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Crown site survey
Updated automatically every 5 minutes evaluation 15 november 2017


Crown recently conducted a small survey about In total, 36 participants answered the questionnaire. From the survey, it is clear that the information and theme of the website can be improved upon. Possibly minor tweaks and changes can make all the difference here.
We will look into the feedback and work on improving the website - which may take some time, due to other priorities and limited capacity to do so.

To quote one of the respondents - who probably covers the aim of this survey well:

“I might be extremely critical with my comments, but exactly this is what makes Crown so damn unique: listening to its community and actually doing something with that feedback. While there's still a lot of things that could be improved upon, I must say that Crown is an amazing project. If you guys keep up this pace, I think within half a year, Crown is a vast contender in the top 50 on Coinmarketcap. Keep up the fantastic work on Crown and good luck with whatever there's to come. Cheers, big Crown fan!”

  1. Introduction

About 94% of all respondents were male. About 79% of all respondents were also Crown holders. The site is known by almost all respondents (n = 36, known for 97%). The age distribution:

Forms response chart. Question title: My age is. Number of responses: 35 responses.

The top three uses of the site for new members:

The top three uses for recurrent members:

From the 33 collected responses on the question “I could find an answer to all of my questions”, only 60% said Yes. This means that not everything is clear for about 40% of the visitors.

  1. Information

Missing information was indicated to be,

  1. Navigation

Navigation of the website scores 5 out of 7 on a scale from 1: very difficult to 7: very easy, possibly reflecting the struggle to find some information - but overall a good score.Forms response chart. Question title: I find it ... to navigate the website. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Which does however mean there is probably some room for improvement. People like the information & the graphics, but comments were made that it lacks the intuitive nature of other projects. And that multiple designers worked on it, making it feel unfinished / unpolished.

  1. Appearance

Most people feel crown is Unique (scoring 6 out of 7), however - when asked if they liked the looks, this score dropped to 5 out of 7. And when asked what they think other people will think of Crown (a question that tries to eliminate user bias and evoke a more neutral response) this were the results:

Forms response chart. Question title: I think other people will like Number of responses: 36 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: I think other people will easily find what they are looking for on Number of responses: 36 responses.

  1. Feedback & suggestions

On the contrary, when asked what can be improved, people indicate that the graphics, information and style could.

Style suggestions:

Graphic suggestions

Forms response chart. Question title: looks professional. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Information suggestions:

  1. Conclusion

Extracting the overall gist, the user experience can be enhanced. A focus on the information (explain what Crown is, and what atomic is - but also keep news more centralized, for instance info on the Amsterdam meeting) the information flow (menu structure), and used language (API & co) as well as a more neutral approach to styling (less dark, less game/knight oriented) should solve most of the concerns raised in this questionnaire.