Up to date changelog for current version is available here
Archive Changelog for all previous versions is available here
Suppression du Chapitre 6 initialement prévu pour alléger la charge: choix pertinent car les features relatives au gardien + locChips ont augmenter de manière exponentielle et demandaient un temps de développement inconnu.
PostRelease extrèmement maîtrisée (en enlevant les 5 jours de vacances): 13 jours seulement contre environ 150 sur les derniers cycles !! + bon décalage des bugs (tendance initiée avec le cycle précédent)
Semi revamp des OrderProfiles qui à un peu foutu le boxon sur la post release (il en faut toujours un..)
Award du changement de design le plus pertinent: les mini portraits
Content locked efficace et bien respecté
Toute la partie Kadic ‘Improvements’ non prévue originellement (portes, armoires, lits, néons…), mais qui permet de solidifier les bases
CHAPTER 5 - Attic World - More Sewers - More Kadic Details - Mini Portraits - Holoscan Gameplay - Removable Panels - LocChip System - Bubble Type Windows - Realworld Rats Attack - Ephemeral Cocoon - Laptop in Lab
Content locked
- Unity 2021.3.25 LTS -> 2021.3.33 LTS +(c4d import issue fixed in .30)
- Update URP 2.1.11 to 2.1.12
- Console Enhanced Pro to 3.3.4 to 3.3.6
- FpsCameraPreset List rather than stacked in StickToGround code + custom mouseCam distance
- Cleanup legacy difficulty manage values missing from GameBalanceReferences
- ConditionalDisplayable working with StoryConstants
- ConditionalDisplayableSwap
- ElectrifiableVFX and assignment made generic as DynamicLockVFX
- SplitFading autoAsset assignment for timelines
- AelitaBoundToEarth turned to generic lyokowarrior.boundToEarth
- AelitaEarthCodeNeeded_hasNoDNA turned to generic lyokowarrior.earthCodeRequired (partially)
- Added LyokoGuide TeleportProfile
- Added FolderFileREF common system for TextDiairies, VideoDiairies and PicturesFiles
- Remove requirement for textDiairies to have paragraphs numbers preregistered
- Auto-Gathering of unlock files within chapters
- Custom Game Option: Preserve Monsters : toggle monster being destroyed after all XANA towers deactivated
- New Setting option to disable core window animation (for users who experience lag)
- Options flags put to main language subOption menu
- Difficulty option should be placed in custom game options rather than accessibility preset as well as game balance speed
- Polymorph first appearance (when attacking deciphering tower situation) is now random rather than based on difficulty level
- “Franz hopper alive” renamed to “fall rescue”
- Gmap.railway command now triggers a ‘future only popup’
- Main Gmap.autobus command changed to .bus (FR)
- Vmap skid setting changed to ‘automatic systems’
- New option: possibility to disable transf which close automatically when opening link
- Improve dormitory stairs, fences, doors, wall, lighting -> update cutscene CH01 with odd and jeremy
- Improve arcadeGymfield location (lighting, textures,modeling,new door)
- Improve annex stairs + update cams and overall location
- Ceiling neons pass in all Kadic interior locations
- Bed pass in all bedroom locations
- Wardrobes pass in all bedroom locations
- Vents pass in all Kadic interior locations
- Classroom pass on tiled floor, blackboard, walls, baseboards and chairs
- Canteen overall render improved
- GymBoilerRoom various cleanups
- Jim’s bedroom repositioning
- New dorm boards
- Night Mist weather type (Kadic Park)
- Vmap motionBlur PP added -> turn to separated option
- Clone window: appear and transitions animations + improved 3D shader
- CH01 parallax on city shot / realTrees on street shot
- Ch02 dormEntrance cutscene - more animations
- Monster pictures variations are now used to portray their behavior (kamikaze, cautious, commander)
- Multiple Attack are now limited to a max of 3 enemies that must be selected (if more than are 3 present) unless itanoCircus + update actions descriptions
- Clicksound removed in most cases when there’s already a sound associated with the actions
- NoVirtZone for guardian & scyphozoa only appears when unit is selected
- Eyecatch V1.5 (original layout) + fix fade error (when no skipping CT)
- Apart from JIM, all members of Kadic are now displaying their family name in the dialog box (ex: Suzanne -> Mrs Hertz)
- Terminal doesn’t clear input field when unknown command anymore + feedback it with red field
- Readme tutorials button turned to green hue
- Increase holovis items array size with scrollbar
- Scrolling feature added on hovering help sidebar when too much alerts/challenges…
- Elevator roof model & texture
- Design update for disabled state of attributes gauges
- Lab more detailed normals + hatch light and wall surface
- Lab upper clamp textures and light improvement
- Superc additional floor glow light on opening
- QuickPortrait in-lyoko feedback is now a rim border (plus..the costume)
- Remove one row of desks in classroom
- Redrawn chapter menu cards
- Added slight reverb to select/deselect (also increase/decrease button)
- Added slight reverb to factory door opening at the end
- Added sfx for holo info of annex cards (carthage core and guardian bubble windows)
- Redo FD/CD buttons for laptop
September 27th 2023 Deadline - THE CREATOR
- Carthage separated chapters concept -> fallback on original plan to keep it through existing chapters
- Legacy VoiceSwitcher cutscene clips (used in fireworks cutscene concept and firsts immu’s rooms)
- Legacy AudioSwitcher, CineEvents, TimelineEventCaller
- GameEvent Legacy Reverse behavior
- (Temporarily) swarm type hornets / swarm type crows
- Holoscan Gameplay + LocChips System + Save/load + Update readme notes & tuto + SFX
- LocChipStates for vmap -> making use of the five bars
- Effect of faulty entity/tower-type locChips + disable access to WIP network ones + hide guardian and content
- Guardian Window / ChipCountdownAttack + SFX
- Guardian and clone windows feedback TransmitData Clone <->Guardian + SFX
- Vmap Feedback TransmitData Clone <-> Guardian
- 45X Fix: Despite not being localizable, it’s possible to send clone to LW (clone.to.william) who’s being held hostage by the Guardian.
- 45X Fix: If Guardian is targeting LW, but LW is devirtualized or he changed sector, the monster won’t target any other LW anymore.
- 45X Fix: When Aelita successfully flees a battle (so she won’t trigger fights), the Guardian (if it’s next to her) won’t catch her.
- Vmap/LocSystem - locChip reconnection sequence
- Translated purple LW shader
- 3D spinning earth shader (rather than spritesheet)
- Make Transfer compatible with link in the same time
- Fix: When virtualizing LW and while they are being virtualized, the scanners are turned off. They are not virtualized (which is normal) but it makes cam displays (blue) disappear on the right of the link window.
- Fix: If link window is on revirt subwindow, entering virt commands should fallback revirt to virt (currently, the tab stays as revirt)
October 5th 2023 Deadline - LOKI S2
Livestream October 7th - Drawing Jim Stories
- Removable Panels + RTTP /TimeTravel Support + Dedicated SFX
- RealInteract popup item description and title shift
- Biting interaction + SFX
- Tower DNA fallback: When exiting a tower in the midst of repairing or exchanging DNA, the value is now stored in a cache, and it can start back to where it was if it's the same tower + readme note
- BoilerRoom SFX from upLadder cam angle in Lab
- Assemble team screen: SFX on message Received / message NoAnswer
- New knockout variation for new attack
- Laptop temp lab spawnPos
- Stress idle pos for characters when dangerLevel is higher than 0
- Physical sc button sound for SuperC interactions + added shimmer for the lever panel closing
- Fd/Lp physical button sounds
- Science LowerFloor (+free access in ch03)
- Holding dishes animation state and mask
- Special (larger) FX target when selecting tower or a bubble-type lyokoguide + glitchable effect
- Display AP cost Highlight outside battle
- Display outline highlight when hovering miniportrait of sidebar
- Display outline highlight when hovering a cell of the sidebar (xana, objective…) that can open help by clickinput fields
- More characters Emotes and Particles (cold, love, sick)
- Added in Credits: musical inspirations
- Support for save/load for DiaryTextViewer opened
- Integrate REPLIKA_TRANSLATED music (aka no danger while translated) + other danger level turned to battle music normal
- Autoscan on/off sound
Reveal Logo Video - October 14th
- Reverse pause button text in readme
- Add: Aelita’s cocoon creation skill - cocoon accessible for other LW (target still is Aelita)- cocoon cannot be used against the scyphozoa or guardian + SFX
> cocoon selectable in vmap ->> opens related comCards if closed, like tower
> exclude carthage/vehicle -> NOT in chapter 1-2
- Reconceptualization: only talker info - no emotion
- Almost all game characters and costumes !
- Auto costume recognition from cutscene 3D model setting
- New combination phone+portrait for phone calls dialogs
- Harmonization on Bubble Thoughts (now supports costume variations)
- Harmonization on QuickInfoPortraits in alerts (+support for lyoko costume portrait)
- Harmonization on SMS notifications (+ new phone icon and colors)
- Harmonization on AssembleTeamScreen (now supports costume variations)
- Harmonization on MissionCreationMenu (now supports costume variations)
- Harmonization on TeamMember added notification (now supports costume variations)
- Harmonization on Program CD Inventory Cartouche Badge (Aelita) (now supports costume variations)
- Playable - New Locations - New Character - 2DCutscenes - SFX - EN/FR Audio PASS - Musics
Steps: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13
- [DG] Intro playing isn’t offered anymore when launching already completed CH01
- [Floof] Avoid interface upper buttons shortcuts text to overflow with ellipsis mode
- Frontier data retrieval should be specific to the supercomputer where the LW got ‘frontiered’
- [Fall Lyoko] forest path to tower 0
- [SOFTLOCK] It’s possible to climb on one of the big roots in woods and get stuck
- Potential fix for William SpriteError when he spawns for the first time on replika - set as translated for some reason. Tempfix as translated cards are now matching the xana_ prefix
- [Harmonix] transf LW -> stop scanners -> talking to LW in scanner makes it clip out of the closed scanner
- [Harmonix] transf LW -> stop scanners -> stop transf -> restart scanners: the LW won’t go out of the scanners but should
- Doing a superscan after megascan (tower transm), supercan will pick up a neutral tower that was in megascan list
- [LyKx] User shouldn’t be able to use skid.hspeed commands while autopilot is on
- [Floof] It's possible to devirtualize Aelita with Code Earth while transfptc is set to virtual mode.
- Ch03 - [TomAijerrie] Jim's collision box (working in electric drawer) is too small
- [Ben - p2817]If LW xanafied is xanafied by scyphozoa during battle (with other LW’s around?), a (P3) Issue on CombatSceneTurnStep1 System.NullReferenceException is triggered
- [3DGamer - p1831] When Franz spawns to save Aelita, he falls for a few seconds back in the sea
- TerrainFix not taken into account for raycast, leading to more issue with falling in sea, removing usage of legacy ‘animal’ tag
- After being saved from Franz, if Aelita falls again in sea, she goes through sea without devirt
- Ch03 - Soccer Interact sometimes not working in ch03 (UUID issue)
- Clicking multiple times on doorShatter/doorHack in energyze skills shouldn’t consume multiple points
- When playing on 31st of December, Agenda Markets and Timers on next year are not called properly / issue if Xana attack on the next year (trying to go to next day will trigger attack)
- [Regression] As described, Itano Circus should damage allies
- Supersonar green triangle can end up above textbox
- [AlexMario] In Chapter 1, if you click on the text "Remaining Energy" to open the window, an error is displayed.
- [AlexMario] Holomap "empty" (grid only) After the supercomputer restart cutscene, should be ‘nothing’
- [Tene] You can lock the game during the first tutorial (where you have to open the diary) if you click on playerStats meters
- Save/load encrypted diary entries become readable and readable entries become encrypted.
- Holomap first interaction isn’t clear, users might try to find a program rather than clicking on the holomap -> added screen blocker
- On using the interface (first vcom on PC),if lost for 15s users should be reminded that tuto can be found through the objective.
- Lyoko monsters (not sea) should be getting unitBehavior
- Turns are now correctly skipped when enemies are paralyzed (2 rather than 1)
- [Callie] If a fight starts on Carthage, the window opens even if you are not connected.
- [3DGamer - e3639] When you select Ulrich’s unique attack, Triangulate, the “extra damage” feature shouldn’t be offered, since Ulrich is not going to attack them but to immobilize one of them.
Livestream November 6th - Drawing Mini Portraits P1
- Ch02 - Add feedback for clicking on FD button to insert it + Forbid going into interface until FD is inside
- Ch03 - An clearer picture in readme to learn how to read /click on the sphere for information on tower location in monoscan
- Ch04 - Introducing a wrong antenna identifier displays “unknown command” rather than “incorrect antenna identifier”
=> added “.set.” command in the middle
Livestream November 21th - Drawing Mini Portraits P2
November 25th 2023 Deadline - DOCTOR WHO SPECIALS
Livestream Early December - Drawing Mini Portraits P3
December 6th 2023 Deadline - MIGRATION
Trailer December 19th 2023
January 6th 2023 Deadline - WONKA
Livestream December 7th of January - Drawing More Mini Portraits for 46X
- Latest SFX and audio pass
- Various Fixes left & cleanup work
Livestream December 10th of January - Drawing More Mini Portraits for 46X
- Translation pass (Readme/Chapter5/Holoviz/BubbleT/Objectives/DiaryJ)
- Code TODOs 46X: 132/132
- Last corrections
Released: 13th of January 2024
Windows Only
4.6.0 - Patch 1
Various Fixes
- IE_Override priorities
- Attic atmosphere
- Bubble thoughts auto resize + better layout for question buttons
- Ch05 - remove trap interaction for better interaction with Herb dialog
- Updating various Ch05 dialogs + improved ch05 intro cutscene
- Added some more red error outputs for public builds
- Ch02 - Game Freeze on result screen
- Ch05 - Can get stuck in some of the walls of the attic on stairs level
- Sometimes player get stuck on lab floor (especially saved by LW from assault)-> rework on the character controller😢
- [AlexMario] when attacked by an assault and woken up by an LG, right-click is no longer possible
- Red Error: "Error trying to get tower of univ ID: -1 origin = IFSCL.VirtualWorld.LyokoGuideOrderProfile"
- Ch03 - [killerinstinct27 - p2819] (in bedroom ulrich/odd/yumi) option to talk (cutscene) prompts but does nothing on click
- Ch05 - some monsters seems not to have spawn on the path to tower to attack of second act
- Ch05 - [c_callie - p2819] If the clone is materialized near a guardian using coordinates, it will appear under the ground and fall into the digital sea.
- Reactivated rats biting damage (when in factory only + not when using trap door)
- Ch03 - [Phaeris - p2819] Green Jeremies (unloaded characters) in library
- Ch03 - You get the floppy disc automatically but it’s now also on table, so it should be removed
- CH05 - stairs cutscene - Jeremy is floating
- Ch05 - [GlitchShift - p2819] Jeremie's bag is phasing into the table's leg
- Ch05 - Aelita’s PM should be restored in between the two lyoko phases
- Ch05 - nico dialog are doubled in attic
- [Zayyy - p2819] The guardian ends up in a tower + 3DGamer: this happens if the Guardian is targeting a LW who is in a tower...but there’s another LW outside the same tower.
- [3DGamer - b3823] Missing translation for Xana's attack ‘tvHuman_MIB’/student/…
- Ch05 english text corrections (diaries and dialogs)
- Ch05 french text corrections
- [Fedix - p2819] Italian Translation error DNA
- Cleanup diary 2003-10-22
- Both the Kankerlat and Hornet holoviz sections are broken english
- In skidMenu options, the name of the category isn’t renamed properly (automated systems)
- [PulseNeon45 - p2819] If Aelita is in a cocoon before getting caught by the guardian, the game considers she is still in the cocoon (triggering red errors)
- [IcePlayer - p2819] French command elevator.portes… doesn’t work
- [C_Callie - 3DGamer - b3823] CH05 - After Herb joins the team, if you open the “gmap” -> “gmap.telecom” window, a red error + red issue are thrown.
- [C_callie - p2819] Creating a Cocoon in replika makes it visible in all Replikas
- Elevator doors are opened after rats attack knockout sequence but shouldn’t
- Music ‘Neutral Sequence’ is too loud
Released: January 15th 2024 (build 2820)
Windows Only
4.6.0 - Patch 2
Various Fixes
- Loading saves is broken / Issue on initiating replika (will stuck skid related entries to replika)
- Ch02, when must escort Aelita to the tower with the data, Aelita was outside the tower instead of inside, which triggered a fight directly with Aelita alone against a monster.
- Ch02 - Aelita doesn’t get back into her tower
- Result screen still have the chapter old ‘carthage’ chapters menu but should be removed
- In Polish version entry from 2003_12_11 and end of entry from 2003_11_22 have not been translated
Released: January 15th 2024 (build 2821)
Various Additions, Changes & Fixes
- RadialMenu available in pause menu (bugReport only)
- When terminal blinks red -> specific sound
- Difficulty option now influence the swarm attack and electric ball attack timer
- Vmap Tower gets green blip vfx when transmitting energy
- Franz HP and AP should be reflected in his window
- Small diary fixes
- Update bugreporter layout
- Decrease of cocoon overall maxHP
- Ch02 - Aelita doesn’t get back into her tower (trying to call her in bedroom at night with the others feedback she’s not available)
- Some users start custom game from scratch and get a black screen / no terminal (same issue from below with saves)
- Red Error: "Error trying to get tower of univ ID: -1 origin = IFSCL.VirtualWorld.LyokoGuideOrderProfile"
- Save file from patch can’t be loaded => videoDiaryfile identifiername gets changed on each new build, scriptable object had binarized on runtime in the past, making the change unsavable
- Ch01 - Camera on last cutscene introducing schoolyard Day go through some wall of kadic
- Some rats are slightly offsetted in sewer sideView corridor
- Question Button (after first one) are not aligned properly
- (During Attack) OnMouseEnter/Exit issue log removed
- Circuits 3D visuals are all the same but shouldn’t
- [selkii] It’s possible to fall down from dorm stairs in some instances
- Laptop feature in lab (will be back in the future)
- ‘unknown command’ prompt when entering unknown command
Released : January 18th 2024
Windows Only
[Holidays January 18th-22nd]
Various Changes & Fixes
- Now MusicDangerLevel also triggers if scyphozoa is using its power + is higher when Aelita is tempXanafied
- Tooltips now uses the icon of readme genius help rather than smiley
- Readme bar buttons adjusted
- Vmap Captured-by-scyphozoa LyokoGuide is now slightly lifted from the ground + facing scyphozoa
- Vmap Captured-by-xanawarrior LyokoGuide is now slightly lifted from the ground + facing xanawarrior
- Lexical change: descriptions & code referring to ‘harassment’ modified as ‘persecution’
- Network slowdown duration increased for all difficulties
- Telecom Phone animation now scaled based on team phone found quantity
- CountType enum system for countdown displays
- Gmap Meteor countdowns simplified (no more use of realtime since a long time - only keeping the countdown part)
- Gmap Meteor - far-earth view redrawn
- Reframe admin front secondary cam (near door)
- Aelita’s Cocoon removed from battle actions (still in design)
- [IcePlayer - p2819] Attack of the Skid docked on a Replika tower: assault causes the shield very little damages
-> Damages increased
-> Damages received now always takes account the lyokoguides atk that are nested inside lyokoguides groups
-> Condition Skidbladnir resistance to assault based on difficulty
- DNA repair/exchange speed doubled
- [IcePlayer] Despite transfBar autoclose option disabled, transfbar should move down (close) upon virtualizing
- [Al3ks - p2825]If you start devirting a LW and instead of finishing the process you close the scanners and reopen them the LW will come out of the scanner but the process won't be finished so you can't finish the mission or do the RTTP
–> new design: now the scanner cache will be lost as well as the LW inside it
- New vmap icons for megatank and scyphozoa
- PhonePortraits updateLoop
- Xanafied attack incorrectly shows meteor attack on TV
- (S)[TomAijerrie - p2771] In free mode, when loading a save with the GMap.Telecom window open, Odd is not displayed in the window. To see it again, close gmap and relaunch gmap and gmap.telecom.
- [IcePlayer - p2819] If we have the bus attack, on its monitor in gmap, if we click on the red section (the one supposed to indicate the percentage), the gmap camera attaches itself to the bus and follows it, even if we haven't synchronized the data with the TV
- [IcePlayer - p2819] Meteor Gmap tab display bug - When attacking the meteorite, in the blue section at the top left of the window, the date is always the first day of the year (here 01/01/2024) rather than the right date.
- [IcePlayer - p2819] Display bug 'meteor' tab gmap - Timer + map are generally incorrect
- [3DGamer - b3828] Missing translation when you try to create a cocoon with insufficient AP.
- (S)[Louzeur - p2819] Missing Heart shield animation (wireframe one) even when animations are enabled in options
- When Aelita's Earth Code is corrected, her Com. Card shows 'DNA in correction' instead of 'Earth Code in correction'.
- [IcePlayer - p2825] Elevator Window - Light Point of XANA's creature is missing after first assault
- [3DGamer - b3828] If you accept the offer to quit the current CM game because you lost Aelita (for various reasons…), when you reach the results page, that reason should be provided
- [3DGamer] Diffvirt broken throws red errors
- [Richard - p2825] Red Error Skidbladnir is tagged ˇinTowerˇ but UnivTowerID = -1
- [Richard - p2825] I destroyed a replika and once I destroyed it I went into the digital sea and instead of getting out of the replika, I just appeared in front of lyoko.
- [3DGamer - b3832] Monsters don’t target the cocoon if LW enters a cocoon after those monsters have already spawned
- [3DGamer - b3832] If the Guardian catches LW while inside cocoon, after you free LLW, countless red errors will be thrown.
- [IcePlayer - p2825]Between two assaults, the pressure on the elevator doors is not reset.
- Ch03 - [otto - p2825] screen is blocked when going on adminFront map, near the door
- [IcePlayer - p2825] Warning missing: DNA Fusion triggers a warning on virt but not the others (confusion, mix, earthCodeBug…)
- if in the options I change between "." and "(" mode for the commands and I re-enable the parenthesis mode, when autocompleting TAB it continues to put me the parenthesis.
- Rare scanner softlock
- [IcePlayer - p2825] Clicking on cocoon doesn’t focus it on vmap (like towers or units)
- (S)[BisKath - p2825] When Lyoko's core is being attacked, a monster appears outside the core. It is not always possible to reach it with vehicles, which makes it impossible to complete the alert.
- [Regression] Guardian should never TP to carthage upon capturing a LW
- [Regression] Scyphozoa and Guardian do not move
- [Regression] Upon waking up from xanafication, LWs do not move
- [Xenobit - p2825] When any LW starts a battle, all the closest allies come out of the cocoon but shouldn’t.
- (S)[Richard - p2825] After using megascan on skid attacked by Scyphozoa, scyphozoa still not destroyed
- When guardian/units teleports near another tower, they’re too close from said tower (same for all teleportToPos)
- [3DGamer] [CustomGame] Guardian shouldn’t be able to spawn on Replikas
- [3DGamer] [CustomGame] Guardian shouldn’t be able to capture unconscious LWs that are not its target (but on its way)
- [3DGamer - b3828] LWs are devirtualized if the maze starts to close and they’re still inside. Red circle not taken into account
- [3DGamer - b3832] (Temp-)Xanafied LWs should freeze while a reboot is going on, just like normal LWs.
- [3DGamer - b3832] If the Scyphozoa joins a battle and uses its power on a LW, that LW won’t be taken out of that battle
- Ch04 - [jer7nett - p2821] [Red Warning] LocManager for parkToolshed not found after roof cutscene (assign cutscene load error?)
- Ch05 - Guardian section skipped as soon as chip is fixed (due to guardian not taking anyone)
- Ch01 - [maymorbiferous - p2825] - When Jeremy goes to the factory after lunch. Aelita says we become obsolete, Jeremy responds "I might not have say it like that, but yes.", it should be "I might not have said it like that, but yes"
- Ch05 - [SuperLanceur] French corrections
- Ch02 - [Gorgred - p2825 When Odd go into the elevator, a red error appears “odd EnterElevatorEnd issue nullRefException”
Released: January 26th 2024
4.6.2 - Patch 1
Various Fixes
- Ch02/Ch05 -> Aelita can’t be contacted with vcom
- [IcePlayer - p2825] The words 'Elevator Hacked' only appear in the elevator window if the elevator was previously blocked with elevator.off. However, it should appear as soon as XANA takes control of the elevator to raise its creature, whether it's blocked or not.
- [IcePlayer - p2825] The pressure on the elevator doors is applied just by closing the elevator doors with elevator.doors.close. Normally, you should only be applied if elevator is locked (elevator.off).
- [OscarKoala - p2819] If the elevator is locked and the electric creature forces it open, the elevator will behave like it's unlocked but it's sprite in the program will be red and will have the locks visible.
- [OscarKoala - p2819] It's possible to softlock yourself in the scanner room if the lightning sphere breaks down the elevator doors at the same time you take the trapdoor down.
- LyokoGuides Teleport to sector are broken
- [3DGamer - b3841] There’s something wrong with the Guardian. After the monster catches someone (and you fix the faulty chip), if you try to localise the LW caught, the virtual map will open casually on a sector (not necessarily the sector the Guardian is).
- Typing wrong elevator.something command should trigger incorrect value rather than ‘procedure not started’
- [DannyPageOfLight - p2819] LW losing controls on comCard at weird places in maze (due to previous ‘keyroom’ still in same place)
- [IcePlayer - p2819] When you click on the head of a character on the frontier from the scan tab, the animation for opening the 'Brain Analysis' window is activated (although the window does not open). The shortcut should be blocked when the character is on the frontier.
- [3DGamer - b3841] Skid attack rebalancement (?). In this case, Xana sent a lot of monsters to attack the Skid while docked in carthage. Each time they land an attack, 20% of Skid’s shield is removed.
- [3DGamer - b3841] If Aelita gets temporarily xanafied in proximity of an activated tower, she’ll get the “defend tower” objective instead of running to the way tower to destroy the sector (I had that parameter enabled) or throw herself.
- [3DGamer - b3841] A Xanawarrior can’t move anymore after he uses supersmoke on Aelita (frozen in place).
- [IcePlayer - p2825]When you do a build.sim, the bar that activates under the slots at the top left of the window is not the one under which the name of the construction is written
- [IcePlayer - p2825]When a virtual construction is being compiled, all the slots at the top left of the window have their loading bar active, even if they are not active.
Released January 27th 2024
Mac Released January 27th 2024 Note: mac version requires to disable app security
Linux Released January 28th 2024
4.6.2 - Patch 2
Various Fixes
- Rvlp white freeze due to monster issuing orders after ungroup on kill
- Separated build protocols for virtual builds
- Overvehicle shouldn’t emit sound anymore when raz by RTTP
- Less monsters for Replika Skid Atk + increase slightly skid resistance to monster atk in difficulty mode high
- (S)[Mido - p2819][Ethernet#8683] if you close the build window after starting the skid build and then restore the build, all 10 modules will be considered done, even if none were done before the window was closed.
- [c_callie - p2828] Battle Red Error: If a unit is gonna receive an attack from another unit but is devirtualized at the same time, a red error appears and the fight closes (then reopens if there are fighters left).
- If the Skid is destroyed in a Replika while Franz is also in that Replika, he will appear in the devirtualization animation on the link window (he won't be on Earth).
- [IcePlayer] Clone doesn't have its running animation
- Ch05 - [Azrety - p2828] If clone is caught inside a battle (without actually be shown inside), he’ll still be tagged as in battle, preventing him to move ever again.
- [Raphix] After "build.compile" the skid, and running the "build.exe", the skid shield window opens, without the countdown timer. However, as soon as you launch the multi-transm to the skid. It works and completes construction. Summary: Skid post-build countdown not triggered
- [IcePlayer] When compiling, there's a bar below the text slots that activates 'in excess' of the number of constructions. Here, for example, the top two slots are activated (carthage + mountain), but so is the slot below the carthage slot, even though it's empty.
- [IcePlayer] When compiling is complete, all the bars below the text-slots are activated, but only the ones below the used slots should be.
- Query_floppy disc message translation missing
- [ethernet_me - p2828] Code Earth not working (cd type not recognized)
Mac/Win/Lin Released January 29th 2024
Note: mac version requires to disable app security
Linux: build error to fix: A windows ‘IFSCL.x86_64.exe’ is generated, and a working ‘IFSCL’ linux executable, remove the 2023 file IFSCL.x86_64 from cache
January 2024 Deadline - ARGYLLE