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AWSP News 5.8.20
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AWSP News for 5.8.20

Hello and welcome to another episode of AWSP News. My name is Scott Friedman, aka IrishScott, aka Easty. I’ll be bringing you this edition of AWSP News. It’s news you can use!        

As you can tell, today’s newscast is not coming from the friendly confines of the AWSP studio, but rather on location in ??? The first person that tweets my location to @irishscott will receive a prize I guarantee you will enjoy. And now for the news……..

Recently Governor Inslee unveiled a 4 phase plan to slowly re-open our state. Developed in collaboration with the WA State Dept of Health, it focuses on a data-driven approach to reopening our state. Phase 1 started this past Tuesday. In order to move into the next phase, the guidelines suggest we will stay in each phase a minimum of 3 weeks. The best-case scenario – our state opens with no restrictions sometime in August. Did he just say August? It’s important you plan accordingly and think about how you might continue this virtual world into the fall.

Plan accordingly…think virtually…..that is exactly what AWSP and WASA did with this year's Summer Conference. The conference is an annual highlight. It’s a time to celebrate, learn, laugh and enjoy the beautiful Spokane sunshine. Just because we can’t gather in Spokane this year doesn’t mean we can’t bring Spokane to you. Imagine the power of Hamish Brewer “aka the skateboarding principal”, Sean Goode (Choose 180), Kristen Souers/Pete Hall and Dr. Joe Sanfelippo combined with the professional knowledge of our concurrent session presenters.

While we are saddened we won’t be together in Spokane this year, we are excited about new possibilities. For example, instead of picking a handful of breakout sessions to attend, you’ll have access to all of them in our soon-to-be-launched learning management system. Watch as many as you want during the conference, or take your time and watch any and all of them on-demand. And check with your district’s grants administrator about using iGrants 664 “TPEP” funds. Many districts return money to the state at the end of the year when they could be using that money to register for Summer Conference instead!

Be sure to check our website for conference registration and other information. While you are there, I’d encourage you to sign up for our bi-monthly grade level office hours. As this complex system called virtual education evolves, it is important to connect with colleagues from around the state. Join us for a virtual hug for the work, share your work and learn from others, and get more brainpower to help troubleshoot some of your more complicated issues.

Nothing is more complex than grading issues right now. This pandemic is spotlighting the inherent inequities that come with grading and assessment. We can’t lose this moment to roll up our sleeves and lead change in our grading system, but keep in mind the rule of today is compassion and grace. We must do no harm to students right now. We must understand the reality of this pandemic and ensure students see hope at the end of the tunnel. Hope for their future, not despair due to realities completely out of their control. Engage staff in conversations about grades and incompletes. Visit our blog or reach out to us as we share resources and assistance.

With the arrival of May comes June, and with June come end of year celebrations. Whether you lead an elementary, middle, or high school, your students will need a sense of closure. For high schools, Jostens is hosting a “virtual graduation” learning webinar. Their virtual commencement center is full of resources to help you plan, host, and pull off a virtual graduation. Look for a link to register for their May 11th or 13th webinar in Principal Matters.

End of the year….closure….what about this coming fall? What is that going to look like? Will we be in physical brick and mortar? A combination of virtual and in person? Phased in between grade levels? These questions and many more will be addressed by an Opening of School Year Task Force. If you have creative thoughts and have ideas please reach out to us - we’d love to hear from you.

As we end this week’s edition of AWSP News, I’d like to leave you with a final thought. It comes from AWSP President Cameron Grow, who asked how we get “from engagement to real learning”. If our current situation continues into and through the fall, how do we move from making sure kids are doing something to making sure they are actually learning something? Think about this question, ask the people you work with, and keep that in mind for whatever fall looks like. Thanks Cameron for pushing our thinking and keeping a focus on kids and learning.

Well, that’s it from all of us here at AWSP. As always, keep up the great work for kids, and remember...your voice matters, so keep connecting with us and with each other. See you next week!