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English Version - 19/10/2020

English Version - 19/10/2020        1

LEGAL TERMS        2


Object        2

Definitions        2

Legal scope - Duration        3

Platform’s management        3

Downloading procedure        3

User’s obligation        3

Personal data processing        3

Legal responsibilities as for the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 -dit (“GDPR”)        3

Legal basis        4

Preliminary formalities        4

People concerned by personal data processings        4

Objectives        4

Retention, archive, destruction of data        5

Categories of personal data processed and sources        5

Data processed by the Platform and disseminated on the Platform through interconnections with Sciences Po information systems        5

Data collected by the Application and produced directly by the User        5

Rights        5

Exercise of rights        5

Data recipients        6

Access, use and availability of the Platform        6

General informations        6

Login password        7

Availability of the Platform        7

Obligations of the User        7

Intellectual property rights        7

Pictures        8

Cookies        8

Hypertext links        8

Applicable and legally competent law        8


THE INSTITUT D’ETUDES POLITIQUES DE PARIS, a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment registered under the SIREN number 197 534 316 and whose declaration of activity is registered with the Prefect of the Ile de France region, under the number 11 75 P 00 12 75, managed, by virtue of the provisions of Article L758-1 of the French Education Code by the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, a private foundation domiciled at 27, rue Saint Guillaume 75337 Paris Cedex 07, France, represented by Frederic Mion.

Number Siren                FNSP : 784 308 249                IEP de Paris : 197534316

Publication director of the Plateform is Bénédicte Durand, Provisional Administratorof the FNSP and Director of the IEP de Paris.

Sciences Po acts as the Controller of the processing of the personal data of the User of the Platform. The User can exercise his rights whenever he wants by sending an email to the Data Protection Officer of Sciences Po ( For any questions about her or his data, the User can address directly an email to

The service in charge of editing the Platform is the Academic Department of Sciences Po.

The development and the storage of the Platform are ensured by AppScho, Google, Online SAS (Espace Economique Européen).


  1. Object

The purpose of these General Conditions is to determine the terms and conditions that the User agrees to comply with as he records his personal data and in particular:

  1. Definitions

In these General Conditions, the following terms starting with a capital letter will have the following respective meanings:

“General Conditions” means these General Conditions in their latest version. The General Conditions may be subject to modifications by Sciences Po.

"Platform" means the SciencesPo application maintained by Sciences Po and broadcast on public market place.

"User" means any User of the Platform who downloads the Platform.

  1. Legal scope - Duration

The User agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of these General Conditions.

The User is informed that the General Conditions may be subject to modifications. Those modifications may be claimed to the User. The User is therefore invited to regularly read the provisions of the General Conditions.

The General Conditions remain applicable for the duration of availability of the Platform to Users.

  1. Platform’s management

Sciences Po manages the Platform. The processor Appscho hosts and maintains the Platform, with the help of the subcontractors Google and Onlines SAS. The User is informed that Sciences Po can at any time subcontract all or part of the aforementioned missions without prior notice to the User and subject to compliance with the provisions provided for in the General Conditions.

Sciences Po is committed to making its best efforts to provide continuity of availability of the Platform to Users. However, Sciences Po can in no way be held responsible for any interruption of services occurring on the Platform.

  1. Downloading procedure

To use the Platform, the User must download it on the marketplace of Google ( or of Apple (

Then, when the User is a member of Sciences Po (as students, teachers, administrative or academic staff), she or he can authenticate himself with her or his personal Sciences Po identifiers.

  1. User’s obligation

The User must follow the procedure as described in article e) of the General Conditions. As such, the User is responsible for the information he transfers to Sciences Po: Sciences Po can in no way be held responsible for erroneous data or mistakes done by the User. If applicable, the User must inform Sciences Po as soon as possible when he becomes aware of it.

  1. Personal data processing

  1. Legal responsibilities as for the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 -dit (“GDPR”)

Sciences Po is responsible for the processing of personal data of the User of the Platform.

Sciences Po holds the right to subcontract data processing for the services dedicated to or linked with the Platform.

The persons concerned by the processing (defined below) recognize and authorize Sciences Po to subcontract the processing to any other party. In this context, Sciences Po undertakes to ensure that its subcontractor respects the same obligations as those under its responsibility described in these General Conditions, in particular in terms of the implementation of technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of the data. Sciences Po and its service provider undertake to respect and ensure respect by their staff and any subcontractors of the data protection principles laid down by law, in particular: The principle of purpose of the processing, the principle of relevance, the minimization and proportionality of the data collected, the principle of a limited period of data retention, the principle of data security and confidentiality, the principle of information and respect for the rights of the persons concerned by the processing.

No use or consultation of this data for purposes other than storage and provision of service, and application of legal requirements may be realized by the provider of cloud messaging and collaborative applications. The User is informed that the exchanges by email between the User and the Sciences Po services lead to transmit email and various data to the collaborative messaging provider chosen by Sciences Po, and this, until the end of his contractual relationship established between Sciences Po and the subcontractor.

As such, in accordance with the contract concluded between Sciences Po and Google, the User is informed that Sciences Po uses the Google Apps For Education collaborative suite (messaging service and collaborative cloud applications). In this context, the User is informed that their personal data may be processed according to the contractual terms made between Sciences Po and Google. The User may at any time request Sciences Po to find out how to process their data. Google stores email and data.

  1. Legal basis

Under the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (known as “GDPR”), the personal data processed on the Platform are based upon the consent of the persons concerned (see article 6.1.a GDPR.

The processing of personal data does not provide for automated decision-making within the meaning of the article 22 of the GDPR.

  1. Preliminary formalities

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, the processing of personal data stored within the Platform has been declared in the Sciences Po data processing register and have been subject to privacy impact assessments if legally mandatory.

The personal data collected within the Platform by Sciences Po are hosted within the EEA (Espace Economique Européen).

  1. People concerned by personal data processings

Data processing concerns:

  1. Objectives

Offering mobile services to Sciences Po students and teachers, including academic and peri-academic information or redirecting to dedicated platforms (timetable, booking of seating places and search engines of the Sciences Po Library, institutional information, menu and GPS coordinates of the university restaurants (CROUS) closed to the campus, etc.), and offering to other User institutional information about Sciences Po.The Application enables Sciences Po Administration to send mass mailing and institutional survey. The Application can be downloaded by the User, upon his consent.

  1. Retention, archive, destruction of data

Data relating to the traceability of access to the Platform is stored for the legal period of one year and destroyed when it expires.

The data produced by the user's interaction with the Application is kept for 5 years in our current archives and is then destroyed at the end of the day.

The data used for survey purposes are anonymized by default. Only aggregation of data is saved in the data available through the Platform.

  1. Categories of personal data processed and sources

By browsing the Platform and completing the form, the User accepts that Sciences Po collects his personal data for the purposes detailed above.

  1. Data processed by the Platform and disseminated on the Platform through interconnections with Sciences Po information systems

The interconnections between the academic management tool, the Sciences Po directory and the Platform allow the replay, on the Platform, of personalized information corresponding to the User. The data on studies and education and the directory, necessary for the proper functioning of the Site are:

These data cannot be stored by the subcontractor.

  1. Data collected by the Application and produced directly by the User
  1. Rights

  1. Exercise of rights

The User is informed that he has a right to access, be informed, modify and erase (in the respect of the above 2.g.vii article) his personal data.

The User also has a right to oppose, in particular if the data is used for marketing or commercial prospecting purposes, and a right to limit the processing of his data for legitimate reasons. The User can obtain the portability of his data and the right to decide the fate of his post-mortem data.

The collection and use of the User's identity photos are subject to their express consent and are subject to image rights.

For any questions about the Application, the User can address directly an email to The User can exercise his rights whenever he wants by sending an email to the Data Protection Officer of Sciences Po ( Thirdly, he can eventually send a request to the French National Data Protection Authority (CNIL).

  1. Data recipients

The personal data collected is used for the purposes specified above by Sciences Po.

  1. Access, use and availability of the Platform

  1. General informations

The personal information that the User transfers on the Platform is his full responsibility, without Sciences Po being held liable. Sciences Po does not accept responsibility for any damage, direct or indirect, linked to or caused by the communication of this information, except in cases of fraud or gross negligence.

Without limitation of the previous terms, the User formally acknowledges that Sciences Po cannot be held responsible for any damage, of any kind whatsoever, direct or indirect, linked to (a) the use of material, information, any other document, service provided and / or controlled by a third party operator at Sciences Po, which he would use to assist him in his online registration; (b) any virus imported or transmitted by the User into the Sciences Po information system.

Sciences Po makes every effort to offer Users available and verified information and / or tools. Despite all the care, the information is provided without warranty of any kind.

They are not contractual, may contain technical or typographical inaccuracies and are subject to change without notice. Sciences Po cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information, accuracy, updates, completeness and / or the presence of a virus on the Platform.

Sciences Po invites Users of the Platform to let the administration services know and to specify the nature of any omissions, errors or corrections, by sending an email to the address

Similarly, Sciences Po cannot be held responsible in the event of improper use of the service by the User or in the event of temporary unavailability of the service (force majeure, maintenance period or technical incident, whatever is).

Sciences Po invites Users to inform its services as soon as possible in the event of a data breach. Then complete the Notify of a data breach form or send an email to

It is expressly understood by the User of the Platform that Sciences Po cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, material or immaterial, resulting in particular from the consultation and / or use of the Platform (or other sites linked to it) and any downloadable applications, such as the use of textual or visual information, which could have been collected and in particular from any financial or commercial damage, loss of programs or data in its information system.

By using this Platform, the User acknowledges having had the opportunity to become aware of this warning.

The User of the Platform acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use this Platform.

The User of the Platform acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any virus and that it is in perfect working order.

  1. Login password

Entering the Username and Password of the User constitutes proof of their connection to the Platform. This username and password are strictly personal and confidential. They will be requested from the User each time they connect to the Platform.

They must not be communicated or shared with third parties. The User also guarantees that his username and password will not be saved automatically by his browser. Failing this, the User acknowledges being the sole responsible, with regard to Sciences Po and / or any other person (natural or legal), for the use of his identification elements by third parties or actions or declarations made through the referral of his username and password.

In order to ensure the security of the Platform, of the Sciences Po information system and to avoid any fraudulent intrusion by unauthorized persons, the User must take care to respect the rules and good practices set out in the Password Policy of Sciences Po.

After accessing their account, the User must log out of it by clicking on the "Logout" tab so that any unauthorized person cannot access it. Sciences Po invites the User to be vigilant in this regard, especially when they log into their account from public stations (internet cafes, libraries, universities, etc.).

  1. Availability of the Platform

Sciences Po and/or its suppliers may (at any time) modify or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, all or part of the access to the Site. Sciences Po is not responsible for any modification, suspension or interruption of this tool.

  1. Obligations of the User

Users are required to comply with the provisions of the GDPR and, the violation of which is liable to prosecution. They must in particular refrain, with regard to the nominative and personal data to which they access, from any collection, any misuse and, in general, from any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals or the related copyright.

  1. Intellectual property rights

The Platform, the Web form, its general structure, as well as the texts, images, animated or not, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics (…) and any other element making up the Platform, are the exclusive property of Sciences Po and/or its processor.

The same applies to the databases appearing on the Sciences Po Platform which are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code of the European directive of March 11, 1996 relating to the protection database, and of which Sciences Po is a producer.

The brands of Sciences Po and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the Platform, are registered trademarks (semi-figurative or not).

Any use or reproduction, total or partial, of the Platform, of the elements which compose it and / or of the information which appears there, by any process whatsoever, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by the Code of intellectual property, unless prior written agreement from Sciences Po.

Sciences Po reserves the right to pursue any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights.

Any User depositing a logo on the Platform expressly authorizes Sciences Po to distribute it on the media concerned.

Any User submitting a photo on the Platform expressly authorizes Sciences Po to use their image within the framework of the event.

  1. Pictures

The image associated with the Sciences Po account of the User automatically personalizes his dashboard. If necessary, the User is invited to modify it directly via his Sciences Po account. It is reminded that the downloading of an image can only be done in respect of copyright and image rights. When the User personalizes his Sciences Po account with his image, he authorizes Sciences Po and its service provider to use this image for the personalization of his dashboard.

  1. Cookies

No cookies are collected within the application.

The CNIL website allows you to obtain more information about cookies (Cf. the following address

  1. Hypertext links

The Platform may contain hypertext links to other websites.

Sciences Po cannot, however, be held liable for a third party site to which the User has had access via the Platform and which presents illegal or inaccurate content. Sciences Po does not have any means of controlling the content of third-party sites. The decision whether or not to activate these hypertext links therefore rests exclusively with the Users.

Likewise, Sciences Po cannot be held responsible for the unavailability or malfunction of these third-party sites.

Sciences Po undertakes to terminate links to other websites at the first request from the companies to which the linked sites belong.

Sciences Po must give its written authorization before setting up a hypertext link to the Platform and reserves the right to have this link deleted at any time.

  1. Applicable and legally competent law

These contractual clauses are subject to French law.

Any dispute relating to the contractual clauses of the Platform will come under the jurisdiction of French courts.

Sciences Po thanks you for your visit.

Last modified: 14/06/2021        /