I fly over the pond but not landing yet as there are like 20 parries on there, stupid things. They don’t even like ponds, they’re supposed to eat grass, taking up our pond, horrible manners! Then I see them...humans!

Three men walk down the track toward the parries, part of me wants to try and warn them but at the same time I don’t because I hate parries! They get closer, I see two of them load the big guns, I have to do it.

I speed fly as fast as possible towards the pond letting out cries of danger but they don’t listen because they hate us mallards as well. I bail out just in time as the hunters look up and point their guns at me, lucky no shots were fired. They came up by the wall and then it happened, 8 perfectly fine paradise ducks killed just for the fun of it. This has to stop, I call for a protest, let's take it to the Ducky Wucky beehive, to discuss with Jacinder Aduck.