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Stripped Clean
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“So you’re the future groom?” The stripper asks, breathing hot lust into your ear as she writhes in your lap.

“Yep, so be careful! I don’t wanna cheat on my fiancé!” You joke, a stiffness in your lap poking into the stripper’s ass as she grabs your neck with delicate manicured fingers.

She shoves your face between her breasts, and you bask in the feeling of her warm cleavage. Her butt then digs deeper into your lap, her cheeks separating around your bulge as she starts to leak into your lap.

“Okay, I think-” You try to stop her when you feel the wetness on your pants, but she cuts you off with a passionate kiss.

Your eyes close momentarily in surprise as the world around you fades to nothing, and you feel your thoughts condense within your mind before being blasted outward. An explosion of personality overwhelms your senses, and your tongue melts in the stripper's mouth as you return her passion. Suddenly the noises of the club return, and you feel yourself being pulled back with ease.

You’re a rather large man, so you’re ready to see a burly guy capable of lifting you so easily when you turn around. Instead, it’s a big titted stripper with pasties and a tight body. You stare at her dainty arms, wondering how she’d managed to lift you so easily. You turn back around to face forward, and only in that moment realize you’re looking at a copy of yourself.

You look down to check if you’re wearing the same clothes as the man you’re looking at, and a sensitive jiggle on your chest tells you everything before you could even look down. You try to remain calm as you start to notice your smaller frame, wide hips, and long hair tickling the small of your back.

“I’m sorry I lost control, you’re just so hot and…” Your new body trails off ashamed, collapsing to the floor as the stripper behind you lets go.

“Don’t worry, honey! That happens to me all the time, hop back on!” Your old body chuckles, patting his lap playfully to everyone’s surprise.

Your body doesn’t hesitate, and you seductively get up off the floor against your will. Your ass slides up the wall as you cringe internally, and your body makes sure to keep your breasts squeezed between your arms to form maximum cleavage. Your old body howls as your hands wrap around your new thin body, and everyone in the club laughs as you prepare for your worst nightmare.

Your legs stretch wide to be on either side of your old body, and you feel your old manhood lift up into your parted folds as you rest in his lap. The only thing stopping coarse jeans from entering your extremely sensitive pussy is a light thong, and you shudder as your old body commands you remove them.

Your old friends all cheer as your panties fall past your feet, hitting the floor as your body moans louder than anything in the club. Your dwindling mind is overwhelmed by an avalanche of euphoria, and your slutty body bucks and humps as your old body leans back with a smile.

After a few minutes of grinding your old jeans are damp from all your sweet juices, and you ditzily invite the future groom into the vip room to change into new jeans.

Once in the room you feel control flood your mind, and you immediately slap your old body. “What the fuck is wrong with you??? What’s going on???”

Your old body just smiles and rubs its cheek, eyes turning devilish as you start to back away in fear. Suddenly he grabs your hips, and gives you a deep kiss. He tells you to imagine your dream woman, and your ultimate wet dream instantly appears in your mind.

“Now become that woman, embody her very essence…” Your old body commands, instantly making your panting voice lighter.

Your back arches as your widening hips force you to bend over, and all the glitter on your body disappears as your tight body softens. You feel your folds tighten as hormones pour into your mind, and your lips plump up as your stance becomes more graceful. Fat pools into your chest as thick voluminous blonde locks cascade down your back, and your thighs swell into each other as fat spills into and rounds out your backside.

“Mama Mia…” Your old body mumbles, feeling the attraction you would staring at your perfect dream model.

You try to speak, but all that escapes your lips is a delicate whimper. Next thing you know you’re lying on your back, still trying to protest as your body pins you down and jerks off uncontrollably into your cleavage.

[My page is under review, post with full explanation to come.]

When the warm cum hits your chest there’s a moment of bliss, and you can’t stop your body from smiling as a rush of hormones flood your mind. Your dream woman loves getting cum on her tits, of course this turns you on!

“That was perfect!” Your old body laughs, “Now I’m gonna go back home to Marla, and let you enjoy this body for the rest of the night. You won’t be able to express sadness anymore, it’s not befitting of a proper woman. Check the address on your ID before you go, and when you get home you’re in for a big surprise…”

Your body leaves to go meet your fiancé, leaving you a jiggling mess covered in cum. You want to cry or at least frown, but you just feel a blank look of ignorance on your face. You shower off and look around for clothes, taking a deep breath of sorrow when the wardrobe girl tells you you’re gonna have to wait till the next shift for even a pair of panties. This leaves you sitting in the main room naked, trying to ignore all the hunky guys as you look out for a girl finishing her shift early.

You try not to stare, but your dream woman is very attracted to any manliness. You watch every bulge that passes, trying not to look but instead moving your neck as you jiggle and hear chuckles.

Finally the shift ends, and you find a pair of modest underwear that fits pretty well. You hurry home in the negligee, having been unable to find anything to cover it before the new shift of strippers took everything. Your wandering eyes do nothing to stop the cat calls, but you manage to get into your new house without incident.

You feel a sense of comfort wash over as you walk in, and you decide the best thing to do right now is relax in the tub. You grab a towel and go into your small bathroom, furrowing your brow when your hips somehow hit both sides of the doorway. You smile when you see your boobs are a lot smaller looking down, but then the towel drops from your waist.

When your old body said you were in for a surprise, he wasn’t kidding! All the fat in your chest must’ve gone to your thighs, cuz you now have more than half your weight there. You turn around and gasp lightly, your ass is bigger than any you’ve ever seen!

You try to shake it off, and fill the bath before getting in the hot water. It’s hard to squeeze your vastly broad hips into the tub, but you manage to get in without hurting yourself. Your nipples still feel as sensitive as before wen the water covers them, and you caress your chubby body before slipping a finger into your womanhood.

You hold your breath as a waterfall of ecstasy floods your mind, your pussy almost too tight to even get a finger into before lubing with soap. Hot bath water sloshes as you convulse and moan, leaving you in a soup of lust and arousal as you erupt into a screaming climax. You barely manage to get out of the bath after a few more hours of orgasming, and decide to visit Marla tomorrow morning while your body’s at work.

The next morning you take a cab to your old house, and knock on the door when you see only Marla’s car in the driveway. She opens the door and gives you a weird look, your body almost ripping through a slutty maid outfit; the only thing you could find in your house after even the underwear you brought home disappeared. “Marla, it’s me, I- I’m here to clean up!

Wait, what? No, I…” You trail off as a swirling dizziness starts in your mind, and you try to focus as you suddenly feel an airiness fill your thoughts.

“I came her to tell you my body feels like a fucking balloon!” You suddenly exclaim, your voice taking on a ditzier demeanor as you feel your loose top begin to tighten and fill.

Marla seems unphased, looking past you before suddenly reaching out. You prepare for her touch, but suddenly your old body appears from behind.

“Is this the maid you promised me? I can’t believe you’ve been investing in bitcoin since 2016, and haven’t told me till just last night!

I’m so happy you finally sold it all and retired!!” Marla squeals, inviting you into the house as your waist pinches in to give you a slender hourglass figure.

You feel your legs seductively strut into the familiar home, and soon massive weights on your chest bounce as you proudly show them off. Marla instructs you to clean the kitchen before going to take a shower, and suddenly your old body’s pleasant smile disappears.

“You fucking idiot. What’d you think you were gonna do? I was literally parked around the corner waiting for your dumb ass, cuz I knew I couldn’t trust you. I probably should've warned you about this punishment, but I didn’t think you even deserved that!” Your old body laughs, spanking your round ass and making you giggle.

“Pose for a pic, I wanna show you what you look like…”

When he turns the camera screen to you you wanna drop your jaw, but you just giggle and ask for him to send you that sexy photo.

“You don’t have a cell phone, you’re my slave now. You’re gonna clean during the day, and strip at night to pay our rent. Your new phone is the landline, and you’ll make sure to only answer for master or mistress. Understood?” Your body asks, finger stroking your nodding chin as your legs quiver. “And if you’re a good girl I’ll even let you masturbate next week, but you better clean everything well. Till then, you can’t touch, grind, hump, suck, or even lick anything. And whenever I ask you something, you’ll say ‘Yes Master’. Understood??”

“Yes master.”

“Amazing. Now let me just…” Master trails off as he gets behind you, and your breath gets caught in your lungs as his cock suddenly splits your cheeks.

You moan euphorically as his shaft slides deep into your womanhood, and suddenly a strong hand slaps your palm over your mouth. You grind your hips into master as he tries to quickly finish before Marla gets out of the shower, and his hand leaves yours so he can fondle your body. After a few thrusts you lose control, and luscious moans ring through the apartment. Master’s hand clamps back down, and you lean back in euphorically as his clock bulges inside you. Hot blasts of cum almost make you pass out, and you twitch euphorically as master’s last pump brings you to orgasm.

[My page is under review, post with full explanation to come.]

When Marla comes out of the shower you try to suppress your giggles, dusting the window shades as master kisses her lovingly.

After you clean the house and Marla goes to sleep, master takes you into his car. He drives you to the strip club and explains that this will be your new life, then kicks you out of the car at the front door.

“O wait…” He calls out to you with newfound sincerity, actually giving you hope that this is all a joke. “Make sure to make as much money as you can, and your boobs should be way bigger!”

He then quickly drives off, leaving you with a blank look on your face as your breasts inflate and rip through your slutty maid uniform. The bouncer lets you inside without a word, and you’re hired as a stripper within an hour of signing up for an interview. Your body automated your movements through the process, flirting with the manager and answering every question sexily as possible. Soon you’re collecting tips in a fishnet bodysuit, but your eye keeps catching girls taking clients to the VIP room.

You grab the next guy that puts a twenty in your suit, and throw him into the VIP section. The look of pure joy and surprise on his face makes you giggle, but the real pleasure comes when he leaves you a hundred of master’s dollars and sits down. You grab the money and lick your lips, slowly walking over to the man before asking where he wants to penetrate you first.

[My page is under review, post with full explanation to come.]

Five minutes later he comes out with a smile on his face, and tells all his friends there’s a cheap whore giving out hundred dollar blowjobs in the VIP room.

You smile when a line of guys files in, each one requesting a different form of sexual gratification. Your body basks in the attention and lust, still horny from a full day of not being able to play with yourself. Even after all the guys finish your body is too worked up, and you beg the manager for his cock as you remain unable to masturbate or even touch your womanhood and breasts.

Your manager hesitates as you stroke his throbbing bulge, saying it might make work an awkward situation. As he speaks you pull out his member, and a turned on gasp escapes your lips.

“Your cock is like, the fucking most sexiest one I’ve seen all day… and it’s so big!!” You laugh, kissing and playfully holding the giant cock.

Your boss falls back as you grind your ass into his crotch, and he groans as you manage to slide your bodysuit over. Your dripping folds split open as you force your pussy into his lap, and you feel his struggle disappear as he falls back into a couch. Your bubble butt presses into his stomach, and he pulls you back as he fills your womanhood completely.

[My page is under review, post with full explanation to come.]

You melt in his arms as he plays with your boobs, and gush into his lap as he bulges inside you. You clench your hips and moan loudly, milking every last drop of cum that your boss blasts into you. You can practically taste it after a few minutes, but he doesn’t stop filling you with his hot load as your plump lips quiver and shake.

After your shift ends you bring master all the money, and tell him about the great impression you made on your boss.

“Excellent. Now help me pack, your mistress and I are planning a fun island vacation! This is gonna be the best revenge ever…”

You wanna weep, but instead your body gracefully leaves to get master a suitcase. You’re still not sure what you’d done to deserve this, and at this point you just assume the former stripper turned you thinks you’re someone else that wronged them.