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Grades 11 and 12 Unit 1
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Library Grades 11 and 12 Unit 1

Summary and Overview

Unit Name

Self-Directed Inquiry-Based Research

Unit Overview

In this unit 11th and 12th grade students are independently and systematically pursuing an inquiry based research process developed in 9th and 10th grades.

Students will master the use of research techniques such as questioning, discovery, analysis, and reflection to self- direct and conduct an independent and individualized efficient research process.

Essential Question

Why is it important I understand the process for efficiently and independently finding information to support my academic studies and personal interests?

Curriculum Integration

British Literature (Grade 11) All units (Students will research historical elements of the time period and share these findings in small and large discussion groups and/or formal/informal presentations)

World Literature (Grade 12) Unit 1: Greece/Rome (The students will conduct independent research about various classical myths)

World Literature (Grade 12) Unit 2: Asia/Indochina/India:(Students will independently research to learn more about tenets of Eastern religions and philosophies to grasp the role they have played in the development of class structure and gender roles.)

Senior Project (Grade 12): Students participate in self-directed inquiry based research process including topic selection.



Learner Competencies

Key AASL Shared Foundations and Key Commitments

I. Inquire Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems.

II. Include Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.

III. Collaborate Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.

IV. Curate Make meaning for oneself and others by collecting, organizing, and sharing resources of personal relevance.

 V. Explore Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.

VI. Engage Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging in a community of practice and an interconnected world.

Key AASL Domains and Competencies


CC.11-12.W.7 Research to Build and Present Knowledge: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

CC.11-12.W.8 Research to Build and Present Knowledge: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.

CC11-12WH/SS/S/TS7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self- generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

CC11-12WH/SS/S/TS8 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.


1a        Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.        

2a        Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.        

3a        Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.        

4a        Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.        

5a        Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions.

6a        Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.        

7a        Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.

1b        Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.        

2b        Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.      

4c        Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.        

5c        Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.      

6c        Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.      

7c        Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.

"I Can" Statements

- I can independently and systematically use an inquiry based process to deepen content knowledge, connect academic learning with the real world, pursue personal interests, investigate opportunities for personal growth.

- I can compare new background information with prior knowledge to determine direction and focus of new learning.

- I can review the initial information with a need to clarify, revise, or refine the questions.

- I can identify the value and differences among potential resources in a variety of formats.

- I can identify my own strengths, assess my own inquiry process and products, and set goals for improvement.

Materials and Resources

Teacher Resources

Student Materials and Tools

Google Drive

General reference resources (e.g. Gale eBooks, eBrary eBooks, print reference books, websites)

BHS Library website (e.g. Destiny online catalog, interlibrary loan, etc.)

Subject area assignments & rubrics

Library guide sheets (e.g. BHS on the Web, Literary Criticisms, etc.)

Library online tutorials (e.g. YouCam Google Slides, YouCam World History In-Context)

Source Preview Sheets in print & Google Doc












background knowledge


online database


Instructional Strategies

Key Concepts and Skills to Be Developed

What Students Need to Know and Be able to Do

1. Students review the assignment to determine the information requirements including types of resources that are required (e.g. online database, ebooks, podcasts,video, etc.) and the topics of study (e.g. Civil War, Renaissance, Jim Crow laws, etc.).

2. Students assess their background knowledge of the topic and determine if additional resources are needed to support this background knowledge and general understanding of the topic.

3. If additional factual information is needed, students identify possible reference resources (e.g. Destiny online catalog, ebooks, etc.) locate the resources, and read the information to support background knowledge of the topic.

4. When sufficient background knowledge is gained, students formulate a research plan that includes the following:

- develop keywords  to further investigate topic

- complete Source Preview Sheets to take notes on types of resources and information available in those resources

- create questions that direct and prioritize the plan (e.g. What kind of information do I need on the topic such as persuasive, factual, current, scholarly information? What  resources do I need to meet the assignment requirements such as primary sources, videos, etc?)

Learning Progressions

Practice assignment review

Practice background knowledge assessment

Practice how to formulate a research plan

Practice of keyword development

Practice of questioning skills

Instructional Strategies

Co-facilitate whole group instruction between Librarian and classroom teacher

Questioning strategies including volunteer and non-volunteer, call out

Wait Time

Scaffolding Instruction

Conferencing with students

Giving students examples

Giving students feedback

Modeling (research process)

Monitoring student work

Differentiation of resources based on reading level and format

Connection of background knowledge to learning

Refocus students to learning

Use of technology

Prior knowledge activation

Independent reading

Use of visuals (large screen monitor, etc.)


Assessment Strategies

Conferencing with students, observational data, student notes, and subject area rubrics and assessments.