Coin Concede - Episode 440 “A Head Start”
Edelweiss* WickedGood* Magesa*
Intro (~10 min)
Welcome to Episode 440 of Coin Concede, a Hearthstone podcast dedicated to making the competitive side of the game more accessible to you.
It is Thursday, March 28th, 2024 in the evening!
Coming to you from Gnomeregan, Ohio, it's me, Edelweiss!
From Northrend, Massachusetts, we have WickedGood!
From Teldrassil, California we have Magesa!
And from all around the world we have you, dear listeners.
Thanks for reviews
How's life and ladder? -
Edelweiss -
Wickedgood - PAX
Magesa - Defeated a god in D&D. Also:
A quick primer on dragon priest (takes a deep breath):
I have now improved to a 50% winrate with this thing (past 48 games) and am still learning. We’re going board flood without giants, without matriarch, and without overheal (except clergy).
List: VS’s, Feno’s, or PocketTrain’s (Dreamboat! Magatha! Whelp wrangler!); former includes are drone deconstructor, banker, starlight whelp; current sometimes are shadow ascendant, leeroy, or harth. For the love of god don’t cut Aman’Thul. Zilliax still pylon + ticking
Mull: clergy, whelp, wrangler; chirurgeon, salesman okay; sometimes Zilliax, Pip, Magatha, dreamboat. Not funnel unless you have a clergy
Gameplan: this deck is very hard to play! You need to maximize early pressure, be sure you get value out of clergy if you have it, count dragons, count damage and constantly calculate Zarimi, figure out if you need to tempo drifters or hold them for burst
My experience: The good: 15 power on board t3, sudden clever bursts of lethal with aman’thul to clear taunts, top-decking clergy with 4 funnel cakes in hand
The bad: lack of comeback, limited draw
The ugly: DH, a warrior had 29 armor by the end of turn 4
News Highlights -
- Tigress Plushy - 3 mana -> 4 mana
- Deputization Aura - +3 attack -> +1 attack
- Shroomscavate: 3 mana -> 2 mana, no Windfury
- Awakening Tremors: 4/1 -> 3/1
- Thrall’s Gift: Lightning Bolt -> Lightning Storm
- Aftershocks: 4 mana -> 5 mana
- Odyn: 8 mana -> 9 mana
- Zilliax Ticking Module: 4 mana -> 5 mana
- Sky Mother Aviana: 6 mana -> 5 mana
- Frost Lich Cross Stitch: 5 mana, 4 damage -> 4 mana, 3 damage
- Shudderblock couldn’t damage hero if played and effect was not consumed
- Warsong Wrangler hero buff bug
- Different versions of Air Elemental in Core and Un’goro
Battle of the Discords
- Took place March 23rd/24th and was streamed live with casting. The tournament was a best of 5 conquest format with one day of Swiss followed by a top 16 and prizes of packs and/or preorders for the top 4.
- The winner was “nobody” from THL with a lineup of excavate paladin, odin warrior, wheellock, and excavate mage. MMW, also from THL, took second place.
- We had 4 representatives from CC in the top 16. Congrats to Zombie, Yum, and Panacea for making the top 16, and to Qatharsis for placing in the top 4! And thank you to everyone from CC who participated!
- Decks (time permitting): This came only a few days after the expansion, so deck choices were a challenge. In the top 16, handbuff paladin, odin warrior, and zoo hunter were the most popular decks, followed by shopper DH, wheellock, and nature shaman. CC’s Yum had a unique lineup with highlander hunter, highlander priest, elemental shaman, and handlock. (Time permitting Magesa can tell a brief highlight)
Solary Grand Prix this weekend!
- Invitational tournament, 2000 Euro prize pool
- Streamed this Saturday/Sunday (March 30th, 31st) at
- Players are Tars, BabyBear, Odemian, Otsuna, Gaboumme, Tictac, PocketTrain, and Dizdemon
Rainbow Death Knight
Zilliax is ticking+perfect
- Elevator Pitch: what is this deck?
- Control deck that controls the board with token minions
- Ends the game through attrition or a combination of chip damage, minion pressure, plagues, and CNE to finish
- What are the main versions of the deck?
- Mainly Nohands’ Rainbow list with some card changes here and there
- VS: - viper, - ETC, + 1 threads, + 1 crusher
- Chanko: VS changes plus -2 salesmen, -2 acolyte, -2 rat for +2 chillfallen, +2 panner, second crusher, +1 paintfin
- Older lists ran BBU to have access to Corpse Explosion, but at the expense of having finishing damage in CNE
Macro Gameplay
- What do we want to have happen?
- Make minions, spend corpses, swing face and burn face
- Utilize rush and charge minions to trade off opposing threats, using Threads of Despair to clear wider boards and Sickly Grimewalker to clear tall boards (or Reska/Primus later)
- Get chip damage in where we can with leftover tokens, hero powers (either base or Headless Horseman) and discovered weapons
- Spend corpses to juice CNE
- We struggle with clearing minions with more than 4 health before turn 5 (Sickly Grimewalker + hero power)
- You do not actually have a lot of healing, so preventing chip is important
- Opponent building a board that we can’t clear because we used our answers inefficiently
- What gameplan do we prioritize?
- We’re a control deck, so we’re generally playing passively in the beginning and then adapting to the opponent’s gameplan
- Matchups:
- Have removal for early Shopper, then freeze their face forever
- Trade off the beasts to not let them chip you down early, Threads is super good in this matchup
- Attrition, using threads correctly is the key to this matchup
- Get Helya down early, discover plague weapon after they wheel, get chip damage in while you can
- Plague
- Mirror
- Druid or nature shaman (if that’s a thing)
- Any other matchups (Rogue? Priest? Mage is popping up?)
- What are we aiming to discover in different matchups?
Micro Gameplay
- Tips to avoid common misplays:
- Talk about Threads specifically
- Having Mining Casualties down early gives you access to draw or poison on 3
- Misc notes on specific cards (if not mentioned above)
Outro (~5min) - Thanks and contact!
We have many folks we'd like to thank - check out our THANKS! section on the website at, where you can also find our contact info, our show notes, and our Patreon information!
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BIG THANKS to our producers nmbrthry, Kresh, Beefsquatch, David P, Waalou, Jeremy T, bottlecaps, GrumpyMonk, TheBurgerClub, KercReagan, 4given1, ChrizzleyBear, TheGrandArcanum, and Tyleniphe!
Coin Concedes (Shout Outs):
WickedGood -
Edelweiss -
Magesa - My brother, RepoMan (first legend, highlander DH), BotD participants
Keep Calm and…
And if you see us on ladder…
“Coin Concede” WickedGood
“Coin Concede” Edelweiss
“Coin Concede” Magesa