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CS 490/590 Introduction to Multimedia Computing and Networking
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CS 490/590 Introduction to Multimedia Computing and Networking

Credit Hours:


Course Coordinator:

Not currently offered

Course Description:

Introductory course in multimedia computing and networking intended for senior undergraduate or graduate level students. The objective of this course is to introduce many of the fundamental concepts involved with handling multimedia data and applications. The course will cover (i) basic representation and compression of multimedia data types including H.261, JPEG, and MPEG, (ii) techniques to support multimedia quality-of-service in computing and networked systems, and (iii) networked streaming media techniques such as buffering and adaptation.


CS 333


The main goal of this course is to teach students the necessary operating system and networking techniques necessary to support continuous multimedia data. The first part of the course will focus on compression technologies for regular data, image data, audio data, and video data. This will allow the students to understand the complex interactions between highly compressed data and how they map onto the computing systems that support them. The second part of the course will focus on multimedia streaming over reservation-based and best-effort networks. The students will learn how to use buffering as a technique to minimize the overall resources required to support reservation-based networks. The students will also learn how compressed media data can be adapted to the available network resources for best-effort networks. The last part of the course will focus on the extensions to operating systems and file systems necessary to support multimedia computing.


Upon the successful completion of this class, students will be able to:


  1. Explain how lossless data compression technologies including Huffman, Run-Length Encoding, Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW) work.
  2. Explain the capture and representation of audio signals.
  3. Explain the capture and representation of image and video data.
  4. Explain the techniques used to compress image and video data, including GIF, JPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, H.261, and H.263.
  5. Explain the umbrella audio and video conferencing protocols SIP and H.323.
  6. Explain distribution mechanisms for multimedia data including HTTP.
  7. Explain buffering techniques that can be employed to minimize the effects of variable-bit-rate compressed video on reservation-based networks.
  8. Explain the techniques that can be used to adapt a video stream to the underlying network resources for best-effort networks.
  9. Explain the real-time systems techniques that can allow an operating system to support digital audio and video.
  10. Construct a C/C++ program to demonstrate knowledge of Objectives 1 and 3

Major Topics:

Laboratory Exercises:

Approximately three to four programming projects will be assigned.

Oral and Written Communications:

Students are not required to submit written reports, nor make oral presentations.

Social and Ethical Issues:

The ramifications of copyrighted image, video, and audio data will be discussed for approximately an hour. This will include a discussion of technologies used to manage such copyright infringements.

Problem Analysis:

Students are assigned several programming assignments. They will be given an informal problem definition that they must analyze in order to develop a solution.

Solution Design:

The programming assignments will require the students to design and implement entire programs that accomplish a number of goals.

CAC Category Credits



Data Structures




Software Design


Computer Architecture


Programming Languages
