Using the Photography Club’s Google Photos Pages
Uploading photos to the Photography Club’s Google Photo Album is easy, but it does require a one time initial set-up.
In order to upload your photos, you must first create your own Google Photos page. You do not need to create a account; you can use your favorite existing email account like yahoo or aol. Just use that email address to create a Google account. Your email will not change unless you request a default gmail account.
Logging into Google is important to validate your identity.
Once logged in to Google you should be able to go to Google Photos by selecting it from the Google Apps icon . You may want to set the page as a bookmark or favorite.
You can then upload your images to your own Google Photos library or album.
The Photo Club's goal is to help you share your photo experiences. Using the Club’s Google Photos Album lets member share with other members.
It’s important to load your own images from your Google Photos to the club’s album so that your name will appear in the photo.
You can request permission to join an album by clicking the JOIN button on a club album. This will send an email request to the moderator. You should be allowed to join within 48 hours.
You may be invited to join an album by email. When you accept the invitation, you will be allowed to add your Google Photo images to the the album.
View this video for more help with the club’s Google Photos Albums:
There are other tutorials for help with the club’s website and features on the club home page near the bottom in Tutorials.
We set up a practice album. If you are invited to join the practice album, try adding some images just to see how the process works. If you haven’t been invited to join, you can request permission to join (see above).
Play around with it. You can’t break it.
Important information about photos in Google Photos
When addting photos to an online album, make sure you include some identifying DETAILS. The filename (.jpg, .png, .tif, etc.) will automatically be extracted from the the images metadata. When you download an image from the club’s Google Photos, be sure to change its filename if you want it to identify differently in Google Photos