Letter from Orchestra Director to Orchestra Parents

Reasons Why Scheduling for Next Year Should Not Include Dropping Orchestra



Orchestra Parents,

I hope this letter finds you well as we approach a crucial time in your child's academic journey. It's hard to believe that we are less than a month away from advising for their next year's schedule. I wanted to take this opportunity to have an open and honest conversation with you about the challenges and choices that lie ahead.

One of the most significant concerns that arise during this process is the limited time available in the schedule to accommodate all the subjects, especially the demanding Advanced Placement (AP) courses. We are often faced with difficult decisions and, unfortunately, one of the areas that may be affected is music. The prevailing notion is that the more AP and advanced courses your child takes, the better their chances of gaining acceptance into their dream college. Our counseling department does have a valid point in this matter, but it's essential to recognize that the one-size-fits-all approach to college admission and scholarship consideration may not be the only path to success.

I write to you today not just as the Orchestra Director, but as someone who deeply appreciates your child's unique talents and believes wholeheartedly in the power of our orchestra program and the opportunities it provides for their collegiate future. Over time, I have become a student myself, delving into the world of Accoladi.com, which is the premier educational and collegiate matching service for high school performing arts students. It has been an eye-opening experience, providing me with valuable insights that I would like to share with you.

One key point that Accoladi's research emphasizes is that collegiate decision makers prioritize students who demonstrate a strong commitment to and excel in at least one discipline throughout their high school years. You see, these collegiate admissions officers are looking for students that will begin and complete their degree at their institution. Our orchestra program offers precisely that opportunity, providing a progressive and comprehensive musical journey over all four years. From mastering basic techniques to developing leadership skills, our program is designed to foster continuous growth, helping your child become a well-rounded musician and an adaptable individual ready to face the challenges of college and beyond.

It is also important to highlight the financial aspect of pursuing music at the collegiate level. While only a percentage of our orchestra students may choose to major in music, there are numerous music scholarships available for non-music majors who are willing to perform in a collegiate ensemble. Furthermore, the trend of double majoring is on the rise. Let's imagine for a moment that your child decides to pursue a music degree alongside computer science. By combining their passion for music with a field like computer science, they open up possibilities for both institutional and non-institutional music scholarships, ensuring a well-funded education. On the other hand, majoring solely in computer science may limit scholarship opportunities due to the intense competition in that field.

In recent years, we have witnessed a shift in the mindset of young people when it comes to their career choices and lifestyles. The traditional approach of obtaining a college education to secure a well-paying job has evolved into a more holistic perspective. Present-day students are prioritizing their life's mission, their desired lifestyle, and exploring entrepreneurial paths. Let's explore this mindset further with the example of a student double majoring in music and computer science. This student may choose to work from home, engaging in web design and coding during the day, teaching private instrumental lessons in the late afternoons, and even securing a paid position in a local symphony a couple of nights a week. This flexible and fulfilling lifestyle is becoming increasingly common, allowing individuals to strike a harmonious balance between their passions and professional pursuits.

Accoladi's research has revealed another fascinating aspect of pursuing music at the collegiate level. Over the past decade, collegiate music majors have consistently been admitted into medical schools. The skills acquired through years of musical training, such as performing under pressure and paying meticulous attention to detail, translate remarkably well into the field of medicine. In fact, many undergraduate music majors (or double majors in music and pre-med or chemistry) have gone on to become successful physicians. It's a remarkable correlation that highlights the discipline, focus, and dedication developed through musical pursuits. In cities like New York and Los Angeles, you can even find Doctors Symphony Orchestras comprised of medical professionals who share a passion for music. The connection between music and medical careers is undeniable, and it showcases the unique advantages our orchestra program offers in shaping well-rounded individuals.

I understand that as parents, you want your child to not only have a successful career but also a fulfilling life. Music plays a significant role in their personal growth, offering a source of joy, self-expression, and emotional well-being. You have likely witnessed the transformative power of music in your child's life firsthand. It fosters creativity, cultivates discipline, and instills a sense of teamwork and collaboration that extends far beyond the orchestra room.

Let us also reflect on the experiences of the majority of our former orchestra members who completed all four years in our program, went on to attend their dream colleges, and secured the scholarships they needed. Undoubtedly, our orchestra program played a crucial role in their achievements. The combination of musical excellence, academic prowess, and leadership skills they developed through our program set them apart and made them stand out among their peers. It's a testament to the value and impact of our orchestra program, and I firmly believe that it can continue to pave the way for your child's success.

While academic pursuits are undoubtedly important, I wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of our orchestra program. It provides a unique avenue for your child to develop the skills, character, and passion necessary to excel in college and beyond. Through music, they can embrace their creativity, build resilience, and unlock a world of opportunities that extend far beyond the confines of a classroom.

I write this letter with the utmost care and sincerity because I genuinely believe in your child's potential as a musician and as an individual. I have seen firsthand the transformative power of music and how it shapes young minds. Our orchestra program is not just about notes on a page or performances on a stage or a marching orchestra field; it's about nurturing the hearts and minds of our students, equipping them with the tools they need to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

I encourage you to take the time to explore Accoladi.com, as it holds a wealth of information and possibilities for your child's future. Together, let's continue to support and nurture their musical development, recognizing the unique advantages and opportunities our orchestra program provides. As their Orchestra Director, I am committed to serving as their strongest collegiate reference, advocating for their musical talents and their potential to thrive in the collegiate environment.

Thank you for your unwavering support of our orchestra program and for entrusting your child's musical journey to us. I am excited to witness their growth, both as musicians and as exceptional individuals, and I am honored to be a part of their musical and educational legacy.

With Heartfelt Appreciation and Warm Regards,