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017 - Admissions appeals information and timetable 2024/2025
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Admissions appeals information and timetable 2024/25

Policy number



Full Trust Board

Last reviewed

September 2021

Next review date

September 2025

Vision Statement

Carshalton Boys is a school community based upon positive relationships and a culture of kindness and mutual respect. Staff recognise their role in promoting our WE BELIEVE principles and are united in optimism and a belief in our young people. Looking after our students, on the journey from childhood to young adulthood, is a privilege and a responsibility that we take seriously.

What unites our Carshalton Boys family is a drive to look after our most vulnerable members. We do this proactively by ensuring staff are accessible to students and parents and that students have the opportunity to anonymously report unkindness, abuse or any welfare concerns.

WE BELIEVE knowledge is power, black lives matter, love is love, feminism is for everyone and that no human being is illegal.  WE BELIEVE in being gentle with The Earth and that we all have a part to play in protecting our planet. At Carshalton Boys we are proud to have an ethos rooted in our WE BELIEVE principles which promote inclusivity, kindness and aspiration. We encourage all our students to be the best version of themselves. We want students to feel proud of their achievements at school and their contribution to our whole school community. We believe in being really kind to each other so that every member of our school community feels safe and confident and is able to work and learn in a calm and inclusive environment.

Admissions appeal information and timetable

1. What is an appeal?

If you are not offered a place for your child at a school that you have applied for, you have a legal right to appeal against this decision to an independent body called an Appeal Panel.  

The law gives you the right to state a preference for the school you want for your child. It is framed in this way rather than the right to choose a school, because it is sometimes not possible for a place to be allocated at your preferred school.

If Carshalton Boys Sports College is full, that is when the number of children on roll is the same or greater than the Published Admission Number (PAN), it will not be possible for the school to offer your child a place.

You do not have to appeal, but if you think that there are exceptional reasons why your child should still be given a place at the school, even though it is full, you can explain your reasons to an Independent Appeal Panel.  The Appeal Panel will consider whether there are exceptional circumstances, which, in their opinion, would mean that the disadvantage to your child in not attending the school would be greater than the disadvantage to the school in making an extra place available for your child.  If the Appeal Panel upholds your appeal they will direct us to admit your child.  The Appeal Panel’s decision is binding.

 2. How do I make an appeal

To obtain an appeal form you can telephone Carshalton Boys Sports College on 020 8714 3100 or write to Edwina Rozek, Administration Manager, Carshalton Boys Sports College, Winchcombe Road, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 1RW providing the child’s full name, date of birth, the parent’s name, address and contact number. On receipt of your telephone call or written request you will be sent the appropriate appeal form.

The appeal form should then be completed and returned to the above address.  A separate appeal form must be completed for each child. When you complete the appeal form you will be asked to give a statement setting out the reasons why you believe your child should be given a place at the school, even though the school is full.  You can continue on a separate sheet if necessary.


If your appeal statement needs to be supported by additional evidence, please ensure that this is included with the appeal form, or if not available immediately, it should be provided at least seven days before the date of the appeal hearing, as the Appeal Panel may have insufficient time to consider additional evidence on the day of the appeal hearing. It is not the responsibility of Carshalton Boys Sports College or the Appeal Panel to verify any statement made by a parent. Evidence to support a medical condition should come from a doctor or medical professional. Evidence to support a social reason can come from a relevant professional such as a social worker or health visitor.

When completing the form, we suggest you bear in mind that you are trying to explain why your child needs to attend Carshalton Boys Sports College and why no other school is suitable. The way you explain your case on the form is up to you.  However, we believe that three to five important points written briefly are preferable to an ‘essay type’ explanation.


Once the Administration Manager at Carshalton Boys Sports College has received your appeal form, it will be passed to the independent Appeals Clerk who will write to you, giving at least 14 days’ notice of your appeal date and time. At least seven days before your appeal you will receive a written summary from Carshalton Boys Sports College outlining why it is not possible to offer your child a place there. This summary will also be copied to the Appeal Panel.

The appeal hearing

 3.1        Do I have to attend my appeal?

Although it is preferable that you attend your appeal to discuss your case, you may instead ask the Appeal Panel to consider your written submissions. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please advise the Clerk in advance and your appeal will be heard in your absence.


3.2        Can I bring my child to the appeal hearing?

As the appeal is about refusal to offer a place at a school that a parent had a statutory right to express a preference for, attendance can be distressing for some children.  Unless there are exceptional reasons, it is recommended that children do not attend the appeal hearing

3.3        Where will the appeal hearing be held?

Appeals will be heard via Zoom conference call.  The Clerk to the Appeal Panel will email details nearer the panel meeting date.  

3.4        Who will hear my appeal?

Your appeal will be heard by three members of the independent Appeals Panel who are   appointed by the Clerk to the Appeal Panel.

The other people who will be present at the appeal will be the Clerk to the Appeal Panel and a representative from Carshalton Boys Sports College.

4.        The Clerk to the Appeal Panel

The Clerk must provide an independent and impartial service.  The Clerk to the Appeal Panel is not a member of the Appeal Panel, but is there to take notes of the hearing and to advise on the procedure and conduct of the appeal.  The Clerk also writes to all parties after the appeal, informing them of the Appeal Panel’s decision.  

5.        Representative from Carshalton Boys Sports College

The representative from Carshalton Boys Sports College will present the case for the school.  They are there to explain why your child has not been given a place at Carshalton Boys Sports College.  They should be prepared to answer questions from you or the Appeal Panel about the school you are appealing for and its admission arrangements.  

6.        What happens at the appeal hearing?

The Chair of the Appeal Panel will introduce you to everyone attending the hearing and explain the procedure to you.  The hearing then takes place in the following order:

The Appeal Panel may ask you or the representative from Carshalton Boys Sports College questions at any time. Both the school’s representative and the appellant will enter and leave the room together.

You will be given every opportunity to say what you want and to make your case for why you believe that your child should attend Carshalton Boys Sports College, even though the school is full.  

7.        What happens after the appeal hearing?

After your appeal hearing the Appeal Panel will consider your appeal in two stages:  

First Stage: establishing the facts

The Appeal Panel will consider whether the school’s admission arrangements comply with mandatory provisions in the School Admissions Code.  The Appeal Panel will consider whether the admission arrangements were correctly applied in your child’s case, and decide whether prejudice to the provision of efficient education or use of resources at the school would arise where they to be admitted. If prejudice is proven the Appeal Panel will move on to the second stage.

Second Stage: balancing the arguments

The Appeal Panel must then exercise its discretion, balancing the degree of prejudice to the school against your case for the child being admitted to Carshalton Boys Sports College, before arriving at a decision.  

If the Appeal Panel decides that the greatest disadvantage is to your child, then the appeal will be upheld.  However, if the Appeal Panel decides that the disadvantage to the school is greater, then your appeal will be dismissed.  

The Clerk will write to you with the result of your appeal within 5 working days after the hearing, and will include the reasons for the Appeal Panel’s decision. The results of appeals for Transfer to Secondary School will not be announced until all appeals for Carshalton Boys Sports College have been heard.

The decision of the Appeal Panel is final and binding.  

9.        What happens if my appeal is upheld?

If your appeal is unsuccessful and your child does not have a school place, you will need to obtain a place at an alternative school. For advice you should contact the Admission Team on 020 8770 6080.

If you believe there was a fault in the way the appeal hearing was organised, you have the right to contact the Academy Admissions Appeal Complaints, Academies Central Unit, Education Funding Agency, Earlsdon Park, Butts Road, Coventry, CV1 3BH. Their Investigator cannot overturn the decision, but will consider your complaint and may decide to investigate to ascertain whether there was a failure to follow correct procedure or a failure to act independently and fairly.

Further information about the School Admissions Appeal process can be found in the School Admissions Appeal Code (see

10.        Further Appeals

It is not possible to apply and appeal again for the same school in the same academic year unless there is a significant change of circumstances.

11.        General Information

Set out below is the timetable for both Transfer to Secondary and

In Year Admission appeals for Carshalton Boys Sports College

Transfer to Secondary School


1 March 2024

Offer letters are sent, by the Local Authority, to parents for Transfer to Secondary School places.  This will give details of who parents should contact if they wish to appeal for a school they had listed as one of their preferences on their Common Application Form.

31 March 2024

Any completed Appeal Forms must be received by Edwina Rozek, Administration Manager , Carshalton Boys Sports College, Winchcombe Road, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 1RW

Appeals must be heard within 40 days of 31 March 2024

May/June 2024

The independent Appeals Clerk will schedule Appeal Panels and will contact both parents and Carshalton Boys Sports College of the date.  Appellants will have at least 10 school days’ notice of their appeal hearing.

If you wish to submit further supporting documentation for your appeal you must send it to Edwina Rozek at Carshalton Boys Sports College, which must be received 14 days before the date of the appeal hearing.

5 days after the Appeal Hearing

The Clerk of the Appeal Panel will ensure that decision letters are sent to parents and Carshalton Boys Sports College. Please note that decisions will not be communicated by telephone.

Late Applications and In Year Applications


Appeal Forms can be requested at any time.

Any completed Appeal Forms must be returned to Edwina Rozek, Administration Manager , Carshalton Boys Sports College, Winchcombe Road, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 1RW

Appeals must be heard within 30 days of the date of receiving the complete Appeals Form.

The independent Appeals Clerk will schedule Appeal Panels and will contact both parents and Carshalton Boys Sports College of the date.  Appellants will have at least 10 school days’ notice of their appeal hearing.

If you wish to submit further supporting documentation for your appeal you must send it to Edwina Rozek at Carshalton Boys Sports College, which must be received 14 days before the date of the appeal hearing.

5 days after the Appeal Hearing

The Clerk of the Appeal Panel will ensure that decision letters are sent to parents and Carshalton Boys Sports College. Please note that decisions will not be communicated by telephone.