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GOTF 2,1
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Jacen Skywalker is sparring with his mother Mara Jade Skywalker in the middle of a swamp in Dagobah. Both wield small wooden sticks meant to mimic lightsabers. They both circle each other, their eyes daring the other to attack. Jacen Skywalker suddenly loses all of his patience and charges at his mother, and then the dance begins. Mara Jade takes on a defensive stance as she effortlessly blocks each of his strikes.

Jacen: Arghh!

Jacen starts to get frustrated with himself as he cannot seem to be able to break his mother's defence, a dark look crosses his face as he begins to use his anger to fuel his attacks. His blows become more erratic, more wild and he doesn't anticipate Mara quickly switching to an offensive stance. She catches him underneath his arm and pushes him back until he trips over a branch. She stands over him with her stick pointed at his throat.

Jacen: I yield.

Jacen stands up and pushes his stick away.

Mara: You allowed your anger to take over your actions that is why you lost. Control your emotions.

Jacen: I was in control! I knew what I was doing if only I had been able to anticipate the change in your stance then I would have beat you.  

Mara: It was your anger that caused you to be blind; no matter how hard your opponent is to fight you must not let your rage take control of you.

Jacen: I understand mother, I will try harder next time.

Mara: A wise Jedi once said, "Do or do not there is no try." I know it's difficult training with someone different than your father, but we must practice together if you want to become a Jedi like him.

They both pick up their wooden sticks once again. They begin to circle each other, this time it is Mara who first leaps into attack. This time Jacen stays grounded, and by keeping his emotions under control he is able to easily deflect each attack. The ex Imperial assassin tries to catch him unawares by aiming for the right side of his head, but Jacen parrys the strike and begins to advance onwards forcing his mother back by parrying each of her blows.

He begins to gain the upper hand, forcing his mother to leap onto an elevated tree branch giving her the high ground. Instead of jumping after her, like his grandfather Anakain Skywalker once did years ago when fighting against his former master, he uses the force to break the branch causing her to fall to the ground. He stands above her with the stick pointed at her neck.

Jacen: Do you yield?

Mara smirks and pushes her palms upwards towards Jacen, using the force to push him away and slam him into a nearby tree. She leaps at him and Jacen quickly dodges. They both continue trading blows until they feel it… a tremor in the force. Jacen drops the stick and falls to his knees, tears building up in his eyes. Mara backs away, her stick still in her hand, her breathing becoming ragged and fast.

Jacen: No he can't be dead. He can't. NOOOOO!

Jacen lets out a roar of grief and anguish and small leaves and rocks start to float around him. Anger blazed across his face. Jacen Skywalker weeps as he has felt the death of his father Luke Skywalker. Mara Jade puts her arms around her son and rests his head on the top of his as her tears fall down her face like a heavy storm on Kamino.

After minutes of weeping Jacen Skywalker looks at his mother.

Jacen: What do we do now?

Mara Jade: I must complete your training, it would be what Luke would have wanted.

Star wars Guardians of the force

Attack on Starlight Station

The scene opens up on the Starskipper and the Millenium Falcon coming out of hyperspace near Starlight Station.

Jacen: This is Jacen Skywalker, captain of the ship Starskipper, requesting permission to board.

Officer Adam: This is flight control you are clear for landing on hangar twelve.

Jacen: They didn't have flight control last time we were here.

The ships lands and the hero's walk out of the ship, each going their separate ways to prepare for the journey. After Rey stocks up on supplies for the journey, she goes back to the ship and opens a holo chat with C-3PO and her daughter Anna.

C-3PO: Mistress Rey, it's such a pleasure to see you.

Rey: Hey Threepio. How ya been?

Anna: Mom!

Rey: Anna! Have you been giving Threepio a hard time?

C3PO: She has been wonderful.

Anna: When will you be back mom?

Rey: I’ll be home sooner than you know it. I love you Anna.

Anna: I love you too Mom.

R2-D2 rolls over to Rey.

Rey: Hey Threepio, someone wants to talk to you.

C-3PO: It cannot be?

R2-D2: Trill dee doo whirr.

C-3PO: Artoo, It has been too long with little friend!

R2-D2: Cheep trill dee.

Rey: I’ll leave you guys to it.

Rey walks away from the hologram as C-3PO and R2-D2 keep chatting.

Just beyond the reach of the Starlights scanners there lies a long dark ship, a modification of the pirate saucers of Florum. A gang of pirates stand around inside checking their weapons. Their Captain: a tall, red haired bearded man, with a gaunt face, stands in front of them all and turns around to face them.

Captain Archnos: Right men listen up, our mission is to cause as much chaos and destruction on Starlight Station to allow Hunter to get to the enemy of our clients ship and place the tracker on there. We all know who we are working for, there can be no room for failure otherwise we will all die. Jek, activate the cloaking device, it's time for us to attack.

The ship moves into range of the station's scanners which do not detect the ship because of the clocking device. Meanwhile Finn and Poe are wandering around the halls of Starlight Station.

Poe: Finn why is there scorch marks all over the Falcon?

Finn: Well we did go to a lava planet, magma kinda exists there and hey you've almost destroyed the Falcon with your dangerous flying!

Bb-8: Beep Boop Dee Wirr.

Poe: That was one time Bb-8, one time.

Poe: Oh what the hell it's not destroyed that bad I can get it repaired pretty easily.

Finn: Maybe you can give it a new paint job while your at it.

Bb-8: Doo doo dee.

Poe: Is there any chance I could come with you on your next adventure? Trust me buddy office life is so boring, It’s been a while since my last actual mission.

Finn: You're the Chancellor you can't just disappear on an adventure.

Poe: No one will notice.

Bb-8: Trill whirr dee.

Finn: I'm pretty sure everyone will notice.

Poe: You're so boring now, back in the day you would've allowed me to come.

Finn: Back in the day I would've done what was right and I haven't changed, you are a good leader Poe the galaxy needs you.

Poe: Yeah I guess you're right, just try not to explore all of the unknown regions while you're there. Leave some stuff for me.

Finn (laughing): I won't man, don't worry.

Bb-8: Trill whirr whirr.

Ben and Aayla walk into the weapons department of the space station. A small white haired man with a dangerous gleam in his eyes walks over to them.

Sammy: Hello there, I'm weapons expert Sammy and this is my assistant explosives expert Oscar.

A tanned young boy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes comes out carrying several thermal detonators.

Oscar: How do you do??

Sammy: Oscar, how many times it's not a good idea to carry around thermal detonators!

Oscar: I'm sorry boss but they like, talk to me, I'm pretty sure they're real creatures.

Aayla and Ben exchange concerned looks. Sammy turns back to them grinning apologetically.

Sammy: Sorry about Oscar, he had a crate dropped on his head when he was young, has never been the same since but he's a good lad and he gets his work done. Anyway, how can we help you?

Aayla: I need some new thermal detonators my supply has run out.

Ben scoffs in the background.

Sammy: Right got it. Oscar, pass the girl a new crate of thermal detonators.

Oscar: Be careful with these ones, they talk louder than the others.

Ben: Well that's not strange at all.

Sammy: That will be fifteen credits please.


Aayla pays him the money and her and Ben carry on exploring the station.

Aayla: What was all that about back then?

Ben: What do you mean?

Aayla: When I asked the man for thermal detonators you made that dumb face.

Ben: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Aayla turns around and pushes Ben into a wall.

Aayla: You do know what I mean Solo, don't lie to me.

Ben: Well Fett, some of us appreciate the complex art of stealth.

Aayla: Oh I can be stealthy. One night when you're not expecting it I could easily kill you before anyone knew I was there.

Ben: I would like to see you try.

Suddenly, without warning Aayla kicks Ben's legs out from under him and sends him flying down the hall. She then grabs his shirt and pulls him up against the wall.

Aayla (smirking): You may be all fancy with a lightsaber and the force but you know nothing of real hand to hand combat.

Ben smiles. Meanwhile the ship moves ever closer to the station just staying out of range of the station's weapons.

Captain Archnos (speaking into a comlink): Byron are you in position?

Byron (speaking into his comlink): The starfighters are in position waiting for your command.

Captain Archnos (speaking into his comlink): Take out their defences.

The five black starfighters swoop down and bombard the station with torpedoes.

Poe and Finn are thrown against the wall. Aayla and Ben sprint down the hall together. Jacen dives into the wreckage of one of the hangars and starts pulling people out from under the dilapidated starships. An officer runs towards Poe.

Officer Bazil: Sir we need to get you to safety.

Poe: Screw that I'm fighting, prepare my ship, tell Lieutenant Dan to prepare the men for a boarding were not giving up this station without a fight.

Poe and Finn run down a hallway. They meet a woman with a gold helmet and a maroon jumpsuit.

Zori: I'll take care of those drop ships, just make sure they don’t blow this station to bits.

Poe: Good luck to you too Zori.

Poe and Finn continue running.

Finn: Who is that?

Poe: Zori Bliss, She was a bounty hunter on Ardennia and now she helps train new recruits. She is also my girlfriend.

Finn: What!

Poe: It’s a long story.

Rey runs to help Jacen get the wounded out of the hangar. But they are stopped by the sight of the pirate ship entering the hangar. Aayla and Ben suddenly rush in from the right corridor, with Finn rushing in from the left corridor with Lieutenant Dan and his men sprinting behind him.

Lieutenant Dan: Officer Izzy, take your men and go help the wounded, the rest of you form a perimeter around the hangar, shoot at whatever comes out of that ship.

Officer Izzy: Yes Lieutenant.

Aayla: What's in there?

Ben: Pirates.

As if on cue the pirates burst out of the ship led by Captain Archnos who is wielding an A280C blaster. Finn, Ben, Jacen and Rey ignite their lightsabers and Aayla puts on her helmet. Finn dives down the left flank and Jacen down the right flank with Aayla flying down the middle and they all collide with the enemies taking down several of them.

Ben and Rey deflect the blaster bolts away from Officer Izzy and the wounded. Whilst Lieutenant Dan and his men shoot down several of the pirate's snipers.

Meanwhile, Poe exits the station in his white and orange x-wing followed by his team of e-wing pilots. They engage with the pirate's starfighters in a fury of red and yellow laser fire. Byron pulls back and takes down five of Poe's men but Poe manages to outmanoeuvre him and get behind Byron and blasts him into dust.

Captain Archnos: Hunter, now!

Hunter, a small man with brown hair and a long black cloak, dives underneath a wreckage as Finn force pushes a pirate into the wreckage and Jacen decapitates three pirates. Meanwhile Aayla starts burning pirates alive with her flamethrower and shoots a concussion rocket at Archnos who dives out of the way just before it hits him.

A group of fifteen pirates try to cut their way towards the wounded but Rey force pushes three of them away and cuts down two of them. Ben force freezes five of them and cuts them all down in a sweeping arch with his lightsaber. Lieutenant Dan and his men manage to shoot the rest of them as Officer Izzy manages to clear the rest of the wounded out of the hangar.

Meanwhile Hunter uses his modified Vibroblade to slash down the two soldiers near the Starskipper and place a small tracking beacon. He sprints back to Captain Archnos who orders his remaining men to retreat as they dive back into their ship. They narrowly dodge Poe's x-wings and leap into Hyperspace.

As Poe and his men come into the hangar Finn rushes to see Poe.

Finn: Are you alright?

Poe: Yeah fine, we lost good men out there. I’ll place a bounty on those pirates heads they will pay for what they did.

Finn: What were they here for anyway. It did not seem like an ordinary pirate attack?

Poe: I have no idea.

Meanwhile Ben goes over to speak to Jacen and Aayla.

Ben: Who do you think they were?

Jacen: I'm not sure but I get the feeling they were only here because of us we must leave otherwise we endanger the entire station.

He walks off in deep concentration and goes to check the ship with Rey.

Ben: You fought well for a bounty hunter.

Aayla: I would say the same of you but remind me who just saved your life.

She walks away, playfully smirking at him. Soon it is time for the gang of heroes to leave the station. They are seen off by Poe.

Poe: Good luck all of you, I wish I could come with you but duty calls I have to find out what I can on those pirates keep safe and try not to do anything stupid.

Finn hugs Poe one last time and the others wave as they step into the ship.

Officer Adam: Jacen Skywalker, captain of the Starskipper, you are free to depart Starlight Station, have a safe journey.

The ship leaves the station and DZ-23  puts the coordinates into the ship's navigation computer. The ship jumps into hyperspace.


Jacen: Hopefully, if my calculations are correct we will make it to the unknown regions without any problems.

Instead the ship jumps out into a hellish place similar to the maw.

Aayla: You spoke way too soon.

Jacen: Well I'm sorry I didn't know the exact location, I didn't realise we had to go through whatever this is.

Ben: If you let Rey and I do the coordinates we would've been fine.

Jacen: Just because you're the children of the greatest pilot in the galaxy doesn't mean you are amazing pilots.

Rey: Same goes for you too.

As they playfully banter with each other a stalagmite collides with the edge of the ship. Rey takes control in the co pilot seat and they manage to maneuver their way out of the rock field and into the unknown regions.

Ben: I think we're fine now.

All of a sudden, a massive space slug appears from the rock field and grabs hold of the ship.

Jacen: Whose talking too soon now?!

Aayla: I will try and shake it off with the ship's blasters.

Aayla dives into the bottom gunner seat and fires three shots into the creature's mouth which releases the Star Skipper.

Finn: That was one hell of a welcome party.

DZ-23: Beep Boop.

Jacen: I do too.

As the ship flies off into the unknown regions, a smaller ship flies just out of reach of the scanners behind them. Two cloaked figures stand in the ship fiddling with the controls. A scanner starts to blink with a red dot signifying the Star Skipper. The Night Buzzard’s engines light up as it proceeds to tail the Starskipper.

End of issue one


Written by: 

David King (fascinating_films)

Marco Brnardic (the_senate.squad)

Edited by:

Ellis Pickering (ellis___pickering04)

Brandon Tran (brandonmoney34ever)

Creative Consultants:

Captain R3X (captain.r3x)

Roman Cocciolo (darthmaulinasweatshirt)

Richard Ched (Kavon52398)

A Sith Squad creation