May 31-June 1, 2024

Event and installation volunteers needed for Open Air Media Festival.




open hours/Art Social hosting at the Close House

We have volunteer-hosted open hours, which we're calling "Art Social," weekly on Thursdays from 6-8pm and Saturdays 11a-1p. The idea is that the building is open for any visitors who are curious about PS1 or want to see what's on view, if there's an exhibit, but that it's also a casual opportunity for folks to come hang out and bring a project to work on, have tea, etc. Would be a good fit if you have something you can work on (collage, embroidery, homework, etc?!) while you're there but definitely don't mind being interrupted by visitors and chatting with them about the space and PS1 as needed.

Anyway, we'd love to have some additional folks to help staff those times -- ideally once a month (though more often is fine too). We're putting together a little training and also would be happy to buddy-up to start if that helps you feel confident.

Interested? Maybe interested but have questions? Let me know! Email



PS1 Caretakers

This group has the goal of sharing skills, and enjoying working together to take care of our well loved buildings, including gardening, building, painting, historic preservation, and gallery repairs, for all levels of experience.

Contact if you’re interested.



We’re looking for PS1-passionate people to join our events teams!

Events: support and promote a handful of special events in the annual PS1 calendar, to match our financial sustainability WITH pioneering, fun, and artist-centric events: our annual art auction (spring),  Dada Prom (winter). More details here.

Interested? Email



We’re looking for someone who would like to hang up fliers for PS1 events around downtown on a semi-regular basis. (Maybe every other week? Can be on your schedule!) Contact if you’re interested!