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Bible Studies/Education - Underground

ROLE TITLE: Drivers, Small group leaders

ROLE CATEGORY: Senior High Ministry

BRIEF OVERVIEW: Volunteers drive the youth to and from a variety of events. Including a fall corn maze and Feed My Starving Children Events.  The youth director may ask you to lead a small group in a bible study.

DIRECT SUPERVISOR: Youth Director- Jeff Kuester

LENGTH OF SERVICE: Depends on the event (2-4 hours)

PREREQUISITES: Must be over the age of 25 to drive students.

Current Background Check required?  No

Active in Saint Paul church community- No


Responsible, Dependable, Flexible, Heart for spending time with teenagers

ROLE SPECIFIC DETAILS: If the driver decides to stay for the event, the church will sponsor admission fees for the event.

TIME FRAME: As needed


What if I feel that I cannot lead a bible study to teenagers? The Youth Director will train and give you guiding questions so that you feel prepared to lead the discussion.

What if I want to volunteer, but my child is in the youth ministry?  While it is encouraged to support your teenager with faith-based opportunities, you will be led to work with other students in the youth group.