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Action Items: SAC
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Status Report: Strategic Advisory Committee Actions

November 2023- April 2024

Unidata Program Center Staff

Actions from the Previous Meeting (November 2023)

Action 1

Add an agenda item for the Spring meeting to revisit the idea of an Industry committee representative. [UPC: Tanya Vance]


The committee structure  item has been added to the 2024 Spring agenda.

Action 2

Victor Gensini and Kevin Goebbert to discuss the committee model prior to the Spring meeting and report back to the committee and Unidata leadership.


Victor Gensini and Kevin Goebbert prepared two documents in collaboration with other committee members, including the Users Committee co-chairs to serve as a starting point for this discussion at the Spring meeting. These documents include an overview summary and a potential committee model structure.

Prepared April 2024