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Mt. Vernon Township High School District #201

E-learning PLAN

Mt. Vernon High School staff have developed a plan for e-learning days as required by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).  Please address questions or concerns regarding the following guidelines to Mr. Rowdy Fatheree.  These guidelines are subject to change as E-Learning Days may be modified or amended by ISBE.

E-learning Guidelines:

1. E-learning will allow students to continuE-learning when school is on a

    modified schedule due to inclement weather or other emergency day.


Daily Schedule


2. Students will be required to log on via Google Classroom, Google Meet, or

    another platform to their specific classes during their specific days/times

    assigned for E-learning. Students that do not have internet access will be

    able to check out an internet hotspot; first come-first serve as quantities allow.  

    Tech Services will be available during the school day to provide tech support to

    both students and teachers.


3. E-learning days count as attendance days for the purposes of the

    school calendar.  Therefore during the term of the modified schedule the

    E-learning days wouldn’t be added to the end of the school calendar. Attendance will be taken daily for each period by 3:00pm. Teachers will communicate specific expectations for attendance for each period.  

4. On E-learning days, teachers will communicate with students using their  

    Google Classroom and any other preferred methods of communication.  

    Assignments will be posted online and other resources available to assist in

    completion of work to continue student learning.

5. Teachers will be available to answer questions during their conference  

    period each school day. Teachers will

    communicate with parents and students on the specific times they are  

    available.  Teachers  will be checking their email, Google Classroom

    accounts and other approved communication platforms on a regular basis to

    assure that students' questions are addressed in a timely manner.

6. During E-learning days students will have assignments for all their


7. Teachers are aware that each student’s family may have special

    circumstances and that unexpected events may occur. If your family has a

    unique circumstance, please communicate with your teacher so we can work

    with you to solve the problem.

8. Students should reach out to their assigned School Counselor, Social

    Worker, or IEP Case Manager if they have special needs to address.

9. Students with IEP and/or Section 504 accommodations or other special

    needs will have assignments in accordance with their individualized  


A. Students and/or their families will be contacted by their IEP Case Manager to collectively develop an Individualized (E) Learning Plans to address how IEP services, goals, and accommodations will best be addressed for each individual student. Some programs/services may not be available through E-learning, such as STEP Work Program.

B. When an E-learning day assignment plan cannot completely replicate an in-session school day, efforts will be made to provide the support needed for particular students. For instance, if reading is a challenge for a student and the student has online access, the teacher may assign tasks on sites that will read text aloud.

C. All procedural safeguards remain in place and may be obtained through any one of the following methods:

-call 618-246-2102

-email Megan Clodi



Section 504: 


  1. Parents/Guardians will be informed of the need for E-learning and the E-learning Plan is posted on the District’s website.
  2. Parents are welcome to contact the school with questions regarding any E-learning Plan.
  3. Parents/Guardians, along with teachers and students, are asked to remember that E-learning days are designed to be flexible: if a student struggles with a concept or assignment and is unable to complete the work that day, parents should remind their son or daughter to communicate with the teacher as soon as possible on how to meet requirements.
  4. Parents/Guardians should contact teachers directly during the teacher’s conference period on E-learning days with any questions or concerns that may have regarding E-learning day assignments. Teachers will respond within 24 hours.

        Passive Consent for OnlinE-learning

Dear Parent or Guardian:

When school is in session, your child may participate in various instructional groups with other students led by teachers and related services staff.  The staff will deliver specialized services to your child through various means, which may include an online meeting platform, specifically Google Meets or Google Hangouts.  Please note:

  1.  A feature of the Google platform is that students and parents will have the capability to see and hear the teacher, classroom, and potentially other students in these groupings at the same time.
  2. To increase the privacy and confidentiality during these sessions, please find a private, quiet location for your child in your home to limit disruptions during class time.
  3. The staff member providing instruction through Google will not be responsible for the physical safety of students in their homes, and this responsibility remains a family responsibility.
  4. We will not provide consent to be recorded during instructional sessions.
  5. All information disclosed during instruction and written records are confidential.
  6. MVTHS 201 staff members reserve the right to end any online session at any time for any reason.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s participation in online instruction, please contact your child’s teacher.  


In preparation for E-learning days, teachers have been asked to:

  1. Familiarize students with desired procedures explaining the procedures to complete assignments.
  2. Provide a timely plan, posting work for the school day by assigned class hour.
  3. Provide curriculum that follows statE-learning standards and follows the course curriculum map found in Rubicon Atlas.
  4. Plan for self-directed, independent learning with specific consideration for range and individual learning needs.
  5. Anticipate time requirements recognizing students learn at different paces, especially in an independent setting.
  6. Communicate with colleagues to ensure common expectations, communications, and protocols.
  7. Collaborate with service providers of diverse learners to differentiate assignments and/or expectations as needed.

During E-learning days, all teachers are asked to:

  1. Take attendance of your class rosters for specific classes/days/times.
  2. Check for parent communication emails during the remotE-learning day during your conference period.
  3. Continue your work as a team or individual on professional development topics. Utilize Teachers “Toolbelt” (PD topics) first draft