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Ratio % of Performance to Narrative : 50/50?

Theme / subject matter:

Society chained to black mirrors

No understanding of society

Comment on society

Trapped vs freement - have to free ourselves

Material World

Hamster Wheel

Petrol station sells water - going against capitalism of oil

Any cultural competence needed to make intertextual references?

Based on 1960s cartoon called the Jestons which was based on the future

Rose - Sleeping beauty realisation of not reality

American dream

Social media

Generic Features

The conventional  ingredients

Look of the video/star: Highly produced



Easy on the eye

Sound of the music: Lively 


Pop beat

Easy on the ear

Blending reggae

Narrative Analysis


Does it illustrate the song?

...amplification :

Does it add another layer of meaning to the song?


Does it seem to work in juxtaposition to the song?

What does this contribute to your understanding?

Society not taking notice only way to survive to live in a dream through a lense  

Living in a unreal world nothing means anything anymore                                                                 AMPLIFICATION

Candyfloss shaped like a nuclear mushroom - unrealistic we don't associate


What is the relationship between the narrative and star?

What does this suggest?

Ironic shes a pop star

Part of the process shes chained to the rhythm - shows at the shot at the end the realization  breaks the fourth walkl connection of the audience stra imnage ordinary

Technical Conventions

Visual Rhythm

Camera Movement and Cutting Speed

Lot of movement




 Mounts up going through rides - contrasts to slow shot at the end of her  

Representation of  The Star

What ideas are communicated about the star and how are these communicated through camera, editing and mise-en-scene?

Bright colour pallet

Vibrant costumes


How is the video designed to look visually appealing?