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STRPB Agenda 03/19/2024.docx
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Six Town Regionalization Planning Board Meeting

Towns of Bernardston, Gill, Leyden, Montague, Northfield, and Warwick

Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 6:30 PM

Remote Meeting


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 6858 8905

Passcode: 474462

Current STRPB Board Members (by town):

Bernardston - Jennifer Coffin, Renee Keir, Kristie Sulda

Gill - Deb Loomer, Greg Snedeker, Bill Tomb

Leyden -  Michele Giarusso, Karen O'Neil, Steve Richter

Montague - Lynn Reynolds, Clifford Spatcher, Dorinda Upp-Bell

Northfield - Reina Dastous, Deb Potee, Pat Shearer

Warwick - Alan Genovese, David Young

Non-voting  Member:

Erving - Katelyn Mailloux-Little

I.                Call Meeting to Order


II.                Attendance/Roll Call

III.                Announcements regarding this remote meeting.

IV.                Update STRPB Website (Dorinda)

  1. Develop;ment of Timeline
  2. Clarification of Website Designer ( Caroline Alexander)  and Dorinda’s Role
  3. Timely Q & A Updates  
  4. Other


              V.                Update on MARS Consulting Group

      VI.                Appointment of DRAS Member

  1. Review of Membership Nomination Slate .
  2. Vote to Appointment
  1. Gill
  2. Tupper Brown
  3. Greg Snedeker

  1. Bernardston
  2. Jane Dutcher
  3. Stephen Nestanpower

  1. Montague
  2. Dorinda Upp-Bell
  3. Matt Lord

  1. Leyden
  2. Michelle Giarusso

  1. Northfield
  2. Chris Hinkle

  1. Warwick and Leyden appointments forthcoming
  2. Appointment of DRAS Chairperson?
  3. Potential Dates for DRAS Subcommittee Meetings (Days of the and Times best suited for members

                VII.        Next Steps in the Process

                VIII.        Information Item

                a. Update of Bernardston, Leyden and Northfield  

MeetingSelectboard and FinCom Meeting  

IX.        Next Full Board  Meeting:

                X.        Items not anticipated within the 48 hour notice period.

                XI.        Motion to Adjourn

 *Expected Meeting duration  under 1.5 hours or less