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GOTF 4,1
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The cloaked man aims a strike at Tiberius's arm but Tiberius parry’s the strike causing him to stumble. Tiberius uses this window to throw his lightsaber at the cloaked man and he flips into the air, his cloak almost grazing the lightsaber.

The cloaked man begins a brutal onslaught using both his lightsabers to attack him one after another Tiberius only just manages to block the hits. Tiberius suddenly blasts the cloaked man with force lightning causing him to stagger,  Tiberius gets under his guard and slashes him in the chest. The masked man exhausted and in pain, slumps to the floor defeated. Tiberius stands over him.

The Cloaked man begins to cackle to Tiberius’ surprise. Tiberius removes his helmet revealing a human with black hair.

Cloaked Man: You are doomed. I curse you all, when you die you will be mine forever.

Tiberius: So be it.

 The Sith gather around the edge of the room and all point at the mask inside of the ancient box. Force lighting erupts from their fingertips and begins to wrap around and attach itself to the mask. The force lightning suddenly branches out towards the cloaked man and slowly pulls his essence into the mask as the cloaked man screams in pain.

The cloaked man's body begins to disintegrate as wisps of black and purple smoke transcend out of his body. The sith step back in shock as the white smoke begins to become progressively bigger as it rises like a Krayt Dragon bursting out of the sand dunes of Tatooine.

The smoke suddenly turns into a bright pulse and strikes up to the sky causing a ripple to go across the sky and the entire galaxy killing the sith along with much of the life on the planet.

The smoke spreads across the galaxy like a dreaded plague. Life slowly starts to shrivel up and succumb to a quick yet painful death. A rift is created in space itself now known as the unknown regions.

On a molecular level the midichlorians succumb to this same plague, quickly changing form like a virus spreading through an organic cell.

Hundreds of years into the future life begins to grow amongst a ruined desolate planet, A small vine grows through a cluster of rocks. A small animal with dark blue fur walks towards the vine. Using it’s many teeth the animal grabs the vine and eats it. One the ground lays the other half of the root which was previously destroyed by the animal, Spewing out a purple goo like substance. As the goo flows onto the rocks surrounding it, the goo slowly starts to disintegrate the rocks like a corrosive acid.the vine. Meanwhile the animal keeps walking forward searching for its next meal.


Star Wars Guardians Of The Force

The Final Fight

Jacen, Rey, Finn, Ben, Aayla and DZ-23 stare at the distant mountain as dusk begins to set in around the planet. A beautiful sunset begins around the planet as the red sky looms above the heads of our heros as the sun slowly sets and the stars come out as the unknown regions become visible across the night sky.

Jacen: Zelios is on that mountain.

Finn: Are you sure?

Jacen: I can feel it.

Rey: This time we will face him together.

Jacen nods.

Finn: Hey, we’ll find him. You’ve got to have hope.

Aayla: We are all ready to fight by your side.

Ben: We will succeed my friend I'm sure of it.

Jacen: Thank you for all your help guys. I wouldn't be here without you. I’m glad you will be with me when I face him.

Ben: That’s what family is for.

Jacen laughs.

Finn: We should camp here tonight and then climb the mountain tomorrow. Climbing that thing is too risky at night.

Aayla: And what if your friend Zelios shows up again while we are asleep, or those weird kyber people?

Jacen: Finn you and I can watch for the first few hours. The rest of you get some sleep.

As the other three settle down, Jacen and Finn start a small fire using the force to contain the flame so it keeps the group warm yet, not large enough to attract any attention.

Jacen: You ever feel like this may not work, I feel like I've already lost Zel and I may never get him back. I've fai-.

Finn: Don't say that Jacen. That’s not your fault that he left. All you can do now is hope that he is still in there somewhere.  

Jacen stands up and outstretches’s his arm towards Finn. Finn grabs it standing up and then hugging Jacen. They break apart.

Jacen: Hey I’m going to go take a look around, you mind staying here for a bit.

Finn grabs a small cylindrical item from his back pouch and then gives it to Jacen.

Finn: It’s a flare. If you see anything shoot it in the air.

Jacen smiles.

Jacen: I know what a flare is.

Finn smiles as Jacen walks away.

Jacen walks towards the base of the mountain ready to climb it, ready to bring back Zelios and defeat the mask once and for all. He looked back at his friends knowing that it is his job to do it alone. He turned back around and was shocked to see his father Luke Skywalker standing before him.

Luke: Hey son.

Jacen: Dad… I- Is it really you?

Luke: It's really me, kid. Jacen I was a lot like you once, I know what you are going through right now.

Jacen: W- What do you mean?

Luke: I wanted to run off and face Vader myself, I thought that by doing that I would protect Leia and Han but it took me too long to realize that they are there for you. You’re not alone Jacen, these people want to help you, don't push them away. Go back Jacen, You will face Zelios and the mask tomorrow morning with your friends by your side.

Jacen: Ok I will dad.

Jacen walks away from the base of the mountain. He turns back around to see his father.

Jacen: I love you dad.

Luke: I love you too Jacen.

As Jacen begins to walk away, the force ghost of Luke starts to fade out of existence.

Back at the camp Finn is now asleep and Ben and Rey are on watch.

Rey: Do you feel that?

Ben: Yeah I do, it's a call from something.

Rey: It's the force I'm sure of it.  

Ben: It’s coming from that rock over there.

Ben points to a large rock only a few feet away from the campsite. The two Jedi make their way up a hill of rocks eventually getting to a larger rock that seems cracked and broken. Using what little strength they have they use the force to lift the rock. The rock lifts in the air revealing two lightsabers.

Rey: I've seen these lightsabers before in the old Jedi texts on Ach-to.

Ben: Whose were they?

Rey: They are the lightsabers of Revan and Bastila.

Ben: I've heard legends but never seen anything like it.

Rey: We can’t just start using them, we were guided to them but they are not ours, we do not have any sort of bond to the lightsaber.

Ben: From Ben’s back pocket he takes out the broken shards of his kyber crystal.

Ben: What if we fused our kyber crystals with the crystals of this lightsaber. Then-

Rey: They may have a connection to us! But how on Carnath are we supposed to do that?

Ben: We may be able to bond our broken shards with the new crystals.

Ben: Do you think it will work?

Rey: There is only one way to find out.

Ben lifts Revan’s saber into the air. The lightsaber begins to pull apart revealing a purple kyber crystal. The shards of Ben’s yellow crystal raise into the air and suddenly combine with the purple crystal. The crystal joins back with the rest of the lightsaber and drops into Ben’s hands. He ignites it revealing a purple and yellow hybrid glow.  

Ben: Woah.

Ben feels his newly formed lightsaber in his hands.

Ben: I feel… stronger.

Ben: More powerful.

Rey does the same with Bastila’s lightsaber creating a green and yellow hybrid double bladed lightsaber. The two of them quickly and quietly make their way back to camp.

Meanwhile, on top of the mountain Zelios Kenobi paces up and down, whilst in among the ancient ruins the mask lies on a pedestal.

Zelios: What are we going to do? How are we going to fight four Jedi and a Mandalorian?

Mask: Do not worry Zelios Kenobi, everything is happening as I have planned.

Zelios: Yes my lord.

In the morning the crew begin their ascent of the mountain.

Jacen: New lightsabers, huh?

Ben and Rey filled them in on the events of the night before.

Aayla: So they can be multiple different colors now?

Ben ignites his saber revealing a new purple and yellow saber.

Aayla: I should have never taken this job.

They continue the ascent and they stumble and climb their way up the rest of the mountain.

They are near the top when all of a sudden a burst of lightning strikes through the air and almost electrocutes Jacen.

Jacen: It's the mask! Watch yourselves.

They continue to climb as lightning flashes and hits around them in a massive arc almost electrocuting them several times. They barely manage to make it to the top.

Panting,with exhaustion they reach the ruins. They all take a moment to regain their strength but Jacen walks towards the ruins. There in the middle stands Zelios Kenobi,his purple eyes shining in the darkness.

Zelios: Welcome old friend. We meet again?

Jacen: Zelios I know you're in there.  

He points to the mask which lays at the center of the ruins.

Jacen: I won't let him hurt you anymore.

The Mask: You will not win Jacen Skywalker son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. Kill him Zelios!

A look of hesitation crosses across Zelios's face and the purple eyes begin to dim but it is suddenly replaced by full purple eyes darker than ever before.

Jacen: You don't have to do this Zel I can help.

Zelios yells in anger.

Zelios: No! You are wrong!

Zelios ignites his two lightsabers and charges at Jacen. Jacen quickly dodges and ignites his own lightsaber and quickly launches a quick lunge to his right side. Zelios easily blocks and starts pushing back the attack onto Jacen. Blow after blow he strikes as Jacen begins to tire from the constant onslaught of attacks.

Zelios notices this and force pushes him into a wall and then launches at the wall with his two lightsabers, Jacen quickly rolls out of the way with the two lightsabers barely missing him.

All of a sudden Ben, Aayla, Rey, and Finn arrive. Aayla and Finn rush to help Jacen. Aayla throws a thermal detonator at Zelios which knocks him off his feet while Finn uses what's left of his strength to cause some of the debris from the temple to rain down upon him. Zelios barely manages to evade the debris and begins to fight Jacen with his two lightsabers.

Rey and Ben rush towards the mask but when they get within a couple of feet from it they are blasted back by its powerful purple and black aura.

The Mask: I see you have the sabers of Bastila and Revan, they once succumb to my power, just as you will now.

The mask continues to launch his lightning at Rey and Ben. They can't block the lightning for too long and are thrown against one of the back walls.

Aayla: Ben!

Zelios uses this opening to deflect a blaster bolt back at Aayla hitting her in the jetpack which causes it to malfunction. She flies through the air eventually landing beside Ben.

Meanwhile, Zelios continues to fight against Jacen and Finn. Finn tries to throw more debris at Zelios but he is able to throw Finn back through the force. Zelios turns to face Jacen.

Jacen: Just you and me now Zel just like old times.

Zelios: You are wrong, we have both changed, only I have changed for the better.

The Mask: Finish him Zelios Kenobi, you must strike him down with your anger only then can you be a true master of the anti force.

Zelios charges at him and jumps through the air knocking over Jacen. Jacen tries to fight back but Zelios is just too powerful. Jacen force-pushes Zelios away pinning him against a large piece of debris. Jacen looks at him defiantly.

Jacen: I can't defeat you but I can defeat him.

Jacen sprints at the mask. Lightning wraps around him, but Jacen still pursuits he walks steadily over against the weight of the lightning and strikes the mask in between its eye sockets. A bright white light erupts from the mask going into the sky and rippling across the planet. Jacen falls to the ground utterly exhausted.

Zelios: No!

He charges at Jacen and then stops. He switches off his lightsabers and slumps to the floor, his eyes returning to their natural colour. Jacen stands up and walks over to him; he sits down next to him.

Jacen: Are you alright Zel?

Zelios: The Mask, it made me do terrible things. I- I almost killed you.

Jacen: It’s okay. It’s over now.

Zelios looks over at Jacen and embraces him there is a flash of bright light and in the middle of the ruins there stands a figure with long tattered robes and battle armour with a helmet covering the face. They fuse apart.

Zelios: What the hell was that?

Aayla: They can do it too.

Jacen: I-It was a fusion. But how?

The others stand around cautiously believing that Zelios had not fully turned. Aayla raises her blasters

Finn: Step away from him Jacen.

Ben: He's the enemy.

Jacen: Guys it’s okay. Zel is back. He is alright now.

The others sigh with relief and Aayla lowers her weapons.

Zelios: I'm sorry you had to come all the way here for me. If only I had not left everything would have been fine.

Finn (sarcastically): Don’t mention it.

Rey: Come on we best get back to the Ebon Hawk. See how the droids are doing.

As they make their way down the mountain Zelios stumbles and ends up falling down a steep part of it, he loses consciousness but instead of seeing black his mind's eye takes him back to the ruins.

The cloaked man walks out with the mask covering his face, walks out of the shadows.

The Mask: You may think your story is over Zelios Kenobi but it has only just begun.

The mask zaps him with lightning as Zel screams in pain he is thrown off the mountain and into a dark cavern where a dark figure stands in the middle of the cave.

Zelios sees flickering images of the many times he had trained and interacted with the mask.

Zelios: You have already hurt them enough, I won’t let you do it again.

Zelios sees the first time he and the mask ever met.

The Mask: My boy, they have already done that themselves.

Zelios is brought back to the mountain. He starts to sweat panting in fear.

Jacen: You alright Zel?

Zelios: Yea, just tired that's all.

As they make their way down the mountain Zelios shivers with fear knowing the danger that lies ahead.

End of issue two


Written by: 

Marco Brnardic (the_senate.squad)

David King (fascinating_films)

Edited by:

Ellis Pickering (ellis___pickering04)

Captain R3X (captain.r3x)

Creative Consultants:

Richard Ched (Kavon52398)

A Sith Squad creation