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Synopsis for

“I got your message - Cults”

Obsession Theme

Characters: main protagonist who is a teenage girl

Locations: A Ominous empty room filled with several Telephones and Cellphones. The Front of a house


In this synopsis a teenage girl is the main protagonist but also a performer. In the beginning a diegetic scene is played out where the protagonist girl is seen driving home and walking into her house while displaying a down mood. She tosses her bag aside while entering her room and falls onto her bed. The Music video starts with a top shot of the dazed looking girl into the distance while lying in bed, she then turns her head to look into the camera which is followed by a match cut to a new location and she breaks immediately into the song. She is seated in a room full of old telephones and cellphones as she checks her flip phone to see if she has gotten a message from her partner whilst lip syncing. Her phone screen displays information that she has “0 messages” which leads up to her staring at her phone in disbelief. Here onwards in the Music Video the narrative is built that the girl has an obsession with her previous Friend/partner who might have left her under undefined circumstances and their vacancy is contributing to her delusional mind state.

In the next scene the girl is followed around giving a look into her daily life as she tries to move on, the girl is shown looking at scrolling through old pictures of their past relationship maybe thinking about deleting them at one point and failing to do so.

Progressing to the scene just before the chorus starts the protagonist proceeds to wear headphones to literally “tune out” these obsessive thoughts she’s having, this leads to the dance performance where the girl performs to the main repetitive chorus. She dances without chorography in a manic state, all emotions pouring out in the heat of the moment further conveying their descent into an obsessive madness. They dance around in this mysterious room filled with several telephones while they ring and she picks them up to see if she got the message.

After the chorus ends the giving the viewer is given a look at how the girl as she thinks reminiscently about how their partner looked like in the form of a thought bubble. In the same bubble a scene transition shows how the protagonist’s partner has moved on to newer people, but the she herself has a hard time coping with that reality. Therefore the protagonist once again “tunes out” the reality and dances around which visualizes her further descent into her insane obsession where they frantically dance around in the room while the chorus constantly repeats in the background. Just as the song begins to end the girl checks her phone one last time to see if she got the message but instead finds herself disappointed. The disappointment turns into rage where she tosses her phone to the ground in a fit of rage and kicks it.