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PRO Resolution SAMPLE - Environment
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PRO Resolution Template - Environment

Resolution in Support of Public Ownership of US Railroads

Whereas, the United States railroad system serves as a critical component of the nation's infrastructure, facilitating the transportation of goods and people across vast distances, yet the Class One carriers - accounting for 90% of the rail freight carried - have moved just 24% fewer carloads in 2023 than they did in 2006, 17 years earlier; and

Whereas, this is bad news for the environment, since rail transportation is the cleanest, most fuel efficient and least environmentally disruptive form of transportation; and

Whereas, rail transportation has numerous environmental advantages over all other forms, including:

Whereas, transitioning the ownership of Class 1 railroads to public control would enable the prioritization of worker and public interest, including safety, accessibility, and sustainability, and allow for greater accountability and transparency in decision-making processes, ensuring that the needs of the environment, along with communities, shippers, passengers, and railroad workers are prioritized; and

Whereas, public ownership of railroads has the potential to create countless railroad and rail-related job opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and enhance the overall well-being of industries and communities across the United States;

Therefore, be it resolved that [Name ofOrganization] hereby expresses its support for the transition of Class One railroads in the United States from private ownership to public ownership; and

Be it further resolved that [Name of Organization] urges all relevant stakeholders, including labor unions, environmental organizations, community groups, and the general public, to join efforts in advocating for the public ownership of US railroads as a means to promote safety, sustainability, and equitable access to transportation; and


Be it finally resolved that [Name of Organization] urges other environmental organizations to likewise support and promote the transition to public ownership of US railroads.

[Signature of the Authorized Representative]

[Name and Title]


[Contact Information]