anything related to the nuclear test – it is simply not mentioned further. A strange entry, given that whether it was recovered or not does not appear anywhere in the Recovery Task Force command ship’s log.

The USS Engage watchkeeper, however, is a little more descriptive. At 08:34 a “green tube” is spotted and recovered onboard the Engage at 08:42, and has a radiation measurement of 60 mR from a distance of one foot. This object has also been close to a nuclear event and is not described as either a pod from the Thor rocket or the instrumented nose cone from the small Nike rockets sent up after the shot.

USS Safeguard does not record anything unusual in its watch log for this period.

The 12:00 – 16:00 see all three vessels move to the nose cone recovery area, where the deck logs have some discrepancies between Engage and Safeguard watchkeepers regarding what is recovered next:

r/UFOB - 26 October 1962 12:00 - 16:00 Local Time watch logs

26 October 1962 12:00 - 16:00 Local Time watch logs

At 12:33, the Engage log states “U.S.S. Safeguard reports sighting a cylindrical object in the water” and it “breaks formation to investigate”.

The Safeguard log entry for 12:32 states “sighted pod” and recovers “missile debris” 45 minutes later. That is an unusual descriptor for an instrumented nose cone – the crew has recovered many nose cones over the preceding months during Operation Fishbowl. The McCain deck logs do not make reference to either of these two recovery events.

The 16:00-20:00 watch logs are perhaps the strangest of all, however – due to an event that is conspicuous in its absence as an entry in two of the three-deck logs and also involves the flagship of the entire operation:

r/UFOB - 26 October 1962 16:00 - 20:00 Local Time watch logs

26 October 1962 16:00 - 20:00 Local Time watch logs

At 18:15, the USS McCain gets a visit from USS Princeton (LPH-5), an amphibious assault ship with a normal complement of 3,448. It was the Flagship Element (TE and provided JTF 8 Operations Control Center for the entire Operation Dominic nuclear test series, which included the high-altitude Fishbowl tests. The deck log of McCain makes mention of nothing other than a fuel transfer, but I’m wondering now whether the “debris” was transferred further from McCain to Princeton during this time, and fuelling up was used as a cover story.

I’ve looked at other deck logs of vessels involved in the Starfish Prime shot and pod recoveries (USS Grapple, USS Sioux) and their logs are very routine – without mention of recovery of additional “debris” or anomalous objects. I was intrigued as to why the USS Sioux logs for July 1962 had to be recalled and classified (these are the only logs that I’ve seen that have any classification markings) – however, it appears that the watchkeeper on the Sioux put a little too much detail of the Starfish Prime effect on the ionosphere and communications equipment.

Let us now turn our attention to two other vessels that were involved in a “special recovery operation” in the days following Bluegill Triple Prime - USNS Point Barrow (T-AW-1) and USS Henry County (UT-824).

USNS Point Barrow (T-AW-1) was a NSTS dock cargo ship with a normal complement of 67, and the only one in its Class. It was a member of the Scientific Element (TE for Operation Dominic – and boy, it is one mysterious ship. It was converted and recommissioned as USS Point Loma (AGDS-2) in July 1976 and used for deep sea recovery missions with the bathyscape Trieste / Trieste II. The are no deck logs available for Point Barrow in the National Archives, due to the sensitive nature of many of its missions.

r/UFOB - Hexagon spy satellite film reel at 3000 fathoms

Hexagon spy satellite film reel at 3000 fathoms

It was laid down on 18 September 1956, as a Maritime Administration type S2-ST-23A hull and launched on 25 May 1957. It was delivered to the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS), on 28 May 1958, for Arctic service as Point Barrow (T-AKD-1), on 29 May 1958. Point Barrow resembled other Navy dock landing ships, but it is unique in being provided with a floodable docking well in the after part of the ship. Landing craft and cargo barges could be carried, being floated in or out by ballasting down the ship’s stern and flooding the docking well.

r/UFOB - Point Barrow's unique loading / unloading facilities

Point Barrow's unique loading / unloading facilities

It was used as a “scientific support ship” during the Fishbowl test series, usually far away from any radiation sources. Curiously though, the Raman Tempo report of 1980 found that the crew members of Point Barrow had the second-highest levels of radiation of all the vessels involved in Dominic, including those that recovered the highly radioactive instrument pods. How did that happen?

r/UFOB - USNS Point Barrow had the second-highest radiation exposure of all Dominic vessels, despite being nowhere near radioactive materials (officially)

USNS Point Barrow had the second-highest radiation exposure of all Dominic vessels, despite being nowhere near radioactive materials (officially)

In the days after the Bluegill Triple Prime test, USS Point Barrow and USS Safeguard were involved in some form of special deep water recovery operation for targets in two areas known simply as “Sierra Zulu 2 and “Sierra Zulu 3”. How do we know this? Because Point Barrow is mentioned several times in Safeguard’s logs. Perhaps this is where the crew of Point Barrow got high doses of radiation whilst recovering the downed object. What is interesting here is that the Captain of the USS Safeguard swapped “the conn” with the Executive Officer several times during the recovery operation between the hours of 20:00-24:00 on 28 October 1962, at times commanding the ship from the “fantail” (which is another term for the stern). There must have been some serious recovery operations going on for the ship for the stern to be the center of attention that night. The next day a transfer of a “raft” from Safeguard to Point Barrow occurred.

r/UFOB - 26 October 1962 20:00 - 00:00, 27 October 1962 00:00 - 20:00 Local Time watch logs during the recovery efforts in Sierra Zulu 2 & 3

26 October 1962 20:00 - 00:00, 27 October 1962 00:00 - 20:00 Local Time watch logs during the recovery efforts in Sierra Zulu 2 & 3

We know that the USS Safeguard, being a salvage vessel, had a full complement of divers onboard, as they were practicing search and rescue techniques 2 days prior to the Bluegill Triple Prime shot. Richard Dolan recently related a story that his contact “Dave” mentioned to him about a guy he met in a bar in the late 1970s who claimed to have dived on an object that was downed by nuclear weapons shot. Could the USS Safeguard have been the one that the mysterious diver worked off? As for the USS Finch (DER-328) that David said he was onboard at the time of the Bluegill Triple Prime shot, it was off the coast of California as a radar barrier control ship on 26 October 1962. However, its identical twin, USS Forster (DER-335) was very close to Bluegill – only 50 nautical miles or so. Perhaps, after 60 years, his memory might have confused the two.

r/UFOB - Diving operations aboard USS Safeguard 24 October 1962

Diving operations aboard USS Safeguard 24 October 1962

A few days after Point Barrow and Safeguard return for their “recovery efforts”, Safeguard gets an interesting civilian visitor, along with two NCOs from the Joint Task Force 8 Headquarters:

r/UFOB - Bluegill Triple Prime Part 3: Official US Navy deck logs confirm anomalous objects were retrieved from the ocean in the days after the high-altitude nuclear weapons test detonation.

Joe D. PUMPHREY, a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War, retired as the Deputy Director of the Far East Division for the Secretary of Defense. I am not sure what Joe Pumphrey’s position or title was in October 1962, but I am sure he didn’t get helicoptered aboard a small vessel like USS Safeguard to sell them life insurance. He was probably there to explain that the special recovery operation they had been involved in over the last few days “didn’t happen”.

One final oddity with these events involves the USS Henry County (UT-824), a tank landing ship with a normal complement of 266. From 27 October to 29 October 1962, crewmembers were rotated off the Henry County to act as “security police” for perimeter protection of the shores around Johnstone Atoll. What Special Operation was going on there that required an additional security compliment? Were there, in fact, repackaging operations for the debris and other recovered technology for shipment back to the U.S. to reverse engineer, via the methods described in the "SOM-1 Manual" of Majestic Documents fame?

r/UFOB - Shore duty as "Security Police" 27 October 1962

Shore duty as "Security Police" 27 October 1962

r/UFOB - Shore duty as "Security Police" 29 October 1962

Shore duty as "Security Police" 29 October 1962


There are a few documents from the Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) that may no longer be classified and could provide some key data to help understand what happened that day:

LA-3504-MS Confidential Formerly Restricted Data – SIGMA 3


H. Milton Peek and Dale S. Sappenfield June 1966

DASA-1793 (p. 110 – 11) Secret Restricted Data


D.S. Sappenfield. August 1965

LA-3321-MS Secret Restricted Data SIGMA 3


Dale S. Sappenfield. August 1965

EGG-B-3049 (EGG-1183-201)

Confidential Formerly Restricted Data SIGMA 3


B. J. Constantine. June 1965

JMDR-65-2, Vol. II, Number 3 Secret Restricted Data


John Zinn and F. E. Fajen. Winter 1964

LA(MS)-3095 Secret Restricted Data SIGMA 3


John Zinn. June 1964

J-10-1028 Secret Restricted Data



Herman W. Hoerlin. January 1963

JO-641 Secret Restricted Data SIGMA 1


William E. Ogle. November 1962

And finally, this one is the most curious of all:

LA-3239-MS Secret Restricted Data SIGMA 1


John Zinn. January 1965

It should be noted that of all the documents from “LASL Reports Related to the Effects of Atmospheric Nuclear Detonation, with Emphasis on High Altitude Events- Title Listings” where these documents were sourced, Bluegill Triple Prime is the only one that has a “hypothetical 100-Megaton explosion” at this altitude. Why? Because Bluegill Triple Prime’s yield was nearly three times what they had calculated. The W-50 boosted fission bomb either:

  1. Accidently became very efficient for unknown reasons at that particular height.
  2. The deuterium and tritium fusion fuel created way more neutrons than anticipated, causing the number of fission generations to far exceed calculated values
  3. The deuterium and tritium fuel actually caused an unintended fusion reaction to occur

The heat from the fireball at a 48-kilometer altitude could be felt by personnel on the ground at Johnston Island, which was completely unexpected and caused one temporary and one permanent eye burn injury. Also, the official FISHBOWL program document has BLUEGILL height and yield still classified, whilst STARFISH is not. This information also concurs with Dolan's contact "David" who claimed the shot ran away to 1.3 megatons of yield :

r/UFOB - Bluegill height and yield data redacted, whilst Starfish is not

Bluegill height and yield data redacted, whilst Starfish is not

Something very fishy was going on with the U.S. Navy in late October 1962 around Johnston Atoll. Perhaps RADM. Tim Gallaudet (Ret.) can be asked about the Bluegill Triple Prime incident at the upcoming SCU Conference and look into it for us all.

By the way, didn't the Advanced Theoretical Physics conference at the BDM SCIF in 1985 have "SIGMAS as required" on the front cover page? I wonder what the connection is there?


Thanks to my good friend Grant Lavac for his assistance in sharing this Bluegill Triple Prime investigation series on his Twitter feed. The more eyeballs that see it, the better.

Also, all those people involved in producing the “Loose Threads” document (It’s gold! ) and other Twitter feeds I take inspiration from:

Edit: To view any of the abovementioned deck logs, simply go to :

And type: USS (vessel name) October 1962

The results are in chronological order, so 25 October 1962 will be near last images.

Edit 2:

Link to Parts 1 and 2:

Edit 3:

It has been pointed out that the 800-kiloton CALAMITY airdrop nuclear test was carried out at 04:45 Local Time on 27 October 1962. The image below from the Kaman Tango report shows Surface Zero of this event approx. 150 nautical miles to the southeast of Johnston Island.

Interestingly, USS Safeguard is listed as being at anchor off Johnston Island during the Calamity shot - however, we know from the deck logs above that it was in fact "underway for recovery operations" around Sierra Zulu 3, which was the Surface Zero location for Bluegill Triple Prime. USS Henry County, the ship with the crew tasked as "Security Police" is also at location Sierra Zulu 3, providing on-station security for the ongoing recovery operation. USNS Point Barrow, which we know from Safeguard's logs as also on location for recovery operations at Sierra Zulu 3, is conspicuous in its absence from the Kaman Tango report figure of ship locations during the Calamity shot. Although this report was written in the 1980s, the Kaman Group was onsite at Johnson Island during Operation Dominic for technical support.

There were no instrument pods used in the Calamity airdrop nuclear shot; USS Forster (DER-334) was at Calamity Surface Zero to collect the instrument buoys and its deck logs indicate these recovery operations were complete by 20:00 on the 27 October 1962. There is no mention of USNS Point Barrow or USS Safeguard taking part in the recovery operations 150 nautical miles southeast of Johnston Island.

r/UFOB - Details of airdropped nuclear test "CALAMITY" on 27 October 1962 at Johnston Island

Details of airdropped nuclear test "CALAMITY" on 27 October 1962 at Johnston Island


The ultra slow motion X-Ray footage of the object taken out by Bluegill Triple Prime high altitude nuclear explosion appears to show it executing a high-speed turn and flight recovery manoeuvre












High-speed streak and framing (2400 frames a second) footage in the X-Ray spectrum of Bluegill Triple Prime object knockdown and possible flight recovery, slowed down to a few frames a second

This footage is from the sanitized X-Ray footage from Operation Fishbowl. It appears to show the object crashing from the nuclear fireball, and possibly recovering flight by executing a sharp turn and accelerating away. Debris recovered by USS John S. McCain, USS Engage, USS Safeguard and USNS Point Barrow in the days after may have been partial wreckage from the strike.

media poster

Low saturation of above footage - object appears to make a rapid direction change to the two o'clock position AWAY from the camera aircraft KETTLE 1and then makes another rapid direction change back TOWARD the camera aircraft KEETLE 1











Closer view of fireball from aircraft KETTLE 2 with sanitizing triangle in place. Saturation adjusted to low to highlight internal fireball structure and blast waves.


FISHBOWL XR SUMMARY 34:38 (Black and White, Silent)

The video shows the five, rocket-launched, Operation Fishbowl tests at various camera speeds and from different camera locations. Operation Fishbowl was the Department of Defense’s high-altitude testing portion of Operation Dominic I, conducted in the Johnston Island area of the Pacific Proving Ground in 1962. In a high-altitude blast, many of the effects are attenuated, resulting in a toroidal or donut-shaped cloud instead of the mushroom cloud from a surface burst.

These weapons-effects tests, launched by Strypi, Thor, and Nike Hercules rockets, were as follows:

• STARFISH PRIME, July 9, 400-kilometer altitude, 1.4 megaton

• CHECKMATE, October 20, tens of kilometers altitude, low

• BLUEGILL 3 PRIME, October 26, tens of kilometers altitude, submegaton

• KINGFISH, November 1, tens of kilometers altitude; submegaton

• TIGHTROPE, November 4, tens of kilometers altitude, low

Two goals of these tests were to determine if radiation and blast and heat effects of high-altitude detonations were capable of neutralizing an enemy reentry vehicle and capable of determining the blackout effects on radar and communications of various yields and altitudes of bursts.

Interestingly, of the five Fishbowl shots, Bluegill Triple Prime appears to be the only one that has the X-Ray structure of its fireball and plasma sanitized by Department of Defence and Department of Energy officials in 1996. Starfish Prime has some brief footage in the above link, but its 400km altitude most likely prevented clear X-Ray imagery.

r/UFOB - Bluegill Triple Prime X-Ray with sanitized portion from where object appears to fall

Bluegill Triple Prime X-Ray with sanitized portion from where object appears to fall

r/UFOB - Checkmate nuclear shot X-Ray of fireball

Checkmate nuclear shot X-Ray of fireball

r/UFOB - Kingfish nuclear shot X-Ray of fireball

Kingfish nuclear shot X-Ray of fireball

r/UFOB - Tightrope nuclear shot X-Ray of fireball

Tightrope nuclear shot X-Ray of fireball

If X-Ray imagery of the other high-altitude nuclear shots of Operation Fishbowl were declassified in 1996, why can't the Bluegill Triple Prime shot also be declassified? The size of the white triangle appears to cover both the fall and the right-angle turn flight recovery maneuver - which is exactly what DoD and DoE don't want the world to see!

Perhaps Kirsten Gillibrand should be notified of this footage's existence.


Detail of positions of KC-135 aircraft KETTLE 1 and KETTLE 2 from which X-Ray footage was taken:

r/UFOB - Location and project details of X-Ray footage

Location and project details of X-Ray footage


25 years after the X-ray phenomenology footage of 3 of the lower atmosphere Operation Fishbowl shots were declassified, the Bluegill Triple Prime X-ray footage "remains classified and is at the Los Alamos National Laboratory" according to a recent FOIA request. Why would that be?

Official Document

r/nuclearweapons - 25 years after the X-ray phenomenology footage of 3 of the lower atmosphere Operation Fishbowl shots were declassified, the Bluegill Triple Prime X-ray footage "remains classified and is at the Los Alamos National Laboratory" according to a recent FOIA request. Why would that be?


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory tried to reverse-engineer non-human technology in 1970s, according to Jeremy Corbell on Joe Rogan podcast #2028. LLNL analyzed the X-ray footage of the object shot down during the Bluegill Triple Prime nuclear test, so it is most likely debris from this event.



The EG&G camera crews that filmed a UFO crash from two separate aircraft during the Cuban Missile Crisis: a theoretical look at the in-flight comms between the aircraft and Johnson Island launch control during the event as it unfolded. (video)


Anyone got any good sources on how Compton scattering by soft X-rays produced by the primary output byproducts knock the outer valence electrons of high Z material tampers (like gold) temporarily out of their shells to induce hard X-ray enhanced weapon output via Bremsstrahlung of nearby nuclei?


I'm interested if anyone has any good sources of information on enhanced X-ray weapon outputs like that envisioned for the Spartan ABM system to induce thermo-mechanical spallation of incoming ICBM re-entry vehicles. I might have got the mechanism arse-about in the title (Compton scattering or inverse Compton scattering?) so please correct me if I'm wrong. I did find some comments by u/restricteddata from 5 years ago that were relevant - I am specifically interested in the XW50-X1 and W71 devices. Thanks in advance.

The CIA and the JFK assassination

Armed with knowledge of MJ-12's reverse engineering and psychological operations, JFK opened back-channel discussions with Soviet Premiere Khrushchev looking for ways to dismantle both countries' nuclear weapons arsenal and work together on the UFO problem. Angleton's briefing during the Cuban Missile Crisis came AFTER President Kennedy's request to Allen Dulles on the 28th of June 1961 to be informed about "MJ-12 and psychological warfare operations". We know this meeting took place because it is the only day in Dulles' recently declassified calendar that Dulles met JFK TWICE in the same day. The psychological warfare mentioned is a reference to Project Palladium, when the CIA used facilities in Iran to inject phantom signals into the Soviet radars, making the Soviets think that UFOs were the cause. Khrushchev knew what was happening and complained about it to JFK, which prompted the 28 June memo. Dulles responded to JFK's inquiries on the 5 of November 1961 by stating "Under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, the President does not have a need to know about MJ-12". Dulles was forced to resign a few days later, and this action set the wheels in motion for his assassination. This action was expedited by the National Security Action Memorandum 271 on the 12th of November 1963, where JFK informed NASA's James Webb and CIA Director John McCone that the United States is about to embark on a joint space program with the Soviets. On the same day, JFK wrote a memo to the CIA Director of Counter Intelligence (James Angleton, who briefed him on MJ-12 during the Cuban Missile Crisis) to gather all his data to share with the Soviets. This is the memo that has "Response for Colby, Angleton has the MJ Directive" written in the margin. The directive is the "Burned Memo" that calls for Kennedy's assassination. There is also a transcript of an NSA intercept of JFK talking to Khrushchev on the 12 of November 1963 about the collaboration. 10 days later JFK is dead.


The JFK files: CIA Director Allen Dulles' calendar entries line up EXACTLY with the memo from President Kennedy to Dulles demanding to know about MJ-12 Intelligence Operations. There are also references to a "Special Group" that included John McCone just prior to the MJ-12 Operations Review Date.


The recently declassified calendar of CIA Director Allen Dulles has some very interesting information relating to the Majestic Document’s “Terse Memo”, in which President John F. Kennedy demands answers regarding MAJESTIC TWELVE operations:

r/UFOs - JFK demands answers regarding MJ-12 from Dulles

JFK demands answers regarding MJ-12 from Dulles

On the day this memo was allegedly written, Dulles’ calendar has the following entries:

r/UFOs - Two private meetings with the President in one day

Two private meetings with the President in one day

104-10306-10025.pdf (

page 65

28 June 1961 is the only day that I could find in Dulles’ calendar from 31 December 1959 through to 9 January 1962 where he has a private meeting with President Kennedy TWICE on the same day. There are other days when they meet more than once, but on each of those occasions, it is always with other cabinet members. President Kennedy must have had something very important to say to Dulles on that particular day, which lines up with the contents of the National Security Memorandum. The first meeting took place at 12:00, and the second meeting at 15:30 (Dulles’ “earliest convenience” perhaps?). Dulles subsequently cancels his other appointments that day. What are the chances that a forger correctly guesses this important date for the Director of Central Intelligence?

There are also a number of notable meetings that take place with people and groups associated with the JFK assassination that greatly increase in frequency after the 28 June 1961 request for MJ-12 information.

r/UFOs - The unusual style for capital "G" used in "Special Gp" -   Thursday 20 July 1961 entry

The unusual style for capital "G" used in "Special Gp" - Thursday 20 July 1961 entry

Noting the calendar author’s unusual handwriting for the capital “G”, Dulles’ calendar lists only 2 meetings of a “Special Gp” (group) between 31 December 1959 and 28 June 1961. These occur on 23/3/61 and 6/4/61. Dulles’ reported membership of MAJESTIC TWELVE is widely known, and it has been speculated that Dulles had the designation MJ-1. Was this “Special Group” therefore actually a reference to MJ-12? Given that the Bay of Pigs Invasion started on 17 April 1961 and concluded on 20 April 1961, the fact that only two meetings took place less than a month before would seem to rule out a connection with the invasion planning. In fact, the new structure of MJ-12 with the inclusion of private industry might have just been adopted by the group after Eisenhower’s term concluded, prompting Ike’s famous “Military Industrial Complex” warning in his farewell address.

However, John F. Kennedy is a problem for MJ-12 – a leak in the newly formed Office of the Secretary of the Air Force shortly after the Rosewell incident in 1947 informed the then Congressman Kennedy of the events (most likely Stuart Symington). Therefore Kennedy already knew most of the background detail and also was aware the information was being withheld from him.

r/UFOs - IPU report

IPU report

This ultimately results in the 28 June 1961 meeting where Kennedy asked for specific information regarding MJ-12, after which the number of “Special Group” meetings in Dulles’ calendar increased rapidly:

20 July 1961 3 August 1961 10 August 1961 11 August 1961 (briefing)

11 August 1961 17 August 1961 31 August 1961 26 September 1961

3 October 1961 11 October 1961 20 October 1961 14 November 1961 (McCone included)

21 November 1961 (Dulles leaves office on 28 November 1961)

After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy stated in a State Department press conference: “There’s an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan…Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I’m the responsible officer of the Government”.

Kennedy was deeply depressed and angered by the failure, which had been planned by the previous Eisenhower administration with Vice President Richard Nixon figuring prominently. The famous statement “I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind**”** was reportedly uttered by Kennedy after the event. On the night of 20 April 1961, when it was obvious to all that the plan had failed, Kennedy told Richard Bissell, the Director of Plans in the CIA and overall architect of the invasion “In a parliamentary government, I’d have to resign. But in this government I can’t, so you and Allen have to go**”.** Dulles, therefore, knew his position as the Director of the CIA was in jeopardy, and after the memo requesting information regarding MJ-12 operations he set to work to put continuity measures in place. Incoming Director John McCone was “briefed in” to the Special Group on its second-to-last listing in Dulles’ calendar. There is also a Majestic Document named “MJ-12 Operations Review” dated 5 November 1961, which might have been prepared in advance for the benefit of incoming Director McCone and discussed at the 14 November 1961 Special Group meeting with McCone in attendance.

r/UFOs - Ops Review for incoming Director John McCone

Ops Review for incoming Director John McCone

William Harvey

“Wild Bill” Harvey held a unique position within the CIA between 1960 – 1964. As GS-15 level officer, Harvey was the head of the ZR/RIFLE project, which, within its EXECUTIVE ACTION compartment, allowed for detailed planning, logistics, and execution of assassination operations against foreign leaders. In his testimony to the Church Committee in 1975, CIA Director William Colby admitted that

Harvey had complete control over ZR/RIFLE and did not need authorization from ANYONE to carry out assassinations.

r/UFOs - CIA Director William Colby's testimony to the Church Committee

CIA Director William Colby's testimony to the Church Committee page 97

Many old-school CIA insiders, including Angleton, thought that Colby had revealed far too much to the Church Committee. Years later, when the Majestic Documents were first released, a memo from President Kennedy dated 12 November 1963 regarding his intentions to share information on the alien presence with the Soviets, someone had written in the margin: “Response for Colby. Angleton has the MJ directive”, which was a reference to the Burned Memo recommending Kennedy’s assassination. Source S1, the originator of most of the Majestic Documents, believed that Colby was “eliminated” because of this.

r/UFOs - "Important" memo from Source S1

"Important" memo from Source S1

Before the 28 June 1961 memo, from 31 December 1959 Harvey had just one meeting with Allen Dulles on 23 March 1961, in the company of Col. Sheffield Edwards. However, after the request regarding MJ-12 was received, Dulles started having frequent meetings with Harvey. Is this the commencement date of planning for the "Big Event" in Dealey Plaza a few years later?

31 July 1961 (with Gen. Lansdale) 3 August 1961 (with FBI Liaison Evans) 10 August 1961 +Evans

18 August 1961 21 August 1961 20 September 1961 7 October 1961

Harvey’s hatred of the Kennedy family was well known since he held President Kennedy solely responsible for the Failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion. He had the motivation, financial and logistic resources at hand to organize the assassination of President Kennedy, with the approval and backing of MJ-1, Allen Dulles.

James Angleton

Angleton was the head of CIA’s Counterintelligence operations, and the most vital secret of the United States was, according to Watergate attorney Douglas Caddy, the “alien presence” here on our planet. In Angleton’s view, any attempt to disclose this secret needed to be dealt with swiftly. Angleton met with Dulles on 29 May 1961 in the company of E. Howard Hunt, and again on 13 July 1961. On Friday 18 August 1961 Dulles cancels all appointments, but curiously Angleton attends Dulles’ house later that night for supper. It is also highly likely that Angleton was MJ-4, and so, therefore, attended all the previously mentioned Special Group meetings.

r/UFOs - Angleton at Dulles' funeral, 1969

Angleton at Dulles' funeral, 1969

Angleton also appears to have the form of using assassination as a method to plug leaks of classified information. The following exchange regarding NSA spy Jack Dunlap was from Angleton giving testimony under oath to the Church Committee:

r/UFOs - Angleton's testimony to the Church Committee

Angleton's testimony to the Church Committee page 67

E. Howard Hunt

The CIA’s “Everywhere Man”, Hunt met with Dulles on the following dates:

29 May 1961, 19 July 1961 (which included dinner afterward), 2 August 1961

23 September 1961

Hunt initially told his son, St. John, that he was “just a benchwarmer” for the JFK assassination – however, the photograph of the three tramps arrested near Dealey Plaza has a person who looks very similar to Hunt. In that same photograph, a well-dressed person wearing a class ring from West Point is seen walking with his back to the camera right next to the three under armed escort – many people believe this to be General Edward Lansdale, who attended a meeting with Dulles in the company of William Harvey on 31 July 1961.

r/UFOs - The "Three Tramps" arrested near Dealey Plaza

The "Three Tramps" arrested near Dealey Plaza

r/UFOs - The three tramps (Hunt obscured) with General Edward Lansdale walking right past them. Wouldn't you normally give three dudes under armed escort a wide berth?

The three tramps (Hunt obscured) with General Edward Lansdale walking right past them. Wouldn't you normally give three dudes under armed escort a wide berth?

Hunt also organized the Watergate burglary, for which he subsequently went to prison. Hunt told his attorney, Douglas Caddy that President Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to “reveal the most vital secret of the United States to the Soviets” – that being the presence of extra-terrestrials visiting planet Earth. Hunt alleged that somehow the Cuban government came into possession of this information (from Khrushchev?) and had passed it on to the DNC, and that is why he sent James McCord into the Watergate Hotel with 4 Cuban exiles to find and remove the documents. It was believed by Hunt and his team that whatever was in those Cuban government reports could somehow tie President Richard Nixon to the JFK assassination, and with his election campaign coming up in 1972 the documents needed to “disappear”. During the Watergate trial, Hunt threatened to reveal details of who paid him to organize the Watergate break-in. Dorothy Hunt, herself a former CIA officer, took part in the negotiations with Charles Colson. According to investigator Sherman Scholnik, Hunt also had information on the assassination of President Kennedy. He argued that if "Nixon didn't pay heavily to suppress the documents they had showing he was implicated in the planning and carrying out, by the FBI and the CIA, of the political murder of President Kennedy". James McCord claimed that Dorothy told him that at a meeting with her husband's attorney, William O. Buttmann, she revealed that Hunt had information that would "blow the White House out of the water".

Dorothy Hunt, CBS reporter Michelle Clark, and George Collins took Flight 533 from Washington to Chicago. The aircraft hit the branches of trees close to Midway Airport: "It then hit the roofs of a number of neighborhood bungalows before plowing into the home of Mrs. Veronica Kuculich at 3722 70th Place, demolishing the home and killing her and a daughter, Theresa. The plane burst into flames killing a total of 45 persons, 43 of them on the plane, including the pilot and first and second officers. Eighteen passengers survived." Hunt, Clark, and Collins were all killed in the accident.

Researcher Barboura Morris Freed also pointed out that FBI agents were at the scene of the crash before the Fire Department, which received a call within one minute of the crash. The FBI later claimed that 12 agents reached the scene of the crash. Later it was revealed that there were over 50 agents searching through the wreckage. (It was completely irregular for the FBI to get involved in investigating a crash until invited in by the National Transportation Safety Board. The FBI director justified this action because it considered the accident to have been the result of sabotage. That now raises two issues: (i) How were they able to get to the crash scene so quickly? (ii) Why did they believe Flight 553 had been a case of possible sabotage?) They were obviously looking for the documents Dorothy had in her possession.

Hunt "got the message", stopped the blackmail attempt and served his prison sentence.

Have a look at Dulles' calendar for yourself - they are out of sequence at some point though. For instance, pages 1-93 are from 31 December 1959 to 27 November 1961, but page 94 jumps back to 11 July 1961. Some days appear twice but have different entries, so I'm not entirely sure what is going on there. Please post any findings in the comments.


The Coincidence Theory: how a CIA affiliate involved in the Bay of Pigs and possibly the JFK Assassination led Ross Coulthart to confirmation of a UAP reverse engineering program.

I’ve been trawling through the latest release of declassified Kennedy assassination documents over the last few weeks, looking for connections to the fabled MJ compartment, nicknamed “Majestic Jehovah”. I’m doing this in the hope that the declassification review board may have missed some references, similar to the way the MK compartment ULTRA mind control projects’ incoming and outgoing expenses were overlooked when CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all of the compartment’s documents be destroyed in 1972.

JFK Assassination Records - 2021 Additional Documents Release | National Archives

Last night I ran out of things to search for, so I picked up Ross Coulthart’s In Plain Sight book once again and flicked through it. I stopped upon Chapter 22, which was entitled “Gordon Novel – Fact or Fiction”. Reading the first few pages of that chapter, I realized that here was a new person to search for in the database. And wouldn’t you know, Gordon popped up in the files.

docid-32402028.pdf (

The document in question is pretty devoid of relevant information regarding UFOs; however, it is interesting who wrote and reviewed it and the comments they left in the margins of such a seemingly innocuous document. The author was Donovan E. Pratt, who at the time was the Deputy Chief of Counter Intelligence, Research and Analysis for the CIA. His boss, Raymond G. Rocca, signed the routing sheet and commented “these need to be sanitized”. Others commented, “because these data are sensitive from the viewpoint of CCS please restrict access to this info to yourself and DCI” (Director of Central Intelligence, Richard Helms). The CIA’s General Counsel, Lawrence Houston, also wrote: “as per above note”. CCS refers to Central Cover Staff, the section of CIA that creates front companies and cover stories for clandestine work by field officers. Why would such an unimportant person such as Novel’s call records to an answering service require the Director CIA and other organizational heavy hitters to keep the data to themselves? Rocca, one of Jim Angleton’s closest confidantes and the person who authored the CIA's narrative to the Warren Commission (and committed perjury whilst doing so), classified the document as Secret and it was only declassified in full in November 2021.

Ross Coulthart doesn’t give too much credence to Novel’s various claims and describes him as a “Walter Mitty” type. However, other actual CIA insiders said that he did indeed have high-level CIA and military contacts, but “his biggest problem was keeping his mouth shut”. Of course, the document I refer to above was not fully available in unredacted form until AFTER Coulthart’s book was published.

Digging a little deeper, I found that the CIA had very good reasons to restrict information about Novel:

  1. Novel was involved with the CIA Bay of Pigs team, assisting in stealing explosives from a local oil and gas company (as Ross points out in his book)
  2. Novel ran an electronics firm in New Orleans that specialized in selling equipment used for bugging. His lawyer claimed he held a position identical to that of E. Howard Hunt, an intermediary between the Cuban exiles and the CIA. After initially denying that he had had any part in the burglary, he stated that "It was one of the most patriotic burglaries in history," and that it was done under the direction of the CIA as part of the Bay of Pigs operation. Novel confessed he had been given a key to the bunker and that the people he had met there, Arcacha Smith and David Ferrie were also working for the CIA."
  3. From the get-go of the Castro takedown plans, Novel was associated with a CIA front company called “Double Chek Corporation”. During the planning of the Bay of Pigs invasion, Howard Hunt also worked for Double-Chek, a dummy electronics firm located just outside Miami. Another notable employee of Double Chek was Barry Seale, of “Made in America” fame.
  4. Novel also worked with the propaganda end of the invasion. As a director of a CIA front called the Evergreen Advertising Agency, he was responsible for transmitting cryptographic messages to alert the exiles to the invasion date. Hunt was in charge of domestic propaganda for the Bay of Pigs operation and was probably Novel's superior.
  5. According to William Torbitt Novel had been seen by a Dallas attorney having meetings with Jack Ruby and William Seymour in the Carousel Club during October and November 1963. Another author, Paris Flammonde (The Kennedy Conspiracy), claims that Novel was questioned on five separate occasions following the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
  6. Novel was subpoenaed by the Garrison Inquiry but managed to dodge the witness stand. He called Garrison’s claim of a CIA conspiracy in the JFK assassination “a fraud”.
  7. J.Edgar Hoover stated the following:” On 4/25/67 Mr. Howard Osborn, Director of Security, CIA, informed the Bureau's liaison representative that Gordon Novel's alleged claim that he was associated with is completely false. Mr. Osborn stated that Gordon Novel, David William Ferrie and Sergio Arcacha Smith have never been of operational interest to CIA. He also stated that the Evergreen Advertising has no connection whatsoever with CIA.” (This narrative is later proven false, and Evergreen was a CIA front company).
  8. Whilst he was away avoiding Garrison, a cleaner found the following note in Novel’s room, believed to be addressed to his CIA handler Mr Weiss:

I took the liberty of writing you direct and apprising you of current situation, expecting you to forward this through appropriate channels. Our connection and activity of that period involves individuals presently about to be indicted as conspirators in Garrison's investigation.... Garrison has subpoenaed myself and an associate to testify before his grand jury on matters which may be classified TOP SECRET. Actions of individuals connected with DOUBLE-CHEK CORPORATION in Miami in first quarter of 1961.

We have no current contact available to inform of this situation. So I took the liberty of writing you direct and apprising you of current situation. Expecting you to forward this through appropriate channels.

Our connection and activity of that period involves individuals presently about to be indicted as conspirators in Mr. Garrison's investigation.

We have temporarily avoided one subpoena not to reveal Double Chek activities or associate them with this mess. We want out of this thing before Thursday 3/67. Our attorneys have been told to expect another subpoena to appear and testify on this matter. The fifth amendment and/or immunity (and) legal tactics will not suffice.

Mr. Garrison is in possession of unsworn portions of this testimony. He is unaware of Double-Chek's involvement in this matter but has strong suspicions. I have been questioned extensively by local FBI recently as to whether or not I was involved with Double-Chek's parent holding corporation during that time. My reply on five queries was negative. Bureau unaware of Double-Chek association in this matter. Our attorneys and others are in possession of complete sealed files containing all information concerning matter. In the event of our sudden departure, either accidental or otherwise, they are instructed to simultaneously release same for public scrutiny in different areas simultaneously.

Appropriate counteraction relative to Garrison's inquisition concerning us may best handled through military channels vis a vis D.I.A. man. Garrison is presently colonel in Louisiana Army National Guard and has ready reserve status. Contact may be had through our attorneys of current record, Plotkin, Alverez, Sapir.

9. Novel’s expertise in electronics and eavesdropping devices and close contact with CIA operatives naturally lead to his involvement in Watergate with fellow bugging expert James McCord and his old boss E. Howard Hunt.

Gordon Novel (

10. Hunt starts to extort the Nixon administration whilst awaiting sentencing for his part in Watergate, claiming he has evidence of Nixon’s involvement in the JFK assassination via his authorization of ZRRIFLE and membership of the 40 Committee, a secret team of high-level government officers (a sub-committee of MJ-12?). In fact, the following excerpt of the Watergate Tapes captures President Richard Nixon saying the following: "...just say (unintelligible) very bad to have this fellow Hunt, ah, he knows too damned much, if he was involved -- you happen to know that? If it gets out that this is all involved, the Cuba thing, it would be a fiasco. It would make the CIA look bad, it's going to make Hunt look bad, and it is likely to blow the whole Bay of Pigs thing which we think would be very unfortunate - both for the CIA and for the country..." In his autobiography “The Ends of Power” (written whilst serving his prison sentence), former Nixon political aide H.R. Halderman claimed the Bay of Pigs reference was a codeword used by Nixon to refer to the JFK assassination.

11. Hunt’s wife Dorothy, also ex-CIA, became the "bag-lady" for the extortion money from Nixon et. al. and began paying off those involved to keep them quiet. She was killed, along with 46 other people, when her plane crashed en-route to delivering the cash. DOROTHY HUNT'S DEATH (

12. After the plane carrying Hunt's wife Dorothy crashed under mysterious circumstances in December 1973, the chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board told the House Government Activities Subcommittee that he had sent a letter to the FBI which stated that over fifty agents came into the crash zone. The FBI denied everything until William Ruckleshaus became temporary Director, at which time they admitted that their agents were on the scene. The Independent researcher Sherman Skolnick believes that Dorothy Hunt was carrying documents that linked Nixon to the Kennedy assassination. According to Skolnick these papers, which were being used to blackmail Nixon, were seized by the FBI. Skolnick's theory is corroborated by a conversation that allegedly took place between Charles Colson and Jack Caufield. Alan J. Weberman (

So, what has this got to do with UFOs? Well, as Ross points out in his book, Novel was also the author of The Supreme Cosmic Secret- How the U.S. Government Reverse Engineered an Extra-terrestrial Spacecraft. Somehow, Novel had gotten wind of a crash retrieval (perhaps after a few drinks with CIA personnel briefed into the CIA's MJ compartment) and arranged a meeting with the US Navy’s Director of Science and Technology Development (taking his son along with him). Novel died in 2012, but Ross managed to track down his son, who remembered the name of the Navy Director – it was Nat Kobitz, and we all know who he was.

And here is the most fantastic part of this story: that this is all merely “A COINCIDENCE” – a guy that is an affiliate to ALL of the CIA’s most nefarious activities of the 1960s, whose involvement with the CIA is kept quiet by the highest echelons of The Agency, also claims to have knowledge of a Reverse Engineering program and just happens to know the exact doors to knock on in the Pentagon (how did he even get into the Pentagon?).

We have now arrived at the Coincidence Theory, and the mental gymnastics required to think that these are a happenstance lineup of random events are tortuous, to say the least.**

In Coulthart’s book, he explains that Novel approached Kobitz in 1993 with a diagram of what he called the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) Fluxliner – an anti-gravity propelled machine. The diagram was purported to have been drawn by a professional aerospace illustrator named Mark McCandlish, and was later used as testimony at the Disclosure Project hearing at the National Press Club in 2001 as evidence of a secret U.S. Government reverse engineering program. When asked about the Fluxliner, Coulthart states that Koblitz believed it to be a hoax, but later discloses that he had been read into a Waivered Unacknowledged Special Access Program (WUSAP) compartmented program that was indeed tasked with reverse engineering a craft that was “not of this world”.

r/aliens - Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) Fluxliner

Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) Fluxliner


To conclude: in my mind, it is clear that the CIA knew far more about crash retrievals and reverse engineering projects than they are letting on, and the highest levels of Government were involved in keeping that information suppressed – even if it meant taking out an entire airliner to do so.


CIA Director Allen Dulles to President John F. Kennedy: “Sorry, you don’t have a Need To Know about UFOs”. He is forced to resign 15 days later – but did Dulles exact revenge almost two years to the day?


We know from the declassified calendar of CIA Director Allen Dulles that he visited the Oval Office twice in one day on 28 June 1961, the only time in Dulles’ calendar from late 1959 to January 1962 that this occurs. The files released as part of the Majestic Documents have JFK formally asking Dulles to brief him on the MJ-12 Intelligence Operations and how they relate to psychological warfare – a concept that CIA Counterintelligence Director James Jesus Angleton has been pushing since the early 1950s.1

r/UFOB - President Kennedy requests information from DCI Dulles regarding MJ-12 Ops

President Kennedy requests information from DCI Dulles regarding MJ-12 Ops

Kennedy wants to know what the CIA knows about UFOs. He already knew a lot about the subject himself, having accompanied the then Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal to Germany in May 1945 to find out about the “Secret Weapons” that the Nazis were thought to have had. The 8th Air Force encountered many unusual objects during World War 2, the most famous incident being Mission 115 over Schweinfurt, Germany on 14 October 1943. In that incident, a B-17 bomber collided with some silver disk-like objects but miraculously emerged unscathed.2 Kennedy was also informed about the Roswell crash just a few days after it happened by an employee of the Secretary of the newly formed Air Force3. The normal powers of control of the UFO subject that the CIA held over the previous two Presidents were therefore ineffective.

We also now know from Senator Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s recent interview with Russell Brand that JFK had a direct phone line to Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev- the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union4. Kennedy had no doubt discussed the subject of UFOs with Khrushchev, and the response he received most likely contradicted the narrative that Dulles and Angleton were telling him. The Air Force was also a dead end for information; General Curtis LeMay had been the Air Commander on the first Schweinfurt raid in August 1943 and threatened to Court Martial any aircrew in his command who refused to go. LeMay personally led every mission the 305th Bombardment Group flew over Germany to prevent the high abort rates that had been occurring – whilst not lacking courage, he certainly did not want reports of flying “silver discs” entered in official mission debriefs5. The animosity between LeMay and JFK was well known at the time – he wasn’t about to tell him anything he didn’t have to. Imagine President Kennedy’s rage when the following document was received from Dulles in response to the 28 June request6:

r/UFOB - Dulles's reponse to Kennedy: "you don't have a need to know"

Dulles's reponse to Kennedy: "you don't have a need to know"

In particular, this sentence must have been galling for Kennedy:

For reasons of security, I cannot divulge pertinent data on some of the more sensitive aspects of MJ-12 activities which have been deemed properly classified under the 1954 Atomic Energy Act of 1954”.

Dulles (and by default, Angleton) are claiming here that they "don't know" if the Soviet radars are also capturing UFOs operating in their airspace, and if they do, whether or not the Soviet military "perceives" them as a U.S. PSYOP (which is what they claim the MJ-12 activities are).

Dulles was asked for his resignation later that day, and Kennedy received it formally on 19 November 1961. Dulles’ replacement was former Atomic Energy Commissioner John McCone.

So why would the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 have prevented Dulles from revealing information about the MJ-12 activities and UFOs? Because the CIA knew that there was an offensive capability of using nuclear weapons against active UFO incursions, and was actively assisting Israel build a atomic bomb to fill the gap before the Dimona nuclear weapons facility could start production. CIA officers David L. Christ and James McCord were given “Q” level clearances to make it happen.

JFK researcher Jefferson Morley recently revealed that James Jesus Angleton was Director of two divisions within the CIA; Counterintelligence and something called the “Israeli Account”7. Initially started by Vice President Richard Nixon during the period President Eisenhower was incapacitated by a mild stroke and continuing under McCones’ watch as AEC Chairman, highly enriched Uranium was stolen over a period of time from the NUMEC facility in Pennsylvania and made its way to West Germany. David L. Christ and later James McCord used a CIA annex in Frankfurt to assemble a gun-type nuclear weapon, similar to the “Little Boy” used in Hiroshima. McCord had to take over the project from Christ, who had foolishly volunteered for a temporary assignment in Cuba, where he was captured in December 1960 and imprisoned there for 3 years. Whilst official CIA reports state that Christ’s cover as a CIA operative was not “blown”, recently declassified JFK Assassination documents suggest otherwise:

· Upon release from prison and his return to the United States, Christ gave misleading statements in his CIA debriefing and resulted in the CIA preventing him from leaving the country8.

· There is a curious file from the House Select Committee on Assassinations that has profiles on David L. Christ, William K. Harvey, and E. Howard Hunt9. Harvey was in charge of the ZR/RIFLE program that authorized him to assassinate foreign leaders without oversight by ANYONE, including the President. Hunt is well known as one of the “Tramps” arrested in the railway yards behind Dealy Plaza on 22 November 1963 and also arrested as one of the “Plumbers” of Watergate. Why was there a file with only the profiles of these three individuals?

· There is also an HSCA file on David L. Christ that had been flagged as also being of interest to the Watergate investigation10.

It should not come as a surprise that the Cubans may have extracted information on Christ’s Q Clearance, his reasons for requiring access to nuclear weapons designs (when he was employed by the CIA as an Audio Engineer), and his activities involving Israel. This last point is interesting – were the Israelis interested in acquiring nuclear weapons as a deterrent from not only its Arab neighbors but also from hostile UFOs? Douglas Caddy, who was counsel for E. Howard Hunt during the Watergate trial, states that Hunt told him that the Plumbers were looking for Cuban Government reports that would reveal the United States’ core secret – that of the “Alien Presence”11. This would explain why James McCord, who had a stellar CIA career previously, was sent into the Watergate Hotel as one of the Plumbers. Having held a Q Clearance and been involved in the CIA program to deliver a nuclear bomb to the Israelis, he would recognize any reports instantly.

David L. Christ’s CIA career after his return to the U.S. in 1963 remained focused on UFOs, however. In Dulles’ shocking response to President Kennedy, he mentions the following:

r/UFOB - Dulles referring to the system known as EARPOP

Dulles referring to the system known as EARPOP

The system that the CIA used to collect ELINT and SIGINT data of Sino-Soviet radar systems was codenamed EARPOP12, and was a joint CIA/NSA effort13. David L. Christ was granted access to the EARPOP Special Access Program compartment in 196414. The frequencies scanned include those referred to by the likes of Bob Fysh, Oke Shannon, and the 1957 incident involving the USAF spy plane:

r/UFOB - Frequencies examined by EARPOP system

Frequencies examined by EARPOP system

President Kennedy tried a different tack with DCI McCone, not knowing that McCone had facilitated the whole MJ-12 project initially in his role as the AEC Chairman. In his book The Sampson Option, investigate reporter Seymour Hersh relates how the story of the Israeli nuclear weapons program was revealed to the world:

“By December i960, John W. Finney had been a reporter for three years in the Washington bureau of the New York Times, covering nuclear issues and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Finney, hired away from United Press International by bureau chief James A. Reston, was considered a solid addition to the news staff—but he had yet to bust a big one. Finney's story came late that month and was, as Finney recalled, "handed to me on a platter." The messenger was the Times's redoubtable Arthur Krock, then the patriarch of Washington columnists, who approached Finney's desk late one afternoon. Krock was known to young bureau reporters such as Finney for his remoteness and for his daily long lunches with senior government officials at the private Metropolitan Club, a few blocks from the White House. "Mr. Finney," Krock said, "I think if you call John McCone, he'll have a story for you." John A. McCone, a very wealthy Republican businessman from California, was chairman of the AEC, and Finney had established a good rapport with him. Fin ney immediately understood the situation: "They were looking to plant a story. I was the right person and Krock was the intermediary." Finney made the call and was promptly invited to McCone's office. "McCone was mad, sputtering mad," Finney recalled. "He started talking and saying, 'They lied to us.'


*"The Israelis. They told us it was a textile plant." There was new intelligence, McCone said, revealing that the Israelis had secretly built a nuclear reactor in the Negev with French help; McCone wanted Finney to take the story public. Finney's subsequent article, published December 19 on page one in the Times, told the American people what Art Lundahl and Dino Brugioni had been reporting to the White House for more than two years: that Israel, with the aid of the French, was building a nuclear reactor to produce plutonium. "Israel had made no public announcement about the reactor, nor has she privately informed the United States of her plan," Finney wrote, faithfully reflecting what McCone told him. "There is an ill-concealed feeling of annoyance among officials that the United States has been left in the dark by two of its international friends, France and Israel."*15

In reality, both McCone and Dulles realized that the Cubans would eventually extract David L. Christ’s true identity and what he had been involved with when he was captured earlier that month. They were trying to get ahead of the story in case the Cubans passed the information on to the Soviet Union.

President John F. Kennedy’s persistent pressure on the Israelis for transparency at its Dimona nuclear reactor is well known – he thought that nuclear weapons in the Middle East was a disastrous proposition and did everything in his power to stop them. According to Hersh, one Israeli, who has firsthand knowledge of his government's nuclear weapons program, told him bitterly: "We got the message. We can still remember the smell of Auschwitz and Treblinka. Next time we'll take all of you with us."16 Kennedy had most likely gotten wind of MJ-12 and its operations through other channels, and so his reaction when Dulles refused to elaborate was immediate. The Soviets, however, were concerned that they would be the target of Israel’s nuclear weapons. Their moles within the British spy agencies – known as the Cambridge Five – had informed them of the tunnel constructed by the CIA’s William K. Harvey underneath Berlin, and had probably also informed them of the CIA weapons assembly project underway by McCord in Frankfurt. With aircraft capable of delivering free-fall nuclear weapons based in Germany and Turkey, the Soviets decided to position a few of their own weapons in Cuba, causing the Cuban Missile Crisis.

It was during this period that the atmospheric test ban treaty was abandoned and a series of high-altitude nuclear tests was carried out. One of them, Bluegill Triple Prime, appeared to cause a UFO to either crash or make rapid evasive action maneuvers in milliseconds that were captured in extremely slow-motion film by multiple aircraft17:

r/UFOB - Imagery from KC-135 aircraft of Bluegill Triple Prime nuclear blast at an altitude of 48 km. Objected blasted out of the nuclear fireball appears to make a series of very high-speed maneuvers to recover flight.

Imagery from KC-135 aircraft of Bluegill Triple Prime nuclear blast at an altitude of 48 km. Objected blasted out of the nuclear fireball appears to make a series of very high-speed maneuvers to recover flight.

r/UFOB - View from another KC-135 scientific instrumented plane in the X-Ray spectrum of the Bluegill Triple Prime shot - complete with "sanitized" section

View from another KC-135 scientific instrumented plane in the X-Ray spectrum of the Bluegill Triple Prime shot - complete with "sanitized" section

These maneuvers would simply not be possible by any craft made by human hands. The conclusive proof of non-human intelligence operating in our atmosphere was relayed to Kennedy by the U.S.Navy, who in turn contacted Khrushchev via the direct line installed at Hyannis Port and thus circumventing the CIA.18

The final attempt by President Kennedy to engage the CIA to work constructively on the UFO subject with other people of this planet was delivered only 10 days before his assassination19:

r/UFOB - President Kennedy requesting CIA cooperate with USSR on UFO research

President Kennedy requesting CIA cooperate with USSR on UFO research

Scrawled on the side of this document is the following note:

Response for Colby – Angleton has the MJ directive. 11/12/63

The MJ Directive is, of course, the “Burned Memo” from MJ-1 (Allen Dulles) and it gives the order for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to stop the “Core Secret” from being shared with the Soviets. It was pulled from the furnace of CIA Headquarters when a team of 5 archivists was going through the myriad of safes on Level 2 where James Jesus Angleton kept his darkest secrets20:

r/UFOB - Directive for "Wet Works" - i.e. assassination

Directive for "Wet Works" - i.e. assassination

References will be placed in the comment sections.

Edit: Just for clarity, the November 12 1963 request to CIA from Kennedy was addressed to the Director of Counterintelligence, Central Intelligence Agency. That person was James Jesus Angleton and is discussed at length here in the "homework" email from Stratfor that was part of the Wikileaks release:


Secret Group "40 Committee" 1964 - parallels to MJ-TWELVE?



The 40 Committee

The release of formerly Top Secret files late last year relating to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination gives some interesting insights into how a secret group could function during the late 1950s – early 1960s without Congressional or Presidential oversight. One of these Special Groups was known as the 40 Committee, and the revelations of its operation and functions during the various investigative commissions from 1964 – 1975 demonstrate that it was indeed possible for such groups to exist. In this post, I posit that it, therefore, has parallels with another secret group that may have well existed at the time: MJ-TWELVE. It is my strong opinion that the project operations being run by both groups intersected in Dealy Plaza, Dallas on November 22, 1963

It is hard to interconnect all the dots in a single post, so I’ll just list the players and link the document from the released tranche. There are also some external links to the Stratfor Wikileaks emails and others that assist in obtaining a clearer picture.

The TL;DR of this post is, therefore:

The U.S. National Security Council, in November 1963, had the internal machinery, funding and authorized personnel in existence to facilitate the liquidation of the leadership of any nation on the planet. If a leader was planning to reveal the existence of other intelligent beings to the global population, a special group of individuals within the NSC could easily have had that leader terminated.

The members / other involved persons:

President John F. Kennedy

· After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, JFK wants to look at options to get rid of Fidel Castro. He tasks General Edward Lansdale with the job, which is code-named Operation Mongoose, under the policy direction of the Special Group (Augmented), which is the name used by the 40 Committee to reference themselves. SGA was a sub-committee of the National Security Council, created in 1959. Mongoose pg. 8.

· JFK wants regular updates on the Project; Lansdale suggests an intermediatory be used. JFK decides his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, be the conduit. Mongoose pg. 19

· Reference to the Presidents’ knowledge of Mongoose was recorded in early 40 Committee documents, however, this is later changed to “Higher Authority” in order to afford plausible deniability for JFK. The reference to “including liquidation of leaders” Mongoose pg. 29 and “assassination” appears frequently in the 40 Committee documents, a fact which Lansdale and other members have difficulty recalling later on under oath. Mongoose pg. 19. This is despite a specific directive to keep the subject of assassination “off paper” Colby pg. 28, 37. A project that existed prior to Mongoose, ZR RIFLE, was to be used as the method to execute the plan. ZR RIFLE had strange objectives, both of equal importance: Assassinate foreign leadership AND “steal codes”. Colby pg. 90. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK directs Operation Mongoose to be terminated.

Unfortunately, JFK possibly created the liquidation program that would ultimately be used to liquidate him.

Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy

· Was the conduit between the Project Mongoose Manager (Lansdale) and JFK.

· Immediately saw the similarities between the objectives of Mongoose and the assassination of his brother, and possibly knows the motive (Disclosure) of the group responsible

· The day JFK is assassinated, Robert F. Kennedy asks John McCone, Director CIA if elements of Mongoose were used –“did your guys do it?” John McCone Archives - JFK Facts

· Known dislike of the ZR RIFLE executive authority, William Harvey (audio transcript).

Major General Edward Lansdale

· The Project Manager for Mongoose. A former Air Force General, he was made a Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in early 1960.

· Transferred to CIA November 1961 to become Chief of Operations for Mongoose, a role in which he acted until early 1963.Mongoose pg. 16 Lansdale then transferred to Vietnam to assist Henry Cabot Lodge during the coup to overthrow the Vietnamese Government leadership.

· Flatly denied certain details of Project Mongoose during the Church Committee hearings, until confronted with documentary evidence to the contrary. His performance at the hearing was described as a “train wreck”, which amplified suspicion that the CIA had more involvement in the JFK assassination than they were letting on. His main antagonist during the Church Committee hearing was a young, up-and-coming lawyer.

· Lansdale admits he has “lost control” of CIA Officer William Harvey. Mongoose pg.34

Secretary of State Dean Rusk

· Attended SGA meetings occasionally

· SGA meeting held in his office August 10, 1962, where Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara mentioned “liquidation of leadership”. Lansdale initially denied the subject was raised, backpedaled when confronted with documentary evidence to the contrary, and then stated that the idea was ”turned down very hard” at the meeting. The young lawyer then asked Lansdale if that was the case, why did he task CIA officer William Harvey on August 13 1962 to “prepare plans for the liquidation of leadership”? Lansdale’s laughable response was “If I used the word liquidation, it didn’t mean killing”. Mongoose pg. 21

Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara

· Attended SGA meetings occasionally

· Described by Lansdale as “a strange person”

· McNamara panics later on when stories began appearing in the press about plans to assassinate Castro and that Lansdale worked for him. He rang the New York Times to deny that Lansdale had ever worked for him when it was easily provable that Lansdale did report to him at some stage.

· Appeared to fall apart near the end of his political career. By 1967, McNamara was suffering visibly from the nervous strain as he went days without shaving and he suffered spasms where his jaw would quiver uncontrollably for hours.[160] Johnson said about him: "You know, he's a fine man, a wonderful man, Bob McNamara. He has given everything, just about everything, and, you know, we just can't afford another Forrestal" (a reference to the first Defense Secretary, James Forrestal, who committed suicide due to work-related stress and depression).[160] Wikipedia

· Was this a consequence of being peripherally involved in the JFK assassination? Or, like Forrestal, had the knowledge of MJ-TWELVE's subject matter become too great a burden?

William Harvey

· CIA Signals Intelligence and Cryptology specialist. Former FBI agent, a lawyer by profession.

· Organised and executed the Berlin Tunnel operation, where crypto keys were stolen from the Soviet Union and allowed the U.S. to decode Soviet military communications.

· Organised the ground force for the Bay of Pigs, incensed when JFK refused military support for the ground effort. Felt that Kennedy had killed his team.

· Disliked “elitists” – particularly the Kennedy brothers

· Was the CIA Operations Representative under John McCone of the Special Group. Coordinated the ground infiltration of agents into Cuba. Attended the SGA meetings regularly. Mongoose pg 17

· Was authorized to carry out Executive Action, which is a euphemism for assassination. He could do so WITHOUT HIGHER AUTHORITY APPROVAL. When the Church Committee heard that during William Colby’s testimony, they could not believe what they were hearing. pg 73, 90

· Harvey was the sole custodian of ZR RIFLE, the program that had the weird dual tasking of assassination and stealing codes. Harvey did not have to get approval from anyone to carry out these tasks. He did not have to reconcile his spending on the program – his spending was charged to another cost center. Colby pg 71

· Richard Helms, CIA Director of Planning at the time ZR RIFLE was created (1961) signed off on it and “authorized William Harvey by memo to handle the project on a special basis” in February 1962. Colby pg 72

· Harvey reactivates ZR RIFLE in April 1962 and runs it through to an undisclosed date. The CIA leadership group of McCone, Helms, and Colby claim to only find out of this fact after the JFK assassination. Colby pg 70

· Mongoose Chief of Operations General Lansdale thought he had lost control of Harvey and “things could fall between the chairs” with the operation. Mongoose pg. 34

· !READ THAT AGAIN!: A rouge CIA Officer with a known hatred of the Kennedys is the sole authority to plan and execute a program of Leadership Liquidation without oversight.

· Harvey can’t believe the “stupidity” of General Lansdale for putting the words “liquidation of leadership” in a memo and asks for it to be removed. Mongoose pg.36

CIA Director William Colby

· The illegal activities of the CIA Counterintelligence Division under James Jesus Angleton’s HTLINGUAL and CHAOS, coupled with Watergate resulted in the Church Committee. Colby was the CIA Director at the time of the Church hearings and was forced to make a “limited hangout” of CIA’s activities to the Committee. Senior members of the intelligence community thought that Colby actually revealed more than he needed to. Colby was under severe pressure at the time – he attended 32 Congressional hearings during 1975 and also had a family tragedy when his 24-year-old daughter passed away that year.

· Colby was Director of the South East Asian division when JFK was assassinated, so he was most likely not directly part of the SGA. He was, however, aware of the existence of MJ TWELVE.

· The “Important Memo” from source S1 (Majestic Documents) on pg 1 states “You have been given information no one else has. To make my point a little clearer, remember a few years back when you got the JFK memo? William Colby got fingered in it and someone decided to shut him up before he was questioned about it. Coincidence? No way. He was not the first to be eliminated and won’t be the last I assure you”.

At first, I was confused about which “JFK memo” this was referring to. However, reading an intercepted Stratfor email from the Wikileaks site, it was revealed that the memo is the one on the Majestic Documents site as “John F.Kennedy to CIA”. kennedy_cia.pdf ( The document on this site has the handwritten note on the side cut off – it should read “Response for Colby – Angleton has the MJ Directive”. The Stratfor email is sent to their “Tactical Team” as an assignment for study. Angleton died in 1987, so the only person still alive in 1996 is Colby. The Global Intelligence Files - [Fwd: [TACTICAL] James Jesus Angleton (training assignment - pls read)] (

· The MJ Directive that Angleton has is Tab H (last page) of the Majestic Document known as the “Burned Memo”, which calls for the assassination of LANCER, which was the Secret Service code name for JFK: “It should be wet” = wet works = “liquidation of leadership” = ZR RIFLE.

· Colby, of course, dies in mysterious circumstances in a boating accident in 1996. A documentary by his son, Carl Colby, entitled “The Man Nobody Knew” gives an interesting insight into Colby. The documentary was financed by the Guggenheim family and features all the major players from 1965 – 1975 in it – Brzezinski, Rumsfeld, Scowcroft, McManus, Bernstein amongst others. Well worth watching if you have the time and inclination. There is a bootleg copy on YouTube but it is poor quality and cuts off the top and bottom sections, which is annoying because you can’t see the names of the people speaking. Most are well known though. Appears to be an attempt to create a narrative that Colby killed himself – however, Colby’s other son denies that hypothesis.

· Some interesting timestamps are at 1 hour 02-minute mark, where they talk about the CIA “Family Jewels”; the 1 hour 04-minute mark on assassinations; and the 1 hour 11-minute mark about how Colby “told them too much”. This lines up with S1’s claim that Colby was killed because those in charge thought he would “tell them too much” about MJ TWELVE if / when asked.

· Another very interesting timestamp occurs around the 1 hour 05-minute mark. It relates to the Rockefeller Commission that was set up by Ford to investigate illegal spying on US citizens by the CIA. I am not sure who is relating the story, but he states the following: “Sometime in 1975, President Gerald Ford is having an informal lunch with members of the New York Times Press corps. One of those present, Abe Rosenthal, asks Ford why he stacked the Nelson Rockefeller-led Commission on CIA Activities with right-wingers. Ford replied, “that’s a very good question. If I didn’t do that, the commission might have come across information far more serious than domestic spying”. Rosenthal replies “Yeah? Like what?”, to which Ford responds “like assassinations”. The discussion suddenly goes quiet and after lunch, the group goes back to the NYT office to decide what to do with the information they have just uncovered. The next day, Chairman of the Board and publisher of the NYT, Arthur “Punch” Sulzberger told them “the President misspoke. We aren’t going to do anything with this””. The fact that the CIA did have an assassination program did eventually come out, and the Rockefeller Commission was quickly superseded by the Church Committee that expanded the scope to all U.S. Intelligence Agencies.

· Colby tried to “clean up” the CIA, which also included the removal of incriminating documentary evidence. The fact that a project named MK-ULTRA existed was initially denied by the CIA, until receipts for the project were found in the CIA account’s department. Interestingly, a sub-project of MK-ULTRA was named ARTICHOKE, and is mentioned in the Majestic Document “Burned Memo”. The CIA's House of Horrors: the Abominable Dr. Gottlieb -

Raymond G.Rocca

· Ray Rocca was Jim Angleton’s most trusted Deputy, and Chief of the CIA Counterintelligence Division’s Research and Analysis section. He is not directly involved in the SGA or Operation Mongoose, but he is tasked by Angleton to “set the narrative” for the Warren Commission. Helms pg 37

· Rocca is tasked to write a document that outlines the CIA’s position in relation to the Warren Commission, and the response CIA Director John McCone gives the Commission under oath. He writes an affidavit stating that the CIA had no contact or association, direct or indirect with Lee Harvey Oswald, a pronouncement denying rumors of CIA conspiratorial involvement in the assassination and also gives recommendations for McCone not to respond to certain questions to protect sources and methods. These statements for McCone to supply to the Warren Commission in 1964 were made before the ZR RIFLE project became known, and some of them would come back to bite the CIA in the Church Commission in 1975. Helms pg 43

· Rocca makes the mistake of inserting the following statement for McCone to deliver to the Warren Commission: “The DCI may state that he is gratified that his instruction have been carried out diligently and promptly. Among the items of information provided the Commission have been the studies on the organization and functions of components of the Soviet police state which are known to include individuals and units charged with the performance of what is euphemistically referred to as “executive action” – but is, in fact, charged with assassination and sabotage”.

The hubris of the CIA in 1964 in “setting the narrative” of the Warren Commission’s investigations comes back to haunt them in the Church Committee Hearing in 1975, as McCone’s statement describes EXACTLY the organization and function of ZR RIFLE, which is described as “Executive Action”. Colby is therefore forced to reveal all the details to the Church Hearings on ZR RIFLE, including the possibility that rogue CIA Officer William Harvey could have easily initiated it Domestically without oversight to assassinate JFK.

· The seriousness of Rocca’s mistake is not lost on Colby – Angleton and Rocca are forced to retire. Angleton digs his heels in, and his replacement George Kalaris has to gently ease him out of the position. Angleton feels that Colby has betrayed him, as do Rocca and other current (at the time) and former CIA members.

· Kalaris now instigated an investigation into Angleton's filing system. His team found "entire sets of vaults and sealed rooms scattered all around the second and third floors of CIA headquarters". They came across over 40 safes, some of which had not been opened for over ten years. No one on Angleton's remaining staff knew what was in them and no one had the combinations anymore. Kalaris was forced to call in a "crack team of safebusters to drill open the door". The investigators found "Angleton's own most super-sensitive files, memoranda, notes, and letters... tapes, photographs" and according to Kalaris "bizarre things of which I shall never ever speak". (crash retrieval/occupants imagery / Twining White Hot report?) George Kalaris (

Allen Dulles

· Even though he was sacked by JFK for his role as Director CIA in the Bay of Pigs, Dulles is still a major player. Long thought of as the Chairman and MJ-1 of the MJ-TWELVE special group. Just like Apostle Judas Iscariot of the Bible, he performs an act of treachery by issuing the directive for the assassination.

· As a member of the Warren Commission, Dulles still has a major influence in Angleton’s group within the CIA. Rocca makes a visit to Dulles’ house for a meeting to discuss elements of the Hearing. Helms pg 159

· The “Important Memo” from S1 on pg 2 states that the MJ-TWELVE group “ceased to exist in 1969 and became a private concern financed by big money and big science”. Allen Dulles, the person known as MJ-1, dies in 1969.

TAB G of the Burned Memo

Tab G directs the MJ operatives to initiate BW - biological warfare in the case of UFOs displaying "hostile intent". It also instructs the use of ARTICHOKE, which was part of MK-ULTRA psychological operations.

Have we actually experienced these operations being initiated/deployed globally starting 2019?

All comments appreciated (yes, even from the debunkers).


The Burned Memo: Where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going

r/UFOs - The Burned Memo: Where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going


“MAJIC EYES ONLY” by Ryan Wood: Analysis of handwriting appears to identify James Angleton's confidante Newton “Scotty” Miler as the source named S1 of the “Burned Memo” and “Important Memo”. He supplied much of the CIA material for Ryan’s book regarding the UFO connection to the JFK assassination.


There were a number of different sources for the data in Ryan Wood’s new book “MAJIC EYES ONLY” – some come from the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) and some from the CIA’s Counterintelligence Division. I believe that by comparing the handwriting on the letter accompanying the “Burned Memo” that was received by researcher Timothy Cooper in 1999 to the handwriting of a known confidante of James Angleton’s inner circle, a positive identification can be made: Newton “Scotty” Miler is Source S1.

r/UFOs - Newton "Scotty" Miler

Newton "Scotty" Miler

Scotty Miler had a meteoric rise in his career within James Angleton’s Counterintelligence Division of the CIA in the 1960s – so much so that Angleton requested his presence on the stand when Angleton was required to give testimony during the Church Committee Hearings in 1976. He made statements on numerous occasions that after the reorganization of the CIA’s Counterintelligence Division the CIA “lost its institutional knowledge” – he fits the bill perfectly for someone who would snatch documents out of a fire in order to preserve that institutional knowledge for future generations. He had interacted with the U.S. Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps between 1946 and 1948 and other Defence intelligence entities like ONI and DIA during his career. Scotty Miler was in the right place and the right time, with the right access to Angleton’s “Yellow File” safe to carry out the action of preserving history, despite President Richard Nixon’s Special Classified Executive Order to purge all documentation that might tie MJ-12 (and therefore by default, Nixon himself) to JFK’s assassination. Only a few documents survived this purge – one was the MK-ULTRA financial record that was missed, and the others were the ones Miler gave Timothy Cooper under the cover of “Source S1”, including the infamous “Burned Memo”. The handwritten note on the side of the cover letter that accompanied the Burned Memo compares well against known specimens of Miler’s handwriting from his CIA personnel file, which was declassified in the 2023 JFK Assassination Records release.

r/UFOs - Comparison of Important memo margin (top) with known handwriting of Scotty Miler (bottom)

Comparison of Important memo margin (top) with known handwriting of Scotty Miler (bottom)

The samples of Miler’s handwriting were taken when he wrote out his service history with the CIA, between pages 330-333 of the following document:

What are some of the things Miler claimed through his “walk in” document drop?

During 1962, MJ-12 was running PsyOp operations against the Soviets, confusing air defences with “phantom” radar returns. Miler states the “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities” were actually doing this for real, so the Soviets decided to put nuclear-tipped missiles in Cuba as a countermeasure.

r/UFOs - “MAJIC EYES ONLY” by Ryan Wood: Analysis of handwriting appears to identify James Angleton's confidante Newton “Scotty” Miler as the source named S1 of the “Burned Memo” and “Important Memo”. He supplied much of the CIA material for Ryan’s book regarding the UFO connection to the JFK…

We now know through declassified records that the CIA was exploiting the UFO problem by through Dr. Albert “Bud” Wheelon of the Directorate of Science and Technology and its Project PALLADIUM.

r/UFOs - Project PALLADIUM


We also see Nikita Khrushchev complain to President Kennedy about the on-going PALLADIUM phantom radar returns through the “Hotline” on 12th November 1963 – 10 days before his death.

r/UFOs - NSA "hotline" intercept 12 NOV 63

NSA "hotline" intercept 12 NOV 63

The 12th of November 1963 is also the date that Kennedy wrote the following memo to the Director of Counter Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency – James Angleton:

r/UFOs - JFK to Angleton memo

JFK to Angleton memo

The handwritten note on the margin says “Response from Colby – Angleton has the MJ directive”. The directive, is, of course, the Burned Memo, which Miler saved from the burn bag and gave to Timothy Cooper in 1999.

r/UFOs - Burned Memo: "It should be wet".

Burned Memo: "It should be wet".

So who was Scotty Miler? He was one of Angleton’s closest work colleagues and was disgusted at the way Angleton was treated by DCI William Colby after the Church Committee fallout. He was concerned that the CIA’s “institutional knowledge” was being discarded because of the new management “style”. He hung around long enough to rescue this knowledge. He also shared Angleton’s mistrust of Colby, which he shared with journalist Edward Jay Epstein in 1976:

r/UFOs - Jay Epstein interview 1976

Jay Epstein interview 1976

r/UFOs - Jay Epstein interview 1976

Jay Epstein interview 1976

He reiterated his regret at the loss of “Institutional Memory” within Counter Intelligence during a speech at the Association of Former Intelligence Officers Convention in 1985:

r/UFOs - AFIO Conference 1985

AFIO Conference 1985

His alignment with Angleton’s views is demonstrated by the request for Miler to accompany Angleton to give joint testimony to the Church Committee regarding Counter Intelligence:

r/UFOs - Angleton - Miler joint testimony Church Committee

Angleton - Miler joint testimony Church Committee

Colby also gets special attention from Miler in the “Important Memo” he sent to Timothy Cooper, stating that the mention of Colby in the margin of JFK’s memo to Angleton was the reason Colby was killed:

r/UFOs - Colby was "shut up"

Colby was "shut up"

But why would Scotty Miler feel obliged to pull such documents out of the fire that would so obviously implicate his beloved CIA Counter Intelligence division in the murder of President John F. Kennedy? In a word: NIXON.

Born in 1926, Scott Miler trained as a U.S. Naval Officer during the latter part of WW2, graduating just before the war in Europe ended. He then joined the OSS, serving in China, Taiwan (Formosa), Thailand, Korea, and other South East Asian countries. He thus joined E. Howard Hunt, James Angleton, Raymond Rocca, Richard Helms, and William Colby as the core group of OSS officers that transitioned to the Central Intelligence Agency after its formation in 1947, interacting with other services' intelligence arms like the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps and Office of Naval Intelligence. Moving through the ranks quickly, Miler became a CIA Station Chief in South Korea at the tender age of 25. He was marked for promotion from an early stage.

After Frank Wisner suffered a mental breakdown in September 1958, Vice President Richard Nixon selected Richard Bissell to replace him as the CIA's Deputy Director for Plans (DDP). Bissell officially assumed the office on 1 January 1959. Richard Helms stayed on as Bissell's deputy. The Directorate for Plans reportedly controlled over half the CIA's budget and was responsible for covert operations. DDP oversaw plans to overthrow Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, Patrice Lumumba, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, Ngo Dinh Diem, and others. Bissell's main target was Fidel Castro under the ZR/RIFLE project, which Nixon authorized. Bissell was forced to resign from the CIA in February 1962 by President Kennedy, who also forced CIA Director Allen Dulles to resign. It has always been stated that JFK said Bissell and Dulles “had to go” over the Bay of Pigs fiasco – however, given that this event happened 9 months prior, it certainly does not follow the Management 101 “hot stove” rule of immediate dismissal after an event. Instead, it appears Dulles is forced to go shortly after he responded to JFK’s “Terse Memo” requesting a “Review of MJ-12 Intelligence Operation as they relate to Cold War Psychological Warfare Plans” with a “The President of the United States does not have a Need To Know about MJ-12 as defined in the Atomic Energy Act 1954”.

Things go downhill from there for President John F. Kennedy, with the ZR/RIFLE project being used to fund and organize his assassination when he does not stop inquiring about MJ-12 and the UFO subject.

Becoming the Director of the CIA in June 1966, Helms knew where “all the bodies were buried” so to speak. Having been Richard Bissell’s Deputy in DDP in 1958 when Nixon initiated the ZR/RIFLE program, Helms knew full well of Nixon’s involvement in assassinations -something that was not lost upon Nixon himself. Nixon slowly started to distance himself from the DCI as a source of intelligence – instead, all reports to Nixon had to go through Kissinger.

After first learning of the Watergate scandal on June 17, 1972, Helms developed a general strategy to distance the CIA from it altogether, including any third-party investigations of Nixon's role in the precipitating break-in. The scandal created a flurry of media interest during the 1972 presidential election but only reached its full intensity in the following years. Among those initially arrested (the "plumbers") were former CIA employees; there were loose ends with the agency. Helms and DDCI Vernon Walters became convinced that CIA top officials had no culpable role in the break-in. It soon became apparent, however, that it was "impossible to prove anything to an inflamed national press corps already in full cry" while "daily leaks to the press kept pointing at CIA". Only later did Helms conclude that "the leaks were coming directly from the White House" and that "President Nixon was personally manipulating the administration's efforts to contain the scandal". Helms came to Camp David to an interview with Nixon about what he thought was a "budgetary matter". Nixon's chief of staff H.R. Haldeman also attended. Helms was informed by Nixon that his services in the new administration would not be required. Thus began the decline of the CIA Counterintelligence group of James Angleton and his cronies – and may have been the primary driving force for Miler to save some of the incriminating documents that Nixon ordered destroyed. In revenge for Helms’ dismissal, Angleton arranged for Nixon’s exposure to ZR/RIFLE via the Watergate scandal, where CIA operatives E, Howard Hunt, and James McCord tried to blackmail the Nixon Administration by threatening to “reveal everything”. Hunt’s wife was killed in a mysterious plane crash whilst she was acting as the “bag lady” for the extortion, but the damage had been done. Nixon knew he would have to resign or face exposure of involvement in the conspiracy to murder President Kennedy.

The coup de grace of Angleton’s Counterintelligence empire however was facilitated during the Church Committee hearing by William Colby, as the new Director of Central Intelligence. Firstly, Colby “spilled the beans” of the ZR/RIFLE assassination program:

r/UFOs - Bissell initiated ZR/RIFLE in 1959 at the behest of VP Nixon

Bissell initiated ZR/RIFLE in 1959 at the behest of VP Nixon

It became apparent to Bissell, Helms, Angleton, and Miler during the Church Committee hearings that Colby was “throwing them all under the bus” with regard to ZR/RIFLE. Here Colby admits that he “isn’t sure” that the Director of CIA would be informed of an assassination plot carried out by CIA staff:

r/UFOs - Director might not be informed of plans to assassinate a foreign leader

Director might not be informed of plans to assassinate a foreign leader

During the testimony of former DCI John McCone, it was stated by McCone that he knew nothing of the assassination program. Colby is asked about this fact:

r/UFOs - McCone denies knowledge of ZR/RIFLE, Colby agrees

McCone denies knowledge of ZR/RIFLE, Colby agrees

Colby then makes the most incredible statement of the entire Church Committee hearings – William Harvey, GS-18 level CIA Senior Executive Staff member, could organize and fund an assassination of a foreign leader WITHOUT approval of either the sitting President of the United States or the Director of Central Intelligence.

r/UFOs - Bill Harvey can plan and execute foreign leaders WITHOUT approval from POTUS or DCI

Bill Harvey can plan and execute foreign leaders WITHOUT approval from POTUS or DCI

The question of how such a situation may have eventuated can be clarified by another essay that Source S1 (Scotty Miler) sent to Timothy Cooper in 1998 and is probably due to something in the fine print that Harry S. Truman (unwittingly?) signed into law in 1947.

r/UFOs - Source S1 essay

Source S1 essay

Angleton died in 1987, and when Colby was “whacked” in 1996 before he could be questioned about the JFK memo to the CIA (most high-echelon CIA people thought that Colby had “said too much” during the Church Committee hearings – they figured he might do the same thing if cornered about UFOs), Scotty Miler probably thought it was time to set the record straight. From his home in Cuba, New Mexico (just down the road from the Aztec crash site), he set about the elaborate slow drip of information to researcher Timothy Cooper – someone who had a low profile at the time in the UFO community and thus would fly under the radar of the active countermeasures team that did not and still do not want this information to come out. Miler himself passed away in 2007, aged 80 years.

He went to extreme lengths to retain these documents for the historical record.

Please make the most of it.


Nov 12, 1963 JFK Memo requesting Classification of all UFO intelligence 10 days before his death



•3 yr. ago

Nov 12, 1963 JFK Memo requesting Classification of all UFO intelligence 10 days before his death


Obtained along with two others from the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Director (blacked out classified), CIA

SUBJECT: Classification of all UFO intelligence files affecting National Security.

As I had discussed with you previously, I have initiated (blacked out classified) and have instructed James Webb to develop a program with the Soviet Union in joint space and lunar exploration. It would be very helpful if you would have the high threat cases reviewed with the purpose of identification of bona fide as opposed to classified CIA and USAF sources. It is important that we make a clear distinction (unintelligible word here) the knowns and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defense and space programs.

When this data has been sorted out, I would like you to arrange a program of data sharing with NASA where Unknowns are a factor. This will help NASA mission directors in their defensive responsibilities.

I would like an interim report on the data review no later than FEB 1, 1964.

Signed: John F. Kennedy


CIA complicit in JFK assassination: 30 days after JFK's assassination, FBI accuses DCI McCone of spreading Oswald disinfo. Interestingly, the document from 2022 JFK release is combined with the Monroe MOON DUST and alien bodies document but has Angleton's signature and reference to MJ-12 cut off.


Majestic Docs P3: Sheehan confirms the CIA Mexico City Station, where Zarasoff and Goodpasture worked was where CIA laundered money to fund the ZR/RIFLE assassination program. Also confirms Miler's "Important Memo" & Nixon's exposure to ZR/RIFLE, + LeMay's Single Integrated Operations Plan nukes.


After Dulles' death in 1969, the MJ-12 operation is taken over by corporations - "Big science and big money", according to Majestic Documents Source S-1, whom I believe to be Angleton's right-hand man, Newton "Scotty" Miler. The "Library Book" found in the Aztec crash may have formed the basis for the inscription written on the Georgia Guidestones by the shadowy group who built them (note that I wrote this post BEFORE they were blown up - perhaps they were hiding the evidence?).

What about Watergate? E. Howard Hunt told his lawyer, Douglas Caddy, that the "Plumbers" were looking for Cuban government reports that would tie Nixon to the JFK assassination (the reports were probably of the information they extracted from Christ about the reverse engineering program that Nixon, as Vice President, had initiated). When pressed further by Caddy, Hunt states that JFK was assassinated because he was about to reveal the most vital secret the U.S. had to the Soviets - that of the "Alien Presence".


The text written in 8 languages on the Georgia Guidestones may have come directly from the "Library Book" found in the Aztec Crash Retrieval of 1948.


I've often wondered where the source of the infamous "Ten Commandments of the New World Order" (otherwise known as the Georgia Guidestones) came from. I'm starting to think they were actually a decrypt of hieroglyphics from one of the crash retrievals - most likely the 1948 Aztec crash. I'll walk through the reasons why I believe this to be so.

For those not familiar with the "10 guiding principles", which are inscribed in eight different modern languages, it is written as follows:

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

r/UFOB - Georgia Guidestones

Georgia Guidestones

A brief history of their commissioning and construction is in order:

"It was in June of 1979 that the Elberton Granite Finishing Company was approached to create the monument by “a small group of loyal Americans”. The alleged spokesman of this group, the elegantly presented Robert C. Christian, walked into their offices on the Tate Street Extension in Elberton and made President Joe H. Fendley a seemingly outrageous proposal. Christian stated that he wished for a megalithic structure comprising of 16-foot stones to function as a compass, clock and calendar. He specified that the creation should be able to defy manmade and natural disaster.

The enigmatic man admitted his name was a pseudonym and that he had chosen it simply because he was a Christian. He added that he represented a party from outside the state who wished to remain anonymous in perpetuity. He had come to Elberton because the city’s granite was the finest in the world. Believing the man to be “a nut”, the company attempted to run him off without trouble by giving an astronomical quote, many times the highest ever sale by the company. He accepted."

The Aztec Crash Retrieval of 1948

The theory that the Aztec Crash in 1948 provided cryptanalysts with the means to decipher alien hieroglyphics from retrievals is not new. UFO researcher Donald Burleson wrote an excellent piece in March 2021 describing how eminent physicist Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer recovered a "sort of book" (like a library book?) found inside the crashed object, which Oppy explained as being written in something that looked like Sanskrit, a language he had studied extensively.

Looking up: A UFO Rosetta Stone from the Aztec crash? | Roswell Daily Record (

The book was passed on to William Freidman, the leading U.S. Army cryptanalyst at the time and his assistant Lambros Callihamos to decrypt. These two insiders both later worked for the National Security Agency, and according to a document known as the "Assessment of the Situation on UFOs", were installed at NSA as deeply planted agents by the Covert Operations section of the CIA's Enforcement Division.

Donald Burleson, by the way, is the leading expert historian on Dr. Oppenheimer’s involvement in the UFO subject. If you have the time, I recommend watching his lecture on Oppenheimer’s downfall, which, according to Burleson, was directly related to the UFO subject and his opposition to keeping it a secret from the rest of humanity.

The "Important Memo" from source S1 of the Majestic Documents has some interesting information that may relate to the Guidestone text. On page 2, S1 states "MJ-12 does not exist as a government intelligence agency. It ceased to exist in 1969 and became a private concern financed by big money and big science."

important_memo.pdf (

r/UFOB - CIA Counter-Intelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton at Allen Dulles' funeral

CIA Counter-Intelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton at Allen Dulles' funeral

By sheer coincidence, the original holder of the MJ-1 designation, Allen Dulles, died in 1969. Was it due to his death that the CIA's Majestic Jehovah compartment was handed over to big money, in order to keep the subject matter away from U.S. Federal Government oversight? They had narrowly "dodged a bullet" in 1963 when President John F. Kennedy made inquiries and requested all information on the subject (though, sadly, JFK didn't dodge the bullet). Who might the "Big Money" and "Big Science" have been in 1969?

r/UFOB - The "33" Investors?

The "33" Investors?

Over the years, there has been much speculation over the identity of "RC Christian", the person that commissioned and paid for the Guidestones. At one point, media mogul Ted Turner was thought to be RC Christian. When you look at who Ted hung around with, it's not too far of a stretch to imagine he was involved.

The group above may also be referenced in another Majestic Document, known as the "CIA to MAJSEC 'Top Secret JEHOVAH" document.

This document provides a glimpse into the modern world of asset code names, and instant assignations for unauthorized disclosure. The document is rich with key phrases such as Project ‘KOHTPOA,’ MOD and KGB officials, Dreamland, Area 54 & 17, leaks by Teller, Sagan, China problems, and contacting "33" investors - a group who may include Turner, Soros, Gates, Fauci and Rockefeller amongst others. The "33" is an obvious Masonic reference. As can be expected, a group of CIA personnel act as liaisons between corporate entities. We now know for a fact that the CIA controls the UFO / UAP subject matter for the U.S. government, as all the redactions in u/BlackVault's recent release of the Congressional UAP Report referenced Title 50 U.S. Code.

So why would they bother to go to all this trouble? On page 6 of The Important Memo (1998), there is a mention of a "Library Book" found in New Mexico that states a hostile invasion by Extraterrestrial Materialized Entities is on the cards for 2030. I believe this is a direct reference to the book Oppenheimer found in the crashed Aztec craft. We all know the World Economic Forum deadline for their "New World Order" is also 2030 - they are not hiding this fact at all. Did the decrypt of the "Library Book" from Aztec inform those that control the Majestic Jehovah compartment that the conditions on the Georgia Guidestones must be entirely satisfied in order to gain access to the new club of the "Galactic Federation", the existence of which was revealed by former Israeli Space Chief Haim Eshed in 2020? A stipulation might also be that the human population of the planet must be informed of the intent prior to the event. The Georgia Guidestones may serve this purpose - if humans are informed of intent but do nothing to stop it, it absolves those that carry out the directives of any guilt or responsibility.

Could the actions we see in the world right now, moving ever closer toward this eventuality be in order to join this Galactic club, even though there was a four-year "aberration" as George Soros called it, between 2017-2021 that put them behind schedule? We also have to consider Wernher von Braun's warning about the Military-Industrial Complex's "Last Card" play regarding a false flag hostile alien invasion. It might all be another "PSY-OP".

And finally - are the psychopaths currently in charge really the best people to represent our species in the Galactic Federation?

Edit: I have found the reference to the Aztec symbols. From the Blackvault site: Page 23.

Maybe u/BlackVault can add context?

r/UFOB - "Artist's rendering of pictographic icon writing from Aztec NM disc-craft"

"Artist's rendering of pictographic icon writing from Aztec NM disc-craft"


Garry Nolan: "They've been here for a long time" and "who's planet is this anyway?". Notorious C.I.A. officer E. Howard Hunt tells his lawyer in 1975 that President Kennedy was killed because he was about to reveal the most vital secret to the Soviets - "the Alien presence".



The Advanced Theoretical Physics conference in May 1985 (the classified one in the BDM SCIF) was attended by people from Los Alamos, McDonald Douglas, and BDM - the three key players in the Bluegill Triple Prime shootdown event. The conference required TOP SECRET / RESTRICTED DATA SIGMA data to be available, which relate to nuclear weapons designs. Why would a UFO conference need that information? Planetary defense against a hostile invasion force?


Why were highly classified and extremely sensitive nuclear weapon design documents available “as required” to the 1985 Advanced Theoretical Physics conference, held in a SCIF certified for nuclear weapons data when the agenda topics were about UFOs? Were they actually discussing "planetary defense"?


The first page of the documents supplied by Grant Cameron is a cover letter requesting access to the Braddock, Dunn & McDonald (BDM) Secure Facility in McLean, Virginia in order to attend the Advanced Theoretical Physics conference on 20-25 May 1985. In the section titled “Specific information to which access is requested” has the following:


r/UFOs - Why were highly classified and extremely sensitive nuclear weapon design documents available “as required” to the 1985 Advanced Theoretical Physics conference, held in a SCIF certified for nuclear weapons data when the agenda topics were about UFOs? Were they actually discussing "planetary…

What are SIGMAS? They are extremely sensitive documents relating to Nuclear Weapons Data (NWD). From the Department of Energy website:

r/UFOs - Why were highly classified and extremely sensitive nuclear weapon design documents available “as required” to the 1985 Advanced Theoretical Physics conference, held in a SCIF certified for nuclear weapons data when the agenda topics were about UFOs? Were they actually discussing "planetary…

In 1985, the following SIGMAS also existed:

r/UFOs - Why were highly classified and extremely sensitive nuclear weapon design documents available “as required” to the 1985 Advanced Theoretical Physics conference, held in a SCIF certified for nuclear weapons data when the agenda topics were about UFOs? Were they actually discussing "planetary…

So BDM had a Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) facility in McLean, Virginia that was capable of storing Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information (CNWDI), the most highly guarded, classified information the United States has. So who exactly were BDM, and what did they do?

From the Wikipedia entry:

r/UFOs - Why were highly classified and extremely sensitive nuclear weapon design documents available “as required” to the 1985 Advanced Theoretical Physics conference, held in a SCIF certified for nuclear weapons data when the agenda topics were about UFOs? Were they actually discussing "planetary…

The move to El Paso was “to be close to the U.S. Army’s Air Defense Center at Ft. Bliss”.

Does the U.S. Army use nuclear weapons for “air defense”?

They do not now (as far as we know), but from the 1950s onwards until 1989 they certainly did. Bernard Joseph Dunn (May 26, 1924 – March 14, 2009) cofounded Braddock Dunn & McDonald (later BDM International) with fellow Fordham University professors in 1959, and served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Scientist. Dr. Dunn played a major role in the development of anti-ballistic missile technology, tested related weapons systems such as MIM-14 Nike-Hercules, and studied the effect of large electromagnetic fields (read EMP) on U.S. aircraft and missiles (where have we heard about the EMP effects on UAPs before?). Hercules was originally developed as a simple upgrade to the earlier MIM-3 Nike Ajax, allowing it to carry a nuclear warhead in order to defeat entire formations of high-altitude supersonic targets. We now know from the recently declassified memoirs of LTGEN. Marshall S. Carter that there was a secret “nuclear special weapons” school at Fort Bliss, which was accidentally revealed by the interviewer for Carter’s memoirs, Robert D. Farley, who had taken the course there in 1957. Carter, who was the OIC of Fort Bliss from 1961-1962 before becoming Deputy Director of the CIA and later Director of the NSA, pretends not to know of the nuclear special weapons function of Fort Bliss, claiming “it was before my time” when it clearly wasn’t. Farley had inadvertently blown the cover story of Ft. Bliss. page 34

LTCOL Philip Corso also claimed there was a secret program trying to reverse engineer the propulsion system of a recovered craft, with the help of the Nazi scientists exfiltrated out of Germany in 1945-46 under the PAPERCLIP program. Interestingly, as an aside, Corso’s mentor LTGEN Arthur Trudeau was named Chief of Army intelligence in October 1953, but was relieved of his command 20 months later when Allen W. Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence, sent a scathing memorandum of complaints to the Pentagon. In his memoirs he claimed it was James Jesus Angleton that did most of the damage and caused him to be sent back to fight the Korean War. When President John F. Kennedy sacked Dulles and Bissell from the CIA after the Bay of Pigs, Trudeau was being considered for the Deputy Director CIA position. One of his demands was the removal of Angleton, which of course didn't happen. Instead, they chose the insider's insider, LTGEN Marshall S. Carter (perhaps by the invisible hand of Dulles), who was Chief of Staff to Gen. George C. Marshall from 1940-46, Gen. Albert Coady Wedemeyer 46 - 47 etc., and a veteran of the UFO action (also a fly-fishing buddy of Angleton).

So BDM continued to operate and maintain a SCIF that was certified to hold TS/RD SIGMA and CNWDI information well into the 1980s, despite transforming to focus on the Information Technology field. Contrary to popular belief, you CANNOT just build a SCIF and get it certified for a certain compartment “just in case we win a contract”. It DOES NOT work like that – a company has to have a specific reason to have a facility certified – aka a “NEED TO KNOW”. This was publicly revealed by John Greenewald in his quest to get to the bottom of the AATIP/AAWSAP program – Bigalow Aerospace was the only tenderer that could meet the ridiculous schedule to have a compliant SCIF built to meet the DIRD contract, because he either already had one for another project or had inside knowledge of the contract requirement. The other tenders withdrew when they saw the timeline for having a SCIF built and certified, even though a timeline extension was later added as an addendum.

Perhaps BDM was involved in Project Timber Winds, which looked at nuclear propulsion for the 2nd stage booster of the interceptors used in the Strategic Defense Initiative? The company that eventually bought BDM, Northrop Grumman, was heavily involved in SDI.

r/UFOs - Timber Wind proposed project timeline

Timber Wind proposed project timeline

BDM therefore most likely had an interest in nuclear propulsion through SDI, which would explain why they hosted the ATP TEN conference in 1985 and were later taken over by the Carlyle Group (the “33 Investors” – aka 33 Degree Mason elite businessmen) and TRW before finally being absorbed by Northrop Grumman in 2002. These “big business” investors are mentioned elsewhere in the Majestic Documents, and are behind the not-for-profit The Aerospace Corporation of El Segundo, Calif. where Dr. Eric Davis is now employed. The Carlyle Group were also the main benefactors of the microprocessor patents of Freescale Semiconductor when 20 scientists died in the MH-370 disappearance, and which related to the ability to cloak objects via the methods explained in Professor Gennady Shvets’ DIRD paper “Metamaterials for Aerospace Applications”. page 2 page 1

The dates of the ATP TEN conference are also strange – the SIGMA request states 20-25 May 1985, but the notes have the dates 6 & 7 August 1985 on some pages. Why the difference? I think the scope of the conference was changed to include those that did not possess a “Q” clearance and therefore were unable to view SIGMA data. A look at the “attendees” list gives a clue:

r/UFOs - Why were highly classified and extremely sensitive nuclear weapon design documents available “as required” to the 1985 Advanced Theoretical Physics conference, held in a SCIF certified for nuclear weapons data when the agenda topics were about UFOs? Were they actually discussing "planetary…

John Kink and Sam Finch, who were initially slated to attend ATP TEN, do not appear on the list. It was most likely delayed a few months whilst the details were worked out for having non-cleared people present in BDM’s TS/RD SIGMA / CDWNI certified SCIF. All documents at that level would have to be removed from the SCIF and located elsewhere on someone else’s dime – not a trivial task.

Finally, we should also look at the “PLAN (Gov’t)” section:

r/UFOs - Why were highly classified and extremely sensitive nuclear weapon design documents available “as required” to the 1985 Advanced Theoretical Physics conference, held in a SCIF certified for nuclear weapons data when the agenda topics were about UFOs? Were they actually discussing "planetary…

Interesting things here are “No – Keyworth”, “No-Poindexter” and “SDI Gardner”.

SDI here again refers to the Strategic Defense Initiative, aka “Star Wars” program. The reference to keeping the Science Advisor to Ronald Reagan, George Keyworth “out of the loop” might be a due to a public reference to UFOs by Colman Von Kevickzky two years prior in 1983 that embarrassed Keyworth:

“Star Wars, UFOs, and Dr. Edward Teller:

The incident with Major General Robert Schweitzer was not the last time President Reagan's White House would have trouble with Von Keviczky pushing his UFO agenda on the White House.

Writer Antonio Huneeus described a second June 5, 1983 incident when VonKeviczky haunted Keyworth*, Reagan's science advisor**. VonKeviczky had stood up in an open SDI briefing being held by Keyworth to declare that the SDI was actually a* planetary defense system against extraterrestrials as opposed to a defense against Soviet ICBMs. Huneeus recounted the event:

"Nor was Colman VonKeviczky at all shy in confronting anyone about his views. Colman was a prominent member of the Hungarian-American community and was once part of a delegation that attended a briefing organized by the Reagan White House at the adjacent Old Executive House.

When the president's science advisor George Keyworth was explaining the SDI research program, Colman pointed out with that roaring voice he had that 'star wars' was really aimed against the galactic forces and not the Soviets. The science advisor was not pleased. Following the briefing VonKeviczky went to the Keyworth office where he presented a written brief titled "Heed Memorandum for Action to the 99th Congress." The briefing described the problems VonKeviczky saw with what he called the UFO Defense Initiative (USI) as opposed to SDI. He asked that Keyworth present the briefing to President Reagan. Instead of presenting the brief to the President, Keyworth records show that he passed it to a person by the name of M. Havey. No record of the report was found in the White House files. No reply was ever given to VonKeviczky.”

A "planetary defense system against extraterrestrials"....hmmm...that might be why ATP TEN needed SIGMA data?

The inclusion of RADM John Poindexter in the “No” category is also interesting – at the time of the APT TEN conference, Poindexter was the Deputy National Security Advisor to Reagan and was heavily involved in the SDI program. Perhaps Poindexter and Bobby Ray Inman, who is mentioned in the notes as being in charge of a “Major Engineering Project”, didn’t get along or had opposing views of the UFO subject?

Because SDI is included in the Plan, it is also worth mentioning Dr. Edward Teller. There are two Majestic Documents that are alleged to have been written by Teller regarding SDI and the UFO “threat”. The first one is described as:

In this five-page double-spaced memo written for President Reagan’s approval, Dr. Edward Teller clearly shows his familiarity with the UFO subject and its threat to National Security. It opens with a gripping sentence, “I wish to bring to your attention a very real and dangerous situation that threatens not only us, the world, but our very existence as a race.” It goes on to state, “No longer can the United States be in the position which it found itself in 1947. This was realized in January 1950 when President Truman made a decision to go ahead with a defense program exceeding in scope and cost of the Manhattan Project.”

The second is described as follows:

Another fascinating paper, titled UFO Technology and the Imbalance of Power*, is attributed to Edward Teller and is a five-page photocopy of onionskin paper. It goes into great detail about the nature of official secrecy and the benefits and the hazards of secrecy both in the Cold War and in the present day. Teller proposes that official secrecy surrounding UFOs should be lessened for three prime reasons: (a) to stimulate research in the field of military applications of UFO technology; (b) to promote cooperation between the USA and its allies around the world on the UFO issue; and (c) to inform the U.S. public of “the true state of UFO reality.” Teller also proposes that the majority of classified UFO documents should be declassified. In addition, Teller discusses the use of UFO technology integrated into the U.S. military’s remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) program and maintaining an adequate defense against “UFO nuclear weapons.””*

The last sentence is interesting - “UFO nuclear weapons”? Is Teller saying that UFOs /UAPs have their own nuclear weapons? Is that why the U.S. Army “Air Defense” facility at Ft. Bliss has had a “special nuclear weapons” program in the past, and why BDM relocated to El Paso to work on the Nike Hercules ADM? Was the prime air defense weapon (Nike Hercules) ability to take out "entire formations of high-altitude supersonic targets” (i.e.UFOs) with its W-31 implosion-type nuclear warhead, supposed to be replaced by nuclear-powered SDI boosted rockets? Is there now a "capability gap" to defend against a perceived "UFO threat" due to the demise of SDI as Teller warned there would be?

The nuclear weapons component of the UFO/UAP subject probably explains why people are VERY reluctant to talk about the subject.

Edit: Added the link to the Shvets DIRD.


Admiral Bobby Ray Inman's chance at being the Defense Secretary in the Clinton Administration is blown away by the Computer UFO Network, who distributed details of Inman's recorded conversations regarding the UFO subject. There are also a few posts relating to ionospheric heaters and potential counter-UAP mechanisms.


Was Bobby Ray Inman’s MJTWELVE cover blown prior to his 1994 confirmation hearing?



Was Bobby Ray Inman’s MJTWELVE cover blown prior to his 1994 confirmation hearing?

Back down in the Rabbit Hole again, I came across some interesting remarks from Gordon Novel relating to Admiral Bobby Ray Inman (ret.):

Interviewer: And what about Bobby Inman? What’s he involved in?

Novel: [smiles] He’s reputedly ah, MJ-4, but whether he is or not I don’t know. He’s a nice guy. He and I are friendly, so I’m not going to say anything negative about Bob. I don’t know anything negative.

Interviewer: So, isn’t he part of Disclosure. Didn’t we hear that?

Novel: We hear it, but, you know, it’s one thing to hear it and it’s another thing to do it. You know, it’s one thing to say it. It’s another thing to do it. So... (3/4 down the webpage)

After a bit more excavation of the rabbit hole, I found the following:

  1. Inman was nominated by then-President Bill Clinton to be Defense Secretary in December 1993. He was considered to be a very sharp Intelligence Community insider, having been the Director of Naval Intelligence, Director of NSA, and Deputy Director CIA (at one stage, when transitioning from DIRNSA to DDCI, he held both positions simultaneously, and according to NSA folklore wrote memos to himself to get favorable policies pushed through regarding budgets). He was a veteran of the war between NSA and CIA, preventing a proposal from DCI Stansfield Turner for CIA to absorb the NSA functions during the Carter / Regan administrations, and was due to attend his Confirmation Hearing in late January 1994.
  2. On the 12th January 1994, a group called the Computer UFO Network (CUFON) decided to write the following memo and send it to the mainstream media and selected members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in order to ask certain questions to Inman during his confirmation hearing:

Has Secretary of Defense designate Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, Ret., made

statements indicating that the U.S. Government has extraterrestrial craft in

its possession? Admiral Inman has been credited with making such statements

which have been construed as meaning that he was aware:

* that "recovered vehicles" (meaning extraterrestrial alien craft*) have been in possession of the government for over 10 years,*

* he had "some expertise" in the area of UFO before his retirement,

* that he has been aware of a program to "indoctrinate the public" in UFO


* that he "understood who is behind the technology in the crafts" meaning

extraterrestrial alien beings*,*

* that the matter (of U.S. government recovery and possession of alien UFO craft) was covered by the "national security laws".

The distribution list was as follows:

Senator John McCain Senator John Glenn Senator Jeff Bingaman

Senator Edward Kennedy Senator D. Kempthorne Senator Carl Levin

CNN Larry King Live The Washington Post Reuters America

AP UPI Adm. Inman

3. On the 18th January 1994, Inman held a press conference and announced he would not be seeking nomination as Secretary of Defense. Was Inman’s decision a direct result of not wanting to lie under oath about the subject when asked (particularly by Senator Kennedy, who knew better than most of the power of the MAJESTIC GROUP and his nemesis at the New York Times, Bill Safire) and to suppress the existence of the alien presence to the general public?

4. Some interesting comments from Inman at the following timestamps:

· 23:00 – Inman discovered in 1981 that Israel had direct access to the imagery produced by the NRO’s Talent Keyhole compartment (they didn’t have to ask for imagery). He was curious as to how the IDF had used IMINT for the attack on the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. Inman changed this arrangement, most likely over simmering feelings still felt over the USS Liberty incident, in which NSA civilian SIGINT operators were killed. I found this strange because prior to the creation of the NRO, the CIA was responsible for the KEYHOLE satellites. The person responsible for the “Israeli desk” at CIA for 20 years was none other than James Jesus Angleton, the only CIA officer who has their own memorial garden in Jeruselum. In Honor of James Angleton, Founding Father of the CIA-Mossad Alliance (

· 29:00- Senator John McCain is mentioned (one of the CUFON memo recipients)

· 31:00 - The Clinton’s involvement in the Whitewater Affair is mentioned

· 32:15 – “There are certain clubs I won’t resign from” (specifically the Bohemian Club / Grove, but I wonder if this is a veiled speech reference to MAJESTIC TWELVE)?

· 39:50 – “I scare the bejesus out of people because I am a product of the Military-Industrial Complex

5. The Clinton connection is interesting too – did they “cotton-on” to MAJESTIC TWELVE through Inman’s declination of the DEFSEC position, and become interested in this subject matter as a way to make money (by selling classified info) after they left the Whitehouse? Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House | HuffPost Latest News and Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG (

6. Gordon Novel was the predecessor to Tom DeLonge regarding Disclosure. He was trying to shop a movie around Hollywood called The Supreme Cosmic Secret. In this interview with New Realities’ Alan Steinfeld, he name drops John Podesta as someone he has been talking to in this regard (30:11 timestamp):

7. Inman was also on the board of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), which Ex-NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler, believed was involved in UFO research alongside other major aerospace contractors. Oechsler was the original source of the CUFON statements, which he obtained from Inman via a phone interview in 1989: Ex-NASA man who claimed space agency was covering up ET visitations, 'alien corpse in a cryogenic tank' and UFOs dies (

8. I found this reference to “M/J Operations” on the CIA Reading Room site:

r/UFOB - Corona KH4 satellites

Corona KH4 satellites

Initially, I thought these birds were tasked with trying to capture UAPs / UFOs interacting with atomic radiation clouds, as there were 4 nuclear tests at the Tonopah Range around the date of the memo which studied nuclear fallout propagation. However, as much as I would like M/J to reference MAJESTIC/JEHOVAH, I believe it is in reference to the model of the CORONA KH-4 “M” / KH-4 “J” satellites that were used at the time. CORONA (satellite) - Wikipedia

The tests of nuclear radiation around the time the memo was written may have been what they (and other partner nations) were interested in. At the time, the Keyhole satellites did 80-90 orbits (around 3 days) and then the film was ejected, re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere, and was caught by an airplane as it descended by parachute. The still-redacted portions of the mission profile and memo may be a reference to the CIA setting up their film and computer systems to share the data directly with Israel, obviously under the ever-watchful eye of the Owl – James Jesus Angleton. His dual role as Chief of Counter-Intelligence and custodian of the Israel desk at the CIA has always puzzled me. Secret JFK document #2: James Angleton's testimony > JFK Facts

As an aside, I have always considered the creation of Israel in 1948 as having been directly related to the crash retrievals of 1947 and the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls the same year. The source of this information was passed to me (and anyone else at the time who was interested) in a very peculiar way. When I started my working career in 1989, I traveled into the Central Business District of Sydney, Australia every weekday. Occasionally, I would come across a homeless-looking guy with a scruffy beard and long hair that had two paper flour sacks tied together over his shoulders, like a walking billboard sign. On these sacks he would draw in very elaborate, cursive writing “UFOs are Gods”, “Ezekiel 1:16 was describing a UFO”, and “2018 – 70 years after Roswell the Lord will return”. I would see him at various places – standing on the side of the busy Bradfield Hwy leading to the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Central Railway Station, and other random places. He would just stand there, not talking. I even approached him once to ask him about it, and he just stared through me, not uttering a word. The last time I saw an example of his work in 1991 was probably the weirdest though – he had nailed it onto a telegraph pole in the backstreet of a small town 60 kms from Sydney. I found this strange as it was out the back of a small church where I had just attended a wedding – definitely not for the mainstream view. I would be interested to know if anyone else had ever seen or heard of this strangely prophetic fellow.

Gordon Novel’s interview with Jack Sarfatti has some notable timestamps, though not related to Inman or UFOs specifically:

· 15:26 – claims J. Edgar Hoover was compromised by films/photos “with kids” (al la Epstein Island?)

· 20:00 – mentions “the Dragstrip”. How did Novel find the CIA? He didn’t, they found him. Novel bought a disused dragstrip in 1960 with grand plans for it. Also located on the land were secure bunkers for storing explosives used by O&G company Schlumberger. CIA needed access to the bunker for the Bay of Pigs operation, so they approached Novel for the key, and thus started the relationship.

· 21:00 – “yeah I was involved with Angleton, Colby, and Conein – don’t forget the name Lucian Conein”. One of the original OSS members along with Hunt, Helms, and Colby, and had connections with the Corsican Brotherhood during WW2. Novel says to “remember” his name, because Conein was most likely directly involved in the recruitment of Corsican hitman Lucian Sarti for “the Big Event” (JFK assassination).

Lucien Conein (

· 21:47 – Indictment by Garrison. It is hard to watch Gordon Novel’s interviews, mainly because he talks in riddles. I believe this is primarily because he sued Jim Garrison, who claimed Novel worked for the CIA. Having won the lawsuit, he was probably reluctant to admit that he actually did work for them, in case he perjured himself. Novel and William Colby both made enemies in the FBI when they worked on the Waco inquiry and did not want to kick the hornet’s nest again.

This hole is deep, though Admiral Inman is still alive and he may now be more open to discussing "Disclosure". If we continue to ask people who are nearing the end of their life like Inman and Kissinger what they know, we may get a Nat Kobitz response - i.e. "F_ck it, what are they going to do to me?"

Edit: Added the last 3 lines, as I think this will be far more productive than querying whether Lue meant "veracity" or "voracity".


We are over the target. The CIA's historical involvement in human trafficking to compromise powerful people was the method most likely used to kill the crucial UAP amendments in the FY 2024 NDAA according to Rep. Tim Burchett. And you'll only read about it here on UFOB - other subs suppressing it.


Are nuke-induced Compton Scattering mechanisms creating MHD waves in the Earth’s magnetic fields and “bricking” UAPs, as Lue Elizondo has hinted?


I was interested to see a short clip on Twitter the other day of Lue Elizondo being interviewed by James Iandoli, which went something along the lines of this:

Iandoli: “Starfish Prime was where they were doing some tests with nuclear explosions in space, and something crashes into the ocean and was retrieved.”

Elizondo: “Let me ah…there may be some significance to EMPs….ah…and I’m gonna go out on a limb here…please don’t take this and anyone run to the hills…this is, at this point, pure speculation…on…based upon some potential observations made in the past. Ah…there may be some truth that an electromagnetic pulse of energy can interfere with whatever this technology is and its propulsion. And if it interferes with it, you know….hmmm…you now have a..a…a very interesting scenario where whatever is keeping these things up in the sky…no longer does that…can’t do it. So now all of a sudden, this object comes crashing down, this object that has no wings, no tail, no ailerons, no…no obvious signs of propulsion, and it now it really becomes a brick, and that brick falls. And now all of a sudden gravity has a say, and mother nature takes over. And that’s…that’s probably all I will say right now. About that.”

I can’t relocate the original Tweet, and though the clip was posted here on Reddit a year ago, somehow I missed it.

Included in the comments was a really good video from u/RedPandaKoala regarding TTSA / Tom DeLonge's mention of Starfish Prime and its effects here as well.

This Tweet also coincided with Ross Coultharts’ Tweets regarding John Ramirez:

r/UFOs - Ross' Tweet

Ross' Tweet

“Some of the propulsion systems are difficult to understand”.


Fortunately, I know a little bit about nuclear weapons and the EMP effects they generate.

In 1994 I started work at a diesel engine company that was supplying the Australian Army. Their new product was a “full authority” electronic engine, meaning that an onboard PLC controlled the injection timing and metering to make the engine run. The Australian Army were replacing their old engines (with air starter motors and mechanical fuel injection) with these new engines. Having seen “The Day After” as a kid, the scene where all the cars on the freeway stop momentarily before the blast due to EMP intrigued me and I figured this would be a vulnerability for the Australian Army in a conflict. These old engines did not need electricity to run – they had an electric fuel solenoid that could be mechanically overridden, so I decided to try and make a device to protect the new engine electronics from EMP. I wrote a letter to the Defence Science and Technology Group to see if they were interested (they weren’t) however they did recommend a book by Charles S. Grace of RMC Shrivenham entitled Nuclear Weapons – Principles, Effects and Survivability (Brassey’s, 1993. ISBN 0-08-040991-1). This book sheds considerable light on the phenomena and mechanisms of nuclear weapons generated EMP, and therefore may also give insight into their effect on UAP propulsion systems.

The nuclear weapon produces three primary outputs which are fairly widely known: thermal, blast, and nuclear radiation. However, they are not the whole story, for there is another set of effects – the electromagnetic effects- which, whilst they pose no direct threat to humans, maybe even more devastating to equipment. EMP is an intense pulse of radiofrequency energy which is generated when a nuclear weapon is detonated on or above the Earth’s surface. It is not a primary output of the weapon itself, but it is a consequence of gamma-ray interactions with the atmosphere. The EMP generation process and the electromagnetic fields which result are much influenced by the burst height.

r/UFOs - Surface burst

Surface burst

When a nuclear burst occurs at the ground or a few kilometers in the air, gamma rays stream out in all directions and interact with atoms they encounter in the atmosphere. They lose much or all of their energy in a single interaction with an atom, most often by a mechanism called “Compton Scattering”. Much of the energy of the rays is transferred to a single electron of the atom, which is ejected from its valence shell at high velocity and travels a few meters at most from their parent atoms (which are now positive ions). This outward radial movement of electrons constitutes an electric current, called a Compton Current. It creates a separation of electric charges (the positive ions and the electrons), so a radial electric field is set up, directed outwards from the bursting point. Few of the gamma-ray photons will penetrate more than 2 or 3 km, so most of the charge separation occurs within a sphere of this radius around the detonation. This is called the source region or deposition region. The enormous intensity of the gamma pulse means the electric field reaches a very high value – several tens of kilovolts per meter in a few nanoseconds. The peak field occurs when the charge separation is at its maximum, after which the electric field urges the electrons back to their parent ions, with which they will eventually recombine. The laws of electromagnetism known as Maxwell’s equations tell us that wherever there are currents or electric fields which change over time, there will also be magnetic fields. The Compton Currents in the source region, therefore, generate a magnetic field, which rises to a peak value of about 100 amperes per meter.

r/UFOs - Exo-atmospheric burst

Exo-atmospheric burst

When the burst height is 40 km or more (called an “exo-atmospheric burst), the story changes. It is still gamma rays knocking out electrons that cause the pulse, but the geometry is different. Gamma rays traveling downwards encounter fewer air molecules until they reach the upper tenuous layers of the atmosphere. They still cause Compton Scattering, however, in the rarefied air, these ejected electrons can travel hundreds of meters unimpeded. Their trajectory is now influenced by the Earth’s magnetic field; they move in helical paths with a radius curvature of a few hundred meters.

r/UFOs - Magnetic fields

Magnetic fields

The consequence of these mechanisms is that there is a transverse component of the Compton Current, which can be shown to result in the radiation of the electromagnetic waves in the original direction of travel of each electron. Since gamma rays and radio waves travel at the same velocity, all the sources on a line between the bursting point and a point to the ground produce radiation that reaches the ground “in phase”, reinforcing one another. This produces very high field strengths in the radiated EMP reaching the ground.

The exo-atmospheric burst story is not over yet, however. It also produces certain other effects that I believe may be the direct mechanism that “bricks” UAPs. The weapons debris forms a highly conducting plasma. As it expands it pushes aside the Earth’s magnetic field lines, creating ripples in them called magnetohydrodynamic waves, or MHD for short. These propagate around the Earth.

The Starfish Prime shot used a hydrogen bomb of 1.4 megatons output to induce Compton Scattering and inject these relativistic electrons into the magnetic field lines of the planet, and at the same time created MHD waves that interrupted the magnetic fields. Project Argus preceded Starfish Prime in 1958 when 3 low-yield fission bombs were detonated exo-atmospherically in an attempt to use these charged particles as “shields” from Soviet ICBMs. A short 5-minute explanation is provided graphically by the scientists and military personnel involved (start timestamp provided in the link):

Take note of the term “conjugate point” in the film – it should also be noted that the HAARP facility in Alaska has an oceanic bouy south of New Zealand to provide conjugate point collection instrumentation.

r/UFOs - Argus footage (AEC)

Argus footage (AEC)

Enter Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén (30 May 1908 – 2 April 1995). He was a Swedish electrical engineer, plasma physicist and winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).

r/UFOs - Dr. Hannes Alfvén

Dr. Hannes Alfvén

Alfvén discovered the property of the planet that is now known as the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator. The Earth–ionosphere waveguide refers to the phenomenon in which certain radio waves can propagate in the space between the ground and the boundary of the ionosphere. Because the ionosphere contains charged particles, it can behave as a conductor. The earth operates as a ground plane, and the resulting cavity behaves as a large waveguide.

r/UFOs - IAR


Extremely low frequency (ELF) (< 3 kHz) and very low frequency (VLF) (3–30 kHz) signals can propagate efficiently in this waveguide. For instance, lightning strikes launch a signal called radio atmospherics, which can travel many thousands of kilometers, because they are confined between the Earth and the ionosphere. The round-the-world nature of the waveguide produces resonances, like a cavity, which are at ~7 Hz.

In the presence of the ionospheric plasma and the geomagnetic field, electromagnetic waves exist for frequencies that are larger than the gyrofrequency (The cyclotron frequency or gyrofrequency is the frequency of a charged particle moving perpendicular to the direction of a uniform magnetic field. The cyclotron frequency is given by the equality of the centripetal force and magnetic Lorentz force of the ions (about 1 Hz)). Waves with frequencies smaller than the gyrofrequency are called hydromagnetic waves. The geomagnetic pulsations with periods of seconds to minutes as well as Alfvén waves belong to that type of wave.

Could it be possible that UAP are exploiting the IAR in their propulsion systems, and the MHD waves generated by nuclear weapons on the magnetic lines of force is part of the mechanism that actually “bricks” them?

Alfvén also features in the Majestic Documents, due to his extensive knowledge of the little-known subject in the 1940s and 50s:

r/UFOs -

Someone at the C.I.A. has helpfully penned “MHD” as a side note to describe what the redaction was.

The magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling is also of interest here; the lines of force may explain the abilities of UAPs to drop from above 80,000 feet to sea level in 0.78 seconds, as observed on the USS Princeton’s SPY-1 radar in 2004:

r/UFOs - UAP elevator?

UAP elevator?

Alfvén was instrumental in the research of plasmas and their ability to conduct electricity through the “double layers” effect. He states the following in Double Layers and Circuits In Astrophysics (1986):

Double layers in space should be classified as a new type of celestial object”.

This an interesting statement, given the number of weird objects (“orbs” and “plasma”) filmed during the infamous STS-75 tether incident in 1996.

Alfvén was intrigued by the auroras in his native Sweden, and his interest led him to study Birkeland and Langmuir and magnetospheric physics. The hydroelectric power generation of Sweden is located in the north and the industrial region in the south. The connection of the two was via high-voltage DC cables, and the arc flash created during faults was the focus of his interest for some time. The explosions caused by high-voltage electricity cause plasmas to form, as described by Alfvén as such:

“A simple mechanism of the explosion is the following: the double layer can be considered as a diode for electrons combined with a reverse diode for ions, limited by a slab of plasma on the cathode side and another slab on the anode side. Electrons starting from the cathode get accelerated in the diode and impinge upon the anode slab with considerable momentum which they transfer to the plasma. Similarly, accelerated ions transfer momentum to the cathode slab. When more energy is supplied from the outer circuit the result is that the anode and cathode columns are pushed away from each other. When the distance between the electron in the diodes becomes larger the drop in voltage increases. This run-away phenomenon leads to an explosion.”

So, just as the MHD effects of nuclear blasts push away the Earth’s magnetic field lines, could this mechanism also be affecting a UAP’s plasma-type electro-magnetic propulsion by pushing the anode and cathode columns away from each other, causing an explosion and causing them to “fall from the sky like bricks” as Elizondo remarked?

r/UFOs - Various magnetic fields, including "interplanetary"

Various magnetic fields, including "interplanetary"

The complexity of the Earth’s magnetosphere, coupled with Alfvén’s interest in the exploding double-layer mechanism occurring in the Sun’s intense magnetic fields via solar prominences led him to develop the concept of Cosmical Electrodynamics. The spectacular results of radio astronomy have increased interest in the broader field of electromagnetic phenomena in cosmical physics, which is the theory that all planets, stars, and galaxies are somehow electromagnetically connected, which in turn lends itself to the theory that intelligent beings are utilizing this electromagnetic coupling as propulsion for interplanetary travel. Pharis Williams’ Dynamic Theory may also play a part in this mechanism, as Canadian Electrical Engineer Wilbert Smith’s ideas may do as well.

If you are skeptical of this concept, consider that the image below is from the abovementioned document, which is hosted on a NASA server.

r/UFOs - The Galactic Circuit

The Galactic Circuit

This ability for nuclear weapons to interfere with UAP propulsion weapons is possibly the main reason they are interested in nuclear missile silos and nuclear submarines (the USS Connecticut “running into a sea-mount” is a story I just can’t buy). A propulsion system utilizing Alfvén’s galactic circuit would be, as Ramirez points out, “difficult to understand” for humans unaware of its existence. Lue also seemed to be choosing his words wisely in the interview with James Iandoli.

Perhaps an offensive weapon test from Earth was captured by the STS-48 footage - "our side" trying to cause an MHD ripple in the magnetic field to shoot down the UAP?


"Bricking" UAPs Part 2 - Sorry to HAARP on about it


We identified last week the two likely mechanisms created by nuclear weapon detonations in the upper atmosphere that affect the propulsion systems of UAPs: Compton Scattering of electrons and the magnetohydrodynamic waves interference of the Earth’s magnetic lines of force. To recap:

r/UFOs - High Altitude Nuclear Explosion (HANE)

High Altitude Nuclear Explosion (HANE)

r/UFOs - "Bricking" UAPs Part 2 - Sorry to HAARP on about it

r/UFOs - "Bricking" UAPs Part 2 - Sorry to HAARP on about it

r/UFOs -

What I’d like to look at now is the HOW.

According to the Majestic Documents, it appears that Dr. Hannes Alfven was given the opportunity to inspect one or more of the downed “Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technologies” and theorized that “It is believed that the craft moves through space by utilizing an ionized plasma and the planet’s magnetic lines of force flowing through the atmosphere. This may help explain how the fusion reactor can function in a space environment”.

This gives us a clue to the exact mechanisms at play when a UAP is “bricked” – the Compton Scattering or MHD waves are interfering with either:

· the ionizing plasma surrounding the craft

· the internal craft mechanism that interacts with planetary magnetism

· the fusion reactor

· some combination of all three

Here are a few theories:

1. MHD creating Shear Alfven Waves that disturb the ionizing plasma / Casimir cavities


“Since thermonuclear research started with Zeta, Tokamaks, Stellarators - not to forget the Perhapsastron - plasma theories have absorbed a large part of the energies of the best physicists of our time. The progress which has been achieved is much less than was originally expected… One way out of this difficulty is to ask the plasma itself to integrate the equations; in other words, to make plasma experiments. Confining ourselves to cosmic plasmas, nowadays there are two different ways of doing this:

1. By performing scale model experiments in the laboratory. This requires a sophisticated technique, which in part we can borrow from the thermonuclear plasma physicists. It also requires methods to "translate" laboratory results to cosmic situations. Great progress has been made in this respect, but much remains to be done.

2. By using space as a laboratory and performing the experiments in space. This is a fascinating new technology which is most promising - but somewhat more expensive. “

Since atmospheric nuclear weapons tests have been banned globally for many years now, scientists have had to turn to other methods to research this phenomena. Computer models are becoming increasingly capable of doing this, but their outputs are only as good as the coding input – unknown variables in the real world skew the results in the laboratory. What about using space itself as a laboratory, as Alfven suggested?

r/UFOs - MHD


Meet Kanstantinos (Dennis) Papadopoulos, Professor of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Maryland who has been doing just that. He specializes in Plasma Physics and Space Plasma Physics.

r/UFOs - Prof. Dennis Papadopoulos

Prof. Dennis Papadopoulos

Amongst the many achievements listed on this page, the following appears:

· During 1969 to 1979, while at the Naval Research Laboratory, he originated the concept of multi-fluid codes with self-consistent anomalous transport. These codes provided the capability to simulate the ionospheric effects of high-altitude nuclear weapons explosions.

· He was instrumental in conceiving and promoting the $300 million HAARP ionospheric heating facility located in Alaska

· He was the co-Primary Investigator of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research – Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative “Mobile HF Sources for Ionospheric Modifications

Hmmm… a mobile method to modify the ionosphere to simulate the effects of high-altitude nuclear weapons explosions….that sounds interesting….

According to various scientific papers there are two distinct methods of using ionospheric heaters:

  1. Utilizing the auroral electrojet in polar regions
  2. Ionospheric Current Drive in non-polar regions

Polar ionospheric heaters generate Ultra Low Frequency / Extra Low Frequency / Very Low-Frequency waves by modulating the auroral electrojet at the ionosphere’s D and E region altitudes. However, in non-polar regions, the F region of the ionosphere can be heated via High-Frequency waves in a two-step process to produce ELF currents. First, the pressure gradient associated with the F-region heating drives a local “diamagnetic” current. This acts as an antenna to inject Magneto-Sonic (MS) waves into the ionospheric plasma. Second, the electric field of the magneto-sonic wave drives Hall currents when it reaches the E region of the ionosphere. The Hall currents act as a secondary antenna that injects waves in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide below and Shear Alfven waves upwards to the conjugate regions.

This is called Ionospheric Current Drive, or ICD and can be executed anywhere on the planet. Shear Alfven waves are MHD waves that are responsible for rearranging currents in plasmas – and if a UAP is using some type of plasma arrangement for propulsion, these waves will mess them up. Imagine having a ship with onboard ICD capability that can create these disturbances anywhere on the planet, in order to disrupt UAP activity:

r/UFOs - Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX)

Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX)

r/UFOs - "Bricking" UAPs Part 2 - Sorry to HAARP on about it

The Sea-Based X-Band Radar is part of the U.S. Ballistics Missile Defense System (BDMS). The radar on the SBX is housed under a large white radome and is considered the largest and most sophisticated phased array electro-mechanically steered X-band radar in the world, with approximately 45,000 transmit/receive modules forming the radar beam.

Whilst the actual transmitted power / effective radiated power of SBX’s 8-12 GHz capabilities are unknown, it definitely has the ability to perform the ICD functions as described above. An interesting patent describes a similar device as follows:

In one embodiment this is done by transmitting circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation from the Earth’s surface where a naturally-occurring dipole magnetic field (force) line intersects the Earth’s surface. Right-Hand Circular polarization is used in the northern hemisphere and Left Hand Circular polarization is used in the southern hemisphere. The radiation is deliberately transmitted at the outset in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line that extends upwardly through the region to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which is based on the gyrofrequency of the charged particles and which, when applied to at least one region, excites electron cyclotron resonance within the region or regions to heat and accelerate the charged particles in their respective helical paths around and along the field line. Sufficient energy is employed to cause ionization of neutral particles.”

It should also be noted that Ionospheric Heaters are located in many parts of the world – perhaps they are part of a global UAP Defense System? Although they may be employed to disrupt an ionizing plasma on a UAP via shear Alfven waves (“popping the bubble” as Lue Elizondo quipped), there might also be some other mechanisms they interfere with that disrupt UAPs.

2. Transverse fields disruption

In Double Layers, Alfven states the following:

Zmuda and Armstrong (1974) observed that the average magnetic field in the magnetosphere had superimposed on it transverse field which they interpreted as due to hydromagnetic waves. - Inspired by discussions with Fälthammar, Dessler suggested that the transverse field components instead indicated electric currents essentially parallel to the magnetic field lines (Cummings and Dessler, 1967). Dessler called them "Birkeland currents".

As we saw with last week’s post, there is a transverse component of the Compton Current, which can be shown to result in the radiation of the electromagnetic waves in the original direction of travel of each electron. UAPs may somehow harness the difference in potentials of these transverse fields that are transposed upon the Earth’s magnetic field as a source for its propulsion mechanism. The addition of the Compton-induced transverse after a High Altitude Nuclear Explosion (HANE) may impact the ability of the UAP to maintain its flight or perhaps induce System Generated EMP in the craft. SGEMP refers to the electric field that can be generated by the interaction of nuclear/ionizing radiation, particularly gamma and X-rays, with various solid materials. The effects include both forward and back-scatter emission of electrons and external and internal current generation. The SGEMP will affect objects above the source deposition region, which would be exposed directly to the nuclear radiations from HANE. The SGEMP phenomenon is very complex, but can be explained as follows: The solid material in a craft contains atoms that are heavier than of those present in air. Consequently, interaction with gamma rays and high energy X-rays will produce electrons by both the Compton and photoelectric effects. These electrons can, in turn, interact with the solid material to release more electrons, called secondary electrons, by ionization. Such electrons as are produced, directly or indirectly, close to and on both faces of the solid material and have a velocity component perpendicular to the surface, will be admitted from the surface of the material. As a result, an electric field is generated near the surface. If the component has a cavity (or space) in which the cavity in which the gas pressure is very low, very high electric fields of about 100,000 to a million volts per meter can occur near the interior walls of the cavity. This SGEMP, therefore, is of particular interest to those who believe that the Casimir Cavity effect is employed on the outer skin of UAPs as a propulsion mechanism.

3. Fusion reactor disruption

Pharis William’s patent US20130235963A1 describes a mechanism for a nuclear fusion reactor using deuterium whose design is based upon a non-singular electrostatic required by the quantization of electric charge. In other words, Williams discovered a way, utilizing his Dynamic Theory, to align the spins of the protons and nuclear electrons of deuterium atoms, when suspended in a metal hydride lattice to fuse together to make a helium atom without the need for extremely high temperatures and enormous magnetic containment fields – cold fusion.

r/UFOs - Deuterium


r/UFOs - Spin aligned magnetically, photos 90 out of phase, nuclear electrons fuse to form Helium

Spin aligned magnetically, photos 90 out of phase, nuclear electrons fuse to form Helium

r/UFOs - "Bricking" UAPs Part 2 - Sorry to HAARP on about it

Before you scream “but Maxwell’s equations need to change” for the Dynamic Theory, consider the following extract from Richard Hoagland’s Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA:

As Hoagland continued to make new connections of the geometry of Cydonia with the historical treatment of hyperspatial realities, he encountered a number of independent, rogue experimentalists who had been working along these same lines. Foremost among these were Dr. Bruce DePalma, an M.I.T. physicist and researcher, and Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden, a nuclear engineer and physicist who had been working on Maxwell’s original model since his days on the U.S. Army’s scalar weapons programs. Bearden had tirelessly researched Maxwell’s original writings and concluded that Maxwell’s original theory is, in fact, the Holy Grail of physics— the first successful unified field theory in the history of science. Bearden had done dogged detective work to uncover Maxwell’s papers, and from them had concluded that Heaviside had literally hijacked Maxwell’s theory and set modern science back almost a hundred years. According to Bearden, not only would modern physics never find the single unifying element for gravity, electricity and magnetism (because it was all based on Heaviside’s broken version of Maxwell’s model), but that if the original model were restored, it had the potential to unleash nearly limitless amounts of energy, and to allow humanity the means to actually “engineer” forces like gravity at the quantum level”. pg 114

u/efh1’s impressive gives a great explanation of the Dynamic Theory and also links to a paper prepared for the Astronautics Laboratory of the Air Force Space Technology Center by Dennis Cravens of Science Applications International Corp, that Pharis Williams was cited as an advisor. Well worth the read – I’ll highlight a few important points to our discussion:

On page 13, Cravens also states ”for truly innovative Electro Magnetic propulsion methods, the traditional Maxwell’s equations must be expanded or modified” indicating that he too believes the equations were compromised by Heaviside. On page 32 he also points out that Milne proposed similar modifications.

Pg.62 – The Casimir cavity. “It is conceivable, within the viewpoint of gravity as a Casimir-like effect, that inertial or gravitational mass may be altered when placed within a “Casimir Cavity”. The effect of high speed maneuvers and inertial forces upon the internal occupants of UAPs has always been puzzling – the Casimir Cavity theory might provide a solution. However, as we saw previously, SGEMP my have a disastrous effect on a craft that utilizes this effect.

Pg. 83 – Biefield-Brown Effects and the apparent non-zero coupling capacitors appear to demonstrate between electric and gravitational fields. Both Compton Currents and MHD / shear Alfven waves could have a detrimental outcome for any propulsive device a UAP has that exploits this effect.

Pg. 90 – Spin aligned nuclei – magnetic and rotational alignment. This is very interesting when you consider Williams’ design for a fusion reactor, remembering Alfven’s initial assessment of the ULAT propulsion system. On page 90 Cravens states: “Paul Brown is currently researching the extraction of power from decaying nuclei by magnetic methods and ion absorption by conductors” and “The following is a tentative hypothesis, based on the above facts and other historical facts. The devices were high frequency resonate devices that were tuned so that the average times between nuclear decay of an included source was approximately matched to the period of the circuit.” Also, on page 91, “Moray makes several references to atmospheric potentials” , and that “Paul Brown has produced several nuclear batteries… his device, a radioactive source is located within or near the inductive coil of an LCR tank circuit. The radioactive energy is such that it supplies energy at levels to sustain oscillations within the circuit. Then the oscillations are transformed to match the load requirements. The source of the energy is from the kinetic energy of the released radioactive particles. The deacceleration collapses the magnetic field generated by the moving charged particles. The changing magnetic field then accelerates the conduction electrons in the coil. Paul Brown describes the device as a sort of particle accelerator in reverse”.

A UAP propulsion system could be utilizing the Earth’s magnetic field to achieve this power generation – as it has recently been discovered that the Sun provides 3 GW of continuous electrical power to the Earth via electro-gravitic coupling between the Sun-Earth-Moon system. Williams’ reactor required a magnetic field to pre-align the spins of the protons and nuclear electrons in the deuterium atoms for the fusion reaction to take place – a UAP could also use the Earth’s fields for this alignment mechanism. A shower of Compton-scattered electrons from a HANE or MHD wave from an ionospheric heater would catastrophically disrupt such propulsion mechanisms and cause a “brick” event.

We should also look at who Dennis Cravens worked for – SAIC. A company that only allows employees to own shares (no outside shareholders to answer to) and with an “interesting” Director at one time:

r/UFOs - Adm. Bobby Ray Inman

Adm. Bobby Ray Inman

Does anyone remember Oke Shannon's notes?

r/UFOs - Oke Shannon notes

Oke Shannon notes

Finally, we shall look at another “quirky” coincidence. In his reactor, Williams stated that the deuterium atoms should be suspended in a crystal lattice of metal hydride so the applied magnetic field could align the spin of the subatomic particles – specifically Lithium-6 Deuteride:

r/UFOs - Lithium-6 deuteride lattice from Pharis Williams patent

Lithium-6 deuteride lattice from Pharis Williams patent

Now I wonder where he got that idea from. Did he meet Pharis Williams at Los Alamos?


Martyn Stubbs: Unsung hero in the Unidentified Aerospace-undersea Phenomenon field


I believe that the efforts of Canadian television technician Martyn Stubbs were monumental in disseminating the fact of the "alien presence" on our planet with evidence derived from the early space shuttle missions - but to many newcomers to the UAP subject, he is largely unknown. He was the first person to capture imagery (due to his technical subject matter expertise in live satellite downlinks for cable news networks) of the weird phenomena that occurred outside and inside numerous shuttle missions.

His YouTube channel is a gold mine of low earth orbit UAP imagery - I believe some of the footage was referenced by former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe as "UAPs captured by infra-red space-based cameras".

One of my all-time favorites is of astronaut Story Musgrave (a.k.a. "The Spaceman") adjusting the infra-red camera on STS-80 in anticipation of some type of event (the speed of which can only be described as a UAP) emanating from the U.S. Virgin Islands. A short 1 min :30 sec clip:

There is a compilation of these and similar events, titled "The Secret NASA Transmissions : The Smoking Gun" that is well worth watching if you have the time:

If you don't have time to watch the full 1 hour 30 min documentary, here are some snippets:


The last one is insane - two astronauts INSIDE the Space Shuttle encounter bright flashing coloured lights. You hear them asking one another - "did you see that?", "Yeah", "I thought I was imagining it but you saw it too!".

One other thing Martyn mentions is that NASA could have, if they wanted to, made it impossible to capture this type of footage. He mentions in the first of the above four videos that "it was a fallacy that NASA scrambled the feed after '48". This is a reference to the infamous STS-48 mission imagery that displays a UAP in Low Earth Orbit executing a 90-degree turn seconds before a Directed Energy Weapon is fired at it:

One of the Professors from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory even encourages Stubbs to look for repeatable instances of the phenomena, in order to convince other scientists of the validity of the existence of the phenomena. I guess it would be incredibly frustrating as a scientist to observe the greatest discovery of our species' existence, only to have to sign an NDA promising never to reveal the secret. Having Stubbs supply the burden of proof would be one way of circumventing the NDA.

NASA scientists want this to come out, in my opinion. Martyn Stubbs deserves the Stanton Friedman UAP Medal of Honour for his efforts.

Edit: My mistake, The Professor named wasn't from JPL. Mentioned as "Professor Weinberg" from a Canadian University. Stubbs said he had been communicating with NASA, JPL and Canadian Space Agency. Also, the Astronaut on STS-82 that saw the "bright, colored lights" INSIDE the Shuttle Discovery was Mission Specialists Mark C. Lee.

Space Shuttle filming "Loosh" generation event?

In this strange footage, Astronauts onboard the STS-80 Space Shuttle mission are anticipating some type of "event" to occur at 04:00 local time near Puerto Rico. The fact that they know the event is about to occur is evidenced by the fact the astronaut moves the camera several times before the event (which lasts less than a second) in the center of the frame. Is this some type of experiment to observe "Loosh" being manufactured in real-time, and filmed in the infra red part of the spectrum?


Is Little St. James Island the aquatic equivalent of the Skinwalker Ranch, and did the CIA get NASA to verify its anomalies on the STS-80 mission?


Looking through the excellent analysis by Electrical Engineer Mark J. Carlotto regarding the UAP event he describes as “F1”, and watching the raw footage from the Shuttle camera feed, I was struck by the position on the Earth’s surface that the F1 “Event” seemed to emanate from – a small island to the east of Puerto Rico.

r/UFOs - STS-80 vehicle location 07:54 ZULU 02 DEC 1996

STS-80 vehicle location 07:54 ZULU 02 DEC 1996

r/UFOs - F1 event near Little St. James Island

F1 event near Little St. James Island

The event itself can be seen here at the very beginning of the video – around the 8-second mark:

I then got to wondering – what famous island is situated near that location?

r/UFOs - Is Little St. James Island the aquatic equivalent of the Skinwalker Ranch, and did the CIA get NASA to verify its anomalies on the STS-80 mission?

Was the STS-80 mission observing that particular area for a specific reason? How did NASA know in advance that there was going to be some type of UAP event at 07:54:04 UTC (03:54:04 Local Time) on December 2, 1996? Even Carlotto himself states on page 23 “As noted earlier, the camera operator zooms out at this point in the video, and seems to be searching for the object”. They were clearly expecting the event – and the camera operator was none other than “The Spaceman” – Story Musgrave.

r/UFOs - STS-80 Mission Specialist Story Musgrave

STS-80 Mission Specialist Story Musgrave

Whatever the F1 event was, it preceded an extraordinary display of fast-moving objects in low Earth orbit, all displaying flight characteristics well beyond human capabilities, even today. Carlotto does some brilliant analysis of these objects, which can all be seen in the STS-80 footage. This footage represents the highest quality imagery available at the time to the human species and Carlotto does some top quality analysis on the imagery, which was peer-reviewed and published. Coupled with the information that was unknown at the time of publication (2004) relating to the sick and sadistic activities that were later carried out very near to where the event occurred, it is further postulated that as Astronaught Musgrave tried to center the camera to the best field of view possible, it is inferred that NASA knew exactly what was going to happen. This in turn indicates either:

a) the event was entirely human-initiated

b) the event was initiated in agreement with whoever or whatever caused/controlled the event.

So, the question posed is this: Is Little St. James Island the aquatic equivalent of the Skinwalker Ranch?

Interestingly, Wikipedia has the U.S. Virgin Islands listed as an "Unincorporated, Organized Territory" under 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(36) and 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(38) Providing the term "State" and "United States" definitions on the U.S. Federal Code, Immigration and Nationality Act.

I'm wondering whether this status of the Virgin Islands allows the Central Intelligence Agency to conduct research operations there, as Article IV of the U.S. Constitution may not specifically apply to USVI. Skinwalker Ranch, being almost smack in the middle of the CONUS, would be off-limits to the CIA, and is most likely why the Defense Intelligence Agency conducted research there under Title 10 USC. If Little St. James Island is similar to Skinwalker in weirdness, perhaps some legal loophole allows the CIA to conduct research there under Title 50 USC?

Consider this scenario:

The CIA hears that odd things are happening at Little Saint James Island and that “activity” can be “triggered” somehow (like CE5)? they know about Skinwalker, but the 1975 Church Committee hearings put an end to the CIA conducting activities Stateside.

They brief certain people in NASA on sub-compartments of their operations, and explain they want “verification” by direct observation in the near Infra-Red spectrum of the triggered event. Mission Specialist Story Musgrave on board Space Shuttle Columbia STS-80 sets up the IR camera so that Little St. James Island is front and center of the camera field of view, so the planned event around 04:00 local time 2nd December 1996 is captured, along with the “Other” UAP events in LEO that the STS-80 footage displays.

Once verification is certified (several months of legal paperwork) the Clandestine Cover Service of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations organizes the financials and engages Jeffrey Epstein to act as the frontman for L.S.J. LLC, which is incorporated on the 17th of April 1998 and purchases the Island for just under $8 million. We have seen how the CCS creates front companies in recently declassified CIA files involving E. Howard Hunt and Gordon Novel: Evergreen Advertising Agency and the Double-Chek Corporation are a few examples.

SEC Filing info:


Company Number 2884117 Incorporation Date 17 April 1998 (about 24 years ago) Company Type Limited Liability Company Jurisdiction Delaware (US) Agent Name THE CORPORATION TRUST COMPANY Agent Address CORPORATION TRUST CENTER 1209 ORANGE ST, WILMINGTON, New Castle, DE, 19801 Directors / Officers THE CORPORATION TRUST COMPANY, agent Registry Page

Corporate Grouping USER CONTRIBUTED

JEFFREY EPSTEIN 35 Others in this grouping (See all 35)

Is this why Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were shuttling the Elite to and from the Island continuously for well over a decade? Were they there for “Dinner and a Show”? What “human-initiated activities” could have triggered such an event? Is this why many scientists visited the Island over the years, to observe "phenomena"?

"In March 2006, before Epstein was charged with unlawful sexual activity with a minor, Stephen Hawking visited the island with a group of particle physicists, cosmologists and theorists, including three Nobel laureates and experts on gravity, dark matter and string theory.[16][17] All had been invited to attend a conference on St. Thomas funded by Epstein.[18] A March 2006 photograph on Little St. James shows Hawking, David Gross and Lisa Randall at a barbecue during the conference.[17] Krauss said the conference took place on the neighbouring island of St. Thomas, but Epstein had hosted the barbecue on Little St. James.[16]”,_U.S._Virgin_Islands

Are the strange phenomena that occur at Little St. James (similar to those at Skinwalker) the reason Epstein built the Temple, to worship the "Dark Forces / UAP operators" that reside there?

Tic Tac / Gimbal /Go Fast events

Here are various theories on what was actually occurring, and the discovery that the Go Fast and Gimbal events occurred less than 10 minutes apart, which implies that the same two aircraft of the Red Ripper squadron were probably involved in both events as there would have been insufficient time for another two aircraft to be launched from the USS Theodore Roosevelt.


The FA/18F Super Hornet Ripper 11's “Mission Card” load – key to proving Go Fast and Gimbal are excerpts of the same incident?


I’ve been conducting further research regarding the Go Fast and Gimbal footage with former F/A 18C maintainers, and have discovered something interesting.

Operating fast jets in a combat or simulated combat domain is obviously a complex issue. Prior to any flight, a vast amount of mission planning goes on behind the scenes and gets loaded into a central repository, called the Joint Mission Planning System:

r/UFOs - Joint Mission Planning System - USB "Mission Card"

Joint Mission Planning System - USB "Mission Card"

Although the image above is blurry, it can be seen that data from various sources (maps, Intel, onboard weapons configs) is loaded onto a memory device and then plugged into the aircraft. In Australia, this is known as the “Mission Card” – other nations like the U.S. call it simply a “data card”, and its contents are discussed during the pre-flight briefing:

r/UFOs - Pilot reference to "Data Card"

Pilot reference to "Data Card"

Although Australia no longer has aircraft carriers, the RAAF maintained the F/A 18 C Classic Hornets in line with US Marine Corps procedures, just in case they had to land on USN aircraft carriers during joint operations. Being a single-seat fighter/attack aircraft, the pilot was also the WSO, so things could get rather busy in combat. Multiple flights of the same Classic Hornet aircraft were semi-routine, however, every flight required pre-flight and post-flight checks, as well as new mission card uploads. Although pilots get to write their names on the sides of aircraft in the RAAF, this does not mean the aircraft is exclusively “theirs” to fly. The people I interviewed stated that the same pilots NEVER did quick turnaround flights – it was always a new pilot. One of the persons interviewed said that on other two-seater aircraft like the F-111, the changeout of pilots was rather tricky, as it meant one engine had to be shut down whilst the crew were swapped out. Both the F/A 18C and F-111 are no longer in the RAAF inventory.

John Greenwald's FOIA request confirmed that the Go Fast and Gimbal footage was taken on the same day:

I’m not sure whether the US Navy operates on the same principle of multiple sorties with different pilots, and in Ryan's interview with Joe Rogan, he states that "these things (Super Hornets) are really expensive - $30K an hour to fly":

Information derived from Chris Spitzer Isbert's excellent analysis from 2018 also indicates that flying two sorties on the same day with the same aircraft from the VFA-11 “Red Ripper” squadron seems unlikely, especially since the delay of the F-35C aircraft coming into service was placing additional airframe hours on the Super Hornets:

As there were a total of four squadrons involved in the Blue Team COMPUTEX training on January 21, 2015, re-using the same aircraft multiple times a day seems unlikely.

r/UFOs - Squadrons available

Squadrons available page 61

The F/A 18 F Super Hornet used by the USN is a two-seater – Pilot and Weapons Systems Officer. An overview of the processing systems is displayed below:

r/UFOs - Onboard processing systems

Onboard processing systems

The “Mission Card” has all the data for upload into the aircraft’s main computers via the Advanced Memory Unit (AMU) – including data relating to the weapons to be carried aloft during that specific mission. This is important, as this Reddit post from 2018 provided many pieces to the puzzle of whether Go Fast and Gimbal were part of the same incident:

The post describes how the laser designator codes in both sequences are exactly the same (1688). The weapons on board must have the same Pulse Repetition Frequency (called the PRF code) as the aircraft’s Designator Control system – as it can’t be changed in-flight, it must be uploaded prior to takeoff via the Mission Card:

r/UFOs - PRF codes info

PRF codes info

r/UFOs - PRF codes info 2

PRF codes info 2

r/UFOs - Grant Lavac's Twitter post

Grant Lavac's Twitter post

In a training exercise like COMPUTEX, it would seem strange for multiple aircraft that were aloft to have the same PRF code loaded, as it would confuse the weapons systems. In the Super Hornet, the WSO has the task of operating the Designator Control:

r/UFOs - Laser Designator Control

Laser Designator Control

Given the low probability of the same aircraft flying two separate missions (Ryan Graves said the Gimbal flight was right on sunset) with the exact same mission card upload with a different flight crew, our old friend Occam’s Razor can be used to determine that the footage was taken by the same flight crew on the same mission. But what was the elapsed time during the crew locking onto Go Fast and then spotting the Gimbal? Again, Chris Spitzer Isbert’s 2018 analysis provides the answer:

r/UFOs - Elapsed Mission Time MM:SS

Elapsed Mission Time MM:SS

The elapsed mission timer is in MM: SS format, This can be seen on the Gimbal footage as the timer goes from 52:59 to 53:00. The Go Fast footage that was released starts at 42:24 and stops at 42:53 – so there are less than 10 minutes of elapsed time between the two UAP being filmed. Why would the U.S. Navy cut the footage into segments and release them individually? As Australian researcher Scott Manning has posted recently on Twitter, both James Fox and Chris Mellon hint that Go Fast does a sudden 90° turn, and that the Gimbal footage "is a segment of a longer video", which could mean a video that starts with Go Fast:

This would clearly indicate that Go Fast is of non-human construction. In fact, the 90° turn might have been in the vertical plane, not horizontal! There is no way on Earth they will willingly release footage that confirms that hypothesis.

r/UFOs - "Ripper 11" with Go Fast / Gimbal interaction plots

"Ripper 11" with Go Fast / Gimbal interaction plots

A modified version of Zaine Michael’s excellent analysis of the Go Fast and Gimbal incidents. The wide glide path outlined above would not be the normal route to take back to the Roosevelt if the aircraft “Ripper 11” was nearing “Bingo” fuel, as quoted by Ryan Graves. I believe they took that particular circuitous route because they were filming the event as Go Fast and other similar UAP formed up above the Gimbal as “The Fleet”.

r/UFOs - Multiple Go Fast - type UAPs form "The Fleet"

Multiple Go Fast - type UAPs form "The Fleet"

Finally, the following needs to be addressed:

r/UFOs - Mission Brief / Debrief guide

Mission Brief / Debrief guide

There must be people out there on the USS Theodore Roosevelt flight crew that were part of the post-flight debrief of the Go Fast / Gimbal encounter.

Hopefully, they will provide the confirmation soon.

Edit: Added the link to John Greenwald's FOIA response from the U.S. Navy confirming Go Fast and Gimbal incidents occurred on the same day, plus a link to Ryan Graves on JRE explaining how costly the Supers were to fly.

Edit 2: I've just noticed that not only are the Laser Spot Tracker (LST) and Laser Target Designators (LTD) set at Pulse Rate Frequency code 1688 in both Go Fast and Gimbal cockpits, but the channel selection for Radio 1 is also set to GUARD in both instances (there are 20 channels to choose from). Two different flights with EXACTLY the same settings?

Edit 3: Tic-Tac was PRF 1631.

Edit 4:

One part of Ryan's JRE interview I found really interesting was Ryan explaining that the footage from the ATFLIR, the Situational Awareness page, and the radar data was captured on the same digital recording device that he and about 15 others watched in the Intelligence compartment onboard the Roosevelt. He said that someone had “stripped out” the ATFLIR footage from the SA and radar data (38:00 min timestamp).

I’m now wondering if the PRF codes were deliberately set to the default of 1688 by the Ripper 11 crew in order to “sanitize” the ATFLIR footage preemptively. The Tic-Tac footage taken 10 years earlier had the PRF of 1631, and this MIGHT have been considered a “sources and methods” compromise by DoD. Ryan also states at the 2:33:00 mark that pilots are now routinely “breaking the rules” by taking their cell phones on their flights, in a preemptive effort to circumvent DoD security. The fact that US Navy personnel with high-level security clearances and direct access to classified data had separated the ATFLIR footage from the Gimbal incident means that there is a concerted effort by the lower ranks in the USN to “get this stuff out there”. Perhaps the flight crews had a Standing Order amongst themselves- “if you see something out there, flick LST and LTD/R to 1688 before you film it”. That default setting would not compromise “methods, sources, and tactics”.

r/UFOs - PRF codes and radio channels

PRF codes and radio channels


Are we 100% sure Go Fast and Gimbal incidents occurred on the 26th of January 2015, 17 minutes apart, and were filmed by the same aircraft? Ryan Graves has posted his recollections of the incident and the aircraft involved (designated "Ripper 11") and makes NO MENTION of Go Fast UAP at all.


Ryan Graves has posted a comprehensive account of the Gimbal encounter on his substack, complete with renditions of the various positions of "The Fleet" in relation to the Gimbal UAP on the F/A-18 Super Hornet's Situational Awareness display:

What I found strange was that there was absolutely no reference to the Go Fast UAP, which Ripper 11 was supposed to have filmed 17 minutes prior. Why would that be? It was a significant event for the aircrew, with the Weapons System Officer (WSO) managing to catch the fast-moving UAP on auto-track.

Twitter user Zaine Michael (who I believe does an excellent job analyzing the Gimbal sensor data with fellow Twitter users MarikvR and u/TheCholla**)** published the following image on his Twitter feed:

r/UFOs - The flight path of Ripper 11 showing Go Fast (Right) and Gimbal (Left) encounters by Zaine Michael et. al.

The flight path of Ripper 11 showing Go Fast (Right) and Gimbal (Left) encounters by Zaine Michael et. al.

Original Tweet here:

Ryan states in his post that the Ripper 11 crew were heading back to the USS Theodore Roosevelt when they encountered the Gimbal and that the sun had already set. As he mentioned in the Lex Fridman interview (and also in his substack post), Ripper 11 was on its way out of the training area, whilst he was on his way in. The "Sensor Netting" of the Comprehensive Engagement Capability system they were using and its Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) architecture uses the Strike Group's diverse and powerful surveillance sensors, including the SPY-1 radars on Aegis Combat System-equipped cruisers and destroyers, as well as the E-2 Hawkeye's radar picture from on high, and fuses that information into a common 'picture' via data-links and advanced computer processing. This, in turn, provides very high fidelity 'tracks' of targets thanks to telemetry from various sensors operating at different bands and looking at the same target from different aspects and at different ranges.

Ryan's rendition of the SA display would have been available to all aircraft in the network at the time, including E-2D Hawkeyes and other Super Hornets.

The flight path from Zaine also displays something interesting. Ripper 11 has just "auto-locked" the tracking radar to Go Fast. At elapsed mission time of 4253 seconds, so they have two choices:

  1. Continue to track the UAP for as long as possible.
  2. Disengage and continue looking.

I'm sure most U.S. Navy aviators would select Option 1. However, Zaine's flight path displays Ripper 11 undertaking a large radius turn between 4253 and 5245 seconds, for no apparent reason. Why? I think they were tracking Go Fast:

r/UFOs - Potential tracking of the Go Fast UAP to Gimbal UAP (my edits of Zaine Michael's original image)

Potential tracking of the Go Fast UAP to Gimbal UAP (my edits of Zaine Michael's original image)

The "Stern Conversion" maneuver that Zaine mentions in his Tweet that Ripper 11 undertakes may be in response to the movement of Go Fast to the Gimbal's position, approximately 60NM away (the trajectory in the image is exaggerated). It would not be a stretch in my mind for Go Fast to cover 60NM in 17 minutes, if we consider sensor data from the 2004 Tic-Tac encounter in the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies analysis:

"The engagement lasted five minutes. With the Tic-Tac gone, the pilots turned their attention toward the large object in the water, but the disturbance has disappeared. The two FastEagles returned to the Nimitz, without sufficient fuel to attempt to pursue the Tic-Tac. On their way back, they received a call from the Princeton that the Tic-Tac UAV was waiting precisely at their CAP point. Senior Chief Day noted that this was surprising because those coordinates were predetermined and secret. Given that the CAP point was approximately R = 60 mi away, the probability of selecting the CAP point out of all the locations within the 60 mile radius, to within a one-mile resolution slightly more than the resolution of the radar system), is 0.0088%, discounting the altitude. It appears that the Tic-Tac UAV intentionally went to that location, although it is not clear how this would be possible."

Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles in the 2004 Nimitz Encounter by Knuth et. al., Page 4.

In his Substack post, Ryan goes into great detail to explain the positions of the individual members of "The Fleet", particularly that there was about a 3 NM distance between each of the 5 members. Would it be possible for Go Fast to have been one of the members of the Fleet formation, with the others emerging from the ocean to "form up"?

r/UFOs - Multiple Go Fast -type UAP form "The Fleet" (my edits of Zaine Michael's original image)

Multiple Go Fast -type UAP form "The Fleet" (my edits of Zaine Michael's original image)

The other alternative might be that the two incidents occurred simultaneously, with the Go Fast footage captured not from Ripper 11, but from another aircraft that launched 992 seconds AFTER Ripper 11, and we are actually seeing its display in the footage. This would explain why Ryan makes no mention of Go Fast in his article - and I believe it actually sounds like Ryan saying "did you just box a moving target?" Perhaps this is the reason he won't comment on Go Fast - his security clearance prevents him from talking about the footage his aircraft captured, but because he wasn't directly involved in capturing the Gimbal footage he is allowed to make comments as a private citizen. I therefore completely understand if he is unable to talk about Go Fast - he has already provided a phenomenal amount of additional data on Gimbal that helps us all understand what happened.

Interested in what everyone else thinks about this.


US Navy may have been close to mutiny over UAPs before Pentagon released the footage


Given the time taken for the FLIR footage to come out and the extraordinary lengths sailors and aviators later went to in order to capture footage (using personal mobile devices in highly secure areas), one can reasonably assume that non-flag ranked personnel were furious with the top brass at the ongoing coverup regarding UAPs and therefore probably close to mutiny.

Two standout incidents lead me to this conclusion: the fact that the Navy pilot that captured the images of objects off the US east coast in 2018 did so on an iPhone, and the sailor filming the 2019 USS Omaha splashdown footage off the combat system on a mobile phone INSIDE the Combat Information Centre. Both of these areas are highly classified (the CIC is a SCIF after all, and the skipper of the Omaha would have to have known about it). By using personal devices, they are bypassing the major issue the FLIR, Gimbal and Go Fast had, which is accessing classified systems to extract the data. I’d wager that Fravor, Underwood, and Dietrich spent many a sleepless night thinking of the consequences of speaking out about the Tic-Tac event, given the espionage component of JANAP 146E. The fact someone managed to get the data off the “brick” and post it online anonymously in 2007 means that the Navy personnel involved knew it was going to get covered up. The precedent set by the sentence of Kristian Saucier for taking photos of classified areas of a nuclear submarine (1 year) in 2016 probably got Navy personnel thinking it was worth the risk to capture images and footage on their own devices, rather than tamper with classified government equipment - which could easily be prosecuted as espionage with a much harsher sentence.

The US Navy (and by default, the US government), faced a conundrum in 2016/17: release the FLIR, Gimbal and Go Fast footage to TTSA or face mass insubordination by officer and rank & file sailors, who probably had loads of data on their phones ready to upload to the Internet.

One should also note the conspicuous silence on the UAP matter from the US Air Force - who would log far more air time than the Navy and should therefore see more UAPs. I found it most interesting that Lt. Gen. Steve Kwast was forced to retire early after disclosing publicly a special USAF “capability” had in terms of high-speed flight.

Many thanks to the brave US Navy personnel who have come out with firsthand accounts and the data to finally break the 73-year truth embargo.

The Invisible Residents of the ocean thank you, too!

r/UFOs - US Navy may have been close to mutiny over UAPs before Pentagon released the footage


The Gimbal UAP as a magnetic puppet, controlled by the "fleet" seen on the Super Hornet SA screen


Listening to the Lex Fridman podcast featuring Ryan Graves, I was interested in Graves' description of the "fleet formation" flying above the Gimbal. Graves was airborne at the time the Gimbal footage was taken and could see the "flying V" or wedge formation of UAPs flying above the Gimbal. In particular, Graves described the fleet as flying "all over the place" and flying "in a way that would not indicate they were following a flight lead". Perhaps the individual UAPs in the fleet were magnetically coupled to the Gimbal individually, and their erratic flight was a consequence of adjusting their own internally generated magnetic field strength against the Earth's internally and externally generated magnetic fields to maintain flight control of the "multiple stringed" puppet Gimbal object?

We should look at the magnetic fields that surround the Earth and how they are created (images from The Earth Sciences by Arthur N. Strahler, Harper & Rowe 1962):

r/UFOB - Earth-Moon common center acts like a spoon to stir the highly viscous semi-liquid magma

Earth-Moon common center acts like a spoon to stir the highly viscous semi-liquid magma

r/UFOB - Variations over the Moon's orbit change the depth of the "spoon's" stirring action

Variations over the Moon's orbit change the depth of the "spoon's" stirring action

r/UFOB - Earth revolves around the center of gravity without rotation

Earth revolves around the center of gravity without rotation

r/UFOB - Moon orbit inclination

Moon orbit inclination

r/UFOB - The Earth's stationary inner core and rotating liquid outer core and plastic-like mantle act like an electric generators' stator and rotor to produce the INTERNAL magnetic field

The Earth's stationary inner core and rotating liquid outer core and plastic-like mantle act like an electric generators' stator and rotor to produce the INTERNAL magnetic field

r/UFOB - The ionospheres' interaction with particles / electromagnetic waves from the Sun

The ionospheres' interaction with particles / electromagnetic waves from the Sun

r/UFOB - The dynamo field produced by the Ionosphere creates the EXTERNAL magnetic field

The dynamo field produced by the Ionosphere creates the EXTERNAL magnetic field

r/UFOB - The Van Allen belts capture radiation from space in the outer magnetic fields of the Earth

The Van Allen belts capture radiation from space in the outer magnetic fields of the Earth

r/UFOB - The tortuous path of particles trapped in magnetic field

The tortuous path of particles trapped in magnetic field

Consider now a fleet of UAPs that have the ability to focus an internally generated and concentrated magnetic field on an object either below it (air/space domain) or above it (an undersea object, like the one Dave Fravor described seeing underneath the Tic-Tac). They would have to calculate the correct amount of magnetic force to focus on the Gimbal "puppet" (perhaps with a similar focusing mechanism Bob Lazar described the "Sports model" as having) as well as taking into consideration the Earth's Internal and External magnetic fields. Maybe this is why they flew "all over the place" rather than in a tight formation - the slight variation in distance from the Gimbal would also slightly vary the magnetic strength of the controlling "string". A complex, real-time calculation with many input and output variables that are constantly changing.

The other thing to consider is the effect of sunspots on the External magnetic field:

r/UFOB - Sunspot activity 1947

Sunspot activity 1947

It is interesting to note that the peak of Solar Cycle 18 occurred between April and July of 1947, and the peak of Solar Cycle 24 occurred in April 2014. Perhaps a spike in particles from the Sun arrived on Earth on July 3, 1947, as a result of sunspot activity and caused a magnetic field calculation error in a UAP fleet, causing one to crash at Roswell and also perhaps Aztec?


Gimbal as a magnetic "puppet" - Part 2


Given u/blackvault 's news today that the U.S. Navy is refusing to release further UAP footage on the grounds that "The release of this information will harm national security as it may provide adversaries valuable information regarding Department of Defense/Navy operations, vulnerabilities, and/or capabilities", I thought I'd refine the magnetic "puppet" theory and create a visual aid to conceptualize better.

r/UFOB - Concept of Operation of Gimbal magnetic puppet theory

Concept of Operation of Gimbal magnetic puppet theory

The diagram above shows the polarity generation required by the Fleet units. The Gimbal object itself is passive (i.e. doesn't have a magnetic field generator) and uses the repulsive force of the induced North polarity of its underside against the Earth's magnetic field in the Atlantic Ocean. To operate in the Southern Hemisphere the polarity of all of the Fleet members may have to be reversed. The instantaneous acceleration we have seen in the past in the Gulf Stream and other footage may be the result of rapid polarity change of the magnetic field directed at the target (in this case, the Gimbal).

Why would an underslung "puppet" be necessary? Perhaps the Fleet units derive their own propulsion from the Internal and External magnetic fields of the Earth (somehow amplified/magnified) and as such have to move constantly. The underslung Gimbal may afford a limited amount of "hover" capability for the observations/collection operations they are undertaking.

The best site I found to actually visualize the concept was Mick West’s Sitrec page on the Gimbal incident, with the following adjustments:

If you use the “tweaks” drop-down box, Adjust the following settings:

Fleet turn start: 24

Fleet turn rate : 66

Fleet accel : 33

Fleet spacing: 3

Fleet X: 0.33

Fleet Y: 0.33

The simulation of the Situational Awareness (SA) demonstrates exactly what I am talking about, except for when the Fleet does a 180-degree turn and flys in a reverse wedge - and I think this is due to the coding.

The yellow curve in the main display is the Gimbal flight path, the white is its ground trace and the blue MAY represent where the Fleet was in relation to the Gimbal. The “string lines” are also helpful to illustrate the theory.

I also found a few related U.S. Patents, one of which was assigned to Lockheed Martin Corp.:

Apparatus and method for amplifying a magnetic beam


An apparatus and method for creating a magnetic beam wherein a focusing magnet assembly (45) is comprised of a first opposing magnet pair (20) and a second opposing magnet pair (30) disposed in a focusing plane, each magnet of the respective opposing magnet pairs having a like pole directed towards the geometric center of the focusing magnet assembly (45) to form an alignment path, two like magnetic beams extending from the alignment path on each side of the focusing magnet assembly (45), each beam being generally perpendicular to the focusing plane. A like pole of an unopposed magnet (10) can be directed down the alignment path from one side of the focusing magnet assembly (45) to produce a single magnetic beam extending generally perpendicular from the focusing magnet assembly opposite unopposed magnet (10). This beam is a magnetic monopole which emits pulses, levitates, degausses, stops electronics and separates materials.

Electromagnetic propulsion system and applications


The present invention relates to a new form of aerial, terrestrial, underwater or space propulsion, achieved through the use of electromagnetic interactions. By using the well known Euler-Lagrange electromagnetic force equation many different concepts can be devised to transform electromagnetic forces and interactions into a useful propulsive force. In particular, this process can be used to propel a mass (21) that contains the propulsion units (16). A possible propulsion unit uses electromagnetic interactions between the longitudinal electric field emitted by a sphere (18) near a capacitor with cathode (10) connected to ground, a dielectric (3) and with anode (11) connected to any high voltage polarity.

Propulsion system using the antigravity force of the vacuum and applications


The present invention relates to a new form of aerial, terrestrial, underwater or space propulsion, achieved through the manipulation (or engineering) of the vacuum with the proper electromagnetic interactions. This vacuum manipulation will allow the use of a new form of propulsion, and has applications in energy production and on the change of the time decay of radioactive elements. Opposing magnetic or electric fields create a mass repelling force, while attracting magnetic or electric fields create a mass attracting force. In particular, this vacuum manipulation process can be used to propel a mass (6) that contains the field sources that perturb the vacuum. One possible application is the creation of a repulsion point (48) in space through the interference of two or more longitudinal electrodynamic wave beams (46), which cause a repulsion force on mass (6),

Appreciate any thoughts on this concept.


Gimbal as a magnetic puppet Part 3: The Earth continuously receives 3,700 billion watts of power through the transfer of the gravitational and rotational energy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. An easily harnessed source of propulsive power for UAPs.


Following on from my previous posts on this subject matter, I have come across some interesting research that supports the magnetic propulsion theory of UAPs, particularly the Gimbal incident and the direct observations of the "Fleet" flying above it at the time.

First, this article:

The Moon may play a major role in maintaining Earth's magnetic field -- ScienceDaily

" The classical model of the formation of Earth's magnetic field raised a major paradox. For the geodynamo to work, the Earth would have had to be totally molten four billion years ago, and its core would have had to slowly cool from around 6800 °C at that time to 3800 °C today. However, recent modeling of the early evolution of the internal temperature of the planet, together with geochemical studies of the composition of the oldest carbonatites and basalts, do not support such cooling. With such high temperatures being ruled out, the researchers propose another source of energy in their study.

The Earth has a slightly flattened shape and rotates about an inclined axis that wobbles around the poles. Its mantle deforms elastically due to tidal effects caused by the Moon. The researchers show that this effect could continuously stimulate the motion of the liquid iron alloy making up the outer core, and in return generate Earth's magnetic field. The Earth continuously receives 3,700 billion watts of power through the transfer of the gravitational and rotational energy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system, and over 1,000 billion watts is thought to be available to bring about this type of motion in the outer core. This energy is enough to generate the Earth's magnetic field, which together with the Moon, resolves the major paradox in the classical theory. The effect of gravitational forces on a planet's magnetic field has already been well documented for two of Jupiter's moons, Io and Europa, and for a number of exoplanets."

I'm not overly concerned with the mechanisms here - just the power output - 3700 GigaWatts! The SCU report on the Tic-Tac calculates a power requirement for the UAPs observed by the USS Princeton in 2004 of 1100 GW for an object weighing 1000 kg to descend from 28,000 ft to sea level in 0.78 seconds. page 3.

In a power generation scenario, it is quite common to have generators of dissimilar sizes running in parallel, with the rotors of each unit magnetically coupled. Common practice is to "baseload" the smaller generators with fixed output, whilst the larger units act as "swing" generators to increase and decrease their output as the load requires. This analogy could be applied to the Earth-Moon-Sun electromagnetic system, with the Earth and Moon having a fixed output (proportional to their size and the gravitational/rotational energy they impart in the system) with the Sun providing the variable output. The UAPs, therefore, harness the power in the system locally (i.e. on Earth), however the actual source of the power is provided by the Sun through the electro-magnetic coupling of the Earth-Moon-Sun.

This theory of electromagnetic propulsion of UAPs harnessing the magnetism of the Earth-Moon-Sun system builds on the works of Canadian radio engineer Wilbert B. Smith. From a declassified Canadian government document, Smith states the following:

"For the past several years we have been engaged in the study of various aspects of radio wave propagation. The vagaries of this phenomenon have led us into the fields of aurora, cosmic radiation, atmospheric radioactivity, and geo-magnetism. In the case of geo-magnetics our investigations have contributed little to our knowledge of radio wave propagation as yet but nevertheless have indicated several avenues of investigation which may well be explored with profit. For example, we are on the track of a means whereby the potential energy of the earth's magnetic field may be abstracted and used.

On the basis of theoretical considerations, a small and very crude experimental unit was constructed approximately a year ago and tested in our Standards Laboratory. The tests were essentially successful in that sufficient energy was abstracted from the earth's field to operate a voltmeter, approximately 50 milliwatts. Although this unit was far from being self-sustaining, it nevertheless demonstrated the soundness of the basic principles in a qualitative manner and provided useful data for the design of a better unit.

The design has now been completed for a unit which should be self-sustaining and in addition provide a small surplus of power. Such a unit, in addition to functioning as a `pilot power plant' should be large enough to permit the study of the various reaction forces which are expected to develop.

We believe that we are on the track of something which may well prove to be the introduction to a new technology. The existence of a different technology is borne out by the investigations which are being carried on at the present time in relation to flying saucers."

An excellent overview of Smith's work, including his collaboration with U.S. Defense physicist consultant Dr. Robert Sarbacher, can be found here:

Acknowledged - UFOs, Aliens and Crop Circles (

A few other interesting articles on the Earth's magnetic fields and interaction with the Moon and Sun:

Earth's Magnetic Field Does Strange Things to the Moon | Science Mission Directorate (

Electro Plate Tectonics -


The following diagram illustrates the "load share" concept of the Earth-Moon-Sun electromagnetic system for clarity from a real-world application. Consider G1 as the Sun, G2 as the Earth and G3 as the Moon and all are magnetically coupled. ("Norm" is with G2 & G3 not running, 'SWBD' is short for switchboard). The additional "load" placed on the Earth-Moon-Sun system by a UAP using electromagnetism for propulsion is transferred to the Sun and not experienced locally.

r/UFOB - A real-world example of magnetically coupled power generators

A real-world example of magnetically coupled power generators


Was the Go Fast UAP one of several UAPS that emerged from the ocean and formed the "fleet" flying ABOVE the Gimbal UAP? Is the footage part of the same encounter?



•2 yr. ago

Was the Go Fast UAP one of several UAPS that emerged from the ocean and formed the "fleet" flying ABOVE the Gimbal UAP? Is the footage part of the same encounter?

I was interested to read u/AffectionateEdge5006 's post today:

In this post, he mentioned two things that I found intriguing:

  1. The Gimbal made a "verticle U-turn"
  2. Gimbal footage actually starts with Go Fast - "they were seeing little objects screaming across the water first just the one but all of them meeting to form a v flight pattern".

The first statement is actually verified by Ryan Graves in the Lex Fridman podcast:

No big revelations there - the podcast was online two months ago, so they could have easily seen that already. As Ryan states, an unusual maneuver, but not impossible.

The second statement though - now that got me thinking. Was the Gimbal and Go Fast footage actually from the same encounter?

The Wikimedia page of the Go Fast footage states that it was filmed on January 21, 2015:

However, the Scientific Coalition For UAP Studies' press release regarding their analysis states that Go Fast and Gimbal were filmed on the same day:

(2) Jan. 26, 2015 video known as the “Gimbal” video involving the USS Carrier Strike Group Roosevelt that was operating off the U.S. eastern coast;

(3) Jan. 26, 2015 video known as the “Go Fast” video involving the USS Carrier Strike Group Roosevelt that was operating off the U.S. eastern coast.

Hmmm.... why would the footage have been "delivered" to the Internet to give the appearance of two separate incidents? Perhaps they were filmed by two separate aircraft of the same flight, and whoever had them was not wanting to join them together to maintain their "provenance". However, it is now my suspicion that the connection between the two pieces of footage was never made because if it was revealed that the "whole fleet of 'em" emerged from the ocean in multiple locations and then formed the wedge configuration above the Gimbal, it would be confirmation beyond a shadow of a doubt that these objects were of non-human origin. Even the Navy, when it finally admitted authenticity, maintained the appearance of "two separate incidents".

Comments on u/AffectionateEdge5006's post indicate at some point in the past, this person had claimed "I'm one of the pilots part of the squadron from the go fast and gimbal. I won't do any interviews or anything due to NDA. What I can tell you is yes both videos were taken on the same day and I can also say those aren't the full videos there is far more including from my pod. We were sent out for real-world tasking and seen this squadron of smaller vehicles following the larger one. Also we could see these with our own eyes but couldn't see the larger object until it turned sideways and accelerated at amazing speed. If you really want to look into this get a boat and go near the Pelagic Sargassum Habitat Restricted Area you will find the answers to your questions happy hunting!" Could it be possible that this person is using John Murray Rowe Jr, the person he claimed to meet in prison, as a strawman to get his actual experience out in the open without the threat of doing serious time for espionage?

u/Nick_VltorOfficial noted in his comment that Rowe "worked for pretty much all of the big aerospace / defense companies over the years. Honeywell, BAE, Lockheed, Northrop, General Dynamics, L3, etc etc." At first I thought it odd that someone that worked for Lockheed would get involved with a Boeing Super Hornet issue, but I guess the maker of the ATFLIR pod (Raytheon) also fits out F-22s and F-35s as well.

To be fair, anyone that was in the air when the Gimbal and Go Fast footage was taken has a lot to lose if they “come clean” (including Ryan Graves). Australian nuclear scientist Dr. Harry Turner explained it well in his 1971 report. JANAP 146 legislation was created in the 1950s to prevent serving members of the U.S. Armed Forces from talking about UFOs. Admiral Hillenkotter exposed a flaw in JANAP 146 by revealing the existence of UFOs once he had retired. Amendment “E” of JANAP 146 was added after this that threatened imprisonment under the Espionage Act if anyone revealed anything, for the entirety of their life.

Point 8 on Page 11. We have to consider this before we go hounding Ryan for statements about the relationship between the Go Fast objects and the Gimbal - he has lots to lose, whereas most of us here have very little to lose other than pride.

I've previously posted about the possibility of the Gimbal being somehow "electro-magnetically" connected to the Fleet flying above, here, here, and here. This new development, if real, will therefore require a reassessment of the relationship between the Go Fast(s) and Gimbal UAPs.

UPDATE: It appears u/AffectionateEdge5006 has deleted their account in the last 24 hours.



Are UAPs getting annoyed at our high-power / high-frequency military systems "lasing" them, which is why they typically disappear shortly after any encounter with military aircraft?


I was just browsing #ufotwitter and found the following Tweet:

r/UFOs -

In my previous post regarding whether Go Fast and Gimbal were filmed by the same aircrew (Ripper 11) on the same flight, I discussed the Pulse Repetition Frequency settings of the Laser Spot Target & Laser Target Designator / Ranging settings of the FA/18 Super Hornet. Both the Go Fast and Gimbal footage has the PRF setting as 1688, whereas FLIR1 has it at 1631. It was initially posited that 1688 was the default setting of the Super Hornet when powered up; however, the ATFLIR manual states that the default setting is actually 1111:

r/UFOs - LTD default PRF code

LTD default PRF code

With Redacted Media's Tweet, I noticed that the Pulse Repetition Frequency emanating from the object was 600 cycles per second. According to the Joint Pub 3-09.1: Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Laser Designation Operations manual, the modern-day LST & LTD/R laser codes have a higher PRF when the lowest numbers are used:

r/UFOs - PRF code description

PRF code description

We know FLIR1 used a PRF code of 1631, which, with a maximum possible code number of 1788, means it was set at around 11 -12 cycles per second. How do we know this? Because a new procedure manual was published in late 2014, which updated the Joint Tactical Air Controller (JTAC) methods used. The JTAC's default PRF code is 1688, which is what Ripper 11 had their LST - LDT/R set to. As someone pointed out in my previous post, the AC-130 gunship has a fixed PRF of 1688, which is 10 cycles per second, and probably why JTACs have selected this PRF as the default for their Ops.

r/UFOs - Frequency comparison between 1957 and Nimitz / Roosevelt encounters

Frequency comparison between 1957 and Nimitz / Roosevelt encounters

The difference between the LACY 17 encounter in 1957 and the Nimitz / Roosevelt encounters was that the object in 1957 EMANATED an S-band frequency (relatively low power) whereas the F/A-18s directed relatively higher power IR frequency AT the objects. Perhaps if we returned the 2.995 - 3000 GHz, cycled at 600 times a second in short duration bursts, rather than blasting them with lasers, they might stick around longer?

r/UFOs - LST - LDT/R


It was very fortunate that LACY 17 was equipped with passive direction finding / electronic countermeasure capabilities to collect the signals and measurement intelligence of the object. Although the object was getting painted by ground-based primary radar during the entire 1957 encounter, LACY 17 didn't direct ANY electromagnetic radiation towards it which may account for the longer-than-usual encounter.

r/UFOs - PRF v Transmission Frequency

PRF v Transmission Frequency

Perhaps Professor James McDonald had promoted a "non-hostile" approach to investigating UFOs / UAPs, which might have run counter to the aspirations of the Military Industrial Complex. It is interesting to note that McDonald "committed suicide" after writing the report describing the July 17, 1957 encounter.

Edit: added the LST & LDT/R wavelength image & PRF v Transmission image

NRO Sentient program.

The program used by the NRO to task sensors and analyze images has been confirmed through FOIA to be the R&D section of the Sentient World Simulation, a Matrix-like distributed super computing program that models the world and predicts the future based on computational analysis.


Is the NRO's Sentient R&D program, revealed by John Greenewald as being part of the UAP Task Force collection system actually part of Purdue University's Sentient World Simulation? Is this Project LOOKING GLASS?


This article was served up in my Medium feed this morning:

"What if someone created a digital avatar of you and placed it in a massive simulation database –- and you knew nothing about it?

How would you feel about that?

Yes, while you are blissfully ignorant and unaware and just going about your normal life, your “simulated self” is now also going about its own life in a simulated global environment with most of the other eight billion other people inside a simulated planet earth.

Well, what if I were to tell you that this has already happened?

It has!

The server for this world simulation database –- that includes your avatar -– is actually located in (drumroll): Indiana!

That’s right!

It’s called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS). It is up and running, and housed in a building at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana."

Wasn't the system that John Greenewald (u/blackvault) recently obtained by FOIA regarding highly classified imagery also called Sentient?

“Sentient is (or at least aims to be) an omnivorous analysis tool, capable of devouring data of all sorts, making sense of the past and present, anticipating the future*, and pointing satellites toward what it determines will be the most interesting parts of that future,”*

Sounds very much like Project LOOKING GLASS.

I'd like to get a few different opinions here - if anyone has the time, could they read the Medium article above, as well as John's post and this article from 2019:

Please comment with your personal analysis.




Ghost in the machine: What do you think happens when UAP/UFO imagery is automatically ingested into the IC's Sentient World Simulation System? Do an infinite number of varying outcomes ("excursions") all lead to the same conclusion, and that's why they are freaking out and are on a "timeline"?


r/UFOB - Rudnyk calls out Bill Nelson over Sentient

Rudnyk calls out Bill Nelson over Sentient

r/UFOB -

r/UFOB - The Matrix

The Matrix


Modeling and simulation quickly becomes out of sync with new events, the emergence of new forces, and newly proposed theories. The goal of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) is to build a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information, such as major events, opinion polls, demographic statistics, economic reports, and shifts in trends. The ability of a synthetic model of the real world to sense, adapt, and react to real events distinguishes SWS from the traditional approach of constructing a simulation to illustrate a phenomena. Behaviors emerge in the SWS mirror world and are observed much as they are observed in the real world. Basing the synthetic world in theory in a manner that is unbiased to specific outcomes offers a unique environment in which to develop, test, and prove new perspectives.

SWS consists of components capable of capturing new events as they occur anywhere in the world, focus on any local area of the synthetic world offers sufficient detail. In other words, the set of models that make up the synthetic environment encompass the behavior of individuals, organizations, institutions, infrastructures and geographies while simultaneously capturing the trends emerging from the interaction among entities as well as between entities and the environment. The multi-granularity detail provides a means for inserting new models of any temporal and spatial scales, or for incorporating user-supplied data at any level of granularity. Therefore, SWS can be continuously enriched and refined as new information becomes available.

SWS consists of the following components:

• A synthetic environment that supports Effects Based Approach and a comprehensive

representation of the real world at all levels of granularity in terms of a Political, Military,

Economic, Social, Informational, and Infrastructure (PMESII) framework.

• A scalable means of integrating heterogeneous components across time and space granularities.

• Mechanisms that discover, gather, and incorporate new knowledge into the continuously running

synthetic environment.

• A single façade of user interfaces enabling information from all sources (simulation generated

data, parameters for models, and data gathered from the real world) to be searched, viewed and

modified in an ontology-aware manner.

• Integrated Development Environments (IDE)s for constructing and configuring new models or

modifying existing models and then incorporating these changes into the continuously running

synthetic world.

• A means to take excursions from any point in time in the synthetic world to focus on select

regions of the world, leverage private user data, or to research specific theories by simplifying the types of models to employ in the excursion.

SWS Components

The Core Synthetic Environment That Supports Pluralism of Thought: The core component of SWS is an agent-based environment named the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation (SEAS), designed to be agnostic to the type of simulations and choice of models in order to allow experimentation in the context of multiple and potentially conflicting theories. No single theory can adequately explain complex behavior, such as the rise or splitting of terrorist organizations. Each theory brings another perspective to the same phenomena. Only by combining these theories within the same environment can we gain a comprehensive perspective.

r/UFOB - Architecture


The Excursion Manager

Excursion Management SWS provides a configurable interface for configuring an excursion from the continuously running SWS reference world to meet the individual needs of a user. User needs addressed by the Excursion Manager include:

• Exploring multiple courses of action by taking different sets of actions in identical copies of the reference world.

• Using proprietary or classified data in a controlled experiment without interfering with the publicly accessible SWS.

• Constructing a synthetic environment for only a portion of the world or including only certain models, simulations, tools, visualizations, or data sources.

• Conducting simultaneous excursions in different areas of the world and merging the nonproprietary and unclassified results together. Once an excursion is configured, the Excursion Manager fulfills the following:

• Designs a Society of Simulations, consisting of the user-configured choice of simulations and components and any other components that the simulations depend on (referred to as members.)

• Sets up shared reality, the space shared among all members that are active in the excursion.

• For each excursion, pulls appropriate information for a specified calendar date from the ontological repository to meet the members’ input requirements.

• Persists significant simulation results in the ontological repository, tagged with this excursion’s identifier, for later analysis and cross-excursion analysis.

r/UFOB - Urban Resolve exercise architecture

Urban Resolve exercise architecture

r/UFOB - End users

End users

r/UFOB - Sentient search results

Sentient search results

r/UFOB - NRO Sentient White Paper

NRO Sentient White Paper

r/UFOB - NRO Future Lab

NRO Future Lab

r/UFOB - NRO Sentient "challenges"

NRO Sentient "challenges"

r/UFOB - NGA, NRO and UAPs


EDIT: User u/NullRad provided this YT QRD of what the Sentient World Simulation is:

DARPA Avatar Project - A Sentient World Simulation - YouTube


NRO employee (most likely David Grusch) asking the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency if they can request the SENTIENT supercomputer module that looks for UAPs amongst the torrents of TS intelligence data that NRO supplies to be "switched on" - stuff they DON'T share with other FVEY partners.


Australian Government caught lying about UFOs

In this section, we see that certain members of the Australian Defence Force leadership are purposely NOT briefed about UFOs, which causes them to (unintentionally?) mislead Parliament - a very serious matter. The U.S. is obviously pulling the strings of their Australian puppets regarding this subject. The question now, is of course, why?


Australian UFO report author Harry Turner may reference Majestic documents


There was an obvious internal war going on inside the U.S. government with regards to overall authority, policy-making, and releasing the information to the public in the 1950s - Hillenkoetter et. al. proved that. Imagine what Eisenhower would have said in his final speech if JANAP 146 hadn't been amended in 1960 to cover espionage? As Chief of Army in 1947, he was briefed on ULAT-1 and ULAT-2 retrievals, and therefore later as President, he realized that the Military-Industrial Complex were the ones actually running the show.

For what it's worth, the 41 USAF files referenced by Turner are most likely the Majestic documents (Prior 1948 and some of the documents in1948-59 tranches:, which includes Twining's White Hot report. How were they "released"? Probably placed in some archival repository that you would have to know about in the first place to access. The Harry Turner documents are a classic example of this- "released" in 2008, but you would have had to have known of its existence to go to the place where it was stored to view or purchase. Even if you did purchase that file, it has National Archive of Australia copyright protection so dissemination was limited. It was only recently this year when the file was digitized at placed on the NAA website that it got widespread dissemination. I think Bill Chalker, Keith Basterfield and Ross Coulthard pulled some strings behind the scenes to get the file digitized - great work if they did.

One more thing - JFK was a definite problem for the secret keepers. Intelligence Assessment File 001947122-A.1206 states on page 5 that “It has become known to CIC that some of the recovery operation was shared with Representative JOHN F. KENNEDY, Massachusetts Democrat elected to Congress in 46. Son of JOSEPH P. KENNEDY, Commission on Organisation of the Executive Branch of the Government. KENNEDY had limited duty as a naval officer assigned to Naval Intelligence during the war. It is believed that information was obtained from a source in Congress who is close to the Secretary of the Air Force.” Interestingly, this 1947 file was reclassified from SECRET to TOP SECRET ULTRA on September 4, 1960, so it could have been amongst the 41 documents "released" in 1952, however, their reclassification would have seen them removed from public access. The original source of the Majestic documents retrieved and copied them before the "E" amendment of JANAP 146 came into force in 1960.

Kennedy didn't need to be "read in" to the U-SAP compartment that dealt with this subject when he became President, as he already knew. He was "allowed" to win the 1960 election, just like Truman had won in the 1948 election (against all odds) for keeping his mouth shut on the UFO matter. JFK was most likely going to deviate from the established narrative at some point in his second term, so they got him in Dallas. George H.W. Bush was the onsite project manager in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

r/UFOs - Australian UFO report author Harry Turner may reference Majestic documents


Australian scientist O.H. (Harry) Turner's report, created in 1971 and only declassified in 2008, references one of the Majestic Documents that surfaced in 1995. How could that happen if they were not authentic? Did the "hoaxer" once again just simply "guess" the correct dates?


The report of Australian nuclear scientist O.H. (Harry) Turner makes many astounding revelations, most of which we are familiar with by now. However, on page 18 of his report, he makes reference to a Top Secret report, created during September of 1948:

r/UFOB -  Page 18

Page 18

There is a Majestic Document titled "Majestic 12 Project, 1st Annual Report, Cover Page 1948?". Someone has inscribed on the report "9/48?", and one of the recipients is General Hoyt S. Vandenberg.

r/UFOB - Majestic Document

Majestic Document

r/UFOB - Turner report page 18

Turner report page 18

r/UFOB - Majestic Twelve Project 1st Annual Report cover page

Majestic Twelve Project 1st Annual Report cover page

Having been created exactly a year after the Twining "White Hot" report of 19 September 1947, it would make sense that the 1st Annual Report would be due in September 1948. It appears to be a highly controversial report according to Turner, as Gen. Vandenberg refuses to believe the interplanetary hypothesis, due to a lack of hard physical evidence by the Air Technical Intelligence Center of Wright Patterson AFB (at the time known as Wright Field). It seems the compartmentalization of crash retrieval materials had already begun less than a year after their acquisition; Vandenberg was denied access.

How Turner knew of the existence of the Top Secret - No Foreign Eyes report of September 1948 is intriguing; as an Australian, he would be prohibited from handling or even seeing it. The key to the mystery of how Turner gained knowledge of this document's existence and contents might be another person named on the list of panel members in the Majestic Document - Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Oppenheimer was a close friend of another Australian nuclear scientist and mentor of Harry Turner - Sir Mark Oliphant. Oliphant worked with Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project as part of the British contingent of the MAUD committee with the cover story of "tube alloys" production and was sent to Washington to convince the U.S. government that an atomic bomb was not only feasible but necessary to win the war. Like Oppenheimer, Oliphant later lost his high-level security clearance due to perceived communist sympathy. Turner, having worked with Oliphant on the British atomic tests at Maralinga in the 1950s, may have learned the details of the UFO subject from Oliphant, which later became a life-long obsession for Turner. The Twining "Memo" is also referenced in Turner's report, having been created 4 days after the Twining "White Hot" report on 23 September 1947 and with the lower classification of Secret. This document was probably created for dissemination to British and Canadian allies, which in turn allowed access by Turner.

It is becoming increasingly hard to believe that a "hoaxer" of the Majestic Documents:

It is slowly becoming clear that at least some of the Majestic Documents are authentic.

If you want to know exactly what the U.S. government knows about the UFO subject, you should read them.


FOIA docs show a senior Royal Australian Air Force staff officer deliberately withheld a briefing on UAPs/UFOs from the incoming Chief of Air Force, Air Marshall Robert Chipman in July 2022.



FOIA docs show a senior Royal Australian Air Force staff officer deliberately withheld a briefing on UAPs/UFOs from the incoming Chief of Air Force, Air Marshall Robert Chipman in July 2022.

FOIA documents recently obtained by Australian researcher Grant Lavac show that a senior RAAF officer was asked to review a list of briefings that were planned to be delivered to the incoming Chief of Air Force, Robert Chipman for his very first appearance at Senate Estimates later this year. The list has yes / no options to brief the Secretary of Defence & Chief of Defence (SEC/CDF) and Chief of Air Force (CAF). The list has a column entitled "Hot Topics" with one row named "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena / Unidentified Flying Objects" and has a NO for SEC/CDF but a YES for CAF. This staff officer reviews the document and replies " Turn the UFO to a NO for CAF and we're good to go".

This is extremely important, as it empirically demonstrates that nameless, faceless, and UNELECTED bureaucrats within the Australian Government are desperately trying to maintain the untenable position that UAPs don't exist and don't pose a threat to aviation safety. In last year's Australian Senate Estimates, former Chief of Air Force Mel Hupfeld was completely blindsided by questions from Greens Senator Peter Wish-Wilson regarding UAPs and the RAAF's position and reporting policies on the subject. This line of questioning will undoubtedly be continued in the October 2022 Senate Estimates session, and was listed as a "Hot Topic" - why on Earth would the new CAF's staff withhold such vital information from him?

Interestingly, a response to Australian FOIA requests must be received by the applicant within 30 days of receipt by the department - something u/blackvault would undoubtedly be envious of.


Australian Government Senate Estimates 9 NOV 22: The conspiracy "theory" of elements within the Royal Australian Air Force covering up the UAP/UFO subject is confirmed as a conspiracy "fact".



•2 yr. ago

Australian Government Senate Estimates 9 NOV 22: The conspiracy "theory" of elements within the Royal Australian Air Force covering up the UAP/UFO subject is confirmed as a conspiracy "fact".

During the Australian Senate Estimates session yesterday (9 November 2022) the new Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force, Air Marshall Rob Chipman was asked a series of questions by Australian Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson regarding UAPs. After explaining to Chipman that he had asked his predecessor, AM Mel Hupfeld, similar questions, Senator Whish-Wilson then asked the following :

Whish-Wilson: "Could I just ask you, since you have taken over, as Chief of Air Force, in what capacity, if any at all have you been briefed on the UAP phenomena since you've taken over the role in July?"

Chipman: "Senator I haven't had any specific briefings in relation to UAPs since I've taken over".

The exchange can be seen here.

Unfortunately for AM Chipman, senior staff REMOVED the UAP/UFO subject matter from his Senate Estimates briefings list on 22 July 2022. We know this because Australian UAP researcher Grant Lavac obtained the emails of the Australian Defence Force regarding the UAP / UFO topic. On 21 July 2022, the Head of Air Force Capability Office (HAC) received an email from the Ministerial Liaison Office (MLO). The recipient then forwarded the email on to the Air Vice Marshall of HAC, asking the following:

HAC staffer: "Hi Sir. MLO have sent through the following Senate Estimates briefs list and are seeking your advice on whether the current CAF-level brief list is accurate or if additions need to be made, topics deleted or multiple topics combined into one brief. SEC/CDF brief requirements have been confirmed and are as per the attached list. Your advice would be appreciated for a return to the MLO by COB tomorrow (22 Jul). Thank you."

HAC Air Vice Marshall: "Turn the UFO to NO for CAF and we are good to go."

r/UFOB - HAC prevents the Chief of Air Force from being briefed about UFOs (red line inserted to reference the "yes" to "no" change)

HAC prevents the Chief of Air Force from being briefed about UFOs (red line inserted to reference the "yes" to "no" change)

Grant's post regarding this FOIA response can be seen here.

Who the hell do these people think they are? Unelected, faceless bureaucrats that think they just do whatever the hell they want, without repercussions? Coming on the heels of The Hill article about warring UFO factions within governments, this should be all the proof you need of their existence.

Edit: HAC response wording


Pressure and Time: Australian Department of Defence backflips on its attendence at the Five Eyes UAP meeting. FOIA requests were in motion to access the visitor lists of the Pentagon SCIF the day the meeting was held and ultimately forced their hand. Reported by Canberra Times.

News - Media

The Department of Defence has refused to answer questions or explain its about-face, despite concerns the organisation misled Senators. However, the public has been urged to "always assume a screw up before a conspiracy".

By Jamieson Murphy

In October, the Canberra Times reported Australia ignored the United States-led Five Eyes meeting about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon (UAP) - the contemporary term for UFOs - despite the US labelling the issue a "national security threat". The Department of Defence denied attending multiple times, including in a response to a question on notice by Greens Senator Peter Whish Wilson in the May Senate estimates. Defence officials have admitted Australia sent representatives to a UFO briefing in the United States, after previously denying any involvement. Defence officials have admitted Australia sent representatives to a UFO briefing in the United States, after previously denying any involvement.

In the following November estimates, Senator Whish-Wilson continued to push the department to explain itself, questioning why Australia would turn down a briefing invitation to its most important intelligence alliance and how many other Five Eyes meetings it had not attended. "For what reasons did the Australian Department of Defence decide that Australia - as a Five Eyes member - not attend AARO's Five Eyes Forum on UAP?" Senator Peter Whish-Wilson said.

In response, the Department of Defence backflipped on its previous answer. "Yes [Australia was invited to the UAP briefing]. A Defence representative at the Australian Embassy in Washington attended," the department stated. It's understood an Australian Defence attache based in the US attended the briefing, which was held in May 2023. However, the Department of Defence would not confirm the details and refused to answer any questions about why it had misled Senators in its previous response. Ross Coulthart is an Australian journalist and one of the world's leading UAP investigators. He said it was quite plausible the Department of Defence didn't do its homework before brashly responding to the Senator's inquiry. "The first explanation is just incompetence, and they treated the inquiry with such disrespect they didn't properly check with their Defence attaches in Washington," Mr Coulthart said. "The worst explanation, the one that I don't like to think about, is that they were knowingly lying, and I sincerely hope they weren't.

The bottom line is that they should have been more clear up front in the first place. "Maybe it was just incompetence and they hadn't asked all the right questions. But it demonstrates they treat this subject with a flippancy and disregard that their American ally doesn't."

Grant Lavac, an Australian civilian UAP researcher, said Defence's silence on the issue was concerning and called on the government to explain itself. "What confidence can Senators have that their questions will be accurately answered, when the Department of Defence cannot even offer an explanation as to why it denied Australia's participation in the Five Eyes forum, only to then make a complete backflip admission?" Mr Lavac said. "It does not bode well for the government and the Department of Defence's commitment to transparency, when accredited members of the news media and private citizens cannot even solicit comment and a simple explanation."

The US-led Five Eyes alliance consists of the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Canadian and New Zealand governments confirmed they had defence personnel attend the UAP forum. Australia's UAP policy has previously been criticised for being out of step with its closest military allies, including the US, which introduced mandatory UAP reporting for defence personnel in 2021. The past three years, the US has held multiple Congressional hearings and commissioned several reports, while the Pentagon has created a new division dedicated to researching UAPs. Other allies have acknowledged the unknown aerial phenomenon, including the UK, Canada, France and Spain.

The Canberra Times has previously reported Australian Defence personnel don't feel comfortable reporting UAP sightings through official channels and freedom of information documents revealed senior Defence officials mocked the subject while preparing briefing notes. The Australian Defence Force stopped collecting reports of UAPs in 1996, "after determining there was no scientific or other compelling reason to continue to devote resources to the recording and investigation of UAP". × Despite the renewed interest in the topic from other Western nations, Australia has no plans to implement reporting mechanisms for pilots.

Department of Defence admits Australia's involvement in US UFO briefing after denial | The Canberra Times | Canberra, ACT (


Australian Department of Defence caught lying to the Senate Estimates Committee regarding attendance at the FIVE EYES UAP conference in May 2023. Great work here by the Australian version of Tim Burchett, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson in consultation with researcher Grant Lavac. Constant pressure wins!


Ladies and gentlemen...we got 'em. Researcher Grant Lavac has received a FOIA response from the U.S. Government revealing coordinated Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) collection tasking program among Australia and the other FIVE EYES partners. Classified sharing at the TS//SI/TK level. BOOM!

Catch you all later on.
